Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 807 Savior, Killer

In all directions, the number of strong termite men is increasing.

The huge membrane wings behind them vibrated, making a loud buzzing sound like thunder, which made people's eardrums hurt.

The breath of the Buddha's state is like the scorching sun.

The great Bodhisattva is as vast as the bright moon.

The little Bodhisattva is as deep as the ocean.

The other true immortal level termite spirits were all majestic and high-spirited. Their attention was not on the invited distinguished guests, but on the corpses of the honored guests who had been killed and showed their true colors.

For insects, there is no doubt that all alien bodies can become food.

Especially for these large insects with superb cultivation, their flesh and blood is a perfect supplement to these termite spirits, and the taste of flesh and blood is more in line with their nature and appetite...

Saliva dripped from the mouthparts of these termites, and when it fell to the ground, it made a slight corrosive sound of chichi. The group of capable and brave termites standing at the front could still put on an elite appearance, standing in place to maintain their formation and not moving at all. The termites standing at the back could not help but lower their heads and catch them secretly. He picked up one or two pieces of broken limbs and stuffed them into his mouth.

The termite queen in the brocade pile was very pleased with it. She admired the envious and jealous eyes of the 'mistresses' and 'empresses', and raised her head triumphantly: Sisters... came from afar... to fight. Wouldn't fighting and killing hurt the harmony? We are all sisters and neighbors... Hee hee, ho ho!

She waved gently.

There was a surge of termites that could not transform, and they began to move the broken corpses piled on the ground. A large white wave was seen surging. A quarter of an hour later, the entire hall was cleaned up. The blood stains on the ground were licked by these little termites without leaving any trace.

Those distinguished guests, because this is a termite nest, and the number of termite spirits in all directions is at least a hundred times greater than their combined forces, a group of 'mistresses' and 'empresses' looked at each other, and they all 'forgot' what they were fighting over before. , forgetting the bone-chilling hatred of the descendants of the tribe who were killed and injured in the past, each one showed a happy smile.

Dozens of women, tall, short, fat, thin, beautiful, ugly and handsome, all gathered in front of the termite queen's sedan, surrounded her, stretched out their hands to touch the silk and satin piled around her, and at the same time kept pulling up pieces. The dazzling silks and satins were constantly painted on his body.

The termite queen obviously enjoyed the scene of being surrounded by people and paying attention to her. She kept laughing hoo ho ho and twisted her plump and white body triumphantly.

After a lot of fuss, the hall was finally tidied up, and various tables and chairs were rearranged. These 'mistresses' and 'empresses' with their respective ethnic groups sat down one after another. In the middle, behind a very long long table made of beautiful jade, the termite queen Sitting high in the middle, surrounded by hundreds of beautiful girls in the form of pink butterflies, waiting on them.

Lu Qian's eyes flashed with Buddha's light, and he made a careful distinction.

These pink butterflies that serve the termite queen are obviously not the same species as the butterfly spirits among the distinguished guests present.

There are three groups of butterfly spirits among the distinguished guests. They are all huge and highly poisonous alien species... And these pink butterflies driven by the termite queen are very ordinary small pink butterflies, delicate and petite, with no fighting ability... Although they are all They have true immortal level cultivation, but all of them are timid and timid. They are obviously flowers in the greenhouse. They are more beautiful than practical.

Slavery! Lu Qian nodded secretly. He sat cross-legged behind a huge long table without saying a word. He casually grabbed the rare fruits placed in front of him and did not eat them. He just stuffed a few into his pockets from time to time.

God knows what kind of weird method was used to grow these fruits produced by termite essence... Just take them directly without processing them. Lu Qian didn't have such a strong psychological quality. In fact, Lu Qian only knows a few of these rare fruits. Who knows what their growing conditions are?

At least in the world of Liangyitian cultivation, some vicious and weird exotic fruits grow in environments such as hundred-year-old corpses, thousand-year-old zombies, ten thousand-year-old grave bags, etc... In the ancient city of Loulan, these Lu Qian Unknown fruit, God knows where it came from?

However, these fruits contain huge spiritual power and extremely weird and vivid Taoist charms.

Take it back and let those alchemy masters use it as a reference, maybe they can refine it into a good treasure!

Lu Qian was grabbing a strange fruit that was dark green, like a 'Buddha's head', and covered with bumps the size of a thumb, when he heard the dung beetle strong woman just now shouting impatiently: White Lady, How many wedding banquets is this for you? Our gifts have been sent, where is your new king?

