Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 801: The first person to be killed

The whole Suihuo Plain turned into a huge fire pit.

Not a description, but an actual lava fire pit.

Countless looted metal minerals melted and boiled in the fire pit, creating blazing waves thousands of feet high. Tens of thousands of them were kidnapped, and control talismans were put into their souls. The weapon refiner, who could not control his life or death, had a gloomy face, sitting cross-legged above the hot fire pit, working with all his strength.

After exhausting all his abilities and means, behemoths suddenly took shape in the huge fire pit.

Accompanied by the low dragon roar, giant boats with dragon heads and fish tails, and phoenix wings growing out of their ribs, spewed out high-temperature flames, flashing with dazzling firelight, slowly like mountains rising into the sky from the boiling metal juice. .

These boats are all forged according to the drawings left by the ancestors of the Jiang family. They are called the Ancient Urgent God War Boats. They are eight thousand feet long from beginning to end and six hundred feet wide. One warship can accommodate more than 100,000 people. The heavily armored elites lived, practiced, went on expeditions, and killed inside. They integrated offense and defense, and were unrivaled. They were a powerful weapon used by the Jiang Dynasty to conquer all races.

Times have changed, and with the current family background of the Jiang family, it is impossible to refine such a giant ship.

But under the leadership of the cunning girl, these ancestors of the Jiang family who emerged from the plasma lake below the ancestral hall slaughtered hundreds of sects and families around them, plundered countless resources, and gathered all kinds of rare treasures and materials. , and they actually discovered some rare materials that had been extinct in Liangyitian.

Such as the tail of the Kun, the bones of the true dragon, the wings of the phoenix, etc...

Using these rare materials handed down from ancient times as the main materials, tens of thousands of master craftsmen were robbed, detonating an ancient eye of fire under the Suihuo Plain, and turning the entire Jiang family's fundamental center into a huge natural In the furnace, the Jiang clan forged one hundred and eight ancient and urgent war ships at once, and hundreds of thousands of other large and small matching small warships.

In all directions, a zombie ancestor with fangs turned out and huge wings swaying behind his back was suspended in the air, his eyes flashing with inhuman blood, and he was breathing heavily. Blood energy, fighting energy, corpse energy, and evil energy intertwined into a ball in the air, turning into filthy torrents across the void, making the entire Suihuo Plain dark and dark, giving it a sense of doom.

The newly made warships were suspended in the air, and the strong wind blew by. The high temperature on the ship's body gradually disappeared, and gradually reached a level that ordinary true immortals could tolerate.

The high-pitched war drums sounded. Amidst the intensive sound of war drums, groups of monks wearing heavy armor rose into the air. Accompanied by sharp shouts and orders, these armored soldiers entered the battleship in groups.

'Buzz, buzz', the formation in the battleship is activated, the powerful fairy furnace is running, and the mountains of fairy crystals are burned instantly. The majestic power flows along the formation circuit, and the giant ship is filled with unparalleled power. Giant ship. Light flowed on the mast of the ship's hull, and the sails formed by immortal magic spread out with a bang, driving the giant ship forward.

One hundred and eight top-level giant ships, hundreds of thousands of large and small battleships turned into streams of light and flew forward.

There were thirty-six ancestors of the Jiang family in the Buddha realm in front of them. They formed a large circle with a diameter of a hundred miles. With the high-pitched shouts, majestic mana surged, and the void was torn open. Huge crack.

A 'Heaven Gate' slowly emerged from the crack.

The fully loaded fleet plunged into the Tianmen with deafening cheers.

Entering the Tianmen from the core hinterland of the Liangyitian East Region, when they emerged from the other end of the Tianmen, they had already arrived at the junction of the Liangyitian East Region and the Western Region - less than ten thousand miles away in front of the fleet was Monk Yuanjue Shiziling, which serves as the guard, is the gateway to Liangyitian Buddhism!

On Shiziling, inside and outside Dajue Temple, the low sound of bells is ringing continuously.

A sparse group of three or five Buddhist cultivators rose into the air, looked here for a while, and then turned around and left without saying a word.

These Buddhist cultivators have weak auras, and their magic power is between non-existent and non-existent. They are exactly like little novice monks who have just stepped onto the path - they have no warning, no warning, and no intention of staying to resist. They all run very fast with oil on their soles. , rushed into the pre-set void moving formation in Dajue Temple in a few seconds, and ran away without a trace in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, Dajue Temple has become an empty space.

The ancient temple complex that stretches for thousands of miles is completely empty, with not a single ghost left!

Oh, there is still a certain amount of defensive power left - before these young monks ran away, they activated the entire defensive formation of Lion Ridge. A layer of Buddha's light rose up like a blazing flame. The Buddha's light, which was hundreds of miles thick, condensed into almost a substance. It quickly turned into a Great Wall of Buddha's Light, stretching thousands of miles from south to north.

In the mountains in front of and behind Dajue Temple, in the mountains and forests, inside and outside the Buddhist temples and pavilions, there are a large number of metals made of metal, inlaid with relics, and steel and iron bones. Their fighting capabilities are tyrannical, and their overall strength is not weaker than that of ordinary Vajra Buddhas with golden bodies above the twenty-fifth heaven. The puppets walked out one after another, and Qiang Qiang soundly formed a battle formation by taking advantage of the geographical location.

