Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 802: The killings continue

Little Vajra Sumeru entered the ancient city of Loulan.

There are no other restricted ambushes in the long city gate corridor, and the journey along the way is quite peaceful.

But after entering the ancient city of Loulan, everything as far as the eye could see was so...indescribable.

Space, time, light, magnetic field...all the familiar laws have undergone changes.

It's like a carriage shop near the city gate, an ordinary blue brick building. At a glance, you can see that it is only a few acres in size and looks very serious in front of you. But when you look at it again, something is wrong. This carriage and horse shop seems to be hundreds of millions of miles away from you, and it has turned into a huge giant that can cover the entire Liangyitian, creeping quietly. In the void.

Circles of whirlpools formed in the void, and time moved strangely fast and slow, staggering from time to time and grinding back and forth a few times.

The light creates huge whirlpools, making everything you see blurry and hazy, like a mirror covered with water vapor. You can't see through anything, and you can't see any reality clearly.

All the familiar laws of physics have undergone changes. A piece of dust flies past, and the gravitational field fluctuations caused are comparable to a legendary neutron star... And when a wisp of breeze gently passes by, The wild swing caused even Little Vajra Sumeru to tremble violently.

Then, Lu Qian subconsciously moved his eyes upward.

He saw three flagpoles standing in front of the carriage shop... In one field of view, these three flagpoles were just three ordinary small poles. On each flagpole lay an ordinary green bean-sized flagpole. little black-skinned ant.

But from another perspective, these three flagpoles are clearly three giant pillars standing tall against the sky, with dragons and phoenixes carved all over their bodies, and countless ancient talisman patterns. Three terrifying extraordinary powers stood on the top of the three Optimus Primes, their eyes like the scorching sun, overlooking the entire Vajra Sumeru Mountain with great depth, as if a single punch could blow the entire mountain and all the people to pieces.

The next moment, there was an imbalance in time and space near Mount Vajra Sumeru. The wind howled, the wind and sand rolled around, and accompanied by a strange laughter, the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain swayed violently, and was suddenly sucked into a space-time vortex that appeared out of thin air. The moment the vortex appeared, Da Feitian shouted loudly, and Buddha light surged around him. Dozens of eagle-headed gods with wings on their backs walked out of the light wheel behind him, opened their hands and sprayed out fierce divine light, trying to stay still. Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

But the entire space was completely shattered, and another faint laughter came. The divine light emitted by the eagle-headed gods lost its support and failed to stabilize the space. The Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain rotated and was pulled into a long and mysterious path. , chaotic space corridor.

After a violent jolt, the light suddenly brightened in all directions, and an extremely bright and magnificent landscape appeared in front of... Lu Qian.

He frowned and looked around.

Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain has disappeared.

The Dafeitian Buddha on the mountain, the Precious Light Merit Buddha, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, the Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha, and all the accompanying people were also missing. Next to Lu Qian, the only ones left were the rabbit that was holding his legs and whining, and the green snake that was rolling in his sleeves.

Others, including Qingyou Sannu, Lu Min, Ahu, Yu Changle and others, were not around.

Looking around intently, a few miles below, there is a bright lake. In the clear and translucent lake water, dozens of koi fish are like specimens embedded in crystal, motionless.

The warm sunlight shines down from the top of the head, through the lake water, and shines on these koi. Their scales are shining with gorgeous light, and their translucent fins are like flowing clouds. On the lake, pink cherry blossom petals and bright red maple leaves are floating, and the pink and red colors are quite beautiful.

Lu Qian looked at the Ming Lake in the distance, which was about a hundred acres in diameter, surrounded by dense woods.

The cherry blossoms, which are supposed to bloom in March, are the perfect companions to the maple trees that turn red in late autumn... Between the cherry blossoms and the maple trees, trees full of red and white peach blossoms and apricot blossoms bloom brilliantly. .

Under the flowering tree, there are thick clusters of strawberry leaves, and the fist-sized red strawberries are exuding a fragrant and sweet fragrance.

Lu Qian scratched his head.

He is not very good at farming, but can strawberries grow under peach and apricot trees? Moreover, when the peach blossoms and apricot blossoms bloom, will the strawberries bear fruit? Maybe...but it always looks a little weird.

As soon as the concept of 'weirdness' came to mind, the strawberries under the peach and apricot trees fell to the ground with a 'pop', and soon turned into a puddle of juice and seeped into the soil. Those cherry blossoms, peach blossoms, and apricot blossoms withered one after another, and then a bunch of very red cherries, peaches, and apricots grew!

