Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 808 Savior, Killer (2)

Lu Qian raided the termite nests.

There are no less than tens of millions of strange fruits of all kinds collected. There are also a large number of strange metal ores, various weird gems, and some weird things that even Lu Qian can't identify.

Although I don’t know it, it must be extremely precious.

For example, Lu Qian found a white object more than three feet long that looked like a fish bone in the White Lady's 'chamber'... It felt like a bone; when struck, it also sounded like a bone. ; Even the touch and even the taste when licked by the tongue are no different from real bones.

Only this ‘fish bone’, which is more than three feet long and as thick as an arm, is a bit ridiculously hard!

Lu Qian punched forward, and the bones of his five fingers were shattered. The pain almost made him cry.

And Monk Jingse slashed out with a clean knife - the knife he used was the same knife that killed the White Lady and hundreds of Buddha-level termites. The Malinli Heavenly Buddha got it from the depths of chaos. Yes, a vicious weapon dedicated to killing!

The result was a cry, sparks flying everywhere, the white bones intact, and a gap the size of a thumb was cut out of the big killer weapon.

The abstaining monk was so heartbroken that he burst into tears, and his seven orifices began to bleed!

He has sacrificed this sharp blade to become his own Buddha treasure. It is connected with his life and has the same soul... The destruction of the blade is undoubtedly because his soul has been chopped hard by someone. This sour feeling, Whoever has tried it knows!

Oh my god! What the hell is this! Monk Jiese yelled and cursed, reaching out to grab the fish bone, but Lu Qian grabbed it first!

He was not used to this unruly monk at all.

Feeling the terrifying majestic aura on Lu Qian's body, which was at least a hundred thousand times more tyrannical than his own, the monk could only shrink his head and put away his sharp knife, allowing Lu Qian to take advantage of the termite nest. All rolled up empty.

Everyone who has seen it has a share, leave some for me...are you still talking about the rules of the world? One punch blasted the termite nest to pieces, and the painting building on the top of the hill also collapsed with the collapse of the main beam.

Lu Qian held his head high and left the termite nest, while the monk Jingse followed behind Lu Qian with two small cloth balls stuffed in his nostrils and a tattered red silk tied around his waist - this guy , How come he has the cultivation level of the Great Bodhisattva, but he only has a piece of coarse cloth monk's robe that was torn by the White Lady!

Apart from the monk's robe, he didn't even have a change of clothes on him!

In the termite nest, the armors on the white monsters are all transformed from their own carapace. The entire termite nest was slaughtered by Lu Qian, and all the armor disappeared.

The monk Jingse could only find a piece of silk that could protect his body from the soft sedan next to the White Lady.

But during the war, all those fragile silks and satins were completely destroyed. In the end, after he was born, the only thing left that could cover his vital parts was this piece of red silk!

Senior Brother Fa Hai, how much can I give you? The monk Jingse followed Lu Qian with a stern look, and babbled: There are so many good things, I counted them, the total is 380,000,000 9,720,833 pieces...of which there are another 200 million...

With a flick of Lu Qian's finger, a red gem the size of a thumb, which was hot all over the body and continuously released blazing flames, flew towards the monk.

The Jingse monk quickly grabbed the gem, stuffed it into his mouth and bit it vigorously, nodding his head with a smile on his face: What a treasure... This is the 'Pure Yang Star Stone', it is of little use to my Buddhism, but For those Taoists who practice the Pure Yang Way, this is a supreme treasure, and they can at least be exchanged for hundreds of bottles of the best elixir!

Just one? Putting away the gem, the monk stared at Lu Qian with wide eyes.

Look at your performance... Your sword is so fierce, how did you get captured alive by the White Lady? Lu Qian turned around and cast a sidelong glance at Monk Jingse. He had already arrived at the small tree in the backyard, heading towards the ant nest. Whistled.

