Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 555 Shock (2)

To use an analogy.

You are a kind-hearted family. You feed the chickens and ducks behind closed doors, and take care of the little firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea that you have at home. Your life is not luxurious, but the years are quiet and leisurely.

However, there is a villain living next door to your house. This villain has raised a large group of vicious dogs, which come to harass your fields all day long. He will take away one or two chicks, gnaw off one or two ducklings, and even go to your kang to urinate from time to time and bite your butt!

This villainous local snake was born with a big body and a group of brothers. He usually traveled in groups and swaggered through the city. You can't do anything to them, you can only stay with them with a smile on your face, make compromises, and live a cautious life.

But... fiercely, the villain next door was stabbed by a stronger villain, and those vicious dogs had their backbones broken. You, together with other kind-hearted people who have been harmed by vicious dogs, will be brave enough to save you. These ferocious dogs killed them all!

The villain ran away.

A stronger villain has sent a large number of people to live next door to your house!

Let me ask you, are you panic?

Let me ask you, are you afraid?

The Qingyang Clan has this kind of mentality now. The Daochao Immortal Dynasty has changed its master, and the Milo Sect has replaced the Water God Palace and has become their neighbor... Poor Qingyang Clan is feeling guilty now, and they don't know about the Milo Sect. In the future, what will be the rules for Qingyang Sect!

Therefore, Qingyang Sect has sent its disciples to patrol the river day and night, just to prevent it. If there is any movement in the Miluo Sect, the disciples will first be fooled, and then the senior officials in the mountain sect will make enough decisions. warning time.

Therefore, Lu Qian stood on the top of this mountain. He is indeed standing on the territory of Milo Sect, but it has caused great psychological pressure on these monks of Qingyang Sect - what on earth do you want to do? You nuzzle, nuzzle, nuzzle at the door like this, it always feels like you are up to no good, either committing adultery or stealing!

Lu Qian put his hands behind his back and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with a smile: Is it not illegal for me to stand here and look at the scenery?

The middle-aged man looked at Lu Qian hesitantly.

Behind him, a girl murmured softly: Looking at your sinister look, you must not be a good person.

Lu Qian raised his brows and sighed: Fellow Taoist disciples should be more restrained. At least they should pay attention to accumulating virtue between their words... What she said just now, if it is applied to a demon giant like Wu Gonggong, I mean, aren't you in big trouble?

The middle-aged man's face turned pale.

He turned back suddenly and glared at the girl fiercely: Give me, shut up!

The girl's slightly baby-fat cheeks swelled fiercely, and she said coquettishly: Master, he is not a member of the Milo Cult. Why are we afraid of him? We are patrolling here, and he just stands there dryly like this. I have been standing here for several hours... I thought he was harboring evil intentions and plotting against our Qingyang Sect, so I simply captured him, tortured him, and forced him to find out his origins!

Lu Qian smiled.

The middle-aged man's face looked even more embarrassed.

He turned his head, looked at Lu Qian, and said softly: If nothing happens, fellow Taoist, maybe we can change places to see the scenery?

Lu Qian nodded, then shook his head: That's all, I said I was looking at the scenery, but I wasn't telling the truth. I stood here in a daze for several hours, but in fact, there was always a war between heaven and man in my heart... It's unfathomable. Some, I'm in 'Heart-Slaying Demon'!

Well, do you have the concept of killing the heart demon? Well, as Buddhist monks have advanced in cultivation, they will easily fall into some kind of 'saint's obsessiveness'. Whenever they do something that is harmful to nature, evil thoughts will breed in their mind, and it's very easy for them to It is easy to turn into a demon, hinder your cultivation, and even make you go crazy!

The middle-aged man understood what Lu Qian said, and his voice became a little cold: So, fellow Taoist did something that was harmful to nature? I don't know, can you tell me?

Lu Qian nodded and said quietly: My hands are bloody and I have killed countless people!

He stretched out his two hands, with slender palms and well-defined muscles. The color was just like his skin. There was a hint of dark golden light in the white skin, giving people a strange feeling of being extremely thick and powerful, as if they were made of metal.

He is indeed a murderer! The girl shouted again: Master, he has already said that he has killed countless people!

Lu Qian nodded towards the girl and smiled: Yes, I have killed many people...the number of people I have killed with my own hands is in the tens of millions? But the number of people who died because of me is probably no less than a trillion...Mi Luo Under the rule of the Jiao and Shuishen Palaces, the vassal Immortal Dynasty in the secular world, how many people died in the seven years of war, basically all of them are on my head!

He raised his hands and shook them towards the middle-aged man whose face turned tragic: Look, look, are my hands stained with blood and filled with countless innocent souls?

The middle-aged man swallowed hard.

He said bitterly: Fellow Taoist, please don't joke. You have already said that you are not a disciple of the Milo Sect. The war between the two sects has resulted in the loss of life. How can such a crime be blamed on you?

