Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 781 The Great Catastrophe

The sword comes out.

A bit of cold light tore through the void, directly piercing the vital point between the eyebrows of the three-burial monk.

The Third Burial monk smiled, clasped his hands, and looked quietly at Bai Emperor who drew his sword. He was indeed standing in front of Bai Emperor, but there seemed to be a faint layer of fog around him, making him unpredictable and confused.

Bai Di used his best swordsmanship with this sword strike.

Traveling through the void, crossing dimensions, and even having a faint rhythm of 'time'. His sword also carried a very faint killing intent of cutting the past, the present world, and the future.

But the three-buried monk, he buried his past, present life, and future. He has no past, no present life, and no future. To Bai Di, the Third Burial Monk was simply a non-existent phantom.

The sword light pierced out, and the distance between the sword light and the Sanzong monk seemed to be stretched endlessly. Not only is the space stretched, but the time dimension is also endlessly extended. The sword light tried its best to thrust forward, but after a long, long, long time of assassination, the sword light became farther and farther away from the monk San Burial, and it was impossible to touch him.

With just a click of a finger from the outside world, countless thousands of years seemed to have passed between Bai Emperor and Sanzong Monk.

The sword light shattered little by little.

Bai Di was horrified, his pupils shrunk to the size of needle tips, and just as he was about to slide back, Monk Three Burials had already arrived in front of him, and their bodies were almost touching each other. Monk Three Burials' skin was as tender as water. The onion-like fingers had quietly clasped Bai Di's Adam's apple.

White Emperor? The Third Burial Monk smiled: You must be grateful to the poor monk... Otherwise, with your background, how could you become the leader of Yuanling Tianjian Sect? How could you kill Jishengtian?

Bai Di looked at the Third Burial Monk in shock.

The Third Burial Monk was slightly taller than the White Emperor. He bowed his head slightly and looked down at the White Emperor. The two met each other's eyes. The Third Burial Monk smiled and said: How did Wanmiao Tian be destroyed... Could it be that you Yuan Lingtian monks really have So smart and clever? Those big girls from Wan Miao Tian are not stupid. Do you really think you can fool them into ecstasy with just one extremely handsome man?

How did the Jishengtian expeditionary army fail? At that time, you, Yuan Lingtian, had already been beaten to pieces, and the entire Yuan Lingtian cultivation world was about to be wiped out... Just by yourself, with one sword and one person, you could kill Overturning the entire Extreme Holy Heaven cultivation world?

The three-burial monk smiled and shook his head: In the lower realm, the fortunes of the three worlds condensed into you. At the cost of the complete destruction of a world and the collapse of the path of a world, you were able to achieve this... And you are the great method of calamity. The best 'medicine introduction'. Put it this way, do you understand?

Monk San Zang said rudely: You are just a medicine guide, so why do you think that after you ascended to Liangyi Heaven, Taiwei eagerly came up to you and became husband and wife with you?

Do you really think that your graceful demeanor and unparalleled talent make Taiwei fascinated, and I can't live without marrying you?

Bai Di's lips were blue and white. He pursed his lips vigorously and hissed: Junior... I don't have such arrogant ideas... Junior...

The Third Burial monk nodded and said: You can understand that this is for the best. You are a chess piece, you are just a chess piece. So, be good and obedient, otherwise, you will die miserably.

When the Luck Calamity Technique is activated, you are just the introduction to the medicine. You are definitely not the protagonist. The final beneficiary cannot be you. Therefore, you must abide by your duty. In this way, after we get the final benefit, we can carry it with you and let you Enjoy some scenery too... If you have any other thoughts and want to get something that is not yours... you will die!

Five fingers gently flicked Bai Di's Adam's apple, and wisps of cold air caused countless goose bumps to appear near Bai Di's neck.

The Third Burial Monk slowly let go of his hand and said calmly: Now, tell me, you have been in Demon Suppressing Ridge for so long, what have you done? Why is the power of intercepting fate still so thin? Not at all what we expected?”

If you did something, haha!

The Third Burial Monk clasped his hands behind his back and looked at Bai Emperor with a smile: Now, you speak and I listen. As long as there is something wrong, you will definitely die today!