The wind blows, the clouds rise, the rabbit rides on the wind, the green snake wraps around the clouds, and roars out from the ant nest. The rabbit landed on Lu Qian's shoulder with a 'pop' sound, and climbed down comfortably, unwilling to move again; the green snake followed its old habit, and scurried into Lu Qian's sleeve, and poked its little head out of the cuff. , revealed four sharp fangs furtively, and stared at the rebooting monk with malicious intent.

The monk Jingse glanced at the rabbit and the green snake with fear.

Inexplicably, he felt a fatal threat from the 'white cat' and 'little green snake'... A few beads of cold sweat broke out on his bare scalp.

Scared, although the White Lady has evil intentions against the young monk, she is only trying to persuade me with good words and has not yet used violence against me... The young monk can't just kill her just because she covets my beauty, right? If that's the case...

Monk Jingse raised his head in melancholy and looked at the sky: If someone admires my beauty, I will give him a severe blow... Isn't this little monk already a murderous demon? ?”

Lu Qian's eyes widened and he wanted to punch this shameless fat monk in the head.

Shaking the fist that had just been shattered and fractured, Lu Qian resisted the urge to punch. He chopped up the 'small' ant nest with one kick and turned to look at the moon gate on the backyard wall leading to the front yard. .

The small moon door has a door frame carved from sapphire, with extremely festive lotus patterns engraved on it.

The door of the Moon Gate is made of polished paulownia wood. The door is also carved with a pattern of fish playing in a lotus pond... At this moment, the door is half-covered, revealing a gap more than a foot wide. , through the crack in the door, you can see a small and quiet courtyard with several gorgeous apricot trees in bloom.

It's rare to grow apricot flowers in the yard. Lu Qian murmured: Should we jump over the wall and fly away, or should we follow the road and go out from yard to yard? This is the ancient city of Loulan. It's very weird. I I don’t dare to decide...everyone, let’s add it all together?”

The abstaining monk also became serious.

This is the ancient city of Loulan, a very strange place. Didn’t you see that among those messy insects, there were hundreds of Buddha-level experts?

If they were to rush in, it would be very possible for them to run into the territory of a Buddha-level alien.

The two of them looked dimly into the distance. It was clearly only a mile or two away, but they seemed to be looking across the endless back garden wall. After pondering for a moment, their attention turned to the moon door.

The young monk thinks that we Buddhist disciples should follow the rules and enter. Monk Jingse said seriously: Climbing over the wall always has the meaning of either committing adultery or stealing. So, how about taking the right path and taking the main door?

The abstaining monk looked at Lu Qian seriously.

Lu Qian nodded slightly: Forget it, let's take the right path... I don't know where this ancient city of Loulan came from. Mo Renli Buddha, does he know anything?

Monk Jise glanced at Lu Qian quickly: The young monk also wants to ask Senior Brother, Senior Da Feitian, if he knows the true appearance of the ancient city of Loulan? Haha, the master really didn't mention to us the origin of the ancient city of Loulan. .”

The two of them looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and laughed at the same time.

After laughing a few times, Lu Qian reached into his sleeves, grabbed the green snake's thin neck, and twisted his little head in the direction of the Moon Gate. The green snake is very clever. When it opens its mouth, it will spit out a very fine line of poisonous gas. The bright, emerald green poisonous gas was like an arrow, rushing towards the Moon Gate with a 'chi' sound, getting into the crack of the half-open door, and then exploded into a large poisonous cloud with a 'pop'.

The emerald green poisonous cloud flooded the entire Moon Gate.

Behind the door, there was a slight sound of falling to the ground. It should be that an unlucky bug or some other small creature was overturned by the poison and fell to the ground.

Lu Qian was not in a hurry. He put his hands in his sleeves and waited quietly for a long time.

During this process, the huge amount of luck and destiny that had been absorbed by the trillions of bugs that had just been killed had already transformed from quantity to quality on the top of Lu Qian's head - the water-like clouds of luck rapidly collapsed inward. , condensed, and now it has been faintly condensed into a thick and towering nine-layer pagoda.

