Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 754 Night in the Stockade (2)

There was no hesitation, no hesitation, no warm-up process, not even Lu Qian's imagination, such as the leading figures from both sides appearing on the scene, clarifying their identities and tampering with conditions in front of the two younger brothers.

The slaughter broke out the moment the fire thrown by Xiangman illuminated the enemy.

One after another, the stone javelins, with a loud thunder-like sound and a ring of gas explosion visible to the naked eye, tore through the night and fiercely penetrated into the incoming enemy team. A large number of monsters with large enough bodies were penetrated through the transparent holes, and more petite monsters were directly exploded into pieces.

The strength of these elephants is astonishing. Stone javelins as thick as a sea bowl can be thrown dozens of miles easily by them!

This is because the valley is slightly tortuous. If the valley were a straight line, they would probably be able to throw the javelin hundreds of miles!

With a strike range of tens of miles, the number of javelins stacked behind the wall of the village is staggering. Tens of thousands of javelins are neatly stacked!

Large swaths of incoming monsters roared and turned into rain of blood, and the horns in the village became louder and louder. The leader of Sanya Village, a big Xiangman man whose clan name is Sanya, stood on a lookout made of huge rocks. On the tower, he was holding a poorly made ivory scimitar in his left hand and a big mallet made of giant leg bones in his right hand. He looked up to the sky and let out a thunderous roar.

Kill them!

Sanya was roaring crazily, and his originally soft little eyes had completely turned into blood!

This is ‘barbaric’!

In the middle of the night, without any greeting or warning, you rush into the territory of the barbarians. No matter who you are, this means the beginning of a war... and once a war breaks out between the barbarians, it will be a fight to the death. in the end!



In the minds of 'barbarians' who are not very dazed, there is basically no such concept. Taking the ethnic group as a unit, once a conflict breaks out between the 'barbarians', it will basically end with the complete destruction of a certain 'ethnic group'.

In the valleys on both sides of the north and south, the incoming monsters were running faster.

Large groups of rats with black, white and gray hair, long, short, thick, thin, fat and thin, running fast or slow, were pouring into the stockade like a tide.

The rats roared, showing off their sharp claws and teeth. The paws of some rats obviously have an unusual dark sheen. It is obvious that their paws are actually tempered with various kinds of poisons?

In the low sky more than ten feet above the ground, large groups of birds were flapping their wings, like dark clouds rushing along with the tide of rats.

These birds are mainly various types of common tits. Although they are large in number, they do not have much lethality. However, among the bird tides, there are also many raptors that are strong in size, have sharp teeth, and have sharp and powerful claws.

Accompanied by sharp whistling sounds, the tide of rats and birds passed through the javelin and was about to rush into the village.

On the city walls on the north and south sides of Sanyazhai, every ten feet or so, there stood a strong elephant man. When the tide of rats and birds was approaching quickly and was about to rush to the wall of the village, these strong men looked up to the sky and roared, and a terrifying wave of energy and blood rose up from their bodies.

‘Boom, boom boom boom boom’!

Flowers of qi and blood bloomed on the wall of the village, and waves of turbulent qi exploded in all directions. Swarms of rats and swarms of tits and birds immediately exploded into clouds of blood mist.

On the wall of the village, thick stone totem poles were like living creatures, greedily devouring the blood mist that was falling all over the sky. The twisted blood lines on the totem pole lit up little by little, waves of strange power surged, the air was twisting, and the ideas were stirring. Along with the sudden muffled sound, the land that was several miles wide outside the village walls on both sides suddenly Covered in flames.

Countless rats and birds were enveloped in flames and burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

The light of the totem pole became more dazzling and brighter, and the evil power in the air became more turbulent and powerful.

Lu Qian had already risen into the air, with his feet in the void, standing a hundred feet above the ground, quietly feeling the strange fluctuations on the totem poles. This is a completely different way of utilizing Tao Yun and Ling Ji. Although it is rough, it is extremely direct, and the power it unleashes is truly astonishing!

This is a barbaric civilization!

Compared to the profound avenues of Taoism and Buddhism, these totem poles are indeed indescribably crude. But Lu Qian noticed that the entry threshold for these totem poles was extremely low, and a five or six-year-old child could carve out the patterns on the totem poles just like drawing a gourd.

It is simple to use and powerful. Although there are very few changes and there are various unsatisfactory flaws... But compared to these barbarians with worrying IQs, this may be the most suitable civilization inheritance for them!

