Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 672 Taoism Covers Up (5)

Dalongling is a safe zone.

This is for Buddhist disciples. Dalongling is located in the traditional Western Region of Liangyitian. Although it is on the border of the Western Region, this is also the country that Buddhism established countless years ago. It is not the two areas of Buddhism in the Northern Region and the Southern Region. The forces are intertwined, and everyone is planting their flags at random, trying to steal each other's new territory.

Therefore, around Dalongling, in addition to Buddhist monks wearing monk robes wandering around in the sky, there are also many Taoist monks and Taoist immortals wearing Taoist robes, flying in the clouds and mist, walking around happily.

After all, this is a safe zone. Buddhism has deep-rooted influence and is not afraid of outsiders causing trouble here.

Therefore, on the contrary, those Taoist monks and Taoist immortals can come in and out openly, or shop, or visit friends. There are even some casual cultivators on the Taoist court who caused a big trouble and simply dragged their families here to settle down and take refuge. .

Lu Qian wore an innate Bagua Taoist robe, adjusted his muscles and bones, changed his face, and just walked on the clouds in a majestic manner.

The sky is full of escaping lights, coming and going, very lively.

In Liangyi Heaven, it is easy to practice, and the proportion of monks is much higher than in the lower realm.

Just like the rules of Hunyuan Luotian Sect, those with high cultivation should fly at extremely high altitudes, while those with low cultivation should be more conscious and ride the clouds close to the ground.

Of course, there are exceptions to this.

For example, if you are a disciple or great disciple of Baoguang Merit Buddha, and you are only in the realm of heaven and human beings, you are flying a Lingbao-level flying magic weapon thousands of miles above the ground. , similarly no one dares to provoke you, but will respectfully avoid your escape light, for fear of disturbing the 'little Bodhisattva' like you.

Therefore, when everyone encounters the escaping light in the air, looking at the height, they will know what the opponent's cultivation level is and whether the backstage support is strong or not!

Lu Yi's exposed aura is his current true cultivation level, which is only a first-level true immortal cultivation level. He can only travel at a low altitude five miles above the ground.

He was flying through the clouds with a smile on his face. When he encountered a stream of escaping lights in the sky, they all rushed to bow and salute: Fellow Taoist in front of you, Xiaodao Town Yuanzi is polite this time!

In Yuanlingtian, Lu Qian used the name of Fahai and actually went all the way to the point where he got the true transmission of the Buddhist lineage in Dajue Temple... So in a world like Liangyitian, as a Buddhist disciple, he had a Motoko's vest, this is a matter of course, right?

Not to mention anything else, his current appearance was modeled after his impression of the 'Great Immortal Zhen Yuanzi'!

That is called an immortal spirit, that is called an unparalleled magnanimity!

Judging from the appearance alone, Lu Qian's appearance is strikingly similar to that of the supreme sages of the Taoist court.

Wherever Lu Qian passed, there were streaks of escaping light. No matter whether they were monks or Taoists, they all slowed down their escaping light and returned the favor to Lu Qian with a smile.

Although Lu Qian's aura was very low and weak, his whole body was rich in Taoism and filled with pure Qi. His eyes were like stars, his face was like a full moon, his face was kind, and he was full of auspiciousness. He looked like a Taoist priest. Taoism is complete.

Just looking at the extremely rich and pure natural Tao charm on his body, one knows that this must be a great immortal who has received the true Taoist inheritance... perhaps, the true Taoist inheritance of a certain sage?

Lu Qian drove straight into Bailong City at the southern foot of Dalong Mountain without any wind or waves.

On Dalong Ridge, there is a cave called Jiulong Cave, in which there is a Buddhist almighty Jiulong Venerable with extremely advanced cultivation. Therefore, there are nine main cities named Dragon in the north and south of Dalongling.

What about White Dragon City, Green Dragon City, Black Dragon City, etc...

Among the nine dragon cities, White Dragon City is considered the most popular one, with the most monks coming in and out every day. On weekdays, there are more than 80,000 Taoist and Buddhist true immortal-level powers stationed in the city - keep this in mind. , these more than 80,000 true immortals, especially female immortals!

The nature of women is really inexplicable.

Outside Bailong City, there are eighty-one valleys, which are rich in a kind of 'White Snake Jincao'. Among them is the 'White Snake Herb' that is more than a thousand years old. The extracted grass juice is used while it is fresh to cook medicinal soup and soak the body. It can make a woman's skin white and smooth, like the finest jade!

As a true immortal level power, at the moment when the true immortal personality is condensed, the body has been conditioned to an almost perfect state.

Of all the true fairy-level female cultivators, none of them has bad skin!

However, White Snake Herb can make a woman's skin a little better in terms of smoothness, whiteness, tenderness, touch and aroma, and go a step further!

Therefore, Bailong City, which has no other specialties except White Snake Golden Grass, has more than 80,000 female immortals stationed all year round... They stay in the city just to wait for the opportunity to snap up a millennium-year-old plant, or even one with the highest vintage. White Snake Jincao!

As for these female true immortals... one is a true immortal and two are women. Therefore, the average number of maids and maids accompanying them is more than thirty!

And these female true immortals are always surrounded by one, two, three, five, nine, or even more licking dogs following them.

One can imagine how many true immortal-level powers there are in White Dragon City!