Monk Yuanjue has been operating in Dajue Temple for thousands of years. As long as he is willing to invest in materials, he can get as much as he wants. He has forged at least a million giants in Dajue Temple.

A million Vajra puppets with a combat power equivalent to the true immortals of the 25th level and above, and then use the ready-made Buddha formation to form a battle formation. If there is another Buddha sitting in the formation, on a normal day, even if it is ten times, two times. Even if ten times the number of Buddhas and Taoist masters attack together, they may not be able to break through Shiziling.

But today, there is not a single living person in Dajue Temple, let alone anyone to take charge of the defense here.

The mighty fleet array was approaching Shiziling bit by bit.

The cunning girl stood on the bow of a giant ship at the front. Wearing heavy armor and holding a long sword and a blood flag, she looked proudly at the Great Wall made of Buddha's light. She shook her head gently: I, the Jiang family, want to If we want to rise, Buddhism is the biggest obstacle. There is no justice or reason in today's battle, it is just for...

It’s just for ‘profit’!

The cunning girl turned around and looked at the people lined up behind her. They were wearing long robes with feather crowns. Their faces were covered with layers of mist, and their facial features could not be seen clearly. However, their auras were changing and ethereal, and they were unpredictable and powerful. , endless Taoists.

There are a total of forty-nine powerful Tao masters from Tao sects, and they are in harmony with each other and echo each other from afar. It is obvious that they practice Taoism and magical powers of the same lineage, and there must be some mysterious ability to join forces with each other.

Thank you, seniors. The cunning girl smiled.

Everything is easy to say. The leader, a Taoist with a long beard, an immortal figure, and a whole body full of Taoist charm, smiled slightly and nodded slowly: Junior brothers, why don't you do it? You have been patient for many years. Today, when we appear in this world, we should be a blockbuster!

After a slight pause, the Taoist chuckled and said: These fellow Taoists from Liangyi Heaven in the upper world are just in time to understand their methods!

All the Taoists roared in unison, raised their hands, and turned into streams of light and escaped into the sky. Large flags embroidered with pictures of stars in the sky appeared in their hands. They held the flag tightly and shook it gently. Suddenly the sky and the earth became dark. Countless stars showed their signs on weekdays. The next moment, wisps of sharp light appeared. The thorny stars roared and fell from the sky, like meteorites all over the sky slamming into Shiziling.

With just one blow, the ground for a million miles near Shiziling was shaken. Black fire pillars rose into the sky. The starlight shattered the Great Wall of Buddha's Light, shattered the defensive formations of Dajue Temple, and collapsed every building. The pavilions of the Buddhist temple blasted through the rock formations and earth veins of Shizi Ridge, and broke through the fire bubbles in the earth's lungs deep underground. A large amount of ancient lava and ancient poisonous flames in the earth's core rushed up like a volcano. In an instant, it exploded tens of thousands of miles above the ground.

With just one blow, the monastery that Monk Yuanjue had run for thousands of years was completely destroyed!

When he was still the Great Lion Bodhisattva, one of the great Bodhisattvas of the Ten Directions in Buddhism, it was impossible for him to block this blow.

Even if he breaks through to the realm of Buddha through Lu Qian's luck, even if he personally sits in Shiziling and Dajue Temple today, even if he gathers all the disciples of his Dajue Temple here and fights to the death with the help of the Buddha formation. Resistance...it is also impossible to block this blow!

When this blow fell, the world was in chaos, the Tao Yun was completely shattered, and the entire Shizi Ridge with a radius of a million miles turned into chaos. The earth, water, fire, and wind lost their original shape. Looking from a distance, I saw a huge giant appeared on the earth. In the extremely deep pit, the gray and turbid currents in the pit surged and collided, constantly emitting dense roars of wind and thunder.

There is no one in the temple. The leading Taoist shook his head dissatisfied.

They all followed Dafeitian and Baoguang Merit Buddha and left Liangyi Heaven... The cunning girl smiled brightly: The words of Our Lady of Yaohua made all these high-ranking Buddhas tempted, and they all left... …Today’s Buddhism can only be cut up by us at will!”

The leading Taoist nodded slightly: I hope they can't come back!

The cunning girl gently licked the corner of her mouth and chuckled: I believe they will never come back.

Taizu of the Jiang clan was wearing heavy armor and walked up behind the cunning girl with rumbling steps. He lowered his head and glanced at the cunning girl who was smiling very proudly, like a little fox. He shook his head worriedly: Since we have already taken action, , just do it the best... I, the Jiang clan... Hey!

Now that we have moved, now that we have breached the east gate of Buddhism, and have accomplished the end of the matter, we can only continue to the desperate end.

Taizu let out a deep roar, turned into a ball of blazing blood, smashed into the slowly dissipating Great Wall of Buddha's Light, and rushed straight into the Buddhist territory behind.

Beside the body of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva.

The hands of the old Buddha Tucheng flashed with a faint Buddha light, and in the halo, every move that happened in Shiziling could be seen at a glance.

He said calmly: The enemy of Buddha has appeared.

The foolish stone monk's eyes widened. He looked at the huge battleships in the light wheel. Some of them had been stored in his memory for countless years. Things that he originally thought were no longer needed suddenly started to stir up again.

Jiang family! Foolish Stone Monk murmured: What do they want to do? Do they think... it's wrong? Why do they come from the Taoist Sect's territory, hundreds of millions of miles away, to attack my Buddhist Sect?