Wonderful! Lu Qian's soul wavered across and recorded all the patterns on these totem poles.

In Liangyi Heaven, the fact that these totem poles can emit such miraculous power proves that they are also part of the great road of Liangyi Heaven. Stones from other mountains can attack jade. By analogy, understanding these totem poles will also be beneficial to Lu Qian's own practice.

As more and more rats and birds were killed, the bloody lines on the totem poles became more and more dazzling.

Gradually, strange fluctuations similar to blood energy surged out from these totem poles. These fluctuations were accompanied by high-pitched elephant sounds, and gradually turned into a bloody shadow with a height of a hundred feet, firmly planted on the wall of the village.

These phantoms that looked exactly like the savage men looked up to the sky and screamed. They stretched out their arms and grabbed and hugged the void. Lu Qian felt that there were thick masses of heaven and earth in their hands. Knead it into balls the size of small houses.

These spheres with a faint light were thrown fiercely by these huge shadows.

‘Boom, boom boom’!

Amidst the loud noise, the earth shook and the mountains shook. As soon as these spheres condensed by the inspiration of heaven and earth hit the ground, they exploded like thunder beads condensed by monks. The explosion power of each sphere was almost like the three in the real fairyland. The palm thunder from the fifth heaven!

The valleys on both sides of the north and south sides were blasted with large craters dozens of feet in diameter, and countless weak monsters were blown to pieces.

There was a long howl of wolves coming from afar, and a strong fishy smell carried in the night wind.

Lu Qian's spirit suddenly lifted, and he said loudly: Your Excellency, the leader of the village, it seems that the real owner is here... We have paid tolls, accommodation fees, security fees, etc.... You are responsible for our safety oh?

Lu Qian's voice spread throughout the village.

Standing on the watchtower, the leader of Sanya Village spat heavily on the ground. A large mouthful of saliva hit the ground with a harsh sound, and forcefully blasted out a water tank as thick as a dozen feet deep. The big pit.

No one within a hundred thousand miles can afford to offend us!

If you are willing to buy more drinks and barbecue... just eat meat and drink wine, and watch me kill all these cowardly guys!

Sanya was quite aware of the stronghold owner. He spoke in an extremely sleazy manner, and at the same time he did not forget to promote his own stronghold.

Lu Chen laughed loudly, shook his hands and threw out a small group of top-quality immortal crystals, and said loudly: Did you all hear it? Ah Hu, wrap up all the meat and wine, let the brothers eat and drink to their heart's content... Look at your Excellency, the leader of the village, killing the enemy bravely!

Seeing the pile of top-quality fairy crystals, the eyes of the owner of Sanya Village and the elephants in the house became bright!

The leader of Sanya Village hissed: Brothers, big fat sheep... Ah, no, the distinguished guest has spoken, we have to kill him... Hehe, since the military advisor arrived in our tribe, we brothers, following Azu's orders, started to How many years have you been doing serious business?

I haven't exercised my muscles in a few years. Let's have a good time today!

Hey, hey, no matter who comes today... please be cruel... kill as hard as you can!

Before he finished speaking, a large black wind rose from the valley to the south. In the black wind, a little green light suddenly lit up, which were green eyes the size of a sea bowl. Accompanied by the sharp wolf howl, a body shape almost blended into the night, covered in darkness, a wolf-headed 'monster' with a human body ten feet tall, holding a sharply polished saw-tooth machete, running wildly. Come!

These wolf monsters stepped on the black wind and ran several feet above the ground. Their speed was extremely fast, and their movements were erratic and changeable.

The stone javelins whizzed away, and more than 90% of them were avoided by these coquettish wolf demons. Only a few unlucky ones were accidentally bumped by the javelins while dodging, and the powerful javelins tore them apart easily. Their limbs knocked them to the ground.

On the wall of the village, the balls thrown by those giant bloody figures roared down, but the black wind suddenly expanded, rolling up countless black gravels, wrapping those shimmering balls inside.

Accompanied by the sound of friction and collision, each ball was shattered by the black wind, turning into a chaotic flow of ideas and scattered in all directions.

In just a few clicks, the wolf demons crossed dozens of miles and rushed to a place less than ten miles away from the village wall. Accompanied by high-pitched wolf howls, the large strings of wolf fang necklaces hanging on the chests of many wolf demons erupted with dazzling cold light, and the sharp wolf teeth suddenly flew up with a cold light that was ten feet long, like a heavy rain. Blast towards the city wall.

