Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 650: The True Story of Prison Suppression (3)

The big fox and the little wolf-headed demon were bargaining, and when the mayflies were randomly smashing into the Hunyuan Hall, they were less than ten miles away from the big fox and the little wolf-headed demon, in the clear sky, within the mustard dust.

There is a vast expanse of golden light, and among the colorful clouds all over the ground, five lotus terraces stand majestically.

Five monks in linen clothes sat on the lotus platform, their eyes dim, peering through the boundary of the mustard dust, watching the big fox's every move and every slightest change in expression.

Surrounding them were more than 300 male and female monks with strong auras, no weaker than monk Yuanjue. Each of them has a shining Buddha light, their bodies are covered with jewels, their treasures are solemn, and their auras are strong.

Among them, there are several Buddhist cultivators who are closest to the lotus platform. Their aura is only slightly different from that of the five linen monks sitting on the lotus platform.

After peeping for a long time, a middle-aged monk with a tall figure and muscles like a dragon coiled under his skin. There was a faint layer of black light coming out of his body, and his breath was extremely heavy. The scary middle-aged monk sighed softly: Mayfly. Master, it seems something has really gone wrong... With his temperament, if this eldest disciple is in danger, he will definitely fight to get out first regardless.

He touched a cantaloupe out of nowhere and swallowed it in two mouthfuls. The great monk shook his head: Hey, it seems that the creation essence liquid is indeed what he used to repair the foundation... Tsk, that Little Taoist Priest Qingming, is it really not the fault of any senior brother?

The four great monks looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

A great monk with nine thumb-sized buns on his head, a face as white as jade, a kind and gentle monk, clasped his hands together and sighed softly: Monks don't lie, that little Taoist priest Qingming is just a fool. Yuanluo Tianjiao is just a little guy who maintains the sect's formation, if I want to take action, I won't go after him.

The great monk touched his moist and chubby face, stretched out his hand to take a mountain pear from the great monk's hand, took a bite, and said vaguely while chewing: And, can you do this? He neatly and neatly defrauded the young Taoist priest Qing Ming and his direct blood descendants...it should be considered an internal act within his Taoist court.

Another young monk who was tall, elegant, and very scholar-like opened his eyes slightly. The three double pupils in his eyes flickered slightly, and the void began to shake.

He said softly: It's just that the Hunyuan Luotian Sect is very domineering on weekdays. In the Taoist court, there are many sects and powerful people who can't deal with him... I'm afraid this is an unsolved case. .”

The burly monk stuffed another big mango into the young monk. He murmured to himself: This is very boring. We still hope to lure the mayfly out and directly save him. Now it seems that it is It’s all in vain.”

Monk Bai Jing smiled and said, What's the point of busy work in vain? If you can bring Qionghua Mountain and Liuxia River, that area is vast, and there are trillions of people living in the surrounding area. You don't know how to feel sorry for yourself.

The five great monks all laughed hehehe, and each one gnawed on cantaloupe, mountain pears, mangoes, lychees, grapes... gnawing with great joy, clicking, clicking, attracting hundreds of Buddhist cultivators surrounding them. I couldn't help but swallow my saliva.

‘Click, click, click’…

The big fox came and went several times and handed some objects to the little wolf-headed demon.

The wolf-headed little demon nodded towards the big fox, flicked his tail, turned around and rushed into the clear void.

Monk Yuanjue used a diamond ring to imprison the True Lord Liexu, and then chatted and laughed with a group of Bodhisattvas, his mouth was full of lotus flowers, and he continued to speak out Buddhist essences one after another, like warm water washing away the void.

Lu Qian and the large group of Buddhist cultivators on the boat that received the treasure were naturally attentive, listening to the sermons of this group of Bodhisattva-level Buddhist masters.

Yufeng Dapeng and Yan Guangjun on the side also listened extremely seriously.

The entire Yufeng Dapeng clan has devoted themselves to Buddhism many years ago. When all the clan members were still hatching in the eggs, they were nourished by the power of Buddhism and listened to the mysterious teachings of Buddhism. The breath of Buddhism has already penetrated into the bone marrow.

Being able to hear such Buddhist masters preaching the Dharma face to face is of great benefit to their practice.

Mr. Yan Guang and others, their feathers glowing with dazzling silver light, were all mesmerized by what they heard.

The true immortals of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, as well as Taiyuan Xiaojun, Fairy Luoshui, Li Yuan and others, all had expressions of pain on their faces. Buddhist chants came from all directions, constantly eroding their immortal bodies and washing away their immortal souls, forcing them to sit cross-legged on the spot, struggling to resist the continuous intrusion of Buddhist Taoist charms.

Lord Liexu also cursed loudly, constantly calling Monk Yuanjue 'shameless'!

The Bodhisattva's teachings have great contagious power and can easily turn disciples of other sects and other traditions into Buddhist believers. In front of Lord Liexu, if a few of his disciples became disciples of Monk Yuanjue on the spot, the loss would not be big, but the insult would be too great.

At this moment, figures flickered in the void, and a young novice monk with delicate features and weak breath trotted over. He jumped up and down to the ear of Monk Yuanjue and whispered a few words in a low voice.

Monk Yuanjue raised his brows, stood up slowly, and sighed in a low voice: My Buddha is compassionate, but this time, it was all gone.

Shaking his head, he pressed lightly towards the imprisoned dragon and carp fairy light.

