Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 760 The Buddha is ten feet tall (6)

There are high mountains and towering dense forests.

A rather large team was rapidly moving through the dense forest.

Twelve guava trees shaped into human shapes are carrying the sedan chair, a strong man made of 24 oleander trees is leading the way, a strong young man made of 36 curare trees is patrolling on both sides, and one hundred and eight mandala trees are Luo Xiucheng's soldiers followed silently behind the team.

There are also dozens of large and small monsters made of poisonous flowers, poisonous weeds, and poisonous wood. Each one has obvious physical characteristics, or spits poisonous gas, or throws poisonous powder, or leaves deep holes on the ground. The poisonous smoke's footprints silently moved around the team.

The total number of this team is about 8,000, and they all have true immortal level cultivation.

In particular, the twelve heartbroken grasses that carry the sedan chair are all above the 25th level of the True Immortal Realm. The oleander that opened the way and the curare tree at the back have average strength of the 20th level of the True Immortal Realm.

The skin is slightly black, round and fat, like the aconite ancestor of an old taro. He has a big dark green leaf on his head and holds an old pipe made of thin bamboo in his mouth, puffing out smoke rings. .

Several girls with extremely bright and bright flowers surrounded him, gently rubbing his shoulders, crossing his legs, and serving him tea and fruits.

These girls are all in the human form of the poisonous dripping Guanyin, with large green leaves hanging on their bodies, which makes their faces even more delicate and charming, giving them a unique natural and wild look.

This large-scale team was walking in the mountains and forests. Wherever they passed, countless weeds and thorns took the initiative to move away from the road; large groups of poisonous insects and beasts were trying to avoid them one after another as if they were encountering a natural disaster; The ancient trees all hurriedly pulled out their huge roots and ran away like giants, making way for a road that was several miles wide in the mountain forest.

Along the way, you can hear the continuous rumbling sounds in the mountains and forests, and the momentum is majestic.

The Aconite Patriarch took a bite of the highly poisonous colorful Amanita mushroom from the hand of a dripping Guanyin flower and swallowed it slowly. These highly poisonous things that would kill ordinary people even if they touched them at the slightest touch were, to him, an extremely nourishing snack.

His body is also a highly poisonous Aconitum, or Aconitum... To him, poison is an indispensable little spice in life.

Licking a trace of poisonous juice flowing from the corner of his mouth, Aconite Ancestor sighed quietly: Living in the wilderness is not easy. Don't be soft-hearted. Once you are soft-hearted, you will be torn to pieces by countless jackals, tigers and leopards. So, Ancestor Although I am kind-hearted by nature, I am most kind to others. Look at how many godsons and goddaughters I have adopted over the years, ancestor.

But being too kind will not end well.

Jiu Tou'er was killed... Is this just a matter of killing Jiu Tou'er? No, this is a slap in my face, ancestor... They killed Jiu Tou'er today, and they can kill you tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow You can run to the ancestor’s cave and kill me!”

So, no matter who is attacking the good sons and daughters of our ancestors, they must be crushed to death with a slap. They can kill as cruelly as they can!

Ancestor Wutou shook his head and said: Moreover, I have to kill in a big way, so that the old guys around me can see clearly and know how I killed the ancestor... This is the reason for killing the chicken to show the monkeys!

A little green light flickered in the sleeve of a dripping Guanyin flower.

She hurriedly took out a dark green leaf from her sleeve that was constantly emitting poisonous mist. She gave a soft drink and recited a spell, and the three beautiful pythons pretended to be squirming, and their delicate sounds came from the leaves.

Huh? Ancestor Wutou suddenly sat up straight: These three little losers who ate and slept, actually surrounded the group of thieves from the Blood Buddha Temple? Haha, interesting, interesting... Hurry up, full speed, full speed... Tsk tsk, let those three girls be gentler, and leave a few thief baldheads for the ancestors to cook with my own hands!

Patting his plump belly vigorously, the Aconitum Patriarch murmured: Hey, it seems that I can't keep those few points of my life poison energy... Tsk, tsk, these three little girls are also a bit talented in magical powers. They are powerful, and with the benefit of the ancestor, I don’t know how high they can improve... I don’t know if they are willing to worship me as their godfather!”

In the mountain forest, a faint poisonous wind blew up.

The dark green wind swept the entire team, and the bodies of all the flower essence and grass monsters turned into a semi-nihilistic state at the same time. They no longer cleared the way through the mountain forest, but directly submerged into the huge ancient trees. With the help of the body weight of these ancient trees, they With the boundless wood energy, he used Houtian Wood Escape to travel thousands of miles with a snap of his fingers, and his speed suddenly soared.