The strong and powerful men stood on the wall of the village, their bodies were like mountains, and they did not dodge or evade.

The wolf fangs that whizzed in the air with a harsh sound pierced into their bodies. The dull impact sound was endless. A little blood spattered on the elephant barbarians. The wolf fangs penetrated their thick and flexible bodies. skin, penetrated into their flesh and blood.

But if you look carefully, you can see that there are only a handful of wolf fangs that can really break through the thick skin and pose a threat to the flesh and blood of these elephants. Many wolf fangs barely penetrated the skin, exhausted all their impact force, and were embedded in the thick skin.

As the energy and blood of the elephant barbarians surged, these wolf fangs were quickly forced back from the body one by one, and they fell to the ground with a dinging sound.

The leader of Sanya Village was grinning: Short, weak, little bastard!

The four words little puppy obviously stimulated the wolf monsters who were charging madly outside the village. Their green eyes suddenly turned red. Accompanied by the sharp wolf howl, they stepped across the black wind. The blazing earth rushed up to the wall of the village, slashing and slashing at the elephant standing on the wall.

The speed of the wolf monsters was very fast. In the night, they flickered like ghosts. The poorly made metal machetes in their hands produced sharp flashes of light and slashed at the relatively slow and slow people. On Xiangman's body.

The harsh friction sound is endless.

The average height of these elephant barbarians is more than two feet, and the skin on their bodies is almost half a foot thick. After years of body tempering and polishing, and years of nourishment with Qi and blood, their skin is extremely tough, almost like wearing dozens or hundreds of layers of heavy armor.

The machetes of the wolf demons fell on these elephant beasts. Those with less strength could only slightly scratch the skin.

Only the extremely powerful boss-level wolf monsters, whose machetes in their hands shone with a strange luster, as if they were refined magic weapons, could effectively tear apart the elephants' skin and damage their flesh.

But compared to Xiang Man's huge body, the damage caused by these wolf monsters is really negligible!

Many elephants had hundreds of bloody wounds torn out on their bodies. With just a roll of their Qi and blood, the wounds were already shrinking and healing, and the injuries almost disappeared within a breath!

On the contrary, these elephants were carrying heavy weapons such as heavy axes and mallets. They targeted the wolf demon wandering around and just struck hard. Each blow could break a wolf demon's bones and tendons, and even He died with his head exploded.

However, the machetes of the wolf monsters have indeed inherited the fine traditions of the wild mountains and tempered the poison!

The flesh and blood injuries caused by the machete were minimal, but the poison on the machete caused great trouble to the elephant barbarians.

The poisons tempered by these wolf monsters have different properties.

Hematological, neurological, paralytic, erosive... strange and poisonous poisons invaded the bodies of the elephant barbarians, injuring their bodies, eroding their essence and blood, and constantly weakening their combat power.

More and more wolf demons rushed up, and the black wind howled and rolled up the black sand, surrounding the elephants lined up on the wall of the village. The black wind roared like a grinding wheel, and the black sand was as sharp as a blade. It quickly swirled around these elephants, tearing countless tiny bloody wounds on their bodies.

On the black sand, traces of cold and evil aura continuously invaded the bodies of the elephant barbarians, plundering their blood. After being surrounded and rubbed by the black wind and black sand for a while, it was obvious that the movements of these elephants were much slower.

The leader of Sanya Village suddenly roared loudly: Duanwei'er, I know it's you who's here... These bastards are all yours... What? Do you want to fall out with us like Xiangman? You're dead. Let me tell you, you are definitely dead!

The corner of Lu Qian's mouth curled up slightly.

These savages are also very interesting, their brains have been blown out, and now they start a serious conversation?

Tsk, this tone and attitude don’t seem like you want to have a serious conversation, do you?

A more violent black wind roared from the southern valley. One wolf was more than ten feet long and covered with black hair. Just as the leader of Sanya Village said, the entire tail was cut off at the root, and the bare wolf butt looked a bit funny. The giant wolf, surrounded by countless evil wolves, came galloping on the black wind.

Hearing the roar of the leader of Sanya Village, the giant wolf said coldly: You are quite amazing, I don't have a backing... Don't say that I am using my power to bully you. This time, I am helping Patriarch Wutou kill people... There are a group of bald monks in your village, just hand them over and everything will be fine.

