Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 780: Entering into tribulation, escaping from tribulation (2)

A ray of Buddha's light surged in the palm of the third burial monk's hand, supporting a small Buddhist kingdom with a radius of only ten feet.

In this Buddhist kingdom, the stunningly beautiful woman and the Wanmiao Saint are like two crazy women, fighting hysterically... They are not very powerful, but extremely ruthless and sinister, specializing in scratching eyes, staining faces, and exploding Moves like kicks to the chest and lower body came out like a tidal wave, as if he would not give up until the opponent was disfigured and had no children or grandchildren.

The three-buried monk looked up into the distance, admiring the scenery of Yunlan.

He silently adjusted the flow of time in the Buddha Kingdom. In an instant, several suns and months passed in the Buddha Kingdom.

A full quarter of an hour passed in the outside world. With a shake of his palm, the Buddha's light shattered. Two women with disheveled hair and scratches all over their faces rolled out, panting and staring fiercely like two fighting cocks. Looking at each other.

Wonderful, oh, you are indeed still a white lotus with dark stamens! The stunningly beautiful woman shook her body, and the almost torn gorgeous robe, imperial crown and other accessories instantly recovered. She raised her head proudly and ridiculed the truth of Saint Wan Miao's white face and dark heart.

At least Nunu is still a white lotus... Unlike a certain person, he even has a granddaughter... Hey, the lotus pods are already shriveled, right? Saint Wanmiao twisted her slender waist and looked at the three girls delicately. The buried monk fell over, and with his hands like snakes, he hugged the third buried monk's arm.

Nunu, you are protecting your body like a jade for Brother Sanzang! Holy Aunt Wanmiao cast a flirtatious look at the beautiful woman: If you don't believe it, I can live with Brother Sanzang behind closed doors and prove it to you on the spot!

The beautiful woman's face turned black and she yelled: Despicable!

Saint Wan Miao said with a carefree smile: You are noble and innocent, how come you even gave birth to a child?

The Third Burial Monk waved his hand gently: That's enough, shut up.

Saint Wanmiao immediately closed her mouth, and rubbed her flowery little face, like a little she-cat in spring, on the arm of the three burial monks, feeling indescribably disgusting.

The beautiful woman had a sullen face, her fingers spasmed like chicken claws, wisps of sharp fairy light twisted on her nails, and terrifying rhymes of destruction rose up. Seeing that if her attack exploded, it would not be the little fight just now. , it is bound to be an earth-shattering blow of destruction!

Yaohua, don't be angry. You and Wanmiao have known each other for so many years. You also know what kind of petty temper she has. Monk Sanzun looked at the beautiful woman tenderly and said softly: Wanmiao is just a mouthful. No mercy, we all know that your sacrifice is actually for our big plan... Among the three of us, you are the one who really paid the most and made the greatest contribution!

Beautiful woman... She has the most special status among the eighteen sages of the Taoist sect. She is the 'little junior sister' of the Qingyang Zhengsect in the Taoist sect. She has a husband who is also a powerful being at the sage level. Because as a woman, she is worthy of both the Liangyi Tiandao sect and the Buddhist sect. The 'Mother of Yaohua', who was said to be 'no one dares to mess with' and 'no one dares to touch', winked at the three burial monks very charmingly.

Dead monk, I guess you still have some conscience. Our Lady of Yaohua chuckled, and her hands naturally wrapped around the other hand of the three-buried monk: So, you have roughly figured out the plans of those four. ?”

The Third Burial Monk nodded slowly: We have roughly figured out that this wild mountain range is their most important location.

With a pursed smile, the Third Burial Monk said softly: Who would have thought that they had hidden many sages, Buddhas, barbarian emperors, and demons in this barren mountain and harsh waters, if they hadn't gone there in person?

If none of those high-ranking adults are careful and wait for those four to release these guys who should have perished long ago from the wilderness, haha, it will be a real disaster... You and I will be in disaster. I’m afraid it’s also difficult to stay safe.”

Our Lady of Yaohua frowned: These four are from the Taoist sect, but what about the Buddhist sect? They should have a helping hand!