It can be imagined that there are more than tens of thousands of jewelry, rouge and gouache, silk and satin, restaurants and restaurants in Bailong City. How prosperous it is!

The land deeds of all the shops, all the inns, all the hidden caves, etc. in this city are in the hands of Venerable Jiulong. All the real estate in the entire city is the personal property of Venerable Jiulong!

Every year, the resources that Venerable Jiulong gets from collecting rent alone are enough for him to cultivate ten new true immortals!

Bailong City has no city walls.

Lu Qian lowered the cloud light outside the city, followed a three-mile wide white jade avenue, and walked into the city with a smile.

On such a wide road, there are people coming and going, and there is a lot of traffic.

Monks and mortals mingled together, true immortals rubbed shoulders with monks, worldly horses pulled carts, and chariots pulled by various spiritual beasts walked side by side. The fledgling warriors in the world widened their eyes in confusion and looked towards A true immortal of at least the tenth level of heaven pulled out a long sword...

Lively, a kind of liveliness that opened Lu Qian's eyes.

This White Dragon City is very nice.

He actually made the aloof true immortal and the most ordinary and ordinary mortals fit together perfectly.

Even in the lower realm, the common people of secular countries were as humble as ants and as small as maggots when faced with the monks who had mastered the magnificent power.

But this White Dragon City... is very good!

After Lu Qian ascended to the upper world, this was the first time he truly entered a large city controlled by Buddhism.

This inexplicable harmony and blending made Lu Qian take a high look at the Lord Jiulong who was sitting in Dalongling. I don’t know what other cities on the Buddhist territory look like, but this White Dragon City is so grand, and this Nine Dragons Venerable is quite extraordinary!

Although in terms of position, there is no doubt that Jiulong Venerable, who was born in the Dami Jinlun Temple, should be Lu Qian’s opponent!

But this does not prevent Lu Qian from giving a fair and equitable judgment. This Nine Dragons Venerable is obviously not a bad person or a bad person, but a truly virtuous monk... If it were not for the mess caused by the Snow Cliff Monk, Lu Qian thought that he could become friends with Lord Jiulong!

But now...

Let’s go and see!

In the sky above Bailong City, except for the city-defending monks sent by Dalongling Jiulong Cave to patrol, there were no other monks flying, and everyone was marching on the ground.

Lu Qian mingled among the crowd and walked for a while by himself. Then he found a way out and rented a cart pulled by a spirit beast to use as his legs. It took him more than three hours to walk all the way to a road in the city that was more than ten miles wide. Beside the river.

This big river is called Bailong River. The riverside is full of exotic plum blossoms. With the blessing of Buddhism, white plum blossoms bloom all year round, like a sea of ​​white clouds, winding along the river bank for thousands of miles.

The wind blew, and countless white plum petals flew into the air. After a while, they danced and fell into the Bailong River. The white petals covered the clear blue water, dyeing the Bailong River into a refreshing landscape. White.

The boats are also made of white logs, with only a few layers of varnish painted on the whole body. There are no other variegated colors. They float across the river leisurely, like a flock of big white birds flying back and forth above the white clouds.

This scene gives people an ethereal and ethereal feeling...

If the scene at Bailong River was designed by Lord Jiulong, then he was most likely a literary youth - Lu Qian added another comment to Lord Jiulong in his mind.

Lu Qian stood beside Bailong River, squinting his eyes and scanning the tens of thousands of large and small boats on the river one by one.

The clear light in his eyes overflowed, and soon, Lu Qian found him in a river bend a hundred miles away, under the shade of a giant ancient plum tree that was as thick as dozens of people hugging each other and a hundred feet high. A large boat is leaning on the shore and is more than thirty feet long.

Yin Xiu and his party fell into the hands of Lu Qian, so they naturally had countless means to get the desired consultation.

For example, Snow Cliff Monk is waiting for Yin Xiu to 'divide the spoils' in Bailong City.

For example, after Xueya Monk was seriously injured by Lu Qian in public, he lost his face and felt that he had no face to see anyone, so he hid alone on the painting boat in Bailong River - Yinxiu found some great joy for him. A young junior sister who had just debuted accompanied him on the boat to drink and relieve his boredom!

Lu Qian even knew that the junior sisters who practiced the magic of the Great Joy lineage fell in love with Xueya Monk at first sight, and were secretly betting to see who could take away the first ray of true Yang Qi from Xueya Monk!

Anyway, the Dami Jinlun Temple and the Dahuanxi lineage come from the same sect, and there are not many clear rules and regulations in this regard.

On the contrary, the Great Secret Jinlun Temple has several sets of secret curses and seals magical powers, which possess extremely powerful powers to kill, suppress demons, and cleanse away evil spirits. It is exactly in need of these little junior sisters of the Great Happy Heavenly Witch. , using their secret techniques to practice together.

“This is a great place, such a great place!”

Lu Qian glanced at the painted boat, smiled and restrained his breath, and turned into an alley behind.

About half an hour later, Lu Qian, who had suppressed his aura to the realm of fire, successfully let a child who passed by him take away a golden hairpin he put in his sleeve.

The gold hairpin was made of ordinary material, without any aura, and its shape was ordinary. It was obviously not worth a few dollars.

But there are seven gems of different colors on the golden hairpin.

When the child touched the golden hairpin from Lu Qian's sleeve, he must not have noticed that the seven gems simultaneously flashed a blood-red light that made people feel heart-stopping!

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