Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 753 Night in the Stockade

The stockade built by Xiangman was extremely tall and spacious. With Lu Qian's current normal height of 3 feet and 6 feet, he could live in it quite comfortably.

With huge rocks, logs, huge animal oil braziers for lighting, and totem poles that stand all over the village for decoration, defense, and warning, the entire village is full of a strange and wild style.

The air is filled with the strong aroma of wine and meat.

Standing on the terrace of the small building where Lu Qian lives, you can see that on the flat dam in front of this row of small buildings, dozens of strong elephants are sitting around a bonfire, roasting a dozen clean giant beasts. All golden and oily.

All kinds of precious spices that can be sold at a sky-high price in the Demon Suppressing City and are very beneficial to the soul of the true immortal are like free flour. They are sprinkled on these barbecued meats in large quantities. The scent of spices floating in the air makes people feel warm all over, and stimulates the soul to expand.

They are doing honest business. Lu Qian looked at the busy Xiang Man and admired sincerely.

If such barbecue were placed in the Demon City, the cost of the spices used in one pound of barbecue would be about three pieces of top-quality immortal crystals. In the village called Sanya, a pound of barbecue is clearly priced, and only sells for fifty high-grade fairy crystals, or the equivalent price of elixir fairy grass.

Based on the exchange of one top-grade fairy crystal for one hundred top-grade fairy crystals, this is really a conscientious price.

However, the price of these spices in the Demon Suppressing City is sky-high. If placed in this wild mountain range, they are just like the 'weeds' that can be picked up by the children of the barbarian tribe playing in the wilderness. What they put in was just a tiny bit of insignificant labor, but they were able to get a large amount of the supplies they needed. There was no telling who gained and who lost in this transaction.

Lu Qian and his companions, except for the group of a hundred or so masked men in black, and a group of Blood Buddha Temple disciples such as Monk Du Ku, everyone else gathered around the bonfire and handed over fairy crystals in exchange for pieces of barbecue. , bowls of strong liquor.

Oh, Lady Tao and the others didn’t even bother to eat or drink.

They had already put up several small buildings in the open space of the village, opened their doors, and started doing business.

There happened to be two exploration teams returning from the south, and they also arrived at Sanya Village before nightfall. The monks in the two teams had been suffering in the dangerous mountains for who knows how long. Now, when they arrived at this extremely safe village, they met such a group of gorgeous girls, which immediately aroused the most primitive instincts in biological nature. .

The meat is shiny and the powder is fragrant.

From time to time, anxious monks trotted into the small building, and from time to time, someone came out with his hands covering his waist, his face turning pale, and his legs trembling slightly. At the entrance of the small building, a long flowing table was set up, which was filled with the spirits and barbecue just bought from those elephants. Lady Tao greeted the guests who had just enjoyed themselves with a smile on her face, and served these spirits , sell the barbecue to them at a 50% increase!

Lu Qian couldn't stand it anymore.

Pingba Barbeque Bar is just over a mile away from those small buildings. Tao Niangzi purchases on the spot, increases prices on the spot, and sells on the spot. The business is actually quite prosperous!

Many elephants in the village stood dumbly beside a few small buildings, staring with wide eyes and looking in disbelief at how successful Tao Niangzi was in this speculative business. They couldn't understand at all why these customers, whose legs were still trembling, had to pay high prices for the wine and meat from Lady Tao, just to walk a few more steps.

Amidst the dull and powerful footsteps, Monk Duku walked slowly to Lu Qian's side, stood side by side with him, and looked at the elephants who were busy in Pingba.

Is something wrong? Lu Qian smiled at Monk Du Ku.

It seems that you are not a scumbag. Monk Du Ku obviously has some social difficulties and offends people when he speaks.

Lu Qian laughed dryly: Why do you see it?

Monk Du Ku said calmly: You allow them to accompany them on this journey, which shows that you are compassionate.

Lu Qian looked at him in astonishment: That's it, do you think I'm a good person?

Tao Niangzi, the private army of the big family, and the elite team of masked men, the three teams stayed by Lu Qian's side and followed him for several days, traveling tens of thousands of miles into the wilderness. That's it for the private army and the masked man. They were quite elite and moved very fast, but they could keep up with Lu Qian. But Mrs. Tao's group of Yingying Yanyan was not the same. There were numerous mistakes and troubles along the way, which greatly slowed down the progress.

If it had been anyone else, they would have abandoned Tao Niangzi and the others, or simply offered a high price and asked Tao Niangzi and others to pay for peace.

Lu Qian deliberately slowed down his marching speed and asked Tao Niangzi and others to follow the team.

