Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 547: Extinction (3)

In front of Tianjimen Mountain Gate, the Sword Gate was damaged by an elder.

Three days later, in Canngling Dayuan, three elders of the Zhaoxu Realm were forcefully killed among the Jianmen guards beside Bai Yuan.

Nine days later, the eight thousand Jianmen disciples, several deacons, and two elders who were stationed in an enclave of Jianmen's mines were also slaughtered overnight. 800,000 mining slaves were allowed to live in the mines, and they even used tremendous power to move mountains and seas, collapsing and destroying the entire mines.

Another half month later...

There are powerful people who are constantly attacking Jianmen, and their worldly vassals are all major immortal dynasties. The senior officials of seven major immortal dynasties were killed in one night, and their entire families were exterminated. Hundreds of vassal families of Jianmen were also killed until no one was left alive.

For a time, everyone in Jianmen was extremely busy. Bai Xuanyue went to Tianjimen in person and asked Tianjizi to figure out who was behind the scenes... Tianjizi vomited blood in front of Bai Xuanyue, claiming that he was possessed by madness, and his cultivation level plummeted. Sheng Sheng rejected the matter.

Bai Xuanyue came back in anger, and then Bai Zhu quietly came out of the mountain.

However, these disturbances have nothing to do with Lu Qian.

In the mountain gate of Hades, Ming Sheng, the supreme elder of Hades, was gritting his teeth and looking at Lu Qian and his party outside the mountain-protecting formation 'Eighteen Layers of Heaven and the Underworld'.

Ming Sheng hoped that Lu Qian and others would benefit and retreat.

Thirty thousand years ago, Ming Sheng was just an ordinary deacon disciple in the Hades, responsible for being in charge of the Scripture Collection Pavilion in the Hades. The Holy Heaven invaded wildly, and the underworld suffered a disaster. Ming Sheng saw with his own eyes that his masters and fellow students, and countless disciples from the underworld disappeared into thin air under the Buddha's flames that filled the sky, and their souls were destroyed.

As the deacon in charge of the Sutra Pavilion, Ming Sheng was ordered to escape with the inherited skills of the Hades.

But at that time, Yuan Lingtian was killed by the invading army of monks from the Supreme Holy Heaven. Corpses were everywhere and rivers of blood flowed. No matter where Ming Sheng fled to, he could not stay still for two years. The monks from the Supreme Holy Heaven came in large numbers and killed many people. Red land is hundreds of millions of miles away.

During that period of time, Ming Sheng's memory was filled with blood.

The sky, the earth, the rivers, the oceans, everything is the color of blood.

Fortunately, the Supreme Supreme from the Sword Sect rose up against the will of heaven and destroyed the invading army of the Supreme Holy Heaven with one man's power. He even shattered the spiritual power of the Heaven and Earth in the Supreme Holy Heaven with one sword, saving the entire Yuan Lingtian cultivation. boundary.

Ming Sheng survived.

He carefully rebuilt Hades and rebuilt his fortune bit by bit. Holding all the inheritance of Hades, Ming Sheng spent thousands of years and finally allowed Hades to regain some strength.

Ming Sheng, who was frightened by that catastrophe, even built Hades deep in the earth. Unless absolutely necessary, Hades disciples rarely interacted with outside monks.

Secret, low-key, and invisible, in order to save one's life... There are extremely rare times when Hades has no choice but to take action, so it uses all its strength and uses the craziest and most evil methods to kill all the enemies without leaving an inch of grass behind. Keep.

However, the mysterious and neurotic behavior of Hades made the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world extremely wary of them, which in turn allowed Hades to gain a very high ranking among the top 100 sects.

Thirteen thousand years ago, Ming Sheng was given an incredible opportunity deep in the earth!

No one expected that after the catastrophe 30,000 years ago, Yuan Lingtian itself would also receive huge benefits - the original three-party world, the Wanmiao Heaven was completely extinct, and the Supreme Holy Heaven almost collapsed.

Yuan Lingtian seized the origin of heaven and earth from Wanmiao Tian and used it as his body. He swallowed up the lost destiny of Jishengtian and used it as his soul. Deep in Yuan Lingtian's bowels, Yuan Lingtian himself is the mother body, and he has unknowingly given birth to a 'World Yuan Fei'!

Once the Yuan Fei of this world is formed, Yuan Lingtian can possess the spirit and at the same time burn Yuan Lingtian itself, use everything in the three worlds as sacrifices, sacrifice the heaven and earth, and allow himself to 'sublimate and transcend'!

This is equivalent to Yuan Lingtian's side of the world 'reaching the Tao and ascending to immortality' and cultivating the 'positive fruit'!

However, the growth of this 'World Yuan Fei' will take 'trillions of years' as a unit. Today's 'World Yuan Fei' is not even a 'fetal embryo'!

It was when Ming Sheng was wandering in the depths of the earth that he encountered the 'World Yuan Fei' that was being gestated.

This world's Yuan Fei is related to the future 'path' of Yuan Lingtian. Unless Ming Sheng has the majestic power to destroy a world, it is impossible for him to seize the 'control' of this 'World's Yuan Fei'.

Although it cannot be controlled, this Yuan Fei is a supreme spiritual creature that is rare in ancient times.

Ming Sheng just touched the periphery and allowed the cultivation realm of the disciples of the Hades to advance by leaps and bounds... More than 180 supreme elders who are half-stepping into the realm of heaven and human beings. For thirteen thousand years, the disciples of the Hades have relied on the world's Yuan Fei. Benefits gained from practice.

Deep in the earth's bowels, there are endless negative auras such as yin energy, ghost energy, dark energy, evil energy, etc. The underworld travels along the earth's veins in the earth's intestines, collects endless negative auras, and sends them into the world. fetal.