Only Ancestor Wutou, who has such powerful abilities cultivated by plants and trees, has lived in these wild mountains for many years, and has an excellent 'friendship' with these ancient trees in the mountains and forests, can he display this kind of power in this dangerous mountain forest. Wood escape!

If it were the monks from the Liangyi Tiandao Sect and the Buddhist Sect, they would never be able to do this in this wild mountain forest!

Just like Lu Qian, even if he has delved into the Wood Way to an extremely deep level, he can easily use Wood Escape in other places in Liangyi Tian, ​​​​but in this wild mountain, these ancient trees are not willing to use it. Dao', if you use it forcefully, these ancient trees would rather be blown to pieces than let you 'pass' through their bodies...

No matter how amazing your cultivation is, you still can't be like the Aconite Patriarch.

Three beautiful pythons transformed into shapes that were more than a hundred feet long, and along with them were countless long and short strange snakes, blocking the entrance to the Jinsha Cave. There were hundreds of poisonous pythons measuring tens of feet long, surrounding the entrance, opening their mouths and spitting thick venom into the cave.

When large swaths of venom hit the air, their volume immediately expanded thousands of times, turning into pieces of colorful poisonous mist that sealed the cave tightly.

There are also some exotic poisonous pythons that spit poisonous flames and poisonous sand from their mouths, or simply cast wind and rain spells, causing large amounts of poisonous rain to roar down. Countless mottled and bizarre venomous snakes and pythons were swaying in the poisonous rain and poisonous wind. The 'hissing' sounds of these terrible poisonous insects could be heard within a thousand miles, making people's scalp numb.

Lu Qian was wrapped in the liberation cassock and stood quietly in a poisonous cloud.

This is the treasure of Buddha Baoguang's enlightenment. It is also a sacred object used to protect himself and defeat demons when he was traveling around the world and accumulating external skills. It has infinite power and infinite magical uses. At this moment, Lu Qian silently blessed him with the Buddha's Secret Mantra of Precious Light Merit, and the liberation cassock released a layer of faint light that enveloped his whole body, and he merged into the entire void.

It's like being in nothingness, as if it doesn't exist at all!

When the Buddha of Precious Light Merit was still weak in cultivation, he wore the robe of liberation, experienced endless risks, and narrowly escaped death countless times. It was by relying on this magical effect of being almost completely invisible that he avoided death again and again.

Lu Qian's current Taoism and cultivation are only at the level of the Great Bodhisattva, but he is blessed with true mantras. Without the great supernatural power of the peak of the Buddha level, it is impossible to catch him out of the void.

In particular, this strange function of integrating with heaven and earth further activated the three-eyed figure in Lu Qian's mind!

Wisps of breeze and wisps of water vapor were constantly pouring out of Lu Qian's body.

The wind swept across the void.

Clouds fill the void one by one.

With the help of the magic effect of the liberation cassock, Lu Qian's entire body and soul seemed to be integrated with the heaven, earth and universe. Little by little, he analyzed the deeper mysteries of this world.

In the normal time and space of Liangyitian, Lu Qian's current cultivation level and state are still unable to achieve this.

But the world in the wild mountains and mountains is a time and space that has just been 'created' and 'reborn' by continuously breathing out the power of chaos from the clear and bright void. The new world is immature and primitive, wild and pure. Although the traces of the avenue are chaotic, they are extremely abrupt and clear.

To comprehend the avenues here is as if someone has shoved them into your mouth very roughly.

If you are not careful, you will burst.

But with a precious body protection such as the cassock of liberation, the rough cramming of insights has turned into gentle breeze and drizzle, and the essence of the great road is continuously integrated with the body and soul. With a smile on his face, Lu Qian said about the 'wind' and 'water' 'The understanding of the Tao is constantly improving at a terrifying speed.

The snapping turtle was also released from the Vajra Sumeru Mountain by Lu Qian.

The five uncles were suspended around Lu Qian, forming a small, simplest and purest Five Elements formation.

Lu Qian's understanding of 'wind' and 'water' aroused the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, turning it into strands of Taoist rhyme, constantly integrating into this small five-element formation. The power of the five elements is mutually reinforcing and restraining, flowing in an uncertain and endless stream. Under the strong pull of the cassock of liberation, the acquired powers of the five elements of the five uncles continued to improve and sublimate, gradually turning into the innate powers of the five elements, and infusing their bodies bit by bit.

As a result, the cultivation of the five uncles also improved little by little.

Their understanding of heaven and earth, the five elements, their own bloodline, and the ancient inheritance in their own bloodline are also improving crazily.