Elder Tucheng looked down at the foolish stone monk: It can be seen that there was a Taoist instruction behind this matter. The forty-nine powerful men who took action to destroy Shiziling Dajue Temple did not use the purest and most orthodox Taoist methods. What?

The foolish stone monk asked in confusion: But why?

Tuchen Buddha smiled contemptuously: Junior Brother Yushi, your brain has not really turned into a big stone, right? Why? What else do you ask for such a simple question? One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, that's all .”

The foolish stone monk clasped his hands together and muttered a mantra that shocked his mind.

Elder Buddha Tucheng shook his head slightly and said calmly: You fellow disciples have already seen that the enemies of the Buddha have appeared and are coming fiercely... How should our Buddhist sect deal with it? The thirteen Buddha Lords have already abandoned us and stayed away from Liangyi Heaven. At this moment, faced with such a critical situation, how can we, the hundreds of millions of Buddhist disciples and countless believers in our Buddhist sect, find a way out?

In the halo formed by the Buddha's light, Taizu had already led a large group of Jiang clan members to rush to the foot of Lion Ridge, an extremely prosperous city.

This large and densely populated city stretches for thousands of miles and contains hundreds of millions of residents. Among them, there are many young and strong men and women who have practiced simple Buddhist body-tempering techniques. They are all as tall as smoky diamonds, with extremely powerful Tao and abundant qi and blood.

A great Bodhisattva-level zombie ancestor of the Jiang family flapped his big wings and reached the top of the city in a blink of an eye. He took a deep breath, and the people all over the city howled piteously, and the blood and essence all over his body suddenly exploded. It turned into streaks of sticky blood flying into the sky, and was swallowed cleanly by him.

The whole city was filled with people, and in an instant, there were only clouds of flying ash falling down. Even the larger sparrows were sucked clean. The entire city could truly be regarded as 'eliminating the roots' and 'leaving no chickens or dogs behind'!

The ancestor of the Jiang family in the Great Bodhisattva realm burped happily, his body shook violently, and he said happily: The people in this city are full of blood, comparable to the people of the country in the Daomen territory!

The people of the Buddhist country practice physical training.

Taoist people nourish their Qi.

The common people of the mortal world, the people of the Buddhist Kingdom who are refining their bodies, are obviously more useful to these zombie ancestors who feed on blood essence than the people of the Taoist sect!

Hearing a series of deep thunders in his body, the aura of the great Bodhisattva, the ancestor of the Jiang family with the ultimate cultivation level, suddenly soared, and a black-red corpse aura and evil aura rushed out of his body and condensed into a ball above his head. Heavy dark clouds.

He devoured a whole city of people, broke through the realm brazenly, and his strength was already comparable to that of the Buddha who had lived through the calamity!

The roars of 'hiss' were endless, and the zombified ancestors of the Jiang family were all grinning in excitement, their fangs constantly emitting a faint red light, and they eagerly flapped their wings and flew away in all directions.

City after city was washed away.

Villages and towns were slaughtered.

Wherever these zombified ancestors of the Jiang family passed by, all flesh and blood creatures, even loaches in the creek, were devoured cleanly. The area around Shiziling quickly turned into a quiet death land. There were no birds in the sky, no snakes and ants on the ground, and no signs of fish or shrimp in the water.

In the true form of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva, the ordinary-looking Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and silently recited the salvation sutra.

He has been supported by Buddhism for countless years. In his heart, these Buddhist believers are no different from his descendants. He, who is simple and kind by nature, can't help but feel sad when he sees these people's believers being slaughtered so unscrupulously.

Thick circles of Buddha's light spread from the body of the Great Self-Wisdom Light Bodhisattva, sweeping through the many Buddhist cultivators present.

Tucheng Buddha sighed softly: Who can save such a dangerous situation?

Huanguang Buddha stepped on a ball of Buddha's light and rose into the sky lightly: This is a big conspiracy of the Taoist sect against my Buddhist sect... For countless years, Liangyi Heaven has experienced severe calamities again and again, and one powerful ethnic group has fallen sadly, one after another. Another force that was once dominant disappeared into thin air.”

Thousands of years ago, Buddhism and Taoism joined forces to wipe out all the barbarians and evil spirits. I had a vague premonition that sooner or later, we, Buddhism and Taoism... would have a battle.

I just didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.

I just didn't expect that the thirteen highest leaders of our Buddhist sect would actually abandon hundreds of millions of Buddhist disciples and 'escape' from Liangyi Heaven!

Huanguang Buddha directly stigmatized the thirteen Buddha masters as escape from battle - although what they did did mean a bit of escape from battle.

However, he ignored that the thirteen Buddha Lords left Liangyi Heaven before the Jiang clan launched their attack, not after the Jiang clan launched their campaign... Of course, this could be the public saying that the public is right, and the mother-in-law saying that the mother-in-law is right... In terms of right and wrong, no one knows who is a human and who is a ghost until the day when the results are finally revealed!

But now, Elder Huanguang's words have obviously been unanimously recognized by countless Buddhist cultivators around him.

Many Buddhist cultivators nodded.

No matter why the thirteen Buddha Lords left, they left Liangyitian - they also took away their most direct disciples!

