Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 643 Hunting

Cyan light, clear and moist, boundless.

Even with Lu Qian's magical power, his magical eyes can only see thousands of miles in this cyan light, and his soul fluctuations can only scan a radius of thousands of miles.

Like Lu Qian, other monks were suppressed to the extreme in this cyan light field.

Just now, the Lu clan members were looking around, but with their level of cultivation, they couldn't see anything at all. In this clear light, there wasn't even a speck of dust.

But suddenly, as if teleporting, in front of the Lu boy, a silver-white roc appeared in a panic out of thin air. As soon as it spread its wings a hundred feet wide, a golden arrow shot out of the sky. It came out from the middle and plunged into his thick and meaty buttocks with a 'puff' sound.

The roc bird hissed in pain, its tail whipped violently, and a few of its shiny feathers suddenly broke free.

This feather is obviously extraordinary. There is a breeze floating around the silver feathers, and the light silver light wraps around the tail feathers, floating freely and freely around. The blood spurted from the body of the roc turned into streaks of silvery wind, in which even visible wind patterns appeared.

The next moment, a handsome young man with long hair, wearing golden battle armor, a bloody cloak, and holding a golden gun with a tiger head, also appeared out of thin air behind the silver roc bird in an extremely unexpected way.

With a roar of a tiger, the young man who was about ten feet tall swung his eight-foot-long spear in his hand and hit the Dapeng bird heavily on its rear hip.

The roc bird howled in pain, and the cry was really like a cat whose tail had been stepped on... He turned his head with a grin on his face, and spat out a silver blast at the young man.

It roared wildly and turned into a silver tornado that was hundreds of miles high and enveloped the young man. In the tornado, a large piece of the crescent-like wind knife whirled wildly, causing sparks to fly from the young man's armor.

Another figure flashed, and six strong men holding golden bows, six strong men holding silver nets, and six strong men jointly carrying a metal cage flashed out from behind the young man. .

As soon as a few strong men rushed out, six large silver nets flew out, covering hundreds of miles in an instant, enveloping the silver roc inside.

The young man in golden armor, with sparks flying all over his body, held a spear, and did not care about the wind knife that was slashing around him. He just hit the silver roc randomly: Be obedient and get into the cage by yourself... I just gave Luoshui Fairy three thousand Xian Shou collects a gift, not to kill you!

On the boat to receive the treasure, the big parrot jumped to the side of the boat and stood there, staring straight at the silver roc: Oh, she is a little girl, tsk tsk, she looks pretty good, but it's a pity that she is too big to have a husband. Master Zhen will never fall in love with her!

The big parrot has experienced many times of creation, and now it is almost in the form of a complete phoenix. However, born in the lower world, he is now only one foot tall, and with his long tail feathers, he is only three feet long.

And the wingspan of the big roc was over a hundred feet... The big parrot in front of her was probably a little chicken in the hands of the burly man?

It is said that a husband’s relationship is difficult to maintain, but this guy is quite self-aware!

Lu Qian stood up, holding the Great Divine Power Buddha Bead, walked to the side of the ship, and looked at the fighting Dapeng and the young man and others - six nets had surrounded Dapeng, but there was no one on the side of Dapeng. The silver swirled wildly, blocking six large nets and isolating it a hundred feet away from the body.

But it was obvious that Dapeng was at a disadvantage, and it was difficult to get another chance to escape.

Suddenly, Dapeng turned his head and stared directly at the big parrot: The young master over there is from the bird family. Will you die if I help you? My aunt's ancestors are members of the Eight Buddhism Buddhism. One of the Dharma Protectors, the Great Sun Golden Roc King Bodhisattva...saved my aunt, it will benefit you!

A cold silver light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and Dapeng looked at Lu Qian, who was dressed as a monk, and the large group of bald monks behind him.

Her tone immediately became extremely high-pitched: You little bastards, hurry up and save your life... It will be good for you to save my aunt... Otherwise, I will go to the ancestors to sue you in the future, and I will guarantee that you will have endless wear in your life. Little shoes!”

Before she finished speaking, the young man in golden armor had already rushed to her side and hit her in the beak with the tip of a gun, causing her nose to be bruised and her face to be swollen, and her eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

The golden-armored young man hit Dapeng with a shot and knocked him unconscious. He turned around and sneered proudly: A bunch of little thieves who have just ascended? Get away as far as you can... I am, I am... Uh, uh? You guys, Why does it look familiar?

A golden line split between the foreheads of the young man in golden armor, a golden eye flashed, and a golden glow spread across the sky, covering the entire treasure ship. The rich and pure Taoist rhyme of Taoism swept across, causing the three pagodas of the treasure ship to vibrate at the same time. The golden bells roared, and the phantoms of the Buddha appeared in the pagodas. The Buddhist chants in the sky blasted the golden clouds into pieces.

To lead the treasure ship...ah, what a grand display the thieves have!

You are Fahai... Fahai of Yuanlingtian Dajue Temple... Ha, demon monk Fahai, you are demon monk Fahai who is wanted on the blood list of Hunyuan Luotian Sect's Daluo... Come on, I got a big deal today!

The young man in golden armor happily took out a purple jade talisman, pointed his finger, and the talisman exploded immediately.

The next moment, the sweet and sweet voice of a woman beside him sounded: Taiyuan Xiaojun, you told me not to bother me... Even if I, Luoshui, marry a cat or a dog, I will not marry you!

