Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 761: My Buddha is the Supreme

Lu Qian was waiting for Patriarch Wu Tou, and he was already waiting to see what he could see.

The ninth city of Zhenzi is a good time for traveling at night when the moon is high and the air is clear.

Well, of course, Demon-Suppressing Ridge has never been a peaceful place. The security inside the city is acceptable, but outside the city, there are ferocious beasts and poisonous insects all year round. From time to time, there are also all kinds of spirits and demons intruding, and all kinds of strange events. On average, every town has There are hundreds of incidents every year in the city.

Seriously, no one would wander outside the city in the middle of the night.

Bai Yu and Yinyuan are naturally a special case... They have simply taken the purpose of enjoying life to the extreme.

In the middle of the night, the two of them led a team of Taoist monks and used magic to create a large osmanthus forest in a beautiful hill outside the city. Although the season was wrong, the scent of golden osmanthus was flowing and the bright moon was shining brightly. The two of them tied dozens of kites to the tree and flew hundreds of Kongming lanterns. With a team of maids waiting on them, they drank osmanthus wine and ate small mooncakes, which was extremely comfortable.

Well, originally at this time of year, the temperature in Zhenmo Ridge was still a bit hot.

But Bai Yu invited a few true immortals who practiced ice magic to condense the glacier on the north side of the hill where they were drinking and admiring the scenery, setting off small cold winds. Suddenly there was a cool breeze blowing on the hill, and wisps of breeze came through the forest, refreshing the whole body, and it was really joyful.

Yinyuan used his style in Dayin Haojing again.

A few days ago, many local wealthy families and people from the Ninth City sent gifts to the city lord's mansion, and Yinyuan also got to know many leaders of the wealthy families and people. On a trip tonight, he posted a message and borrowed dozens of accountants, staff masters and other figures who were proficient in writing and painting from these wealthy families.

For gentlemen and masters in the world of cultivation, some things are naturally not as professional as those in the secular world.

But these people invited by Yinyuan, although they are not professional scholars, they all have true immortal cultivation. They have lived for at least tens of thousands of years. Naturally, they have read a lot of books in their lives, and they are all good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. They can do everything, including reciting poems and writing poems. Even those who are not top-notch are still pretty good players.

So, under the bright moon, the sweet-scented osmanthus floats, the breeze blows, and the lamp hangs high... Dozens of real immortal monks in long robes and long sleeves, dressed as secular scholars and scholars, gathered around Yinyuan with smiles, doing some dance and writing. The gentle activities are really happy, happy!

If it weren't for the wrong time and place, Yinyuan would have been interested in giving these monks official titles such as Grand Bachelor of so-and-so Pavilion and Senior Bachelor of So-and-so Pavilion.

Well, I don’t know when.

It should have been during the days when Lu Qian was still working as the palace guard in Haojing City. Lu Qian should have mentioned to Yinyuan the little allusion of Diao Chan worshiping the moon. Of course, it was a changed version - it was a beautiful woman twisting incense and worshiping. The moon is so beautiful that the moon hides in the dark clouds.

Yinyuan, I don't know when, told Bai Yu again this allusion.

Therefore, although Bai Ao was not really a stunning beauty from a conscience point of view, she also made a small incense case on a hill, under a big osmanthus tree, placed a small incense burner on it, and made three sticks. Fragrance, pretending to worship the moon.

A dozen pretty girls with clean faces and no makeup also followed behind the white turtle and bowed towards the moon.

High in the sky, there was a female cultivator at a very high altitude, hiding in the shadow of the moon. When the white turtle and a group of maids were worshiping, they used their methods to shed wisps of moonlight, drop strings of flower crowns, and some fresh fruits, Objects such as handkerchiefs and sachets.

The white turtle happily held its palms and laughed, claiming that its appearance was the best in the world, so it alarmed the moon god and asked the moon fairy to bestow various objects.

So, a group of maids congratulated her stupidly, and the white turtle pulled them to drink happily, making the maids' faces turn red, rolling their eyes, and then punching and kicking them, almost imitating the monkeys and causing trouble in the palace.

Lively, happy, happy!

Just when Yinyuan was accompanied by several gentle and elegant masters, he was standing next to a huge painting table, holding five or six brushes of different thicknesses between his fingers, and was about to splash ink to create a picture of a beauty under the moon. At that time, crisp applause sounded from the sweet-scented osmanthus forest not far away.

