Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 689 Remains (2)

The whole picture of the three-eyed man lights up.

The dim, faint stars all around the original picture were all lit up.

Wisps of starlight filled with a touch of sadness intertwined in Lu Qian's mind, and beautiful sounds of nature sounded out of thin air. Weeping and complaining, it seems that it is telling something, and it also seems that it is just noise without any meaning.

This time, Taichu Hun Tongzhu burst out with an unprecedented bright light.

He flew in front of the three-eyed human figure, circled around the three-eyed human figure, and then disappeared into the eyes between the eyebrows of the three-eyed human figure.

Then, the entire picture of a man with three eyes began to approach Lu Qian's soul.

Before Lu Qian could react, with a soft cry, the entire outline of the three-eyed figure was completely integrated with Lu Qian's soul.

The holy elephant mount also appeared upright under the crotch of Lu Qian's soul.

Two giant wind and water dragons also entangled themselves around Lu Qian's soul arm, one on the left and the other on the right.

Suddenly, Lu Qian's soul was filled with the profound meaning of the three avenues of 'strength', 'wind' and 'water'. There is no need to comprehend or study anymore, it is as if Lu Qian has been immersed in these three avenues for countless years, and all the mysteries of the three avenues are as familiar to him as the lines on the palm of his hand.

However, if he wants to fully unleash the power of these three avenues, Lu Qian's current strength is not enough.

It's like a magical sword is placed in front of you. A reincarnated baby is extremely familiar with everything about this magical sword - from its materials, forging techniques, power, and the efficacy of every smallest particle. We all know it clearly.

But the baby was too weak, he couldn't lift this magical sword, and he didn't have enough magic power to move it.

But after all, he knew everything about this artifact.

As long as he has enough power, he can activate Him and make Him erupt with terrifying edge.

Even now, Lu Qian, who has crazily improved his cultivation level in the eighth heaven in the temple, feels that simply relying on the power of the three avenues, he can cross the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth heavens and crush a true person whose realm is so much higher than his own. Immortal, it’s not that difficult.

Especially between the eyebrows.

A strange itch kept surging in the center of the eyebrows, as if a brand new organ was constantly developing and growing there.

Lu Qian knew it well...perhaps one day in the future, he would grow a third eye between his eyebrows.

It's not a 'Dharma Eye' or a 'Divine Eye' created by magical powers or secret techniques, but a real, flesh-and-blood third physical eye with some powerful power!

Well, with the Taichu Huntong Pearl covering it, I won't be afraid if I grow a third eye.

However, this image of a three-eyed person, which has existed in Lu Qian's mind since he was born, may have an unclear relationship with this temple and the three remains on the high platform.

Lu Qian glanced at the remains of the three-eyed man whose chest was pierced, and said in a voiceless voice: This...person?

All facial expressions are perfectly grasped!

When a fledgling monk with little experience sees a strange creature and feels the strange power emanating from him, he should have the right expression, the right tone, and the right reaction!

The lower realm, among the many worlds, the highest state of cultivation is called heaven and being. Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha smiled lightly: The lower realm of cultivation is ignorant and falsely calls heaven and being... Hehe, they are the real... heaven. people!

Shaking his head, the eight arms of the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha waved at the same time: You little monks, you don't need to know so much. In short, if you don't reach the Buddha realm in the future, if you meet someone with this kind of appearance when you are traveling... Directly It is absolutely right to kneel down and beg for mercy and treat him as an ancestor!

Lu Qian's eyes widened and he subconsciously glanced at Monk Yuanjue who was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha nodded: That's right, even if your master has not broken through to the Buddha realm, it will be the same...just kneel down, there is no shame. Even if the other person looks like a child...just kneel down.

The two Buddhas saw Lu Qian's shocked face and laughed at the same time.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flame murmured: However, if you want to touch it, I'm afraid it's impossible.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha shook his head slightly: Who knows? Hehe... who knows?

The two of them no longer said anything more on this topic. Instead, like Lu Qian, they looked deeply at the three remains on the throne with extremely complicated and serious eyes.

In addition to the celestial being with a big hole in his chest on the throne facing Lu Qian, on the two thrones next to him, there is a 'male' celestial being with a flying knife nailed between his eyebrows and a knife nailed to his heart. A sharp weapon shaped like a vajra, and the body was cut in half by the inexplicable sharp weapon. The upper half of the body was leaning on the throne, while the lower half of the body landed seven or eight feet away from the throne.

From the wound on the waist of this celestial being, there were also wisps of starlight flying out and floating around.

As for the third celestial being's remains, judging from their body shape, they should be that of a 'woman'.

Her body was lying on the throne, and only her back could be seen.

And her head fell a hundred feet away.

A sharp sword pierced through her Tianling Gai and came out from her neck.

This pitch-black sword only has two very thin blood lines on its edge. Even though he was several miles away, Lu Qian could hear the wild roars of wild beasts coming from the sword. The beastly power coming toward his face made Lu Qian's body get goosebumps.

