Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 704: The monk opens his mouth (5)

The Seven Treasures Diamond Circle fell.

Suppress everything.

Crush all directions.

A bright golden halo with a radius of three feet was suspended above Qionghua Mountain, just catching the gilded gourd head on the top of the 108-story pagoda.

Circles of extremely thick prison-suppressing force fields, accompanied by the roaring sounds of 'buzz' and 'buzz', rolled over everyone's bodies in waves. Lu Qian and other members of the Qionghua Mountain lineage felt that the hairs all over their bodies stood up, as if they had been electrocuted, and their whole bodies felt numb and comfortable.

But those outsiders.

Including Zhencan, Monk Longyin, Monk Huanyang, and the little nuns and monks they brought, they all lay on the ground.

The body is stiff, the mana is stagnant, the soul seems to be frozen, and all thoughts are frozen.

They looked at Lu Qian with dull eyes.

My mind was completely blank, without knowledge, without any feeling, let alone any reaction. Under the suppression of the Seven Treasures Vajra Circle, the Buddha's natal treasure, even the great Bodhisattva-level powers have to kneel down, let alone them?

Lu Qian looked at the Taoist monks who were forming formation around him, as well as Jieyin Toutuo and others who were gearing up. He pondered for a moment and then suddenly laughed: The children are disobedient and will not be beaten for three days... Since their father Mother, Master doesn’t know how to discipline, so let outsiders like us do it!”

So, Jie Yin Toutuo and his party rushed forward, and treated Monk Zhensi and his party with warm hospitality.

The sounds of bones breaking, meridians snapping, and the internal organs exploding are endless.

In short, he is a true immortal. Unless his soul is annihilated, the physical injuries... can this be considered an injury?

Together with the many items carried by Zhensi Monk and his entourage, the total amount exceeds one million in top-quality fairy crystals, a dozen pieces of very high-grade Buddhist treasures, and thousands of elixirs with different effects, but all of which are quite precious. ...There were also some messy Qimen treasures, etc., all of which were stripped clean!

Among the group of old monks like Yin Yin Toutuo, where is the fault among them?

They have been causing trouble in Yuanlingtian for many years, and their reputation, bottom line, and benevolence and morality have all been stewed and fed to the dogs. So...including the group of little nuns, this group of unlucky guys who rashly broke into Qionghua Mountain were all wiped out!

Well, all valuable objects were stripped off, including the monk robes made of various precious materials from the little nuns pulling the cart brought by Monk Huanyang, including their bellybands.

Qingyou was still a little sympathetic, so she found a batch of coarse sheets and tore them up, wrapping them around the little nuns, barely covering her body.

Later, Monk Xue Ying and other disciples of Dami Jinlun Temple had their salaries improved.

Monk Xue Ying and others who were originally held on a cross at the gate of Qionghua Mountain were violently tortured by a group of vicious monks. Like Monk Zhensi and his entourage, all of them had their pipa bones pierced by special barb chains, just like at the end of the year. The salted fish prepared by ordinary people for the New Year are arranged in a neat row and hung on the northeast corner of Qionghua Mountain, on a cliff as smooth as a mirror.

Qionghua Mountain is extremely high.

The cold wind howls on the top of the mountain and the strong wind is biting. Even if it is an ordinary alloy, it will be polished and sparks will appear if it is blown by the strong wind on the top of the mountain.

A group of monks and nuns who invaded Qionghua Mountain hung neatly on the cliff in a row.

Those little nuns, still out of Qingyou's kindness, cast a layer of restraint to cover their bodies. The strong wind did not blow away the coarse sheets on their bodies.

And Monk Zhen Can, Monk Long Yin, Monk Xue Ya, Monk Huanyang, and the group of thieves monks they brought, were all hanging naked on the cliff. Wherever the strong wind blew, the people of Dami Jinlun Temple This group of cultivating monks was okay. The strong wind only blew their skin red but failed to tear apart their flesh and blood.

However, the bones of Zhencan Monk, Huanyang Monk, and the group of flower monks from Niuyang Cave brought by Huanyang Monk have not been tempered by physical training.

The strong wind whirled past them, and shallow blood gashes kept appearing on their bodies. The wind blew, and the blood splashed with the strong wind, turning the white jade-like color behind them. A large area of ​​the mountain cliff was dyed red.

This wind... is also noisy.

Pieces of shallow, thin flesh and blood were constantly blown away from these monks by the wind. Specks of flesh and blood were stuck to the cliff. The scene was like a slaughterhouse, truly ferocious to the extreme.

In the distance, on the east bank of Liuxia River, a large group of Daoting Sanxian watching the excitement were stunned and speechless.

They can understand why Lu Qian concocted Monk Long Yin, Monk Xue Yin, Monk Huanyang and others... After all, there is a prison-suppressing Xuanguang Buddha behind Lu Qian, and the Dragon Elephant Treasure Buddha behind Monk Long Yin, or Huanyang Monk Behind Yang Seng, the founder of the great joy lineage of Buddhism, the Buddha of Joy and Joy, none of them can be the opponent of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha!

If Lu Qian treats this group of monks like this, there will be little trouble in the future, or there won't be any trouble at all.

But the real silkworm monk...

His master, the Precious Light Merit Buddha, is now the ‘presiding Buddha’ that changes every thousand years in Buddhism!

Baoguang Merit Buddha, one of the only thirteen Buddhas in Buddhism, you hung his true disciples on the cliff, banned all cultivation, and allowed the strong wind to wreak havoc and abuse... You are a bald Dharma pirate. , How hard is the head?

