Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 680: Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha (3)

Iron Fong Buddha's dark fingertips gradually approached Lu Qian's eyes.

Within Lu Qian's body, the Beiming Sword roared and flew out on its own, turning into a blue sword light and piercing the Iron Fong Buddha's eyebrows. This Beiming Sword has been raised by Lu Qianwen for many years, and it has received countless benefits from him, and it has long been psychic.

At this moment, sensing Lu Qian's critical situation, the Beiming Sword flew out to protect the Lord.

Then, as soon as the sword light rose, it suddenly shattered.

This sword was forged in the Sword City Earth Lung Furnace with great effort by the sword-forging master of Yuanling Tianjian Sect. Under the nourishment of the Taichu Mixing Pearl, it has long been promoted to a true immortal-level sword. The sword was shattered from the tip to the hilt, and it was shattered silently, without any residue.

There was a loud roar, and the Flying Bear Spear flew out from between Lu Yan's eyebrows, causing a violent surge, and countless spear beams roared and stabbed at the Iron Shackle Buddha.

The corners of Iron Sword Buddha's mouth raised slightly, and the Flying Bear Spear shattered into pieces.

Then the Nine Dragon Zijia flew out, the water rippled, and dragons roared.

Jiulongzijia shattered.

The devil's skull screamed and flew out from between Lu Qian's eyebrows. A ray of magic light rolled around the white-bone goat's head and bit hard at the Iron Shackle Buddha's neck.

The demon's skull was shattered.

The Taiyue Tower flew out, accompanied by a dull roar, and released streaks of khaki divine light that enveloped Lu Qian's body.

The Taiyue Tower was shattered.

Smash, smash, smash...

Pieces of Lu Qian's psychic treasures flew out of the protector one after another. Under the suppression of the boundless magic power of the Iron Shackle Buddha, all the treasures that flew out were shattered, and none of them could be preserved.

In the end, the monk's robes and cassocks that Monk Yuanjue sent across the border to Yuan Lingtian were all casually broken into pieces by Iron Fong Buddha.

The one hundred and eight magical power beads just flew out and were crushed to pieces by Iron Fong Buddha.

Apart from the picture of a person with three eyes and the Bead of Taichu, there is only an oil lamp floating quietly in Lu Qian's mind. This is the Qing Ning Heart Lamp inherited from the Great Brahma Jingshi Sect, the leader of the extremely holy Buddhist sect back then!

Seeing that Iron Fong Buddha's fingertips were about to touch Lu Yi's eyes, Qing Ning's Heart Lamp let out a low chirp and released three-color Buddha flames from between Lu Yi's eyebrows. Circles of lotus-shaped flames slowly spread out from the light of the Qingning Heart Lamp, and a wave of Buddha power that was a thousand times more powerful than it was in Lu Qian's hands continued to pour out of the Qingning Heart Lamp.

This wave of fluctuation even shook the power of the Iron Shackle Buddha to imprison Lu Yi. Lu Yi suddenly relaxed and he exhaled suddenly: Hey...

Iron Sword Buddha's face twitched. He looked at Qing Ning's heart lamp and suddenly laughed haha.

In the palm of his left hand, he had actually prepared a small snare. When the flames of the Qingning Heart Lamp surged, the color was dark, like a net made of wires flying out from his palm, covering the Qingning Heart Lamp silently.

Qingning's heart lamp shook slightly, and the three-color Buddhist flames made the black net make a popping sound. He watched as several strands of network cables were broken by the light.

The iron-black Buddha light around the Iron Fong Buddha swirled, and Lu Qian, who had just loosened a little, was once again imprisoned by an even greater force.

The Qingning Heart Lamp was buzzing and vibrating. Under the cover of the black net, the size of the Qingning Heart Lamp shrank little by little, its flame gradually dimmed, and it was suppressed little by little by the iron shackles into a point the size of a soybean. The hazy light and shadow was dragged into the palm of his left hand, sealing it into a swaying fire shadow and completely suppressing it.

In the main hall, two Buddhas and fifteen great Bodhisattvas opened their eyes wide at the same time.

They knew very well what level of cultivation the Iron Skeleton Buddha had.