Cold sweat continued to flow down Bai Di's forehead. Monk Sanzong's words were very plain, just like two neighbors who had a normal relationship and met each other occasionally when they went out to say hello to each other out of boredom.

But such a plain greeting made Bai Di feel the greatest fear in his life.

He was even more frightened than when he resisted the expeditionary army of the Supreme Holy Heaven in Yuan Lingtian and was surrounded and chased by countless powerful monks from the Supreme Holy Heaven... At that time, he was already prepared to die. He was prepared to die... But today, he was living just fine, his plan was taking effect, and he saw a great future and bright prospects. How could he be willing to die?

After a long time.

Bai Di finished talking about a series of actions he took after arriving at Demon Suppression City, including the loss of his first and second apprentices, and also went through it in detail.

The Third Burial Monk was already sitting on the reclining chair that Bai Di liked on weekdays, with his feet crossed and a cup of wine as red as blood in his hand, with a portion of spirit python essence blood added to it, and he was taking a sip. Take a small sip.

After listening to Bai Di's explanation, the Third Burial Monk shook his head slightly: The poor monk seems to know why you have a problem here... How dangerous is the fortune-taking method, but how magical it is? This is a dangerous thing to pull chestnuts from the fire, and even more It’s a big event involving fire and oil... Your method of stewing toads in warm water is too slow!

Sighing, the Third Burial Monk said quietly: Get ready, within seven days, there will be great changes in the Demon Suppressing Ridge. Call all your disciples and prepare to make a desperate move and invest them all. Naturally, there will be people to cooperate with you.

The corners of Bai Di's eyes twitched violently, and he said in a low voice: The disciples that this junior has collected are numerous.

The Third Burial Monk smiled brightly: Isn't it good to have more? You have to have more, you have to die more, you have to die vigorously and lively, so that the flowers can bloom and the fire can burn the oil, so that we can harvest enough at once More destiny and luck!”

Shaking his head, the Third Burial Monk sighed: Tai Wei, she is a little girl after all, and her skills in doing things are too small... Tsk, if the poor monk hadn't been preparing to 'send death' before, this matter should have been caused by the poor monk. The monk should take care of it himself, maybe this way, he would have gained a lot already.

But it's not too late, there's still time.

Hurry up and mobilize your manpower and send all your disciples over. Then... there will be many more people joining the game... Liang Yitian has not been so lively for many years.

At nightfall.

Above the Demon-Suppressing Ridge, there was not a single cloud in the blue sky.

However, the full moon was wrapped in a layer of rough edges, and its surface was slightly red, as if someone had smeared it with a touch of blood. Several extremely bright stars, also covered with ominous blood light, slowly crossed the sky and passed directly through the full moon.

In the one hundred and eight towns of Zhenmo Ridge, many monks who were proficient in Feng Shui fortune telling and divination also noticed this strange celestial phenomenon.

Someone with advanced cultivation shuddered, turned around and left without saying a word, leaving the city overnight and staying away from the Demon-Suppressing Ridge.

There are also those who are not good enough. They noticed this strange celestial phenomenon and failed to figure out what it meant. Although they had warning signs in their hearts, they just cheered up a little and banned the formation in their residence to slightly increase its power. .

Is it possible that there will be some big trouble in the Demon Suppressing City?

The word is the tenth city.

In front of the city lord's palace, there is a spacious T-shaped street intersection. At this hour of the week, there won't be many people wandering around this intersection. But tonight, it was surprisingly lively here.

At the earliest time, there was a group of more than a dozen well-dressed girls, holding small red lanterns and standing on the roadside with charming smiles, as if they were waiting for someone. Each of them is quite young and beautiful, and their whole bodies are filled with strange charms that tempt people to commit crimes and bring out their bestiality.

Of course, this is the city lord's palace of the ninth city.

The lord of this town is different from Yelu Ting, who originally held the title of Ninth City. Yelu Ting is a member of a wealthy family, and he came to Zhenmo City to collect training materials for himself. The city lord of the ninth city is a direct descendant of the eldest son of a wealthy family in Liangyitian. He has a background, a backer, and no shortage of resources.

