Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 551 Seven years

Halloween blood poison is very poisonous.

However, Lu Min's craftsmanship was just as Lu Qian expected. Compared with Master Huaxue, Lu Min's craftsmanship was a little more fashionable.

That bottle of All Saints blood poison, under the cover of the Taichu Hun Tong Pearl, evaporated quietly at the gate of Hades for half a month. The blood poison filled the entire gate of Hades. From the underworld to the servant boy at the bottom, no one was spared. Hit.

Accustomed to peace, accustomed to tranquility, even Ming Sheng, who personally experienced that catastrophe 30,000 years ago, has lived a small life that is too peaceful and peaceful in the past 30,000 years, and he has lost that catastrophe. That kind of extraordinary crisis sensitivity and that kind of strong, almost instinctive ability to avoid risks that have been cultivated in the world.

He was immersed in the fluctuations of Tao Yun emanating from the world's Yuan Fei, and he inhaled a sufficient amount of Halloween blood poison without even realizing it on a whim.

When the Halloween blood poison enters the body, it gives people the same feeling as the innate essence nourishes the whole body and continuously improves the origin of blood. The body is slightly heated, the spirit is suddenly full and strong, and the whole body is warm and powerful!

Who could doubt this positive feeling?

Then, Lu Yi and Lu Min appeared in front of Ming Sheng at the same time.

Seeing the father and son suddenly, Ming Sheng was stunned at first, and then screamed hysterically like a little girl who was broken into the room while taking a bath.

He didn't cast spells or activate his spiritual treasures. Instead, he screamed immediately, stopped practicing, and staggered straight to the gate of Hades to escape!

You have violated your oath... You are doomed! Ming Sheng fled dozens of miles away, then turned around and hissed at Lu Yi and Lu Min.

Then, the Hades disciples who were dispatched after hearing the news fell down silently in front of Ming Sheng and all the Hades elders. Rows of disciples from the underworld. The disciples from the underworld who were originally as pale as ghosts suddenly turned red, and the capillaries under their skin swelled and shattered, causing their whole bodies to become pink and they fell down without saying a word.

Plant golden lotus...golden lotus bloom...Condensing Dao Fruit...illuminate the void...

Disciples of all levels fell one by one, their souls were wiped out, and no one survived. Afterwards, nearly a hundred elders from the underworld, who had just stepped into the half-step world of heaven a few years ago and whose magic power was not sufficient, also twitched and fell limply to the ground.

The blood poison of the All Saints almost collapsed their bodies, and their internal organs were turned into pus and blood. The blood poison even invaded their souls, interfering with their contact with the spiritual power of heaven and earth. They were... unable to mobilize a trace of mana, unable to cast any spells or supernatural powers. .

Immediately afterwards, dozens of elders from the underworld who were older, had broken through earlier, and were more powerful also twitched their bodies, their auras suddenly declined, and they fell unstoppably from the half-step to the celestial realm. Some people fell to the Illuminating Void Realm, some fell to the Condensing Dao Fruit Realm, and some even had the Dao Fruit Realm infected and corroded, and directly returned to the Golden Lotus Kai Realm.

The auras of the dozen or so strongest direct disciples of Ming Sheng suddenly collapsed. From the mid-to-late stage of the Half-Step Heavenly Realm, they suddenly fell to the level of just entering the Half-Step Heavenly Realm. Some even had violent fluctuations in their auras. The threshold of Bu Tian Ren Realm rises and falls, looking like it may collapse at any time.

As for Ming Sheng himself, streaks of blood appeared under his skin, and he kept spitting out red and fragrant poisonous blood. His cultivation level fell from the half-step to the Great Perfection of Heaven and Human Realm to the advanced stage... Mid-term...

He took out a large number of antidote elixirs and various rare spiritual materials unique to the underground world, and kept stuffing them into his mouth, trying to break the Halloween blood poison!

Lu Min's craftsmanship is really not that good.

As Ming Sheng continued to take the medicine, his breath was actually shaky, and he struggled little by little from the middle stage of the Half-step Heavenly Realm back to the threshold of the later stage.

Ming Sheng looked like a ghost and looked at Lu Yi and Lu Min blankly: You guys violated your oath...how did you follow them?

Lu Qian coughed slightly: Since we are here, we shouldn't mention things like the Oath of Heaven. It doesn't make any sense. Instead, it only makes you suffocate and angry. Why bother?

As for how we caught up, what's the point of asking this now? Hades will be destroyed today, it's that simple!

Lu Qian looked at Ming Sheng sincerely: Thank you, Yuan Fei of this world, this Holy Land of Cultivation, without you to lead the way, who would have thought that there would be such a... big opportunity in the underground of Yuan Lingtian?

Lu Qian saluted Ming Sheng sincerely and thanked him.

Ming Sheng spit out a mouthful of blood, remained silent for a while, and said with a wry smile: If I kneel down and beg for mercy... can I survive?

Lu Qian and Lu Min looked at each other, and both father and son were murmuring in their hearts. This supreme elder of the underworld has such a temperament... But now that he has the hatred of exterminating his family, how can he survive?