This pagoda is dark gold in color, with nine floors and eight anise. Each floor is carved with countless reliefs of Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat, King Kong, King of Heaven, and Hercules. It is beautiful and exquisite to the extreme - take a serious look at those Buddhas. The faces of statues such as Bodhisattvas and Bodhisattvas are all identical to Lu Qian’s, and the aura on the reliefs is exactly the same as Lu Qian himself.

Tens of thousands of relief eyes slightly emit Buddha light, and the entire pagoda seems to be attracted by tens of thousands of fireflies. The dark golden pagoda is shimmering with little bits of light, which is mysterious, majestic, and has an inexplicable heart-stopping atmosphere. breath.

The entire pagoda is made of extremely pure and heavy luck and destiny.

The pagoda of the pagoda and Lu Qian's own luck and destiny were perfectly integrated. Lu Qian silently felt that no matter what he wanted to do at the moment, it would be unfavorable, as if the whole world was protecting him and taking care of him!

This is the special effect brought about by strong luck and destiny to a certain extent - the so-called 'son of destiny' is nothing more than this level of luck.

However, while Lu Qian's luck and destiny became extremely strong, Lu Qian also felt the bone-chilling malice coming from the void and darkness around him, like the cold current of the deep sea.

If he were in Liangyi Heaven, with such strong luck and destiny, wouldn't Lu Qian be able to break through to the Buddha realm in just a few thousand years? But this is the ancient city of Loulan...the laws of heaven and earth here, and many of the rules here are completely different from those in Liangyitian. The thicker Lu Qian's luck and destiny here are, the thicker he is. He is like a giant whale swimming in the crystal clear lake water... too eye-catching, too dazzling, and it is easy to attract some terrifying existences. targeted.

Be careful, be cautious, and save your life. Lu Qian muttered to himself... He had not yet lived to be a thousand years old.

He has not yet completed the first small goal in his life, but he can't just be tricked and killed in the ancient city of Loulan just because his fate is too good. Then there is really no place to cry out for injustice.

Quietly waiting for the pagoda to take shape, and watching the emerald-green poisonous cloud near the Moon Gate gradually fade away, Lu Qian waved to Monk Jie Se: Jie Se, we are going there... Be careful, what are your methods? Let’s show it all.”

The monk Jie Se looked solemn. He opened his mouth and spit out the cold sword.

He just used the sword to chop the strange fish bone, and a huge gap appeared on the edge of the sword, causing him to vomit blood. At this moment, the gap in the sword has healed itself, and there is no longer any trace of damage.

He clapped his hands lightly, and a low roar sounded. A seven-story, six-cornered pagoda, inlaid with thousands of bright Buddhist seven treasures, and constantly spraying bright Buddha light like fireworks, rose from above his head. , released a large cloud of light, protecting the whole body.

Then he clapped his hands again, and a string of one hundred and eight Buddha Buddhas flew out from his heart. The beads that were originally the size of soybeans swayed in the wind, and instantly turned into gorgeous orbs the size of a fist, releasing blue rippling water waves, surrounding He surged and spun rapidly. The water light of one hundred and eight huge orbs merged into one, making Lu Qian mistakenly think that there was an endless ocean surrounding the monk.

The monk was not done yet. He drank softly again and heard several low sounds of agreement. The eighteen statues are one foot and eight feet tall, and are made entirely of secret gold. Several large and terrifying ancient Buddha relics are inlaid in the heart to serve as energy sources. They are shaped like the heavily armored puppets of the Buddhist guardian kings, and slowly rise from behind him. Get out.

These eighteen heavenly king puppets moved with sonorous steps and formed a Buddhist formation capable of both offense and defense around the monk Jise. They released eighteen layers of thick Vajra Buddha light and surrounded the monk Jise.

