Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 690 Heavenly Weapon

The main peak of Qionghua Mountain and the only mountain gate.

In the originally clear and clear sky, dark clouds suddenly came from all directions, and a cold wind roared. Near the archway of the 'Qionghua Ancient Temple', the petals of the large Qionghua forest suddenly withered.

When the cold wind blows, countless petals as white as snow rush up into the sky, like a giant goose feather snow flying backwards.

In an instant, there were really snow flakes falling down one after another.

Visible to the naked eye, the ground was covered with a thin layer of ice. Accompanied by the howling cold wind, the white thin ice climbed rapidly from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. On the long steps leading to the top of the mountain, the stone steps were quickly covered with white ice flakes.

There was a muffled sound of ‘buzz’.

The pagoda that stood on the top of the mountain emitted waves of Buddha's light, and the dark clouds in the sky suddenly condensed, and then exploded like fragile glass pieces. The cold wind howling from all directions tore apart inch by inch, and the snowflakes flying in the sky suddenly evaporated into wisps of water vapor.

At the top of the mountain, Jieyin Toutuo clasped his hands together, his eyes flashed with a dark golden light, and his cold voice spread throughout the mountain: Who are you, fellow Taoist, kidding me, Qionghua Mountain?

Along the Qionghua Mountains, every 100,000 miles, there is a completed temple that spits out pillars of light that reach into the sky. Pillars of light shot straight into the sky. The huge Qionghua Mountains and the huge underground jade veins shook slightly. The majestic jade essence energy merged with the fairy spirit energy and roared into the formation hubs all over the entire mountain range.

The entire Qionghua Mountain Range suddenly came to life.

At the top of the main peak of Qionghua Mountain in the east, the 108-story pagoda began to expand little by little with a dull roar. The invisible power of prison-suppressing shrouded all directions, crushing and expelling all powers that were not of the prison-suppressing lineage.

At the entrance to the main peak of Qionghua Mountain, a muffled groan could be heard. Dozens of Buddhist cultivators in snow-colored monk robes staggered and emerged from the swirling cold wind. The leader, a strong monk who was eight feet tall, swayed, and a prison card on his waist flashed, and he suddenly stood firm.

The young monk Xue Ya, on the orders of the Great Secret Golden Wheel Bodhisattva Divine Vulture, came here to ask for an audience with the Lord of Qionghua Mountain.

Zhuang monk Xue Ying clasped his hands together, and snow-colored Buddha lights overflowed around him. Suddenly, the biting coldness turned into tornadoes that were only as thick as an arm but ten thousand feet long, roaring and rushing in all directions.

Jie Yin Toutuo stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the foot of the mountain. With his dark golden eyes, he could clearly see the prison plate on Monk Xue Ying's waist.

Lu Qian had previously reported what he saw and heard in Bailong City back to Qionghua Mountain, so Jieyin Toutuo knew where the prison-suppressing card came from. He couldn't help but feel angry. The prison-suppressing monks on Chunyang Ridge had unscrupulously traded the prison-suppressing cards to the thief bald men of Dahuanxi's lineage, and then flowed them into the hands of the Buddhist cultivators of Dami Jinlun Temple. Not considered as an enemy?

Fortunately, the Prison Suppression Card is just the most common 'passage token', and there are countless ways to deal with it.

Jieyin Toutuo raised his right hand, and in the pagoda behind him, Lu Min, who was standing on the highest floor of the pagoda, laughed strangely and stamped his feet. Suddenly, the power of suppressing the prison released by the pagoda changed subtly.

A low roar spread in all directions, and dozens of disciples of the Dami Jinlun Temple at the gate of the mountain suddenly vomited blood. The prison-suppressing cards on their waists emitted dazzling rays of light, crushed by the rapidly changing prison-suppressing force field. Next, all these prison cards were shattered.

The twisted and mutated prison-suppressing force field swept across all directions, and 'Hulala' swept across the Liuxia River and slammed into the Qionghua Forest on the east bank of the Liuxia River. Large areas of light and shadow were distorted and dispersed, and accompanied by dull explosions, the altars hidden deep in the flower forest shattered to pieces. Countless cultivators were blown to pieces with broken bones and tendons, and they fled in blood while screaming loudly.

Wan Xiang, Su Qianmo and others who were hiding near the altar were horrified and hurriedly retreated to the east among the fleeing cultivators.

The prison-suppressing force field, like a scourge, extended rapidly to the east, chasing after Wanxiang and the others, expelling them far, far away. Several true immortals from the Hunyuan Luotian Sect fled a little slower. When they were disturbed by the force field, their bodies were instantly blown to pieces. Only a little bit of their true spirit was protected by their own natal immortal weapon, and they turned into a little spiritual light and fled quickly.

Jie Yin Toutuo and others stood on the top of the mountain and could clearly see the movements on the east side of Liuxia River, and they couldn't help but grin.

Lu Qian had sent the news back for several months, but Qionghua Mountain had been holding back its troops. It was just that the warriors and Vajras sent by Dajue Temple had not yet arranged the huge mountain-defending formation.

Now that Lu Qian has been out for more than a year, the large formation spread across Qionghua Mountain has basically taken shape thanks to the efforts of many people sent by Dajue Temple. Although there are not enough manpower to guard the nearly five thousand temples, the entire mountain guarding formation can still exert 20 to 30% of its power.

The power of 20% to 30%, unless a master of the great Bodhisattva level shamelessly takes action personally, ordinary true immortals will never be able to break through it!

Therefore, Xue Ying and others came to the door and provoked wantonly at the mountain gate using the prison card. They actually used magical powers to freeze the main peak of Qionghua Mountain... How violent is Jie Yin Toutuo's temper? Lu Min doesn’t have a good temper either! So I simply took a heavy step and gave Xue Ying, Wan Xiang and others some color.