This Qing Ning Heart Lamp can actually withstand the attack of the Iron Shackle Buddha? Although the Iron Shackle Buddha finally suppressed him in the palm of his hand, facing a Buddha with unfathomable strength and a Buddha treasure that no one could control, it was actually able to resist for so long... The roots of the Qing Ning Heart Lamp, I'm afraid it's not simple!

An old monk with a tall figure and a face like a lion clasped his hands together and laughed softly: Iron shackles, don't bully the little kid. What is the origin of this lamp?

Iron Fong Buddha chuckled, and continued to stab Lu Qian's eyeball with his right finger, and said calmly: Origin? What's the origin? This lamp is good for lighting up Bible reading at night. It's just an oil lamp, What’s the origin?”

The old monk took advantage of the situation and smiled and said: Since it has no origin, I think it is quite exquisite and cute, can you give it to me as a gift?

The old monk casually took out a palm-sized elixir bottle: These are three 'Seven Apertures Lotus Heart Pills' that were personally refined by the Immortal Medicine King Buddha. You also know their efficacy. They are of great benefit to the soul. Take any one of them and it will be enough. How about a Buddhist treasure worth the 33rd level of heaven...and exchange it for your lamp?

Iron Fong Buddha frowned, stopped moving his right hand, and glanced at the old monk: Brother Liushou, I also think this lamp is quite exquisite and cute. It is already mine. Transfer it...I don't lack these three things from you. A seven-aperture lotus heart pill.

The old monk Liushou Buddha sighed, put away the elixir bottle, shook his head, looked at the left hand of Iron Fong Buddha with flickering eyes, and said no more.

Iron Fong Buddha smiled slightly, and continued to stab Lu Qian's eyes with his fingertips.

In the main hall, not even the black iron monk said a word.

The two Buddhas and the fifteen great Bodhisattvas continued to use their irrelevant joking smiles as they watched the Iron Shackled Buddha personally take action and crush Lu Qian, who had just ascended to the upper world for more than ten years, had just left the pool of merit, and had just returned to the world. A first-level little true immortal who has cast his legal body and Taoist foundation.

Lu Qian's vision has turned into a pale golden color.

His eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets. The blood vessels in his eyeballs swelled and pale golden blood filled them, making everything he saw now appear pale gold.

The body almost collapsed.

The prison-suppressing pagoda shook violently, almost cracking under the huge force.

The internal organs felt like they were on fire, and they seemed to be tightly entangled by snakes with iron wires. The snake's body shrank little by little, and the internal organs were hit by severe pain, and they might explode completely at any time.

The only thought that could move was analyzing the behavior of the Iron Shackle Buddha just now.

Is there anything wrong with the Qingning Heart Lamp?

Why did Iron Fong Buddha violently surrender Qing Ning Xin Deng?

Moreover, Qingning Heart Lamp actually hides such a huge power. Without Lu Qian's auspices, facing the mighty power of a Buddha, it actually takes a lot of energy to suppress and capture him?

The Qingning Heart Lamp is the inherited Buddhist treasure of the Supreme Sect of the Supreme Holy Heaven, the leader of the Buddhist sect, and the Great Brahma Pure World Sect.

The Dafan Jingshi Sect was one of the only two supreme sects that existed in Jishengtian many years ago.

Dafan Jingshi Sect and Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect, the two major sects divide the world equally in the Holy Heaven.

So, the Great Brahma Jingshi Sect should also have roots in the upper world... and the existence of 'ancestors'? This Taishang Sect, which once equally divided the Holy Heaven, has any powerful person from the Liangyi Heaven Buddhist Sect behind it?

It can’t be the Iron Fong Buddha.

If it were the Iron Shackle Buddha, the Qing Ning Heart Lamp should have come from his hands. He would not have had to spend so much effort to subdue the Qing Ning Heart Lamp.

The pale golden light in Lu Qian's eyes flickered.

Iron Fong Buddha's fingertips have already touched Lu Qian's eyes, which are cold, cold, and exuding a trace of violence. With just one more squeeze, Lu Qian's eyes can be blown to pieces.