He came to Suppressing Demon City purely for experience, to gild his qualifications, to increase his reputation and prestige, so as to overwhelm his younger peers in the family.

Therefore, the city lord of the Ninth City is quite fair in his affairs and enforces the law very strictly. He is quite impartial and impartial. At night, there were still small and large groups of officials patrolling around the city lord's palace, maintaining order on the streets.

This group of more than a dozen older girls stood on the roadside and laughed. Many monks who passed by couldn't help but stop. They suppressed the inexplicable fire in their hearts and stared at them, but for a while no one came up to disturb them. .

But gradually, more beautiful girls and young wives appeared at the intersection in front of the city lord's mansion.

There are fat and thin swallows, fish and geese sinking, and all kinds of beauties.

There are all ladies, graceful and magnificent.

There is Xiaojiabiyu, who is pretty and cute.

What's more, there is an impulse in every move of the charming lady that makes people angry, and makes people want to rush up and crush her to pieces.

These eldest girls and young wives are all wearing red skirts and red shoes, holding red handkerchiefs in their hands, red jade pendants, sachets, bells, hydrangeas and other objects tied around their waists. lantern.

They gradually gathered here, from a dozen at first, to a hundred, then hundreds...thousands...thousands.

And every eldest girl or little daughter-in-law can attract an average of a dozen monks to stand aside and watch the fun.

The street in front of the city lord's palace gradually became crowded and extremely lively.

Not to mention it was night, even in broad daylight, so many people gathered in front of the city lord's palace. The garrison and officials of the city lord's palace had also stepped forward to violently disperse these people.

But today...

Several officials on duty who were responsible for guarding the gate of the city lord's palace stood at the door with silly smiles, staring directly at several extremely beautiful girls.

Behind them, a group of hundreds of armored elites guarding the gate were also drooling stupidly.

On the streets, dozens of teams of officials were patrolling. They had long been fascinated by the charming smiles and fragrant breezes of the older girls and younger wives, completely forgetting where they were and what they should be doing.

With so many people gathered together, the strange thing was that except for the occasional laughter from those beauties, no one spoke. The street was as quiet as a ghost.

When the rough-edged moon gradually rose into the sky, a few stars seemed to be washed by blood across the sky.

The sky above the entire tenth city seemed to be shrouded in a layer of transparent blood-colored crystals, and the faint blood light illuminated the entire city. Silently, on the roofs of the hundreds of thousands of small buildings and houses in the Ninth City, figures of women wearing blood-colored robes and holding red lanterns appeared one after another.

With various smiles on their faces, they stood quietly on high ground. The dim light emitted by the blood-colored lanterns in their hands merged with the pale red moonlight and starlight in the sky, spreading like a pool of blood throughout the city.

In thousands of households, whether they are common people living at the lowest level or monks with varying levels of cultivation, there is the sound of doors opening in every mansion. One after another, women with different looks quietly walked out of the door, stood in the yard and on the street, quietly looking up at the women in red.

As if they were stretched out from a nightmare, these women's faces twitched violently. They struggled hard, opened their mouths and wanted to scream and roar loudly, but no sound could be made.

Their bodies twitched violently, and they raised their hands with great difficulty, pinching their necks little by little.

A sweet female voice sounded quietly in their ears.

From childhood to adulthood, they encountered all kinds of unhappiness and unhappiness, and all kinds of things that made them sad, angry, resentful, and even filled with hatred, no matter how big or small, came to their minds one after another.

When I was three or five years old, my playmate robbed me of a clay doll...

When I was seven or eight years old, my sister accidentally broke my beloved handkerchief...

When I was twelve or thirteen years old, the handsome boy next door actually fell in love with his female companion...

When it was time to get married, my husband-in-law went to a brothel and got drunk on the third day after the wedding...

After having children, my daughter married a worthless loser...

The daughter-in-law that my son married was careless and unfilial to her mother-in-law...

It was easy to hold a grandson in his arms, but his grandson didn't get close to me. He even followed his vicious wife behind his back, cursing him for being 'old and immortal'...