The corners of Lu Qian's mouth twitched a few times and he was about to speak.

I also saw that the monk released eighteen pieces of Buddhist treasures, such as a treasure banner, an umbrella, a golden cymbal, a bowl, a lotus platform, and a Buddhist niche... Each of them is of the highest quality, and each one of them can be placed in Liangyi Heaven. The mighty Buddha is the most powerful treasure!

The eighteen Buddhist treasures are all defensive Buddhist utensils. Together with the previously released pagodas, Buddha Lords, and Heavenly King puppets, they are nested in a series to form an extremely complex, gorgeous and magnificent Buddhist array, which can completely guard the Jingse monk.

Lu Qian stared blankly at the monk Jingse who wrapped him thickly in the middle, and teased: Yes, yes, you are so precious, but you forgot to bring an extra monk's robe?

Monk Jingse looked at Lu Qian with a sad face: How did the young monk think that there could be a female goblin specifically targeting the young monk's monk's robes?

Lu Qian was too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

Malenli Buddha is worthy of being the ‘number one in many treasures’ of Liangyi Heavenly Buddhism. If you look at the net worth of Monk Jingse, you will know how many good things this Buddha Lord has in his hands.

Shaking his head, the monk's robes of salvation and liberation cassocks emitted rays of Buddha's light to wrap around his whole body. He held a sandalwood merit staff, and the Fantian seal was suspended above his head. The Taichu mixed beads released subtle energy in his mind, eliminating the energy of his own existence and isolating cause and effect. Confusing the secret... Lu Qian couldn't help but glanced at Monk Jingse again.

Really, there is no comparison between people.

Among the twenty-one Buddhist treasures this guy protects, there are surprisingly nine pieces with auras that are no weaker than those of the monk's robes of salvation and the cassocks of liberation!

This is the treasure that the Buddha of Precious Light Merit used when he attained enlightenment... This monk, a mere bodhisattva, actually has nine treasures of this level - is he really not afraid that he will be robbed?

Gee, with his great Bodhisattva-level magic power, how can he drive so many top-level Buddha treasures?

Lu Qian suppressed the evil thoughts in his heart, silently recited the mantra to frighten the inner demons over and over again, and walked cautiously towards the Moon Gate.

Step by step, he approached the Moon Gate and used his sandalwood merit staff to gently push open the ornately carved door leaf. The Moon Gate opened, revealing the spacious and quiet courtyard in front.

Several apricot trees were in full bloom in the middle of the yard, and four large goldfish tanks for ornamental purposes were placed in the four corners of the yard. In each fish tank, there were several red and white water lilies in full bloom.

Originally there should have been bees and butterflies dancing on the lotus stamens of the water lilies, but the green snake just spat out poisonous gas, and all the insects and the like in the whole yard died. Lu Qian could clearly see some zombies floating near a few water lilies. Bug carcasses.

These bugs have not yet transformed, nor have they given birth to intelligence.

But from the fluctuations of Qi and blood remaining on their bodies, we can know that the physical strength of these seemingly small bugs is no longer weaker than that of Liang Yitian's special training in the 'Heavenly Realm'!

So scary.

Lu Qian shook his head secretly.

To the north of this courtyard is the Moon Gate, and behind the gate is the back garden where Lu Qian and Monk Jingse just went on a killing spree.

On the east and west sides, there is a beautiful building in the northwest, which is three stories high. Downstairs, along the west corridor, are several exquisite wing rooms. Two of the doors are open, revealing the exquisite furnishings inside. Looking at the layout, there should be a wealthy lady living in the upper building, and these side rooms are where the lady's maids and maids live.

On the east side of the yard, there is a row of spacious rooms. Now that the windows and doors are open, you can see that there are large rows of bookshelves displayed inside, as well as some painting cases, desks and other objects... There is also a piano case by the window. There is a nine-stringed harp placed on it!

Lu Qian's eyes widened and he looked at it carefully.

