Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 683 Favors are priceless

Lingyuan Mountain, Baoyan Cave, very deep underground.

This is an extremely rough cave.

A total of one hundred and eight earthly fire eyes rose up, and the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames used the supreme power of Buddha to arrange a giant Buddha formation underground. From the center of Liangyi Heaven and Earth, he extracted hundreds of millions of ancient earthly cores called the essence and blood of Liangyi Heaven. The spiritual flames, following the earth vein channels forcibly opened by the Buddhist formation, meandered all the way up for countless billions of miles, and finally converged on the one hundred and eight eyes of fire.

Well, not to mention the eyes of fire that Lu Qian saw in front of him now. The wisps of spiritual flames that were either agile, thick, misty, or solid came from the depths of the earth in Liangyi Heaven to the eyes of fire. What would happen? How many miles to walk.

Just say time.

Every ray of spiritual flame here started from the center of the earth in Liangyi Heaven at least a million years ago, and went upwards through the huge Buddhist formations layer by layer, compressing and refining it, absorbing endless fairy spirit energy along the way. As well as the wonderful energy emanating from all the wonderful treasures of heaven and earth underground, they were continuously refined and refined layer by layer before finally gathering here.

The spiritual flames in these one hundred and eight fire eyes have different attributes and have magical effects. Only the Precious Flame Thousand-Handed Buddha can completely control them. Using these spiritual flames, it is enough to turn decay into magic and forge Buddha treasures with infinite power and ever-changing changes.

Because of the smoke from the spiritual flames in these fire eyes, this huge cave, which was originally just a cave wall made of ordinary sapphire, has been calcined for countless years and its properties have changed dramatically.

At first glance, the rock wall looks like an ordinary bluish-white rock.

But if you really get started, you will find that these ordinary-looking rocks are extremely hard, and ordinary Bodhisattva-level powers cannot easily leave even the slightest trace on the cave wall.

In the huge cave, huge furnaces and cauldrons were suspended above the eye of fire. In all directions, teams of strong men and kings were running back and forth, with chains wrapped around their bodies, and floating boats were dragged behind them, constantly carrying rare materials from boat to boat. , according to the scoldings of dozens of bald monks, one by one was thrown into the furnace in accordance with the proportion and order.

Occasionally, the roar of dragons and phoenixes can be heard from inside some furnace cauldrons. From time to time, thunderous hurricanes roar out of the gas eyes and fire eyes opened on the furnace cauldrons, spewing out violent energy in all directions.

With Lu Qian's cultivation level, he couldn't even stabilize his body in this cave.

If there was any change in the cauldron, a strong light rushed out from the eye of air and fire. Suddenly, there was a faint wind in the cave, and the void shook. Lu Qian felt as if someone had hit him in the face. He staggered, staggered, and almost missed it several times. He was not shocked enough to vomit blood.

Fortunately, there were the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha and the Yuanjue Monk, a Buddha and a great Bodhisattva. After they waited for Lu Qian to feel the terrifying power in the cave, they released the Buddha's light to protect his whole body. Lu Qian was able to stay safe and sound in this cave.

Lu Qian was quite moved by this.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha and Monk Yuanjue had actually been waiting outside the Baoyan Cave in Lingyuan Mountain to protect themselves!

They even just beat the Iron Shackle Buddha!

This kind of security of having a backer, a backing, and the backing is willing to uphold justice for him, which makes Lu Qian very useful!

But Lu Qian also knew it well.

When Iron Fong Buddha first took action, these two people did not take action immediately... Obviously, they also intended to temper themselves and teach themselves a hard lesson at the same time - the Buddhism of these two Yitians, how can you Don’t think of it as a true place of pure bliss!

In front, the eight arms of the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames are neatly carried behind its back, walking slowly in small steps, in the eyes of fire.

From time to time he stood on tiptoe and looked into the furnaces for a while.

Next to these fire eyes, there are Baoyan Cave Buddha cultivators sitting cross-legged with strong aura and Buddha flames all over their bodies.

The Precious Flame Thousand-Hand Buddha gives orders from time to time, or a certain furnace cauldron increases the intensity of the fire, or a certain furnace cauldron cools down rapidly, or how much material needs to be added to a certain furnace cauldron, or how much material needs to be removed from a certain furnace cauldron...

Orders were issued one after another. The Buddhist cultivators sitting cross-legged next to the fire eye chanted incantations, made seals, or opened or closed the furnace. All these actions were orderly and orderly, and triggered various changes in the furnace, causing the inside of the huge cave to change. Light and shadow flicker, and the void swells.

Walking all the way to the innermost part of the cave, there is a cold spring with a radius of a hundred acres. The cold air rises and turns into a huge ice crystal Ganoderma suspended in the air dozens of feet above the ground.

The coldness of the cold spring perfectly balances the heat of the fire eye. There is a small stone platform next to the cold spring. The temperature here is the same as that of March in Yangchun, neither cold nor hot, and the most gentle and pleasant.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flame led the three of them to the small stone platform. They sat down cross-legged, and the young novice monks offered them three cups of tea.

It was said to be tea... The tea cup was the size of a human head, and the juice inside was red in color, like molten iron. It was bubbling gurglingly, and every time a bubble exploded, a terrible high temperature spread out, and it was so smokey. Lu Qian was sweating profusely. If it were not for the protection of Buddha's light, he would not be able to stand on this stone platform.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha of Baoyan waved his hand towards Lu Yi: Old Monk, there is nothing here that a little kid like you can endure... It's not that I am stingy, in fact, the little monk of the first level of the True Immortal... Tsk, Old Monk, here A cup of tea, if you drink it, it will be gone.