The Third Burial Monk pondered for a moment and shook his head slightly: In Buddhism, I have not found anything in these years. They all follow the rules and are most serious. There are no mysterious ones... But after many years of secret investigation, there are a few The suspects, but they don’t seem to be in the Buddhist territory, but hiding in the Taoist sect.”

The pupils of Madonna Yaohua and Saint Wanmiao shrank at the same time.

The monk of the third burial raised his head, looked at the drifting clouds in the sky, and said softly: Bury the past, bury the present, bury the future... After the third burial, I will be greatly relieved... I have cut off all causes and consequences, hey...

Saint Wanmiao hurriedly twisted on his arm like a leech stuck to him: Oh, other karma can be broken, but you dare to break the karma with me... Believe it or not, I will let you break it in two?

Saint Wanmiao's eyes swept over the Three Burial Monks in an extremely subtle way.

The face of Our Lady of Yaohua turned cold, and she stared at Saint Wanmiao: Bitch, if you want to get angry, you have to choose the right time. Now, let's talk about serious things.

Saint Wanmiao tilted her head and glanced provocatively at Our Lady of Yaohua: Aren't I talking about something serious? If he cuts off the karma between you and me, what will our hard work for so many years mean?

The monk of Sanzong sighed: Don't make trouble, let's be serious. Wanmiao is preparing to use the weird things derived from her lower realm dojo, Wanmiao Tian, ​​to detonate the Demon-Suppressing Ridge and make the monsters and evil spirits in the wild mountains disappear. Reenter Liangyi Heaven. No matter what the plans of those four are, as long as the Demon-Suppressing Ridge is in chaos, their plans will naturally be exposed.

With a sneer, the Third Burial Monk said faintly: Especially, before I took action, I deliberately sent the sacrifices of Bliss Joy, Ming Wang Angry, Corpse Buddha, and those Taoists to death... These are also a few very important ones. So many of their chess pieces were lost in one fell swoop, plus the death of my ‘self’, I think they were somewhat in disarray.”

If the Demon Suppressing Ridge is detonated in time, no matter how sound their plan is, some of it will be exposed.

But Yaohua, you are here...

The Third Burial Monk looked at Our Lady of Yaohua very gently: I heard that things are not going well?

Our Lady of Yaohua frowned and lightly stomped her foot: Back then, the method of calaming luck and the 'Fate Treasure Wheel' that served as the hub of the method of calaming luck were all brought out from that place by you... ...Don’t you notice anything wrong?”

The three burial monks frowned.

The green-gold Buddha light in his eyes flashed rapidly, and he quickly recalled the past events.

Carefully analyze all the details in your memory bit by bit. The level of detail is like cutting a tiny ant into hundreds of thousands of pieces, and then finely grinding each piece into millions of tiny particles. , and then use a billion-fold microscope to observe it carefully.

The experience that lasted ten thousand years was carefully reviewed with such meticulous means and countless thoughts.

With the unfathomable ability of Monk Sanzong, such a detailed and demanding review still almost exhausted his spiritual thoughts in a short period of time. A few beads of cold sweat dripped down from his forehead, falling on the hard rock. The majestic vitality slowly spread. On the rocky ground with a radius of several feet, green grass sprouted, flowers bloomed, and a few fairy grasses that looked like they had thousands of years of fire. The elixir also gradually grew out.

Everything comes into being with one thought.

The three-buried monk only had a few beads of sweat to create such an extraordinary phenomenon.

After thinking for half an hour and almost exhausting the power of his soul, the Third Burial Monk slowly nodded: The origin of the method of calamity and the 'Fate Treasure Wheel' is clear and clear, and there is nothing suspicious about it. Department. So, is there anything wrong?

The expression of Our Lady of Yaohua turned gloomy.

She grabbed Sanzang Monk's arm hard and said softly: Over there, Taiwei...

Saint Wanmiao hurriedly said: Tai Wei... Oh, is that your precious daughter? Hee, you have a daughter!

The face of the Third Burial Monk also darkened. He raised his right hand, and his palm turned into the size of a water tank cover. He grabbed the face of Saint Wan Miao and wrapped and sealed her entire head.