Those maple trees were also swaying in the wind. The bark on the trunks cracked into thin lines, and the golden sticky maple sugar seeped out little by little, slowly wrapping the trunks, and the maple trees It's as tempting as a dessert made from syrup.

Haha, it is indeed a weird place! Lu Qian shook his head. He thought about some of Da Feitian's instructions before entering the ancient city of Loulan, and then sighed.

Those warnings are of no use.

In fact, the internal space of Loulan Ancient City is too vast. People like Da Feitian have come in many times, but they have not been able to figure out the existence of Loulan Ancient City and what is hidden in the city.

There isn't even a rough map of the city.

This time their target was the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat on the Xingshang River... Da Feitian had been to that place several times, so he was familiar with it. But after this incident, I don't know if Dafeitian can successfully find the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat. At least Lu Qian doesn't know the way.

Hmm! Lu Qian muttered: Which way should we go?

With a 'chi' sound, the two life crystals he held in his hands had been washed clean. He casually gave the two life crystals to the rabbit and the green snake, and then lowered his head and asked the rabbit.

The rabbit held the life crystal in his mouth, licking it bit by bit with his tongue like a child licking a candied haws. Hearing Lu Qian's question, the fur on the rabbit's body stood up one by one, and he looked annoyed - you don't know the road, why don't you ask me?

The green snake was very straightforward. She swallowed the life crystal in one gulp, then curled up in a circle, lowered her head and pretended to be dead without saying a word - asking them for directions in a ghost place like this? Are you kidding me?

Sir, do you want to ask for directions? A hoarse voice suddenly came from behind Lu Qian.

The hair all over Lu Qian's body suddenly exploded.

The angry rabbit beside his feet screamed even more, and almost spat out the Life Crystal in his mouth. The hairs all over his body exploded one by one, and his body seemed to expand into a ball, with extremely sharp jets spitting out from all over his body. Geng Jin was full of energy and stared behind Lu Qian with wide eyes.

Lu Qian turned around suddenly, and the sandalwood merit staff appeared out of thin air, and he almost blasted it out with one blow.

The sky testifies that when Lu Qian was looking at his surroundings just now, there was not a single ghost near the hundred-acre Ming Lake. How could a living person appear and talk?

Behind him is a waiter with a white towel on his shoulders, a green hat and a flattering smile on his face.

He has a small nose and small eyes, a shrewd look on his face, a slightly stooped waist, and a groveling look.

Behind the waiter, in the dense peach blossom forest, there is a hotel with wooden walls and thatched roof. It has a spacious space, an awning in front of the door, and seven or eight square tables below.

In the corner of the hotel, a bamboo pole was picked up, with a wine cover swaying in the wind, and a huge wine character on it, which showed his skill.

Under the wine cover, there were three stoves with three large pots on them, and the aged stew was bubbling. In a large pot, a cow head was stewed, in a large pot, a whole lamb was stewed, and in a large pot, several dog legs were exuding a rich meaty aroma.

Several men dressed as knights and knights were sitting under the awning, legs crossed, tearing apart legs of mutton and dog, and gulping down fragrant and fragrant old rice wine!

Two or three miles away, the aroma of meat and wine drifting in the wind was like substance, invading his internal organs one by one, causing Lu Qian's belly to thunder, and saliva kept coming out of his mouth!

Lu Qi was horrified.

With his current cultivation level, eating the northwest wind is enough, and he will not have any instinctive impulse towards food, water, etc... With his current state of mind and cultivation level, he will definitely not be in such a weird situation. Oh my god, I have such a strong impulse towards ordinary meat and wine!

This aroma of wine and meat is full of ghosts.

This waiter is even more sinister!

Lu Qian tightly grasped the sandalwood merit staff, and quietly draped the monk's robes and liberation cassocks on his body. The fantian seal appeared silently in his sleeves, ready to be sprayed out at any time... In his mind, the small ax opened up circles of magnificent starlight. , the majestic power is accumulated in the small axe, and it can hit the waiter in front of him at any time.

With a slight smile, Lu Qian asked the waiter: Thank you, little monk Bai Yang. It's okay for the store owner to call me Master Bai Yang... I want to know how to get to the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat on the Xingshang River?

The waiter's smile froze.

He blinked his eyes, looked at Lu Yi up and down for a while, and muttered: Bai Yang? Bai Yang? Scared, the name is fake, he is not a serious monk... This deal can't be done, Go and have a rest, go and have a rest...

