Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 642: Joy, great joy (2)

Yuan Lingtian, Lu Qian was playing with a golden hairpin.

A very ordinary gold hairpin, both in terms of material and workmanship, are unremarkable.

The only unusual thing is that the golden hairpin is inlaid with seven soybean-sized pearls of different colors. White, blue, red, indigo...the seven pearls, at first glance, are of ordinary quality. They are very ordinary and ordinary. In the ordinary market, one pearl would probably sell for less than half a tael of silver.

In Dajue Temple, cigarettes are flourishing, and the grand Dharma conference has lasted for several months and has entered the final stage.

The Dharma assembly held for several months in the lower realm was placed in the upper realm, which took half a day. Lu Qian thought that half a day was enough for Dajue Temple in the upper realm to react.

While I was thinking about it, in Dajue Temple, the golden light of monk Yuanjue's Dharma was shining brightly.

Lu Qian smiled, put away the gold hairpin, turned around and bowed to the Buddhist image of Monk Yuanjue, and murmured a few words.

The loud copper bells sounded like clouds, and from all directions of Dajue Temple, countless Buddhist cultivators chanted the Buddha's name in unison. In the huge Yuan Lingtian, in the past few years, serious monks have been killed and injured in a mess. The remaining monks have all shaved their heads and worshiped under the gate of Dajue Temple.

The world is unified... thanks to Bai Nu and the others.

Lu Qian personally presided over the ceremony and brought the ceremony to a perfect conclusion. He had received the decree from Monk Yuanjue himself and had a certain decision in his heart.

Needless to say, everything in Dajue Temple has been arranged long ago.

Three confidants who were transformed by Lu Qian and forcibly promoted to the realm of heaven and humans stayed behind in Yuanlingtian and were responsible for the spread of Buddhism. In addition, other senior officials of Mahakala and the Immortality Sect, who might pose a threat to Lu Yi's will in Dajue Temple after Lu Yi left, all followed Lu Yi on the treasure ship to ascend.

Previously, Bai Yuan had given away the Taishang Immortal Order for free and took away a large number of high-level monks.

Then Lu Qian swept the caves in the courtyard and killed a group of high-level monks.

Su Qianmo didn't know why he went crazy. He used 360,000 Supreme Immortal Orders to wipe out the essence of Senluo Sect and ascended them all.

Then evil and evil raged for hundreds of years, turning Yuan Lingtian's cultivation world upside down. Those high-level monks who were hiding in the deep mountains and old forests and had survived the previous waves were beheaded by Bai Nu and the others. Roll.

So far, Dajue Temple has unified all directions, and no force or monk can pose a threat to Dajue Temple!

Lu Qian left three of his confidants in the realm of celestial beings to guard Yuan Lingtian, enough to keep Yuan Lingtian peaceful for tens of thousands of years.

On the other side of the Holy Sky, there are nine heavenly beings sitting in charge!

This is enough to increase the absolute security of the Holy Heaven.

Lu Qian, there is nothing to worry about.

On an auspicious day, Lu Qian stood outside the gate of Dajue Temple early in the morning.

Lu Xiu, Lu Min, Jie Yin Toutuo, Wu Wuxin in killing Buddha, Song Wenwei, Song Shibian... all kinds of people, a large black mass like a tide, stood quietly behind Lu Qian.

Lu Qian clasped his hands behind his back, looked in all directions, laughed loudly, Haha, waved his sleeves, and the treasure ship emitted thousands of rays of light, accompanied by Brahma singing all over the sky, exhaling golden light and auspicious energy.

On the simple-looking treasure boat, the three pagodas at the front and back emit clouds of smoke and emit numerous light beams, wrapping the entire treasure boat.

Without further ado, Lu Qian stepped onto the treasure ship and stood firmly on the bow.

From the bow of the boat, a fist-sized golden relic bead flew out. Lu Qian stretched out his fingers, gestured on the golden relic bead, and entered an extremely complex spatial coordinate that Monk Yuanjue sent down at the end of the ceremony. Got in.

If there is no one to guide you from the lower realm to the upper realm, it will be a desperate process. Rogue cultivators who have no one to guide them, if they are lucky, they end up in the wilderness; if they are not lucky, they end up in the dens of tigers and wolves; if they are not lucky, they end up in villages and towns; if they are even worse, they end up in the territory of a certain large sect... then God only knows what awaits him.

And if someone takes the lead, just like those Supreme Immortal Certificates in Su Qianmo's hand, it will be a fixed point to ascend to the Feixiandai of Hunyuan Luotian Sect. There are 360,000 people, and there will be no deviation at all, so they can be accepted by the sect.

As for those Supreme Immortal Letters sent by Bai Yuan, God knows what mysteries are in them... Anyway, Wanxiang, who was forced to ascend, fell into the territory of Hunyuan Luotian Sect without incident. As for the other monks, who knows? What happened to you?

The Treasure Ship is a precious treasure given by Buddhism in the upper realm. When it was originally given, it had a matching upper realm coordinate.

However, during the catastrophe that year, the treasure ship was sealed by Buddhism before it could be used.

That coordinate was naturally lost.

I don’t know whether this treasure boat is a gift from a Buddhist power in the upper world. However, after Lu Qian entered the coordinates sent by Monk Yuanjue, the treasure boat will fly into Dajue Temple on its own. The altar of introduction.

Countless monks, their faces flushed, suppressed the excitement in their hearts, and lined up to get onto the treasure ship.

