Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 703: The monk opens his mouth (4)

On the hillock, the glazed vase monk held his hands and laughed.

This junior brother is very kind, great, very kind!

On Shiziling, by the deep pool in the mountain behind Dajue Temple, Monk Yuanjue stood on the trestle, squinting and looking into the distance with a smile. He suddenly put his hands on his hands and said with a smile: You evil beast, you have committed another crime of killing!

The eyes of the green-haired lion lying on the trestle suddenly brightened, and he slapped the water of the pond, stunning a large carp at the bottom of the pond with incomparable accuracy. The big limp carp floated on the water, and four powerful monks with fleshy faces rushed out of the forest like the wind, carrying fish knives, grills, various spices, etc.

Something unpredictable.

Above the extremely high void, located on the dividing line between the membrane of the world of Liangyi Heaven and the clear void of the outside world, in a glimmer of light that cannot be detected by ordinary people, there is a vast Buddhist country that stretches hundreds of millions of miles.

At the core of the Buddhist kingdom, immeasurable light, immeasurable heat, and immeasurable colors turn into unpredictable and strange streams of light that change hundreds of millions of times at the snap of a finger, surging and roaring around. In such a giant Buddha's country, everything is shrouded in strong light. Everything is soaked and soaked by strong light. The inside and outside of the body are filled with rich light and heat!

In the center of the endless light and heat is a Buddha who has become completely radiant and whose true appearance cannot be seen.

He sat cross-legged in the void, with countless colorful flames beating violently and twisting. With every flick of his finger, energy equivalent to tens of thousands of suns in the lower world was frantically growing and annihilating.

The endless flames of light condensed behind him into a giant halo of hundreds of weights inside and outside. Accompanied by a low roar that made the entire Buddhist kingdom tremble slightly, the halo slowly rotated, controlling the Buddha. Everything in the country.

‘Click, click’!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha sat cross-legged in front of this giant Buddha of light, gnawing at the melon whose juice was as sticky as honey.

He gnawed on a melon, then took out a few berries, and finally cut open a large watermelon about three feet long and scooped it out bite by bite with a large porcelain spoon.

When Lu Qian slapped Monk Zhensi twice, and then stirred up a storm, he took the initiative to touch porcelain, and used those broken lower realm magic weapons to break several holes in his body...

This method even deceived the countless true immortals who were watching the excitement near Qionghua Mountain, but it failed to deceive the eyes of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha and this incredible giant Buddha of light.

‘Click, click’!

I had a great time eating at Guangfo.

He smiled and looked at the Giant Flame Buddha, which was a hundred times bigger than him, and raised his eyebrows proudly: How is it? How is my little disciple?

On the splendid and dazzling face of the Giant Flame Buddha, there are two points of black light appearing at the position of the eyes.

Black light, clear, pure, it is pure darkness, black without any impurities!

The ultimate of light and flame is darkness.

The ultimate in darkness is light.

The external appearance of this giant Buddha of light and flame is endless and unpredictable light, but at the core of his golden body of light and flame, the black that is the ultimate opposite to the light and flame has been derived.

Such darkness is enough to annihilate everything and see through everything.

In this pair of dark eyes filled with ultimate power, the huge Liang Yitian has very few means to isolate him from sight and avoid his prying eyes.

Very good! The Giant Buddha of Light sighed softly: The real silkworms are quite good, but they are just like the indigenous disciples of Liang Yitian... They lack experience and all aspects of their skills.

After a slight pause, the Giant Buddha of Light shook his head: However, that being said, your disciple's methods are a bit rogue. Tsk, why would you hit someone when you get started? It doesn't make sense at all!

There was a deep chill in the laughter of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha: But, don't you think that since the destruction of the demons and demons, my Buddhist disciples like to reason more and more?

There are few serious things, and there are many heretical tricks.

That Snow Cliff Monk went to Dajue Temple to bet and fight in an upright and dignified manner. He is still a good man.

That Yinxiu... a pig-dog-like despicable thing, who gave him the courage to go to Qionghua Mountain to fight the autumn wind?

The Giant Buddha of Light was silent for a moment, and pointed at his heart: It seems that I gave him the courage? Tsk, Qing Jing looks like this, he insists on making friends with that joy... They pulled my tiger skin, outside I can't kill them with one strike if they are so tyrannical, right?

Spreading his hands, the Giant Buddha of Light sighed: Qingjing, I must make her achieve something. Joy is probably a disaster on her path. Back then, I owed them to these disciples , so, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how rude it is, you have to pay it back!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha sneered: Well, for the sake of your kindness, let's just forget about Yin Xiu.

In the Baoyan Cave in Lingyuan Mountain, the ineffective iron shackles shot at Fa Hai... What does this mean?

Fa Hai returned to Qionghua Mountain and was very careful along the way. He didn't break even a blade of grass, and he didn't even step on an ant to death... Being so cautious and responsible can be called a role model for my Buddhist disciples... Haha, actually On my own territory, I was forced to use the romantic array of the Great Joy lineage...

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha thought up some words: In Fahai's words, it's like touching porcelain!

We are both disciples of Buddhism, why should we fight each other so hard?

If it's a grand method of knocking on the door, that's it... using a few dirty little nuns to hook up... If word of such a dirty trick spreads, the bull-nosed people on the other side will think that I'm suppressing it. The true successor of the Buddha lineage of the prison lineage is still a shameless flower monk!