It's really good times, good people, and so happy... But how can you be so virtuous and capable of enjoying it like this?

The voice was cold, indifferent, and filled with a sense of overlooking from above.

Several masters standing next to Yinyuan frowned at the same time - they all knew very well that Yinyuan was the sworn brother of the Lord of the City, and the Lord of the City came to the Demon Suppressing Ridge for the sake of the two of them. Even a few days ago, the city lord forced the Qingyang Lin family to fight for these two people, which directly triggered a head-on confrontation between the two top bosses of the Taoist and Buddhist sects!

On the Lord's territory, someone actually used such rude words to provoke the Lord's sworn brother in person?

A middle-aged man with a clear beard and a clear beard shouted softly: Who dares to talk nonsense? Where are the left and right? Take him down!

In the surrounding sweet-scented osmanthus forest, a large group of Taoist monks shouted in unison, a trace of golden light surged from their bodies, and the auspicious clouds roared up with the strong wind under their feet. They rushed towards the place where the sound came from, carrying heavy Zen staffs.

A total of one hundred and eight Taoist monks were dispatched together. When they moved, they naturally formed a large formation. Therefore, although their cultivation levels were not high, they were only at the level of the first or second level of the True Immortal Realm, but when they approached, , whose aura is comparable to that of a young master from the fifteenth level of the True Fairyland.

The golden Buddha light is connected into one, and it looks like a small golden mountain roaring and crushing forward.

The man just sneered, and then there was a sound of cholang, and a flash of green sword light suddenly flashed. One hundred and eight Taoist monks groaned in unison, and suddenly there was a bone-deep bone in their chests. The terrifying force knocked them all flying backwards for dozens of feet, knocking down dozens of sweet-scented osmanthus trees that were as thick as a hug.

Bai Yu was extremely alert. When the man opened his mouth, she had already retreated to Yinyuan's side with a single step.

Dozens of gentlemen and masters shouted angrily and surrounded the couple.

These gentlemen and masters are all well-known figures in their respective families and forces. When they travel, they are naturally accompanied by three or five true immortals. At that moment, more than a hundred true immortal guards appeared, protecting the group of people.

The true immortal guards sent by these wealthy families and everyone are much better than Lu Qian's Taoist monks in terms of personal cultivation. On average, they have the strength of the 17th or 18th level of the True Immortal Realm or even higher.

They directly sacrificed their immortal weapons and immortal treasures one by one, and their bodies were filled with light, making the entire hillside brightly illuminated.

Suddenly, a high-pitched sword cry sounded, and the female cultivator pretending to be the Fairy of the Moon Palace at a very high altitude let out a miserable howl. She was like a goose shot by arrows, and dozens of blood arrows were sprayed out from her body at the same time, and she fainted. Falling from a high altitude without waking up.

There were guards below who caught the female cultivator and hurriedly poured in life-saving elixir.

Yinyuan said coldly: Who are you? Do you know where this place is?

Under the moonlight, in the sweet-scented osmanthus forest, strong men wearing half-body armor and brocade robes, with swords at their waists, walked out slowly. The number of these young men with sharp auras and powerful descriptions is about three thousand. Each one of them has a strong sword intent and a radiant sword light. Each one of them is like a sharp sword that has been sharpened to a brilliant level. Looking at it makes your eyes hurt.

In the middle of the chest of the half-body armor worn by these young men, there is a coat of arms the size of a bowl of sea. On top of it is a mountain covered by clouds and fog, with a mysterious and magnificent shape.

This coat of arms was obviously made by a master craftsman. Yinyuan and Bai Yu just glanced at the coat of arms for a moment, and suddenly their vision went dark. A huge mountain in the mist and rain seemed to appear in front of them, and their whole souls were about to be blown away. The mountain full of mysterious aura was sucked in.

The cultivation level of the two of them... is really so-so.

Fortunately, Lu Qian gave them a lot of life-saving things before leaving. The moment the two people's souls were shaken, colorful Buddha lights suddenly flashed on their chests, and a Sanskrit chant rose slowly. A colorful light tower made of Buddha lights appeared above their heads, and wisps of precious light shone down on them. Protected in the middle!


Extreme extravagance to the extreme.

This is a protective jade talisman made by the Buddha of Baoguang Merit... In the entire Liangyi Heaven, there are no more than a hundred in existence. Once the power of this jade talisman is fully activated, it can even directly kill Buddha-level evil trolls!