Regardless of whether they are young or old, all the women in the tenth city of Zhenzi are filled with resentment, hatred, anger, viciousness, and all kinds of unwholesome auras. They gradually turn into a raging fire of seven emotions and six desires, burning their hearts to twists and turns. Blackness gradually transformed into an 'inhuman' heart.

The 'click' sound sounded uniformly.

In the entire tenth city of the town, nearly ten million women, young and old, all crushed their own necks.

From the master female cultivator who was close to a great Bodhisattva to the newly born child who was still babbling in her infancy, ordinary women all fell in an instant.

The bloody light became more intense, illuminating the entire ninth city of the town, every brick and tile in the pavilions and pavilions, almost all turned into blood.

In the town, many master monks were alarmed by the strange atmosphere.

They walked out of the house one after another, but all the monks, from the masters of the Great Bodhisattva Realm, to the middle level monks who had just entered the first level of the True Immortal Realm, to the low-level monks who had not yet stepped into the True Immortal Realm, all moved slowly and stiffly, as if they had just been beaten. The sticky resistance of the insects wrapped in dripping blood-colored resin not only acted on the physical body, but also made the movement of their souls stiff.

Those masters whose cultivation was strong enough and whose cultivation was above the 30th level, slowly opened their mouths and wanted to shout.

Wisps of blood and wisps of blood condensed from the blood were poured from their mouths like ducks. Their mana is being consumed, their essence and blood are disappearing, and their strength is constantly being reduced... Some powerful people have fairy light rippling on their bodies. They are fairy treasures and fairy soldiers with sufficient spirituality, and they want to protect their masters on their own.

But there were wisps of extremely corrosive blood light falling from the sky, and it happened to fall on these immortal treasures and immortal soldiers.

These immortal treasures and immortal soldiers let out a low mournful sound. The immortal light was eroded, and the body melted and twisted little by little. From the immortal treasures and immortal soldiers of various shapes, they turned into exquisite hairpins and exquisite hairpins. jade pendants, jade rings, exquisite sachets, hydrangea and other items.

There are also some fairy treasures that are quite large in nature, such as various bells, tripods, towers, buildings and other objects, which have been forcibly transformed into beautiful blood-colored sedans or blood-colored pavilions.

This is what happened to those masters.

The middle and low-level monks, as well as the common people who had not even entered the path of cultivation, were directly transformed into a pool of blood in the blood light, and silently blended into the blood light in the sky.

The sound of 'Puff' was endless, as the women strangled themselves to death one by one, and their bodies turned into puffs of blood in the wind.

The blood squirmed, and gradually, no matter whether these women were old or small, tall or short, fat or thin, beautiful or ugly, beautiful as a beauty or as ugly as no salt, they all turned into bodies. A young and beautiful girl and a daughter-in-law with a slim shape, well-proportioned features, white and pink breasts, each with its own style.

They wear all kinds of red dresses, including casual clothes, red wedding dresses, noble and gorgeous palace skirts, crown gowns, and even extremely attractive bellybands, water sleeves, etc...

These long skirts are all the color of blood.

The bloody figures standing on the roof and high above the building burst into laughter at the same time.

The women who had just completed their transformation let out graceful and seductive moans, sang soft, bone-crushing, decadent songs in a low voice, and at the same time let out delicate shouts.

If Lu Qian were present, this shout would definitely feel extremely familiar to him!

Ms. sir, let's pair up and play tricks!

Xiao Langjun, do you think Nunu is beautiful?

Young master, come and play... I know a lot!

Red lanterns floated down one after another, being carried in the hands of the women who had just completed the mutation. Carrying red lanterns, they flew up like weightless shadows and slowly landed on the roof.

For a time, the roofs of the houses and pavilions in the entire tenth city were densely packed with bloody beauties!

Well, there is only one place that has not been occupied by these red figures - that is, located in the middle of the city, there is a city lord's mansion protected by a mountain guarding formation personally arranged by a Taoist master and a Buddha-level master of the Buddhist sect!

