Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 682: Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha (5)

Countless firefly-like sparks suddenly appeared, and with a flicker of sparks, an old monk with a fiery aura and dazzling flames all over his body jumped out of the sparks.

He was eight feet tall, with his chest exposed and his feet bare. He only wore a short skirt made of crimson dragon skin around his waist.

The burly old monk... had eight arms.

A pair of normal arms, like the skin all over his body, showed a pure golden color heated red by the flames. The shiny golden-red arms had bulging muscles, full of a suffocating domineering power. feel.

Behind the old monk, three pairs of arms are white silver, bronze, and black iron.

Gold, silver, copper and iron, eight arms.

Wisps of Buddhist flames wrapped around these eight arms. Every time the old monk took a step forward, a terrifying high temperature washed through the entire hall.

Lu Qian, who was imprisoned, could not move. He was swept by the high temperature and suddenly sweat poured down his body.

With Lu Qian's current body, even being immersed in the magma at the core of the earth would not hurt him at all.

The origin of the Buddhist flames on the old monk's body was unknown, but just a little bit of temperature leaking out made Lu Qian unbearable. All his internal organs were eroded by the high temperature, and the blood in his body almost boiled.

However, it was precisely this high temperature that caused the invisible force of the Iron Shackle Buddha to imprison Lu Qian to be forcibly broken. Lu Qian gasped, regained his ability to move, and took a few steps back.

Putting his hands together, Lu Qian bowed to the eight-armed old monk very respectfully: Disciple Fahai, I have seen the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha!

The Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames glanced at Lu Yi, with large fires shining brightly in his eyes. He nodded without saying a word, and suddenly there was a heavy hammer on a black iron arm behind his back.


With a loud noise, the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flame hit the Iron Shackle Buddha who was caught off guard with a hammer.

A large piece of dark black Buddha light flashed on the top of the Iron Shackle Buddha's head. He roared in a low voice, and the void around him twisted, bent, and vibrated. The terrifying power of confinement was like an invisible giant python winding around crazily. This hammer from the hand Buddha.

The hall shook slightly.

The bodies of Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha and Iron Shackle Buddha did not move at all.

But there are two Buddhas in the main hall... Oh, plus the black iron monk, there are three Buddhas and fifteen great Bodhisattvas... plus the countless Taoist courts and Buddhist powers in the outside world that have been alarmed, separated by countless miles of void In the gaze cast, above the heads of the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha and the Iron Shackle Buddha, in a world of dust and mustard seeds, the two huge Buddha statues have intertwined hundreds of millions of times in the blink of an eye!

It was a strange void that subverted ordinary people's concepts and exceeded the limits of ordinary people's imagination.

In this void, the sun rises and the moon sets, and it has its own rules and regulations!

On the boundless continent, the blazing sea of ​​Buddha flames rose, crazily burning a strange-shaped shackle with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and its entire body was pitch black.

The Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha transformed into a ten-thousand-foot Dharma form. Thousands of thick arms stretched out from behind. Each arm grasped a big iron hammer and struck like a storm towards the Ten-thousand-foot Dharma form transformed by the Iron Shackle Buddha.

In the blink of an eye, the two giant Buddhas exchanged their spatial positions hundreds of millions of times.

In the blink of an eye, the thousands of arms of the Thousand-Armed Buddha launched hundreds of billions of attacks...

Space, time, power, speed...

All the great laws that can be clearly grasped in the normal void of Liangyi Tian have been completely confused in this indescribable twisted void.

The two Buddha statues grabbed all the avenues at random, crushed them, pieced them together, and fused them, and then transformed them into the strange laws they temporarily comprehended in one of their countless thoughts. One of them suddenly lit up, and turned into a terrifying great supernatural power. out.

In the blink of an eye, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the universe collapsed.

Lu Qian only saw that in the main hall, the Thousand-Handed Buddha of Precious Flames and the Iron Shackle Buddha were just one person who fired a hammer, and the other person blocked the hammer.

Next, the hammer in the hands of the Precious Flame Thousand-Hand Buddha was shattered. He was sweating profusely, and drops of sweat kept falling down, turning into the size of a human head, and metal lumps wrapped in flames rolled all over the ground.

But before, the arrogant and arrogant Iron Fong Buddha, who was handling Lu Qian like a giant teasing a baby, suddenly turned a little pale. His body swayed, and then he continued to retreat backwards.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Every time he took a step back, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Every mouthful of blood left a strange line like shackles on the floor of the hall.

The Thousand-Hand Buddha of Precious Flames took out a new hammer. He carried a heavy hammer and followed closely behind the Iron Shackle Buddha. The blood he spat out left a pattern of shackles on the ground of the hall, and he struck frantically.

Accompanied by a series of loud bangs, these shackle patterns quickly integrated perfectly with the entire hall.

Lu Qian faintly noticed that the aura of this hall was a little heavier and a little stronger!

A flash of inspiration flashed in Lu Qian's mind, and he suddenly realized that the unlucky Iron Sword Buddha was seriously injured, and the blood he spit out was not just blood essence in the conventional sense, but his Tao, his Dharma, and his Tao Ji, his foundation!

