Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 649: The True Story of Prison Suppression (2)

In the clear void, True Lord Liexu turned into a hazy fairy light, attached to the dragon carp paperweight.

The dragon and carp paperweight transformed into a bit of blue-purple fairy light, jumping, swaying, vibrating, sliding, flickering and moving in the void, with endless changes.

Following Monk Yuanjue's order, seventy-two Bodhisattvas took action in unison.

Xiaguang said, Buddha flames rose, and various powerful magical powers whizzed down, but they all passed by that little fairy light and failed to harm Zhenjun Liexu in the slightest. If the Buddhist Bodhisattvas had not set up a great formation to seal the void, Lord Liexu would have escaped with this dragon and carp paperweight!

This dragon and carp paperweight is a truly low-grade acquired treasure.

This low-grade Houtian Lingbao is completely different from the Houtian Lingbao that Lu Qian obtained in Yuanlingtian.

The acquired spiritual treasures bred in the small world below, even those that have reached the tenth level of the other side, have limited quality due to the scale of the world and the strength of their origins. After ascending to the upper realm, after being purified by the air of the immortal spirits in the upper realm and absorbing the Taoist charm of the upper realm, it is possible for these acquired spiritual treasures bred in the lower realm to transform into true immortal weapons of the first level.

True immortal artifacts are divided into thirty-three grades.

Above the highest level thirty-three true immortal weapons, there are heavenly immortal weapons.

The heavenly artifact has been transformed into several grades.

Above the Heavenly Immortal Artifacts are the acquired and innate spiritual treasures bred by the Great World in the upper realm with complete laws, rich Taoist charm, and incomparably powerful origins of heaven and earth.

When the 'big world' was opened, the innate spiritual treasures that were born with the world and absorbed the power of creation of the world, even existences like Mayfly, were out of the question.

Such treasures are legendary existences. There must be some, but they are probably in the hands of a few Taoists from the Taoist court, or a few Buddhas from the Buddhist sect. Ordinary people would never even think of taking a look at them.

After the opening of the big world, after a long period of time, various rare treasures were conceived by chance in various caves, blessed places, and spiritual caves. They are the so-called acquired spiritual treasures. Now they are true immortals with status and status in the upper world. , the most powerful treasure you can see is this kind of acquired spiritual treasure.

This dragon and carp paperweight is a low-grade acquired spiritual treasure that Zhenjun Liexu obtained by chance.

For this treasure, he built a hut in the barren mountains to meditate. He waited for nearly two thousand years and spent countless efforts to get this dragon and carp paperweight.

This dragon and carp paperweight is very good at escape, and has powerful abilities to break the forbidden and destroy spirits.

He is good at escaping, which is what Zhenjun Liexu is showing now. Seventy-two Buddhist Bodhisattvas who are about the same strength as him, even if they are weaker, are only slightly weaker. They join forces and bombard him with all kinds of magical powers, but they can't really touch him. touch him.

Breaking the ban and destroying the spirit is the way to attack.

The so-called breaking the ban is the enemy immortal's body-protecting immortal clothes, body-protecting magical powers, defensive immortal talismans, etc. The dragon-carp paperweight transformed into a dragon-carp-shaped fairy light can blast out a big hole with just a slight touch.

And the spirit annihilation is even more fierce.

Immortal weapons have spirits and can protect their masters and fight on their own. The dragon and carp paperweight has extremely powerful destructive power against such weapon spirits. With one blow, if the opponent is slightly careless, the weapon spirit will be annihilated and all spirituality will be eliminated. During the battle, I don't know how many immortals didn't know the weirdness of this dragon and carp paperweight. They killed the weapon spirit and reduced their combat power. Then Zhenjun Liexu took advantage of it and severely injured and killed it. .

The jump shook for a long time, and the dragon and carp fairy lights suddenly flashed and rushed out towards a node of the Buddha formation that sealed the void.

The dragon and carp's celestial light flourished and pecked hard at a pagoda suspended in the void.

Seeing that the fairy light was about to hit the pagoda, Zhenjun Liexu was very likely to break through the Buddhist formation and escape from here. Monk Yuanjue finally sighed and threw out the prison-suppressing diamond ring!

This prison-suppressing and demon-suppressing diamond ring is the master’s treasure of the prison-suppressing Xuanguang Buddha and the demon-controlling Buddha.

The essence of its diamond circle is a Buddhist treasure that the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha spent countless years of hard work. Its power is so great that it has exceeded the limit of the heavenly immortal weapon and is directly catching up with the low-grade acquired spiritual treasure.

The seven gems inlaid on it are the true power of this Buddhist treasure.

Each of the seven gems is a middle-grade innate spiritual treasure. When the seven gems are combined into one, its grade reaches the level of a high-grade acquired spiritual treasure, and it is also an extremely outstanding existence among the high-grade acquired spiritual treasures.

As soon as the small diamond circle came out, a Sanskrit chant was heard, which was like the roar of a copper bell, shaking the void violently.

A golden circle of Buddha's light suddenly spread out, surrounding it for thirty thousand miles in an instant. On the golden circle of light, seven radiant lights danced and vibrated like stars. Everyone's breath was stagnant, and the energy, blood, magic power, and soul power were all gone. All the power was completely frozen, and he could no longer move.

Lu Qian even felt that there was a huge mountain pressing on his shoulders, making him stiff all over. He could not even move a little finger...well, only the little finger on his right hand could move freely, and all the other bones in his body seemed to be in one piece. , unable to move at all.

This diamond circle was not directed at Lu Qian. It was completely targeted at the dragon and carp paperweight, and it had such suppressive power.

Lu Qian could not imagine how much pressure Zhenjun Liexu was under now!