The strong woman slapped the table hard and shouted loudly: Pull it out, meet the guests... Let us see what good stuff you found this time... Is it possible that you can be better than this kid sent by Black Peony? ?”

The White Lady licked the corner of her mouth, her eyes were like daggers, and she fell hard on Lu Qian.

Not only her, but all the 'mistresses' and 'empresses' present looked like evil wolves... They stared directly at Lu Qian, swallowing heavily.

Just now, they were fascinated by the silk and satin around the White Lady, but now, they have woken up again - a lively and vigorous man is much more precious than those silk and satin!

Hmm, is this the representative sent by the little ant nest of Black Peony?

So, it seems that it is worth fighting Black Peony and breaking out a war for this proud man!

The White Lady coughed dryly: Yes, yes... Hurry up, bring the Nine Kings out and let him see the guests... By the way, sisters, this is my territory, you can give me some face, but Don’t disturb my distinguished guests in my territory!”

A cockroach strong woman suddenly stood up: What the White Lady said is absolutely true! Don't disturb your distinguished guests on your territory... So, on your territory, we won't move a finger from this guy... As long as he Once he leaves your territory, you have no excuse to protect him, right?

Such a clear picture, so clean and neat, without any cover-up or hypocrisy!

Lu Qian couldn't help but admire in his heart... And the 'Mother's' and 'Empresses' present were all staring at Lu Qian with salivation - they had used their special channels to know about the silk and satin beside the White Empress just now. But they were all gifts that Lu Qian took out at the gate!

Bai Niangniang's face darkened slightly.

Among the eight kings standing behind her, the eight kings glared at Lu Qian extremely fiercely, and shook their fists the size of wine jars at Lu Qian in an intimidating manner, as if you dare to stay with the White Lady, I will I'll beat you to death.

Lu Qian smiled slightly and was about to speak when a dull sound broke through the air. A group of termites flew over slowly, surrounded by a fat and white monk with a trace of strange fragrance around him.

This great monk is round and plump, with a round face that is very friendly, round eyes, a round nose, and a small round mouth that is slightly red. His small eyes are blinking, and he has a sense of intelligence. Smart energy.

He was wearing an ordinary green coarse cloth monk's robe, and on his feet was a pair of very ordinary straw sandals made of rough hemp.

Monks' robes and straw sandals are ordinary folk goods, the most common secular objects. There were still greasy traces on the monk's clothes. From a distance, Lu Qian could smell a very familiar smell - if I'm not mistaken, was this the unique fragrance of spiced dog meat? Moreover, the chef who cooked it was a master, and he perfectly brought out the unique aroma potential of dog meat. When you smell the aroma, you can't help but have saliva flowing out of your mouth.

The great monk's aura is a little disordered.

It should be that the Great Bodhisattva has reached his peak, but is still one breath away from the Buddha. Moreover, he should be a magic monk who specializes in magical powers. His body is rich in Taoism and full of spiritual energy, and every pore is radiating the light of the Buddha and the flames of the Buddha. But his physical body is only at the level of a small bodhisattva who is a first-time Buddhist who specializes in the golden body.

He was surrounded by eight Buddha-level termite spirits, and they were all of three or four calamity strengths. The demonic aura of the termite spirits rolled and turned into an invisible cage, locking the great monk so tightly that he could not move at all. He had no choice but to follow these termite spirits as they flew into the hall.

Looking across the hall, he saw the 'mistress' and 'empress' who were staring at him with piercing eyes and swallowing saliva. The great monk's face twitched, his face suddenly turned black, and his eyes showed a look of 'unbearable pain'. , and the 'great awakening' of 'If I don't go to hell, who will?'!

However, his eyes suddenly fell on Lu Qian.

The great monk was stunned for a moment, and then screamed with great ecstasy: Brother Fahai, please save me... I am a cow and a horse, and I have to repay your kindness... This damn bitch, It’s just that she fell in love with my beauty, she actually fell in love with my deliciousness!”

She wants to 'rape' me, my junior brother, then kill me, and then 'fry' me...

Junior brother, I can tolerate her insult and trampling on me, but junior brother, I can't tolerate my good skin and flesh being ruined by their dirty cooking skills...

Senior brother, please help me!

