Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 548: Extinction (4)

Seventy percent!

There is no doubt that this is the lion's opening.

Yousen looked at Ming Sheng with a look of embarrassment, while Ming Sheng subconsciously rubbed his huge earlobes with both hands. This is an old habit that Ming Sheng developed thirty thousand years ago in the process of escaping again and again - using the stinging of his earlobes to cheer up his spirits and urge himself to run away quickly, run away quickly...

Time and time again, constant escape, constant...escape!

Yousen looked at his ancestor's appearance and said softly: Master, if you are reluctant to part with this 70% treasure, it is also possible for us to take all the disciples and escape directly into the earth's bowels... This earth's bowels are extremely deep. The Yin Qi is so deep that unless I am a disciple of Hades, it will be difficult for normal monks to survive. They cannot catch up with us!

Ming Sheng sighed quietly: But this is our mountain gate.

Ming Sheng pointed at the gray and gloomy air around him, and at the countless palaces and pavilions suspended in the misty air.

This is a cave treasure. Thirty thousand years ago, before the underworld was slaughtered by the Holy Heavenly Buddhism, this treasure already existed in the mountain gate of the underworld as a retreat for elite disciples.

Ming Sheng has feelings for this mountain gate.

This is one of the few things he has that can remind him of Hades in its heyday. As we get older, we tend to be sentimental, nostalgic, and full of affection for old objects. Ming Sheng was absolutely reluctant to abandon this cave and escaped with his disciples.

But if you don't give 70% of the treasure, but you don't want to run away, do you really want to have a head-on fight with the other party?

There is no doubt that this is not an option for Ming Sheng.

After a long silence, Ming Sheng said solemnly: Fifty-five percent? Is that okay?

I won’t fight, but I won’t run away either. Give me something and let someone else leave... As long as Lu Qian and the others leave, Ming Sheng will immediately move to the cave without saying a word, and sink tens of millions of miles below, guaranteeing that there will be no more Outsiders can find the mountain gate of Hades!

Spiritual treasures and other things are all things outside the body. As long as the secret of the world's Yuan Fei is still in hand, as long as the disciples spend some effort to collect all kinds of negative auras underground, how many spiritual treasures are there without it?

As I said before, continue to persevere until you are invincible... and then settle the scores with the greedy enemies in front of you!

Lu Qian gestured with seven fingers: Seventy percent, if there is no such number, we will start a war now, and we will send people to leave immediately to find out that Hades has a huge secret that can produce an almost endless batch of acquired spirits. Tell Jianmen about Bao.

Here is Chi Qingjing, the acting leader of the Blood River Sect. She has an old friend named Bai Xuanfeng, who is the younger brother of Bai Xuanyue, the current leader of Jianmen... There is a secret treasure of communication between Chi Qingqing and Bai Xuanfeng. Lu Min put his hands behind his back and began to threaten openly: I believe that in one day at most, the Sword Sect army will be able to kill here.

Lu Min smiled and said: Dare I ask, is it possible for your underworld to annihilate us in one day?

Lu Min shook his head and said: No, no, you can't do it. So...

Lu Qian continued to gesture with seven fingers: It's either 70% or it will fall apart in one fell swoop. No one can have a good idea!

Ming Sheng's heart suddenly sank. What he was afraid of was that the monks from Yuan Lingtian knew that his family kept a big secret...especially Jianmen. Ming Sheng was absolutely unwilling to deal with them.

After another silence for a while, Ming Sheng said in a deep voice: In my underworld, there are nearly 200 half-step celestial beings and countless elite disciples. If a war breaks out, you will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Ming Sheng continued: However, I don't want my disciples to be wasted in vain, so I am willing to give you some of my personal belongings... However, you need to swear an oath to take the things from my house and leave immediately, and then, You are absolutely not allowed to leak any information about my Hades to the outside world.”

Ming Sheng gritted his teeth and said coldly: I only wish that the years will be peaceful and I can live a peaceful life... If you make me unhappy, I will risk my life and I will fight with you for a month to make up for it!

Lu Qian immediately raised his right hand: I swear by Yuan Ling's great road of heaven and earth...

Lu Qian made an extremely vicious oath - if he leaked any information related to Hades, he would be cut into pieces by all the sects of Yuan Lingtian, and he would be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts from Yuan Lingtian. Let him die without a burial place!

When Lu Yan swore, Yuan Lingtian's Heaven and Earth Dao was indeed triggered, and traces of strange Dao rhyme fluctuations spread in all directions. Ming Sheng could clearly sense this Dao rhyme fluctuation - he was relieved, This oath has been taken shape. If you want to break it, you will definitely suffer backlash!

But with the Taichu Hutong Pearl... When he made the oath, the Taichu Hutong Pearl flickered in Lu Qian's mind. Lu Qian's oath was as if it had not been made, and all the cause and effect were wiped clean by the Taichu Hutong Pearl.

Yuan Lingtian's Avenue of Heaven and Earth indeed captures Lu Qian's oath of the Avenue. But just when Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth wanted to put a mark on Lu Qian's body... Well, he couldn't find anyone!

Where can you go to explain this matter? But Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth is not familiar with Ming Sheng to this extent. It is impossible for him to come and tell Ming Sheng eagerly that the oath that the guy just made was not valid, right?

Lu Min also made an equally vicious oath without any hesitation.

In short, that's what he said, if he leaks information related to Hades after he goes out, he will be struck by lightning and be destroyed forever.