Yinyuan and Bai Yu spent two of them just because of the soul-catching secret technique contained in one armor emblem!

The many gentlemen, masters, guards, and maids surrounding the two looked at the two with complicated expressions.

And the three thousand young people all had their eyes widened, looking at the young couple as if they were seeing ghosts. The vigorous young man at the head twitched his lips slightly and suddenly sneered: It's about arrogance, arrogance... Haha, it seems that you are living a very comfortable life these days.

Before Yinyuan and Bai You could speak, the young man sneered, It's just that you don't even look at it. Are you worthy of such a pleasant life?

Yinyuan and Bai Yu looked horrified and moved.

Bai Yu suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs: What did you say? Bastard... you, you, who sent you? Bastard, bastard, someone is coming, someone is coming, capture them alive, auntie, I I will cut them into pieces with my own hands.

The sound of the Buddha's trumpet rose into the sky, and in all directions, the leaves of thousands of large and small osmanthus trees emitted rays of golden light at the same time.

Within these leaves, human figures flicker.

More than 100,000 Taoist monks clasped their hands together, formed a Buddhist formation, and walked out from among the osmanthus leaves.

They were carried around by Lu Qian using a small Vajra Sumeru Mountain. After studying and practicing for so many years, they naturally realized some of the magical powers of Mustard Seed Sumeru. Although he has not yet reached the powerful state of opening up the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, it is already extremely easy to hide himself among the mustard seeds.

Therefore, there are one hundred thousand Taoist soldiers hidden around Bai Yuan and Yinyuan!

Among them, some are true immortal level masters, and others are in the late and peak stages of the Heavenly Realm.

The Buddhist formation formed by one hundred thousand Taoist soldiers is enough to withstand the powerful invasion of the great Bodhisattva for the first time in a short period of time.

And this small hill is less than a hundred miles away from the south gate of the ninth city of the town. It is only a few hundred miles away. For a true immortal, it can be reached by just walking. As long as there is some commotion here, the millions of Taoist soldiers left behind by Lu Qian will be able to arrive in the Ninth City of Zhenzi in a moment, and the official power of the Ninth City of Zhenzi can be mobilized...

Even, once the demon-scary drum is sounded, even the demon-suppressing city and surrounding towns will be alerted and come to the rescue urgently!

Just three thousand monks!

Bai Yuan put his hands on his hips and looked at the leading young man arrogantly: Be honest, who sent you? Is it...

A flash of extremely vicious flames flashed in Bai Yu's eyes: That old immortal?

The young man smiled slightly, and the sword on his waist made a high-pitched sword cry, suppressing Bai Yu's shouts. He whispered: Which old man is immortal? I can't understand what Miss Bai said. Haha!

Touching his chin, the young man casually took out a piece of paper that shone with a faint light and was densely covered with water lines. It was obviously made with a special process: I came here just to settle an old debt. Well, Miss Bai, Yin Young Master, when you came to the Ninth City of Zhenzi a few years ago, you borrowed a sum of money from me.

This kind of thing, the profit is compounded, the donkey rolls. As of today, the total principal and interest has reached a total of 380 billion top-grade immortal crystals, as well as millennium elixirs and ten thousand-year elixirs of the same value.

This contract clearly states that if you two cannot pay off the debt in full, then you two will be mine from head to toe, from skin to bone. Well, in other words, I will crush you two Ling Chi into pieces. Chopping it into dumpling fillings and feeding it to dogs is also reasonable, legal and compliant.

The young man shook the contract in his hand and looked at the pale Bai Yu and Yinyuan with a smile: Do you accept this account?

Bai Yu and Yinyuan were stunned for a long time.

They seemed to have returned to the nightmarish days when Lu Qian had not come to Zhenzi Ninth City and had not become their protective umbrella, but they were constantly visited by people with similar contracts to collect debts.

People kept coming to the door, and people kept using various means to collect debts.

Beatings, insults, and even direct threats to life.

It was because of such shabby things that Yu Changle, an old loyal servant, led a group of loyal eunuchs to risk their lives and broke into the wild mountains, hoping to win a fortune and come back.

Because of this gamble, Yu Changle and the eunuchs have not returned to this day.

Although they had contact with Lu Min's Blood God Son clone and knew that Yu Changle and the others were safe and sound, this incident had already deeply hurt Yinyuan and Bai You... Bai You was okay, but the relationship between Yinyuan and Yu Changle was How can feelings be as simple as that of the emperor and the eunuch?