The Yuan Fei in this world is like a giant processing factory. After the infinite negative aura is sent in, a steady stream of acquired spiritual treasures that are exactly the same as the acquired spiritual treasures are produced according to the original spiritual treasure template invested by Ming Sheng.

The Yuan Fei of this world contains infinite mysteries, and to Him, the acquired spiritual treasures are like the waste gas exhaled by a living person, without any effort at all. Therefore, for thirteen thousand years, the disciples of Hades have worked hard underground to collect all kinds of negative auras, which has resulted in the terrifying effect that almost everyone has a set of acquired spiritual treasures!

And the Spirit Cleansing Art is a ‘spiritual object’ naturally conceived in the world’s Yuan Fei.

Naturally, such strange magic techniques that can change the properties of spiritual treasures cannot be inherited from the underworld. Only the 'spiritual beings' born and raised by heaven and earth can have such wonderful functions.

In addition to the Spirit Cleansing Technique, Ming Sheng has also collected a lot of similar wonderful 'spiritual objects' over the years.

The world's Yuan Fei is the biggest top secret in the underworld. Although Ming Sheng is a 'pure dead man', he has lived for more than 30,000 years, and he knows what it means to 'carry a jade'.

Therefore, over the years, disciples of Hades have been strictly prohibited from taking a step out of Hades unless necessary.

Anyway, the underworld has collected so many vassal forces, such as the Nine Yin Sect, and provides a huge amount of resources every year. There are as many fine wines, delicacies, beauties and handsome children as you want. You can enjoy endless enjoyment without going out at all.

This is the peaceful life I have been dreaming of! Ming Sheng murmured: I just ask you to leave quickly, leave quickly... Even if you pay a lot of money, you just leave as soon as possible.

Ming Sheng murmured: When our sect has one thousand... no, two thousand... or, three thousand... when our sect has three thousand and a half-step heavenly realm, I will break through to the heavenly realm. Realm, when my disciples have accumulated hundreds of millions, each of them will have several sets of acquired spiritual treasures... Hey!

Ming Sheng made up his mind and continued to persevere.

If you persist for eternity, if you persist, you will be invincible in the world.

Yousen, the eldest disciple of Ming Sheng and the ancestor of the You clan in Hades, asked softly: Master, I'm afraid they won't be willing to leave after seeing our treasure...

Ming Sheng drooped his eyelids and whispered: Give me more benefits...you know where the lifeblood of our sect lies. As long as they don't get too hung up on that object, just give them some extra money!

As long as we can allow them to leave, we will immediately migrate to the sect and go to the deeper underground world. Within three thousand years... no, within thirty thousand years, we will not have any communication with the outside world... wait until they forget the existence of our sect, and then we can secretly He sends his disciples out to travel and recruits his vassals.

Yousen sighed: If so, are they really starting to think about that object?

Ming Sheng stayed silent for a long time. After a long time, he hesitated and said: After all, it's not too greedy. If that's the case, then our attitude can be tougher!

Yousen and the other disciples around him looked at each other, all showing signs of hesitation.

A tougher attitude?

The question is, how to be tough?

To really fight Lu Qian and others... This is inconsistent with the training they have received in the underworld for 30,000 years!

As time passed day by day, the 30,000 Taoist soldiers selected by Lu Qian had already perfected the Spirit Cleansing Technique.

The robes, orbs and other spiritual treasures they obtained also changed from the original gray-white color, from the original gloomy and cold air, to a light golden color, with a layer of warm Buddha light constantly emitting from the whole body, and a faint sense of pure masculinity. Full of power.

Lu Yan stood beside Lu Min, looking at the lifeless and silent Hades Mountain Gate in front of him, and said softly: I'm thinking that even the Earth-lung Furnace of Jianmen doesn't have such a magical effect. It can make millions of disciples and a few people... It’s unreasonable to set up Lingbao.”

Lu Min rubbed his chin: Good fortune, great good fortune, and also the most terrifying good fortune... Once this news gets out, hey, this Yuan Lingtian will cause chaos in the world!

The father and son looked at each other, and Lu Min murmured: Of course, if we were blessed with this fate, only a fool would tell it!

Lu Qian turned around and glanced at everyone around him.

Qingyou Sannu, Ahu, Yudianhu and others are naturally appropriate.

Lu Qian's Taoist soldiers are naturally reliable.

But those people from the Blood River Sect, the Nine Yin Sect, and the Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty... Lu Yi sighed: To be sure, let me refine them.

Lu Qian didn't know what opportunities were waiting for him in the underworld.

But these people from the Blood River Sect and the Nine Yin Sect, even if their life and death were controlled by Lu Min using the blood magic technique, they still retained their own intelligence... This is unreliable!

It is the Taoist soldiers who have wiped out their spiritual intelligence and turned them into puppets, which is the most reassuring.

Lu Min narrowed his eyes and said softly: Forget it, I just happened to get some more Blood God Sons. My life-saving magical powers can't be strengthened too much!

Magnificent auras rose from the side of the 30,000 Taoist soldiers. These Taoist soldiers stood up, surrounded by golden spiritual treasures, and circles of Buddha light illuminated the sky and the earth.

Forty-nine days have passed.

Lu Qian clapped his hands gently and said with a smile: Okay, okay, okay... Well, everyone in Hades, if we are willing to leave, how much price are you willing to give?

Ming Sheng frowned slightly. He hesitated for a moment and said softly: How about half of everything I own?

Lu Qian chuckled lightly: It's 70%, 70%, we'll turn around and leave, we won't stay!

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