Yes, it is in the shape of a guqin, but it has nine strings on it... Lu Qian is not very good at music, and he can't tell whether the guqin complies with the rules. But looking at the faint glow of the guqin's whole body, I knew it must be a good treasure.

Those spacious rooms are separated by hollow sandalwood walls.

The fragrance is fragrant, and the walls are hollowed out with various spaces for pianos, swords, bottles, furnaces, etc., and various strange and colorful objects are placed inside.

What shocked Lu Qian was that on the north wall of the central room, three sword grids were pulled out in the middle, inlaid with three ancient swords with colorful scabbards made of unknown leather. These three ancient swords were far away from each other, and a powerful and far-reaching sword intent came out leisurely. Lu Qian just glanced at the three ancient swords, as if he saw three extremely skilled swordsmen holding sharp swords. He has locked his fatal point from afar!

Although there are only three ancient swords displayed on the wall for decoration, their terrifying power is no less than that of three top swordsmen!

Really... Lu Qian exclaimed in a low voice.

I'm getting rich! Monk Jingse was already smiling and applauded softly: Master said that I have great fortune, and my fate is most similar to his... As expected, these are all the destiny of the little monk, these treasures are worthy of their destiny. I am destined to be a young monk!

The monk Jiese smiled extremely brightly and walked step by step towards the large rooms on the east side.

Lu Qian didn't say anything, just looked at the monk calmly.

This guy is wrapped up tightly, presumably... even if there are any ambush or traps, nothing will happen to him... right?

One step, two steps, three steps...

The abstaining monk arrived at the door...

Then, he stood in front of the door, peeping his head out. Like a cowardly little thief who was watching an older girl bathe and change clothes, he stretched his neck as hard as he could, carefully moved his head closer to the door, and peered into the door.

It was quiet, peaceful, nothing happened.

The room was silent, without any sound... only a wisp of extremely fragrant ambergris floated out leisurely.

Lu Qian's pupils suddenly condensed.

There was absolutely no scent of ambergris in the air just now!

But at this moment, although the fragrance in the air is indifferent, it is real... and this ambergris is of extremely high grade. If placed in Liangyi Heaven, it is enough to become a spice for devout believers to offer incense to the Buddha!

Lu Qian's lips moved slightly, trying to stop the monk.

But then his mind changed... Lu Qian clasped his hands together, lowered his head, and murmured in a low voice: A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist... Scared, no, no, the young monk is not so evil, he just wants to test it out. This Junior Brother Jingse, how many tricks does he have!

The monk Jingse obviously didn't notice the sudden smell of ambergris.

I don't know if he is inexperienced in the world, or if he really didn't notice the difference between the scent of apricot blossoms, water lilies, and other floral scents coming from the back garden through the wall, and this scent of ambergris.

Or, is he really a talented person and bold?

It's not like that. Is it just that the power makes the mind faint?

Lu Qian looked at Monk Jise, moved his body little by little, and with the eighteen heavenly king puppets, shrouded in thick rays of Buddha's light, he carefully crossed the threshold and entered the room in the middle.

A crisp 'ding' sound was heard, and a clear girl's voice suddenly sounded: Hey, miss, look I caught a really majestic cricket... let it have a good time with the iron-headed general. Let’s have a fight?”

Lu Qian saw that the body of the quitting monk suddenly shrank, and he was involuntarily wrapped in a palm-shaped cloud of smoke, and he quickly threw it towards a square table in the corner of the room.

There was a three-foot-diameter cricket jar on the square table. The monk Jingse screamed and fell into the jar. An extremely high-pitched and extremely majestic cricket chirp could be heard from the jar.

Lu Qian gave a soft drink and shook his hand to create a thin ray of Buddha's light.

The Buddha's light passed through the room smoothly and landed on the cricket jar. The Buddha's light slowly opened up and turned into a light curtain covering the cricket jar. Through this small light curtain, Lu Qian had a clear view of the scene inside the cricket jar.