Lu Min laughed so hard in his heart, he was a monk from the Holy Heaven... If Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth discovered him, he would definitely strike him with lightning, and it would only matter how much he was broken into pieces. How fragmentary!

Lu Min doesn't care about this kind of oath at all!

The worst thing is, when the divine punishment comes, Lu Min escapes back to the Holy Heaven. Can you, Yuan Lingtian, cross the void and run to the Holy Heaven to punish him? There is no such reason!

In particular, he has received all the inheritance from Master Huaxue, and now his cultivation has reached the ultimate perfection of the half-step heaven and human realm. The demonic skills of the blood path have various techniques to replace death and borrow form. Master Huaxue did not do it back then. Do you know how many heavenly vows he has sworn? Have you ever seen him struck by lightning?


So, it’s just an oath, don’t take it seriously!

Lu Min's Dao oath also caused ripples of Dao rhyme... Somewhere in the dark, there was a strange power of cause and effect locked towards Lu Min. But the shadow of the Blood God Son flashed past behind Lu Min, and all the cause and effect fell on this Blood God Son, and it had nothing to do with him, Lu Min.

Ming Sheng breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He also felt the fluctuations in the avenue that Lu Min swore caused.

It can be seen that these two avenue oaths were successful.

Ming Sheng took a deep look at Lu Min and Lu Qian's father and son, and waved his hands gently: Go, go, lose money and avoid disaster, I, the underworld... ah, I am destined to have this disaster. Hurry and give the things to me Kill them, and then... the further we run, the better!

Many disciples of Hades gritted their teeth and grimaced, and sacrificed their spiritual treasures one by one. Then they all vomited blood and took the initiative to erase the imprint of their own souls in the spiritual treasures. They endured the heartache and moved these spiritual treasures forward. Pushed, lightly pushed to Lu Qian and others.

Millions of sets of dazzling lights and gloomy spiritual treasures flew out lightly, and Lu Yi and Lu Min swallowed subconsciously.

Lu Min raised his chin to Lu Yi and asked Lu Yi's Taoist soldiers to collect these spiritual treasures.

Being a father naturally gives the benefits to his son.

In particular, Lu Qian's Taoist soldiers are absolutely reliable fighting tools... As for the Blood River Sect and Jiuyin Sect controlled by Lu Min, Lu Min also has to guard against them getting out of control, and one day he will be stabbed in the back. Woolen cloth.

After clicking his lips, Lu Min felt that after the matter in the underworld was over, it would be better to hand over all the Blood River Sect, Jiuyin Sect, and Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty to Lu Qian for refining.

Either he can be refined into Lu Qian's Taoist weapon, or he can be refined into the Blood God Son by himself, so that he can use it with peace of mind!

As for talking about morality, cruelty, etc., haha, Lu Min, a monk from the Holy Heaven, how could he talk about moral articles with these monks from the Yuanling Heaven? Take a serious look, we are not the same race. Is it good to plant it?

Lu Qian's large group of Taoist soldiers flew forward in neat lines and collected sets of spiritual treasures one after another.

Then, under Lu Qian's instruction, these Taoist soldiers sat cross-legged in the void and used the Spirit Cleansing Technique to carefully refine these spiritual treasures and transform them into treasures with Buddhist attributes.

Ming Sheng coughed lightly: Why haven't you left yet, fellow Taoist?

Lu Qian said calmly: Why are you anxious? When these batches of spiritual treasures are completely refined, we will leave naturally... Otherwise, if you lie, when we leave, you will run away without a trace. Where can I tell you? Does it make sense?

Ming Sheng snorted coldly: I still care about credibility!

Lu Qian waved his hand calmly: We are not familiar with each other, so how do I know whether you are trustworthy? Wait, it will take more than a month. When my subordinates have successfully sacrificed these treasures, we will leave naturally!

Ming Sheng was silent for a while and said coldly: Remember, you swore the oath of greatness, this is no joke!

Lu Qian smiled brightly: Don't worry, I value my little life more than you... Well, but I'm still curious, where did you get so many spiritual treasures? It's incredible!

Ming Sheng was too lazy to talk to Lu Yi.

How can the world's Yuan Fei, a rare and rare treasure from ancient times, be made known to outsiders?

Lu Qian leisurely said: Let's talk about it. Anyway, I have sworn the oath of the Tao, and I must not tell anyone about it... It's been forty-nine days, and idleness is idle. How about we sit down and discuss the Tao?

Ming Sheng said coldly: Don't even think about this matter, haha... However, I am a bit interested in sitting and discussing Taoism. Fellow Taoist, it seems that you are from Buddhism?

Ming Shengruo pointedly smiled and said: Buddhism, the situation in Yuan Lingtian is not that good. If other people know that Yuan Lingtian has people like fellow Taoists, haha, there are hundreds of millions of Buddhist cultivators under his command, and even some Colluded with the Blood River Sect...Tsk, tsk!

Lu Qian simply sat cross-legged on the Vajra Lotus Seat: It doesn't matter, just tell the outside world. However, if I am besieged by the major sects of Yuan Lingtian, I will definitely reveal the secrets of Hades before I die. Say it outright!

Ming Sheng immediately closed his mouth.

Lu Qian smiled: Forget it, let's not talk about these topics that may cause misunderstandings... Well, senior, please give me your last name? Senior is so cautious and cautious. It is rare for senior to have such a level of cultivation.

Ming Sheng immediately let out a long sigh and began to talk to Lu Qian about the past.

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