Lu Qian touched his big, bare head.

Came to find him?

Monk Du Ku and a group of monks from the Blood Buddha Temple stood up slowly. There was a faint flash of blood in his eyes, and they looked towards the direction of the valley to the south.

Monk Du Ku said softly: How dare the evil heretics dare to act so arrogantly. Today, the poor monk is going to slay the demons!

Before Monk Du Ku had time to talk to the giant wolf with its severed tail, the master of Sanya Village had already roared loudly: You want to eat shit? I don't care what grudges or grievances you have with them, they have already followed the rules of our village. , after paying the money and entering the village, don’t even think about hurting them even a hair!

As he was talking, the leader of Sanya Village suddenly laughed inexplicably. He thought he had a sense of humor and said with a smile: Hehe, although their hair is a bit shorter...hehe, anyway, don't even think about it!

A long, sharp hissing sound came from the direction of the valley to the north.

Accompanied by a low roar, the ground trembled slightly. Lu Qian turned his head and looked towards the north, and saw a body as big as a small mountain, with a body that almost filled the entire valley. It was red all over, with countless ferocious black and green colors. The big spider with patterns on its ugly head, and the dim light emitted by eighteen green eyes, illuminating the hundreds of miles of valley road, was slowly walking towards the village.

Although the aura of this giant spider is mixed and chaotic, with a hint of indescribable filth and fishiness, the intensity of this aura has faintly exceeded the threshold of the Great Bodhisattva Realm.

As this big spider moved forward, countless large and small spiders were running along the 90-degree steep cliff like a tide on the valley cliffs on both sides of him.

The sharp roar was like steel needles piercing the air, and the big spider screamed: Sanya, what about me?

The leader of Sanya Village suddenly turned around and took a hard look at the big spider. His long nose suddenly straightened.

After a while, Sanyazhai advocated loudly and said angrily: Multi-eyed Demon King, do you want to fall out with me, the Xiangman clan?

The multi-eyed demon king 'chirp' screamed: Falling? If you say you're going to fall out, then you're going to fall out... Who's afraid of whom? I'll kill you. It's very simple. You're like those old guys from the barbarian clan who want to take revenge on me. Naturally. Ancestor Wutou is holding it up! Hehe!

A large amount of dark green venom and saliva flowed down from the ferocious mouthparts. The multi-eyed demon king hissed: Hand over the bald thieves from the Blood Buddha Temple. Otherwise, Sanya, please warm me up. My belly!”

In the air, a bolt of lightning flashed.

It has a silver-white head, dark eyes, and a wingspan of only a little over ten feet. Each feather is entwined with thin strips of lightning. The large vulture, which looks extraordinary, almost teleports through the air, and suddenly arrives at the head of Sanya Village. above.

This vulture exudes a strong demonic aura, which is much stronger than the multi-eyed demon king.

Shaking its long, bare neck, the vulture squinted and glanced at the master of Sanya Village: Why do you want to pretend to be a 'good guy' when you have nothing to do? Stop robbing and switch to serious business... I have long said that your military advisor who appeared out of nowhere is a scourge. If you had eaten him up long ago, why would there be today's trouble?

Sanya, everyone hangs out in this area, and they don't look up to see each other... You give those thieves to my aunt, today... today... today...

The vulture with an awe-inspiring breath suddenly froze.

She glanced around the village, and suddenly she saw the big parrot lying on Lu Qian's head, happily watching the fun.

A wisp of glistening saliva slipped from the corner of the vulture's mouth and landed drop by drop on the head of the head of Sanya Village.

The big vulture suddenly raised its voice and called out to the big parrot with extraordinary arrogance: My husband, are you suitable for marriage? If there is no marriage, my aunt will use the entire cave of Thunderbird Cliff and a hundred thousand little demons as dowry. How about getting married, having a bridal chamber, and making little birds for fun?

Hehe laughed a few times, and the big vulture's voice suddenly took on a sinister tone: If you are married, give your bitch to your aunt and I will pull her out... Auntie, I will eat her alive and we will go directly. We are going to get married, have a bridal chamber, and make little birds by playing tricks?

Lu Qian's eyes widened.

In the sleeves, the green snake stuck out its head, looking at the big parrot lying on top of Lu Qian's head with a cute and bewildered expression.