The golden-armored young man Tai Yuan Xiaojun showed an extremely standard dog-licking smile, and said with a pitter-patter smile: Luo Shui, Luo Shui, guess who I met in the Qingming Void? Your family has a bounty on Da Luo's blood list. Demonic monk Fahai, he is right next to me... Come on, come on, must you give this credit to others?

The woman exclaimed, then laughed happily.

Taiyuan Xiaojun said with a smile: Luoshui, as long as you agree to come with me to Panying Mountain to enjoy the flowers in half a month, I will bring you over right now!

Lu Qian's expression changed, and he pressed his right hand on the golden relic ball on the bow of the ship.

The treasure ship vibrated slightly and obviously began to accelerate.

But behind Mr. Taiyuan, the six strong men holding big nets shouted in unison. They took out six golden nets from their sleeves and threw them this way. Suddenly, the sky was filled with gold and silver threads crisscrossing each other, covering the entire area in an instant. Thousands of miles away, the entire treasure ship was shrouded in the middle.

The treasure ship immediately froze in the void and could no longer move forward even half a step.

In that compartment, the so-called Fairy Luoshui hesitated for about a cup of tea, and then obviously gritted her teeth and said Okay!

Taiyuan Xiaojun was shaking his head, forming seals with his hands, and a ray of golden light and purple air spurted out, traveling through the void in an instant, without knowing where to go. He nodded towards Lu Qian with a smile and said with a smile: Monk, thief monk, just wait... Today is indeed a good day for me... Hehe, use your thief bald head in exchange for Luo Shui The joy of the fairy... Hehe, this business is done, done!

Dapeng let out a sharp roar, and its two huge claws spurted out cold light, like sharp swords, tearing apart a silver net and slashing straight at Mr. Taiyuan's head.

An auspicious cloud rose above Xiaojun Taiyuan's head, and a glazed jade seal hung high, hitting Dapeng's paw with a 'dong' sound.

Dapeng screamed in pain, his two claws were beaten crookedly, and there were several fractures. His whole body was throbbing in pain, and he no longer dared to attack. She looked left and right, obviously trying to escape, but six strong men with bows had already locked their bows and arrows on her huge body. Dapeng's body froze and retracted its wings.

Little Lord Taiyuan, you wait, you wait... you dare to arrest me and make me a mount for that little Luoshui maid, we are not done with this matter! Just wait, wait for our ancestor to settle the score with you stop!

Taiyuan Xiaojun glanced at Lu Qian and glanced at the same Dapeng with a smile: If they are the direct descendants of King Jinpeng of the Sun, those golden-winged Dapeng, I naturally don't want to provoke them... But you... Silver-haired little bird, I don’t know how many layers of blood are separated from King Jinpeng of the Great Sun. That Bodhisattva has a high position and is busy with countless shady activities. Does he have time to take care of you?

Taiyuan Xiaojun shook his head and said: Dedicate it to Luo Shui as a birthday gift. You are considered to be the best... plus this great contribution, haha... I will hold the beauty back in my arms soon... Tsk!

Mr. Taiyuan was originally born quite handsome and majestic - at the level of a true immortal, unless he has such bad habits, all immortals, male and female, are as beautiful as gods!

The phrase 'beautiful as a fairy' is really not an illusion. But they are true immortal-level creatures. All of them are handsome men and beautiful women. Unless they do it deliberately, they cannot be ugly!

But at this moment, Tai Yuan Xiaojun, with his head-shaking nymphomaniac and wretched appearance... is really, really disgusting to watch!

Lu Qian activated the golden relic ball again and again, causing the treasure ship to vibrate violently and continuously emitting roars of Sanskrit chants. However, under the cover of the golden net, the treasure ship did not move at all!

Dapeng was croaking again: Well, even if you are not afraid of me... The person who can send out the treasure ship to guide the ascension must be the true descendant of the lower world that is highly valued by the Buddhist power... How dare you touch the Buddhist disciples on this treasure ship? , your father Taiyuan Taojun cannot support this cause and effect!

Taiyuan Xiaojun glanced sideways at Dapeng and said coldly: Why do I need to bear the responsibility for this cause and effect?

Dapeng gave a strange laugh: It's easy to put it... Yes, Luoshui's little maid has a strong background and a strong backing, so she can support this cause and effect... But just because she can support it, so persimmons find soft spots. Damn it, the Buddhists can't help that little maid from Luoshui, so they will naturally cause trouble for you... With the Buddhist methods, your whole family will be wiped out, right before our eyes!

Taiyuan Xiaojun's face changed slightly.

He looked at Dapeng and hissed: Don't fool me, little bird!

Dapeng smiled brightly: Am I scaring you? Hey, don't you really know the methods of Buddhism? You are in trouble, you are in big trouble... You have tricked this whole boat of Buddhist disciples to death, Your whole family is going to die soon... If you don’t believe it, tell your father what’s going on here? See if he will break your legs with his own hands!

When Taiyuan Xiaojun was about to speak, a wisp of Hunyuan purple energy suddenly filled the air in front of him, and then a large three-dimensional array with a diameter of a hundred miles spurted out from the purple energy. With a loud bang, the whole body of the large group was filled with fairy light. The angry immortals all jumped out.

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