Lu Qian smiled slightly and shook his head slightly: It is true that I am not a disciple of Miluo Cult, but that old guy Song Fengfeng has to kneel down to salute and call me 'Your Majesty' when he sees me. And the one from Shuishen Palace This battle was a trap I set for them, and the Water God Palace fell into the trap, so they were wiped out.

The middle-aged man subconsciously stepped backwards.

The girl behind him hadn't figured out what was going on. She sneered: Master, this guy has such a loud tone. What kind of identity is Song Wen, the supreme elder of Miluo Sect? How could he be...

Lu Qian casually took out a token made of purple jade.

He shook it, and powerful waves of mana suddenly rolled out from the token, and the river below suddenly set off waves several feet high. Lu Qian said to the middle-aged man whose face suddenly turned pale: Look, the token of the leader of the Milo Sect is in my hand... Haha, how do you think I got this token?

Cold sweat trickled down the middle-aged man's forehead, and he hissed: Senior...Senior...

Lu Qian put away the token, clasped his hands behind his back, and quietly looked at the mountains across the river. Over there was the Qingyang Gate's territory.

So I said, I was here just now, asking myself, introspecting, slaying the inner demons, and asking my true heart. Lu Qian said quietly: The two sects have been fighting fiercely for seven years, and the people of Li have suffered countless casualties... The number of people who died is more than The copper coins I have seen in my life are hundreds or a thousand times more...

Lu Qian calculated the huge wealth he earned from his small business in Haojing City.

Well, the total number of people who died in the Miluo Sect and Shuishen Palace in the two sects' territories in the past few years must be many times more than the copper coins he earned from this other word!

These people indeed died because of him.

If it hadn't been for him, would Milo Sect and Shuishen Palace have fought if they took the wrong medicine?

Even if there is friction and conflict, it is impossible for Yuan Lingtian's hundred strong sects to break out in a war that leaves no room for annihilation. Everyone casually kills and injures thousands of ordinary disciples, pays some spiritual crystals and elixirs, and the matter is over.

But because of him, the Water God Palace was completely destroyed!

The middle-aged man's legs began to tremble. He was convinced that Lu Qian's words were all true and not a lie.

The girl behind him shouted again: Master, I don't know where this token was stolen from...

The middle-aged man roared at the top of his lungs, turned around, and slapped the girl several dozen feet away. Half of her cheeks were sunken from the slap. Her mouth was full of rotten teeth and broken bones spurted out along with blood. The scene was so tragic. .

With a 'gudong' sound, the middle-aged man knelt down on the bow of the spacecraft. He forced a smile and said dryly to Lu Qian: Senior, this little disciple is rude. I will definitely teach you a lesson later... Senior... ...Senior...Senior has boundless magical power and unpredictable magical powers...I, the Qingyang Sect, are like seniors, I am an ant!

Lu Qian lowered his head slightly, looked at the middle-aged man and sighed softly: You are a qualified master. I am quite touched by your friendship with the sect. Well, you can be so decisive and make me kneel down and beg for mercy. You are good!

Lu Qian said softly: If you had not joined a sect such as Qingyang Sect, with your character and talent, if you had joined other major sects, wouldn't you have achieved a lot?

However, the enemy's hero is my enemy. Lu Qian looked at the river below and said quietly: I'm thinking, why do I want to kill so many people? Why do I want to kill so many monks? Frankly speaking, I have no grudges against them!

My original intention in practicing cultivation is to live long enough!

Lu Qian looked at the middle-aged man who was sweating profusely and smiled and said: In my previous life, I lived a bleak life... suffering from terminal illness, desolate and desolate... Therefore, my original intention in this life is to live longer, for example, Set a small goal, first live to be a thousand years old?

The purpose of my practice is not to fight and kill, not to kill people, not to have my hands full of blood... The original intention of my practice is not to stand on a Beijing temple made of countless corpses, overlooking all living beings, and be high up!

I don't really care about royal power and hegemony at all.

I can eat and drink enough every day, and I can have a small sum of money in my small coffers every day so that I can have no worries about food and clothing. I can raise a dog. Uh, I can also raise some other messy things. I can raise another one or two. ...No more than three wives at most!”

It's great to have a leisurely life and have children and grandchildren... This is the goal of my practice and the motivation for my practice.

Why do you fight and kill?

A wisp of water-like Buddha light spurted out from Lu Qian's body, and in an instant, a golden thirty-sixth lotus platform was formed above his head. Behind this sacred and glorious lotus platform, torrential blood spurted out, turning into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Turned into countless roaring undead illusions.

Then, the Buddha's light washed away, and all the blood sins were washed away in an instant, completely disappearing.

I understand. Lu Qian looked at the middle-aged man with a smile: Killing is not the purpose, killing is meaningless... But my killing, all my sins, all the evil, are just to let me live longer and let me Live a leisurely life.”

It was you who plotted against me first, so don't blame me...it's useless to blame me!

Lu Qian smiled and waved his right hand forward slightly.

In the forest behind him, a large-scale void movement array suddenly lit up, and more than a million giant flying boats and warships surged out, heading towards the territory of Qingyang Gate.

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