Senior Brother Fa Hai is a person with true Buddha nature. Monk Du Ku said solemnly: However, be careful tonight. That group of people has evil thoughts towards you. The poor monk just explored the village. They They are people from Hunyuan Luotian Sect, and there are many people patrolling around senior brother...does senior brother have a grudge against them?

Hunyuan Luotian Sect?

Of course, there is a grudge... Lu Qian has not forgotten that he is still on the Daluo blood list, and the founder of the family wants his head by name.

Of course, Lu Qian had already taken precautions.

He was curious about another thing: This village is indeed serious about serious business...Senior Brother Duku is looking around, what is this? Is it possible that you want to make a fortune?

Monk Duku grinned, and there was a faint evil aura rising from his body.

My Buddha is merciful... Monsters and evil spirits cannot be trusted... If there is a destiny, we can save them. This is also a kind of mercy. Monk Dudu looked at Lu Qian seriously: The biggest concern for monsters and evil spirits is His compassion is to completely purify them and make them completely free from the pain of birth, old age, illness and death, and the confusion of joy, anger, sorrow and joy... what does Senior Brother Fahai think?

Lu Qian looked at Monk Du Ku in surprise.

Very good, this guy is really murderous, he really wants to clean up this village!

Senior Brother Duku thinks so alone, or is it?

Monk Du Ku put his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name softly: Of course all the monks in our Blood Buddha Temple think so. Brother Fahai doesn't know about our Blood Buddha Temple?

Without waiting for Lu Qian's answer, Monk Du Ku said coldly: Of course, I think they won't let us, a group of heretics and scum, humiliate Buddhism... Hehe.

After sneering a few times, Monk Duku lowered his voice: This village has a large amount of supplies stored in it. Does Brother Fahai intend to join forces?

Lu Qian's eyes widened: Murder and arson?

The suffering monk said softly: Save all sentient beings!

Lu Qian was a little hesitant.

The elephants in this village are doing business as expected... Although the village is built on a major traffic road and the toll collection is a bit abominable, the wine and barbecue they sell are all at a reasonable price.

Killing people, setting fires, and robbing money for no reason. This... this... seems a bit excessive?

At the same time, in a nearby small building, a first-floor ban sealed the room, cutting off sounds from inside and outside. Taoist Qingnang and several accompanying Daxian'er gathered together and were muttering about the behavior of Lu Qian and his party.

There were several accompanying monks who were reporting the news they had found out.

These fruit wines brewed by Xiangman are mixed with a lot of powerful elixirs such as fairy grass, so the wine is so strong that even a real immortal will lose control of his mouth if he drinks too much. The people sent out by Taoist Qingnang easily found out the details of Lu Qian and his group.

Tapping his fingers on the armrest of the seat, Taoist Qingnang sneered softly: Unexpectedly, this pirate bald man can actually make the city lord look decent... Haha, something happened to the team in the village outside the city, and he actually And you personally lead people to search and rescue? Have you heard of such a thing? Have you heard of it?

Several great immortals shook their heads slightly and showed sarcastic sneers.

Taoist Qingnang sighed softly: That's it. The three blood-kidneys didn't know how much benefit they gave him, so he took action himself... Then, for several junior brothers, he is on the Daluo Blood List. Come on, the Patriarch personally ordered his life!


Taoist Qingnang's tone became extremely subtle and unpredictable.

It's just that I heard that he benefited greatly from the gambling battle a few months ago. A great fairy hesitated: Wait, will he be his opponent?

Taoist Qingnang said confidently: It is true that he has obtained the Shenglong Pill of the sage and the ancient Buddha relics of the Lord Buddha, so his cultivation is naturally brave and diligent... But at most, he has the strength of the pinnacle Bodhisattva. So? He, after all, doesn’t have the power of a Buddha?”

Several great immortals hesitated for a moment and nodded slowly.

Taoist Qingnang chuckled and said: That's it. I have the borrowed 'Dragon Roaring Sky-Splitting Sword Ring' here. This fairy treasure can be called the most important treasure of my Senluo lineage to suppress the pulse. It is unparalleled in killing! One strike with all my strength, He has Buddha-level killing power. With calculated calculations and no intention, he will be able to severely damage or even kill him... Even if he still has some treasures at the bottom of the box... Those elephants, what did they say?

Before anyone else could speak, Taoist Qingnang said softly: As long as they are given enough benefits, these elephants can be hired... Since they can be used as bodyguards, it is also appropriate to be killers and assassins. It just depends on how much they pay. thing!

He continued: No matter how much you pay, as long as you can remove the bald head of the French pirate and send it to the founder...the benefits this merit can bring, haha!

There was a strange flame burning in Taoist Qingnang's eyes.

