Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 688 Remains

In the temple, the clouds rise, and every step brings a scene.

Unspeakable and incomprehensible magical restrictions filled the void. Lu Qian followed behind the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames and felt that all his perceptions were distorted.

He followed the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Baoyan, but he only felt that he was in front of the opponent, and behind him, on the left, on the right... After taking a few more steps, he was shocked to find that he had actually slipped into the flame. Inside the Thousand-Armed Buddha's body, where he raised his head, he could clearly see all the details in this Buddha's body.

However, the structure of the Buddha's golden body is almost separated from the flesh and blood body, and is almost completely the condensed body of Buddha's power and the law of the great road. Lu Qian could clearly see the subtle structures inside the Buddha's body, but with his current level of cultivation, he was unable to analyze it, let alone understand it.

The sky is dark and the earth is dark.

Along the way, what I saw with my eyes was so strange that it cannot be described in human words.

Countless strange lights and shadows twisted and echoed around Lu Qian, and there were faint sighs, chuckles, cries, and screams echoing in his ears. Several times, Lu Qian took one step and felt that his body came to life!

That weird feeling almost scared Lu Qian to death.

That feeling of coming alive is every hair on his head... well, Fahai's head is now bare and hairless... every hair follicle, every hair, every finger, every Every toe, every independent part of his body inside and outside seemed to come alive.

Have your own consciousness and your own thoughts.

These body tissues were screaming and making noises. Some were saying, 'We are old friends after all, so let's get together and live together.' Others were screaming, 'I'm tired of living with you, let's break up.' , separate the family, separate the family...'!

Several times, Lu Qian saw his fingers and toes detached from his body, twisting and crawling around.

He even saw his internal organs slowly swimming out of his mouth like a lazy big-headed fish, swaying around with 'puff puff'.

This weird perception quietly disappeared after taking the next step.

But after experiencing this weird perception, Lu Qian faintly noticed that his body had strengthened a little. The connection between his body and the laws of the Great Dao he comprehended was even closer, and the degree of integration was higher.

He seemed to have a clearer understanding of the void around him.

It's mysterious and unfathomable... The origin of this temple is impossible to think about in detail, and it's terrifying to think about it.

The three-eyed figure and Taichu mixed bead emitted a faint radiance in Lu Qian's mind. This magical radiance filled his whole mind, making Lu Qian feel drunk, but it seemed to be a little more connected to the magical and mysterious power in this temple. Deeper contact...and integration.

Did you travel like this for about one breath?

Maybe it was a day and a night?

Or, is it a year?

Time, space, all dimensions and scales that ordinary people can understand have lost their meaning here. Lu Qian followed Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha for an unknown amount of time, one step at a time. Finally, his eyes lit up.

This is a circular high platform.

The round dome is purple-blue in color, like the deep night sky, with countless tiny stars twinkling on it.

There are 360 ​​arched floor-to-ceiling portals all around. Through these huge portals, one can see boundless chaos and boundless sea of ​​stars. Those chaos, those seas of stars, are like the bubbles of dreams, located between reality and reality.

A long roar came from afar, a mist of light rose, and a huge dragon head with a diameter of more than 100,000 miles soared into the sky in the distant sea of ​​chaotic stars.

The faucet rose higher and higher, higher and higher... Then, behind the faucet, there was actually an extremely delicate body of a flea!

What a weird feeling.

Incomprehensible feeling.

That huge dragon head with a diameter of more than 100,000 miles, and the lower half of the flea's body is only the size of a thumb?

One hundred thousand miles...the size of a thumb?

The size of a thumb...a hundred thousand miles?

It's very strange, but inexplicably it seems to be extremely consistent and harmonious.

Lu Qian just glanced at that strange creature and felt his internal organs tumbling, and a strong and uncontrollable urge to vomit rushed over him. He let out a wow sound and spit out a mouthful of black, thick, extremely stinky mist.

As soon as the mist was exhaled, countless extremely thin starlights fell from the dome, making a sound of chichi, and the mist was instantly annihilated.

Lu Qian only felt that his whole body was suddenly clear, clear and clear, as if he had got rid of countless filth and filth. Suddenly his whole body was so smooth that he could hear the sound of nature whistling through every cell of his body.


No, it’s more magical than being reborn!

The root of Lu Qian's current body is the 'World Yuan Fei' from Yuan Lingtian. That root, which can be said to be the best in the world, is made stronger and more advanced by the blood of mythical beasts such as true dragons and true phoenixes. .

But after all, it is the world embryo of the lower world and small world... It is not perfect, and it also has certain flaws.

And with this puff of black mist, Lu Qian's feet once again improved to a higher level.

