Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 815 Buddha (2)


It's very light, very hazy, very gentle, very warm, just like the old lady who was in front of the kitchen stove on an autumn evening, picking up a ball of grass and preparing to stuff it into the stove, when she suddenly saw the light of the setting sun shining in through the window.

The warm golden light illuminates the body and the heart, and is filled with the warm charm of the mortal world.

In the iron pot on the stove, a fish was simmering in the soup. The water vapor mixed with the strong aroma rose. The smoke slowly swayed in the sunshine. The sound of the little grandson and his wife came from the window. The sounds of childhood sweethearts playing next door.

Then, life feels complete and perfect.

Every cell in the body is soaked in strong warmth and satisfaction, carefree, without panic or fear, as if the only fish left in the world is the fish that is being cooked with all one's heart!

It was this kind of light that came out from a cell diagonally across from me, dispersing the darkness in the corridor, dispelling those malicious thoughts, and dispersing all kinds of vicious ambushes and restrictions contained in the 'Common Language'. Even the walls and floors of the corridor, and the bricks carved with countless talismans and prohibitions, have become warm and soft, just like the fatty fish belly meat of the fish in the pot, even with a hint of crystal. color.

Lu Qian stood up in shock. He walked to the cell door and looked through the bars at the warm light that filled the entire corridor.

Not strong, not strong, not dry, not burnt, light and relaxed, comfortable and leisurely.

This kind of power should be weak, but it is full of incredible vitality and extremely powerful assimilation force. All the strange forces filled in the space are dispelled and assimilated, and finally turned into wisps of dim but powerful light.

Time, space, and all perceivable and imperceptible dimensions are filled with this faint light.

All laws are bowing and obeying.

This feeling is just like whether you are a great hero in a narrow sense, a powerful minister in charge of the country, or an emperor who controls the wind and rain, or a famous general who has killed hundreds of millions. When you return to your home, you see that white-haired, fair-faced man. Kind old man, no matter how much power you have in your hands, no matter how much strength you have in your body, no matter how famous you are outside, no matter how strong your bones are, you will always smile and express your deep love to him or her. Kneel down deeply and salute.

No coercion, no coercion.

It is a kind of ‘Tao’ and a kind of ‘ritual’. This kind of 'Tao' and 'Li' is stronger than the 'Way of Heaven' in the conventional sense, and overwhelms the 'law' in the ordinary concept. When He appeared, hundreds of millions of dharma bowed their heads.

Lu Qian was horrified, what kind of terrifying cultivation level and what kind of superb Taoist charm can have such incredible effects?

He reached out through the fence and caught a ray of light floating lazily in the air.

This ray of light merged into Lu Qian's palm, and all the Buddhist techniques, all the Buddhist magical powers, and all the secret Buddhist combat techniques that Lu Qian had mastered began to stir. Strange spells, powerful supernatural powers, and unpredictable combat skills all came to mind one after another, and then they were illuminated by that ray of light.

All the mysteries were visible at a glance, and then, like a tall building rising from the ground, more mysteries were derived based on those skills, magical powers, and secret combat skills. The 'buildings' layer by layer were constantly overlapped and built up. In an instant, A pagoda was built!

Lu Qian said in a deep voice: Which Buddhist senior is here? Disciple Fa Hai, please be polite here!

From the fence where the light shines through, the clear voice just now sounded leisurely: Ah? Are there Buddhist disciples here? Well, which Buddhist school is it? There are too many schools of Buddhism, haha, what I know and what I have learned , it’s just a drop in the ocean.”

Lu Qian said in a deep voice: Liangyi Tian Buddhism, the Supreme Master is of the Feitian lineage...

The clear voice suddenly coughed: Ka, ka, Liang Yitian? Disciple of Da Feitian? Interesting, interesting, that little monkey has already accepted a disciple? How many years has it been?

I heard movement in the prison diagonally opposite. Someone stood up. With light footsteps, the man came to the door of the prison. Then the clear voice laughed and said: Brother Flannel, please do it for your convenience!

Clatter, the iron bars of the prison door swayed with a faint light, and slid aside on their own, leaving the door open. An 'old monk' who was about seven feet tall, with an ordinary appearance, nothing out of the ordinary about his face, a vaguely thin line between his eyebrows, and an extremely gentle smile on his face, slowly walked away from the prison. Walked out of prison.

Said he was an old monk...

Lu Qian was not sure how old he was.

Judging from his appearance, he was probably in his fifties or sixties, but his aura was as tender and youthful as a newly hatched chicken. However, his eyes were thick and vicissitudes of life, as if they had experienced hundreds of millions of years of hardship. The ancient well of baptism is extremely deep, as if it records and hides endless mysteries.