Lu Qian slowly stood up and said in a deep voice, Do you recognize me?

The great monk smiled brightly: I recognize it, I recognize it, why don't I recognize it? Junior Brother Jiese, I was at the Demon-Suppressing Ridge, but I saw you with my own eyes beside the Prison-Suppressing Buddha Lord...

Lu Qian looked at the great monk Jie Se in surprise: Jie Se? Your Dharma name, Jie Se?

The monk of Jingse blinked his eyes slightly in shame: Hey, my master said that my six roots are impure, and I'm afraid I can't abide by other precepts... So, I don't force it, as long as I don't commit this crime. ' word, he is satisfied... Therefore, junior brother's dharma title is to abstain from sex, and there is no need to abstain from other matters!

Lu Qian's face twitched.

The name of the Dharma is Jie Se, and his master only needs to hold a Lust Precept... This, this, this monk Jie Se is indeed a wonderful flower, and his master is obviously It’s also a masterpiece!

With a slight cough, Lu Qian said softly: May I ask, who is your respected master?

Monk Jise hurriedly said: Our master is called Morenlitian... Senior brother, have you ever heard of it?

Lu Qian's heart suddenly sank and he looked at the abstaining monk in shock.

Morenli Buddha is one of the thirteen Buddha masters of the Liangyi Tian Buddhism. He is also the most orthodox ancient Buddhist cultivator of the Liangyi Tian Buddhism, and he was also an ancient great master who listened to the sutras under the Buddha.

This Buddha Lord is known as the ‘number one disciple’ and ‘number one in many treasures’ in Liangyitian Buddhism!

The number of his disciples accounts for almost more than 30% of the countless Buddhist cultivators in the entire Liangyitian Buddhism... And he seems to be born with great luck. He is really the kind of person who can get out of the dirt bumps he turns up even if he stumbles while walking. Found an innate spiritual treasure!

Therefore, Morenlitian has countless disciples, and he also has countless spiritual treasures and Buddha treasures in his hands. Naturally, each of his disciples is armed to the teeth by him. Among the many sects of Liangyitian Buddhism, Morenlitian The Buddhist cultivators of the same lineage are the most disliked by others - in fact, once a conflict breaks out with them, these Buddhist cultivators of Morenlitian have ordinary cultivation and mediocre magical powers, but they can easily Being able to take out countless treasures... It's so frustrating to feel like you have the upper hand in cultivation and magical power, but to be smashed by countless Buddhist soldiers and Buddhist treasures to a crushing defeat!

This seemingly unorthodox Buddhist monk is actually a disciple of Mo Renlitian, a top Buddhist monk?

You are! Lu Qian wanted to confirm this guy's identity.

Junior brother, I am Master's true disciple of the Buddha lineage. I have been a disciple for less than a thousand years... Jiese jumped to his feet in a hurry and said, It's just that Master said that my Buddha nature has not yet been settled and my Buddha mind is unstable. If I will If I let him out, I'm afraid he will lose his face... So, in these years, no outsider knows that I am Master's disciple!

Lu Qian nodded as if he suddenly understood.

Well, Moranli Tianfo accepted a young disciple. I thought I had found a treasure, but it turned out that the one I picked up was an unreliable little bastard... Well, I have already taken him under his disciple, so I can't kick him out. Get out? Therefore, I can only tolerate this unreliable disciple, but I must also carefully restrain him around me, and don't let him go out and embarrass myself!

Buddha Lord Mo Renli, is he here too? Lu Qian frowned.

Monk Jise nodded hurriedly: Here he comes, he comes... His old man gave an order while you were still muttering in the Demon City, and left Liangyi with many of our brothers and countless disciples. God, we’re coming to this hellish place!”

This is really a ghost place... I was thrown into this ghost girl's lair for no reason... She was greedy for my beauty and wanted to do evil to me. I was willing to fight to the death to save my life. My innocence!”

Ugh, this bitch actually threatened me, saying that if I don't obey her, she will bite me alive!

Monk Jingse's round face became wrinkled, and he looked at Lu Qian pitifully: For the sake of the Buddhist lineage, Brother Fahai, please save me? What if this ghost bitch is a A serious living person, Junior Brother, I gritted my teeth, closed my eyes, and recognized... She, she, she, she is not a human being!

Lu Qian sighed in his heart.