Now, the Jiang clan, or the ‘Taoist sect’ in the words of Tuchen Buddha and Huanguang Buddha are fighting... They have the support of sages, but the Buddhist sect does not have a Buddha to lead them. How should they fight this battle?

A wisp of light shot straight into the sky. The golden-leaf Buddha came to the two Buddhas. He clasped his hands and said in a low voice: Fortunately, with the blessing of the Buddha, the sky will never stop my lineage of Liangyitian Buddhism - my lineage of Buddhism is long and has a strong foundation. , Over the years, there has been a reincarnated true Buddha who has been practicing hard in our Buddhist sect for many kalpas and realizing the supreme Buddhahood.

Just a few days ago, this true Buddha has clearly understood his original mind, understood the past causes, found his true self, and regained all the cultivation skills in his previous life from countless reincarnations. His Taoism has soared to an incredible level!

I hereby beg this senior, seeing the tragic situation in which hundreds of millions of Buddhist disciples of our Buddhist sect have been abandoned by others, and countless believers have been turned into mermaid flesh... show great mercy and use your supreme supernatural power to save our lineage of Liangyitian Buddhist sect. !”

Among the countless Buddhist cultivators, Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha and his disciple Black Iron Monk looked at each other. Their eyes flickered. Then, like other Buddhist cultivators around them, they echoed the words of the Golden Leaf Buddha, clasped their hands together, and bowed in salute. , shouting loudly: Senior, please show mercy and save my lineage of Buddhism!

Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha was a little disapproving of this scene.

Except for a very small number of true people and pure people like the foolish stone monk who are ignorant of worldly affairs and do not understand human feelings, who can be stupid?

This is clearly a flagrant 'power seizure' operation.

It's just that this drama was written a little carelessly.

You want to legitimately seize the leadership of the Buddhist sect from the thirteen Buddhist masters - why are you so anxious to take the lead? Why do you have to wait for the Jiang family's army to attack fiercely for three to five years, occupying less than half of the Buddhist territory, slaughtering trillions of people, and then conveniently destroy thirty to fifty Buddha's monasteries, and a group of Buddha and Bodhisattva turn into food!

When you are waiting for the chance of life and death in Buddhism, if you emerge again, then you will be the real savior, and the thirteen departed Buddhas will truly become the big sinners who abandoned Buddhism !

At that time, this 'Buddhist senior' truly became the sole leader of Buddhism from a legal and ethical perspective. Even if the thirteen Buddhist masters returned to Liangyi Heaven afterwards, it would not be able to shake his supreme status!

I can't wait to jump out now...it seems a bit hasty.

This script is not well written.

The three protagonists in this play didn’t put much effort into their acting.

This scene is a bit rough...


Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha's heart skipped a beat - this Buddhist senior jumped out so eagerly and couldn't wait to seize the supreme leadership of Liangyitian Buddhism, and was not worried at all about the thirteen Buddha Lords who were far away, unless, Unless... he has confidence, those thirteen Buddha Lords will never come back?

This, this, this...

Based on the cultivation of the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames, his state of mind, and the high-temperature tolerance he had developed by hammering at the furnace for many years, he felt as if his whole body was on fire at this moment, and his pores could not help but seep out. Hot sweat.

The Buddha's light sweeps away, and the sweat disappears.

It's just that the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Baoyan silently used his magical power to silently transmit a ray of consciousness to his disciples - this so-called 'enemies of Buddha', this 'war' that is about to break out, we, the Buddhas of Baoyan's lineage, Xiu is responsible for hammering and refining some Buddhist weapons and weapons... Don't rush to the front to die if your head gets hot!

The water is too deep here!

This thief is bald and has a dark heart!

Too dark!

Along with the loud prayers of countless Buddhist practitioners, a little water light suddenly appeared on the top of the body of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva.

It was a drop of water the size of a thumb, crystal clear, and shaped like a teardrop. The color is silver-blue, with a hint of coldness. When countless Buddhist cultivators saw this teardrop, they felt an inexplicable wisp of lingering sadness in their hearts. Their hearts were inexplicably painful, just like a delicate girl raised in a boudoir. The eldest daughter, a delicate and fragile noblewoman, caressed her swollen belly, not knowing how to explain to her parents the origin of the child in her belly. She was filled with sorrow...sad and despairing!

But amidst the boundless sorrow and despair, there is a glimmer of hope that is extremely resilient!

Perhaps, the child's father would bring the good news of being named on the gold medal, a sedan chair with eight carriages, and a reward from Madam Gaoming, and come to marry him in a glorious way? If that's the case, then... it's not a waste of all those days of covering up and hiding!

But, will he come back?

Hope, will it still exist?

Many Buddhist cultivators stared blankly at the drop of water.

Just such a small, weak drop of water caused these Buddhist cultivators with profound cultivation and vast supernatural powers, so many Buddhas, great Bodhisattvas, little Bodhisattvas, and countless true immortal-level Buddhist cultivators to fall into inexplicable emotions one by one. .

Even the extremely profound Buddha couldn't help but shed tears as his eyes heated up!

Suddenly there was lightning and thunder in the sky, dark clouds rolled in, and a downpour fell without any warning. In the heavy rain, there were even hailstones as big as a thumb, which rained down like a collapse of the sky.

Many Buddhist cultivators subconsciously raised their magic power, condensed Buddha's light, and protected the tops of their heads, trying to block the sudden violent storm and hail.

