Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 679: Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha (2)

Lu Qian was brought into the main hall by Qiandui. In the main hall, Monk Heiti, the chief disciple of the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha, who was the master of Monk Qiandui, was setting up the Dragon Gate Formation with more than a dozen Buddhist masters who were queuing up to the door. The sky was dark, the earth was dark, Shannanhai was Bei is fooling around.

Among the dozen or so great monks in the main hall, there were three Buddhas and fifteen great Bodhisattvas!

In Buddhism, the so-called great Bodhisattva is a being who has the thirty-third level of immortality. His magical power, Taoism, magical powers, etc., and all kinds of practice have broken through some wonderful bottlenecks and entered a new realm.

In the Liangyi Heaven, the Buddhist existences of the 31st, 32nd, and 33rd heavens of true immortals are also in the realm of Bodhisattvas. However, in the unspoken rules, Buddhist Bodhisattvas who have cultivated in these three heavens are called little Buddha'.

The difference between the Great Bodhisattva and the Little Bodhisattva is that after entering that new realm, no matter how many Little Bodhisattvas join forces, they cannot be the opponent of the Great Bodhisattva... This is an absolute red line. No small Bodhisattva has ever crossed the realm to challenge the Great Bodhisattva. Successful precedent!

A being like Lord Jiulong, with his cultivation of the 31st level of the True Immortal, may be able to kill a small Bodhisattva at the peak of the 33rd level of Dzogchen, but a large Bodhisattva who has just broken through can also be killed with one finger. Suppress him easily.

This is where the tyranny of the ‘Great Bodhisattva’ lies.

And Buddha...

That's another, scarier concept.

In the land covered by the Buddha's kingdom, they are almost omniscient and know everything. What's more, they are almost omnipotent... They can even create things in the void and distort the laws of the great road. !

Even a Buddha like the Immortal Medicine King Buddha, who is not good at fighting and killing, can easily crush a dozen great Bodhisattvas who join forces. This is the power of the Buddha!

Three Buddhas and fifteen Bodhisattvas are waiting in line in this hall. It’s not that those eighteen great powers are the only ones who registered in the Baoyan Cave... but there are too many people in the queue, and these eighteen are... Those at the front of the queue, it was almost their turn, so they squatted here eagerly.

As for the other registration queues, the Buddhist masters who begged the Thousand-Hand Buddha of Precious Flames to personally refine a Buddhist treasure are already registered, and they have already been queued up to 3,000 people... God knows who is the last one in the queue. , when it's his turn, it will be many years later.

At this moment, Black Iron Monk asked Lu Qian to show the Buddhist order issued by the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha. The white-browed old monk who stopped Lu Qian was none other than the 'Iron Shackle Buddha', one of the three Buddhas.

The titles of the great masters of Liangyitian Buddhism are all related to their habits, skills, and methods of doing things.

The title 'Iron Fong' is not a good name no matter what angle you analyze it from.

His skin was slightly black, his eyes were changing subtly, and his aura was not obvious, but there was a manic and violent aura in his body that was constantly breathing out, like an iron shackle Buddha that could erupt at any time like an ancient volcano, staring at Lu Qian deeply.

Little monk Fahai, which family are you a disciple of?

Lu Qian did not answer Iron Fong Buddha's question, but put his hands together, saluted him, and said with a smile: Senior, what are your instructions?

Iron Fong Buddha touched the white eyebrows that were seven or eight inches long and hung down to both sides of his cheeks, and said calmly: First, tell me the origin of your master.

Lu Qian frowned and looked at the black iron monk sitting on the futon.

Black Iron Monk also frowned, showing extremely obvious displeasure. He said solemnly to Iron Fong Buddha: Uncle Iron Fong, in Fa Hai's hand, there is the Buddha's order issued by my master... holding it in his hand Anyone who enters the Baoyan Cave with the Buddha's order should be given priority to be refined for him.

Iron Sword Buddha's eyes widened and he glared at Black Iron Monk: I have been waiting for nine hundred years...