Rolling his eyes, the waiter straightened up and looked at Lu Qian weakly: If you want to ask for directions, you can, Xingshang River, Nine Lotus Treasure Boat, that's a bit far... This small place has the whole city of Loulan City. Map, sir, are you interested?

‘City map’?

Lu Qian's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he suppressed the glare in his eyes and said softly: I'm afraid I can't afford it?

The waiter smiled brightly and said, You can do it on credit!

Lu Qian sighed: I'm afraid, I can't afford it!

The waiter hesitated for a moment and then tried to say: How about I give you a discount?

Lu Qian looked at the waiter up and down, and then looked at the hotel by the lake. The big men under the awning were eating and drinking crazily like starving ghosts reincarnated, and a wooden window of the hotel was suddenly pushed open, revealing a man wearing a green dress, with a fragrant and beautiful appearance, and a stick on his temples. The handsome landlady with a pomegranate flower leaned out half of her body from the window and gave Lu Qian a wink.

Guest, don't you want to order some wine and braised meat? Our wine and meat are famous throughout Loulan City... If you are not interested in wine and meat? Seeing that the guest is so tall, majestic and powerful... The Nu family Don’t you mind doing a casual business? Hey, the residence behind the slave shop has a large and comfortable soft bed. Even if you are as big as you, guest, it is enough for you!

Lu Qian's face darkened. He looked down at the waiter and said solemnly, As long as it's not a broken bone... you can negotiate the price first. Let me Bai Yang will give you an estimate and see if you can afford it.

The waiter covered his mouth and laughed: Your guest is so naughty!

Blinking his eyes, the waiter was about to speak, but the proprietress had already waved a pink handkerchief towards Lu Qian from a distance: A man who can kill a thousand swords, what can he say to this hero that is priceless? Sir, please let me know. The slave family is very happy, and the slave family will give you everything you want... If you disdain the slave family, hey, you can't even think of taking away a straw from the slave family!

The waiter spread his hands and rolled his eyes helplessly at Lu Qian.

Lu Qian looked at the proprietress with solemnity: Donor woman, don't be naughty, the young monk is a serious monk!

The eyes of the proprietress flowed, and her pair of beautiful eyes suddenly turned into double pupils. A majestic and suffocating pressure of life that could only be possessed by giant creatures from ancient times rose into the sky. Countless cherry blossoms, maples, peach blossoms, and apricots appeared in all directions. The flowers shook together, and all the flowers and fruits were shattered into pieces at the same time.

She stared straight at Lu Qian and said in a cold voice: I don't care if you are serious or not, my aunt has been here for so many years, and it is rare to see a serious man... I don't care whether you like it or not, in short, today I will force my aunt to pick it. I killed you, this childish flower!

Lu Qian's face darkened.

‘Children’s flowers’?

What kind of bullshit words?

Also, how can you tell that Lu Qian is still a boy from such a distance?

This, this, the black-faced skin was a little red and a little hot. Just as Lu Qian was about to defend himself, the landlady had already let out a loud roar and suddenly smashed the wall of the hotel, rumbling through the void towards Lu Qian. Yi rushed over.

Fortunately, she didn't show up. When she showed up, Lu Qian almost vomited.

The upper body of this landlady is extremely beautiful. She is a charming, heavenly beauty, but under her chest and abdomen, there is a large white, fat, bloated insect body!

His eyes swept over the insect body, which was almost as thick as the entire hotel and two or three miles long. Lu Qian said in a deep voice: Queen Ant?

The landlady licked the corner of her mouth, flew in front of Lu Qian, and grabbed Lu Qian: Good boy, be obedient and match your wife with my aunt... You have such a majestic body and bones, such a strong breath of essence and blood, and you were born with my aunt. Children, all of them must be strong and brave, capable of fighting, killing and fighting to the death!

Scare, scare, the smell on your body smells so good...it reminds me of the smell of my hometown!

The landlady roared, and a large black aura rose into the sky behind her. Behind her, a huge black aura was formed, wearing heavy black armor, with twelve pairs of transparent membrane wings on its back, and its aura was as ferocious as a world-destroying demon. The terrifying shadow of the giant ant queen.

Before Lu Qian could make a move, the rabbit had already exploded.

He swallowed the life crystal in his mouth in one gulp, and then, the long silver-white hair on his body shook violently, making the sound of countless blades cutting through the cold wind. The long hairs looked in the direction of the landlady. Along with the sharp sound of cracking the air, countless extremely fine innate Gengjin divine light tore through the void and turned into a huge light net, covering the landlady entirely!

The rabbit's natural talent is fully unleashed!