In the room, several other great immortals also felt inexplicably a wave of evil fire rushing straight to their foreheads. They pondered what Taoist Qingnang said, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt that he was right!

After looking at each other, several great immortals nodded one after another: In that case, let's make arrangements immediately... kill the thief Bald and accomplish extraordinary feats!

After a few more low-pitched discussions, the restrictions in the room were lifted, Taoist Qingnang and several great immortals filed out and went their separate ways. Taoist Qingnang took a large amount of money that several people had collected and went straight to the owner of Sanya Village, a Xiangman who was almost three feet tall and was grilling meat by himself next to the campfire.

In the diagonal thorn, in front of a row of longhouse doors, several monks in black clothes and masks were standing in a dark corner, alert to the movements around them.

In a room, several leaders were gathering together.

Traveling along the way, it is rare to find a place where you can isolate the eyes and ears of others and seriously discuss some secret affairs.

A few days ago, in the cave, the leader who was marked by the magic light took out an immortal talisman and slapped it heavily on his body. Wisps of clear light rippled throughout his body, waves washing over the bit of magic light that was like a tarsal maggot in his body.

This fairy talisman is specially used to exorcise evil spirits and kill ghosts. It can also ward off poison, miasma, etc. It is a must-have item for walking in the wild mountains.

Although the medicine used to deal with this bit of magic light was not suitable, under the wash of this clear light, the bit of magic light was washed away for several days, and it was obviously much dimmer than it was at the beginning.

It's basically no worries. The leader of the monks said coldly: In the spider jungle, we have already received a reply. The multi-eyed demon king who is friends with our family has already received a reply. He has already mobilized manpower to help us chase So that damn woman... In addition, he also promised to explain clearly to the Aconite Patriarch for us.

The death of Demon Ancestor Jiu Tou has nothing to do with us. As long as we speak clearly, with our family's connections in Manghuang, we will be safe.

He tapped the armrest of the seat with his fingers, and the leading monk lowered his voice: Now, the only problem is that the Duomu Demon King heard that Fahai is the lord of the ninth city of Zhenzi, and they intend to...capture him alive. Captured alive.”

Huh? The other leaders in the team looked at their leader in astonishment.

It is conceivable. These monsters and demons, being on good terms with our family, can bring endless benefits to both parties every year. If they can control the city lord of a town, how much benefit can it bring them?

Even... the leader's monk's eyes flashed: If they really control a Zhencheng City Lord, will Zhenmo Ridge open a gap for them? Of course, this is my guess. Do you think Woolen cloth?

Do you want to do this, or not? The leading monk lowered his voice subconsciously: If we are willing to cooperate with them and deliver Fahai to their hands... not only the misunderstanding with Patriarch Wutou can be easily resolved. Kai, even... we personally can get a large amount of reward. This reward has nothing to do with our family at all, and can completely belong to us personally.

Without waiting for others to speak, the leader continued: This time, I was ordered by the young master to pursue the bitch who had the audacity to escape privately... This kind of thing, without mentioning the hard work, has not achieved any benefit, but it has paid off. After causing so much trouble... taking a risk and taking a trip, if there is no benefit at all, it would be... unjustifiable!

There was silence in the room for a long time, and a leader said quietly: Everyone wants the benefits, but if this matter is leaked.

The leading monk said coldly: As long as we cooperate properly, how could it be leaked?

Another leader said softly: There are so many people in the team...

The leader of the monks sneered: The thief of Blood Buddha Temple is bald, and Patriarch Wu Tou will personally take action and kill them all. Fahai and his entourage will not leave any one behind. Tao Niang and the others, tsk, you can imagine the end. And I know... the remaining group of people, I have roughly figured out their origins, they should be members of the Sima family in the tenth city... they will be buried together.

This is a wilderness, the territory of barbarians and evil spirits.

They are about to attack someone, do you think there will be any mistakes?

The leading monk shook his head slightly: With their strength, they are very sure to capture Fa Hai alive without us taking action... We are asked to cooperate, but it is just a precaution. If Fa Hai really has any means to suppress the situation, let's let him He escaped by chance, and we will become a burden to Fahai, making it too easy for him to escape!

Even take the time to give him a hard slap! A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the leading monk.

The leaders thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

One of the leaders sighed softly: We have been together for a few days, and it can be seen that Fahai is quite warm-hearted. He does not patronize Lady Tao's daughters, but is willing to protect them intentionally or unintentionally. He is indeed a good monk. ...Scared, in this world, good people don’t have a good life! I can only lose it to him!

The leader of the monks shook his head gently: Isn't that right? A good person? Haha, there are so many good people in this world who have no good life... Just say that bitch's family, aren't they all good people too? But what about now? Wait for us Take her back and hand her over to the young master, haha... Who among you has not received the favor from that bitch?