Just by listening to these words, you will know what kind of moral integrity this abstaining monk has.

From all directions, many 'mistresses' and 'empresses' had gathered around. They stared at Lu Qian with bright eyes, and inexplicable saliva seeped out from the corners of their mouths.

The White Lady who was sitting behind the jade table in the middle kept laughing at the top of her lungs: Ouch, I thought, how could the black peony girl be so lucky to meet such a handsome little husband... …Unexpectedly, she actually capsized!”

Hey, young man, you and the Nine Kings of my family are actually the same people?

No wonder, you look so plump and alluring... There is a delicious smell all over your body... Hey, hey, it really makes people drool!

The White Lady slowly stood up and stared straight at Lu Qian: Little Prince, I won't talk nonsense... No matter where you come from, today you are my top ten kings... If you and the Nine Kings serve me obediently and make me happy, you can live a little longer...

Otherwise...ho ho!

With a 'chila' sound, a large amount of saliva splashed out from Bai Niangniang's red lips. She shuddered, staring at Lu Qian with strange eyes, and a strange blush appeared on her skin.

The ‘mistresses’ and ‘empresses’ all clamored in unison.

They all cursed the White Lady for being 'greedy'. She clearly already had such a good trade as a rebooting monk, but she still wanted to attack Lu Qian?

The most aggressive ones just now, the dung beetle woman and the cockroach woman, screamed and stretched out their big hands to grab Lu Qian.

Young Master, don't talk to White Lady...just go back with us!

The smell on your body...hahaha, is this the aroma of your homeland?

The majestic demonic power turned into two strange-colored palms, and they fiercely grabbed Lu Qian head-on... As soon as these two strong women took action, they heard screams from all around. Not caring about the rules, not caring about the etiquette, and not caring that this was the wedding banquet of the White Lady's Nine Kings of Xina, they all screamed and took action against Lu Qian.

Lu Qian sighed softly: What are you...

The Jingse monk quickly added: Senior brother, it's not us who are causing trouble...it's true that it's hard to give up on natural beauty. I'm just waiting here, beauty is a disaster...you can't control the good or bad!

Lu Qian almost choked with blood from his lungs at the words of the rebooting monk!

‘It’s hard to give up on natural beauty’…what a sarcastic statement? If he were the Buddha Malengli, he really wanted to slap this lazy dog ​​meat monk directly into reincarnation and let him have a good brain wash!

With a long roar, Lu Qian's whole body was filled with Buddha light.

The light of the prison-suppressing Buddha, as heavy as a mountain, surged, and the two demonic hands that grabbed him were shattered. The two strong women who let go and fought for him groaned, and their bodies suddenly dwarfed, and the muffled sounds of broken bones continued to be heard in their bodies. They all roared, their eyes showing uncontrollable panic.

Before they could recover from the terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Lu Qian, the Fantian Seal soared into the sky, turning into a huge seal ten miles long and wide, gushing out Buddha's light, and smashed down from high altitude.

There was a muffled sound, and a corner of the hall collapsed.

More than a dozen 'mistresses' and 'empresses' were too close to Lu Qian. They were either seduced by 'Lu Qian's beauty', or they were greedy for 'Lu Qian's silk and satin', or they were attracted by Lu Qian. Attracted by the 'breath of homeland' on their bodies... In short, they were too close to Lu Yi, and the Fantian Seal fell too fast, giving them no time to dodge.

Or, some of them are good at flying, such as the 'Empress' who is originally a damselfly. Her body is slender and thin, and the wings on her back are long and transparent. She is obviously very good at flying.

When Fan Tianyin rose into the sky, she let out a cry of surprise, her wings vibrating violently as she tried to escape.

But a large piece of the prison-suppressing Buddha's light fell, breaking her escape technique, freezing her in mid-air unable to move... The huge fantian seal fell, and together with this little damselfly 'empress', more than a dozen people The 'Mother' and the 'Empress' were smashed, and their bodies and souls were smashed to pieces!

In fact, the most powerful innate magical power of these alien 'mistresses' and 'empresses' is 'reproduction', not 'combat'. Their magical powers and spells are only ordinary, and their physical strength is really extraordinary. It's bland!

In all directions, aliens from more than a dozen ethnic groups screamed in unison.

Many alien insects from the Buddha Realm transformed directly into their original forms and rushed towards Lu Qian screaming one by one.