But these hailstones and raindrops contain unpredictable divine power.

The Buddha's light condensed by the Buddhist monks was easily penetrated. They did not feel any impact. The raindrops and hail penetrated their Buddha's light and hit them hard.

The raindrops were cold and the hail hurt my face.

All the Buddhist cultivators were dumbfounded.

How cultivated they are, how powerful they are in Buddhism, how strong their golden bodies are, even a hundred times stronger than diamonds and gems in nature... How could this hail hurt them at all? But their skin and flesh were sore from being beaten, and some of the Buddhas had small blue pimples on their foreheads from the hail!

My Buddha... Many Buddhist cultivators exclaimed in unison.

The next moment, the clouds dispersed and the rain subsided, and the dark clouds in the sky were blown away by a strong wind. Dozens of rainbows hung high in the sky, making the heaven and earth appear bizarre and magnificent. The water drop suspended on the body of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva flashed, and a green bud slowly grew out of the water drop.

A bud, a grass, and then a bunch of small and tender grass flowers slowly bloomed.

There are more than a dozen tender leaves and three or five ordinary flowers. The flowers are only the size of a fingernail and are pink-blue in color. There is nothing gorgeous or brilliant. They look very ordinary and grass-rooted flowers blooming slowly in front of the Buddhist cultivators.

Hope, vitality, a vigorous and inspiring wave of extremely flexible power spread.

All the Buddhist cultivators present, except for the foolish stone monk whose soul was as clear as a stubborn stone, all the other Buddhist cultivators had ripples in their hearts. They had looked sad just now, but they all smiled happily, looking at the little plant full of hope and longing. Small grass flowers.

The next moment, the wind blew, and the petals of the grass flower fell off. The pink-blue petals circled and danced around the grass flower. After three or five breaths, a tall girl wearing light blue lining and long hair, with unparalleled beauty, appeared. He stood quietly on top of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva with his bare feet.

The Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva rolled his eyes, his face in his true form raised his head and glared at the girl fiercely.

How many years have passed, except for the Buddha back then, no one dared to stand above him!


The Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva also has no temper. Over the years, no Buddhist cultivators have dared to stand on top of him. That’s because the Buddhist cultivators did not dare. In fact, they actually stood, stepped on, and even spat at him. Great Wisdom. Light Bodhisattva also doesn’t have any temper.

The girl clasped her hands together, and on her wrist hung a string of Buddhist beads the size of lotus seeds, all crystal white, and faintly fragrant. She looked down at the Buddhist cultivators around her from a high position and said softly: Little monk Kulian, this is polite.

With a slight chill in her eyes, she glanced at the many Buddhist cultivators present. The girl gave a soft drink, sat cross-legged on top of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva, and began to recite the first sutra and mantra that the Buddha said when he preached. First Treatise on Heaven and Earth!

Sanskrit chants soared into the sky, and bits of golden light turned into golden flowers and fell.

All the Buddhas and elders sang in unison to the Kulian, and the majestic Buddha power surged and swept the Taoist charms and inspirations from all directions again, turning into countless golden flowers that fell like raindrops, constantly improving the middle and low-level Buddhist cultivators present. Mana, improve cultivation.

After the first chapter The First Treatise on Heaven and Earth was finished, the second chapter Inner Suffering and External Tribulations was followed by the third chapter Pure Liberation... In this way, Kulian preached eighteen chapters in a row that the Buddha taught during his sermons. When the last sutra and mantra of the Great Dao was finished, Kulian pressed his right hand on the body of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva and said calmly: Brother Great Wisdom Light, Buddhism is facing a severe calamity of life and death. Please take out the Buddha's treasure. , let the young monk take charge and help Buddhism overcome this disaster!

The Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva was stunned and said subconsciously: That's not possible. The Buddha did leave a treasure, but that treasure was left to Da Feitian... He is the only true disciple recognized by the Buddha!

As soon as he said it, the whole place was in an uproar!

The once-famous Buddhas in Buddhism, such as the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha, were silent, while those Buddhas and great Bodhisattvas who appeared out of nowhere were furious, pointing at the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva and hissing.

There were even a few bad-tempered Buddhas who directly rolled up their sleeves, strode up to the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva, and loudly asked him if he had disregarded the life and death of Buddhist disciples and whether he had already surrendered to the enemies of the Buddha and intended to subvert Buddhism. ?

The Buddha also spit directly on the body of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva, and bitterly accused the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva of being a white-eyed wolf. All the offerings, wipes, care, support, etc. given to him by Buddhist cultivators over the years have been fed to dogs. !

The Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva just smiled and said nothing.

You can scold him as you like, beat him as you like, spit at him as you like... Anyway, his body is just a stubborn stone, and he doesn't have the emotions of anger, fear and despair that humans should have. His body is protected by the legacy of the Buddha. Attacks can't hurt him at all!

Anyway, no matter how angry these Buddhas are, the eight winds will not move!

But the next moment, the face of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva suddenly changed - among the crowd, there was a Buddha who was about ten feet tall, skinny and skinny, with a faint blood color on his skin. He was obviously a Buddha who followed the path of fighting and blood evil. , suddenly grabbed the Foolish Stone Monk, pushed him down directly to the ground, stepped on the Foolish Stone Monk's back, and then raised a heavy ram's horn ax filled with blood flames.

