Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 671 Taoism covers up the killing (4)

Yuanfu Mountain is located in...

That's all, don't waste more pen and ink.

In short, it is a famous mountain, a cave, with extremely rich fairy spirit, and beautiful lakes and mountains. In Liangyi Heaven, places like this can be found everywhere, and there is nothing to complain about.

Mingguang Cave is located deep in Yuanfu Mountain.

There is a huge screen-like cliff. In front of the cliff is a silver rock slab slope with a radius of hundreds of miles. The rays of the sun, moon and stars shine on it. It reflects the white light no matter day or night, making the mountains and forests hundreds of miles in radius as bright as day.

On the cliff, there is an oval-shaped cave entrance, which is about a hundred feet high. The cave inside is bright and bright, extending thousands of miles into the mountain. It is also made of silvery rocks and shines brightly day and night, so it is named Mingguang Cave.

The huge cave is a small world of its own, with lingering clouds and spiritual mist. There are beautiful peaks and spiritual waters everywhere, and the ground is full of exotic flowers and plants. Exquisite and beautiful pavilions are dotted among them, and a fragrant and slightly sweet aroma floats in the air. From time to time, subtle moans, laughter, and delicate gasps come from all directions.

Beautifully and neatly dressed monks, beauties in bold and revealing attires, and all kinds of people were coming and going in the cave. Their flirtatious glances criss-crossed like flying swords, and from time to time they splashed a few points of passionate fire in the void.

The scene in this cave is a bit like a world-class brothel, but it doesn't look like a pure place of Buddhism.

In the deepest part of the cave, there is a somewhat naive nun, who is no more than six feet tall and has a waist of about three feet, six or seven inches. The nun Qingjing, who is dignified and upright, is sitting cross-legged in a pool of merit shrouded in Buddha light. , meditating on the true teachings of her master, Baoguang Merit Buddha, with a frown on her face.

There is no need to mention the origin of the title of Baoguang Merit Buddha and his merits.

This is a virtuous and eminent monk who has made great contributions to Buddhism, traveled around the world, and accumulated countless merits. Baoguang Merit Buddha even used the power of pure merit to condense an acquired merit treasure. During the war between Taoism and Buddhism three thousand years ago against demons and demons, this acquired merit treasure was used to attack demons and demons. His strength is terrifying and he has made great achievements in battle.

The word Baoguang is the foundation of Baoguang Merit Buddha.

Buddhism has all kinds of magical powers of Buddha's light. Its power is unparalleled and its changes are exquisite. It can attack, defend, subdue demons, and suppress demons... The various wonderful uses and countless changes are endless and incalculable.

The ‘Buddha’s Light Divine Power’ of Baoguang Merit Buddha is ranked number one in the Liangyi Heavenly Buddhism Sect!

His disciples all study his various Buddha's Light True Traditions, and each Buddha's Light is enough for them to suppress one party and crush their peers.

As mentioned before, Nun Qingjing is the reincarnation of a disciple of Baoguang Merit Buddha countless years ago.

In this life, Nun Qingjing was born with an average appearance. Her qualifications and disposition were also ordinary, and she could not even be considered a 'middle-class figure'.

She was led out of the vast mortal world by the Buddha of Precious Light and Merit, and re-entered Buddhism. After practicing hard for so many years, she could not even fully understand the 'Small Meditation Light' for entry. She failed seven times, and three times she was able to display the small meditation light, but it had no power. Even the true immortals who were several realms lower than her could not deal with it.

Although the real power of Xiaoding Zen light is to collect one's own mind, stabilize the Zen mind, expel external demons, and eliminate all negative forces in the body that are harmful to cultivation, its external killing power is just ordinary.

Even so, the power of the small meditation light displayed by Nun Qingjing is too weak...

This is probably the reason why she lives in Mingguang Cave all year round and is unwilling to practice under her master!

The sad-faced nun Qingjing has two caterpillar-like eyebrows drooping, and a clear, bright and jade-like cyan Buddha light is looming on her body. Several times, the Buddha's light was about to burst out from her fontanel, but as soon as it penetrated her body, it seemed to be pulled by some invisible force, and it shivered back into her body.

After trying this for dozens of times, Nun Qingjing suddenly roared loudly and struck hard at the pool of merit with her palms.

There was a loud bang, and the Merit Pool with a radius of ten miles shook violently. A large area of ​​anemones in the pool was blown to pieces. The surrounding restrictions shook. A large exquisite pavilion next to the Merit Pool swayed with a large amount of restricted flames, shaking violently up and down. After a while, it finally stabilized.

Next to the pool of merit, there is a handsome and graceful jade tree growing in the wind, with a pair of beautiful eyes, a little red lip, a pair of slender and tender jade hands, and a delicate and bright-skinned face. The Joyful Bodhisattva opened his eyes slightly, and his crisp and sweet voice spread all over the place: Qingjing, careful... This small meditation light requires a calm mind and a little bit of original spiritual light in the infinite emptiness. Only then...

As he spoke, a green, clear Buddha light swayed from the Bodhisattva Joy, turned into a cool rain of light, and fell from the sky, bit by bit, falling on the nun Qingjing.

This is the true teaching of the Little Meditation Meditation Light, the lineage of the Precious Light Merit Buddha.

Joyful Bodhisattva is not a disciple of the Precious Light Merit Buddha, but he is able to cast such pure and pure light of small concentration meditation, and its origin cannot be known.