The atmosphere in the room was a bit awkward.

The group of people looked at me and I looked at you, coughed a few times, and began to discuss how to become Lu Qian's burden, and how to send Fahai into a trap so that he could not escape when those savages and evil spirits really started to act. So much.

In Pingba, a group of elite private soldiers wearing heavy armor were also eating and drinking.

The blood-kidneys were already familiar with the leader of this private army, and they were having fun with wine and meat. They were drunk and blushing, and they were fooling around without limit.

This private army has strong cultivation, good equipment, and good coordination. They are the elite of the Sima family, the number one family in the tenth city. The Sima family has opened up a large mine in the wild mountains, and has raised many mining slaves who are mining day and night.

However, the veins of the mine extend to a mine belonging to the Yao family, a wealthy family in the 36th city... That's all. At the junction of the two mines, an excellent mine was discovered. The small cave sky.

The manpower deployed by the two companies in the mine suddenly broke out into a fierce bloody battle over the small cave. In just a few days, tens of thousands were killed and injured.

Their team of elites, all composed of true immortals, were urgently transferred from the Sima family and rushed to the mine for emergency reinforcements. The family issued a death order and asked them to rush to the mine as reinforcements, which would definitely suppress the Yao family's arrogance.

This was also the main reason why the leader of the Sima family was unwilling, or in other words, did not dare to return to the town to dispel the demonic light after being marked by the Wutou Patriarch's demonic light, but continued southward. The family rules are really strict and he doesn't dare to waste time!

As for the demonic light of the Wutou ancestor, although it is troublesome, the Sima family also has a certain degree of friendship with some savage and evil forces in the wilderness. Anyway, they were not responsible for the Dove Head Demon Ancestor, they just suffered from the fish pond disaster.

Important members of the Sima family have already rushed to the mine in advance.

As long as they meet up with that important member, with the connections of the Sima family, some misunderstandings can be explained clearly.

Lu Qian stood on the second floor terrace, and all the movement in Pingba could be seen and heard.

After hearing what the leader of the Sima family said, Lu Qian said in surprise: I thought that the people in the town and the savages and evil spirits in the wilderness were incompatible with each other. I didn't expect that everyone in the family was so happy and harmonious. ?”

Monk Du Ku also looked in the direction of the elite private army of the Sima family. He raised his long eyebrows and said coldly: People's hearts are evil and full of scum. They can all be killed... Oh, they have friendship with monsters and evil spirits. '? Back then when we were fighting against the barbarians and evil spirits, with just these two words, they had already wiped out all nine tribes.

Suddenly, Monk Du Ku was slightly stunned.

He frowned, saluted Lu Qian with his hands clasped together, flicked his sleeves, strode downstairs, and disappeared into the darkness.

He and a group of monks from the Blood Buddha Temple did not stay in the small inn built by Xiang Man, but chose to meditate in the open air on a flat ground.

Lu Qian watched Monk Duku disappear into the darkness, but he didn't take it seriously. His eyes fell directly on Taoist Qingnang who walked out of the small building and approached the master of Sanya Village with a smile on his face.

Qingnang Taoist and Sanya Village Master murmured a few words in a low voice. The three-foot-tall village master chuckled a few times, rubbed his long nose gently on Qingnang Taoist's head, and brought it with him. He walked towards a large stone house in the center of the village.

Not long after, the hundreds of crudely carved totem poles around the stone house lit up with a faint blood-colored light. Amidst the high-pitched calls of wild elephants, an invisible layer of restrictions enveloped the entire stone house. Taoist Qingnang did not know What exactly did he say to the village leader?

Hunyuan Luotian Sect. Lu Qian tapped the guardrail in front of him with his fingers, and shook his head with some emotion: I don't know what happened to everything? Tsk, what have I done to deserve your high-profile reward? It's simply Yes, there is no reason! Just because I killed all of your descendants in the lower realm? This is simply inexplicable!

In any case, Monk Du Ku had reminded him. Lu Qian himself also felt a trace of deeply suppressed malice from Taoist Qingnang. He had enough precautions... If Taoist Qingnang wanted to do something, it would definitely be these Hunyuan people who regretted it. A monk from the Luotian Sect will definitely not be Lu Qian!

The monk who had overcome the suffering returned to his fellow disciples, sat cross-legged on the ground, meditated and chanted sutras.

After half an hour of this, he raised his head and glanced at the great monk next to him. A flash of blood flashed in his eyes, and a spiritual consciousness of 'his mind' surged. The great monk nodded slowly, and the handprints of his hands changed. , the whole person quietly turned into a very thin wisp of blood and penetrated the earth, disappearing in an instant.

