Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 567 The world is in chaos (3)

The Black Eagle Forest is filled with auspicious light and auspicious mist.

A yellow scarf warrior walks around the sky, and countless generals in golden armor guard the flag gate. Many divine gods, such as heavenly kings and true kings, sit cross-legged on the auspicious clouds. Occasionally their eyes open and close, and the sky is filled with divine light, which is terrifying and powerful.

In the distance, various puppets from the Demon Puppet Sect attack from time to time.

Whether it is the most common puppet made of hardware, or the relatively rare puppet made of rare birds and exotic animals, or the puppet that takes the evil path and uses the body of a monk to sacrifice, they are slightly closer to the incense of Black Eagle Forest. Where the Tao was stationed, various strange phenomena were born in the void, completely wiping them out.

There is a heavenly punishment platform with five thunders flashing.

There is a dragon-slaying platform with clanging chains.

There is a dazzling golden sword that kills immortals.

There are also various strange phenomena such as the Immortal Killing Formation, the God Killing Pavilion, and the Immortal Melting Pond, which are so powerful and unstoppable.

The spiritual gods of Incense Tao sacrifice have become a complete and huge system of gods, possessing their own internal laws. Countless Incense Tao spiritual gods gather together and can almost isolate an independent world. There are almost seven Eighty percent of the power of the heavenly realm.

Therefore, the puppets used by the Demon Puppet Sect to attack will die if they touch them, and they will die if they touch them.

Further away, dozens of huge metal battle forts were suspended in the air, and many Demon Puppet Sect monks were suspended near the battle forts, looking deeply at the battle formation of Incense Road.

To be honest, Demon Puppet prefers sects like Barbarian King Palace that use muscles to win and fight with violence. Most of their puppets follow this path. However, the incense method is too mysterious and not as powerful as the Miluo method, but it is unpredictable and has more tricks.

And these puppets are not afraid of head-on attacks, but are afraid of various tricks.

Xianghuo Dao, in terms of inheritance, is faintly restrained by the Demon Puppet Sect. Therefore, in this battle, the Demon Puppet Sect did not dominate. Instead, in a short period of time, the Incense Dao captured a large area of ​​territory and slaughtered countless disciples!

Xianghuo Tao is extremely ruthless.

With the slogan of avenging the beloved son of the Taoist master, they slaughtered all those who had a slight relationship with the Demon Puppet Sect, such as the royal family members, civil and military ministers, etc. of the secular immortal dynasty, aristocratic families, etc. . Even ordinary people were violently punished by them. After many cities were captured, Xianghuo Dao directly executed the one out of ten massacre order.

However, as long as these people set up altars at home and choose a spiritual god from the Incense Tao to worship and offer sacrifices, then not only will they not be punished, but they will also be rewarded with a large amount of daily necessities and even money from the Incense Tao!

Anyway, the emperor, ministers and noble families killed all of them and confiscated countless wealth, all of which were wool from sheep. They were rewarded to these secular people for no more than a copper coin in incense.

Many people are ignorant. Faced with the big stick of sweet dates in the incense road, countless people choose sweet dates.

Therefore, in a short period of time, Lu Qian and others attacked the city behind the Xianghuo Road. The forces of the Xianghuo Road that were easily weakened were all replenished on the territory of the Demon Puppet Sect, but there was still a surplus!

The fight against the Demon Puppet Sect became increasingly difficult.

But in Black Eagle Forest, the senior officials of Xianghuo Road also had a gloomy look.

This battle can no longer be fought.

Behind his house, the army of Jiufengxian Dynasty invaded. They plowed the courtyard to sweep holes and broke through countless altars. Fortunately, the Jiufeng Immortal Dynasty has limited troops. Even if they coerce countless casual cultivators and wild cultivators, their threat to Incense Dao is limited.

But Jiufengxianchao belongs to Jianmen after all. When Jiufengxianchao attacks, is it Jiufengxianchao’s own intention, or does Jianmen intervene?

Before figuring out the purpose of Jianmen, the senior officials of Xianghuo Dao were understandably uneasy.

The attack on the Demon Puppet Sect was originally very smooth. However, in the past few days, six Supreme Elders of the Incense Path led a partial army to attack the Demon Puppet Sect from other routes. All six Supreme Elders who were half-step into the Heavenly Realm were violently attacked and killed. !

The person who took action was unpredictable and his methods were treacherous. The six Supreme Elders were all guarded by a large army and surrounded by large formations. It happened that under such circumstances, the six Supreme Elders were sniped to death, and their henchmen None of the disciples, guards, etc. found out how they were killed or who did it!

The six partial divisions suddenly lost their commander. The Demon Puppet Sect took advantage of the situation and launched a fierce attack. The six partial divisions suffered heavy losses. They had been defeated one day ago and fled back to the territory of Incense Road. The Demon Puppet Sect's large group of troops pursued them one after another, and also pursued them into the territory of Incense Road.

This is very difficult to do.

Lu Qian killed a Supreme Elder, and another one was lost here. On the surface, there are only twenty-three half-step Heavenly Realm Supreme Elders in the Incense Path, and now almost one-third have been removed!

The Master of Incense Tao has urgently ordered to wake up several old antiques who are practicing in seclusion in their own mountain gates, plus the Supreme Elders who have been hiding in Yuanlingtian for many years, secretly recruiting vassals and guarding strongholds for Incense Tao.

There are only eleven people in total, including the old antiques who are cultivating in secret and the Supreme Elders who are acting in secret.

Even if everyone is transferred to Black Eagle Forest, they may not be able to deal with the invasion of the Nine Phoenix Immortal Dynasty, the Demon Puppet Sect, and that unknown enemy.

