Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 568 The world is in chaos (4)

Mahakala, the main altar.

On the lotus pond, Jie Yin Tu Tuo stood on a black lotus and looked quietly at the twenty dozen Mahakala Half-Step Heavenly Realm elders around him.

A little further away, tens of thousands of Mahakala's disciples clasped their hands, smiled, and stepped on lotus leaves, quietly listening to the conversation between Jie Yin Toutuo and a group of elders.

Here, there are not many disciples of Mahakala, but all of them are masters.

Among the tens of thousands of Mahakala disciples gathered here, except for the twenty or so Half-Step Heavenly Realm elders, the rest are all masters of the mid- to late-stage Condensing Dao Realm or above. If placed in an ordinary sect, they would be enough to serve as elders. .

This is also understandable.

As a Buddhist cultivator who is shouted at by everyone in the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world and is like a rat crossing the street. He is blocked, discriminated against, and even wanted and hunted in most areas. Those who are slightly weaker will die inexplicably long ago. . If you can join Mahakala and still live a nourished and carefree life, your cultivation will not be enough!

Especially these disciples of Mahakala, all of them are absolute elites who are good at fighting, good at speaking, good at literature and military, outstanding in combat, and very good at deceiving people's hearts. They have outstanding combat effectiveness and excellent survivability.

The elite disciples of other sects are all tigers kept in a zoo. So these disciples of Mahakala are all wild species born and raised in the wild. They fight and struggle with thousands of animals, and are covered with scars and countless evil spirits.

Jieyin Toutuo said softly: You have worked hard over the years.

All the Mahakala elders smiled appropriately: This is a matter of course.

Jieyin Tutuo nodded slowly: That's good. The current chaos in Yuanlingtian is the time for us to accumulate external skills and strive to ascend and transcend. Therefore, we must take advantage of the chaos to do a few more big things.

The eyes of the Mahakala disciples flickered and they looked at him quietly.

Fa Hai sent a letter, asking us to formally raise the banner of Buddhism, recruit disciples, encircle the territory, and let the Buddha's mercy shine on the world again. I think this should be done, and it should be done quickly and well. The steps must be broad and the courage must be bold. Jieyin Tutuo said in a deep voice: So, wake up all the disciples of my Mahakala Distribution Yuanlingtian, all the hidden agents, rush to Canngling Great Plains, and use Canngling The Great Plain serves as the foundation, spreads teachings, and recruits disciples.”

A red-faced old monk with slender white eyebrows, three feet long and a majestic body put his hands together and said solemnly: Canngling Great Plains? That's right next to Jianmen... If our Buddhist sect starts an uprising in Canngling Great Plains, Jianmen will definitely go crazy. Suppress!

Jieyin Toutuo chuckled: Although Cangling Great Plains is close to Jianmen, it is also bordered by the Changsheng Sect, which is now at its peak. Now that Jianmen has no time to take care of itself, how can they enter Canngling Great Plains without authorization because of my Buddhist sect?

All the Mahakala elders smiled at the same time and clasped their hands in praise.

Jieyin Toutuo smiled and said: More importantly, evil things are everywhere in Canngling Great Plains now. The people are in dire straits, their lives are in ruins, and they are in dire straits. My Buddhist skills are the best at dealing with these evil things. Those evil things make Cang Ling The people of Ling Dayuan have become the best reserve disciples of my Buddhist sect.

All the disciples of Mahakala smiled happily and nodded.

Go, go. Jie Yin Toutuo waved his hand: Open the secret vault of Mahakala. Over the years, we have worked hard to collect all the treasures from everywhere and distribute them to the capable disciples.

Remember, the world is filthy and people's hearts are filthy. I, Mahakala, am using the mercy of Buddha to transform this entire human world. This is a major matter of accumulating merit. If you want to ascend to the upper world, this ticket must be based on merit. .”

Jie Yin Toutuo made no secret of the fact that the Jie Yin treasure ship has been obtained, and the disciples of Mahakala can ascend to the upper world in groups at any time. But what Lu Qian said is right. Even if you ascend to the upper world, will you go up and be a minion, or will you be assigned a good position and control a party as a hero?

This is a very particular thing!

In the main altar of Mahakala, spiritual lights flickered one after another, and secret vaults were opened one after another.

Thirty thousand years ago, many elders and disciples of Mahakala were secretly excavating ancient ruins and excavating the catastrophic battlefield everywhere, and a large number of treasures collected from them poured out.

Tens of thousands of Mahakala disciples stepped on the auspicious clouds and walked towards the secret treasury.

Not only all kinds of treasures, Mahakala spent his money today, all kinds of genius treasures, all kinds of miraculous medicines, and even magical powers and secrets that some disciples are not qualified to take a look on in ordinary days are all open to supply.

I believe that in a very short period of time, the cultivation strength of these core disciples of Mahakala will soar again, and they will be able to bring more chaos to the world and add fire to the already chaotic Yuan Lingtian.

On the spot, only Jieyin Toutuo and several other elders with the strongest cultivation were left.

This is the established strategy for operating in Canngling Great Plains. But in my opinion, it is not enough. Jieyin Toutuo's eyes flashed with dark golden light, and as he spoke, there was a strange dragon-elephant wheel behind his head. The flames were blazing, looming. Obviously, his cultivation has also been greatly improved over the years.

Perhaps, some of the trump cards that he had hidden before and were reluctant to use were used by him as treasures of Mahakala's secrets. This made him take a big step forward in the Half-Step Heavenly Realm. step.

