Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 806 The killings continue (5)

As a fairly qualified...Buddhist cultivator...right?

Well, Master Fahai, who is a relatively qualified Buddhist cultivator, generally follows the concept of all living beings are equal... In other words, if you don't provoke Lu Qian, then in his eyes, all living beings are equal, he will We will not deliberately engage in any targeted behavior such as extreme discrimination or bullying.

But... a 'dung beetle' spirit with a peculiar smell and an 'unusual' appearance came towards him and made teasing remarks at him with a 'silver mace' on his face... I am so compassionate, all Master Fahai has is With a 'Buddha' level of 'combat power', he is not the kind of 'compassionate' 'Buddha' in the true sense!

The strong woman smiled strangely, stretched out her big hand and grabbed Lu Qian.

Lu Qian's face turned slightly pale, he hurriedly avoided her palm, and withdrew more than ten miles away in a sliding step.

But a pair of thick membrane wings on the back of the strong woman suddenly stretched out, and a stream of cow dung-yellow demonic energy rose up from all directions, carrying a strong odor and a sticky adsorption force like a black hole, and quickly moved towards Lu Qian Packaged over.

Lu Qian was enveloped by the demonic aura, and suddenly felt sticky all over his body. He just felt... Lu Qian couldn't say the next words, and he didn't want to think about it... Just thinking about it made him feel... His soul was almost covered in dust.

With a loud roar, glass-colored Buddha flames burned around Lu Qian.

This is the secret magical power of Little Pure Buddha's Light for subduing demons passed down from the lineage of Precious Light Merit Buddha. It is the most pure and best at dispelling evil and filth. It was invented by Precious Light Merit Buddha many years ago according to his heart. 'A small magical power of Buddhist flames. Some Buddhist cultivators with cleanliness, especially female Buddhist cultivators, will try their best to obtain this Buddhist teaching specifically to clean caves and purify their living environment.

The high temperature lingers and the fragrance rises.

The air is filled with an atmosphere that is like the tranquility of an empty mountain after a thunderstorm. You can even faintly hear the graceful sound of falling sweet-scented osmanthus in the rising Buddhist flames.

The terrible stench of evil spirit was isolated. Lu Qian looked at the strong woman rushing in front of him with a gloomy face, and said solemnly: Since we don't know whether to live or die...

How can this dirty bitch be worthy of you, little brother? A sharp voice sounded from the side, and a beautiful woman with extremely long legs and a rich and terrifying child's granary rushed over. , shaking his hand, a cyan lightning struck down, hitting the strong woman, and forcefully opened a transparent hole the size of a water tank in her body.

The stinky demon blood spattered, and behind the strong woman, thousands of strong dung beetle men rushed out. They waved their hands, and there were countless sheep dung pimples that were as hard as diamonds and gushed out like flying fireballs with a stench all over their bodies. With a dull sound of breaking through the air, it hit the beautiful woman and the tens of thousands of strong men and beautiful women with compound eyes behind her.

These strong men and beautiful women also retain some of the characteristics of their original ethnic groups.

Lu Qian saw at a glance that these were a group of poisonous spiders with red and green patterns... God knows, why would a termite queen invite a group of poisonous spiders to her wedding banquet?

The sound of chichi was heard endlessly. Those male poisonous spiders spit out venom in big mouths, and it fell on the dung beetles like heavy rain, corroding them so much that they were covered in thick smoke, and from time to time they would foam at the mouth and fall to the ground to whimper. .

The female poisonous spiders sprayed out a miserable green spider web from near their navel, covering the sky in all directions. Not only the group of dung beetles, but also many aliens who were ready to move were all covered by these spider webs intentionally or unintentionally.

These spider webs are not only amazingly sticky, but also carry strange toxins. If they touch the skin even slightly, they will corrode the body like sulfuric acid, and directly invade the blood vessels. The poison flows along the blood throughout the body, and soon kills those aliens. All the flesh and blood in his body turned into a thick, nutritious pulp.

Suddenly, there was chaos all around.

Many women who were either majestic, surprised, enchanting, or ferocious got up in anger, yelled and cursed, and rushed towards Lu Qian with large groups of ethnic groups.

Lu Qian's whole body was burning with almost transparent and colorless Buddhist flames, and he stared blankly at dozens of 'mistresses' and 'empresses', fighting into a ball for him...these 'mistresses' and 'empresses' brought There are as few as seven or eight thousand people, as many as hundreds of thousands... God knows why they bring so many people with them when they go out to eat and drink? Is it possible that they want to eat up this nest of termites in one meal?

All in all, dozens of ‘mistresses’ and ‘empresses’ were fighting together.