For these insects, these 'mistresses' and 'empresses' are the greatest reliance on the reproduction and inheritance of their ethnic group... In addition to the reproduction of new ethnic individuals, these 'mistresses' and 'empresses' have various aspects for them. Invisible control and mastery...

Lu Qian killed more than a dozen 'Mothers' and 'Empresses' with one blow, and the ethnic group they brought immediately went crazy!

The White Lady was about to let her son take action... Suddenly seeing Lu Qian's power, she was stunned, then sat back down, and took out a jug of old wine from somewhere, which was full of flavor. Drink it deliciously.

Monk Jingse was so excited that he waved his fist: Senior Brother Fahai is invincible and a hero! Kill these toads who want to eat swan meat!

Lu Qian didn't even bother to look at the monk. He clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name in a low voice. Large areas of Buddha's light surged around him. The Buddha's light around him spread like water waves, and the soft Buddha's light was brilliant. The lotus flower slowly bloomed. When the lotus flower bloomed, erratic Buddha shadows appeared inside, and all kinds of powerful Buddhist magical powers were blasted at the fingertips.

The roars of heavenly dragons, the roars of lions, the Buddhist flames that purify the world, the demon-conquering Buddhas...

Countless attacks swept through most of the hall like a torrential rain, and countless aliens who clashed crazily were instantly shattered to pieces.

The remaining dozens of 'mistresses' and 'empresses' were beaten black and blue by Lu Qian's terrifying attack. They screamed hoarsely and hurriedly asked their descendants to stand in front of them, using their huge bodies as shelters. Place.

But in the face of Lu Qian's powerful magical power, these aliens were reduced to ashes one after another. The 'mistress' and 'empress' only struggled for a few more breaths before being reduced to a torrent of attacks. Nothing.

With a golden lotus at his feet, a sandalwood merit staff in his hand, and wearing the monk's robes and liberation robes, Lu Qian smiled and looked at the slightly stunned White Lady: I don't think the young monk needs to say anything more, right? Let him go, okay?

The wine pot in White Lady's hand leaked out, and a wisp of wine as red as blood spilled from the mouth of the pot, splashing on the jade table.

After a while, she suddenly threw the jug away and clapped her hands vigorously: I really can't believe it, I can't believe... you actually killed all these old bitches? Oh, my dear, this is what I have wanted to do for so many years. What you have done and failed to do...My dear, I really like you more and more!

Slowly standing up, the White Lady looked at the eight stunned kings behind her with great dignity, and said proudly: I have decided that these eight trash will be useless in the future... What is your name? The nine kings called you just now 'Fahai'? Then, Fahai, are you willing to be my great king?

Raising her hands high, the White Lady hissed: Billions of people, boundless territory, you and I, share it... Haohao, don't worry, none of the other nine kings can be equal to you... If you There are more silks and satins, then, I even promise that in the next thousand years, only you can touch me!

Lu Qian's face twitched.

What is this white lady thinking in her head?

Jie Se sighed quietly: Senior Brother Fa Hai, the brains of these monsters made of insects may not be enough... So there is no need to talk nonsense, just use the magical power of subduing demons to save them?

Lu Qian looked at the army of termites that were surrounding them step by step from all directions, and sighed deeply: I am merciful. In this case, I can only use thunderous means to give you a happy life. .”

Hundreds of Buddha-level auras suddenly rose up all around, and a large group of huge termite men roared and rushed towards Lu Qian.

Layers of soft and moist Buddha light surged on Lu Qian's body, and two top-quality Buddhist treasures gave him perfect protection. No matter how hard these unarmed termite men tried, they could not shake the powerful defenses of Duer monk's robes and liberation cassocks.

The Zhan Tan Merit Staff turned into countless stick shadows and flickered in the sky. Any strong termite man who came within a hundred feet of Lu Qian would have a stick on his head. It looked light and fluttering, but in fact it was like tens of thousands of mountains pressing down on it. The blow made his head explode and his soul dissipated. .

The White Lady still had a smile on her face at first.

But as more and more Buddha-level termite men were killed, White Lady's face gradually darkened...

In the final analysis, although her ethnic group has a large number, relying on the huge number of ethnic groups, relying on the strange world and environment of the ancient city of Loulan, a huge number of Buddha-level and great Bodhisattva-level tribesmen have emerged in her ethnic group, but these alien little bugs His understanding of the great avenues, the laws, and even his own innate magical powers is too weak, too weak.