Senior Brother Great Wisdom Guang, if you don't hand over the Buddha's relic, you will make all the Buddhist disciples of our Liangyi Heaven die!

Since it's death, don't blame me for dragging these brothers who have taken care of you for countless years to die with you!

Haha, if we all go on the road together, it will be clean and happy!

This Buddha smiles extremely brightly.

There were blood flames rising around him, and there were bloody flowers on the other side that kept blooming and then withered... The thick blood evil energy filled the void. Many Buddhist cultivators around him were rushed by the blood energy. Their eyes immediately turned red and their breathing became dull. Much thicker!

Scare, the Blood Sea lineage... was extinct long ago. Where did you jump out of the pile of old papers? The Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva looked at the Buddha with blood all over his body in confusion, and sighed heavily. Tone: That's all, that's all... In that case... Yushi and the others have taken care of me for many years, no credit but hard work... In short, before you die, you can't hurt them even a hair, okay?

Kulian, who was sitting cross-legged on the head of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva, smiled slightly: The young monk obeys the instructions of senior brother, and naturally he does not dare to harm senior brother Yushi and the others... This young monk's trip is certainly crazy, but it is also for the countless disciples of my Buddhist sect, and it is definitely not It’s out of selfishness, please ask senior brother to teach you a lesson!”

The Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva rolled his eyes again.

He sighed and murmured: Da Feitian, the murderer of a thousand swords... is crazy. He has not come to visit me for so many years... Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to dump these things to him long ago? ? But Buddha also said that if Da Feitian cannot figure out the last step, these things must not be handed over to him.

It's a disaster, not a blessing, it's a disaster, not a blessing... Are you sure you want it?

Kulian squinted her eyes, a coldness gleaming in her eyes, and thin pieces of black ice appeared out of thin air in the void around her. She whispered: I really want it!

The Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva sighed again, and a thin crack suddenly opened in his body.

Looking through this gap, you can see that the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva appears to be only a hundred feet in diameter, but inside it has formed an extremely vast Buddhist kingdom!

However, unlike the Buddhist kingdoms of other Buddhas and Lord Buddhas, where hundreds of millions of beings pray day and night, burn incense and worship day and night, and continuously offer endless faith and thoughts, the Buddhist kingdom of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva is a vast ocean of Buddha power.

For countless years, he has enjoyed the worship and refinement of countless Buddhist cultivators. He has also practiced hard and accumulated what can be called boundless Buddhist power... But he has never done anything with anyone in his life, and he has never spent even a little bit. My son Fuli!

Therefore, the realm of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva may not be ranked too high in Buddhism, but purely in terms of the accumulation of Dharma power, the strength of his Dharma power is definitely the first in Buddhism...

Looking at the vast Buddha kingdom in his body, which is filled with pure and viscous Buddha power like molten gold, you know that his accumulation of Buddha power is probably enhanced by the Buddha power cultivation of the thirteen Buddha masters. When he got up, he was barely on par with him...or even worse!

The Buddhist cultivators who witnessed all this took a breath!

What a terrifying fact this is!

It's a pity that the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva is, after all, just a stubborn stone that has been unable to transform... If he could really transform into a human form, with his rich heritage, wouldn't he be able to become Buddhism's 'number one combat force'?

It's a pity, it's just a stubborn rock.

What a fluke, it's just a stubborn rock!

Buddha Lao Tucheng, Lao Huanguang, Lao Jinye, and all the other Buddhas present chanted the Buddha's name together, and there was an inexplicable lightness in their eyes.

In the Buddha Kingdom within the body of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva, above the vast ocean of Buddha power, a little fire light rises into the sky.

The thoughts of all living beings.

The desires of all living beings.

The love of all beings.

The joys, anger, sorrows, greed, anger, and delusion of all sentient beings, all kinds of misery, and all kinds of helplessness, those that are bright, righteous, majestic, and sacred, as well as those that are dark, evil, contemptuous, and despicable... all kinds of sources. The heart comes from God, from the soul, from the blood, from the fate of reincarnation from generation to generation, from the entanglement of life and death from generation to generation...

Endless and inexhaustible 'concepts' condensed into that ball of light.

It was a strange-shaped hat with a color like white bones, with several thumb-sized bloody relics inlaid on it. It was wrapped in colorful sticky smoke, and had all kinds of crazy emotional fluctuations constantly surging in the 'Vairocana Hat'!

The low sound of chanting continued to float out from the Vairocana hat. The sacred and solemn chanting was mixed with the laughter, screams, wails and pain of countless men, women, old and children...

When you take a look at the Vairocana hat, you feel like you see countless twisted faces of life struggling and squirming, as if you are in hell, helpless and tired, grabbing the last life-saving straw and pulling your body bit by bit. , I want to climb to the other side and transcend my birthplace.

Seeing this Vairocana hat, you will understand the suffering of all sentient beings, and you will be able to understand how precious your own 'transcendence' and 'purity' are now.

As a result, great joy arose inexplicably in my heart, but also great terror arose.

Therefore, be careful in what you say and do, lest you make a mistake and step into the abyss!

This is a strange Buddha treasure!

Just seeing this Vairocana cap, hearing the chanting of sutras inside, and hearing the sounds of the sufferings of all sentient beings inside, all Buddhist cultivators present felt their hearts tremble, their minds became clear, and their inexplicable Taoist realm steadily improved. One section!