When Lu Qian came, their fate changed drastically.

In those few years, Yinyuan and Bai Yu's hearts, which were bruised and stained with blood, were slightly repaired.

But today, this young man used the method they were most familiar with and feared the most, tearing open their wounds... until they were bloody and bloody, and the pain was heart-breaking.

You! Yinyuan gritted his teeth and said, I don't know you. This contract must be a fake!

The young man smiled warmly: That's what all people who don't repay their debts say... I just have some tricks to deal with an old guy like you.

All around, one hundred thousand Taoist monks had formed a Buddhist formation. They clasped their hands together and chanted the Buddha's name. Then they all raised their heavy weapons, shook them, and suddenly the golden light turned into pieces of golden clouds and covered the entire hilltop. Wrap thoroughly.

Bai Yu subconsciously turned around and glanced in the direction of Zhenzi Ninth City.

With such a big movement and momentum, even if those bastards in the ninth city of Zhenzi are dead, they will realize that something is wrong here, right? Reinforcements should be dispatched, right?

But everything was silent and not moving at all.

The young man smiled brightly: Don't worry about the reinforcements in the city... I am from a lower class... Well, in short, in the lower division, I am the best in Liangyi Heaven in terms of attainments in all kinds of confusing formations and illusion formations. So, here Even if the sky is shattered and the earth is shattered, there will be no consciousness in the city. Let me ask again, do you two really deny this account?

Yinyuan and Bai Yu looked at each other.

They really don't know this young man, and they really don't have any impression that they have ever had any loans with this young man... Not to mention, how could even a donkey-rolling loan shark turn over hundreds of billions in just a few years? The best fairy crystal?

Do you think those are shrimps in the deep sea, and you can scoop up billions or tens of billions with just one net?

It is extremely astonishing that even the richest family in the Ninth City, the most wealthy family in the Ninth City, has hundreds of millions of top-quality immortal crystals in their warehouse... Hundreds of billions of crystals? Even if Yinyuan and Bai Yu used the best immortal crystals as firewood, they would not be able to waste so much in just a few years.

This person came to the door on purpose to cause trouble!

However, looking at the mysterious eyes of the gentlemen and masters around them, their hearts sank slightly.

Yinyuan said in a deep voice: Gentlemen, Yinyuan swears to God that he has never met this person and has never had any dealings with him. Taking a loan from him... is simply a big lie... This person has done nothing to the Yinyuan couple. The two are plotting against each other, please help me, gentlemen!

All the gentlemen and masters nodded and smiled!

Who in Zhenzi Ninth City doesn’t know about the affairs between you two?

Back then, you did encounter difficulties and found some people to borrow money... Then, those people added insult to injury and made the two of you miserable. Bai Yu was even sold into the human face flower and almost opened the door. Picking up guests.

But when Lu Qian came, he relied on his status as deputy city lord to directly break the situation with violence.

Renyi Bank was destroyed.

The human face flower collapsed.

The unlucky guys who had a grudge against the two people died, disappeared, and the backers and backstage people surrendered. All the accounts were wiped out for a while, and the two of them were able to escape. In a sudden change, they became The eldest brother and sister-in-law of the city lord have been living in wealth and wealth since then!

Who in Zhenzi Ninth City doesn’t know this?

Therefore, it is not unusual for a creditor to suddenly come to your door... It is very possible that you do owe money!


The backing of Yinyuan and Bai Yu is too strong!

They are the eldest brother and sister-in-law of the city lord, and the city lord of the ninth city is the great disciple and grandson of Baoguang Merit Buddha... Behind him, there are four Buddha-level Buddhist powers!

In the entire Buddhist sect, there are only about 300 powerful Buddhas on the surface, and there are only four of them behind Lu Qian!

With such a strong backer, not to mention not paying back the money owed, even if you go to a restaurant without paying, or go to a brothel to have sex for free, in the entire Zhenmo Ridge, there are more than 100 towns, who dares to say a word?

A gentleman with a square face and a majestic expression slowly stepped forward and said slowly to the young man: Fellow Taoist, Mr. Yinyuan, we believe in the credibility of Miss Bai You... You came to our door for no reason. You have incurred such a huge debt, which shows that you are unreasonable.