The lord of the tenth city in the town comes from an extremely prosperous family of Liangyi Tiandaomen. His family's power is only slightly weaker than that of the Qingyang Lin family, and even more powerful than the Jiang family of Suihuo Plains. Stronger.

When the legitimate son of such a wealthy family travels, in addition to the regular configuration of a Taoist guardian who has reached the level of the Great Bodhisattva, the Lord of the City also has a Taoist-level immortal weapon to protect his body!

This fairy weapon was added to the mountain guarding formation of the City Lord's Mansion by the City Lord, and the entire formation of the City Lord's Mansion was upgraded. Therefore, the defense power of the city lord's palace in the tenth city of Zhenzi is superior to that of the 108 cities in Zhenzi. It is even stronger than the city lord's palace array of Zhenmo City where Taoist Sanyang and Monk Dingshan are stationed.

Sensing the strange aura in the city, the mountain guarding formation in the city lord's mansion started to operate on its own.

A three-foot-tall umbrella, with purple energy rising all over its body and golden flowers shooting out, rose into the sky and enveloped the entire city lord's palace. Wisps of fragrant wind spurted out from the umbrella, bringing with it thousands of auspicious air and boundless auspicious light. Wherever the fragrant wind, auspicious air, and auspicious light passed by, the bloody light around the city lord's palace was washed to pieces. Many beauties in blood-colored dresses let out delicate exclamations and fled in embarrassment into the distance. .

At the gate of the city lord's mansion, several officials responsible for guarding the gate and hundreds of soldiers suddenly shuddered. They were awakened from their strange state of obsession by the fragrant wind and auspicious energy.

Their eyes widened in shock, and they looked at the densely packed bloody figures on the street outside the gate of the City Lord's Mansion in inexplicable horror.

Bloody lanterns lit up one after another, and the bloody light dyed the street in front of the door into a sea of ​​blood.

Countless beautiful beauties stood in the bloody light and winked at them. A few big girls standing at the front suddenly untied their clothes, revealing their snow-white skin: Mr., come on, Come and play, let’s play with each other!”

An evil fire rushed from the lower abdomen to the heart, and then penetrated into the mind like a poisonous snake, corroding the soul.

Dozens of soldiers with lower cultivation levels let out a muffled groan, and blood-colored fire suddenly burned in their bodies, instantly burning them into human-shaped torches.

Several gatekeepers exclaimed in unison and stumbled back.

Several golden flowers falling from the umbrella fell on them, and immediately turned into golden flames and enveloped their bodies. The sound of chichi sounded, and wisps of blood-colored evil energy continued to float out of their bodies. It was as if they had been poured down by a bucket of snow water from the Tianling Cap, and they suddenly became clear-headed and regained their usual calmness and shrewdness.

Enemy attack!

One of the gatekeepers screamed. He moved his fingers, and several rays of sword light spurted out from his fingertips, hitting the demon-scary drum at the gate of the city lord's mansion.

‘Dong, dong dong dong’!

The huge demon-scary drum made an earth-shattering roar.

As soon as the demon-scary drum of the tenth town of the town sounded, the entire Demon-Suppressing Ridge, the other one hundred and seven towns, and the demon-scary drum in the Demon-Suppressing City all rang loudly.

Looking down from a high altitude, except for the tenth city of Zhenzi, which was wrapped in a thick layer of blood light, the other towns, including the Demon City, had large formations rising rapidly, and wisps of fairy light expanded rapidly, sweeping across like a tsunami. Quartet.

Outside the towns and villages built by the major forces, mountain defense formations of varying sizes were launched one after another.

The light from the town is like the bright moon, and the light from the villages of all sizes is like the stars. Along the entire Zhenmo Ridge, the fairy light emitted by the town and the village stretched into a sea of ​​light. From that sea of ​​light, more wisps of escaping light rose into the sky. The masters and overhauls stationed in each city flew into the sky and used their magical powers to investigate. Exploring the movement in all directions.

On the front line of Suppressing Demon Ridge, although there are no Taoist or Buddha-level powerful masters, there are quite a few great Bodhisattva and True King-level masters.