If it weren't for the fact that the foundation of Qionghua Mountain is too thin, and there are not enough masters or a sufficient number of masters to take charge... Xue Ying and others have been seriously injured, and Wanxiang and others can't even think of escaping!

Xue Ying vomited a mouthful of blood, and the biting cold wind that had just manifested her magical power shattered and exploded. He lost a lot of face in front of all his junior brothers. He became angry and shouted: We are all Buddhist disciples, but you, Qionghua Mountain, are going too far!

Then Tutuo smiled strangely with hehe.

In Yuanlingtian, as the supreme leader of Mahakala, Jieyin Toutuo has always been too lazy to waste words and habitually gets started directly.

Seeing Wanxiang and others fleeing, Jieyin Tutuo formed seals with his hands, activating the huge power absorbed by the mountain guarding formation to bless himself. His body emitted dark golden Buddha light, and he rose to a height of seven or eight feet in a breath.

Standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking the disciples of the Dami Jinlun Temple at the entrance of the mountain, Tutuo Tutuo laughed wildly: The mountain master is not here, you can come back another day... Hahaha, give it to me, get out!

As soon as he raised his hands, he heard a loud roar, and the black clouds rolled behind Tutuo, and a dark, sixty-six-storey prison-suppressing pagoda emerged from the prison-suppressing pagoda, which was deep, dark, and full of the aura of death and annihilation. The power enveloped the top of the mountain, and then he led Toutuo to press his hands down the mountain, and two huge black handprints flew out from his hands.

Two giant palms fell down with a crash, and when they approached the foot of the mountain, they had already expanded to several miles in size.

Monk Xue Ying sneered: It's just the eleventh level... you...

He raised his hands toward the sky and flipped them over. Two giant white palms rolled up and shot up into the sky with a torrential chill. Four giant black and white palms suddenly collided together, and there was a loud noise. The two white palms shattered into pieces. The two black palms shrank by about 90%, and suddenly fell down, hitting Monk Xue Ying.

Monk Xue Ying roared, and the snow-colored monk's robes on his body exploded to pieces. The skin of his arms split with traces of cracks, and blood spurted out, and he suddenly fell to his knees.

The ground shook slightly.

The ground near Qionghua Mountain has been nourished by the underground jade essence for countless years. The soil, sand and gravel are even stronger than the diamond soil in the Vajra Forest of Dajue Temple!

After all, this was once the dojo of Empress Qionghua, and the ground is much stronger than ordinary people imagine!

The heavy blows from Yin Toutuo and Monk Xue Ya did not damage the ground at all. Monk Xue Ya knelt firmly on the ground, and his two knees were almost shattered on the spot.

Okay, okay, okay! You, Mount Qionghua, relied on the mountain-protecting formation to bully others, so don't blame the little monk and use the power of the Buddha to retaliate!

Monk Xue Ying's eyes flashed strangely. He laughed and shook his head. Suddenly a large snow-colored glow rose up. In the glow, a flexible and bright net could be seen flying up. Snow-colored pearls the size of thumbs were embedded in the net. On the Internet, things seem real and illusory, erratic!

This is a demon-refining Buddha treasure that the Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha behind the Dami Jinlun Temple in the Daxue Mountains got when he first entered the path - Qingjing Dou'er. It doesn't have much of a name, but its power is extremely terrifying.

The Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha has put countless thousands of years of hard work into this pure pocket. In particular, it has incorporated a hard-earned innate divine energy light into it. It is best at dissolving all tangible things in the world, especially the soul. , divine thoughts and the like have annihilating power.

Dozens of disciples from Dami Jinlun Temple formed a circle behind Xue Yu. They sat cross-legged on the ground, chanting sutras and mantras, integrating their Buddhist power with Xue Yu.

Qingjing Douer flew straight into the sky, and then turned into extremely fine wisps of snow-colored glow, completely covering the main peak of Qionghua Mountain.

The prison-suppressing power released by the pagoda on the top of the mountain impacted on this seemingly extremely thin ray of light. No matter how Lu Min and others urged it, the ray of light did not move at all.

Today, the young monk won't hurt you either. He won't hit you or scold you. Let you, Lord Qionghua Mountain, come out and we have a discussion with him. Monk Xue Ying's proud laughter spread throughout the mountain: If he doesn't come forward, You, the Qionghua Mountain lineage, will just seal the mountain for now... Let’s see, in the future, you will have the dignity to walk in Liangyi Heaven!”

Amidst the laughter, the snow-colored glow in the sky condensed wisps of extremely terrifying cold air, turning into snow particles the size of mung beans and falling gently.

The mountain-protecting formation of Qionghua Mountain lacks enough people to preside over it, and it is simply unable to withstand the erosion of this precious treasure of the Buddha.

The snow particles penetrated the Buddha's light protecting the mountain and fell to the ground. Suddenly, the temperature plummeted up and down Qionghua Mountain, and soon the whole mountain was frozen by thin ice. All the monks on the mountain who followed Lu Qian to ascend to Liangyi Heaven, except for all kinds of extreme Lu Min, who had almost natural immunity to the environment, and everyone else were shivering from the cold.

Including Jieyin Toutuo, Shafo Wuxin and others with the strongest cultivation, their faces were turned pale by the cold, and their movements became much sluggish.

The crowd had no choice but to abandon the temple building on the top of the mountain and retreat to the dojo of Empress Qionghua in the heart of the mountain. With the thick mountain and the protection of Empress Qionghua, no matter how powerful Qingjing Douer was, she could not even invade the grotto even half a step.

It's just that this kind of frustration... made a few fierce monks with bad tempers among the old monks in Mahakala become so angry that they cursed all day long!

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