Anyway, look at the fairy light transformed from the dragon and carp paperweight, which has been frozen in the void. No matter how the Lord Liexu urges it, the fairy light only moves forward bit by bit, and there is no longer the rampant and graceful change that it had before. feel.

Seeing that there is only a short three feet away from the pagoda, these three feet are like a chasm for Zhenjun Liexu, and he will never be able to break through it in this life!

Lord Liexu hissed loudly: Do you really want the monk to be so awesome?

Monk Yuanjue clasped his hands together and said with a smile: In front of the True Lord, there is naturally a great road to the sky, and there are countless ways to survive... There are many brothers present, and the True Lord only needs to kneel down in front of any of the brothers, prostrate, and say 'Master' , is a way to survive!”

Monk Yuanjue said with a smile: Here, there are one hundred and forty-four of my Buddhist brothers, that is, one hundred and forty-four ways to survive... With so many ways to survive, how can you say that I, the monk, have done a great job?

Lu Qian licked his lips, feeling deeply pleased with Monk Yuanjue's shamelessness.

Lu Qian didn't know the specific origins of True Lord Liexu, but from their conversation, he generally knew that True Lord Liexu was the real high-level leader of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect. Whenever he traveled, he would be accompanied by hundreds of true immortals. !

You let such a person betray the sect and worship under the throne of Buddhism and Bodhisattva... Tsk, this is certainly a way of life, but it is also a way of death.

If Lord Liexu really does this, his Taoist heart will definitely collapse, let alone his appearance. It will be basically impossible for him to make any further progress in the future!

Tsk, the monk’s methods are indeed very vicious and absolutely terrible!

Sure enough, True Lord Liexu yelled angrily, and the dragon and carp fairy light vibrated violently, suddenly bursting out with extremely powerful flames, which were several times brighter than before.

It was obvious that True Lord Liexu did not care about the loss, he did not hesitate to damage his origin, and tried his best to struggle.

More than a hundred Buddhists and Bodhisattvas chanted sutras and mantras in unison, and the power of more than a hundred Buddhists merged into one body and continuously poured into the Vajra Circle. Even though Zhenjun Liexu's cultivation level is unfathomable and his magic power is boundless, facing the joint suppression of more than a hundred beings of the same level, he... can only yell inexplicably, and no longer have the slightest idea.

Zhenjun Queshan and others had a look of deathly gray on their faces.

If Lord Liexu can escape smoothly and what happened here can be reported back to the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, then the Buddhism 'maybe', remember, 'maybe' really doesn't dare to do anything. At least, everyone still has a glimmer of hope.

But if True Lord Liexu was also beheaded on the spot... then, with the methods of these thieves in Buddhism, no one except Fairy Luoshui would be able to survive. But how long can Fairy Luoshui live... Haha!

Tens of thousands of miles away from this battlefield, in the clear sky, a large fox covered in white with only a silvery-red light in the corner of its eyes stood tensed on a long black ink jade sword.

This fox was clearly the big fox that Mayfly used as a pillow in the Hunyuan Hall, the ancestral court of Hunyuan Luotian Sect.

At this moment, he stood frozen in the void, his silver eyes flashing, staring straight in the direction of the battlefield.

This clear void is extremely magical.

Isolating the secrets of heaven and blocking cause and effect, no divination technique can figure out what exactly happened here. And no matter how strong your cultivation is, how profound your Dharma Eye, Wisdom Eye, Buddha Eye and other magical powers you have cultivated, you can still see thousands of miles away in this void, but you cannot see more than ten thousand miles away. inside.

This place is still tens of thousands of miles away from the battlefield. The big fox can't hear any movement, can't see any pictures, and can't sense any changes.

He was deadlocked here, with all the hairs on his body standing on end, like a hedgehog that had encountered a natural enemy and was ready to run away.

So, for a long time, for a long time.

The big fox suddenly snorted coldly: How much compensation do you need for leaving them alive? Let's admit it this time. Buddhists, don't go too far.

A yellow wind roared up, and a little demon with a fishy body odor and a wolf head and body tilted his head and jumped out of the yellow wind. He stretched out a dirty paw, placed it in front of the big fox, and stammered: What does this have to do with Buddhism? The ones who ambush your family's little bull nose are our demonic and barbaric tribe!

The big fox spat fiercely on the little wolf-headed demon: Ah... the demon barbarian clan has been almost wiped out. Now there is not even a high-grade true immortal. Can you find me someone who can deal with Li Xu?

The little wolf-headed demon blinked his eyes and took a deep look at the big fox: Believe it or not, anyway, it was us demons who said it was done by us demons... Hey, Zhenjun Liexu, he is quite valuable. Hey.

The big fox gritted his teeth and said, We, give it!

The little wolf-headed demon grinned, and with some difficulty, he made a thumbs-up gesture with his dirty paws: Kangliang! Then, first hand over the Taoist and Buddhist land deeds of Qionghua Mountain and Liuxia River.

Shaking his head, the wolf-headed little demon muttered: For the rest, how many top-grade immortal crystals, how many top-grade elixirs, etc. should be given? You can estimate the number yourself... Tsk, let's not mention the cultivation and identity of Zhenjun Liexu. , after all, he is the eldest disciple of your eldest master, the master-disciple relationship over the years...how much is this worth?

The wolf-headed little demon smiled extremely brightly.

In the Hunyuan Luotian Sect's ancestral court, in the Hunyuan Hall, Mayfly has already kicked a large coral screen worth tens of thousands to pieces!

Bring up all the beasts and whip them, give me a hard blow, give me a thousand lashes... no, three thousand lashes... no, as long as they don't kill you, give me as many lashes as you can!

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