The three-foot-diameter cricket jar has turned into a huge fighting arena with a radius of thousands of miles.

The arena is as flat as a stone, and the ground is paved with topaz, polished as smooth as a mirror. The Jingse monk stood on the edge of the arena with a cute expression on his face, staring blankly at a strange man hundreds of miles away in front of him, about ten feet tall and with an extremely majestic body.

This strong man has four legs and eight arms, and his body is a rich bronze color, as if his body is made of bronze.

And his head is worthy of the name of the 'Iron-headed General'. The huge head is dark and shines with a faint metallic luster, and the whole head seems to be made of black iron.

Monk Jingse was looking at General Ironhead warily when he heard the sweet laughter of a girl coming from around the fighting arena: Little cricket, be good at fighting... If you win, I'll give you extra food... If you lose... give General Tietou extra food!

Lu Qian raised his brows slightly, his heart suddenly throbbing.

The Luck Pagoda above his head shook for a while, and an inexplicable realization came to his mind - this trip would bring great rewards without much risk. He immediately let out a clear roar and turned into a ray of Buddha's light and rushed towards the door of the room.

As a result, an extremely strong force enveloped Lu Qian's body, and he heard the girl laughing: Miss, I caught another big and majestic cricket...ah, this big cricket is probably as big as an iron head. The general can’t defeat him!”

The clouds and smoke condensed into a giant palm, wrapping Lu Qian's body and flying towards the cricket jar.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Qian appeared on the battlefield in the cricket jar, only a dozen miles away from the monk Jiese. Monk Jiese saw Lu Yi at a glance, and shouted in an incomprehensible voice: Brother Fahai, are you here to save me?

With a 'buzz' sound, a four-legged and eight-armed man with the same height ten feet away appeared out of thin air next to the iron-headed general. His body was silver and his head was slightly glowing with gold. The girl chuckled and said, Miss, that's fine. The iron-headed general will beat the fat cricket, and the golden-headed general will beat the strong cricket!

Monk Jingse turned his face and murmured: Young monk, this is not fat, this young monk is called majestic, okay?

Before he finished speaking, the iron-headed general roared loudly. He lowered his body and squatted firmly on the ground with all four legs. There were eight giant dragon pillars spewing fire on his eight arms. Accompanied by a low roar, the eight giant pillars were like eight giant cannons, locking onto the body of the monk, 'bang bang bang', and continuously sprayed out balls of thunder and fire the size of small houses.

The thunder and fire were extremely fast, as fast as lightning. The monk was caught off guard and was hit by the thunder and fire.

The power of this thunder and fire is so terrifying, every blow is probably as lethal as the full force attack of a true Buddha-level Buddha of five or six kalpas... The body-protecting Buddha light on the body of the monk was shattered layer by layer, and it was originally round and red. His big face suddenly turned pale!

Just as Lu Qian expected.

This guy's magic power is very limited. He is only at the pinnacle of the Great Bodhisattva level, but he has sacrificed so many top-notch Buddha treasures. Each Buddha treasure is a bottomless pit that consumes mana!

The Thunder Fire only struck a dozen times in a row, and almost all the magic power of the monk was drained!

The Jingse monk let out a shrill howl. He screamed loudly, took out a medicine bottle, and stuffed dozens of thumb-sized and fragrant elixirs into his mouth... Lu Qian could clearly feel that he The mana in the body is replenished again and again, and then bottoms out again and again!

This elixir is also extremely precious.

A pill can actually replenish the entire mana consumption of the monk in the blink of an eye.

Even so, the iron-headed general's thunder and fire attacks were too fast and the frequency was too high. Dozens of thunder and fire attacks came at his fingertips, causing the sky to be filled with thunder and fire. The monk had just replenished his magic power. Once it's full, it will be drained immediately!