A layer of faint black light flashed in his eyes, and the Iron Sword Buddha stared at Lu Qian and said: Fahai, I will use a ready-made top-notch Buddhist treasure of the 30th level in exchange for the Buddha's order in your hand. How about this? This eliminates the need for How much effort do you have?

Grinning, showing an extremely ugly smile, Tiejiao Fu said solemnly: You nameless junior, how can you... have the nerve to surpass our senior Buddhists? Wouldn't it be better for you to take this pearl tower from me and leave directly? ?”

In the main hall, there was deathly silence.

The black iron monk remained silent.

The other two Buddhas and the fifteen great Bodhisattvas looked at Lu Qian solemnly, looking forward to his next move, with a faint smile that was almost invisible. They were just watching the excitement.

Lu Chen weighed the Buddhist order in his hand, which was as thin as a cicada's wing and weighed only a hundred kilograms. With a look of 'surprise' and inexplicable 'horror' on his face, he asked Black Iron Monk: Senior, I dare you to ask, this Buddha order is a treasure flame. Can the 'favors' sent by the Thousand-Armed Buddha back then, and the favors from his old man, be traded at will?

Iron Fong Buddha said angrily: Why not? Just take this Pearl Tower, give me the Buddha's order, and then turn around and leave!

The Iron Fong Buddha stood up. He was only about seven feet tall. He took out a three-foot-six-inch tall stone with his left hand. It had 18 layers. Each layer was inlaid with a bright pearl, emitting countless strands of dense pearl light that filled the body. As soon as Jiehan sent the pagoda in front of Lu Qian, the pagoda flew to Lu Qian with a wisp of whirlwind.

Then, the Iron Fong Buddha opened his right hand and grabbed the Buddhist order in Lu Qian's hand.

Void, solidified.

Qi, blood, mana, and soul, all seemed to be locked by iron shackles, unable to move at all.

Lu Qian tried his best to fight hard, but his whole body was almost broken into pieces, his internal organs were in severe pain, and his soul was counterattacked by the huge force, almost damaging the little bit of his true soul in his soul!

Blood gurgled out of the seven orifices, and Lu Qian looked at the Iron Fong Buddha in shock and anger.

As expected, there are only a few good birds in Buddhism in these two Yitians, and there are a lot of ferocious birds and beasts...

On the territory of the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha, he set out to snatch the Buddhist orders issued by the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha to repay favors. How could the Iron Shackle Buddha act so wantonly?

And Monk Heitie, as a landowner, was responsible for chatting with these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the main hall as a ‘knowledge guest’, but he actually didn’t make any move?

The other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas just looked at the Iron Fong Buddha in a joking manner.

With the dignity of the Buddha, he personally crushed a young monk who was in the first level of the True Immortal Realm regardless of his dignity...

Such Buddhism...

Lu Qian's eyes were bloodshot and turned into a pale golden color.

Lu Qian had a very good impression of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha who had dealt with him, and the Great Lion Power Bodhisattva Yuanjue Monk who accepted him as the true successor of the Buddha. Although he met wonderful people such as the Condor Monk and the Snow Cliff Monk, there was also the Jiulong Venerable from the Jiulong Cave, which gave Lu Qian a good impression of the Dami Jinlun Temple.

But Iron Sword Buddha took action today... Obviously, the true face of Liangyitian Buddhism is still that of the weak and the strong.

Lu Qian struggled hard, but where could he move?

A little bit of essence and blood continued to seep out from the seven orifices, and with the sound of 'chichi', all the essence and blood flowing out of the body were wiped out by the iron shackle Buddha's strange power, and turned into a little bit of black wastewater falling down.

Lu Qian's limbs were twisted, and invisible forces were squeezing his body. His body was slowly crushed inch by inch, becoming shorter and shorter, and the bones in his body continued to make overwhelmed sounds.

The fingers of the Iron Shackle Buddha were getting closer to the Buddha's order little by little.