What they know and can do are mostly some innate magical powers evolved from the characteristics of their own ethnic group. There is no systematic inheritance of Taoism. Their understanding of the Taoism is very 'touching'. Although their demonic power is astonishingly strong, it is difficult to use it. The way... Lu Qian really couldn't bear to say anything.

In terms of realm, the weakest among them all have cultivation levels above the tenth level of the True Immortal Realm, and there are many masters of the Great Bodhisattva and even the Buddha Realm... But in terms of actual combat power, any casual cultivator in Liangyi Heaven can God, they all played much more excitingly than them!

For example, that group of dung beetles littered the sky with sheep dung, and the air was filled with a stench of evil spirit.

For example, that nest of flower butterfly spirits, apart from scattering poisonous scale powder all over the sky, what they are good at is flapping their big wings and constantly setting off strong winds... Even the most common small spell such as wind knife, they Few people have mastered it.

For example, that group of grasshopper spirits, their fighting method is to jump around, jump around, use a pair of extremely strong and powerful thighs to push, step, kick, kick... Every blow leaves a trace in the air. There was a loud roar like the roar of heavy artillery, which often kicked some unlucky ones until their bodies were dented and they vomited blood.

Gradually, a huge battlefield formed around Lu Yi, and the crickets and grasshoppers that were fighting fiercely when Lu Yi first came in were also involved in this huge meat grinder.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and blood flowed into rivers...

Lu Qian watched helplessly as countless strange aliens suddenly died. Wisps of luck that he could clearly perceive were like messages, constantly gathering towards him.

Is this okay?

These aliens who took the initiative to fight and fight, after their death, their luck and destiny were also absorbed by Lu Qian? Can the fortune-taking method launched by Our Lady of Yaohua actually affect the living beings in the ancient city of Loulan?

Lu Qian stood motionless.

Dozens of all kinds of 'mistresses' and 'empresses' were fighting around him, with thunder, fire, poisonous gas and wind, and all kinds of strange and weird talents and magical powers. It was extremely lively.

The little termite spirit who just led the way has disappeared.

In all directions, the strong termite men who could be seen everywhere in the hall have also disappeared inexplicably.

Lu Qian's heart skipped a beat - it's very good. The owner here saw his distinguished guests fighting, and instead evacuated his own people. This was because he wanted more of these distinguished guests to die. It would be better if 'Perish together'?

Shaking his head, Lu Qian clasped his hands together, stood on the spot, and used a small Buddhist magical power of no shadow on the ground.

This small magical power has no killing power. Its only effect is to greatly weaken one's sense of existence. In the outside world, if this small magical power is successful, then even if it stands under the sun in broad daylight, it will not Not a shadow will appear.

The aliens, who grew bigger and busier in all directions, gradually forgot about Lu Qian's existence. They even forgot why they were engaging in such a hysterical and crazy bloody battle... They only knew that they would tear apart all the lives around them that were not of their own race and kill them. Just do it.

Time passed little by little.

Lu Qian counted silently in his heart, and three hours passed quickly.

In all directions, more than a million aliens were lying dead on the spot. They showed their true colors. All kinds of strange and weird bugs were lying on the ground. The air was filled with a pungent and weird smell that made people almost vomit.

Dozens of 'Mothers' and 'Empresses' were also covered in bruises, and each one showed its original shape, turning into a giant that was larger than a hill. It gasped, vomited blood, and huddled in the distance. They bared their teeth and stared at each other.

Only a few elite soldiers under their command survived. Of those Buddha-level monsters, the most powerful handful survived, accounting for less than 30% of the total... 70% of the Buddha-level aliens were also shattered to pieces in the fierce battle of just a few hours. .

At this moment, a delicate cry suddenly sounded.

Ouch, my God, what's going on? What's going on? We are all good sisters, good sisters...how could it be like this? I just came out a step late, how could it happen like this? Alas. Oh, so many good men have died, it really makes people salivate...Ahem, I can't help but shed tears!

There was a buzzing sound of wings vibrating around the hall, and large groups of powerful termites lined up in neat lines, pouring in from all directions... Their number was at least tens of millions!

This is the termite nest, their base camp, and even the tens of millions of termite spirits used here are just an insignificant part of their huge tribe.

A terrifying aura rose up. The eight kings I had just seen and seven other huge termite men with strong auras came over step by step carrying a soft sedan.

On the large soft sedan, Lu Yi saw the very familiar silk and satin, which was clearly the gift he had just taken out at the gate.

Now these silks and satins are piled together, and a woman with a fair body and a pretty face is lying comfortably in the pile of brocades, proudly throwing them towards the embarrassed guests all around. Wink.

The ‘mistresses’ and ‘empresses’ gasped at the same time.

They instantly forgot their previous hatred, and all their eyes were focused on those dazzling silks and satins.

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