These major cultivation eyes were used to see through hundreds of millions of miles of void in an instant. Many people immediately discovered that the tenth city of the town was shrouded in blood, and news came from the city lord's palace of each town - the first shock The magic drum is indeed ringing from the tenth city of Zhenzi!

According to the laws of suppressing demons established by Taoist sages and Buddhist Lords, the Ninth City and the Eleventh City, which are closest to the Tenth City, each have an elite army of ten thousand people, driving flying boats to sent out sentries. .

Other towns closer to the Ninth City and Eleventh City dispatched their elite troops one after another and quickly approached the two cities.

While countless monks in Zhenmo Ridge were alarmed, in the 49th city of Zhenzi, where Lu Ren once accompanied Yinyuan and Bai Yu to appreciate the spectacle of the 'Dragon King spitting beads', in the south of the 49th city of Zhenzi, the Wanmiao Saint Aunt Humming a song, carrying a small bloody lantern in the shape of a skull, he slowly walked up to the strange-shaped mountain peak coiled by the ancient giant snake.

Hey, hey, hey, old snake, old snake, are you still alive? Saint Wanmiao smiled and lightly stamped her foot: Wake up, wake up, don't pretend to be asleep, the debt of gratitude you owed back then , I have to pay it back today!”

The mountain peak shook violently.

A large boulder on the top of the mountain was shattered, and thick sand and gravel flew up, revealing two huge vertical pupils. The giant snake opened its eyes, and a hoarse voice came from the depths of the mountain: You are not the person who saved my life back then...

Saint Wanmiao took out a piece of palm-sized cloud talisman, which seemed to be made up of pieces of clouds. It was erratic and constantly flashing a faint clear light. She slapped it hard on a huge eye: Here, do you recognize this talisman? Card, right? If you return the favor today, you can be free... Hee! Are you happy? Are you excited?

The entire strange-shaped mountain peak began to tremble, and the thick rock layers on the mountain continued to fall off, revealing the huge dark green-gold scales below. The scales continued to stand up and close together, making a loud click, click sound. At the same time, chains made of fairy light and Buddha light suddenly appeared on the huge snake body, strangling the thick snake. The scales cracked.

Help me! The giant snake muttered in a low voice, Can you do it?

Saint Wanmiao smiled: Don't say I can't do it... There are not many things I can't do in this world... Women are stingy. They will get into a temper when they are wronged or looked down upon. Yes, it will... be bad!

Amidst the laughter, a slippery light flew out of the sleeves of Wanmiao Saint Aunt and gently chipped away at the chains formed by the fairy light and Buddha light. The sound of chichi was heard endlessly. Her inexplicable light made people feel numb on the scalp, and the evil light made people feel extremely uncomfortable. She gently and deftly cut open the giant snake that was used by the two great powers of Buddhism and Taoism. The shackles of imprisonment placed on the body.

Well, this baby is so useful!

Saint Wan Miao giggled, and when she grabbed her hand, the faint light flew into her hand, and it turned out to be a strange-shaped scimitar made of dark red bones.

The scimitar, which is about a foot long, is like being kneaded from mud. It is slowly wrapped around the wrist of Saint Wan Miao, squirming bit by bit. From time to time, very thin short thorns stretch out from the scimitar, stabbing fiercely. On the skin of Saint Wan Miao, I want to pierce her flesh and suck her blood.

Be obedient, be obedient, my blood doesn't taste good. Saint Wanmiao stretched out a finger and let the 'soft' scimitar wrap it up. She chuckled and said, There will be something delicious later. Okay, wait a while, I’ll let you eat until you’re full, but you also have to work hard...how much you can eat depends on how hard you work today!”

The loud noise of KaKa was heard endlessly. Around this mountain peak, mountains of different sizes collapsed and exploded one after another. Huge cracks several miles wide opened on the ground. The spider web-like cracks extended to the fortieth town. Under the city wall of the Nine Cities, streams of earthly fire and turbid air spurted out from the cracks, like a giant ax struck by the gods, striking the city wall hard, making a deafening sound and splashing fire into the sky.

With a roar, the giant snake raised its huge head.