In front of each uncle, there is a huge water tank filled with the best quality chalcedony, jade paste and other spiritual objects extracted from the jade mines in Qionghua Mountain. The five uncles swallowed these rare spiritual objects in big mouthfuls, and their own cultivation and physical strength continued to improve under Lu Qian's guidance.

Lu Qian looked at the three beautiful pythons and the crazy snakes around Jinsha Cave, and nodded slowly.

This is also the fate between him and the five uncles.


Who would have thought that because he wanted to ambush the Aconite Patriarch, he activated the hidden magical power of the liberation cassock and connected himself with the heaven, earth and universe, so that he could bring about such a wonderful change?

Well, for Lu Qian, this wild place is a holy land for cultivation, and it is worth spending more time here!

Inexplicably, Lu Qian glanced in the direction of the ninth city.

When he left the ninth city of Zhenzi, he did not do any deliberate concealment or cover-up. Although a large number of Taoist monks were left to garrison in the city, compared to some people who were interested, Lu Qian's Taoist monks could It can intimidate ordinary monks, but it has no deterrent effect on some of the masterminds behind the scenes!

Those who want to take action against Bai Yu and Yinyuan should...should do it now, right?

I just hope that Lu Qian’s back-up team in Zhenzi Ninth City can give them a huge surprise...or simply a huge shock?

Gee, having a master as your backer is such a wonderful feeling!

It just depends on who bumps into it!


Really, looking forward to it!

Time passed little by little, and the crescent-shaped red sun reluctantly sank into the Western Mountains. The next moment, there was a loud noise, and the whole body turned into a blue-blue sun, turning into a square shape, and then changed from The top of the west mountain climbed up little by little.

In the wilderness, such strange phenomena of heaven and earth appear one after another. The crescent-shaped sun and the square sun are just ordinary!

The blue square sun gradually climbed up to a height of three feet, and then emitted a dense blue light to illuminate the void, illuminating the sky with fish scales and clouds, making the whole world seem to have turned into ghosts.

A strong, negative force of vitality and creation rises up in the wild mountains. Seeing the mountains and forests in all directions, they are growing at a terrifying speed. The thorns that can be seen everywhere have become more than ten times thicker in just one breath. Some of the old thorn vines that have already had their own climate have become like swimming dragons, growing unreasonably. In a radius of more than ten miles, the branches occupied the tops of mountains in an extremely domineering manner.

Many wisterias, plants, etc. that are not in the flowering season are blooming with gorgeous flowers. Many plants that should not bear fruit in the first place and have no such function actually wither their flowers in the blink of an eye and bear fruits of various sizes. , fruits with different colors and strange aromas!

Lu Qian was amazed when he saw it!

In this newly born wild world, the laws of heaven and earth are not as stable and stable as in other areas of Liangyi Heaven. Various laws are still running into each other. Sometimes some laws will be random and act wantonly.

Here, flowers that should not bloom and fruit that should not bear fruit are all ordinary and trivial matters.

Here, if a monk accidentally gets pregnant, he can accidentally give birth to a monster with three heads, six arms, and ten tails... In short, there are all kinds of weird mutations, and some monks have learned a very painful lesson!

There is a green wind blowing from a distance.

Waves of terrifying vegetation poison spread rapidly in the air.

Wherever the poisonous wind and gas passed, the flowers, plants and trees suddenly became more and more lush, growing as crazy as if they had been injected with chicken blood. The snakes attracted by the three beautiful pythons seemed more like they had taken strange potions. They were shaking their heads and tails crazily, and their bodies grew rapidly under the stimulation of some strange force. The size of many snakes increased several times out of thin air.

The three beautiful pythons also became red-faced. They squirmed uneasily, and their long tails swung wildly on the rocks, causing deep cracks in the ground.

But Ancestor Wutou is so powerful? Hiss... He also asked Ancestor to take away his magical powers. The juniors can't stand it anymore!

Accompanied by the restless and anxious roars of the three beautiful pythons, their bodies were also expanding uncontrollably. The snake scales on their bodies emitted a dark green light. The snake scales were getting bigger and thicker, and then they became smaller and smaller. Falling off and shattering, new snake scales continue to grow from under the thick skin.

The new snake scales are stronger than the original snake scales and contain more majestic demonic power.

However, this kind of growth and evolution undoubtedly consumed a lot of vitality of the three beautiful pythons. The long hair on their heads gradually shriveled and withered, and their color became dull.

'Giggle' laughter came.

A large green poisonous wind blew out from a mountain forest, and a large group of semi-illusory figures flew out from the mountain forest, and then slowly condensed into entities in the poisonous wind.