A moment later, at the edge of the spider jungle in the north of the valley where Sanya Village was located, there was a flash of blood, and the great monk quietly appeared. He clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice: Which senior brother can you use the secret spell to summon?

An invisible and traceless layer of Buddha's light restricted the land within a hundred feet, and the Iron Shackle Buddha and the Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha emerged from the dense miasma.

The Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha slowly stepped forward. The Buddha's light surged behind him, and a Buddha's Dharma image astride a giant elephant and holding a dragon in both hands loomed in the Buddha's light. He asked the great monk in a deep voice: Are you a disciple of the Blood Buddha Temple? How has Senior Brother Sansheng been doing well in recent years?

The great monk raised his brows and said calmly: It turns out that it was the Buddha who asked his disciples to cross nature in front of him. This is polite.

After a slight pause, Monk Du Xing said softly: There are no more three lives in the world, but my disciples don't know whether he is well or not.

The Dragon Elephant Treasure Buddha was stunned. He raised his head and looked at the dark, large and small twisted cloud vortices swirling around. Occasionally, a half-curved moon could be seen in the gaps in the clouds, moving back and forth like a madman, constantly shedding streaks of light. A sky of cyan and red messy light beams.

Sighing softly, he said with emotion: Yes, there is no Sansei Disillusionment Buddha in the world, and there is no Sansei Senior Brother in the world... Well, how has your family, Lixue Buddha, been doing well in recent years?

Monk Du Xing chanted the Buddha's name softly and said unhurriedly: The Buddha can recite the secret mantra of this temple, which shows that he has a close relationship with this temple. Dare I ask the Buddha's name? What is the purpose of looking for the Lixue Buddha?

The Longxiang Terma Buddha pondered for a moment and said deeply: Lao Na Long Xiang Fu Zang, I and Li Xue Buddha once listened to the sutras under the same Buddha's disciples, and we had a kindred friendship. In the past, I fought against monsters and evil spirits, and Lao Na and The blood-living Buddha also has the feeling of fighting side by side and helping each other.

Looking at Monk Du Xing, Long Xiang Terbo Buddha said in a deep voice: You don't know me. I think he is the new disciple of Li Xue Buddha after he retired to the wilderness? You can send a message to Li Xue Buddha. He said that I came to him to discuss something important.

Monk Du Xing frowned.

An evil spirit surged on the face of the Iron Fong Buddha, and a dark Buddha light emitted from his body. A terrible pressure suddenly imprisoned Monk Du Xing's whole body, crushing his bones and almost bursting his body.

Iron Fong Buddha said angrily: What are you doing, little monk? Go back and deliver the message quickly. You are delaying our important work. Even if your muscles are peeled off and your soul is burned with Buddha's fire for tens of thousands of years, it will be hard to get rid of the anger in Buddha's heart!

Before the Dragon Elephant Treasure Buddha could stop him, the Iron Fetter Buddha's right index finger hit hard, and with a bang, Monk Du Xing's right chest sunk into a dent the size of a sea bowl. The nearby ribs were all shattered, and even his lungs were damaged. Suffered severe injuries.

Monk Du Xing spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes suddenly turned bloody.

The Dragon Elephant Treasure Buddha was startled, and hurriedly shed a ray of Buddha light, which shook away the black Buddha light surrounding the monk Du Xing. Shaking his hands, he stuffed a Buddhist pill into the mouth of the monk Du Xing, and pressed his right hand on his chest with the palm of his hand. The sunken chest was instantly healed by the Buddha's light.

Not only that, the Buddha Pill continued to release its majestic medicinal power. The energy and blood in Monk Du Xing's body surged, and his golden body cultivation suddenly increased a lot.

Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha put his palms together and smiled bitterly at Monk Du Xing: That's all, that's all. This is the Iron Shackle Buddha. He has a bad temper in his life. In these days in the wild mountains, he has suffered from some sullenness, so he became more anxious... This It’s just that I can’t help you, little master…well, let me and Li Xue Buddha talk about this matter separately. What do you think, little master?”

With a dim light in his eyes, Longxiang Terbo Buddha said in a deep voice: Young Master Youlao sent a message to Lexue Buddha, saying that an old friend from Buddhism came to visit and brought news about his mortal enemy in the past.

Monk Du Xing stopped talking. He looked up and down at the Iron Sword Buddha and said calmly: Since we are old friends, I will report it to you. However, Tumoling Ridge is far away, so it is not easy to send a message. Thank you, two Buddhas. Just wait for a few days.

With a sway of his body, Monk Du Xing once again turned into a wisp of blood and escaped into the ground, disappearing in an instant.

