Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 556: Immortality Cult

When the Miluo Sect's army entered the Qingyang Gate territory in a mighty manner, Lu Qian put his hands together, his face was solemn, and his aura was like a true Buddha coming into the world.

He has no ambition.

He has no delusions.

He just wants to live quietly for a few more years.

Back then, even in the small courtyard on the back street of Tianenhou, if it hadn't been for the continuous insidious actions of the Bai family, he would have lived quietly and happily in the small courtyard, watching the sunrise and sunset, and watching the clouds roll in and out. , watching the leaves falling, watching the rabbits fattening up...

But things came to a head.

Even if your hands are bloody, what can you do?

When he clasped his hands together, the dozens of Qingyang Sect flying boats in front of him were like eggs crushed by huge rocks. The hulls of the ships and the Qingyang Sect disciples on board were shattered into pieces at the same time. Lu Qian used a gentle palm to kill all the Qingyang Sect monks in front of him. He no longer had any worries in his heart. His heart was pure and clear. The Buddha's light and Buddha's flames spread all over his body, burning away all the blood sins and demons on his body.

When the news came out, the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world was slightly shaken.

After the Miluo Cult killed the Water God Palace, they had no plans to recuperate. They actually mobilized the elite forbidden troops from all the major immortal dynasties under their command to form an expeditionary army. It only took three days to annex the Qingyang Gate.

Qingyangmen, from top to bottom, millions of monks surrendered to the Miluo Sect.

The Miluo Sect took the Qingyang Sect disciples as the vanguard and took advantage of the situation to invade the Banshan Sect's territory. The Banshan Sect is ranked about three hundred out of the Yuanlingtian Sect, but as its name suggests, there are many mountains and mineral veins in the Shanmen Sect's territory. The cultivation path followed by the disciples is to absorb the Geng metal properties of the mineral veins and temper them. Physical body, strong muscles and bones, physical training methods to develop a vajra body.

After the Banshan Sect resisted for an hour, they knelt down and surrendered. A group of muscular body cultivators armed with machetes joined the Milo Sect's vanguard army and turned around to invade the territory of their neighbor Jiangshan League.

The Jiangshan Alliance is an alliance of three hundred small sects and five hundred small aristocratic families. It is an alliance with an extremely strong commercial atmosphere. Disciples from each family often form caravans and travel around the world, part-time to inquire about news and sell intelligence.

In a sense, Jiangshan League has the functions of Baoguang Pavilion, Canghai Tower, Fengchao Pavilion, and Zhuying Pavilion. However, Jiangshan League's power is fragmented, and its overall strength is far inferior to those four giant sects.

However, it is an alliance composed of eight hundred small forces after all. Although its territory is fragmented, its total area is extremely large, almost three times the size of the original territory directly under the Milo Sect. It's just that this territory is poor in products and resources, so only eight hundred small forces have joined the group to keep warm.

Facing the expeditionary legion with the Qingyang Sect and Banshan Sect as the vanguard and the imperial guards of the Miluo Sect as the main force, the Jiangshan Alliance knelt down faster than anyone else. They didn't even offer a symbolic resistance, and the heads of the eight hundred forces knelt at Lu Qian's feet.

The Jiangshan Alliance's combat effectiveness is hopeless.

However, as a business alliance, the Jiangshan Alliance has considerable financial resources, many eyes and ears, and is extremely well-informed. Except for the weak top management, the Jiangshan Alliance is almost as good as the Fengchao Tower and Zhuying Pavilion in terms of inquiring about information. .

The Jiangshan League donated a huge amount of military resources and sent countless guides to assist in the battle. It only took the expeditionary force three months to control the territory of the Jiangshan League and unstoppably broke into the territory of the Lieyan Gate to the north of the Jiangshan League.

In Yuan Lingtian, there are many sects that specialize in the Five Elements attributes.

