Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 550: Extinction (6)

The world's original embryo.

Seized everything from Wan Miao Tian, ​​from matter to energy, from luck to Tao Yun, completely deprived and swallowed them all; plundered most of Ji Sheng Tian's luck and almost all Tao Yun spiritual machines, and broke them into The end of the Dharma era.

Furthermore, Yuan Lingtian itself is used as the mother's womb, swallowing up the chaos of the void, transforming it into innate essence, and trying its best to nourish and impregnate it.

This world's Yuan Fei has concentrated the essence of the three worlds, and this has given birth to such a wonderful, mysterious, and indescribable supreme being.

He curled up quietly in this piece of innate essence that was like amniotic fluid. He quietly bathed in the power of the twelfth lunar month and the sun, letting them carve and polish himself bit by bit like a carving knife.

He has a tall body, arms above his knees, a hairless head, and a white face. Only a huge eye in the middle has not yet matured, and is just a thin slit. He curled up in this void, and under his chaotic translucent skin, countless purple, gold, red, and dark-yellow Dao patterns were spinning and rolling like fireworks, creating endless Dao rhymes.

As long as you stand next to Him, without touching Him, just looking at Him, all kinds of wonderful Taoist charms will flow into your soul at all times, nourishing your body, and allowing your cultivation to continue to improve little by little.

Ming Sheng's qualifications are not good.

Otherwise, when he was in Hades, he would not be an ordinary deacon in charge of the Sutra Pavilion, and he would sit on the elder's throne. With Ming Sheng's talent and qualifications, he was able to practice to the late stage of Zhaoxukong, which was almost the ultimate in his destiny.

But now, he is already half-step into the realm of heaven and human, almost at the level of perfection.

Judging from his qualifications, this is undoubtedly a great change of fate.

This creation naturally comes from the Yuan Fei of this world - since Ming Sheng discovered the Yuan Fei of the world, he spent more than a hundred times more time cultivating beside the Yuan Fei of the world than other disciples of Hades!

He tried his best to limit the time that ordinary disciples could cultivate in the Yuan Fei of the world, fearing that if someone surpassed him in cultivation, one day they would become ambitious and rebel, stabbing him in the back.

Within Hades, there are only a few close elders who know the existence of the world's Yuan Fei and the exact route to get here. Even so, these core elders of Hades are also tightly controlled by Ming Sheng. Their wealth and lives are all under Ming Sheng's absolute control.

But now, Ming Sheng came here with all the disciples of Hades.

Before, Lu Yi and Lu Min's armies pressed into the territory, and Ming Sheng felt a great sense of crisis in his heart. He decided that in the next period of time, he must quickly improve the cultivation level of the Hades disciples.

Of course, improving a disciple's cultivation is one thing, but how to control their life and death is another!

These things are entangled together, which is enough to give Ming Sheng a headache for a long time in the future!

Of course... Lu Qian won't give him a headache for long.

The world's Yuan Fei was suspended in the void so quietly, with its body curled up, and dozens of extremely fine rays of light flickering in its body. Looking from a distance, these light spots are exactly some flying knives, flying swords and other spiritual treasures.

This is the true original foundation of Hades...

After the Hades Mansion was rebuilt, Ming Sheng led a group of disciples to deceive, kidnap, and rob houses. They used all possible means to collect dozens of acquired spiritual treasures of low grade in more than 30,000 years.

But they met the World Yuan Fei, and luckily discovered the miraculous functions of the World Yuan Fei. They put the acquired spiritual treasures they had collected over the years into the world's Yuan Fei, and used the World's Yuan Fei as a cauldron to warm and enhance these spiritual treasures for them.

Then, they discovered that as long as enough evil energy was injected into the Yuan Ti acupoints of these warm and nourishing spiritual treasures, the countless and incredible power of creation filled in the Yuan womb of this world could be 'copied' exactly the same. It comes with exactly the same equipment as the Maternal Fetus Lingbao.

Every time it is copied, nine acquired spiritual treasures can be created that have exactly the same appearance, exactly the same aura, and absolutely no difference in power.

In the next period of time, you and I will work together to select a group of elite disciples to practice with concentration in the womb of heaven and earth, and improve our cultivation with one heart and one mind... I will try to break through the wonderful realm of heaven and man. Ming Sheng's voice resounded throughout the entire room. Shanmen: The other disciples go out to collect all kinds of Yin Qi from the underground, and exchange them according to the quantity for the time to practice in the womb of heaven and earth.

Law Enforcement Hall and Hall of Merit, you have to formulate a charter. How much underground Yin Qi a disciple at a certain realm can be converted into how many days of training time can be exchanged for. You must formulate a charter as soon as possible. You must be impartial and fair. fair!

Lu Qian took a deep breath after listening to Ming Sheng's words.

Waves of extremely rich innate essence poured into his body. Lu Qian felt his body burning hot. His physical body had already reached the level that Yuan Ling's will can tolerate, and it actually improved a little bit again!

And his soul, already comparable to that of an ordinary half-step celestial being, was like a bamboo shoot on a spring night, shooting upwards in a big way.

Lu Qian looked at the endless innate essence surrounding him in shock, and scolded Ming Sheng in his heart - in such a holy place, he actually managed to reach the half-step heavenly realm now?