Innate Geng Metal, extremely sharp and hard, is the most lethal among the five innate elements!

Over the years, under Lu Qian's training regardless of cost, Tu Xi's bloodline has returned to its ancestors. The bloodline has been continuously refined and purified, becoming extremely strong, and has been transforming into the White Tiger, one of the four ancient saints in Lu Qian's impression.

In the Huangtian Secret Mansion, Lu Qian even used his small privileges to seek personal gain with power, and injected an ancient imperial bloodline from the Jiang clan into each of the five uncles... The white tiger bloodline superimposed on the ancient imperial bloodline created a strange cooperation. It made even Lu Qian amazed.

It's hard to say what level Tu Xiu is at now, but after taking this life crystal, his combat power has definitely reached the level of the One Kalpa True Buddha, and the lethality of his innate Gengjin Divine Light is far beyond him. Combat strength level!

Even though the cultivation and realm of this landlady far surpassed that of a rabbit, in the face of countless silvery-white cold lights, she still let out a roar of shock and anger: Innate Gengjin... what the hell is this!

Streams of black energy spurted out from the body, turning into countless thumb-sized black ants, densely packed into a thick shield of flesh and blood in front of the body.

Amidst the sound of chichi, thin silver-white divine light cut through the void, tearing apart everything, and countless black ants were cut into pieces. Once the bodies of these ants are cut open by Gengjin Divine Light, not even a bit of flesh will be left. The dense and pervasive Gengjin Qi will directly turn them into fly ash and disappear without a trace in a wisp of blue smoke.

Intense Gengjin divine light struck the landlady's body.

The landlady subconsciously stretched out her hands to cover her enchanting face.

Chichichichi, a series of extremely fine wounds appeared on the boss's bloated lower body. Her several feet thick skin was cut open abruptly. Gengjin divine light invaded her body and cut her lower body into pieces. A mess.

A large amount of blood-colored liquid was sprayed out, mixed with countless ant eggs ranging from the size of dust to the size of a water tank.

These ant eggs, ranging in size and with different shapes of the gestated ants inside, exploded one after another, and the egg liquid sprayed out, filling the air with a faint smell that was a bit intoxicating, similar to wine.

The proprietress screamed in pain and blood spurted out from her mouth. She put down her hands and glared at the rabbit: Little wild cat, how dare you...

Before he finished speaking, the green snake poked its head out from Lu Qian's sleeve. The green snake, whose body was compressed to only three feet in length, opened its delicate and exquisite mouth, revealing four small and sharp fangs, and let out a sharp scream. , a very thin green electric light shot out.

The innate armored wood divine thunder... is also mixed with a strange and poisonous substance conceived from the innate vitality of the wood attribute.

Thin, pale green, seemingly harmless lightning hit the landlady's body, and easily penetrated her huge body with a 'pop' sound. Thin holes, thinner than a hair, suddenly erupted with countless terrifying lightnings as thick as arms.

The sound of continuous thunderstorms was heard endlessly. Countless armored wood divine thunders suddenly erupted in the landlady's body. Large pieces of flesh and blood were evaporated, and countless ant eggs were torn into pieces. In particular, the black evil energy in the landlady's body was detonated by the cyan divine thunder. The Jiamu Godly Thunder, which is naturally capable of restraining evil spirits, was at least a hundred times more lethal to the landlady than ordinary creatures!

From the bottom of the chest to the cloaca at the tail, a blood hole about ten feet in diameter and several miles long was opened in the middle of the landlady's body. Blood splattered. At first, the color of the plasma was normal, but after breathing, the plasma turned dark green!

The poison spread rapidly in the body, and the landlady's originally pretty face suddenly turned into a green eggplant!

Poison! the landlady screamed: Children, chop them up!

After a pause, the landlady hissed: Leave this tall and handsome guy to accompany me... these two beasts, the wild cat chopped up and braised them and sold them as tiger meat, and the grass snake chopped into pieces and put them in a casserole. Pretending to be eel, sell it for the price of a stewed eel!

The rabbit cat and the green snake made a sharp neighing sound at the same time!

In all directions, he saw that countless trees and flowers that had been relatively dense suddenly collapsed, and large round holes opened on the ground. Large groups of strong men whose upper bodies were humanoid and whose lower bodies were black-armored ants rushed out roaring.

The hands of these strong black ant men have turned into sharp knives. They shook off their long jointed limbs and walked in the air with steps like the wind. Among them, the petite ones are only five or six feet tall, while the huge ones are several feet tall.