Some flaws have been completely driven away, and the whole body is smooth and rounded, making it truly flawless.

Maybe it's not 'completely real' and perfect, but at least in Liangyi Heaven... yes!

Lu Qian puffed out a puff of black mist, and he no longer had that fuzzy feeling of spinning around. He blinked and was about to look at the surrounding scenery when Monk Yuanjue behind him suddenly let out a muffled groan. He, like Lu Qian, had the same puff. A black, extremely thick, stinky gray mist that could kill a person was sprayed out.

Ha! Monk Yuanjue laughed loudly, his body swayed, and the dark golden Buddha light bloomed all over his body.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, forming a strange Buddha seal with his hands. A large green spiritual cloud rose up behind his head. A huge green-haired lion Dharma slowly emerged from the spiritual cloud. On the back of the lion, there was a very tall mountain on its back. The Zhenyuan Pagoda is shaped like a bamboo shoot and is also short and stocky.

How good! The two Buddhas praised at the same time.

Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha chuckled and said: Master Yuanjue's nephew didn't get any benefits in the outer hall before. I thought he had no chance with this temple... I didn't expect that he actually got a chance here!

The two Buddhas looked up at the very high dome with a hint of awe.

Within Monk Yuanjue's body, a low voice of chanting sutras could be heard.

Circles of water-like prison-suppressing force fields around him were shaking faintly. These force field ripples clearly visible to the naked eye were rapidly fitting, piecing together, reorganizing, and smelting. An extremely mysterious change was taking place in Monk Yuanjue's body.

Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha raised his eyebrows: How?

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha smiled brightly: Great good...that is, something that can happen within ten years at most.

Lu Qian's heart skipped a beat. Good thing - Monk Yuanjue, Lu Qian's direct supporter in Liangyi Heaven, the Great Lion Power Bodhisattva of Buddhism. Did he get benefits from this temple and is about to break through and step into the realm of Buddha?

Putting his hands together, Lu Qian smiled extremely sincerely.

In his mind, he began to think about how to dance wildly in front of the Iron Fong Buddha, causing the Iron Fong Buddha to beat him in front of Monk Yuanjue.

Haha, Iron Shackle Buddha, life is long, go ahead and watch!

Leave him alone, this kind of enlightenment is so wonderful, don't disturb it. The two Buddhas smiled, leaving Monk Yuanjue alone, and turned to look at this high platform, which was about a hundred miles in diameter.

Just like the dome, the entire circular platform is made of an unknown transparent purple-blue material.

On the round platform, there are thirteen high-backed thrones, forming a circle with a diameter of more than ten miles.

The existence pattern of these thrones is a bit difficult for Lu Qian to understand.

He could see the thrones.

But... they are like outlines of extremely thin and extremely dim light. Between the light, there are wisps of mist rising.

As you can imagine, these thrones are thirteen empty and ethereal phantoms.

But if you stare at these thirteen thrones seriously, you will feel a terrible pressure rushing towards you. These thrones are like 'absolute truth' and 'immortal laws', standing 'real and without falsehood' it's here.

When you look at them, it's like being punched in the face or slashed with a knife.

This fist mark and this knife mark are stubbornly imprinted in the depths of your soul and in your body. It is impossible for you to forget these thirteen thrones in your life. You will remember them forever, they are real!

And as long as there is a living being who still remembers these thrones, they will exist forever and be immortal!

Cold sweat dripped from Lu Qian's forehead drop by drop.

These thrones, these thirteen thrones alone, their existence is so incredible... It is unimaginable that the owner here...

Lu Qian's Adam's apple moved violently up and down.

He saw that on three of the thirteen thrones...there were figures.

On a throne facing Lu Qian, a 'man' three feet tall was leaning against him.

His long hair is like a waterfall of stars, falling down the back of his head, rolling up large swaths of light and shadow automatically without wind.

His skin should be white...an extremely sacred, magical white. But within that white, there is a faint glimmer of light, so at first glance, you can't describe what his skin color is like.

His appearance.

It cannot be described with handsome or other adjectives.

His appearance is probably 'natural', right?

Every line, every edge, every detail of the facial features is as if it was ‘born this way’.

With such a 'natural' appearance, you simply cannot use adjectives such as beautiful, ugly, handsome, and pretty to describe him, just like you cannot use similar adjectives to describe a mountain, a river, a star, or a star. sun!

Of course, none of this matters.

The important thing is that this 'man' has several large transparent holes in his chest, from which wisps of crystal starlight are constantly leaking out. He has an extra eye between his eyebrows.

This eye directly caused the vertical eyes between the eyebrows of the three-eyed figure to open, and wisps of strange light spurted out far away, illuminating the entire mind.

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