They only have Buddha-level cultivation, but if they can exert great Bodhisattva-level combat power, they are worthy of the heavens.

And if those great Bodhisattva-level termite spirits are placed in Liangyi Heaven, even an ordinary true immortal from the seventh or eighth heaven can easily kill them with the help of exquisite spells and powerful immortal weapons!

Therefore, the termite spirits, who were overwhelming in numbers, were killed by Lu Qian alone, leaving corpses scattered all over the field.

The White Lady's breath became more and more impetuous, and her pupils shrank little by little. In the end, a look of horror appeared on her face - she couldn't help but scream at the top of her lungs: Go to my good sisters. The children reported that their mistress was killed... let them come out in full force and take revenge!

A colony of termites is obviously unable to deal with Lu Qian.

Then, dispatch all the insect groups around the courtyard... Nearly a hundred insect groups, more than a trillion insects in number, can drown Lu Qian even if they use the human sea tactic, right?

An hour later.

With a loud noise, the golden termite nest was blasted into two parts, and Lu Qian transformed into a giant Buddha, suspended in the void.

From all directions, countless bugs of all kinds screamed and screamed, like desperate mad dogs, constantly rushing towards Lu Qian... Facing these strange bugs that were attacking crazily, Lu Qian just sat cross-legged in the void, beside him The lotuses formed by the Buddha's flames are blooming continuously. Once each lotus bursts, the high-temperature Buddha's flames will sweep across a hundred thousand miles.

Each high-temperature Buddhist flame can easily kill tens of millions of alien insects.

Even if the total number of these bugs exceeds one trillion, facing Lu Qian's terrifying magical attack, their only fate will be to turn into fly ash and throw their luck and destiny into Lu Qian continuously.

Immeasurable Taoist charm and countless inspirations were like birds flying into the forest, or like nebulae being absorbed by a black hole, they continued to flow towards Lu Qian and merged into his body.

Everything is improving.

The damage caused by the blooming lotus flowers is soaring.

The temperature of the Buddhist flames increased more than a hundred times compared to the initial level.

The area covered by the Buddha's flames exploded from a lotus flower increased more than a hundred times in a short period of time.

At the beginning, those Buddha-level insects could still struggle for a few breaths in the Buddha's flames, even though the Buddha's flames burned their bodies and made a pop-pop sound.

Later, wherever the Buddha's flame passed, all the insects turned into fly ash in an instant, and they could not bear the burning at the fingertips.

On the outside of the circle surrounded by countless insects, billions of termite essences surrounded the pale-faced White Lady... And in White Lady's hand, she grabbed the Jingse monk, whose face became increasingly pale.

Senior brother, please help me, this bitch, she...she...she...she wants to put all her efforts into harming my innocence...help me...even if it's just a matter of closing my eyes...Xiao Monk's For the first time, you have to find someone, right?

The abstaining monk was shouting in an inappropriate manner.

Lu Qian heard his cry, but didn't want to pay attention to it for the time being - he really wanted to see how many trump cards the youngest Buddha's lineage of Malenli Buddha, known as the 'Number One Treasure', had in his possession!

With a sound of tsk, the coarse cloth monk's robes worn by the monk were torn to pieces by the White Lady extremely roughly.

Monk Jingse glanced at Lu Yi with a desperate look on his face: Senior Brother Fa Hai! Senior Brother!

The sound was like a cuckoo crying for blood, it was so unbearable!

Lu Qian turned a deaf ear, as if he hadn't heard anything.

The White Lady caught the Jingse monk and wanted to execute him on the spot... The Jingse monk once again let out a cry of grief and found that Lu Qian really didn't pay attention to him. He could only close his eyes and spit out a stream of water from his mouth. A sword with a bright handle and murderous intent.

The sound of a knife soared into the sky, and Lu Qian was shaken by the sudden sound of the knife. His soul was slightly shaken, and his skin felt a sharp sting.

And all the bugs within a hundred thousand miles around the monk, including the White Lady, were cut in half and turned into ashes in an instant!

My Buddha is compassionate... Monk Jingse was shirtless, clasped his hands together, and murmured scriptures about salvation.

While he was chanting sutras, an extremely resentful voice sounded from his belly: Senior Brother Fahai, you made me break the prohibition on killing, is this okay?

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