No one had touched the three remains and the deadly weapons on them.

Lu Qian looked at the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha of Baoyan shook his head. He understood the question in Lu Qian's eyes: It's an eyesore, but you can't move it.

Behind him, a silver arm stretched forward, its palm opened, and you could see a crack in his palm. He put his palm in front of Lu Qian and said with a smile: Back then, my hands were itchy and I wanted to see the condition of the sword.

Lu Qian subconsciously looked at the black sword in the woman's head.

Before I even touched the hilt of the sword, my palm was almost chopped off. A look of fear quickly flashed across the face of Baoyan Thousand-Handed Buddha: It is really not easy for this temple to get into my hands... so , I owe your master such a huge favor.

Lu Qian's pupils narrowed.

With the realm and strength of the Precious Flame Thousand-Hand Buddha, just trying to get close to the black sword, such a wound was torn open before his palm even touched the hilt?

Moreover, the sword marks in the hands of Baoyan Thousand-Hand Buddha have clearly not healed yet, and the sword marks are still clearly visible.

How many years has it been?

Is this sword mark still there?

Horrible, so terrible.

Lu Qian exhaled. Just now, his eyes were all attracted to the remains of the three celestial beings. Only then did he see several huge corpses lying near the thirteen thrones.

There were nine giant corpses in total, all of them inhuman!

Among them, the one closest to Lu Qian... How to describe this guy?

The body is twelve feet long, with black scales all over the body, a dragon head and a body, but the limbs are lion paws, a patterned leopard tail on the back, and a pair of colorful... golden pheasant wings on the back?

The 'Golden Pheasant' may be a bit low-profile, but you can also say that it is a pair of colorful peacock wings!

A small ax about the size of a palm, entwined with starlight, and made of unknown material struck the giant corpse on the forehead. A simple blow directly annihilated all the vitality of the giant corpse.

Even so, the aura exuding from this giant corpse was several times stronger than the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha standing next to Lu Qian!

Lu Qian's teeth were sore.

This is just a corpse, but it is so much stronger than the aura of Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha? So when this body was alive?

Nine Barbarian Kings. The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha squinted and looked at this body: In those days, among the demon barbarians in the northern region, among the barbarian kings whose status was equal to that of the Buddha, the nine barbarian kings were notorious. It does not mean that he was ranked ninth among the barbarian kings. , but he has nine top-notch demonic bloodlines in him.

A great hybrid, but he has promoted all nine bloodlines in his body to the same level as the original ancestors. The nine bloods are mixed into one, and he is born with nine great supernatural powers. He is invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and his monstrous body is comparable to the golden body of the Buddha!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha looked at Lu Qian with solemnity: It is comparable to the golden body of the Lord Buddha, not the Buddha... Among all the Buddhas in Buddhism, no one can match it. At that time, my master was seriously injured by his three punches. This temple , almost fell into the hands of the Nine Barbarians.

The Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha sneered: However, the magical powers are not as good as those of heaven. Who would have thought that in the hub of this temple, a celestial being still has a trace of residual thoughts... With just one blow, he killed the nine barbarian kings, and the other eight barbarian kings, The Demon King and the Demon King were all seriously injured.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha sighed softly: Although he was seriously injured and on the verge of death, he almost broke the golden body of Lao Monk. It's really dangerous.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames nodded: Indeed, if many masters of the demons in the northern region and the evil demons in the southern region had not fallen, how could the Buddhist sect and the Taoist court completely eradicate the evil spirits in the two regions three thousand years ago?

The two Buddhas put their palms together at the same time and sighed: My destiny is mine!

Lu Qian's mood was agitated upon hearing this, and all his energy and blood boiled violently.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha is already the top existence among the many Buddhas in Buddhism, but this Nine Barbarian King actually seriously injured the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha with three punches! Such a fierce and powerful being that could be called a god or demon was killed by a single blow from a barely surviving celestial being!

How dangerous was what happened back then, and how much opportunity was hidden in it?

This... is unimaginable.

Lu Qian could only clasp his hands together and recite the Heart Sutra silently, and then he calmed down his violent mood.

The other eight giant corpses on the ground are also of various strange shapes. They are generally human-shaped, but with various weird physiological structures, you would never think that they are 'serious people'.

They have been dead for many years, but the aura that remains on them is still comparable to that of Buddha!

Lu Qian's eyes swept over these giant corpses one by one, and then he heard a low roar.

He raised his head and saw that under the extremely high dome, eighteen groups of light of different colors, like whirlpools, were slowly rotating.

The diameter of these light clusters is about ten miles. When they rotate, the starlight emitted by the dome and the light flowing out of the remains of the three celestial beings are constantly absorbed by them.

Lu Qian's eyes fell on the eighteen halo whirlpools, as if he saw eighteen complete worlds!

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