With a trace of evil spirit on her face, Our Lady of Yaohua stared at the struggling Saint Wan Miao for a long time. Finally, she sneered, and her eyes fell on the face of the three burial monks, with a hint of soft charm and spring feeling: Taiwei came to me last time and said that her disobedient daughter Bai Yu and her son-in-law Yinyuan seemed to have some minor flaws.

The Luck Calamity Technique has been activated for hundreds of years, and now should be the peak moment for the greatest gains, but Taiwei didn't get much...I didn't get much benefit from Taiwei.

On the contrary, the situation in the prison-suppressing line has been extremely abnormal and rapid.

Our Lady of Yaohua frowned: Is it possible that, after all our hard work, we finally took advantage of the thieves and monks of the prison-suppressing lineage?

The expression of the Third Burial Monk became extremely gloomy and solemn.

He raised his head and looked at the endless wild mountains in the south. He took a deep breath, and Our Lady of Yaohua thoughtfully took out the best elixir surrounded by haze, and fed it to the three-buried monk with great gentleness. In the mouth.

The three-buried monk swallowed the elixir.

After a while, the Third Burial Monk withdrew the palm that was covering the face of Saint Wan Miao. The five fingers of his right hand beat rapidly, and he began to pinch his fingers to silently use his magical powers to deduce the secrets bit by bit.

However, his deduction is extremely difficult.

Suddenly, the face of the Third Burial Monk suddenly changed: No, it's not just those three little thieves who were promoted to Buddha... From now on, you must never mention that guy's name, he is!

After the Three Burials, the monk of the Three Burials, with his extremely strange magical power, directly crossed the bottleneck that everyone in Liangyi Heaven envied, and broke into the most wonderful realm of Liangyi Heaven... This time, he used the supreme power he had just acquired. The supernatural power deduced the root cause of the sudden and significant increase in the prison-suppressing lineage, but with the great power he now possesses, he is unable to discern the causes and consequences of the sudden appearance of three Buddhas in the prison-suppressing lineage!

There is an existence that is by no means weaker than him. With its own great supernatural power and great power, it has wrapped up all the information and all the cause and effect related to the prison lineage... The derivation of the three burial monks encountered the strongest obstacle.

And this aura is not the precious light merit Buddha.

Very familiar... originated from the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha actually broke through that bottleneck before the Third Burial Monk could.

The Third Burial monk clasped his hands together and exclaimed in a low voice: It's terrible, it's terrible. Although my deity was sent to die in the south, I also knew that he and his companions would definitely die in the south this time, but I didn't know that it was actually... He... Haha, fortunately we have this deduction today, otherwise, we will suffer a big loss in the future!

With twinkling eyes, the Third Burial Monk wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at Our Lady of Yaohua and Saint Wanmiao, and gave a serious reminder: Remember, don't mention his name in the future...

Then, a surge of overwhelming anger grew in his heart, and the body of the Third Burial Monk trembled slightly. He murmured in a low voice: To be able to let him break through in one step, how much luck and fate did their lineage get? This calamity The ultimate beneficiaries of Dafa should be us, why, why...

Some are weird, some are mysterious. But...

The Third Burial Monk looked at Madonna Yaohua with a faint look: Yaohua, did you really arrange the arrangement according to my explanation?

Our Lady of Yaohua looked at the Third Burial Monk with great grievance: You don't believe me?

Saint Wan Miao gritted her teeth and sneered: A 'mother' who even gave birth to a baby with a wild man...well...

The big hand of the Third Burial Monk once again covered the head of Saint Wanmiao.

He nodded slowly: How could I not believe you? However, I am just afraid that when you were making arrangements, you might have been deceived by the people below...or, your nominal husband...him? Did you notice something? Any clues?

Our Lady of Yaohua frowned: He? He is devoted to pure cultivation and ignores secular affairs. Now his disciples, disciples, and sect affairs are all handled by me. No matter inside or outside, big or small, can be hidden from me. , he...impossible!

The Third Burial Monk was silent for a long time. He gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and started to deduce again.

The invisible and traceless strange power traveled through the void, shrouding little by little the various people related to the luck-causing method. The trajectory of fate that filled the void was stirred, and the fates of many people were strangely distorted.

Some people who are destined to be wealthy have their family fortunes overturned.