The faint aura of Taichu dispersed, and the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain turned into a huge peak, spitting out immeasurable golden light and hanging high above the head. Countless Taoist soldiers formed closely nested formations, blocking all directions. The Buddha's flames rose up, and the acquired spiritual treasures that shone with Buddha's light were flying and flashing in the air, increasing the power of the formation more than a hundred times out of thin air.

Especially in this formation, there is a large Nine Palaces Sword Formation with a scale of one million people. The Taoist soldiers in the formation are armed with acquired spiritual treasure-level flying swords that shuttle through the air. The sword formation is filled with light, and the cold air sweeps millions of miles away. The biting evil aura and murderous intent made Lu Qian's scalp feel numb and he broke out in a cold sweat.

I don't know if this Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation can deal with the mighty gods, but Lu Qian can guarantee that if the gods enter within half a step, one by one will die, and there is absolutely no chance of any luck.

I want to live! Ming Sheng looked at the overlapping formations in all directions with his body trembling, and hissed: I have lived for more than 30,000 years, and I haven't lived enough...I want to continue living. I...

Lu Qian pointed his hand, and the formation was crushed immediately.

The Great Vajra Zen Light was like a huge mountain pressing down on his head, imprisoning Ming Sheng's body and constantly consuming the evil mana that crazily poured out of his body. Then countless flying swords stabbed in the air, and the sword light and sword energy of the flying swords superimposed on each other, increasing the power of the sword array to an incredible level.

With just one blow, the three body-protecting spiritual treasures on Ming Sheng's body were pierced, and then countless rays of sword light penetrated his body, instantly strangling him into flying ashes.

The sword light was like flowing water, invading the mountain gate of Hades.

Hades... is destroyed!

The huge underworld, so many powerful elders, and tens of millions of underworld disciples were unable to cause any damage to Lu Qian's Taoist soldiers, not even a single injured Taoist soldier!

This old guy actually died thirty thousand years ago. Lu Min clasped his hands behind his back and sighed philosophically: The person behind this who has continued to live for thirty thousand years is not a person, just a wisp... Just a shadow of a struggle.”

Lu Chen clasped his hands together and recited the salvation scriptures together with countless Taoist soldiers.

After reciting a sutra, Lu Qian raised his head and looked at Lu Min: Excuse me, my Taoist soldiers have switched to Buddhist practices to counteract the evil energy in the underground. Thank you, your Blood God Son has to work harder, everywhere. After searching for these evil spirits and casting them into acquired spiritual treasures, we divided them into two and five parts and transformed them all using the Spirit Cleansing Technique.

Lu Min smiled haha, and countless blood god sons behind him clattered filled the void for thousands of miles. These translucent, bloody, and sinister blood god sons all over their bodies entered the gate of Hades in a blink of an eye, and picked up the disciples of Hades. They are special spiritual treasures specially used to contain the evil energy of the underground.

The flight speed of the Blood God Son is ten times or a hundred times faster than these Hades disciples...

They were like lightning, flying in all directions.

Lu Qian and Lu Min, father and son, tried their best to get close to the Yuan Fei of this world, and began to absorb the innate essence and comprehend the charm of the great road.

The three girls of Qingyou, Ahu, Yudianhu and others were also released by Lu Qian. They relied on the mountain gate of Hades to survive. There were countless cultivation resources and living necessities here. They had no worries and just practiced seriously.

This is a perfect place for cultivation.

To be a serious monk, you still need to understand, absorb, refine, and ultimately use the Tao charm emanating from the world's Yuan Fei for your own use.

However, Lu Qian's Taoist guardian soldiers can be called perfectly polished 'blank vessels'. They all let go of their bodies and minds, fully accommodating all the Taoism flowing in from the outside world, and absorbing all innate essence.

Their improvement speed is many times faster than Qingyou Sannu, Ahu, Yu Dianhu and the others!

Or perhaps, this is not cultivation, but a kind of 'tempering and tempering', a kind of 'processing and upgrading'. Perhaps this is more accurate?

Time passes day by day.

The efficiency of the Son of Blood God in collecting the evil energy from the underground is ten thousand times higher than that of the disciples of Hades. There are infinitely large and small cave worlds underground, and countless of these worlds have accumulated immeasurable Yin and Evil Qi. Many of the Yin and Evil Qi have never been touched by living creatures after the Yuanlingtian was opened.

It's just that these cave worlds have no passages or connections with each other. Even if some disciples of the underworld with advanced cultivation can turn into the wind and escape, as living beings, it will be difficult for them to travel freely between these caves.

But the Blood God Son is different.

They are just a wisp of blood or a wisp of shadow. They are invisible and have no substance. They can travel through all rock formations, soil, and even underground veins, magma, yin rivers, miasma, etc., and no natural danger can stop them.

Thousands of feet, tens of thousands of feet, even thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles thick rock formations, as long as they sense the presence of evil spirits nearby, they can easily pass through the rock formations with a pounce, and reach those deep and profound places. Cave, search for the immeasurable evil energy.

Moreover, Lu Min's Blood God Son has refined the Blood River Sect, the Nine Yin Sect, as well as the two major sects that govern many secular and immortal dynasties, high-ranking officials, aristocratic families, and huge legions... His total number of Blood God Sons also exceeds A disciple of Hades.

Seven years passed by in a flash.

The evil energy collected by Lu Min's Blood God Son is almost nine times the total amount collected by many disciples of Hades in the past 13,000 years!

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