Iron Sword Buddha frowned and said softly: Such methods are almost demonic.

The Dragon Elephant Treasure Buddha said softly: The Three Lives Disillusionment Buddha once said that good and evil, Buddhas and demons are all illusions. The three lives are disillusioned, and only the original mind is taken. He is not the most powerful Buddha in Buddhism, but he must have the most means. That one... He even tried to reincarnate as a 'demon' and gain insight into the demon's innate magical powers... What does a few demonic means count for?

Iron Sword Buddha also knows that he has a bad temper... Injuring one of his disciples before they even meet him is not a glorious thing after all.

Iron Fong Buddha grinned: It's not a bad idea for a kid who has never reached the realm of Bodhisattva to adjust his tone in front of me and teach him a lesson... This Sansheng... No, this Blood-bleeding Buddha, is it possible? Are you going to fall out with me because of a little monk?

After hesitating for a moment, Iron Sword Buddha said softly: I really didn't know that it was him you came looking for... Well, there were rumors in Buddhism back then that he had fallen. How could he have built a house in this wilderness again? A Blood Buddha Temple? Who is his mortal enemy? We are both members of the Buddhist sect, how come I have never heard of it?

Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha smiled indifferently and said softly: This is a long story to say. Well, that's fine. I'm afraid it will take some time to wait for the young monk to deliver the message, so we'll just talk slowly.

While speaking, the Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha and the Iron Shackle Buddha raised their heads at the same time and glanced at the sky. Two invisible Buddha powers surged and searched the void thousands of miles around.

The geomagnetic field around them was turbulent, extremely chaotic, and the Tao Yun spiritual machine was even more turbid. The two Buddhas exerted their power, but did not notice anything strange.

High in the sky, a silver ball floats quietly. On the surface of the silver ball, there is a faint layer of light, which perfectly hides the existence of the silver ball.

In the silver ball, Gu Yuanzhen exclaimed softly: After all, he is a great master of Buddhism, so he can't be careless... Well, don't feel bad about the loss, just activate all the restrictions. Just keep an eye on the thief Bald Fahai, don't look at these two people unless you have to. It’s in place.”

After sneering a few times, Gu Yuanzhen said softly: These two also came to the door on their own initiative. How are they and Fahai doing? We just need to watch quietly and don't need to do anything else.

In the main hall, Gu Yuanzhen and a group of companions were all pale-faced and blue-lipped, like human chrysalis that had been drained of their essence and blood. Under the light of the light, they didn't even have the slightest bit of humanity on their bodies. They looked terrifying. pole.

But they themselves have no idea.

Even the group of Gu Yuanzhen's subordinates in the main hall, seeing their master in this state, regarded everything as normal and did not feel anything strange.

In other words, everyone in this silver ball has fallen into some kind of abnormality.

But they themselves had no idea.

In the far north, in the Demon City, next to Ming Lake, on the terrace. Bai Di was sitting by the lake, looking at the lake and water, tasting the sweet wine as red as blood, laughing lightly and slashed out a wisp of sword energy, tearing a few flying geese into pieces.

You guys, it's all sacrifice... you want to cling to it and reach the sky in one step? Haha, how can there be such a good thing in the world?

Taiwei is born with deficiencies. If you want to break through, you must pay a sufficient price...you guys...even if it counts, it will also be the price for your family behind you. Ha!

Bai Di looked towards the direction of the Ninth City, raised his wine cup and took a sip of the wine. A little drink hung on the corner of his mouth, and finally slowly slipped down, like a wisp of blood hanging on his mouth.

Bai Yu, don't blame me.

This is your life!

A ball of dim light the size of a fist floated around Bai Emperor. In the dim light, a incomplete and strange-shaped treasure wheel could be seen slowly rotating, surrounded by countless stars. At the core of the Baolun, at the wheel axis, is a furnace with a strange shape.

Starlight circulated, and wisps of gray aura continued to flow from the void across the sky, and were absorbed and swallowed by the treasure wheel. On the surface of the treasure wheel, looming faces appeared.

These faces roared and cried, flowing little by little along the spokes toward the axis.

In the end, they were sucked into the furnace of the wheel bit by bit. A wisp of ashes was dim and faint, but a strange flame with looming starlight rose up, turning these faces into firewood, extremely slowly, but extremely determined. Calcined completely.

Bai Di put his head next to the dim light.

A very fine wisp of smoke rose from inside the wheel shaft. He took a gentle breath, and this wisp of smoke was absorbed into his body, and his cultivation level jumped upward slightly.

This wisp of smoke is enough to rival his hundreds of years of hard work!

Haha! Bai Di showed an intoxicating and evil smile: What a supreme treasure! What is the origin of this?