These Tao, these Dharma, these Tao foundations, these foundations were regarded as the best weapon refining materials by the 'thrifty and thrifty' Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha, and he smashed them into his main hall with three or five hammers to strengthen this building. Main hall, strengthen the formation restrictions in the main hall!


A bit of a bully!

Look at the pitiful look of Iron Fong Buddha vomiting blood and pale face... Tsk, tsk, why does Lu Qian feel so relaxed and happy?

Iron Sword Buddha took eighteen steps back in a row. He finally stopped vomiting blood and stopped.

He looked at the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Baoyan with deep eyes, and said solemnly: Senior Brother Baoyan... you have passed!

The Thousand-Hand Buddha of Precious Flames was holding a big iron hammer and looked down at the Iron Fetter Buddha, who was seven feet tall and much shorter than himself: You are on Lao Na's territory and you beat up Lao Na's disciple... Tsk!

Iron Sword Buddha was silent for a while and sighed: Black Iron's nephew is injured, I can compensate him here!

The Thousand-Hand Buddha of Precious Flames swung the big hammer vigorously and said calmly: Don't fart. When it comes to financial resources, in the entire Buddhist sect, under the thirteen Buddha Lords, except for the old thief Bald who sells fake medicine, who can compete with him? Compared with me, the old monk? Do I lack this compensation from you?

Shaking his head, Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha said unhappily: No matter what karma and grievances you have with this young monk Fahai, you are not allowed to cause trouble in my Baoyan Cave in Lingyuan Mountain... Well, go ahead, go ahead, 120,000 I won’t refine a single hair for you within this year!”

Iron Sword Buddha coughed hard.

He looked at the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha with solemnity: Is this true?

Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha's eyes widened: You don't know what my temper is like, old monk? Why, do you want to threaten me with words?

Iron Sword Buddha pursed his lips and reached out to grab the Pearl Tower floating next to Lu Qian.

The Thousand-Hand Buddha of Precious Flame hit Iron Shackle Buddha's palm with a hammer, forcing him to take a step back again: You don't have any shame? Although this tower is a junk thing, the materials are not bad... You injured Black Iron , let’s use it as compensation. It just so happens that he can dismantle the tower, melt it into materials, and give it to his disciples to practice their skills.”

The Iron Sword Buddha took a deep breath, bowed to the Precious Flame Thousand-Hand Buddha with his hands clasped together, glanced at Lu Yi faintly, and then turned around and left.

Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha sighed, and then roared at the top of his lungs: I said you are not allowed to cause trouble on the territory of Baoyan Cave in Lingyuan Mountain... Otherwise, I will never refine a hair for him again!

Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha roared loudly, and the loud voice instantly spread throughout the Lingyuan Mountain realm.

Iron Fong Buddha vomited eighteen mouthfuls of blood in a row, feeling a little confused. He heard the roar of Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha, but for a moment his wisdom was covered in dust and he could not realize what the words meant.

He used his magical power and rushed out of the Lingyuan Mountain boundary in one step, and was far away from the Lingyuan Mountain in three or five steps.

The next moment, a terrifying prison-suppressing force hit him from the top of his head.

Just listen to a pop sound, which is as loud as a little kitten farting. The iron shackle Buddha spurts blood from its seven orifices, and the flesh and blood in his body is torn apart. The bones in his body are broken like the dregs of mille-feuille. He hisses miserably. Howling, he slapped his head on the ground.

The extremely terrifying power of suppressing the prison instantly severely injured the Iron Shackle Buddha, but where he fell, there was no dust, no grass was injured, and there was not even a shallow human-shaped depression on the ground!

The person who took action had an incredible level of cultivation.

A Buddha was severely injured in an instant, but not even a trace of excess power was leaked. All the force only acted on the Iron Shackle Buddha.

Iron Shackle Buddha hissed and cursed: Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha! Attack from behind, you, you, you, you are simply a disgrace to Buddhism!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha held a huge piece of honeydew melon in his hands. It slowly fell from the sky and landed in front of the Iron Fetter Buddha. He sprayed a mouthful of honeydew seeds all over the floor in a very unethical manner... Of course, the iron shackle Buddha's head and face were also covered with honeydew seeds.

Looking at the embarrassed Iron Shackle Buddha, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha said with a smile: If I don't attack you from behind, then I will attack your disciples?

Iron Fong Buddha angrily scolded: Do you want face? You, you, you, who are you, how can you do such a shameless thing?

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha sighed quietly: So you also know that bullying other disciples is a shameless thing!

Iron Sword Buddha closed his mouth.

He was so angry that he could no longer say a word.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha stretched out his hand with a smile, first wiped the sticky melon juice on the Iron Fong Buddha's clothes, and then grabbed the Iron Fong Buddha's limp left hand.

He smiled and asked Tiejiao Buddha: Which one should take the initiative yourself, or should I be more violent?

Iron Sword Buddha narrowed his eyes, and the dark iron-colored Buddha light lingered in his pupils, and asked softly: Are you really going to bear this karma?

The Suppressing Prison Xuanguang Buddha smiled slightly: As the leader of the Suppressing Prison lineage, if I can't protect the little bald donkeys under my sect from the wind and rain...what's the use of having the name of Buddha?

The Iron Sword Buddha exhaled, and a light of fire flickered in his palm. The Qingning Heart Lamp that he had forcibly collected slowly flew out from his palm.

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