The team of Aconite Patriarch appeared, and a group of monsters made of poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds lined up in an extremely neat line. They were trained to form an extremely symmetrical formation of wild goose feathers.

Then, these monsters took out various musical instruments one after another, such as flutes, bamboo flutes, drums, gongs, suonas, horns, and various common and uncommon musical instruments. There were three to four hundred kinds. Many musical instruments, Lu What is unseen and unheard of is unheard of. God knows how these monsters are created.

The next moment, these monsters shook their heads one by one and began to play, play and sing.

The loud drum music suddenly sounded, and the spirits without musical instruments in their hands raised their magic powers, raised their heads to the sky one by one, and shouted in a hoarse voice: Ancestor Wutou, you are here. Little monsters from all over the world, please kneel down to welcome us!

The sound of 'hissing' was endless, and under the leadership of the three beautiful pythons, countless snakes bent down and paid homage to the sedan chair carried by twelve heartbroken grasses. The three beautiful pythons even shouted in unison: Welcome to the ancestor Wutou, and wish the ancestor a long life!

On the sedan chair, large tracts of seeds of various poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds flew out like a heavy rain. These seeds shone with a strange light, took root on the ground, sprouted and pulled out quickly, and fully grew in just a few breaths.

A strong demonic power swept across all directions, and within a thousand miles, it quickly turned into a sea of ​​poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds.

The poisonous weeds emit a dark demonic light.

Poisonous flowers spit out poisonous pollen.

Toadstools shed countless spores.

The poisonous tree swayed, and its branches covered with poisonous thorns danced in the air, as if countless ghosts were waiting for an opportunity to bite people.

In a very short period of time, Ancestor Wu Tou used terrifying demonic power to turn a thousand-mile radius into a highly poisonous field. The terrifying poison filled the void. Ordinary monks here could not even cast the most common Five Elements spell. When unfolded, all the charm and inspiration were suppressed by ninety-nine percent by the poison.

Amid the roaring drum music, Aconite Patriarch, supported by several dripping Guanyin flowers, slowly walked out of the huge sedan step by step with a kind smile on his face.

He raised his brows, looked at the three beautiful pythons, and said with a smile: You three are filial... Well, the benefits promised to you will certainly be great... But where are those bald thieves?

Three beautiful pythons screamed at the same time.

Dozens of large pythons twisted their bodies and swam slowly to them. The boa constrictor opened its mouth and spat out its big shiny heads, densely covered with all kinds of venom.

The beauty python said delicately: Ancestor, please see, the juniors led countless men and women, chased and blocked them all the way, and managed to kill these thieves and monks with great difficulty... However, there were a few hard-nosed ones among them, and the juniors closed them in. In this cave, they rely on the terrain to hold on, but the juniors really have no choice.

The Beauty Python sighed: After all, they are Buddhist thieves. Their magical powers to subjugate demons are too much restraint on the younger generation... The young men suffered heavy casualties and could not do anything to them.

After twisting its long body, the Beauty Python looked pitifully at the Aconite Ancestor: If the juniors hadn't tried every means to assassinate them with poison, I'm afraid they still wouldn't be able to do anything about these thieves... The only thing is, Lao Ancestor showed great power and ripped off their skin and cut their corpses into thousands of pieces!

The Aconite Patriarch smiled brightly.

He coughed lightly.

A big-headed doll with a huge head, a red scalp, a pale body, and a body like an umbrella swayed out of the queue step by step. He walked near the entrance of the cave, stamped his feet, and saw that his head suddenly cracked open with countless gaps the size of sesame seeds, and countless shiny translucent spores spurted out.

These small spores took root on the ground, and in an instant they grew into poisonous mushrooms the size of eggs.

Accompanied by a sharp roar, these poisonous mushrooms jumped up suddenly, and the mushroom handles turned into two short legs. They spread their legs and rushed into the Jinsha cave below.

A steady stream of poisonous mushrooms rushed into the cave. In just one cup of tea, at least more than a million poisonous mushrooms rushed in.

The three beautiful pythons stared at the big-headed doll with their eyes widened in shock.

Ancestor Wutou chuckled and said: Ancestor is a man who has been cautious all his life... Ahem, if he was not careful, how could Ancestor live till now? Well, it's not that I don't trust you, Ancestor, but that thieves are so treacherous. , God knows if this is a trap?

The three beautiful pythons suddenly looked at the Aconite Ancestor with gleaming eyes, looking aggrieved, bitter, speechless and choked.

The Wutou ancestor smiled brightly.

Lu Qian immediately rolled his eyes - this old guy is obviously a giant monster made of poisonous plants. There is a fundamental aesthetic difference between snakes, okay? Although I don’t know whether there is reproductive isolation between plant demons and snake demons...

