Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 678: Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha

Bailong City is very lively.

Unless the damn assassin Sword Immortal is found, the Dami Jinlun Temple will never give up, and the Jiulong Cave will never be able to find peace.

Not to mention, the Joyful Bodhisattva, a shit-stirring stick, also took the initiative to get involved.

The death of a Yin Xiu is insignificant.

But Bodhisattva Joy just wanted to mix it up... mix it hard with him.

Lu Qian watched the excitement for most of the day and went directly to Black Dragon City. Taking Black Dragon City's moving formation, Lu Qian continued to go deep into the heart of the Western Region controlled by Buddhism.

Or fly, or move, or pause, linger somewhere for half a day, look at the scenery, and explore the local customs. Nine months later, Lu Qian, who had restored his 'Fahai' shape, had arrived at the Baoyan Cave in Lingyuan Mountain, slightly southwest of the Western Region.

Lingyuan Mountain occupies an extremely large area and is more than ten times larger than Qionghua Mountain.

The foot of the huge Lingyuan Mountain is filled with huge veins of minerals. The reserves of various rare metals are astonishing, and it can be said that they are endlessly excavated and consumed.

Lingyuan Mountain is full of large and small temples made of various metals. Each temple is exquisitely constructed, and every brick and tile is faintly revealed with various colors of Buddhist light. These bricks and tiles, to the outside world, are all high-grade Buddhist utensils. , countless bricks, beams, columns, halls, and pavilions are combined together. Each temple is a combined large-scale Buddhist treasure.

These temples are all wrapped in a layer of extremely rich red Buddhist flames.

Heaven and earth serve as an oven, and the Buddhist flames generated by magical powers temper these temples day and night. Countless warriors and Vajras use magical powers to excavate huge amounts of precious metals and pour them into these temples in proportion.

There are hundreds of thousands of large and small temples inside and outside Lingyuan Mountain, which are countless Buddha treasures that are constantly being upgraded and strengthened.

Once the higher-ups of the Buddhist sect give orders, these large and small temples will rise up in pain and form a huge Buddhist formation, just like a mountain pressing down on the top, crushing them head-on. It can be imagined that it will be a great terror that will destroy the heaven and the earth.

Lu Qian spent nine months and finally arrived at Lingyuan Mountain with the help of the giant Buddhism moving formations that spread all over the Western Regions.

He had just arrived at the entrance of a road leading into the Lingyuan Mountain. His whole body was red, and he was also wrapped in Buddhist flames. Under the archway that was continuously calcined day and night, he was greeted enthusiastically by several young novice monks who were laughing and playing.

Is this senior brother here to forge the natal Buddha treasure? A young novice grabbed Lu Qian's sleeve: I, Master Huxiao of the Third Sword Academy, make the demon-slaying sword that is strong, sharp and heavy. Like a mountain, the back mountain is always equipped with a big tiger monster of the true immortal level, which can absorb the true soul and refine it into the demon-slaying sword. When the sword is released, the tiger roars in anger with astonishing power...

The young novice monk said quickly and eloquently: Especially the day after tomorrow is Master Huxiao's 30,000th birthday. If senior brother places a commission within these seven days, Master Huxiao can give you a 30% discount!

Another young novice monk rushed up and hugged Lu Qian's arm: Senior brother, please don't pay attention to the people in their sword academy... Buddhist disciples, what do they look like when they wield swords and swords? My master Lanyi is The host of Qinglongyuan is best at making various Zen staffs.

A young novice monk rushed up and hugged Lu Qian's thigh: My pagoda courtyard...

Lu Qian's other thigh was hung with two young monks: Our Liantai courtyard...

Lu Qian coughed lightly and took out a golden token the size of a palm and as thin as a cicada's wing: The young monk came from Shiziling Dajue Temple. This is the order of the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha. The young monk is here this time. , I asked the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha to personally forge my natal Buddha treasure!

A group of novice novices looked at Lu Qian blankly.

After a long while, the young novice monk from the Third Sword Academy waved his hand angrily: Hey, it's another one with a backer... Why did you tell me earlier? I asked the Buddha to take action personally. Why are you teasing us young monks?

Lu Qian laughed dryly, cold sweat oozing out from his forehead.

Lingyuan Mountain is the largest weapon-refining branch of Liangyitian Buddhism. More than 60% of the Buddhist utensils and treasures of Liangyitian Buddhism are from the hands of the great weapon-refining monks in Lingyuan Mountain.

The Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha is the first person to refine weapons in Liangyitian Buddhism. Among many Buddhas, his fighting power is not outstanding, but whenever the Buddhas gather together to hold a Dharma assembly, the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha and the Immortal Medicine Master Buddha’s seats among the Buddhas are all within the top twenty.

One for refining weapons and the other for elixirs. The importance of these two Buddhas to Buddhism is irreplaceable, and their status is naturally extremely high.

The golden token in Lu Qian's hand was thrown to him by the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha before he went to Qionghua Mountain - this Buddhist token represents a favor from Baoyan Thousand-Hand Buddha. Those holding the Buddhist token can directly visit the soul. Yuan Shan asked the Thousand-Handed Buddha of Precious Flames to personally refine the most suitable Buddha treasure for him.

You must know that the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha is just like the Immortal Medicine Buddha. There are countless Buddhist powers who ask him to refine their weapons, including many great powers such as the Buddha and the Great Bodhisattva.

For a newly promoted First Level Heaven like Lu Qian, without this Buddhist order, he would not even be able to see the face of the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha.