Waving his hand, the gentleman said slowly: Go and rest, go and rest, don't disturb people's enjoyment here. In the wilderness, you brought people armed and intimidated. You behaved inappropriately and had bad intentions. You only want to cause trouble. The root... If you really want to make it clear, take this contract with you and go directly to the City Lord's Mansion tomorrow, and don't bother here.

Another middle-aged man who was elegant and graceful and behaved in a typical manner took two steps forward and said, That is absolutely true. You are acting so abruptly, which makes us suspect that you have ulterior motives... Go, go, Don't bring trouble to your family. If you really owe money, explain it clearly in a clear way, and don't do such abrupt and risky things!

There was also a master who had just discussed several brushwork and techniques of ink painting with Yinyuan, and he felt like a close friend. He snorted coldly, and while shaking his hands, a sapphire-colored palm-sized jade cicada rose into the sky. Fly up.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering cicada chirp, the jade cicada turned into a ball of blue light the size of a human head and shot straight into the sky, then sprayed out countless wisps of extremely fine blue light and shot around.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing scream, the master sneered and said: The best in the world in terms of confusion and phantom formations? What a shameless statement. Haha, let's take a look at the formation-breaking power of this 'barrier-breaking cicada'...

In those wisps of blue light, countless strange Dao patterns loomed, accompanied by waves of subtle fluctuations in the void, watching wisps of strange mountains, rivers, clouds and smoke rising up and then extinguishing in the sky.

Then, there was no movement.

The green light transformed by the jade cicada crashed into the mountains, rivers, clouds and smoke, and then disappeared.

The master's body shook, and blood flowed out from all seven orifices at the same time. He looked at the young man in horror, and said in a deep voice: Little Master Wushan... Wushan has the great supernatural power of dreaming and knowing only!

The young man raised his eyes and sneered: Unexpectedly, there are actually people here who have some knowledge. That's right, it's Wushan's great magical power of dream-only consciousness. Hey... you can break this formation, break this magical power, I So what if I let you leave safely?

As soon as the words Little Wushan Master came out, the faces of the gentlemen and masters around Yinyuan and Bai Yu all changed.

Only Yinyuan and Bai Yu were confused and didn't know the origin of this little Wushan master.

And those gentlemen and masters had already subconsciously moved a few steps aside, as if the couple were covered in some kind of untouchable dirt, and they wished they could stay as far away from them as possible!

Master Xiaowushan, among the Taoist masters of Liangyi Tiandao Sect, is a terrifying existence that ranks among the top five in terms of combat power. He once broke into Dajue Temple in Shiziling three times and almost chopped off Monk Yuanjue who was still in the Great Bodhisattva realm with a sword. Horrible characters.

If the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha hadn't personally taken action and forcibly beat him back, he could have really relied on his own strength to break through the gate of the Western Region of Buddhism and trample the face of Buddhism on the ground.

Not only is her fighting skills unparalleled, as the young man said, her maze formations and illusion formations are unparalleled in the world. Her Wushan dream-only supernatural power combines the essence of many secrets of Taoism and Buddhism, opening up the world and realizing her own Tao!

She once set up a large forbidden formation and invited three Buddhist Bodhisattvas with profound Dharma to enter the formation to try. When the three great Bodhisattvas entered the formation, the Buddha's heart was immediately deceived, and he fell into the pain of illusory reincarnation in the formation... Three days outside the formation, thousands of years have passed in the formation, and the hearts of the three great Bodhisattvas and Buddhas were broken, and they were born again and again. Die of old age in the formation!

That battle made Master Xiao Wushan's Wushan dream-consciousness famous all over the world!

Now, they were actually ambushed by this terrifying forbidden formation?

What's even more terrible is that Master Xiao Wushan is a true disciple of Our Lady of Yaohua... Our Lady of Yaohua is one of the eighteen sages of the Taoist sect, and... as we all know, powerful women are often extremely difficult to offend.

Well, Yinyuan and Bai Yu had just introduced the Qingyang Lin Family and Master Baiyang.

Well, now, it hasn't calmed down for a few months, and the Holy Mother of Yaohua and the Master of Xiaowu Mountain have been provoked again.

Of course, given the identities of Madonna Yaohua and Master Xiao Wushan, it is certainly impossible for them to engage in loan sharking... Not only them, but even their disciples disdain to do such a thing!

But this forbidden formation does seem to be Wushan's dream-only supernatural power... In other words, these young people are indeed related to the little Wushan Master... Then, it is almost obvious that this so-called debt is false, people It was under this pretext that he deliberately came to look for trouble, just to cause trouble for you Bai You and Yinyuan!

