Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 805 The killings continue (4)

There was a sudden agitation all around.

Countless aliens stood up one after another, or flew into the sky, looking over here with evil eyes.

In the huge hall, only the two teams of crickets and grasshoppers were fighting with blood and flesh flying everywhere for a while. They roared and roared, making the silence in the hall look more and more like a mass grave on a barren mountain in the middle of the night.

In the eyes of countless aliens who either gloated or were angry and annoyed, Lu Qian innocently spread his hands and said: The conscience of heaven and earth, heaven above, please be reasonable, this guy hit me in the chest and died head-on!

It is truly the conscience of heaven and earth.

This big hornet man really had the idea of ​​​​colliding with porcelain and took the initiative to hit Lu Qian's chest with his head.

However, this guy was too reckless. He completely failed to estimate the huge strength gap between himself and Lu Qian. He did not expect that if Lu Qian's body was a piece of special alloy that had been tempered over thousands of times, then his head was carved out of tofu brain. Beautiful crafts!

Well, his speed was fast enough, his strength was strong enough, and the difference in hardness between the two sides was too big. When his heads collided, Lu Qian's body was not damaged at all, but the big man's head was directly smashed into thousands of peach blossoms.

Lu Qian felt that he was too innocent.

But it was obvious that the aliens from all directions didn’t think so, especially a lean little lady who was still very pretty. She jumped her feet angrily, pointed at Lu Qian and yelled: “Fuck your mother! Everyone, everyone, pity my Sanlang, he was beaten to death by this damn bald man!

The lean little lady had a gloomy face and screamed in a hoarse voice: Poor Sanlang, he has come and gone through wind and rain for me all these years...

There were several strange men on the side who were obviously from the Youhulu, and they laughed wildly in unison: Lady Wasp, stop talking nonsense and just tell the truth... This unfortunate boy, you want to kill, cut into pieces, or smash him to pieces. Eat it or swallow it whole, hurry up and save yourself a lot of nonsense, who has time to listen to your complaints?

A yellow-black light flashed in Lady Wasp's eyes. She stared straight at Lu Qian, with saliva oozing out from the corner of her mouth: Eat? Who wants to eat him? He killed our Sanlang and made me lose my life. A man who knows his heart and warms his lungs, he will use himself to top it!

With a 'tsk' sound, she pulled open the thin translucent clothes on her body. Lady Wasp looked at Lu Qian and hissed: Big bald man, if you want to live, come here quickly, kneel down to serve me...serve us. You have to be comfortable, you have a good time to enjoy spicy food... If something makes me uncomfortable, hey... your bones...

A strand of saliva flowed directly from the corner of his mouth, hung on his chin, and dripped on the ground.

This wasp lady doesn't care about her appearance at all.

Lu Qian felt a chill when he saw it.

He lowered his head and looked at himself. In addition to being taller and stronger, his complexion was a strange dark golden color, and his appearance was definitely not the kind of handsome boy like Pan An. The previous eight kings came to his door for no reason and were jealous. He hadn't done it yet. What's going on? Instead of avenging her Saburo, this wasp lady did such an inexplicable thing?

With a slight cough, Lu Qian grabbed the termite spirit who was sneaking around him and said: Ahem, I am Black Peony's wife... I am here, I am here... Hey, boy, what is your wife's name? ? I’m here to enjoy your mother-in-law’s wedding banquet! I’m at the door and I’m giving you so many good gifts?”

The termite spirit's body stiffened. He raised his head, looked at Lu Qian, and laughed dryly. Before he could speak, there were already dozens of tall, short, fat, thin, beautiful, ugly and handsome people among the aliens watching the excitement from all directions. The different ladies, big and small, stared at Lu Qian up and down with strange eyes.


A man was about four feet tall, with broad shoulders and a round waist, and was covered in black hair. He had arms that could run horses and fists that could stand upright. His face was dark and fleshy. There was a demonic aura behind him, and he could faintly reveal a murderous man with countless bloody streaks all over his body. The strong woman of Bee sprang out from the crowd.

The strong woman bared her teeth and smiled at Lu Yi: Hey, are you the son of that little bitch Black Peony? Tsk, tsk, it's a pity, your background is a bit humble... You ant clan, your bodies are too delicate, you can't bear us Just playing around... But, you kid is so amazingly born, you are exactly the same as the 'Supreme Holy Body', without any flaws...

Hey, hey, how many good things did it cost for that little Black Peony to train a treasure like you?

Don't be so noisy, hurry up and come into my arms... Hehe, don't worry, as long as you serve me comfortably, no one of those coquettish bitches here can do anything to you!

As soon as the strong woman built by killer bees finished speaking, a sword shadow shot out from the diagonal stab.

The strong woman screamed strangely. She swayed her body and managed to avoid the shadow of the sword. She saw a figure with distinctive mantis features all over her body. She was slightly thinner than the strong woman, but taller. Her hands were directly shaped like two turquoise swords. The woman with the curved crescent sword rushed out, spitting green foam.

It's just bullshit, it stinks... How dare you, the Red Bee Clan, with a clan number of less than 10 million, dare to think of such an idea? I've also taken a liking to this young husband... You Red Bee Mother doesn’t even touch her head to see if she’s still there, so you dare to say such nonsense?”

Where the mantis woman raised her hand, green sword lights flew out silently. The sword lights were thousands of feet long and turned into a dense sword net, wrapping the killer bee woman inside.

The murderer bee woman screamed, and blood-colored bee sting cold lights appeared out of thin air around her. Along with the low thunder, the blood-colored cold light turned into hundreds of feet in length, and greeted the green sword light like a heavy rain. Go up.

The cold light and sword light collided with each other, making a chichi sound and exploding continuously.

Countless aliens around him suddenly clapped and stamped their feet, applauding...

In the crowd, a large swarm of killer bees and praying mantises suddenly jumped into the air. There were about a thousand killer bees and about three thousand of the praying mantises. The red poisonous light and the light green sword light swept across the sky. The two groups quickly intertwined and killed each other in two or three blows. The broken limbs and broken arms were flying all over the sky, and the sounds of miserable howls and cries were endless.

Just when Lu Qian was feeling confused, a strange smell suddenly hit his face.

I saw a fat woman with a height of seven to eight feet, a waistline of about the same level, a dark complexion, and an inexplicable odor on her body. She opened her mouth wide and had big yellow teeth with strange colors. She was trembling with fat. The meat rushed towards him as fast as lightning.

Handsome boy, come on, don't pay attention to these little ladies... just follow my aunt and I will have some fun!

Scared, do you like large pieces of cow dung? Or small pellets of sheep dung?

Lu Qian's fingers twitched and became confused.

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