Among them, Lieyan Sect is the best among the sects that practice the Five Elements Fire Attribute Kung Fu. Its sect's comprehensive strength ranks one hundred and twenty-third and one hundred and forty-fifth in Yuan Lingtian.

Influenced by the Tao Yun of the fire attribute, the monks of the Fiery Sect have a violent and fiery personality, which is very similar to the charm of the Shengyang Palace. Facing the huge expeditionary army, Agni Fire Sect quickly mobilized its disciples to resist with all their strength. Then in a battle, Lu Qian brutally killed almost all the senior officials of Liehuo Sect in just a cup of tea!

The only remaining Half-Step Heavenly Realm elder of Liehuo Sect cried bitterly and knelt down to surrender.

The disciples of the Agni Fire Sect also joined the vanguard of the expeditionary force. With their army, they took advantage of the situation and invaded the good neighbor next door. They had been in alliance for 30,000 years. They also practiced the Five Elements Kung Fu, but they took the earth attribute route and were proficient in the art of earth escape. Xingzong.

The senior officials of Tuxing Sect did not dare to resist, and fled in panic with their elite disciples. At the same time, they sent an open letter to the Yuan Lingtian cultivation community, accusing Lieyan Sect of its shameless behavior of betrayal.

A group of elite disciples of the Tu Xing Sect fled in panic into the territory of the Ximen Family next door. With the strength of the family, the Ximen Family was able to rank among the top 100 in Yuan Lingtian. For many years, the Ximen Family, Lieyan Sect, and Tu Xing Sect It can be said that they help each other, and it is an extremely stable alliance.

Lu Qian chased the disciples of Tu Xing Sect and broke into the territory of Ximen Family.

The Tu Xing Sect teamed up with the Ximen Family to slightly resist the army commanded by Lu Jin. Just with this slight resistance, all the senior officials of Tu Xing Sect attacked, the elders of the Ximen family were wiped out, and the disciples of two sects were restrained by their souls. They joined the expeditionary legion crying and crying, and still served as cannon fodder, charging to death in the vanguard legion. .

In just a short period of time, the Milo Sect's territory once again expanded by more than six times. What's more, it used extremely vicious demonic methods to impose soul restrictions on the disciples of the major sects it captured, forcing them to serve as pioneers. They fought crazily to open up territory for their own family.

The Yuan Lingtian cultivation community was horrified, and they all speculated on what the Milo Sect was going to do.

Jianmen, who was tracking down the murderer of his high-level family all over the world, was also attracted by the strange and incomprehensible behavior of Milo Sect, and focused most of his attention on it.

Really, it’s impossible not to pay attention.

The territory of Miluo Sect has exceeded the territory directly under the jurisdiction of Jianmen. Whether it is the population of Li people, mineral resource points, the number of secret palaces in Lingshan, etc... that is to say, the number of direct disciples is not as good as that of other aspects of data. It has already caught up with or even surpassed all of Jianmen.

Since the catastrophe 30,000 years ago, Jianmen has become the supreme sect in Yuanlingtian. No other sect dares to show such a radical expansion, for fear of triggering Jianmen's fear or even against.

But the Milo Cult actually did this...why on earth is this?

Just when Lu Qian was commanding the army, he continued to plow the courtyard and sweep holes, and in just three months, he swallowed up twelve small sects next door to the Ximen Family. Jianmen Baizhu finally arrived after a long journey. Milojiao Mountain Gate.

Outside the main hall of the founder of the Miluo Sect, dozens of elite swordsmen stood expressionless, like iron bars pierced deeply into the earth. They were standing outside the door in a cold, cold atmosphere, filled with murderous intent. Their eyes were like swords, and they glanced unkindly at the Milo Sect disciples who were also standing outside the door.

And these Milo Sect disciples no longer had the courtesy and goodwill they had after meeting the Jianmen disciples in previous years. They all sneered and poked at these Jianmen disciples with the same unkind eyes, as if they were analyzing where to hit the sword. Make people die more pleasantly.