No matter how tall or short they are, fat or thin, when these strong black ant men wave their arms, they all bring out a cold light and a sharp sound that breaks through the air and hurts people's eardrums.

The first wave of strong men soared into the sky. At first glance, there were at least a million people in all directions.

Among them, there are more than a dozen auras of the Buddha realm alone.

The other weakest ones are the most petite ant warriors who are only five or six feet tall. Their aura is enough to compete with the true immortals from the first and second heavens.

Lu Chen clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name.

The rabbit's movements were the fastest. He seemed to have been invaded by a wild cat on his own territory. His hair stood up all over his body. Hundreds of thousands of long hairs were stretched stiffly. Each long hair sprayed out streams in all directions. Very thin, long silvery cold light.

Countless thin rays of Gengjin divine light tore through the void, like knives and wheels spinning around in the sky.

The sound of puff was heard endlessly, and those strong ant men who rushed out from the underground were still several miles away from Lu Qian's side, and their bodies were cut by the silver light. Just like the ant eggs ejected from the body of the landlady before, their bodies were slightly cut open by Gengjin divine light, and their whole bodies were immediately exploded into pieces, and then turned into a wisp of smoke by the extremely sharp Gengjin energy.

There were only a dozen strong ant men with a height of nearly ten feet and an aura comparable to that of the Buddha. Their bodies were curled up and suspended in the air. They were allowed to be cut crazily by the Geng-Gold Divine Light. Thick black carapace emerged from their bodies. The Geng-Gold Divine Light cut their armors and emitted There was a harsh 'ding-dong' sound, and every blow cut deep wounds on their carapace, but black mucus kept pouring out of the carapace, quickly repairing the torn parts.

These strong ant men let out low cries of pain. They withstood the crazy attacks of the rabbits and kept approaching here bit by bit.

Lu Qian glanced at the proprietress who had turned dark green all over, with poisonous smoke coming out of her body, and praised: The ant queen really has no fighting power...your body bones are not as durable as these children of yours!

The landlady spat out a mouthful of poisonous saliva, her body trembled violently, and she did not hide the greed in her eyes. She stared at Lu Qian and murmured: If I can be paired with you, my aunt can give birth to a more powerful child. They... Haha, your children and mine will definitely be a hundred times more powerful than these little brats now... These brats now can be eliminated!

Lu Qian's heart sank slightly.

Such words are devoid of the kindness and affection that a ‘mother’ should have…

He snorted coldly, and the Fantian Seal suddenly flew out from his sleeves in a violent surge, and as fast as lightning, it landed on the heads of the dozen strong ants. Just hearing a loud noise, these strong ants whose aura was comparable to that of the second calamity and third-level Buddhas were lightly crushed by Fan Tianyin. Their whole bodies suddenly exploded and exploded into blood all over the sky. They were thrown far away!

Under Lu Qian's dark golden skin, traces of Buddhist patterns lit up, and terrifying power surged through his body.

Nowadays, he can handle Fan Tianyin extremely easily and happily.

And his soaring strength made Fan Tianyin even more powerful.

There are only a dozen small second- and third-level Buddhas, and they are also pure physical brute-force aliens. They do not understand the way of heaven, do not know the laws, are not good at magical powers, and do not understand the secret arts... They are really living targets, and they can be easily picked up. Destroy!

The landlady was stunned. She tilted her head and looked at Lu Qian in shock. Then she let out an earth-shattering roar: You thief, get out of here... Someone is bullying your aunt and grandma... Come here quickly, or you and my little You guys are going to be fucked to death!

The proprietress let out an earth-shattering roar, and then, like a good girl who was intimidated by gangsters, she dragged her bloated body with staggering steps, and kept falling backwards in embarrassment.

Cui She hung her head in Lu Qian's sleeve and blasted several thin Jiamu Divine Thunder towards her.

This landlady's body is so huge and her aura is so majestic, but her 'skill tree' is obviously wrong... Her aura is even comparable to that of the True Buddha of Eight Tribulations and Nine Tribulations. She is extremely powerful. She just rushed out of the hotel. At that time, the momentum made Lu Qian a little frightened!

But maybe all her power lies in gestating ant eggs?

She can reproduce countless offspring. Her most powerful supernatural power and most miraculous ability are her terrifying vitality and fertility?

In addition, she can't fight, and her defense is abysmal!

Even when she was retreating back to escape, her steps were staggering and sloppy, and poisonous blood kept pouring out of her body. Her panic-stricken look... Lu Qian couldn't help but sigh: How good would it be to die early and be reincarnated early?