In the vast underworld, using such a perverted method to select and train talented disciples, only one hundred and eighty elders who are half a step into the heavenly realm can be gathered?

Idiot... Explosive soldiers! Explosive soldiers! Explosive elite soldiers! Do you understand? The brain in your head is not a human brain, but a pig brain, right? I have been struggling for too long, and I have just become a human being. A pig?

This, this, the comprehensive strength of Hades is completely inadequate to the holy land they own!

Therefore, Lu Qian decided to let himself take control of this geomantic treasure land for them, so as to benefit the whole... well, it is impossible to benefit Yuan Lingtian, but it is only right to benefit Jishengtian!

Of course, if we can eliminate Yuan Lingtian's cultivation world and quell the war between Jishengtian and Yuanlingtian, then it will be considered a blessing to the people of Yuanlingtian, and it will be considered a great merit, right?

Lu Qian's eyes were blazing as he stared at the motionless World Yuan Fei curled up in the air. He exhaled heavily. From the Taichu Bead, wisps of subtle breath flew out, circling and entwining in the air, opening up a space. A secret space miles in size.

The origin of the Taichu Hutong Pearl is unpredictable and mysterious. This space of several miles in size is less than a thousand miles away from the gate of Hades, but Ming Sheng and other powerful experts were unable to detect any unusual movement here.

Pieces of ultra-long-range void teleportation array formation bases and array disks kept flying out of the Beiming Ring. Lu Qian quickly pieced together a void teleportation array and triggered it directly.

The void was slightly distorted, and wisps of faint light flickered in the moving array. Accompanied by a low roar, the beacon arrays on the moving array rotated crazily, and quickly connected with the matching arrays in the far distance. locking.

The sound of 'ding-ding' was endless, and the array disks quickly locked onto the coordinates of the void. The void began to twist and shake. A quarter of an hour later, a large, shiny black dog hurriedly ran out of the moving array.

The newly erected Void Moving Formation, no matter how skilled the formation master is, is likely to fail. Especially in this kind of ultra-long-distance void moving formation, once something goes wrong, even a powerful person in the Heavenly Realm will have a hard time.

This black dog was obviously sent from the opposite side to explore the way.

Lu Qian whistled, threw a few elixirs at the black dog, then picked up its top melon skin and threw it back into the moving formation.

The next moment, figures flickered in the moving formation, and Lu Min strode out.

Behind him, large and densely packed Blood God Sons swarmed out, and the people from the original Blood River Sect, Nine Yin Sect, Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty and other forces were all missing!

Lu Qian secretly sighed in his heart. Lu Min was worthy of being a member of Dayin's general family. He was so ruthless. Those people from the Blood River Sect and the Nine Yin Sect were all transformed into Blood God Sons by him in more than a year. No one escaped.

As soon as Lu Min walked out of the moving formation, his body suddenly stiffened.

He looked at the World Yuan Fei in horror and hissed: This...

The extremely rich Taoist charm rushed towards his face. When Lu Min saw the Yuan Fei of this world, he understood its origin...the supreme existence that was born from the essence of the three worlds and was conceived by heaven and earth!

The creation of heaven and earth is really wonderful. It is so, so... Lu Min licked his lips and looked at Lu Qian: This place and this treasure should belong to my father and son. How can these disciples of Hades be so virtuous and capable? , can you occupy such a holy place?

Lu Qian smiled and nodded: It's exactly what I thought. It's just that if you want to control this place, you must destroy Hades.

Lu Min's eyes suddenly turned scarlet: Then, completely exterminate them. This is difficult to say, easy to say...

He casually took out a scarlet jade bottle and threw it to Lu Qian: This is the blood poison of the All Saints. These days, I have collected the venom essence of millions of poisonous insects and snakes, and refined it with the secret techniques of the devil. Unless the sky People cannot be saved. Thirty thousand years ago, Master Huaxue used this treasure to run amok.

Lu Qian nodded, weighed the heavy jade bottle, and asked, Orally, or?

Lu Min threw a red pill to Lu Qian: Put it in the secret place of their sect, open the cork, and let it evaporate on its own. This poison will not take effect unless I activate it. But once it takes effect... Be careful, take the antidote first, and don’t suffer yourself!”

Lu Qian nodded.

The mountain gate of Hades and the mountain-protecting formation have been closed, and all the disciples are doing their own thing in a chaotic manner.

Lu Qian transformed into a mustard seed dust, used Taichu Beads to cover his breath, confuse the secrets of heaven, and slowly floated into the gate of Hades.

After taking the antidote for the All Saint's blood poison first, Lu Qian casually found a secluded corner and squatted down, uncorked the jade bottle, and allowed it to gradually evaporate.

Wisps of invisible, colorless blood poison aura floated out faintly, spreading bit by bit towards the surroundings.

Lu Qian muttered to himself in a low voice: Between heaven and man, there is no hope for those who fall prey to it? Well, my father's method may not be as powerful as that of Master Transforming Blood. Perhaps the toxicity must be discounted, but it is half a step ahead of heaven and man. If the winner cannot be saved, the underworld will be over!

There are hundreds of Hades elders who are not good at fighting. It is stressful to deal with them, but it is not impossible!

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