In the small building where Lu Qian was just now, Big Yellow was squatting at the entrance of the stairs, and Rabbit was standing on the eaves. A dog and a cat all had their eyes widened, looking forward to the reaction of the big parrot with a sense of gloating!

The big parrot, with feathers all over its body, looked at the big vulture in horror.

Suddenly wisps of golden-red flames shot out from the whole body, and the big parrot hissed: Fart, fart, your mother will explode to pieces... Bald man, you damn bald man, do you dare to peek at Master Bird's beauty? Here you go. Get a mirror and look at yourself quickly!

A ball of fiery and violent lightning suddenly emitted from the big vulture's body, and she hissed: Bald man?

The big parrot jumped crazily on Lu Qian's head, roared, and sprayed the many fragrant words he learned in Dayinhao Capital towards the big vulture like a heavy rain.

The big vulture was made furious by the hysterical cursing of the big parrot. She screamed and suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning and shot towards the big parrot: Whether you want it or not, follow me back to the mountain... Today, if you obey, you have to obey. If you don’t obey, I will feed you baby weed, and you have to obey!

Auntie, I've fallen in love with you, so you have to lie down for me!

The lightning was so fast that the leader of Sanya Village swung his big club and struck in the air, but failed to touch even half of the vulture's hair. He turned around suddenly and roared loudly at Lu Qian: Damn it, I couldn't stop her... I need you, distinguished guests, to take action yourself... Your meat and wine will be discounted at 30%!

Lu Qian nodded approvingly.

This looks like the leader of Man Village, so kind... He failed to fulfill the security contract, and he actually took the initiative to give a 30% discount on the food and wine?

But after a flash of thought, Lu Qian took a deep look at the leader of Sanya Village - this guy is cunning and cunning, how much does this meat and wine cost? He sold it at a 30% discount, so he definitely made some money!

He took this opportunity to launch another aggressive marketing campaign, and even changed his name to a good one!

The big vulture turned into lightning and swooped over, and its two thundering claws clawed hard at the big parrot's neck.

The big parrot suddenly jumped up, opened its mouth and sprayed out a golden red pure flame as transparent as glass. As soon as this flame came out, the void was burned and distorted. The temperature around the entire village rose sharply. It was as if a volcano had exploded within a hundred miles. The cliffs on both sides turned red and soft in a snap, almost melting. It became lava and slid down!

The big vulture roared strangely and hurriedly avoided the flames spewed by the big parrot.

After years of hard training by Lu Qian, the big parrot's bloodline has completely returned to his ancestors. From the bloodline, he has dug out and mastered many magical abilities related to the Phoenix clan. The flame he is spitting out at this moment is one of the legendary Phoenix clan. The unique 'Suzaku Divine Flame' of southern Suzaku is best at dispelling evil spirits and purifying evil spirits.

The big vulture is a pure and powerful demon.

Facing the Suzaku Divine Flame, the big vulture felt the deadly aura of its natural enemy, and even felt the powerful bloodline suppression from the erupting body of the big parrot.

If the cultivation level of the big parrot could be higher, this layer of bloodline suppression alone would be enough to immobilize the big vulture, allowing it to be slaughtered.

But compared to the Great Vulture who has actually reached the Great Bodhisattva Realm, the Great Parrot's cultivation level is still in the True Immortal Realm, which is nothing to mention... No matter how strong his bloodline is, he is just like a young tiger against a vicious wolf, it is still too immature. Some more!

The big vulture hissed and screamed, avoiding the flames sprayed by the big parrot in an extremely embarrassed manner. The flames almost grazed her body, and silently, nearly half of the silver feathers on her body turned into smoke and evaporated. Along with it, large areas of flesh and blood on her chest and belly were directly burned to a medium-rare state.

Ms. sir, you are mine! the big vulture screamed hysterically: Go back with me obediently, and be happy! I have a Yin-Yang Sutra of Bliss, please give me your bloodline obediently!

The two claws of the big vulture have completely turned into plasma. With the deafening thunder, the claws clasped hard at the neck of the big parrot, and it was about to succeed.

Lu Qian waved the sandalwood merit staff.

Sister, don't be joking. Our Master Bird is still a childlike boy. If you talk like a tiger or a wolf, you're going to target Ahu and the others... but don't harm our Master Bird!