Several thin rays of Jiamu Divine Thunder penetrated the body of the landlady again.

Amidst the dull thunder, half of the landlady's body was shattered by thunder and fire. The nearly one and a half mile long fat body fell off her body, fell to the ground, and hit the clear lake heavily.

The lake water was instantly dyed green by the poisonous blood flowing out of the landlady's remains.

The dozens of beautiful koi carp in the lake didn't even have time to turn their white bellies, and were turned into a puddle of pus by the poison.

Lu Qian chuckled lightly, and Fan Tianyin whirled back to him, spinning around him like a playful puppy: This... aunt, I heard that you have a map of the ancient city of Loulan? Can you let me see it? experience?

The landlady gasped, screamed in pain and fell back.

Hearing Lu Qian's words, she ignored her restraint and grace and cursed at the top of her lungs: It's your mother's spring and autumn dream... What a wonderful dream you have! A map of the ancient city of Loulan? How can you have the nerve to ask for such a precious thing? Did I bring it up?

Sleep with me! The landlady stared at Lu Qian with strange eyes: Mate with me and have a baby... If I am satisfied, you can take whatever I have!

With her body trembling, the landlady hissed: The map of Loulan Ancient City is beyond the reach of ordinary people... If I hadn't had so many brats running around all over the place over the years, I would be able to see and hear what they saw and heard. I sensed them one by one, and I can’t get this treasure out of my hands!”

I dare not say this is a unique treasure, but you want to get it from other places, hehe!

Dark green saliva flowed from the corner of the boss's mouth. She stared directly at Lu Qian and hissed: Detoxify me, and then accompany me to match. Hurry up...

Lu Qian frowned slightly.

There was a sharp whistle in the distance, and an extremely hoarse and ugly voice sounded: You bitch, am I not strong enough? What's wrong with you, you don't like me anymore? Hey, where did you find this wild man?

A breeze passed by.

One was about three feet tall and about the same size as Lu Qian now. He was wearing a layer of black-gold armor with countless silver lines faintly on the surface. He had a pair of slender membrane wings on his back. His body shape was that of a serious and strong man, but his head was A strong man with an ant head and extremely large mouthparts quietly appeared next to the landlady.

Stop talking nonsense, capture him alive and tie him up. The proprietress spat out poisonous water and screamed: Auntie, I must put him in a thousand little appearances and squeeze him dry!

The strong man tilted his head and sniffed at Lu Qian, with light black saliva flowing out of his mouth.

“What a rich flavor!”

That's great. You want his life essence, his flesh and blood, but it belongs to me... Hey, hey, with such a strong fragrance of flesh and blood, his bones must be chewy!

The strong man laughed wildly, his body swayed, and the membrane wings behind him suddenly trembled, drawing thousands of dense afterimages out of thin air. His body followed a rapidly changing snake-shaped trajectory and quietly approached Lu Qian.

Hurry, it's almost to the extreme!

If this strong man is placed in an ant colony, his identity should be a combination of a 'male ant' and a 'soldier ant', dedicated to pairing and fighting external battles. His aura was much stronger than the dozen or so strong ants that were killed just now, and his speed made even Lu Qian feel inexplicable wonder!

Fast, fast, but in front of Lu Qian, it's not fast enough!

The void around Lu Qian shook slightly, and space and time were distorted... Space was stretching, time was slowing down, and the two merged into one, making the strong man's speed still so incredibly fast, but he was approaching Lu Qian's efficiency suddenly collapsed by more than a hundred times.

Seeing that Lu Qian was already 'close at hand', but using all his natural powers, the strong man could only cross the 'incomparably long' distance between Lu Qian and him very slowly, one by one, one by one. , it was extremely difficult to 'get closer to Lu Qian'!

In fact, this process is frustratingly long.

There was a strange feeling that he would never be able to get even an inch closer to Lu Qian for the rest of his life!

Is it just speed? Lu Qian sighed. He stretched out his left hand and punched out cleanly.

All the power exploded instantly.

The power of the real Buddha of the Eighteen Kalpas surpassed the extreme of the Buddha Realm of the Two-Yi Heaven and broke the constraints of heaven and earth on the physical power of the Buddha-Body Realm of the Two-Yi Heaven... What an incredible power this is!

He punched out lightly and skillfully, and then punched the strong man firmly in the chest.

There was a muffled sound.

Lu Qian only felt that the tentacles were extremely thick and tough. The strong man's body gave him the feeling of a thick mountain, extremely solid, extremely heavy, and extremely reliable in defense!