The atmosphere between the two parties became stiffer and stiffer because of the provocative eyes of the disciples of Milo Sect, and could be detonated at any time.

In the Grandmaster's Hall, Bai Zhu clasped his hands behind his back and looked quietly at the portrait of the founder of the Miluo Sect hanging on the wall behind the huge altar table.

It was an old man with a curly beard riding a black tiger, holding a ball of cloud energy in each hand.

Behind the old man, the sky was filled with brilliant lights. Each ray of brilliant light was the portrait's perception of the Tao and the rhyme of the Tao. Every stroke of ink was an unfathomable mysterious method.

This portrait released an extremely strong Taoist rhyme pressure, and also stirred up the active beats of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The spiritual energy sprouted in the entire hall, and the Taoist rhyme rolled. From time to time, groups of strange lights and splendors burst out from the air, and then slowly spread. Open up and perform various strange illusions.

Back then, our Holy Heaven had nine heavenly beings. Bai Zhu put his hands behind his back and said coldly: Zhenjun Miluo, the founder of the Miluo Sect, ranked second among the nine heavenly beings, surpassing me, the White Emperor of Jianmen. One head. At that time, among the nine heavenly beings, I, the White Emperor of Jianmen, was only ranked fifth.

Bai Zhu turned around suddenly, looked at Song Wenfa who was standing aside, and said very rudely: Is it possible that your Milo Sect wants to revive the sect and overwhelm my Jianmen?

Song Wenfa coughed lightly, put his hands in his sleeves, and said calmly: What Taoist Bai said is true. He really wants to incriminate himself, so why bother? In the Miluo Sect, everything is forced and helpless. ah.

Bai Zhu looked at Song Wenfa with cold eyes: Forced to be helpless? Okay, okay, okay, I would like to hear how you were forced to be helpless!

Song Feng couldn't shrug his shoulders, still maintaining the same unhurried and indifferent attitude: Actually, it's very simple. After our sect conquered the Water God Palace, we originally wanted to rest and recuperate in peace. But... The remnants of the Daochao Immortal Dynasty fled into the Qingyang Gate. Can we tolerate these remnants living freely? No... So, we destroyed the Qingyang Gate.

As a result, some people in the Qingyang Sect who had evil intentions protected the people of the Daochao Immortal Dynasty and fled into the Banshan Sect... Can we bear it? We can't bear it, so we chased into the Banshan Sect again. territory, and a conflict broke out!”

Bai Zhu laughed loudly: Then, you chased the people of the Daochao Immortal Dynasty all the way, and destroyed so many sects along the way... You destroyed so many sects, but you still haven't caught the Daochao Immortal Dynasty. The remnants of this? Song Wenfa, do you think I am a three-year-old child?

Song Wenfa sighed softly. He looked at Bai Zhu with dark eyes and said softly: Every word I said is true. If Fellow Daoist Bai doesn't believe it, there is nothing I can do... I haven't seen Fellow Daoist Bai for many years. Don't worry about such trivial matters. To hurt the harmony, I prepared a banquet...

Bai Zhu waved his hand impatiently: It's just a banquet or something... You Milo Sect, withdraw your troops. Except for the territory you occupied in the battle at Water God Palace, whatever you have swallowed these days, spit it all out!

Song Wenfa tensed up and sighed: I'm afraid, I can't do it. How can I spit out the meat that has already been in the stomach?

On Bai Zhu's body, there was a very thin but extremely sharp sword light that 'clanged'. A dense cold air filled the Miluo Sect's Patriarch's Hall with countless restrictions. No matter how much he was bombarded by a half-step Heavenly Realm power, there would be no damage to the ground. , cutting through a trace of extremely fine sword marks.

Bai Zhutian's cultivation level is fully revealed.

He said coldly: I am not discussing with you, but I am here to warn you, stop!

Smiling slightly, Bai Zhu said softly: Perhaps, your Milo Sect will no longer need to exist!

As soon as he finished speaking, a shadow of blood swooped over Bai Zhu's body.

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