The Black Iron Monk who was sitting cross-legged on the futon slowly stood up and said in a deep voice: Iron Shackle Buddha, this is the Baoyan Cave in Lingyuan Mountain.

The movement of Iron Fong Buddha's hand stopped slightly. He turned back, looked at Black Iron Monk and said with a smile: Master Black Iron Nephew, it is true that this is Lingyuan Mountain Baoyan Cave... but Lingyuan Mountain Baoyan Cave never mixes with each other. Buddhism has always been neutral in disputes!

Monk Heitie shook his head: That may be true, but Fahai comes here with Master Buddha's order, and he should be my honored guest in Baoyan Cave.

Iron Sword Buddha smiled.

The two Buddhas smiled.

The fifteen great Bodhisattvas showed subtle smiles.

Only when Lu Qian was yelling in his heart - his dark nails had already touched his eyes, did you remember, am I a distinguished guest in your family?

What a Lingyuan Mountain Baoyan Cave!

Iron Shackled Buddha chuckled twice and shook his head slightly: Fahai has agreed to trade his Buddhist order for Lao Monk's pearl tower. This Buddhist order is already Lao Monk's property, so Lao Monk is the treasure. A distinguished guest from Flame Cave!”

Iron Sword Buddha smiled brightly: Black Iron Master Nephew, you must not make a mistake!

Black Iron Monk shook his head. He stepped in front of Lu Yi, stretched out his hand and grabbed the Iron Fong Buddha's finger: That's right, please let the Buddha go.

The black iron monk took action, and his entire right arm suddenly turned into pure black. It was like an arm made of black iron. It was also wrapped in a layer of red flames, spewing out terrifying heat and grabbed the iron shackle Buddha. fingers.

As the Black Iron Monk took action, the hall suddenly came to life.

When Lu Qian was outside, he saw that the whole hall was wrapped in flames, and the flames of various colors were emitting in an astonishing manner. However, under some extremely clever restrictions, this hall was cool and pleasant, without any high temperature leakage.

But at this moment, the flames in the entire hall suddenly spewed out an astonishing high temperature!

On the ground, wisps of flames rose up, and nine fire dragons as thick as water tanks circled up. The huge dragon head locked the Iron Shackle Buddha, and the dragon's mouth opened slightly. It was vaguely visible that the sticky flame condensed into a dragon ball the size of a human head in the dragon's mouth. , can spray out and hurt people at any time.

This is the surface visible to the naked eye.

At a level that Lu Qian could not yet touch, a terrible collision had already begun between the Black Iron Monk and the Iron Shackle Buddha.

On the Iron Shackle Buddha's finger, countless invisible law shackles roared and roared, following the Black Iron Monk's palm, and kept drilling into the Black Iron Monk's body.

Eroding, sealing, imprisoning...finally, crushing everything!

The Black Iron Monk turned into a furnace and an anvil, and the avenue he controlled turned into an invisible giant hammer, as if it was held tightly in the hands of a giant, hammering down one after another.

A mustard seed in Xumiru, within a small area, resulted in Buddha kingdoms tens of thousands of miles in size colliding with each other. In that tangible and intangible realm, the two Buddha statues, thousands of miles tall, collided crazily. Each blow caused an immeasurable storm, causing ripples on the two Yitian avenues!

This circle of ripples on the avenue centered on Baoyan Cave and continued to spread to all directions, immediately alarming countless top powers from Taoism and Buddhism.

And all the creatures under the realm of the great Bodhisattva are not even qualified to sense this wave and know this battle!

Iron Sword Buddha's complexion became darker and more ugly.

The Black Iron Buddha's face was faintly red, and his body was trembling slightly.

The two great Buddhas and the fifteen great Bodhisattvas who were watching looked at the Black Iron Monk in shock at the same time - they really didn't expect that the chief disciple of the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha would break into the realm of the Buddha?

Although it is inferior to the Iron Shackle Buddha, it is still a Buddha after all!

So, there should be three hundred and fifty Buddhas in the Liangyi Heaven Buddhist Sect today, but there are only two Buddhas in the Baoyan Cave in Lingyuan Mountain?

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