A black shadow stabbed into the sky slowly, bit by bit, thousands of feet, tens of thousands of feet, hundreds of thousands of feet... The spiritual energy of the world surged violently, and the infinite spiritual energy from all directions was sucked into the body by the giant snake's open mouth.

On the body surface of the giant snake, the scales continued to wither, wither, and turn into dust.

On his forehead, the thick snake skin cracked a very thin gap. With an earth-shattering roar, the giant snake twisted its body. From the cracked snake skin, a dark golden snake shone all over its body. The body struggled out bit by bit.

The moment it broke out of its confinement, the giant snake began to shed its skin.

He rose into the sky, and his huge body stretched out in all directions little by little. In an instant, his body stretched across the void, stretching thousands of miles up and down!

Thunder and flames roared all over the sky and fell from the sky.

In the mountains in all directions, in order to trap this big snake, the second and third levels of restrictions arranged by the masters of Buddhism and Taoism broke out one after another. The strangulation formations were activated one after another, activating thunder and fire to roll towards the big snake.

Holy Aunt Wanmiao was holding the strange-shaped bloody skull lantern, laughing in a low voice, shaking her hands and playing jade talismans one after another.

Wherever the spiritual talisman passed, the large ban formations stopped attacking one after another, and then collapsed on their own.

The big snake was not hindered by any obstacles. He twisted his body, and the newly born snake scales on his body withered and shattered again. He once again took off a layer of old skin... and this time after shedding, his body shrank. About 30%, the body length has become about 7,000 miles.

Not long after, He roared and shed the third layer of old skin...

Nine times like this, in the void, the body of the big snake became only three or four miles long, and his snake scales also turned into an extremely pure bright gold, extremely bright and dazzling, and there were wisps of pure fairy light coming from the snake scales. It spurts out, and there is no longer any evil or demonic energy.

This 'Nine Transformations of Heavenly Dragon Transformation'... That old lady, you didn't lie to me! The big snake hissed and laughed strangely: In this case, I will rarely keep my promise... Hehe, little girl, what do you want me to do?

The big snake swayed and transformed into a majestic young man who was two feet tall, with a slender body and streamlined muscles all over his body. He was quite handsome and only had a pair of amber vertical pupils and extremely evil eyes.

He stuck out his scarlet tongue, licked his lips vigorously, and winked at Saint Wanmiao with a smile: Xiao Ke has been obsessed with the word 'sex' the most in his life... Xiao Ke was born with a strong talent. There is no 'group distinction', and there is no 'ethnic prejudice'. As long as it is a female and the birth is more pleasing to the eye, Xiaoke can fight as much as he wants!

Girl, you are very pretty. No matter what you want me to do later... If you are interested, girl, how about we have some fun first?

Saint Wan Miao narrowed her eyes, a cold light suddenly flashed in her eyes, but the smile on her face became brighter.

The big snake's body trembled with shivers, and with a 'swish', it followed the snake-shaped trajectory and retreated for dozens of miles. In front of it, a layer of scaly light shields spewing dark golden haze continued to appear.

He hissed: Girl, stop it, I can see that you are also a cruel, vicious and disobedient bitch... I am interested in all the females in the world, but I don't have the slightest interest in bitches like you who are kind-faced and dark-hearted. Not even interested.

Well, let's do serious things.

I keep my promise, and I will never go back on what I promised you back then... Just tell me what you want me to do, and I will help you do it without any discounts!

The big snake slapped its chest hard, making a bang bang sound, and put on a righteous look!

Saint Wanmiao chuckled, shook the bone knife wrapped around her finger, and said with a smile: In that case, let's go to the Ninth City of Zhenzi? Slaughter all the living creatures in the city, and kill a man named Get Bai Yu's girl and a pretty boy named Yinyuan beside her, and then take them to the south!

Use your fastest speed and run south for a year.

After going deep into the southern mountains for a year, throw them to any demon tribe. Your mission will be completed.

Saint Wanmiao looked at the big snake with a smile: From now on, you will be free between heaven and earth. No one will restrain you no matter how happy you are!

Orochi looked at Saint Wanmiao in shock: Is it that simple?