While Lu Qian was thinking wildly, the big-headed doll jumped up and made a very sharp voice: Down below, the traces of the battle are very obvious.

Chirping, the big-headed doll described what he saw and heard in the cave to Patriarch Wu Tou.

There were many corpses of Blood Buddha Temple disciples along the way, and the corpses of dead and injured snakes of various colors were more than a thousand times more than those of Blood Buddha Temple disciples. And in the underground cave passages, there were countless traces of battles, with strong Buddhist power remaining!

Based on Big Head Baby's knowledge and experience, he concluded that the snake demons under the command of the three beautiful pythons did indeed engage in an earth-shattering bloody battle with the monks of the Blood Buddha Temple below, and relying on terrible sacrifices, the snake demons It caused considerable damage to the monks in the Blood Buddha Temple!

The Wutou ancestor nodded with satisfaction.

He raised his right hand, snapped off a finger, and threw it away.

This finger took root, and instantly grew into a huge herb with lush branches and leaves, more than ten feet high. The herb swayed in the wind and turned into an aconite ancestor. Shaking off the dirt on his body, he staggered to the entrance of the cave.

After listening for a while toward the bottom of the cave, the avatar of the Aconite Patriarch lowered his head and shouted loudly toward the cave: That thief Bald, why did you kill me Jiu Touer? Hey, do you know my reputation, Ancestor? ?”

When Patriarch Wu Tou used his method, Lu Qian suddenly felt something in his heart. He turned around and looked towards the mountains and forests in the distance.

In the wild mountains, the laws of heaven and earth are chaotic, and it is difficult to use all kinds of magical powers and methods. Only pure physical strength and physical functions will not be greatly restricted here.

The Buddhist Dharma Eye, Wisdom Eye, and all kinds of 'pupil skills' magical powers that Lu Qian practiced could only barely see for dozens of miles in this mountain. All eyes and vision were distorted and confused by the chaotic Taoist rhyme. There was only darkness, and no valuable details could be seen.

But his physical body has been elevated to the realm of Buddha, and a pair of naked eyes can instantly see the movement of every grain of sand and dust within a radius of 100,000 miles. So standing in the air, his eyes widened, he could clearly see twelve thousand miles away, in the dense jungle, under an astonishingly long poisonous thorn, there was an aconite ancestor holding a pipe in his mouth, Bah chirp. He was blowing out smoke rings!

‘Haha’, Lu Qian praised softly: “What an old dog!”

As expected, he is indeed the Aconite Patriarch who has always been cautious in his life. The person on the sedan chair is actually just a clone. His true self is still guarding him twelve thousand miles away!

Due to the dangerous geographical environment of the wild mountains and the space of 12,000 miles, it would take an ordinary true immortal at least three to five days to trek across. And Patriarch Wutou, relying on his good relationship with the ancient trees in this mountain range, can cross more than ten thousand miles in a breath by using Wood Escape!

Therefore, this is an absolutely safe distance for the Aconite Ancestor!

Ordinary monks would never think of posing any threat to him from more than 10,000 miles away!

Sure enough, 'Gou' showed his style, and 'Gou' showed his character!

Lu Qian shook his head gently. With Patriarch Wutou's style, it's no wonder that old devils like Mr. Xie had to force Lu Qian to join forces and cooperate before he could have the confidence to really take down Patriarch Wutou!

Following the cry of the avatar of Wutou Patriarch, a deep Buddha's call came from below the Jinsha Cave: The old demon is recovering and rampant. The poor monk has already sent a message to the master of this temple. When the master comes, he will definitely subdue the demon and eliminate it. Demon, kill you all!

A faint ray of Buddha's light rose up from the cave and collided with the poisonous gas and venom in the sky, making a chichi sound. A large amount of poisonous gas and venom was purified by the Buddha's light, but as countless poisonous snakes and poisonous pythons spewed madly, this ray of Buddha's light gradually became thin and weak, and was suppressed again.

Lu Qian couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Mr. Xie, it seems that he has indeed colluded with Buddhism... The Buddha's name he just uttered was extremely pure, and the Buddhist magic power hidden in those words was also quite strong and pure, and he really looked a bit like a Buddhist eminent monk.

The Wutou ancestor chuckled: Conquering demons? Over the years, I have heard about the great reputation of the Blood Buddha Temple. However, the ancestor has been kind to others in his life and has not interacted with you... It's just that this time, you have provoked It’s the ancestor’s fault, but no wonder I’m cruel and ruthless!”