The Giant Buddha of Light nodded slowly, and the black in his eyes became deeper and more deadly.

As for Monk Xue Ying, I won't say anything about him... he comes to bully people with his master's Buddhist treasures. Behind Fahai, there is me as the master. This is better than my own master's background.

This matter can be regarded as a serious fight for my Buddhist junior... In this junior matter, if you lose, you lose, and you deserve to be beaten!

Monk Longyin and Monk Huanyang, two people who have been practicing for thousands of years, went to fight with Fahai. This is not right!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha ate happily, his hands moving faster and faster, but his words did not stop at all.

Especially because of Little Nun Qing Jing, they asked Zhen Can to come forward and use your power to bully Fa Hai...

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha shook his head vigorously: Things like this should be taken care of. Otherwise, our Buddhist sect will really... There are more and more such despicable things, and the evil demons in the Southern Territory back then, the craziest demons What’s the difference when it comes to time?”

The Giant Buddha of Light sighed softly once again.

The crazy and turbulent light and heat in the entire Buddhist country suddenly stopped, the sky was filled with stars, insects were chirping in the fields, and wisps of cool night wind blew by, picking up countless fireflies in all directions.

The light and heat that filled the void and controlled all things disappeared.

The huge Buddhist country has turned into the atmosphere of a small village on a summer night in the secular world. Countless creatures in the entire Buddhist country have entered the sweetest sleep. In the dream, there was a giant Buddha with a tall body and a body made of light, telling them about Buddhism and imparting magical powers.

In front of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, there is a young monk wearing light golden monk robes, nine feet tall, with a clear and elegant appearance.

He sat cross-legged in front of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha and stretched out his right hand.

The prison-suppressing Xuanguang Buddha took out a large handful of wild dates and handed them to the young monk.

‘Click, click’!

The two of them sat cross-legged facing each other, observing what was happening on Qionghua Mountain while nibbling various fruits.

Let the juniors handle this matter on their own. The young monk spit out a few date stones. The shimmering date stones fell to the ground and got into the soil. They took root and sprouted in a snap of their fingers, and soon they grew. It became a big tree with a height of more than ten feet.

The jujube flowers were in full bloom, and the fragrance was overflowing. Bees and butterflies swayed from a distance to collect nectar for pollination. The jujube flowers on the tree suddenly turned into jujubes the size of a baby's fist, with skin as golden as color.

Real silkworm, let him suffer a little bit. The young monk smiled brightly: Qing Jing, I can't bear to punish... Therefore, I can only beat her little junior brother to let her and Na Xi Le understand better. Matters.

He glanced in the direction of Qionghua Mountain again and said thoughtfully: To be honest, Fahai is also my great-disciple!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha raised his eyebrows, and a dark Buddha light flashed in his eyes: Don't even think about this matter... He is the true successor of my Buddha Lineage of the Prison-Suppressing Lineage, and there is absolutely no way he can join the Baoguang Lineage!

The young monk's smile became brighter and brighter: You don't have to be so heartless. After all, you were also the first disciple of my teacher back then... It's just that in that calamity, before my teacher had time to bring you back from the world of mortals, you yourself Reincarnate and practice, and achieve the right result...

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha waved his hand and took a bite of watermelon: As it is now, it's already good.

He looked at the young monk, his eyes twinkling, and said coldly: The huge Buddhist gate can accommodate more Buddhas... But it will definitely not be able to accommodate a pair of masters and disciples with the cultivation of Buddhas... What do you think? ?”

The young monk vomited a few more date stones.

After pondering for a moment, he sighed and took out one hundred and eight strange-shaped flying swords from his sleeves.

No matter what, you are right. The huge Buddhist sect cannot tolerate a pair of masters and disciples who are both Buddha masters... Well, there needs to be some conflicts between you and me. Tell your little disciple, please tell me that the real silkworm It’s good to train and train.”

These three sets of flying swords are the treasures left behind by the Taoist sage Sanguang when he died... Haha, in that chaotic battle, no one expected that the Taoist weapon of Sanguang's destiny would fall into the hands of the master. .”

Your little disciple, with that heavenly seal, is capable of running amok.

The flying swords in the hands of the three girls around him are too shabby. I will give these three sets of flying swords to them in your name.

The young monk smiled brightly: Old Sanguang has died, his Tao inheritance has withered, and his disciples are almost dead. These three sets of flying swords, even if they are a little bit weak, you can still bear it. Go, go!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha took the flying sword, dropped the melon rind, bowed to the young monk, shook his head, and disappeared without a trace.

The young monk laughed a few times and turned into the giant Buddha of flames again, filling the entire Buddhist kingdom.

A low, deep voice, containing supreme power, sounded faintly: Where is Tong'er? Go to Yuanfu Mountain and Daxue Mountain to preach my decree... There is no room for loss of real silkworms! Since they have invited real silkworms to come out of the mountain to stir up cause and effect. , they must bear this cause and effect!

If the real silkworm cannot return safely...I will personally go to seek the bliss and joy of the dragon and the elephant to seek an explanation.

To put it bluntly for them, just say that I haven't made a move for thousands of years, and I miss the pleasure of punching to the flesh!

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