There are even some Buddhas who have been around for many years and have not made breakthroughs for many years. After feeling the breath of the Vairocana hat, the magic power in their bodies suddenly surged, and their realm soared to a large level out of thin air!

Buddha! ​​Buddha Tucheng, Huanguang Buddha, Jinye Buddha, and many other Buddhas and elders present looked up to the sky and sighed: How can the disciples repay the kindness of Buddha?

The Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva snorted: How can I repay you? Just don't repay kindness with enmity!

With a sound of Bah, the Vairocana hat brought up a stream of Buddha light and flew out from the Buddhist kingdom in the body, falling lightly towards the bitter lotus.

With a reserved smile, Kulian raised her hands and faced the Vairocana hat.

Buddha is merciful, and my disciples will definitely live up to Buddhism! The dim light in his eyes flickered, Kulian grabbed Vairocana's hat tightly, looked majestically in all directions, and curled up the corner of his mouth slightly, saying that Vairocana was Lu carefully put the hat on his head.

A continuous and endless Buddhist rhyme ripples from the Vairocana hat.

This strange Buddhist rhyme instantly enveloped the entire Liangyi Heaven.

Kulian sighed softly, waved her right hand lightly, and several rays of Buddha's light rose into the sky, instantly turning into fire and thunder, roaring towards the Lion Ridge. In the blink of an eye, several flaming thunderbolts crossed trillions of miles of void and came straight to the vicinity of Lion Ridge, landing head-on on the heads of several ancestors of the Jiang family who were wreaking havoc.

A shrill and miserable howl came, and several ancestors of the Jiang family were shattered into pieces and easily turned into a wisp of flying ashes in the thunder and fire!

Kulian rose into the sky and chuckled: Everyone, follow Kulian and kill the enemy... From today on, only Buddha will be the only one in the two heavens!

Countless Buddhist cultivators shouted in joy: Only Buddha! Only Buddha!

One after another auspicious clouds soared into the sky, and rays of Buddha's light shot straight into the sky. Kulian rushed to the front, carrying countless Buddhist cultivators, and galloped toward the east.

The Buddha's light illuminated half of the Liangyi Heaven. When the Buddha's power fluctuated, the entire Liangyi Heaven was trembling slightly.

In the northern and southern regions of Liang Yi Tian, ​​super-long-distance giant void moving formations lit up at the same time. Groups of strong Buddhist cultivators wearing heavy armor clashed out and launched a frenzied attack on every Taoist monastery. !

These Buddhist cultivators did not know where they came from. In short, they did not appear next to the true body of the Great Wisdom Light Bodhisattva.

Their cultivation was exquisite, their strength was tyrannical, and their attacks were extremely ruthless. Every move they made was a killing move... There were also powerful Buddha treasures accompanying them to guard the place. Everywhere they passed, the defensive formations of the heavily defended Taoist monasteries were wiped out, and countless Taoist monks fell directly. !

Among them, there were many Taoist masters who were directly subordinate to the twelve sages of Qingyang Zhengzong. Their dojos were swept away by Liting and blasted to pieces. Their disciples were killed and injured in a mess, and the murderous spirit rose into the sky!

The flames of war instantly enveloped the northern, western and southern regions of Liangyitian, and spread in a straight line towards the eastern region of Daomen's traditional territory!

Kulian activated countless Buddhist cultivators at the same time.

In the south, deep in the wild mountains, Taoist Saint Guixu smiled and looked at the giant monsters and giant barbarians whose auras had become infinitely stronger and whose strength had returned to their peak: Fellow Taoists, have you rested? It’s time for you to come out and do some activities... For example, let’s kill a few saints and Buddhas for fun, okay?”

A group of giant monsters, trolls, and powerful barbarians gasped and roared, and their eyes spit out blood like lightning.

A troll strode out with his head held high and his chest high. He grinned and said, Who should I kill first? Hey, hey...

Taoist Saint Guixu took a deep breath, and fiercely tore toward the void with his right hand. Suddenly, a large piece of clear light flowed out from a crack in the void. Through that crack, you can see that opposite is the clear void that wraps Liang Yi Tian. In the vast clear light, there is an exquisite, palm-sized emerald hill, which is flowing lightly with the breeze.

How about killing Old Man Huyue first?

This is a big shot in the Qingyang Zhengzong. Haha, if his disciples hadn't betrayed him, it wouldn't have been so easy to find his secret mansion in the Qingming Void!

Old Man Huyue has an indifferent temperament. He did not go to the Xingshang River in the ancient city of Loulan to seek death. Instead, he went into seclusion and hid in this secret mansion... I think you are all very interested in his old bones, right?

A group of giant monsters laughed ferociously in unison, roared to the sky, and then strode into the void rift.

Just as Taoist Saint Guixu said, they are quite interested in killing a sage, and one who is on the authentic list of Qingyang Sect of the Taoist sect...especially the essence, blood, flesh and blood of a sage, every bit of which is a panacea. They are all rare treasures. Swallowing a bite or grabbing a piece can greatly improve your cultivation, or be used to forge divine weapons!

Especially the powerful ones from the barbarians were the fastest.

They can't wait to taste the sweet fragrance of the sage's flesh and blood.

In the Qingming void, within the small and delicate hill, the palm-sized peak contains a cave heaven and paradise with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. The Taoist rhyme is as thick as substance, and the heaven and earth are as full of inspiration as the boundless ocean.