After sneering a few times, the clone of the Aconite Patriarch suddenly stuck out his tongue. He spit out the tongue for more than three feet, and then with a 'click' sound, the two rows of big teeth closed together and bit off the entire tongue. The long and bloody tongue spurted out. came out, turning into a little fist-sized dark green venom and flying into the cave.

This bit of venom fell from the sky, and terrifying poison rhymes filled the void, turning into poisonous dao patterns visible to the naked eye and flashing in the sky. In the void, the poisonous gas and venom spewed out by those poisonous snakes and poisonous pythons, the poisonous wind and pollen spewed out by those poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds, etc., all poisonous things in all directions were instantly assimilated by the dark green Dao pattern.

The poisons spewed out by these poisonous snakes, poisonous pythons, poisonous flowers, and poisonous weeds increased their toxicity by hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times out of thin air. The poisonous gas in the air soared, and the rock formations near the entrance and exit of the cave were corroded by the poison. There was a loud 'chichi' sound, and the naked eye could see that the rock formations were denting inch by inch. The solid rock formations were corroded into dark green poisonous slurry, which continued to flow downwards along the cave.

The fist-sized venom expanded rapidly. In three to five breaths, the venom turned into a large ball with a diameter of nearly a hundred miles. The thick, heavy venom filled the entire cave and made a gurgling sound along the ground. The cave passage continues to erode downwards.

Wherever this ball of venom passed, the rock walls of the cave tunnel were corroded layer by layer, and wisps of poisonous green smoke rose up, and then were absorbed into the venom, making the toxicity in the venom even more terrifying. Incomparable.

Little monk, come out obediently and let Ancestor slowly cook you... Hey, hey, otherwise you would die so silently, wouldn't you feel aggrieved? The clone of Aconite Ancestor twisted its fat waist, Smiling triumphantly: Let the ancestor bite off your head bit by bit in front of your teachers? Hey, the children born from the bald flesh and blood must have a special taste!

The ancestor of Wutou danced with joy.

The monsters made of poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds that he brought also sang and danced, and jumped up and down happily.

Ah, I think back then, when Patriarch Luo was still under the seat of Patriarch Luo, Patriarch Luo had an excellent habit. He liked to collect the heads of Taoist and Buddhist powerful people, use their heads as petri dishes, and plant his own crops. The younger generation... Oh, my ancestor has wanted to learn a thing or two over the years, but there has been no good opportunity!

This time, it was your Blood Buddha Temple who took the initiative to provoke me, ancestor... No wonder, ancestor, I cut off your heads and used them to make flower pots in the cave!

Patriarch Wutou hooked his finger, and the heads of the disciples of the Blood Buddha Temple spit out by the big python swayed to his side.

The big heads, with their heads pointing downwards and their necks pointing upwards, neatly gathered around the Aconite Ancestor.

The Aconite Patriarch hummed a cheerful song, and sprinkled poisonous weed seeds from his fingers, which fell into the necks of the disciples of the Blood Buddha Temple. In just a few breaths, the seeds sprouted, and vibrant flowers and plants grew quickly on these heads.

Just as the Aconite ancestor said, these new flowers and plants have a faint golden light on the outside, which indeed has a somewhat different charm from the dense poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds in the mountains and forests in all directions.

Lu Qian's eyes narrowed slightly.

In the cave, a deafening thunder suddenly sounded. Streams of golden Frey soared into the sky, turning into thunder rainbows that were several miles long, and struck hard at the venom that was eroding downwards.

Loud noises were heard continuously, and the venom was chopped and purified layer by layer by the violent Frey. Thick poisonous gas was constantly splashing and surging, and then it was quickly purified cleanly in the golden light.

Thirteen golden sword lights mixed with the golden thunder soared into the sky, tearing apart the venom barrier with a snap of a finger, and rushed out of the cave. After circling, like a spiritual dragon, it shook its head and tail towards Old Wutou. This clone of Zu was chopped off.

The Buddhist Wisdom Sword will arrive with just a thought!

These thirteen sword lights were inspired by Buddhist talismans arranged by Xie Laojun in the cave. They were not sword lights that could be controlled by real Buddhist masters, but their power was quite impressive.

The clone of the Aconite Patriarch just screamed strangely, and the thirteen sword lights almost teleported to his side. When they folded inwards, they heard a miserable howl, and the clone of the Aconite Ancestor was directly torn into pieces. smashed. Thirteen sword lights circled and strangled madly, and the clone was instantly refined into nothingness, turning into a wisp of poisonous smoke and slowly dissipating.

The aconite ancestor on the sedan chair groaned, and a large amount of dark green blood spattered out from the finger he had just broken.