Touching the dim light with his fingers, Bai Di closed his eyes and sighed quietly: However, the true nature of this treasure is in Taiwei's hands... if...

After pondering for a moment, Bai Di curled his fingers towards the water pavilion behind him.

A young man with a figure like a sword and a sword-like glow in his eyes quickly walked out, quietly and silently came behind Bai Di, and said respectfully: Master?

Bai Di said softly: That Fahai must have entered the wilderness... In this case, his City Lord's Mansion is very empty? Do you think, if during the time he left the City Lord's Mansion, some evil demons captured it? The City Lord's Mansion kidnapped Bai Yuan and Yinyuan, and sold them as slaves to the land of barbarians and evil spirits in the wild mountains... Isn't it exciting?

It's indeed wonderful. The young man smiled: Master, what do you mean?

Bai Di sighed: Then let's do this... As a father, this is really not my intention... No matter what... No matter... I can only let Bai Yu fall into endless disasters, use her as a calamity fire, and burn her Only through countless sacrifices can we be able to achieve great success, gather infinite life force, plunder endless blessings, and push your master wife to take the final step.

When one person attains the Dao, a chicken or a dog will ascend to heaven... You and I are both chickens and dogs, and your wife, the master, is the one who attains the Dao!

In order for one person to attain enlightenment, we can't care about so many small sacrifices. Bai Di said coldly: My daughter, you can be reborn at any time, but the opportunity to attain enlightenment is only once. I missed it. , is a crime worthy of death!

The young man bowed deeply and saluted. His body swayed and turned into a faint stream of light that suddenly went away.

Bai Di opened his eyes, looked quietly at the direction in which the young man was going, and suddenly sneered in a low voice: When one person achieves enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, are you worthy? Haha, you are just a small sacrifice...

In the dim light, on the treasure wheel, the faces of some strange creatures gradually appeared.

Bai Di squinted his eyes and said in surprise: Sure enough, when Fa Hai went to the wilderness, there will be wild beasts and evil spirits in the wilderness... Haha, make it more lively, and make it more lively. Cause and effect are entangled, fate is attracted, all of you are... There is no escape, no one can escape!”

Firewood, you are all firewood!

Sacrifice, you all will sacrifice!

Bai Di stood up, dropped the wine cup, grabbed the huge long-necked wine pot, put it to the mouth of the pot, and swallowed the wine in big gulps.

The jug of fine wine was drunk down in an instant, and Bai Di slammed the jug into the clear lake, causing countless geese, wild ducks and other waterfowl to fly away.

He lowered his head, and a few strands of long hair fell from his forehead. The hair swayed in the wind, making a sharp sword clang.

He said softly: That's all, I promise you. Tell me, how can I... turn my back on guests?

It seemed that someone was saying something to Bai Di, but the surroundings were surrounded by a strange aura. Within a few miles, the light seemed to have had a layer of color removed. Some kind of terrifying power infected it into a more lofty and unpredictable existence.

It seemed that only Bai Emperor could hear this sound. There was no sound or any sound from the outside world.

Bai Di nodded lightly. He listened for a long time and finally sighed softly: That's it, that's it. It's not that I'm ruthless, it's not that I'm ruthless. It's really... I, Bai Di, am sweeping across the lower realm. , the supreme being who suppresses the moment.”

Arrived in Liangyi Heaven, and was chosen by a woman to serve as a tool for reproducing future generations? Haha!

What's more, you're depriving me of the infinite luck I accumulated in the lower realm, conceiving the acquired 'spiritual fetus of luck', using her as a bridge and a tool to inspire strange treasures, plunder my luck and destiny, and use it as the material to break through the realm?

Haha, you bitch goes too far... You are unkind, you can't blame me for being unjust!

What Taoist plan, what millions of years of planning, what does it have to do with me, Mr. Bai?

After muttering to himself in a low voice, Bai Di gritted his teeth and began to recite a complex secret spell in an extremely mysterious language. He even cut his wrist open and poured his blood essence into the ball of light.

With the sound of secret incantation.

With the continuous infusion of Bai Emperor's essence and blood.

In the ninth city of the town, Bai Yu, who was drinking and having fun in the city lord's palace, suddenly shuddered and felt an inexplicable sense of fear in his heart. Yinyuan, who was sparring with Bai Yu, also felt chilled and had goosebumps all over his body. He stood up in shock and hissed: It seems that something is wrong, but where is it wrong?

A few days ago, many mistakes were made in Qingyang Mountain, the ancestral home of the Qingyang Lin family, which was affected by strange forces. Dozens of alchemy furnaces exploded, dozens of sacrificed immortal weapons collapsed, and some members of the clan were inexplicable. They became obsessed with it, and some even died directly!