Some people who could have become immortals fell instantly today.

Some people who originally lived a happy life encountered disasters inexplicably.

Some people who have been free from illness and disaster all their lives suddenly become debilitated.

All kinds of negative forces are entangled in the threads of fate, crazily eroding, entangling, twisting, and changing... The three burial monks unscrupulously spy on the fate of these people, forcefully observe their pasts, and destroy their futures.

He is a 'transcendent' existence that has ruined the past, present, and future.

He was like a fisherman standing on the river bank, holding a sharp harpoon and with a sneer, he stabbed the harpoon into the river again and again with disdain, stabbing and strangling fish of all sizes with ease.

With his current level of cultivation and current Taoism, only a very small number of powerful people standing on the river bank would be able to detect his actions. However, the Third Burial monk carefully avoided the 'eyes' of those powerful men of the same level and did not alarm them.

After all, the power of 'destiny' and 'Qi Shu' can be said to be very small if they touch this power in Liangyi Heaven.

And Monk Sanzong's attainments in this field are definitely 'top'!

Zhenmo City, next to Ming Lake, on the exquisite water pavilion terrace.

Bai Di was shirtless, with his hair tied into a high ponytail. He was wearing light gray bloomers and soft-soled cloth shoes. He was holding an ordinary black wooden sword. He was slowly moving one move after another. He didn't know where he got it from. In exchange, the 'Mianjian' is suitable for the old lady with small feet in the secular world to exercise.

He played very seriously and concentrated, as if all his energy and energy were integrated into each move.

It feels as if this is a set of supreme scriptures that point directly to the limits of the great road and can help him achieve the supreme status of sage...

Several young men in smart clothes and with a strong air, but with indifferent faces stood quietly on the edge of the terrace, looking at Bai Emperor with reverence - these young people didn't know what Bai Emperor was doing. Come on, this set of swordsmanship is simply riddled with holes and a mess, but since this set of swordsmanship came from Bai Di's hand, it must contain some kind of magical Taoist charm.

Therefore, they racked their brains very hard, pondering every posture, every movement of Bai Emperor, and even every subtle change in his expression.

After pondering for a long time, they were still confused and could not figure out what Bai Di was doing.

In the next moment, several young people rolled their eyes at the same time and fell to the terrace with a thud. Bai Di was horrified, wisps of sword light erupted from the pores on his body, and his whole body instantly turned into a ball of human-shaped light and shadow. The black wooden sword in his hand directly vaporized, and a sword shadow condensed by the sword light was held in his hand. All around the monastery, layers of sword shadows were constantly emerging, turning into an ever-changing killing array, enveloping the entire monastery.

The Third Burial Monk clasped his right hand behind his back and held his left hand in front of his chest. He raised an index finger, with a green damselfly lying on his finger. He slowly stepped out of the air and walked to Bai Emperor with a smile.

The sword in Bai Di's hand flashed, and a wisp of murderous intent pierced Monk Three Burials.

The three-burial monk smiled and raised his left hand. The fragile damselfly on his fingertips flapped its wings, making a crisp sound, and Bai Di's sword light suddenly shattered.

Bai Di grunted, and stepped backwards in great embarrassment, almost collapsing the railing of the terrace, and plunged into the clear lake outside.

Dare you ask me your senior's name? Bai Di managed to stabilize his body and asked in shock.

Little monk, the third burial... the burial is the burial that 'buries you'. The third burial monk smiled very gently. He shook his left index finger, and the damselfly on his fingertips swayed gently in the breeze. Beautiful gesture.

You don't need to ask the young monk where he came from and where he is going... The young monk has no starting point and no place to go. He acts according to his nature and moves according to his heart... Well, that is, he does whatever he wants and does not follow the 'dharma' recognized by you. 'Laws', 'rules' and other secular common sense constraints.

Shaking his head, Monk Sanzong looked at Bai Di with squinted eyes: Taixiao girl said, it seems that progress is not going well here? So, little monk is here to help you. Some things must be accelerated, and some gains must be increased... If you can't do it well , then let someone else do it!”

Before Bai Di could react, the Third Burial monk looked at him suspiciously: Or are you trying to make a profit?

Bai Di was horrified!

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