After boarding the boat, they met Toutuo and other old monks. They immediately sat down cross-legged and read scriptures loudly. Each of them was so excited that their bodies trembled slightly.

Jie Yin Toutuo, he changed his family's dharma name to the word Jie Yin. What he has never forgotten in his life is to ride on the Jie Yin treasure ship to ascend to the upper world, attain the status of Arhat, or even Bodhisattva, and seek infinite purity. Bliss.

After struggling for nearly 30,000 years, now that his dream has come true, Jie Yin Toutuo felt dizzy and could not help but break out in cold sweat.

Lu Qian entered the coordinates, and everyone who needed to ascend with him this time, including non-humans, had already boarded the treasure ship.

Lu Qian stood on the bow of the ship, glanced around, nodded, and stamped his feet without any regrets. The treasure ship made a high-pitched roar of copper bells, and the golden bells under the eaves of the three pagodas rang in unison. The treasure ship soared into the sky at an incredible speed and disappeared into the void in an instant.

Below, in the Dajue Temple, many monks who were forced to worship at the door of the Dajue Temple suddenly beamed with joy, and even some young monks who were not sufficiently cultivated couldn't help but laugh a few times.

Fahai, the big devil who has brought trouble to Yuan Lingtian's cultivation world for many years, finally left with his followers and lackeys!

With these big demons gone, the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world is expected to return to the grand scene of a hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contending!

The eyes of the three great masters of the Heavenly Realm who stayed behind at Dajue Temple opened and closed slightly, and they heard the constant muffled sound of bang bang. The young monks who laughed out loud, the monks whose expressions changed rapidly, and even those who just had some charm in their hearts. The heads of all the monks who were reading exploded at the same time, killing more than a million unlucky people on the spot in an instant!

My Buddha is merciful, the Buddhist gate is vast, and I have the destiny to save everyone... However, there are evil heretics who pretend to be here, trying to cause harm to our Dajue Temple, and to harm the people of the world. A great monk of the heavenly being clasped his hands and said calmly: My Buddha is certainly compassionate. , but there is also the wrath of King Ming, who must destroy demons... These demons cannot stay in our Buddhist sect!

Another great monk from Heavenly Man put his hands together leisurely and said: All disciples, you should practice Buddhism diligently and don't slack off. If you dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction, the lessons from the past are still before your eyes... My Buddha is merciful, so good, so good!

The third Tianren Great Monk was simply the best one Lu Qian carefully selected from among his Taoist soldiers.

This great monk is more than ten feet tall, with broad shoulders and a round waist, a face full of flesh, dark skin, and a belly as big as an old sow that is six months pregnant... This kind of appearance and this kind of foreign minister represent a very fierce butcher. How does he look like a Buddhist monk!

The great monk didn't say anything, he just rubbed his fists vigorously, making loud noises like thunder.

All around, countless Dajue Temple disciples, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, came to worship as disciples, all of them were horrified and moved. They all remembered that although Lu Qian left, he still left three vicious dogs to guard the world...

In the past hundred years or so, the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world has experienced many shocks and disasters. All the high-level monks have fallen, or they have followed Lu Qian and ascended to the upper world... Now the remaining monks, except for the three guard dogs, Among the remaining monks, the one with the highest cultivation level is only at the Golden Lotus Kai realm...

Haha, within tens of thousands of years, Dajue Temple will surely dominate the world. Unless there is another Supreme Supreme from the Sword Sect, who can turn things around?

The treasure ship rushed out of Yuan Lingtian's world membrane in a snap. As the Buddha's light flowed, the void in front of it was distorted. A large piece of Buddha's light and fairy sound surged out, turning into a huge whirlpool, swallowing the treasure ship in one gulp.

Jie led Toutuo and other old monks to cheer in unison, clasped their hands and worshiped.

The surrounding void suddenly became quiet.

There was no longer a chaotic and turbulent tide in the void. In all directions, there was a clear light that was as moist as egg white. The entire treasure ship was speeding rapidly in this light, without any bumps, and you could not even feel the movement of the treasure ship.

Everyone felt a great sense of tranquility, peace, and ultimate relaxation and joy.

Some kind of wonderful realization came to mind, and everyone, including Lu Qian, smiled and fell into some supreme and wonderful state...

From birth, everything I have experienced in my life is like a dream, passing through my mind.

After practicing, all insights and feelings are magnified countless times, and flow through my heart with incomparable clarity - those Tao, those Dharma, those skills, those magical powers... Everyone has a deep understanding of Tao, Dharma, and everything. The understanding of cultivation is improving rapidly.

This is a great opportunity. I don’t know how long I have been flying in this clear and infinite light. Those with the lowest cultivation level on the treasure ship, those related to the Lu family, have hardened their understanding of the laws of the great road. She has been promoted to the half-step heaven and human realm!

Well, that's quite embarrassing!

Most of the people who ascend to the lower realm are beings in the ultimate realm of heaven and human beings. The insights they gained while flying in this void were enough to help them lay the foundation of true immortality and provide them with great help in condensing the true immortality status.

This group of Lu clan members were able to barely reach the level of a half-step heavenly being due to such a fortune... They may be the weakest 'ascended ones' in history!

The foundation is too shallow, and these Lu clan members will soon be unable to understand anything.

They stood up and stood on the side of the ship, looking around curiously.

Suddenly, a young man from the Lu family turned pale, pointed outside and yelled: What is that? What is that?

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