Qingyang Lin was in confusion.

Similar chaos continues to occur in many sects and families in Liangyitian.

In the short period of time when Bai Di was bleeding, millions of monks died inexplicably, were seriously injured, or had various accidents due to various strange reasons in the huge Liangyi Heaven.

The various accidents that occurred among these millions of monks and the radiation effects caused the death of over 100 million mortals, and some even left no trace of their souls behind.

In Sanya Village, Monk Du Xing returned to Monk Du Ku and whispered something to him.

Monk Du Ku frowned and sighed softly: Are they those two? Well, I'm afraid they are... coming for this one.

Looking at the small building where Lu Qian was, Monk Du Ku said softly: We can't interfere in such matters. Everything is decided by the teacher!

He took out a three-inch-long, finger-thick, bloody vajra from his sleeve, and the suffering monk quietly inserted it into his heart. The vajra fused with his heart, and a strange wave instantly spanned the extremely long void, resonating with several vajra in the distance.

One after another, the news that the Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha came in person and used secret spells to search for the Blood Buddha Temple was transmitted back to outsiders in this huge secret realm somewhere in the wild mountains in this weird way as fast as lightning. There is no way to find the Blood Buddha Temple on the Demon Slaughter Ridge.

Among the vajra pestles that resonated with the monk who was suffering, the two nearest ones were less than a thousand miles away from the location of Sanya Village.

On the terrace of the small building, Lu Qian's ears suddenly moved.

He didn't notice Monk Du Ku's move to deliver the news, but with his powerful five senses, he noticed something strange in the valley outside the village - a large group of creatures were running towards them, with murderous intent and full of malice.

There are a large number of creatures running wild in the south and north of this valley.

The total number is at least millions!

However, many of the footsteps were extremely light and subtle. It seemed that the owner of those footsteps weighed less than two kilograms?

But there were also some footsteps that were extremely heavy. Still hundreds of miles away, Lu Qian could feel the ripples caused by the heavy pressure on the earth. He could hear the cliffs on both sides of the valley, and a large number of stones and soil were shaken off and emitted. The roar.

Lu Qian whistled lightly.

Ahu, Yudianhu, who were eating and drinking by the bonfire, as well as Rhubarb, Rabbit, and Big Parrot, who were eating and drinking among the crowd, were all excited at the same time. They all raised their heads and looked towards Lu Qian. .

Lu Qian made a gesture, and Ahu and others quickly ran back to the small building.

Xueyaozi and others were still at a loss. They looked at the sudden movements of Ahu and others in surprise. Thorny Finger said in surprise: Brothers Tiger, what's going on? Uh, keep eating, keep drinking, eat and drink. That’s enough, let’s go and patronize Mrs. Tao’s business... We’ve been on this journey together, and we’ve gotten to know each other a bit, so why don’t we ask her to give us a 50% discount?”

Beside the campfire, the giant men suddenly raised their long noses, which were like snakes. They twisted a few times in the air, and their huge nostrils twitched violently.

The ears of the big Xiangman man, which were several circles larger than the cattail leaf fan, suddenly flashed. Several Xiangman leaders who were two feet tall, the strongest, and the most sensitive five senses shouted at the same time: Blow the horn, pick up the sword and gun, Prepare for war... Who dares to come to our Sanya Village to grab business from his mother? Kill him!

The high-pitched horn sound tore through the tranquility of the night. From rows of huge stone houses in all directions, strong elephant men rushed out of the rows of huge stone houses carrying various weapons and shouting.

In the entire Sanya Village, there were only two thousand Xiangman men, but when they gathered together, their momentum was comparable to that of thousands of troops. Their thick blood energy gathered into a terrifying tornado of blood energy, roaring straight into the sky, thickening the sky. The thick clouds ripped open a huge hole!

The wooden stakes, which were as thick as a water tank and 7 to 8 feet long, were soaked in grease. After being set on fire by a few wild men, they were violently thrown out.

The crazily burning wooden piles were easily thrown dozens of miles away and hit the ground heavily. The wooden piles shattered and large and small pieces of wood scattered in all directions and burned wildly, illuminating a large area of ​​the valley.

At a glance, one can see a large number of strange rats as the forerunners, and large groups of strange monsters and beasts spreading their legs and galloping towards this direction.

Some of the fast-moving monsters had already rushed to a position less than ten miles away from the village wall in the short time it took for the Xiangman men to gather.


The elephants behind the wall violently threw stone javelins.

A shrill scream was heard, and dozens of the fastest-moving monsters were violently broken apart by the javelin. Like tattered dolls, they were carried backwards by the javelin and flew far, far away!

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