Bai Yu looked at a pale-faced maid next to her.

This maid was also given friendly assistance by someone. Although she was a maid, she had a true immortal level of cultivation. She was trained by a big family and was an elite talent who was proficient in welcoming people, sending them off, and all kinds of public relations and favors.

This maid's knowledge and experience are a thousand times greater than Bai Yu's.

Bai Yuan asked softly: Who is this little Wushan Master? You all died like your own mothers. What happened?

The maid hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth, and quickly explained the origins of Our Lady of Yaohua and Little Wu Mountain Master.

Bai Yu's face suddenly turned pale.

Yinyuan also held his breath subconsciously.

The couple knew very well that this was something that had happened again, and it had happened again... This meant that they would not stop until they were plotted to death, and until they were trapped until they died without a burial!

Bai Yu's body was trembling slightly. She stared at the leading young man and said in a deep voice: Is it interesting to do this? Is it interesting? What outrageous mistake have we made? You have done it again and again, and again and again. Again...

The young man looked at Bai Yu with a half-smile, and shook his head: What are you talking about? Paying back debts is a matter of course. Don't talk about things that you have and don't have... Well, you definitely can't afford so much. Cash, so many elixirs and powerful medicines, but you seem to have found a good backer?

Shaking his head, the young man smiled and said: However, it seems that he is not in the town? Then, please two of you come with me. When your backer comes back, let him bring money and things to me to redeem him.

The young man shook the contract in his hand and smiled at the gentlemen and masters: You guys, I know your origins, and you all have a solid foundation behind them... So, I will help you. When Fa Hai comes back, give me some help. He said, People, I took them away... Do you want to redeem them? According to the number I just mentioned, just raise money and send them over.

However, I don't know when he will come back. In short, the two of them now owe a total of 760 billion of top-grade immortal crystals... This is a donkey rolling in profits every day, plus 10% every day Ten's account... How much will it cost in one day when you come back tonight? You can calculate it clearly for Fahai!

The faces of all the gentlemen and masters changed drastically once again.

Even if it's a loan shark with compound interest rates, there's no reason why the interest rate can be increased by 10% every day, right?

If things go on like this, as long as they have a little more time, even sages and Buddhas won’t be able to afford it, right? There is no doubt that this young man is not here to collect debts, he is here to target Bai Yuan and Yinyuan!

However, there is a sage and a Taoist master behind the young man... Even if there is someone behind Lu Qian, Lu Qian is not there!

When gods are fighting, brats like them... it's better not to get involved, right?

The family behind them is just a wealthy family in the Ninth City, and they really can't afford to get involved in such things. Master Xiao Wushan can just send out any true disciple of the Dao Lineage and kill the family behind them. Who can bear this?

The group of people put away their immortal weapons and treasures one after another, calmed down their aura, and quietly retreated to the side. They retreated and drew a clear line with Yinyuan and Bai Yu. The group of maids who had accompanied Bai Yu to worship the moon just now looked at each other and then stepped aside in an extremely numb manner.

The servants, especially the carefully cultivated public relations elites like them, are the most clear-eyed... It is okay to play with the white turtle, eat and drink, but they must accompany the white turtle to live and die together. ? Haha, I'm sorry, we don't have this friendship for the time being, okay?

A large group of Taoist monks swarmed forward. Auspicious clouds surged under their feet, and the void rolled. The distance between Bai Yuan, Yinyuan and the young man suddenly shortened from more than a hundred feet away to dozens of miles away.

This is also a superficial application of Mustard Seed Sumeru's supernatural power. The Taoist monks set up a Buddhist formation, forcibly lengthening the distance between Bai Yuan, Yinyuan and the young people. One hundred thousand Taoist monks lined up, accompanied by With a low roar, dozens of jade pagodas all covered in crystal clear white rose slowly from the formation.

These pagodas are made of top-quality jade mined underground in Qionghua Mountain. They are extremely strong and extremely heavy. After being refined with Buddhist rituals, their power and magic are comparable to relics, and they are enough to become the hub of the Buddhist array. .

Previously, the formation of one hundred thousand Taoist monks could only compete for a short period of time against the powerful who had just entered the realm of the great Bodhisattva.

But with these dozens of expensive jade pagodas suppressing the hub of the formation, this formation is enough to survive an ordinary Bodhisattva-level attack for several days!