Lu Qian looked at the boiling tea in the teacup, shook his head hurriedly, and thanked the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames.

The Thousand-Hand Buddha of Precious Flames pointed towards the little novice who was serving tea. The little novice ran to the cold spring, scooped up a cup of cold spring water with a big tea cup, and then ran to the nearest fire eye and poured the tea cup into it. He put it close to the eye of the fire and used the spirit flame to cook the tea cup for a while.

Then, Lu Qian got a cup of plain water that had no taste, no benefit, but would not cause any harm to him.

Sitting cross-legged on the stone platform, Zhenjing Xuanguang Buddha and Monk Yuanjue held teacups that were red in color and constantly emitted terrible heat waves, and sipped the tea comfortably.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha drank the tea as if nothing had happened.

But as a great Bodhisattva of the Ten Directions of Yuanjue Monk Liangyitian Buddhism, he only drank seven or eight sips of tea, and he was already sweating profusely, and his skin turned red, like a cooked lobster.

Wisps of white mist rose from the bald head, faintly transforming into a cloud of ganoderma-like auspicious clouds. Monk Yuanjue breathed out heartily, and his energy and spirit were obviously much better.

Lu Qian felt awe-inspiring in his heart.

This tea was indeed something he couldn't bear!

After sitting cross-legged in silence for a while and drinking a cup of tea, Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha raised his eyebrows: What about the iron shackles?

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha said calmly: What else can I do if I give him a beating? Countless people are watching from all directions, so I just give him a beating. I can't really kill him... Scary, the past three thousand years have been bad!

The corner of Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha's mouth twitched, revealing a sarcastic sneer: Isn't it true? Three thousand years ago, the two gods were fighting in all directions, and the Buddha might have been plotted to death. Now the Taoist court and the Buddhist sect are equally divided. The world is peaceful, and if there is any movement, countless people will come to watch... There is no business for a fierce monk like you with bloody hands, right?

The prison-suppressing Xuanguang Buddha suddenly laughed: What nonsense are you talking about? I have shed blood for Buddhism, I have blocked knives for Buddhism... Hehe, you old guy, weren't you saved three times by me back then? Did you just send a copy of the Buddhist Order?

This is about getting down to business.

Baoyan Thousand-Hand Buddha put down the teacup in his hand, frowned, and began to look at Lu Qian up and down.

The brows moved, and the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames said coldly: I didn't find anything surprising. Among all the true legends of the various meridians I have seen, I can't say they are mediocre, but there is nothing too amazing... I can barely count them. Top grade?

Shaking his head, Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha said softly: My favor is very valuable, do I really want to use it on him?

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha stretched out his hand, and Lu Qian handed the Buddhist order into his hand.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha placed the order upright in front of the Thousand-Handed Buddha of Precious Flames: No matter how valuable it is, if you don't use it in your hand, what is it worth? Only when you use it can it be truly valuable.

Smiling slightly, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha said softly: As for whether this disciple is good or not... Well, anyway, our master and disciple think that he is worthy of your favor!

With a 'dong' sound, Monk Yuanjue placed the bucket of Jiuyuan Meteor Star Sacred Sand that he had won from Monk Condor in a bet that day, and placed it heavily in front of the Precious Flame Thousand-Handed Buddha.

Baoyan Thousand-Hand Buddha lowered his head, looked at the Jiuyuan Meteor Star Sacred Sand in the jade bucket seriously, and nodded slowly: Well, the material is good, and its nature is heavy. It is in line with your prison-suppressing method.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames closed his mouth.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha raised his head and looked at the sky.

Monk Yuanjue picked up the tea cup again and drank tea in small sips.

Lu Qian was on the side, drinking boiled water a little embarrassed... He vaguely saw a little meaning.

After a long, long time, the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha coughed lightly: But, with just a bucket of Jiuyuan Meteor Star Sacred Sand, what quality of Buddhist treasure do you want to refine?

Monk Yuanjue smiled: This depends on your craftsmanship!

The face of Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha twitched slightly. He looked at the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha and said softly: This... just a bucket of Jiuyuan Meteor Star Divine Sand, do you think you can refine anything good?

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha raised his head, looked at the blue-white cave wall, and said quietly: Didn't I just say that this favor from you, senior brother, is very valuable? As elders, of course we hope that the things we give to our disciples will be more valuable. Good, the better!

Smiling slightly, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha picked up the tea cup and raised his head to the sky with a big sip: You are an expert in the art of refining weapons. You have the final say... If you have that skill, you can make it for our little disciple. A top-grade acquired spiritual treasure would be fine too!”

The flames all over the body of the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha suddenly became fierce.

There was a loud sound, and behind the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha, flames rose, and the shadow of a majestic dragon with a thousand heads, each wearing a crown, slowly emerged.

On the back of the giant dragon was a towering lotus seat, on which sat a thousands-foot-high Thousand-Armed Buddha with astonishing aura.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha's eyes widened, and the flames rose in his eyes, turning into a blazing Buddha's light that could burn all things. He glared fiercely at the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha: The top-grade Houtian Lingbao? Aren't you afraid that your little disciple will go out? Was he robbed and killed?

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha looked at the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha leisurely: I'm not afraid... I'm really not afraid! If you dare to refine it, I'll let Fahai show off with him to the fullest of Liangyi Heaven!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha grinned and said, Who have I been afraid of in my entire life?

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