However, it was not enough to resist Lu Qian's punch.

The black armor on the strong man's chest shattered into pieces, splattering large amounts of blood. Lu Qian's fist sank into his body bit by bit, and the majestic power was like a big volcano exploding in the strong man's body.

How can it be?

The strong man's eyes widened and he looked at Lu Qian in disbelief: You... foreigner... foreigner...

On Lu Qian's fist, a dark golden Buddha's light flashed.

The big man's body suddenly exploded.

The Rabbit and the Green Snake roared with joy at the same time. The Rabbit's body swayed and turned into a length of more than ten feet. The Green Snake flicked its tail and poked out half of its body from Lu Qian's sleeves. This small half of its body was More than twenty feet long...

One cat and one snake opened their big mouths and sucked hard at the big man's exploded body. They evenly divided the big man's original form into two halves, and each person swallowed half of it.

The big man was killed by Lu Qian, and his true form was revealed to be a man a few miles long, covered with a thick carapace, and with several pairs of huge membrane-winged giant ants on his back... The Rabbit and the Green Snake swallowed him up in one gulp. At the same time, they made an extremely satisfied humming sound, and the aura on their bodies quickly became majestic and majestic, as if the essence and blood of this strong man activated the life crystals they swallowed, and was rapidly strengthening their bodies!

The face of the landlady changed suddenly. She turned around without saying a word, used all her strength to stir up a strong wind, lifted up her broken body and fled at full speed.

Lu Qian squinted his eyes and quietly felt the changes in his body.

After killing this strong man, an inexplicable light flashed in his mind, and his understanding of the laws of time, space, power, and higher levels of chaos suddenly deepened a lot.

It seemed that this strong man had a strong luck blessing Lu Qian.

Luck is like a blue cloud, carrying Lu Qian up and down the clouds, flying straight to the nine heavens!

After knowing the existence of the 'Luck Tribulation Technique', Lu Qian has also been silently sensing various changes inside and outside his body these days... There is no doubt that the death of this strong man has brought a lot of benefits to Lu Qian. .

The strong ants who were killed before had very little luck, and they also benefited Lu Qian, but they were not as clear and clear as the blessings brought by this big man's luck to Lu Qian.

Kill the enemy.

Steal luck.

Bless yourself.

Great power.

Improve Taoism.

A perfect positive cycle... Lu Qian likes this feeling!

Although I don’t know why the ultimate beneficiary of the fortune-taking method launched by Our Lady of Yaohua and others became myself and the people around me... But this is obviously a good thing, isn't it?

Lu Qian smiled happily, shook his hand and smashed the Fan Tianyin out.

There was a loud noise, and the proprietress was also shattered into pieces in the surge of dark golden Buddha light... But the rabbit and the green snake just glanced lazily at the shattered and falling wreckage, shook their heads, too lazy to pounce and devour it like they did just now!

Lu Qian was stunned and looked at the remains of the landlady who was much larger than the strong man and had countless more vitality and blood. He suddenly understood - these two picky guys actually disliked the body of the landlady. Lower body, a little too disgusting?

Queen ant, queen ant, you can use it to make wine! It nourishes yin and yang! You two wasteful guys! Lu Qian knocked the rabbit hard on the head, closed his eyes, and quietly Feelings are constantly coming to him from all directions, and only he can vaguely feel the 'power of luck'!

Ethereal, slight, like a phantom, but there.

Wisps, wisps, gradually grew, as if the spring rain of apricot blossoms turned into a thunderstorm on a summer night, and then the downpour of luck whizzed down... Lu Qian could faintly see that above his head, an area that was originally extremely magnificent The vast cloud of luck is becoming thicker and larger, faintly changing from a mist state to a water wave state.

Yeah! Lu Qian felt that hundreds of millions of creatures were dying underground in all directions.

The queen ant is dead.

I don’t know what methods she used during her lifetime. In short, the alien ants she reproduced, and the babies that were hidden on the ground without showing their heads, also died one after another.

There are a huge number of these alien ants. Even if the luck of each little ant is just a small sesame seed, hundreds of millions of sesame seeds put together will turn into a vast lake.

very good, very powerful!

Lu Qian could clearly feel that his ability to analyze and sense this world was constantly increasing.

The various functions in his body are also increasing.

His heritage, his potential, his qualifications, his talents, everything about him are transforming towards a better state. Even his physical strength, which had already broken through the limits, was increasing at a terrifying speed.

The body is denser, stronger, has stronger defense, has greater density, and can withstand greater power output!