As he walked out of the cell door, he wiped off the tattered coarse cloth monk's clothes with at least seventy or eighty holes. The old monk smiled and walked to Lu Qian's cell door in a few steps. He looked at Lu Qian up and down through the iron fence.仚.

Are you a disciple of Dafei Tian? Well, your Buddhist skills do have a hint of 'change' in the 'non-heaven method of transforming all sentient beings', but...it doesn't seem to be the case?

Lu Qian looked at the old monk who looked ordinary. There was no Buddha's light lingering around him, his aura was not overpowering, and even his footsteps were normal. He bowed solemnly: Dafei Tianshi is my disciple. The Supreme Being of this lineage...

He explained in great detail the current situation of Liangyitian Buddhism, as well as the relationship between Dafeitian, Baoguang Gongde Buddha, Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha and others...

Baoguang Gongde Buddha is a disciple of Dafeitian, but he has walked his own path with Dafeitian's method.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha was the founder of the Precious Light Merit Buddha, but after many tribulations and reincarnations, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha blazed his own path.

Later, monk Yuan Jue reinterpreted the light of the Buddha that restrained the Xuanguang Buddha.

Lu Qian studied under Monk Yuanjue. The Prison-Suppressing Buddha's Light he practiced is no longer the same thing as the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha's method. It is even more different from the original method of Baoguang Merit Buddha and Da Feitian. .

That's it. The old monk smiled brightly: After all, although the fundamental methods are different, in the final analysis, you are indeed the direct descendant of Da Feitian... So, do you know who I am?

In the distance, from a cell more than twenty cells away from Lu Qian's prison, a hoarse and cold voice came from afar: You are just a damn old guy...

What followed was a series of obscene words and a series of extremely vicious curses.

His words were so obscene, dirty, vicious and cruel that even Lu Qian was frightened by them.

What kind of blood feud would it take for the prisoner in the prison to say such vicious words to this old monk? Some of these words, if it were not for the magical effect of the 'Common Language', it would be impossible to record and describe even one ten thousandth of the viciousness and hatred in the human language of Liang Yitian.

Those words were like all the evil ghosts in the eighteenth level of hell roaring together, using up all their strength, sacrificing everything they have, burning everything, and sacrificing everything. They would rather the heaven and earth collapse, the underworld be annihilated, and all the evil ghosts gather together The curse issued by the power!

Even just hearing this man's words, Lu Qian felt that his Taoist heart was dusty, and his soul that had completed the transformation could not help but shake violently, and he almost went crazy and turned into a demon.

The old monk frowned slightly. With a flick of his left hand, a soft light spilled into Lu Qian's prison and covered his body, blocking out the vicious thoughts and evil words.

Lu Qian's whole body suddenly relaxed, like an unlucky guy who accidentally fell into a manure pit. He was suddenly lifted up and slipped up. After being washed, he was completely immersed in the supreme merit pool of Buddhism. Pingfodan... is clean, ethereal, translucent, and clarified... It's like becoming an immortal, with its whole body light and graceful, and it's so comfortable that it's indescribable.

The old monk turned around and looked at the prison where the vicious words came from.

He frowned and tapped his head gently: Ah, I'm a little confused. I slept for a long time this time... Are you... Oh, I remember, I was just imprisoned back then. At that time, you and your brothers used evil methods to frame me, so I and you have been gambling and fighting for 360 million years!

The old monk smiled brightly: I spent 360 million years chanting sutras to forcibly transform your brother. Later, I lost sight of you and thought you had been completely annihilated. Unexpectedly, ,you are still alive?

The old monk smiled, and circles of soft light rippled behind him, one layer, ten layers, a hundred layers...

In just a short breath, tens of thousands of haloes of different light and shade, different strengths and weaknesses spread out behind the old monk. In each layer of halo, there is a splendid pure land where various strange creatures thrive. live.

This layer of halo has a strict internal and external structure, with tyrannical restrictions on each other. The dimensional restrictions between each layer of halo turn into chains of light crisscrossing the void, giving people a sense of 'laws and laws', 'impossible' The terrifying repressive aura of offense.

These strange creatures living in the pure land of halo, they seem to be 'all kinds of freedom competing in the frost sky', they seem to be 'free and endless happiness', but Lu Qian can sense that every move they make, every word they say, everything is... Like small gears on an extremely large and sophisticated machine, everything has already set the most stringent rules.

There is no room for disobedience, no room for offense, and no room for the slightest mistake.