The plasma fell on the dripping Guanyin next to him.

Hearing a miserable howl, half of the body of the pretty girl transformed by the Drop of Water Guanyin was directly corroded. The poisonous gas quickly attacked her heart. The girl's body shook and fell to the ground. She didn't even have the time to snap a finger. She completely dissipated, leaving no trace of residue behind.

The Wutou Ancestor on the sedan chair hissed: Thieves Bald, you are so brave... Can you touch the Ancestor's good granddaughter?

As the Aconite Patriarch roared, the true immortals made up of thousands of poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds he brought roared in unison. These poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds shook their bodies one after another, and countless seeds and spores spurted out like a storm, falling into the sky with the wind. Catacombs.

Nourished by countless poisonous gases and venoms, these seeds and spores sprouted and grew in an instant, turning into countless spirits that were three inches to three feet tall. Each one of them squeaked and ran down the tunnel.

Lu Qian couldn't help but shake his head.

This Aconite Patriarch is really extremely careful.

At this time, he was still testing, still testing... He couldn't help but glance at the aconite ancestor who was squatting in the poisonous thorns and blowing smoke rings 12,000 miles away - if he continued like this, he would still be able to do it. How long will it take to completely clean up this old guy?

There was a burst of lightning and thunder and sword light surging in the cave.

The Buddha array arranged by Mr. Xie in advance was activated, and various Buddha lights rose into the sky. Countless little monsters were swept up by the surging Buddha light and instantly turned into ashes. The death of these little monsters was directly related to the poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds brought by the Aconite Ancestor. Seeing that these true fairy monsters were either vomiting blood, or their bodies were mutilated, or their breath suddenly became exhausted, and their cultivation level dropped!

Obviously, spawning seeds and spores and transforming into little spirits to attack the cave is also a huge burden for these spirits!

Ancestor Wutou jumped down from the sedan chair. He clenched his fists and looked directly at the cave where the Buddha's light was surging. He suddenly said in a deep voice: You three sisters, what are you doing here? Ancestor, my Are the benefits so easy to take away? Hurry, let these long insects under your command rush in for me, ancestor!

No matter the cost, don't be afraid of sacrifice, come to me for the ancestor... Hey, the ancestor wants to see how much mana the thief bald down here can consume. Hey!

The three beautiful pythons looked at each other, pretending to hesitate for a while, then gritted their teeth, pretended to be reluctant, and whistled softly.

In the jungles in all directions, there are millions, tens of millions, and countless venomous snakes and pythons. The smallest ones are only an inch or two long, and the long ones are two or three miles long, surging out in a mighty and boundless manner. These poisonous long insects roared and reluctantly, urged by the demonic power of the three beautiful pythons, rushed into the cave at the risk of their own lives.

The Buddha's light surged, the sword light flickered, and golden thunder light exploded causing flesh and blood to fly everywhere in the cave.

These long insects sprinted like crazy, but no matter how hard they tried, they could penetrate no more than three hundred miles underground before being blown to pieces and unable to go even half a step deeper.

Time passed little by little.

The Wutou ancestor still stood motionless.

The venomous snakes and venomous pythons that emerged from the surrounding mountains and forests gradually became sparse, and the foreheads of the three beautiful pythons were already covered with cold sweat - although they did not take these long worms seriously, many long worms were usually only small ones in their reserves. It's just snacks... But seeing so many dead and injured, these snacks are also their strength and power!

The loss was so heavy that the three beautiful pythons could no longer bear the pressure!

The square blue sun had completely disappeared without knowing when, and a crimson full moon was suspended upright in the sky. Tonight, there is not a single cloud in the sky. I don’t know what went wrong. This full moon actually occupies half of the sky. Looking up, the full moon seems to be right above my head, like a huge discus, ready to be photographed at any time. Come down and smash everyone into meat pies!

The rich moonlight is like sharp arrows falling from the sky. This is not a false description, but a real description - the moonlight is condensed into almost real substance. When the moonlight falls on the ground, it actually makes a clang sound!

Under the strange moonlight, the poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds brought by Aconite Ancestor were like a shot in the arm. Their auras, which had declined to a certain extent, suddenly surged in their bodies.

In the murmur of the Aconite Patriarch, these poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds sprayed out a hundred or a thousand times more seeds and spores, and poured into the cave more and more violently.

Hundreds of miles away, just on the edge of the ocean of poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds created by Aconite Patriarch, on the top of a mountain, a green Bodhi leaf was suspended in the air, uprightly covering the Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha, Iron Shackle Buddha, and Thousand Buddhas. The slaughtering monks, the thousand-killing monks, and the condor monks all had their heads above their heads.