Not to mention Lu Qian, without this Buddhist order to restrain the Xuanguang Buddha, even if Monk Yuanjue came to Lingyuan Mountain, he could only queue up at the door obediently. When it was not his turn, there was no way he could see him in advance. True Buddha.

In other words, it only takes a few words with a few novice monks.

High in the sky, a cloud of fire slowly fell.

The fire cloud was composed of Buddhist flames in three colors: white, green and blue. The heat was so intense that it was still several miles away from Lu Qian. The terrible high temperature made Lu Qian sweat profusely.

The gap in cultivation level was too big. Lu Qian felt the terrifying power in the fire cloud, and his heart was awe-inspiring. He clasped his hands together and saluted the great monk who was standing on the fire cloud, his eyes a little dull, and he was obviously in a daze: This senior fellow apprentice, young monk Fahai, is polite this time.

A group of novice novices were already shouting in all directions, all blaming the great monk for being too hot and almost burning them.

The dazed monk shook his head and murmured: Can't the fiery golden sand really be fused with the iron?

Ji Lingling shuddered, the great monk stamped his feet, and the fire clouds under his feet suddenly restrained their heat. A group of young novice monks jumped up and ran out of the distance, pointing here and mumbling.

The great monk clasped his hands together and returned a salute to Lu Yi: Are you Junior Brother Fahai? Master, I am here to pick you up.

The great monk waved his right hand, and an extremely strong force grabbed Lu Qian. Lu Qian felt like a newborn kitten being pinched by a giant holding a huge vise. , picked it up extremely roughly.

Lu Qian struggled for a while, but he didn't move at all!

He looked at the great monk in shock. His realm was at least above the 20th heaven level. The force that restrained Lu Qian's body was probably above Bai Peng...


Lu Chen landed on the fire cloud. He smiled bitterly and said, Dare you ask my senior brother for his Dharma name?

The great monk turned the clouds and brought up a ray of fire, which went straight into the depths of Lingyuan Mountain. His eyes gradually fell into a dull state again. He seemed to have heard Lu Qian's question clearly and murmured: Dharma name? Oh, Thousand Refinements... Hiss, where can Thousand Refinements be as good as Wan Refutations? Wan Refutations is not as good as Hundreds of Refinements. Wan Forging Miao... If I change my name to Trillion Forging, wouldn't I be able to forge top-notch Buddha treasures?

Lu Qian looked helplessly at Monk Qiandian.

Well, a technical nerd, a monk who has gone completely crazy studying the art of blacksmithing... This kind of monk is generally a good monk.

Regardless of whether he is crazy or not, Monk Qianduan's escape was extremely fast. He took Lu Qian to a temple in a breath and transferred to the moving formation in the temple. The next moment, Lu Qian arrived at the Baoyan Cave in the core hinterland of Lingyuan Mountain.

A huge mountain that is several times larger than the main peak of Qionghua Mountain. Halfway up the mountain, there is a huge platform with a radius of hundreds of miles. The great monks have large iron chains wrapped around their arms, dragging floating ships from all directions. Come here, shiploads of casting materials such as the essence of metal, the essence of jade, the strange iron clay, and the Seven Treasures of Buddhism are continuously delivered.

These great monks were walking in the air. Those big ships had no power and relied entirely on their physical strength to drag them.

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows.

This is obviously a kind of body-tempering practice.

When these great monks were running in the air, the muscles all over their bodies were tangled, and each one of them beat and swelled. Their qualifications may not be as good as those of the Snow Cliff Monk, but their aura is dignified, thick, and exceptionally solid and stable.

Compared to these 'coolie' great monks, the aura of the Snow Cliff Monk is a bit vain.

Lu Qian nodded secretly.

The so-called Dami Jinlun Temple's only true transmission of the Buddha's lineage for countless years is nothing more than this... In Lu Qian's opinion, any of the great monks working as coolies in Baoyan Cave in Lingyuan Mountain would be as good as Xueya Monk. Resources, I'm afraid the achievements will not be much lower than his!

At the end of the platform, halfway up the mountain, is a tall, flaming cave entrance.

Waves of heat waves continue to erupt from the entrance of the cave, changing unpredictably, but not manic at all... This heat wave, which should be manic and anxious, inexplicably gives people a demure and peaceful feeling, as clear and moist as solidified crystal. a feeling of.

In this cave, someone's control over this heat has reached an incredible level.

Monk Qiandui pressed the cloud light, still restrained Lu Qian with Buddhist teachings, and led him into the Baoyan Cave in a few steps.

After traveling thousands of miles inward, a blazing hall stood tall in front of them. Monk Qiandui led Lu Yi straight into the hall and threw Lu Yi to the ground: This is Monk Fahai, who brought him here Alright, I’m leaving first.”

After patting his butt and walking to the door of the main hall, Monk Qiandui turned around and said seriously: Next time, don't come to me for such trouble... I've been very busy recently... Scared, you've wasted my good time again. Material.

Lu Qian blinked.

Who is this Qiandeng monk talking to?

In the main hall, more than a dozen old monks, young monks, and middle-aged monks sitting cross-legged on futons raised their heads at the same time and looked at Lu Yi.

In the innermost part of the hall, on a futon, an old monk who was skinny but with a strong frame and every pore was spitting out flames waved his hand impatiently at Monk Qian Duan: Do something to pay back Luo Li, so get out of here!

A violent surge rose from the ground, and Monk Qiandeng flew out cursing.

The old monk looked at Lu Qian and raised his fingers: You brought Master's Buddhist order? Let's take a look at it...

Just as Lu Qian was about to step forward, an old monk with white eyebrows suddenly laughed and said, Wait a minute!

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