Unless all the people in the ninth city were dead, Yinyuan and Bai Yu would have sent people over as long as they didn't return home all night, right?

The young man looked at the solemn Taoist monks and couldn't help stroking his hands and smiling: That's really good. How many years has it been since Fahai ascended? He actually has such power and foundation? Well, it shows that he is in the prison-suppressing lineage. , I really put a lot of effort into him.”

But he can't protect you!

The young man sighed: It is the law of nature to pay back debts.

Amid laughter, the young man's long sword 'Chlang' was unsheathed at his waist. The three thousand young men around him roared at the same time. The swords on their bodies were so bright that they turned into dragons and soared into the sky. They quickly merged with Wushan's dream-consciousness master in the sky.

The next moment, the sky was filled with apricot blossoms and spring rain.

The hazy drizzle rolled up countless crimson apricot petals and fell from the sky. The boundless misty rainy landscape emerged one after another. The melodious jade flute sounded in the landscape. Several oriole birds fluttered their pink wings and soared past in the sky. .

The expressions of the gentlemen and masters who witnessed this wonderful scenery suddenly became condensed.

In an instant, they forgot their identity, their cultivation, everything about themselves... They were immersed in this picturesque scenery, subconsciously opened their arms, exposed their arms, and moved towards the gentle The apricot blossoms and spring rain greeted them.

The apricot blossoms and spring rain passed over their bodies at high speed.

Accompanied by a subtle chichi sound, these gentlemen and masters suddenly woke up. Cold sweat oozed from their bodies like streams. They were forcibly expelled by the rhythm of the formation, and they woke up from the boundless beauty. They could clearly see that what was passing by them was Xinghua Chunyu. They were clearly sword lights that were extremely sharp and full of endless killing aura!

The sword light fell, and the white jade pagodas splashed with dazzling firelight.

The ear-piercing high-pitched impact sounds are endless. These pagodas, which are made from Buddhist rituals and are extremely strong in jade, have been forcibly punched with extremely fine marks. Although every sword light falling on the pagoda can only leave a minuscule trace, it is obvious that, like water droplets piercing a stone, as long as these young men's sword array continues to operate, the pagoda will be wiped out!

Yinyuan and Bai Yu were protected by colorful lights above their heads. They did not sink into the magnificent scene created by this forbidden formation.

Seeing the murderous sword light in the sky killing each pagoda crazily, Bai Yu suddenly laughed: Auntie, I thought you were capable of much, but it turns out that this is it?

Looking at those hundred-foot-tall and extremely thick pagodas, White Turtle smiled arrogantly and said: You guys, just work hard slowly? When you smash these pagodas, reinforcements from the Ninth City of Zhenzi will also arrive. Haha , when the time comes, my aunt will make you into eunuchs with her own hands, and you will obey my orders obediently!

The white turtle smiled so brightly and so happily!

She suddenly remembered how to deal with these three thousand young people... well, make them into eunuchs, and then let Lu Qian use Buddhism to forcibly convert them, turning them into her most loyal and well-behaved little eunuchs, and then let them go every day They drink their own foot-washing water!

Well, not just them, but also the mastermind behind them!

Bai Yu smiled like a flower and subconsciously grabbed Yinyuan.

And Yinyuan also breathed out a sigh of relief. He was in a good mood and hugged Bai Yu. The young couple didn't care about the public around them and started making out in public.

The young man shook his head and sighed softly: It is true that you have a sad fate...it shows that you are really nothing...

Tsk, at a critical moment of life and death, with powerful enemies in front of you, how can you still be in the mood to be affectionate in public?


The young man sighed, escaped with a pale golden jade talisman, and said softly: Have you ever heard of the name 'Guiyuan Sword Lord'?

Guiyuan Sword Lord... the true disciple of Xiao Wushan's main lineage, with endless killing skills and extraordinary methods!

Bai Yu and Yinyuan had never heard of this name, so they naturally ignored it and continued to be affectionate with each other.

All the gentlemen and masters subconsciously evacuated quickly!

Guiyuan Sword Lord, that is a fierce god!

Did this jade talisman come from his hand?

The next moment, the young man activated the jade talisman, and a ray of golden sword light shot up into the sky. After circling, it turned into a sword that was thousands of feet long and covered with golden cloud patterns. It was like a giant heavy sword that swooped down from a hundred miles high in the sky. , chopped down hard.