With the help of this magical bodhi leaf, a group of great monks perfectly avoided the detection of Aconite Patriarch and observed this crazy attack at close range!

The Buddha's Dharma image with four arms and sides of the Li Xue Buddha turned into a height of about ten feet, floating quietly in the front of the crowd.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the chaotic battlefield with a half-smile: Du Ku is still alive... I can sense his aura... Haha, this Aconite Patriarch is also ignorant, this cave The Buddha's light and the thunder that pour out of it, as well as those swords of wisdom and sword light, are all the orthodox inheritance of Buddhism, how do they have anything to do with my Blood Buddha Temple?

Qian Tu Monk chuckled: Over the years, our Blood Buddha Temple has slaughtered countless evil demons, but this old ghost is the most careful to save his life. Moreover, his territory is quite far away from my Blood Buddha Temple, and the disciples used to be away from home. Yun You has never had any contact with him, so it’s natural that he doesn’t understand the methods of my Blood Buddha Temple!”

Le Xue Buddha snorted lightly.

On his four faces, eight Dharma Eyes burning with blood flames all opened, and they lightly swept towards Lu Qian's position.

Ha! Li Xue Buddha softly praised: It is indeed incomparable... The cassock of liberation, this Buddhist treasure, must be destined to Lao Monk... Hehe, if it weren't for this little thief Bald's cultivation is too weak, if Lao Monk hadn't been very good in these years, With some magic, it’s really hard to find where he is hiding!”

They want to count the Aconite Patriarch?

Lixue Buddha shook his head gently: Looking at their stalemate, how long are they going to wait? The ancestor of Wutou is twelve thousand miles away... I personally took care of him, and you and I will join hands to defeat them... Suppress them all!

Kill those three beautiful pythons. Skin them and keep them for later use... The skin of the big drum on the bell tower of our temple is a bit damaged, so we can use their skins to make a new big drum.

Those poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds have all killed the spiritual wisdom, brought them back to their original bodies, and planted them in the medicine garden of this temple for later use... In recent years, I have discovered a very fast golden body method, which is exactly what I need. A highly poisonous substance to assist in tempering.

Then Xie Laojun... Hey, I can roughly tell who the person behind him is. Hehe, if you can capture him alive, capture him alive. Keep him alive, maybe you can get some benefits out of it. At least, If the number of disciples in this temple should be expanded, just use Laojun Xie’s life to replace them with more junior novice monks!”

That Dharma Sea, um... you just trap him temporarily. He is holding a sandalwood merit staff, wearing a Buddhist robe and a liberation cassock. With your cultivation, I'm afraid you can't do anything to him. Just trap him and wait for me. After cleaning up the aconite ancestor, I will prepare it myself.

Haha. Prison-suppressing Xuanguang, prison-suppressing Xuanguang... We need to clear up the grievances from back then...

Li Xuefo suddenly frowned and subconsciously turned his head to look somewhere.

Thousands of miles away, in the thick clouds, a warship with an animal face, a dragon body, and a fish tail was slowly flying towards this side. The Kui Niu war drum on the battleship did not sound, and magnificent auras flashed on the surface of the battleship, forcibly smoothing out the chaotic Yuanmai and Gangfeng in the void, and opened up a calm channel in the chaotic Yuanmai storm.

None of the four Buddhas noticed the battleship, but the Dharma form of the Bloody Buddha captured them extremely keenly.

This is... the Human Emperor's battleship. Lexue Buddha's four faces grinned strangely: Unexpectedly, there are still people guarding behind? How can it be so lively? How can it be so lively? Haha, interesting, interesting... …”

With a slight wave of his arm, Li Xuefo hesitated for a moment, and then shook his head: That's all, the Jiang family, the ancient emperor... In view of Jiang Wangu's affection back then, we should only show a trace of kindness to his descendants. .As long as they don’t interfere indiscriminately, I won’t bother to bully these younger generations.”

With a slight groan, the image of the Li Xue Buddha suddenly turned into a faint mist of blood.

The next moment, twelve thousand miles away, next to the Aconite Ancestor, a small poisonous insect lying on a thorn branch suddenly exploded into a ball of blood mist.

Silently, the four-sided and eight-armed Buddha image of the Blood-bleeding Buddha quietly escaped from the blood mist.


A thick ball of blood spread out, covering an area ten feet in radius in an instant.

Within the small area of ​​ten feet, all methods are prohibited!

The bulging face of the Aconite Patriarch suddenly stiffened, his whole body suddenly stiffened, and he could no longer move at all. From his belly, a horrified roar sounded: Today, Ancestor is going to be in trouble!

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