Lu Qian didn't care what these idle people watching were thinking.

He invited several small Bodhisattvas sent by Dajue Temple to help him build the Qionghua Mountain Dojo and arrange the mountain protection array into the Qionghua Jade Mansion, and consulted them seriously for a long time, and then a group of people discussed, mainly It was Lu Qian who took the initiative and compiled a booklet with more than a hundred pages.

In the Qionghua Yu Mansion, several small Bodhisattvas from the Dajue Temple were like real clay and wooden sculptures. They all stood blankly in silence for a long time.

They looked at the booklet with the scent of ink in Lu Chen's hand. After hesitating for a long time, Monk Huinian finally spoke softly: Junior brother Fa Hai, you... seem a bit... I'm afraid they won't agree.

Lu Qian nodded slightly: I also know that they probably won't agree to this condition... so what?

Lu Qian smiled and pointed to the top of his head: Anyway, it is their disciples who are hanging on the cliff in disgrace and suffering... If they do not agree to my conditions, I will hang them on the cliff for ten thousand years!

Lu Qian smiled extremely coldly, with a cold light like a wind knife and frost sword hidden in his smile: They want to create an excuse to occupy my Qionghua Mountain for ten thousand years, then I will hang them on the cliff for ten thousand years. The so-called cause and effect is exactly like this.”

Monk Huinian twisted the beads and said in a deep voice, I'm just afraid...

Lu Qian said in a deep voice: Afraid that they will not follow the rules and bully the small ones?

Monk Huinian looked at the subtle smile on Lu Qian's face and suddenly laughed loudly: Senior brother waited in error... I am a member of the prison-suppressing lineage, so why should I be afraid that they will not follow the rules?

Several small Bodhisattvas were radiating great light, and waves of heavy and thick prison-suppressing power overflowed.

They all laughed and clapped with joy.

To say that he doesn't follow the rules, only the powerful and powerful Xuanguang Buddha of the Prison Suppression is qualified to not follow the rules...

In that case, what are you afraid of?

The hostages are in hand, what are you afraid of?

Several little Bodhisattvas laughed loudly and surrounded Lu Qian as they left Qionghua Jade Mansion and arrived at the top of Qionghua Mountain.

Lu Qian casually threw the pamphlet to a disciple of the Dami Jinlun Temple who stayed here specially and had the cultivation of the second level of the True Immortal. He said coldly: Go ahead and throw this pamphlet to you. The one who can call the shots here.”

Just tell me, prepare one for me according to the type and quantity of materials in this booklet.

Send the things to Qionghua Mountain, and I will release them naturally.

If you don't want to give it, then... they will keep hanging it on the top of Qionghua Mountain in public. In the end, you will be the one who is embarrassed... ugh!

Lu Qian's words suddenly stopped.

In that compartment, the cruel Jie Yin Toutuo made another new trick.

He didn't know where he summoned a mountain eagle with the cultivation of a true immortal. He drove the mountain eagle to fly in the air and pounce. It regarded the real silkworm monks hanging on the cliff as prey and kept pecking at them. flesh and blood.

This mountain eagle has a wingspan of more than ten feet, and its beak is three feet long. It is shiny and bright, like a butcher's iron hook for hanging pork, and it is extremely sharp. As soon as it took the real silkworm monk and the others, seven or eight kilograms of meat was torn off... and with another mouthful, the internal organs were directly visible.

Lu Qian looked at the group of real silkworm monks who were howling miserably, clasped his hands together, and murmured: That's so good... Promi... cough cough!

Shaking his head, Lu Qian said softly to the pale and trembling disciples of the Dami Jinlun Temple in front of him: You have also seen that if the ransom is not sent in time, I am afraid that your group of brothers will... have to... Let’s take a trip through reincarnation.”

With a slight smile, Lu Qian patted the monk with bloodshot eyes: Remember to tell your teacher, or the person who can make the decision... Well, the real silkworm monk is in my hands. If you dare to use force to rescue people, you will Don't blame me for killing you.

The monk, who was shaking with anger or fright, stared straight at Lu Qian, gritted his teeth and hissed: Fa Hai, you behave like this, are you really not afraid of the Lord Buddha's blame?

Lu Qian tilted his head and looked at the monk, and suddenly grinned: If Lord Buddha is to blame... guess what I will do?

The monk was stunned and murmured: What will you do?

Lu Qian looked erratically to the east, at the Taoist 'idlers' watching the excitement on the east bank of the Liuxia River, and his voice became extremely erratic: I won't leave you everywhere, I will join the Eighth Route Army...

Ahem, don't take it seriously! Lu Qian smiled brightly and patted the bald head of the monk in front of him: Go, go, hurry back and send the message... Well, actually, Lord Buddha, I'm not much of a lion. Dakai, it’s just that I want to upgrade Qionghua Mountain’s mountain-protecting formation from a powerful defense at the Bodhisattva level to one that can resist the Buddha!”

You won't be reluctant to part with some of the things outside your body, right?

Several young Bodhisattvas from Dajue Temple had their eyelids drooped, their hands clasped together and they were just chanting the Buddha's name.

The disciple of Dami Jinlun Temple who was gently rubbed his bald head by Lu Yi looked at Lu Yi as if he had seen a ghost - Thief Monk, you know how many resources are needed to set up a mountain protection formation that can withstand the attack of Buddha-level powers. What?

In particular, such a vast dojo in Qionghua Mountain requires a huge formation...


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