What do you mean, senior brother? Sha Fo Wuxin, who had participated in the attack on Hu Tianjun, asked with a smile.

Canngling Great Plains was originally an isolation zone between the four major sects. Jianmen, Senluo Sect, Milo Sect, and Shengyang Palace. Jieyin Toutuo smiled and said: Miluo Sect is now the Immortality Sect; Shengyang Sect. Yang Palace has been destroyed by the Photo Studio and merged into the Immortality Sect. Now around Canngling Great Plains, Jianmen has no time to take care of itself and is in a lot of trouble.

Sha Fo Wuxin narrowed his eyes: Sen Luo Sect?

Jieyin Tutuo slowly nodded and smiled: Don't you think that the Senluo Sect has been a bit too low-key in recent years? Other sects have been killed in mountains of blood, but only the Senluo Sect cannot stand still!

Shaking his head, Jieyin Tutuo said softly: This is not good, very bad. We are going to act in Canngling Great Plains, and there is a Senluo Sect with intact strength. I am a little restless.

Good. A group of elders nodded in unison.

So, we have to cause some trouble for the Senluo Sect. Jieyin Tutuo said with a smile: Let's go out first and say that the recent chaos in Yuanlingtian, including the deaths of several Bai clan members in Jianmen, is all caused by the Senluo Sect. The purpose of this evil hand is to replace Jianmen’s position as number one in the world.”

Spread the past events from 30,000 years ago, before the catastrophe.

Jieyin Toutuo smiled brightly: This is not considered to be spreading rumors to cause trouble. After all, before that catastrophe, Senluo Sect was the largest sect in Yuanlingtian, with countless disciples and profound inheritance of Taoism. During the catastrophe, They transferred a large number of elite disciples in advance, and the sect's inheritance was not damaged at all. The sect's strength... was even much stronger than the Sword Sect that could reach the sky with one sword at that time.

Although the Sword Sect was strong at that time, there was only one supreme leader who could hold up the scene. The other disciples were all killed and injured, and the sect was almost wiped out.

At that time, in the Senluo Sect, there were still several half-step Heavenly Realm elders left. There were also a huge number of other elite disciples.

With such strength, they gave up the No. 1 throne in the world to Jianmen without the slightest argument... Haha. At that time, the supreme master of Jianmen was there, and no one could be the opponent of Jianmen, so that's all. But. For 30,000 years, Senluo Sect has always been low-key and peaceful, with no disputes or disputes with other sects. Isn’t it strange?”

Are there any saints in the world?

Jieyin Toutuo shook his head: We Buddhist disciples have already cultivated the six pure roots, have no distracting thoughts in our minds, and are almost fully enlightened. We dare not say that we are saints, but we are still struggling and wallowing in these three thousand worlds. His Senluo religion, haha, is too much. A saint!

Sighing, Jieyin Toutuo squinted his eyes and said in a low voice: There is no evidence, but free heart testimonials, I think that the chaos in Yuan Lingtian this time should be due to the methods of their Senluo sect.

Think about it, considering the situation in the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world after the catastrophe, only the Senluo Sect with a large number of disciples and a complete inheritance has the strength and mood to plant ears and eyes in other sects. Moreover, thirty thousand Over the years, how far have the ears and eyes they installed back then climbed to?

It's scary to think about it!

However, it seems that no sect in Yuan Lingtian has thought of this matter yet.

They can't think of it, so we help them remember it.

Jieyin Toutuo smiled and said: When the Senluo Sect also becomes chaotic, and even has a dispute with the Jianmen, we will be able to act in the Canngling Great Plains without any hindrance.

Kue Yuxiang, who also participated in the attack on Hu Tianjun, clasped his hands together and said softly: Then, let's start with the annihilated Fengfeng Tower and Zhuying Pavilion. Although the person who did it was clever and wiped out all the clues, but There are no clues, but we can help them create some clues.”

Jieyin Toutuo smiled: What junior brother said is very... well, we have carefully considered the key details and must make it an ironclad case so that other Senluo sects cannot defend themselves.

Mahakala is in full swing.

Canngling Great Plains is a huge territory equivalent to the territory of more than a hundred Xuanyan Immortal Dynasties. In the cities that were harassed by evil spirits and made the people miserable, Buddhist cultivators began to appear in groups.

Buddhist techniques are indeed first-rate in dealing with these evil spirits. The natural attribute restraint makes the evil spirits disappear invisible wherever the Buddhist cultivators go. The common people, and even some monk families, worship them, regard these Buddhist cultivators as their saviors, diligently persuade them to stay and stay, and raise funds to build Buddhist temples for them. , casting the golden body of the Buddha!

Countless children and teenagers with good talents were selected into Buddhist temples.

One after another, the great Buddhist masters used their enlightenment skills to impart power to these children and young people without any expense. Using quick techniques, they quickly created countless young monks and novices, with average cultivation levels above the melting pot realm. .

For a time, waves of Sanskrit sounds gradually floated in Canngling Great Plains.

At the same time, a piece of shocking news quickly spread in all directions - the Senluo Sect had a secret hand, a trump card, and the combat power of the Heavenly Realm... It was the Senluo Sect who attacked and killed the Bai clan members of Jianmen and killed the arrester. The high-ups of Feng Tower and Zhuying Pavilion spread the news and disrupted the entire Yuan Lingtian!

As soon as this news came out, Senluo Sect was immediately in a state of panic.

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