He cried hysterically and staggered towards Lu Yi: Senior Brother Fahai, help, help!

The eighteen heavenly king puppets rushed towards the iron-headed general with heavy steps. The ancient Buddha relics on their chests shone with dazzling Buddha light. The thick Buddha light turned into light beams and enveloped their bodies. The thunder and fire blasted their bodies. The Buddha's light keeps exploding, and then condenses again and again!

Lu Qi was horrified and moved.

These eighteen ancient Buddha relics obviously come from high-level ancient Buddhas. They were at least seven calamities and eight calamities in cultivation during their lifetimes. Only the relics they left behind have such surging power to support these heavenly king puppets to withstand such a violent attack. attack!

It seems that the only thing that the monk can really rely on to save his life is these eighteen puppets of the Heavenly King!

In the sound of low footsteps, the puppets of the Heavenly King rushed to the side of the Iron-headed General. A low-pitched Sanskrit chant came from their bodies. Flames rose in their hands, forming a Buddhist Demon-Conquering Fiery Lotus Sword. They aimed at the Iron-headed General. Chop hard!

I saw sparks flying everywhere and cholang making random noises.

I don’t know what kind of material this iron-headed general is made of. It is extremely hard. It looks like a body made of ordinary bronze. No matter how much these puppets of the heavenly king who have at least five or six kalpas of true Buddha-level attack power hacked at it, it was hard to even connect. No trace left behind!

Lu Qian was horrified and moved again!

As expected of being produced in the ancient city of Loulan, the strength of this iron-headed general is simply... unbelievable!

While he was thinking about it, the monk Jingse had already arrived beside Lu Qian crying, panting and hiding behind Lu Qian. Lu Qian glanced at him and was about to make a few jokes when the golden-headed general began to move slowly.

The golden-headed general stepped forward slowly on all four legs, waving his eight arms gently, creating circles of powerful geomagnetic force fields, turning into colorful geomagnetic blades, and silently cutting towards Lu Qian. Come.

These geomagnetic swords exuded a suffocating edge, and Lu Qian felt a faint sense of fatal threat!

He couldn't help but feel horrified in his heart - his current physical strength has broken through the extreme of the laws of heaven and earth, and has reached the unprecedented level of the Eighteen Kalpa True Buddha... Unless he is the supreme power of the Buddha Lord level, otherwise Lu He believed that no one could do any harm to him.

But the geomagnetic Yuan Dao condensed by the golden-headed general actually made him feel the fear of his life... How lethal is this geomagnetic Yuan Dao?

It’s just that the aura of the golden-headed general is just an ordinary Eighth Tribulation and Nineth Tribulation Buddha realm!

This magical power is incredible! Lu Qian realized clearly: This magical power that transforms the power of geomagnetism into Yuanci sword light... has never been seen or heard of in Liangyi Heaven!

Monk Jiese murmured to the side: Yuanci Daomang? Hey, hey, in the ancient times, the Taoist sect had a Tiexin Taoist who lived in the bottomless pit of Liangyi Tiannan Pole at that time, specializing in collecting Yuanci in the center of the earth. He used his strength to temper the energy of the magnetic sword... He was powerful in killing and invulnerable to everything, and he was rampant in the world for a while. Later, he offended our Buddhist sect, and three Buddha Lords and sixty-six Buddhas joined forces to set up a large formation to refine his bottomless pit. Fly ashes!

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows: Is there such a thing?

Monk Jise said quietly: Is there such a thing? Even Buddhist disciples don't know much about it. It's really... that time we were unreasonable, hey, hey... my master said, that time The three Buddha masters who took action coveted someone's treasure, so they deliberately caused trouble... As a result, the person died, and the treasure also... Hey!

Lu Qian nodded slowly: The treasure was obtained by Malinli Buddha?

The monk's expression froze: The young monk didn't say anything!