With a 'click', the immortal light of the dragon and carp suddenly cracked open a gap. Zhenjun Liexu, who was attached to the dragon and carp paperweight, cried out in pain. Seeing large amounts of immortal blood spraying out continuously, the fairy light emitted by the dragon and carp paperweight suddenly dimmed. Most of it.

More than a hundred other Bodhisattvas clasped their hands together and chanted the Buddha's name.

A roar shook the Qingming void and trembled continuously. Fairy Luoshui, Xiaojun Taiyuan and others vomited blood at the same time. Their True Immortal fruit positions were shattered one after another, and their cultivation in the third heaven was knocked out on average!

A group of juniors looked at these Buddhist Bodhisattvas with expressionless expressions... In the past, they had only heard that Buddhism was decisive and cruel, but they had never experienced it personally. Today they really saw it, and they were all filled with hatred and anger. But he could only curl up like a quail, not daring to talk nonsense.

Monk Yuanjue reached the treasure ship in one step and reached out his hand to gently press Lu Qian's shoulder.

He smiled at Zhenjun Liexu and said: Daluo Blood List, offering a reward to kill my disciple of Yuanjue? Haha, it is really fate, fate... Everything in the world has a cause and must have a result... Lie Fellow Taoist Xu, let’s go and see!”

Many Bodhisattvas laughed together, circles of colorful rainbows slowly lingered, and then everyone disappeared without a trace at the same time, and the sound of Sanskrit singing slowly disappeared.

The immortal light of dragon and carp flickered, and the pale-faced True Lord Liexu appeared from the immortal light.

His body shook, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

The moment Monk Yuanjue left, he severely injured True Lord Liexu, almost knocking him down to a great level... He took several extremely precious elixirs one after another, and finally stabilized his cultivation. True Lord Liexu After this severe injury, without a hundred years of rest, it would be extremely difficult to return to peak condition.

Follow me back. Let's talk about today's events in detail. Zhenjun Liexu pointed lightly at Little Lord Taiyuan: Little Lord Taiyuan, you... are not colluding with Buddhism, and you deliberately set a trap for me today. Right? Don’t leave, call your father here, your father needs to give me an explanation for what happened today!”

Taiyuan Xiaojun was so frightened that his whole body shivered.

As an excellent licking dog, how could he know that the normal behavior of kneeling down and licking Fairy Luoshui would cause such a big disaster?

Eighteen true immortal guards died, and this loss already made him heartbroken.

Zhenjun Liexu actually asked his father to come to the door and give Zhenjun Liexu an explanation...

Taiyuan Xiaojun looked up at the sky, tears slowly falling from his eyes. He seemed to have seen the tragic situation of his legs being broken, lying on the hard stone floor of the meditation room, all alone and helpless.

How does Lord Liexu deal with the aftermath? Let's not worry about him.

Lu Qian and others only felt that the sky was swirling in front of their eyes, all kinds of Buddha lights and rainbows flashed randomly, their bodies rippled violently for a while, and their eyes suddenly lit up, and they had arrived at the mountain gate of Dajue Temple.

The ancient trees are towering and the temple is clean.

The sound of copper bells and the sound of wooden fish.

High in the sky, the blue lion formed by the blue haze is staring eagerly towards the east.

Before Lu Qian and others could clearly see the beautiful mountains, waters and beautiful scenery of Dajue Temple, the terrifying gravity struck, the majestic fairy spirit came, and the immeasurable Taoist rhyme rolled into their minds...

Except for Lu Qian and other serious people who had reached the realm of heavenly beings and were on the treasure boat, the other lucky ones who ascended on the boat all roared loudly and fell to the ground with red faces. With the continuous influx of fairy energy, their bodies softened at a speed visible to the naked eye, as soft as melted grease.

Monk Yuanjue smiled indifferently, and cast a piece of Buddha's light on these people. After giving a few instructions, countless burly warriors came on the clouds, moved these people away from the treasure ship, and sent them to Dajue. The temple is specially designed to house the secret realm of lucky people who are not strong enough in the lower world, but have ascended due to various reasons.

Lu Qian and others stood still, while the mana in their bodies fluctuated and changed, blending with the spirit of the fairy, and gradually adapted to the environment in the upper world.

But not long after, except for Lu Yi, Lu Min, who had the strongest cultivation level, also collapsed on the ground as if they were drunk.

Their heavenly and human bodies cannot withstand the influx of the immortal spirit energy and immeasurable Taoist charm from the upper realm. Cracks continue to appear on their bodies, and the magic power of the lower realm gradually melts away, but there is no corresponding true immortal method to truly swallow the immortal. Spiritual energy...

Monk Yuanjue waved his hand, and disciples from Dajue Temple took Lu Min and others aside for treatment.

On the entire treasure boat, Lu Yi was the only one left standing firmly on the spot. As he spoke, a trace of fairy light was absorbed into his body. The gravity of the upper world was so strong, but it couldn't make Lu Qian's body sway even a little.

Your golden body is well tempered. Come on, punch me!

Monk Yuanjue looked at Lu Qian in great surprise and pointed towards his chest.

Without saying a word, Lu Chen saluted Monk Yuanjue with his hands clasped together, and then he used all his strength, without reservation, with more than a thousand Kun's physical strength to punch Monk Yuanjue's chest hard.

There was a muffled sound of ‘boom’.

Then, nothing happened.

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