The revenge against the Demon Puppet Sect cannot be stopped. Taoist Xianghuo roared with red eyes: My son's revenge must be avenged. Especially today, we have invaded the Demon Puppet Sect, and we want to stop. , will the Demon Puppet Sect agree?

The Xianghuo Tao lost seven supreme elders, while the Demon Puppet Sect didn't lose even one of its leading figures.

To this day, as Master Xianghuo said, it doesn't matter if they want to stop the war, they can easily stop the war.

The other elders of Xianghuo Dao may still want to make peace, but in order to launch this revenge war, Xianghuo Dao Master even took out his own old foundation... If there is a real truce, not to mention how much the Xianghuo Dao will pay, he, Xianghuo Dao Master, will definitely Bankruptcy!

Then, perhaps, we can only ask for foreign aid. A Supreme Elder who was friends with Xianghuo Taoist sighed: Take out part of the Demon Puppet Sect's territory and interests... Mo Suan Sect and I, Xianghuo Taoist, They have always had a good relationship. The Magic Suan Sect is also bordered by the Demon Puppet Sect. For many years, the two families have been at odds, but they can still be persuaded!

The Supreme Elder's eyes flickered and he said softly: In recent years, Yuan Lingtian has been in chaos, but the Demonic Sustaining Sect is the most prudent in protecting itself. It has small grievances with other sects, but the grievances are not big. Therefore, the Demonic Sustaining Sect can be regarded as There are only a few sects that have not been caught up in this melee. Their strength is well preserved.

Master Xianghuo immediately made the decision: Then, go and ask the Demon Suan Sect to take action. Tell them that we will join forces to capture the Demon Puppet Sect and give them 30% of the Demon Puppet Sect's territory.

Just when Master Xianghuo and a group of supreme elders were making a decision, to the north of the Demon Puppet Sect, there was a chaotic land spanning hundreds of millions of miles. In the mountain gate of the Demon Puppet Sect and in the Grandmaster's Hall, a small blue-black bell appeared. Suddenly there was a loud buzzing sound that shook the entire Magic Calculation Sect.

In various caves of the Magic Calculation Sect, mature old foxes took out various divination tools one after another and began to use them with a bang.

After a long period of divination, 80% of the old fox's divination predicted a 'great auspiciousness', while the remaining 20% ​​predicted a 'small auspiciousness'.

The two Supreme Elders with the deepest cultivation even vaguely guessed where ‘Ji’ came from.

A voice came from the secret retreat at the back of the main hall of the founder of the Magic Suan Sect: It's a good thing, it's a good thing, but the disciples of this sect are not good at fighting, so you have to be careful in operating this.

Another voice came from another cave: Over the years, I have suffered enough from the suffocation of the Demon Puppet Sect. How many times have my disciples been robbed, ridiculed, and beaten for no reason while walking outside? Especially the disciples who were robbed. , it’s just a robbery of wealth, how many disciples have been abused by them... ahem!

The voice said faintly: My disciples are indeed not good at fighting. But we are good at strategizing and controlling military aircraft. Our disciples are also involved in other formations, talismans, etc., and cooperate with the Incense Dao. , which can also add some combat power.”

Another voice came from afar: In that case, prepare a 'death-killing and luck-killing formation' first. When the distinguished guest comes, in front of him, gather the power of the entire sect to kill 30% of the Demon Puppet Sect's Qi.

From all directions, dozens of voices sounded at the same time: Goodness!

The members of the Demonic Counter Sect are indeed not good at fighting and fighting, so they appear weak. But the Magic Calculation Sect is best at saving lives! The master monks in the sect are as slippery as loaches, and they are best at spying on secrets and preserving lives.

There are only twenty-one elders of the Half-Step Heavenly Realm of the Demonic Suan Sect, but in fact there are more than sixty!

This number even exceeds Jianmen!

However, these elders of the Demonic Suan Sect... other sects, if any half-step Heavenly Realm elder comes out and provokes them head-on, they can easily beat two or three of them.

A larger number would be scary and of no use.

There is a small teleportation array connecting the Xianghuo Dao and the Magic Calculation Sect. If the top leaders of the two sects communicate, they will use this small teleportation array to communicate.

Less than a quarter of an hour after the small ancestral bell in the Grandmaster Hall of the Magic Suan Sect gave the warning, two Supreme Elders from the Xianghuo Dao came to the door with a large number of gifts. The senior officials of the Magic Suan Sect also welcomed them into their Grandmaster Hall.

The two sides negotiated and the result was satisfactory.

The Mo Suan Sect confessed that their disciples did not practice enough, and they could not defend the territory that was too big. Therefore, the Xianghuo Dao gave 30% of the Mo Suan Sect's territory as a reward. They offered to offer only 20% of the territory, but the Mo Suan Sect could not hold it. The Demonic Calculation Sect wants to get more of the Puppet Sect’s frivolous wealth!

Incense Dao does not have much demand for the cultivation resources required by serious monks. What they want is territory and people. The bigger the territory, the better, and the more people the better.

So the two sides hit it off immediately.

Three days later, in the forbidden area of ​​​​the back mountain of Mo Suan Sect, a life-cutting and luck-destroying formation was quietly opened. In an instant, it burned the best spiritual crystals with a volume comparable to dozens of mountains, disrupting the fate of Yuan Lingtian. .

After the formation was opened, countless furnaces for casting demon puppets in the Demon Puppet Sect exploded inexplicably. The supply of demon puppets that was rapidly depleted on the front line suddenly had a huge gap. Incense Road took advantage of the situation and attacked fiercely, forcing the Demon Puppet Sect to retreat. All the Supreme Elders personally took action to stabilize the occupation.

The battle situation between the two sects suddenly fell into a state of incandescence.

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