A loud sound of Chlang came. Although the geomagnetic sword condensed by the golden-headed general flew slowly, it was only a few miles away. As he spoke, the geomagnetic sword had already struck in front of Lu Qian.

Lu Qian held the sandalwood merit staff tightly with both hands. He raised and lowered the staff, and struck the Geomagnetic Yuan Dao with one stick.

There was a loud noise and a huge earthquake struck. Lu Qian felt his hands were extremely numb. This geomagnetic knife was not only extremely sharp, but also carried extremely heavy magnetic force. Under the traction of the huge magnetic force, it was like the entire world, the entire universe. It collapsed towards Lu Qian, and the shock was so strong that even Lu Qian's eighteen-kalpa true Buddha-level body could not bear it!

However, the Geomagnetic Yuan Dao itself is not very strong. After being struck by the Sandalwood Merit Staff and disturbed by the Buddha's light, a piece of the Geomagnetic Yuan Dao was blown to pieces.

But the continuous geomagnetic sword came with a low sound of breaking through the air. Lu Qian held the treasure staff with both hands and struck it randomly until a large piece of the geomagnetic sword exploded. His arms were in severe pain, he was shaking violently, and his body Involuntarily, he stepped backwards.

By accident, a piece of Geomagnetic Yuan Dao broke through the treasure staff and struck Lu Qian hard.

With a sound of 'chi', the layers of Buddha's light emitted by the liberation cassock were pierced by the geomagnetic knife. The geomagnetic knife cut into the body of the liberation cassock. On the seamless liberation cassock, an extremely slender, half-inch long piece was torn apart. crack!

Lu Qian's heart twitched hard.

Monk Jingse even exclaimed: Master... help me... the enlightened Buddha treasure of Lord Baoguang Merit Buddha can't stop this ghost? This, this...

The fat monk's face turned pale with fright. He was like a helpless little girl who was afraid of the dark. He grabbed the hem of Lu Yan's clothes with both hands and looked around cautiously, as if he wanted to find a dog hole and escape in a hurry.

It's just that the restrictions around the arena are very mysterious. Is there any gap for him to escape?

Lu Qian said softly: Jise, I'm afraid we are going to nirvana this time... Tsk tsk, I just don't know if we die here, can we leave a ray of true spirit behind and escape back to Liangyi Heaven to be reincarnated again?

Monk Jingse shook his head hurriedly: It's impossible. None of the unlucky ones who died in the ancient city of Loulan can return to Liangyi Heaven... In the past few years, no less than a hundred of my Buddhist seniors who have great power at the Buddha level have fallen here, Master. He has tried every means, but he has not been able to find the reincarnation of anyone, so he is completely dead and there is no hope left!

Lu Qian's expression froze.

With a 'chi' sound, the geomagnetic blade cut open his body-protecting Buddha's light and flew past his cheek, leaving a bone-deep wound on his face.

He murmured: Then, let's prepare to wait for death... Uh, how about I give you a good time first? And you won't be cut into pieces by these ghost knives?

Monk Jingse was covered in cold sweat: Senior Brother Fahai, Master Fahai... Buddha Fahai... Don't joke... We won't die, we won't, right? You, don't I’m joking with Junior Brother… Junior Brother, I’m naturally timid and I can’t stand your scare!”

Lu Qian looked solemn, shook his head slightly, and sighed heavily with a hint of despair: You have the intention to kill the thief, but you are unable to save yourself. The young monk Fahai is really too poor and shabby!

The Jingse monk suddenly looked at Lu Qian with a suspicious look on his face: Speaking of which...you don't want to fool my baby, do you? Speaking of which, taking advantage of others' danger is not what a hero would do!

Lu Qian dropped the sandalwood merit staff and looked at Monk Jingse with an aggrieved expression: That's right... then, let's die together!

Grabbing the Jingse monk by the neck, Lu Qian held him up to his chest, like a human shield blocking the vital parts of his chest, and strode towards the golden-headed general.

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