Saint Wan Miao smiled: It's that simple!

The big snake frowned and looked at Saint Wan Miao up and down: You guys want to trick me... Back then I was besieged by a few old thieves and almost died. I don't know what tricks those old ladies used. , let me survive...Tsk, tsk, such a huge favor, let me do such a simple thing?

You guys definitely want to trick me!

Gritting his teeth, the big snake looked at Saint Wan Miao with wandering eyes. After hesitating for a long time, he stamped his feet fiercely: But, who asked me to promise a large amount of money? Forget it, the ninth city of Zhenzi? In that direction...I Come as soon as you go!”

With a loud roar, the big snake suddenly turned into a snake-shaped lightning and rushed straight towards the ninth city of Zhenzi.

As he was passing by the 49th city of Zhenzi, suddenly a giant snake's tail that was thousands of miles long fell from the sky and hit the city's defense formation with a 'boom'.

Countless defensive light curtains were shattered by one blow, and the lightning and thunder fire carried terrible poison, turning into a dark golden torrent that tore through the defense of the formation and blasted into the city.

With just one blow, more than 100,000 houses and pavilions were shattered into pieces, and millions of citizens were reduced to nothing.

Suspended in the sky above the city, the garrison in the city who was waiting in full formation was killed by this blow. More than 100,000 people were killed by this blow. Even the lord of the 49th city was beaten to pieces by the blow. Fortunately, he relied on a natal immortal treasure to protect him. He escaped with a trace of his soul in embarrassment!

The city lord screamed: This old demon... Back then, he was a peak-level Taoist master. Today, he, he, he...

When he was imprisoned and suppressed, Orochi had the cultivation level of a peak Taoist master. After so many years, he had inexplicably cultivated a nine-sect with unknown origins that even the city lord of the 49th city had never heard of. Transformed into a dragon, the snake's cultivation has reached a state that is unpredictable... and that people dare not think about it!

When such a giant demon was born, the city lord of the 49th city of Zhenzi gasped and used his magic to recover the blood essence and energy that had just collapsed. He regrouped his body bit by bit and muttered in a low voice: It's okay. It's okay. Okay. He didn’t cause any trouble for us... The ninth city? Hey, Lord Fahai, you have such a strong backer, do you think you can handle it?

Just when the city lord of the 49th city was comforting himself, wisps of fishy wind blew from the south.

A large demonic cloud rose, and the dark wind rushed over with a 'whooshing' sound.

In the dark wind and demonic clouds, twisted and squirming snakes can be seen.

After the big snake escaped from the trap, he immediately activated his natal magical power and began to summon the climatic snakes in the wild mountains in the south... Under his forcible summons, countless giant snakes, pythons, venomous snakes, monsters, and other creatures came out one after another, like crazy demons They also rushed towards the 49th city of Zhenzi.

There are many hidden dragons and snakes in the deep mountains and swamps.

In the wild mountains, there are the most snakes and pythons.

Under the call of the escaped snake, the number of snakes in this first wave exceeded 30,000...and from behind, snakes with larger numbers, larger sizes, and more terrifying cultivation levels were coming in a steady stream.

Saint Wanmiao hummed a song, looked at the chaotic 49th City with a smile, and said with a chuckle: Hey, it seems that you are a little bit overwhelmed...a bunch of useless men, you guys If you can't bear it, won't you be suffering for the girls in the city?

Instead of letting them be swallowed by snakes, wouldn't it be better to let them transform into my little girls, and live a long and happy life, and be immortal forever?

Saint Wan Miao hummed a song, and the bloody skull-shaped lantern in her hand swayed with a bloody light, flying straight towards the 49th City, which was surrounded by flames and was in chaos.

In the city, among the millions of citizens who had just been killed by the old snake, the remains of the women who had been killed suddenly split open and exploded into a blur of blood mist. The blood light rose and the evil energy surged. These women who were killed inexplicably and were filled with overwhelming resentment before their death underwent horrific changes in the blood light.

In the 49th city of Zhenzi, soft shouts rang out from everywhere.

Hehe, sir, let's pair up and play tricks!

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