Obviously, he was not in a hurry to take away the Buddha's order, but with a strange smile, he stared at Lu Qian intently, admiring the shock and anger on Lu Qian's face. He was extremely frightened and angry, but at the same time he took advantage of his helpless and complicated expression. expression.

Open your mouth and make a promise. I will exchange this Buddhist order with you with the Pearl Tower. You will not suffer any loss. Iron Sword Buddha looked at Lu Qian with a smile. When his right hand was about to touch the Buddha order, he suddenly stopped. He looked at Lu Qian smiled and said: Although this Pearl Tower is only a Buddhist treasure from the 30th level, it is made of excellent material and it took hundreds of years to successfully refine it.

How can you, a mere junior of the first level, be worthy of the heavy weapon forged by Senior Brother Baoyan?

Take the Pearl Tower and go back?

Iron Sword Buddha smiled brightly.

Lu Qian's eyes almost protruded from his sockets, and he gritted his teeth and looked at the Iron Fong Buddha.

This old thief, Bald, wants Lu Qian to agree to him and exchange Buddhist orders for the Pearl Tower... But he has imprisoned Lu Qian's whole body. Now Lu Qian can only move a faint thought, how can he move?

It's like my tongue doesn't exist, I can't feel it at all... How do I open my mouth? How to comply? how to trade?

This Iron Fong Buddha is clearly... deliberately trying to cause trouble for Lu Qian!

Lu Qian saw it, and at this time, other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the hall also saw it - the Iron Fong Buddha was not purely 'money-seeking' and wanted to seize Lu Qian's Buddhist order, but There are some other thoughts mixed in it.

It should be noted that among the eighteen Buddhist masters in the main hall, Iron Sword Buddha ranked third in line.

In front of him, there were only two great Bodhisattvas.

And based on the speed at which the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames was refining the weapon, and the quality of the refining materials brought by the two great Bodhisattvas, it would be the turn of the Iron Shackle Buddha in at most three years.

In just three years, Iron Sword Buddha fell into a dream once at will, maybe it lasted more than three years!

The queue-jumping function of this Buddha's order is completely useless to the Iron Shackle Buddha!

As for the other additional benefits of the Buddha's orders, they may be very attractive to beings at the level of great Bodhisattvas. But for a Buddha, even the humblest Buddha would not be interested in the various added values ​​​​of this Buddhist order.

So, is this an intentional attempt to make things difficult for Lu Qian?

Two Buddhas and fifteen great Bodhisattvas have reached into their sleeves and used their magical powers to contact their disciples.

Not long after, information about ‘Fahai’ came together.

In Liangyitian Buddhism, there are more than 800,000 Buddhist cultivators with the name of Fahai. There are even two Buddhist Bodhisattvas. Their dharma name back then was Fahai... But if they can hold the Buddha's order, they can Go to the Baoyan Cave in Lingyuan Mountain and ask for the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames to personally forge the Buddha's first-level 'fahai'. Only the true inheritance of the Buddha's veins has been newly received by Monk Yuanjue of Dajue Temple!

The atmosphere in the hall became even more eerie.

The two Buddhas looked at the Iron Fong Buddha, then at Lu Qian, and simply closed their eyes.

The Iron Fong Buddha is not easy to mess with.

But the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha is even more difficult to mess with!

That is a Buddhist giant who has been asserted by several Buddhist elders that he will definitely be able to break through to the Buddha realm within ten thousand years!

You, Tie Fong Buddha, are deliberately making things difficult for someone else’s young disciple who is the true inheritor of the Buddha’s lineage today… You have the guts!

Iron Fong Buddha looked at Lu Ren and smiled strangely: You still don't agree? You don't take me seriously? You are so disrespectful of the teacher. Today, I will treat you as a small punishment but a big warning, and I will cripple you...

Frowning his brows slightly, Tie Yanfo said coldly: I don't like your look...so I'll just give you a look!

The index finger of his right hand stretched out, and the tip of his finger was as dark as ink, and he stabbed Lu Qian's right eye hard.

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