The heavy sword was still far away from the Buddhist formation on the ground, and the terrifying sword intent destroyed the Buddhist formation, causing dozens of jade pagodas to groan under the weight. The tens of thousands of Taoist monks who formed the formation groaned, and blood spurted out from all their orifices. Some even had broken bones and tendons, and fell limply to the ground.

The young man smiled and shook his head: That's all, the good days for you two are over!

The young man began to figure out where to sell Yinyuan and Bai Yu later... There were a lot of monsters and evil spirits in the wild mountains. They would also use various rare products to buy some of the goods sold in the Demon Suppression City. Prisoners, and monks who were unlucky enough to be tricked.

These monks and prisoners fell into the hands of these barbarians and evil spirits. Those little days were really...

However, since my master's order is to make Bai Yuan and Yinyuan's lives as miserable as possible, then we must carefully select a new master for them who is the most cruel, cruel, and cruel!

This requires careful searching.

The golden giant sword slashed down hard and was about to land on the Buddha formation.

Abruptly, a dozen figures quietly appeared from the sky above the Buddhist formation. A child with a braid on his head, short-sleeved shorts, a pair of white straw sandals, and a soft whip in his hand seemed to grab Zhanluo casually. of epee.


It is indeed from the hands of Guiyuan Sword Lord, the true disciple of Xiao Wushan's main lineage. The sword talisman can seriously injure or even kill even the great Bodhisattva with one blow. In the hands of this child, it is like a toy. He gently picks it up. crumb.

Hey, my hand hurts a little! The child smiled brightly.

Beside him, three other children who were born exactly the same tilted their heads, staring at the leader of the youth intently, and then laughed at the same time.

Are you a disciple of Master Xiao Wushan? However, it doesn't seem like it. Our brothers have also visited Master Xiao Wu's cave a few times, but we have never seen him.

You have the sword talisman of Guiyuan Sword Lord, are you his disciple? It's not like... the sword intention in you and the sword technique of Guiyuan Sword Lord are not the same thing. Your sword is a pure weapon of killing. Sword, and Guiyuan Sword Lord’s sword has other ways besides killing!”

So, where are you from?

The four boys smiled, swayed their bodies, and stood in four directions, surrounding three thousand young people in the middle.

Appearing at the same time as them, a total of eighteen great monks wearing monk's robes and cassocks chanted the Buddha's name at the same time. Each of these eighteen great monks were born with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, with Buddha light surging all over their bodies, and majestic Buddha power surging. They were all in the realm of great Bodhisattva, and they were all terrifying existences at the pinnacle level.

The young man's face suddenly stiffened.

The expressions on the faces of those gentlemen and masters who had just retreated became extremely exciting.

Wait, who is it? the young man at the head asked in a hissing voice.

Under the seat of the Buddha of Precious Light, we are the four famous venerables who accumulate virtue, do good deeds, and attract wealth! The four boys smiled brightly.

If the Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha were present, he would definitely recognize that these four were the evildoers who went to his ashram to beat him up in accordance with the instructions of the Buddha's teachings on the merits of the Precious Light!

The four boys who attract wealth, bring in treasures, accumulate virtue, and do good deeds are the four twin brothers of the same mother whom the Buddha of Baoguang Merit picked up on the roadside. They are much older than other Buddhas in Buddhism, but they rely on their tender skin to grow. A big scoundrel who pretends to be a child and causes trouble everywhere!

Their cultivation and strength are unpredictable. The four of them joined forces and once had the glorious result of pushing a certain unlucky Buddha to the ground and rubbing him wildly!

Their appearance here not only means that Baoguang Merit Buddha has directly intervened in the affairs here.

What’s more, it represents at least one powerful Buddha, or even four powerful Buddhas sitting here!

Plus eighteen great Bodhisattvas at the pinnacle level!

Among Buddhists, only the Lord Buddha-level Baoguang Merit Buddha can casually dispatch so many powerful masters to serve as Bai Yuan and Yinyuan's personal guards!

This is the benefit of having a backer!

Bai Yuan and Yinyuan laughed at the same time... Bai Yuan even smiled brightly: Seniors, please capture them alive. Bai Yuan said that if you want to make them into little eunuchs, you must say Do it! Hee hee!

The eighteen great Bodhisattvas were solemn in their precious appearance and did not say a word.

The eyes of the four boys suddenly lit up, and they were extremely interested. Their gazes all fell on the delicate parts of the young man who was the leader!

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