With just one blow, this bird demon, whose cultivation had firmly entered the realm of the Great Bodhisattva, silently turned into a wisp of smoke amidst the waves of graceful Buddha light, and was directly beaten to death. It was destroyed, and not a trace of broken Yuanling remained.

Lu Qian said softly: No matter how you say it, you have to say that you and I are willing, and then we have to say that we are well-matched. I am the majestic Lord Weiyang, our Lord Bird, and I am also a duke or marquis. You are just a mere Country savage... ahem, it doesn't matter if you are a country girl, but your arrogant and domineering behavior shows that your upbringing is not strict and you are really not a good match!

The big parrot screamed Ao Ao and sprayed several more flames into the sky.

The cliffs on both sides of the stockade have begun to melt due to the high temperature, and wisps of magma continue to slide down the cliffs, igniting the vegetation outside the stockade.

The elephants in the village were all stunned.

As wild 'barbarians', they clearly felt the extraordinary blood fluctuations in the big parrot's body... They also felt a powerful threat!

The other guests in the village looked at the big parrot with twinkling eyes!

Previously, Lu Qian was walking around with a big parrot on his head. The big parrot hid its aura, just like a big bird with a slightly peculiar hair color, and did not attract anyone's attention. But at this moment, the big parrot explodes with all his strength, and the strong phoenix blood in his body is activated. Anyone with a little bit of cultivation can feel his extraordinary!

Today's Liang Yitian, a descendant of the phoenix with pure blood?

Haha, what a value!

However, seeing Lu Qian kill the big Bodhisattva-level vulture with one blow, many of them became suspicious of the big parrot. When Lu Qian looked towards them, they all withdrew their gazes and showed pure kindness. , harmless appearance.

Monk Du Ku sighed softly: Senior Brother, you have such magical powers... It's time to give these savages and evil spirits some color.

When he said this, Monk Duku's eyes flickered with fierceness, and he looked at the elephant barbarians in the village with a rather unkind look. When the elephant barbarians heard what Monk Du Ku said, they all looked at him with fierce eyes!

The leader of Sanya Village exclaimed: It's a pity that this distinguished guest is so resourceful... Grandma Thunder Vulture's body of flesh and blood was wasted like this!

Lu Qian smiled.

But the big parrot seemed to be greatly stimulated, and he hissed: Grandma?

The leader of Sanya Village nodded vigorously: Isn't it true? This Thunderbird Grandma has been rooted in Thunderbird Cliff for at least two thousand years, which is much older than us!

The big parrot's fur all over its body drooped.

He was chattering, which was nothing more than an ugly woman wants to be beautiful, an old cow eats young grass, whimsical and the like.

He was making a lot of noise here. Over there, Rhubarb and Rabbit had already laughed so much that they fell to the ground, and the other laughed so much that they rolled down the eaves, like a ball falling heavily to the ground.

Outside the village, the giant wolf with its severed tail looked up to the sky and roared.

The death of Grandma Thunder Eagle obviously made him inexplicably frightened. He was originally arrogant and subconsciously moved back a long distance with the black wind and black sand: Thief monk, damn bald man, you are so cruel, you know Thunder Eagle Who is behind grandma? You are causing trouble for yourself, you are finished, you are completely finished... You can't get out of the wilderness, you are dead!

The giant wolf retreated, but the big spider continued to approach the village at a rumbling pace.

The sharp and hoarse whistle shook people's eardrums with severe pain. Around the big spider, circles of strange and twisted light patterns slowly spread out, turning into clusters of hazy and illusory creature faces behind him.

The faces of these creatures are all distorted, showing extreme pain and despair.

In the void, there were even more erratic, sharp cries coming from men, women, children, old and young, birds and beasts, all of them!

Even with Lu Qian's current cultivation level, he also felt waves of fright and chills in his heart - it seemed that he suddenly heard that the warmest, most considerate, and loveliest person in his deepest memory was speaking. Call your name from a distance!

In the village, 95% of the thousands of elite monks under the command of the three village masters including Xue Yaozi could not control themselves. They responded to the roar of the big spider with a Hey at the same time - without a doubt, Like Lu Qian, they all heard someone who was extremely affectionate, extremely close, and extremely trustworthy calling them, so they couldn't help but respond!

I saw that with this shout, thousands of monks fell to the ground one after another.

Their energy and blood remained as before, and there were no scars on their bodies, but their souls had disappeared into thin air.

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