Old Man Huyue, the fifth-ranked top expert among the twelve sages of the Qingyang Sect of the Taoist Sect, was sitting under an ancient pine on the top of a mountain, drinking some wine and smiling at a group of Taoist boys in front of him, explaining the lineage of Huyue. The secret of Qimen's Moonlight Killing Method.

After talking about the secrets and mysteries for a while, Old Man Huyue nodded to a group of Taoist boys with a smile.

You must remember, what do we ask for in our practice?

May you live forever!

I already have immortality, what else do I ask for?

Please give me peace!

So, those Taoist friends from the Buddhist sect and the brothers from the Taoist sect rushed to the ancient city of Loulan one by one to pursue that opportunity... Tsk, they are all motivated people!

But haven't they discovered it? From ancient times to the present, these two Yitians have had a supreme truth, and that is - the more motivated people are, the faster they will die!

Now that you have immortality, that's enough. Just laugh at the wind and the moon, indulge in nature, love the mountains and rivers, and feel the wonder of life. Isn't it good? Isn't it good? Of course it is good!

Since it's good enough, why are you still struggling? Why are you jumping around? The more you struggle, the faster you will die! The more you jump, the faster you will die!

Old Man Huyue sighed, raised the small wine bottle in his hand, and a strand of wine slipped down and sprinkled under the roots of the ancient pine tree. The ancient pine made a sucking sound inside its body, and all the wine that fell to the ground was swallowed up by the old pine tree.

The branches swayed gently, and on the bark of the ancient pine, a happy old face appeared: Would you like some more? Master! Your wine is getting more and more flavorful!

Old Man Huyue smiled brightly, and just as he was about to speak, suddenly the sky above the entire Cave Heaven Paradise turned dark.

There was a loud noise, and an extremely ferocious evil wind rose from the ground. The sky shattered, and the sky was like an iron pot lid, shattered by a blow. Huge, rude and ferocious barbarian faces appeared above the sky. They opened their mouths and let out earth-shattering roars of joy: Hu Yue, it is indeed you who is immortal!

A powerful barbarian whose face was densely covered with sharp little horns and whose face looked like a hedgehog roared: Back then, we three brothers accepted your invitation and went to your dojo for a banquet... a meal of old wine. After drinking it, my eldest brother and my second brother will be drunk immediately, and then the old bull noses of your sect will join forces and use a large formation to turn them into flying ash!

They died so miserably, so miserably!

Fortunately, I have a great destiny. I shouldn't take my life and escape. Today, I'm here to take revenge on you, an old scumbag!

Old Man Huyue's face twitched fiercely. He looked at the powerful barbarian with sharp little horns all over his face in horror, and shouted in a hoarse voice: Barbarian Saint Panyou (you)...why are you not dead? No, no, back then You had your limbs and body cut off, leaving only a head to escape, and you received a stab from the wind from Junior Brother Li Zhang, you shouldn't be alive!

Barbarian Saint Panyou laughed wildly. With just one blow, he opened a huge hole in the sky. With the ear-piercing sound of space shattering, he strode into the secret cave carefully constructed by Old Man Huyue.

Behind him, the other two Barbarian Saints, the Five Demon Lords, and the Four Demon Emperors followed.

The auras of the fifteen sages and Buddha-level top powers filled the entire Cave Paradise and turned into a huge net, sealing the entire Cave Mansion airtight.

Old Man Huyue's face suddenly turned pale.

He murmured: I expected that this time would be another serious disaster. I didn't expect that the first person to be robbed would be the 'careful person' who has managed to save his life all my life...

He smiled bitterly and said: Which fellow Taoist is strategizing behind the scenes? Can you make such a big deal? Can you show up and let me pay my respects? You have to die with some understanding, right?

Shaking his head, Old Man Huyue looked around again: After all, it's a master-disciple affair. Come out and tell me clearly. How can I be so sorry to you that you betrayed my secret mansion... to them?

A chuckle came.

The Great Immortal Karijing held the maternal vagina left by Empress Qionghua and squeezed into the cave easily.

Senior Brother Huyue, I haven't seen you for so many years, but you still look as good as before!

Today, I ask you, senior brother, to fulfill one or two!

Immortal Karijing stared at Old Huyue with strange eyes, as if he was a weasel seeing a little hen, and saliva almost flowed out of the corners of his mouth... He held the vagina of the mother's fetus in his hand, and he didn't know what secret method he used to sacrifice it. After practicing, the huge maternal vagina vibrated slightly, constantly making low roaring sounds, and there was a huge life essence gestating and rippling inside.

Old Man Huyue's eyelids drooped and he sighed faintly: Sure enough, it's you!

After being silent for a while, he suddenly raised his head and asked cautiously: May I ask, is it possible for me to join? How much benefit can you get by killing me alone? Why not, let me join? You know my temper, I, I just want to be free!

Great Immortal Kari Jing smiled brightly: No... no... no... we have no shortage of people!

The huge Liangyitian is too small to raise too many real dragons... We are having a headache to reduce the population, how can we let senior brothers join us?

Senior brother, please cooperate well, okay?

Immortal Karishi waved his hand and shouted in a low voice: Siege, join forces with all your strength, don't give this old ghost a chance... I only want his Taiyin Yuehua brain... everything else is yours!

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