Therefore, Lu Qian's 'Path of Pure Power' has quietly enhanced his own combat power by another level.

Lu Qian took a deep breath.

His eyes flashed with Buddhist light, and he could vaguely see the true form of this Fangming Lake - this was not a small world, nor some cave heaven and paradise, this was a huge ant nest, similar to what the outside world saw, which was dug by children from the ground and made of soil and sand. The ant nests, made of stone and oral secretions glued together, are almost identical.

It's just that the scale is extremely huge, reaching an incredible level.

The bodies of these alien ants are strong and huge, and their numbers are even more astonishing. Therefore, their ant nest, which is roughly olive-shaped, actually has a diameter of more than 80 million miles!

The huge lair is densely packed with neat corridors and tunnels.

Lu Qian's location is exactly at the lowest level of this lair. Below the clear lake, there is a large space filled with hatching ant eggs. But at this moment, these ant eggs are exploding one by one as the proprietress dies, and then decay rapidly.

Taking a deep breath, a ray of Buddha light erupted from his mouth.

The bright landscape background suddenly shattered, the bright lake disappeared, and the flowers and trees in all directions disappeared, revealing the original gray ant nest body with a metallic luster.

The sudden fluctuation of Buddha's light caused airflow turmoil in the surrounding ant nests. A violent roar came out, and in the dense holes around it, strong winds blew randomly... A faint fragrance came, and with the wind, there were a large number of shapes similar to Ganoderma lucidum, but they were extremely fat and strong, and they were random. There are elixirs within several feet of each piece!

Some species of ants can grow some fungal crops in their nests.

This nest of ants has obviously inherited this instinct.

These ganoderma-like elixirs are golden-red in color and fragrant, and contain extremely strong and powerful medicinal power... Lu Qian happily watched these elixirs blowing in the wind and automatically delivered to his door. He turned his palms, and a ray of Buddha's light came from his palms. Lit up, and incorporated all these elixirs into the Buddhist kingdom that he had just opened up and had just formed a prototype.

Let's go, scrape the land, and then... Lu Qian was about to leave with the rabbit and the green snake. Suddenly he let out a light sigh and pointed with his right hand. From the remains of the landlady, a huge one the size of a water tank was found. The crystal beads flew out.

This crystal bead is filled with smoke, and its extremely fine lines are clearly visible with a faint light.

Lu Qian carefully penetrated a ray of spiritual thought into it, and was prepared to cut off the spiritual thought at any time and cut off contact... Fortunately, there was no vicious trap in this crystal bead. Inside, there was a huge area. Atlas!

Sure enough, the landlady said she had an atlas of Loulan Ancient City in her hand!

But aren't you bragging? Lu Qian looked at the building marks marked in the map with a gloomy face. It's a map, but compared to the entire ancient city of Loulan, the map depicted in this crystal bead is probably... not even a drop in the bucket, right?

The landlady is arrogant, a frog in a well, and confused about her own identity and situation.

But Lu Qian could tell at a glance that the architectural shape outlined on this so-called map of the ancient city of Loulan was probably the entire picture of a large house with five front and rear entrances!

Lu Qian gasped lightly.

This ant nest that I am in, with a diameter of more than 80 million miles, is just an inconspicuous ant under an ordinary loquat tree in the back garden of an ordinary five-door mansion in the ancient city of Loulan. nest!

The mystery of Loulan Ancient City and the horror of the entire ancient city can be imagined!

Scrape the land, and then leave as soon as possible. Lu Qian gritted his teeth: This queen ant is not very strong. Her filial sons and grandsons can explore the landscape of a five-level mansion, and there will definitely be someone more powerful than her. There are a hundred times more monsters and monsters, and the landforms explored are a hundred times or a thousand times more than this map!”

The map of the entire ancient city of Loulan doesn't necessarily exist!

My luck is like a dragon now, it has condensed into a canopy of luck... I guess my luck will be very good?

Lu Qian was muttering here when a sharp scream suddenly came from outside the lair.

Black Peony, Black Peony... Is the Black Peony Empress at home? Our empress has sent a message to invite you to attend her 3968th wedding banquet celebration!

My wife got lucky today and caught a nice, white, tender, fat and plump seed!

“Hee, we’re all drooling over it!”

Lu Qianfa's eyes swept through the huge lair eighty million miles away, and he saw clearly who was calling the door outside, a 'little demon' with a sinister eyebrow and a rat's eye.

It has distinct original characteristics.

If I read it correctly, this guy's body should be a termite?

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