The furious Nun Qingjing was covered by the light of the Little Meditation Meditation. The anger in her body suddenly dissipated, and the evil fire in her heart was extinguished. With her whole body pure and cool, she gently exhaled and slowly sat back in the pool.

Xi Le, after all, your qualifications are much better than mine... Nun Qingjing looked at Xi Le Bodhisattva thoughtfully: Master once suggested to me that after I am defeated, I can reincarnate in another life...

In this reincarnation, Master will personally protect the reincarnation of my soul. From the person who chooses to be reincarnated, to the precious elixirs, Buddhist elixirs, etc. that are put into the fetus during its conception, Master will personally take care of everything. In this way, next In this life, I will condense the supreme body of the two heavens, cast the strongest Tao foundation, enter the Tao again, and practice thousands of miles every day, far beyond this life.

Nun Qingjing frowned and looked down at her bulging belly: Besides, the skin in the next life will not be so ugly... What do you think?

Joyful Bodhisattva's heart twitched heavily.

Is the nun Qingjing reincarnated?

What a joke!

With the help of the Buddha of Precious Light Merit, if Nun Qingjing is reincarnated, she will still remember that only Bodhisattva Joy has ghosts!

However, of course, these words cannot be exposed... Otherwise, a mere little Bodhisattva who is not ranked in the Buddhist sect dares to question the heart of loving disciples of one of the thirteen Buddha masters... Haha, do you want to die?

Then, two lines of clear tears with a hint of graceful fragrance flowed down the cheeks quickly.

Happy Bodhisattva looked at Nun Qingjing, her tall body trembling slightly, like a timid wealthy lady who was not affected by the cold wind, sobbing slightly: This, this is also a good thing... It's just that, I, I, I dont want you to go!

Nun Qing Jing suddenly became crazy.

She stared blankly at the timid and shy Bodhisattva, whose face was covered with tears. She was obviously sobbing, but did not dare to cry out. She gasped hard with her huge lion nose, and He waved his hand and said, That's it, let's just live together like this... I can't bear to leave you... Master can't bear to see you. If I am reincarnated, I'm afraid I won't be able to remember you anymore in my next life.

Happy Bodhisattva jumped down from the pool of merit and hastily covered Nun Qingjing’s mouth with a pair of white and soft palms.

You must not say that...Lord Buddha is sincerely doing it for your own good...On the contrary, I have become an obstacle on your path...I am the one who really deserves death...

Nun Qingjing hurriedly covered the mouth of the Bodhisattva Joy. She raised her head and looked at the Bodhisattva Joy, who was nearly twice as tall as herself. She said affectionately: Don't talk nonsense. Where are your obstacles to me? Don't say anything about whether you will die or not...

As long as you and I are in love, one day, Master will respect him...

Nun Qingjing clenched her fists vigorously: You are extremely talented in the magical power of Buddha's light. You have already achieved a small level of meditation light. Today I will teach you the 'Zhan Tan Buddha's Light'. This Buddha's light can best eliminate disasters. Tribulation, eliminate all evil miasma and evil spirits.

I will teach you the Buddha's Light Dharma that I know, one by one. One day, Master will understand your talent, your talent... Maybe, he can accept you as a disciple, but you may not know.

Nun Qingjing looked at Joyful Bodhisattva very affectionately: In short, in my opinion, you are no worse than my senior brothers and sisters who have achieved great achievements.

Joyous Bodhisattva held Nun Qingjing’s hand with both hands: “Qingjing!”

Nun Qingjing and Joy Bodhisattva were clasped together, and she looked at Joy Bodhisattva with great affection: Joy...

Qing Jing!


Qing Jing!


The two of them called each other very affectionately... In the end, their voices became as delicate and soft as night owls on a spring night...

Just when the two of them were in a great mood and were about to make a big move, several young monks with feminine and handsome looks rushed in along the path paved with Qibao fine sand.

Master, Master, it's not good... it's not good... Yinxiu, Yinxiu has died!

The blushing nun Qingjing's face suddenly turned livid.

The color in Joyous Bodhisattva's eyes instantly dissipated, and his reddish complexion returned to white. He turned around, looked at the few young monks, and said coldly: Yinxiu? Where did he go and what did he do?

The young monks looked at me, and I looked at you, and lowered their heads at the same time.

Joyous Bodhisattva frowned. He stretched out his right hand and moved his five fingers gently in the air in front of him. Little pink ripples rippled, and mysterious and infinite Taoist rhymes spread quietly.

Although he is unbearable, he is a Buddhist and Bodhisattva-level existence after all, a powerful person above the 31st level of the True Immortal.

A bright light quietly appeared in front of Bodhisattva Joy, and the faces of Yin Xiu and several junior disciples flickered rapidly in the bright light.

Joyful Bodhisattva murmured: Dalongling? Has he been to the territory of Lord Jiulong?

Well, White Dragon City...what is he doing there?

Also, this is, this is...

Qionghua Mountain?

The territory of Qiankun Dao? Huangliang City? Why are you connected with Qiankun Dao again?


Joyous Bodhisattva suddenly twitched his face.

In the bright light, overwhelming black and white yin-yang divine thunder roared down. Finally, what appeared in the bright light were several charred remains that were only the size of roasted suckling pigs and were completely black.

On the wreckage, extremely thin beams of lightning were still beating and flashing.

The Liangyi Divine Thunder of the Qiankun Dao? Bodhisattva Joy's face became extremely gloomy.

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