Lu Qian looked at these layers of halos and faintly noticed that if the creatures living in these pure lands dared to touch the dimensional restrictions between these haloes and dared to touch these laws that had been condensed into essence, I'm afraid it won't end well.

The old monk's smile was still gentle, and his breath was still calm, but when he revealed tens of thousands of haloes behind him, the chains formed by countless dimensional laws between the haloes slowly rotated, crisscrossing, a wave of lethargy The suffocating power of the 'rules' rushed towards my face... It was billions of times more powerful and domineering than Lu Qian's prison-suppressing Buddha light. Lu Qian took a brief look at these halos and felt that his whole body was completely stiff and his magic power was completely frozen. Even the soul has become a stagnant water, and not a single thought can arise!

In his mind, Emperor Taihu's ax shook slightly, and half of the terrifying freezing power blessed by the old monk suddenly dissipated.

Only then did a few thoughts arise in Lu Qian's mind - this old monk 'himself' feels like a kind, warm, autumn-sun-like old lady; and his Tao, his The law is like an absolutely tyrannical and cruel monarch...aloof, ruthless, and does not tolerate the slightest disobedience!

Isn't this guy schizophrenic?

A cold sweat broke out on Lu Qian's forehead - maybe he was actually schizophrenic?

Just as he was having these thoughts, Lu Qian suddenly noticed that the cell door of the cell where the old monk came out just now, the iron fence cell door that slid open by itself, suddenly had two fist-sized fists growing on it. His eyes glanced towards Lu Qian.

His very spiritual and Buddha-like eyes glanced at Lu Qian curiously!

Lu Qian was at a loss, and then suddenly realized.

This prison door is already a living thing!

This old monk, who had been chanting sutras in that prison for who knows how many years, turned the prison door, and even the entire prison, into a living creature and a A 'Buddha-nature creature' full of life and spirituality!

So, the old monk called the door, and the cell door opened on its own!

What an incredible power this is!

Every brick of the Demon-Suppressing Prison of Dangmoji is densely covered with restrictions and engraved with countless strange and powerful talismans. To break through this Demon-Suppressing Prison, no one knows how much power it takes and how great magical powers can be done.

And the old monk actually turned the prison door of such a heavily guarded demon-suppressing prison into a Buddha-nature creature under his control!

This, this, this...

With such a method, can anyone be found in the huge Liangyi Heaven and the entire Buddhist sect?

A flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind... Lu Qi looked at the old monk's back with horror - in the huge Liangyi Tian Buddhism, no one with great powers could do such a thing, and what did the old monk just say? In his mouth, Da Feitian is just a little monkey?

Liang Yitian, who is qualified to say such things?

Only that one!

And behind Da Feitian, among the eighty-one luminous lights, each luminous light is also a Buddhist kingdom, where countless strange creatures have multiplied and multiplied, and have evolved into supreme gods and demons, possessing all kinds of unimaginable magical powers.

The external manifestation of Da Feitian's magical power is almost exactly the same as the tens of thousands of Buddha's lights behind the old monk.

It's nothing more than that the magical appearance displayed by the old monk is more high-end, more domineering, and more domineering than that of Da Feitian. It is full of the artistic conception of I am not benevolent and all creatures are just stupid dogs!

Therefore, the identity of this old monk is about to be revealed.

Besides the legendary founder of Buddhism who opened up the Liangyitian Buddhism lineage, who else could be there?

Lu Qian looked at the old monk with a twisted look on his face. He was not tall or tall, nor did he have any auspicious light on his back... This old monk who even looked a bit shriveled and skinny, could he be the Buddha of Liang Yi Tian?

I saw that the old monk who showed his magical power smiled slightly, and gently grabbed a circle of Buddha's light near the core among tens of thousands of bright lights with his backhand. A soft cry came, and a god-demon with three heads and twenty-four wings, shaped like a giant crow, but all silver-white, with every feather shining with a gorgeous and incredible silver light, was grabbed out of the bright light.

Standing three feet away, the extraordinary god and demon swayed in the wind and turned into a god-man statue with three eagle heads. The twenty-four wings on his back swayed gently, and he knelt down in front of the old monk respectfully: Master, are you here? What orders?

The extremely vicious, dirty and indescribable curse suddenly stopped, and a hoarse exclamation came from the cell door: My brother...how did you become like this? This ugly silver, this The disgusting divine light, and this... this... this clear and clear Taoist rhyme... have you forgotten the roots of our clan?

The old monk pointed towards the cell door and said calmly: Go, there is a cause and effect there. It was unresolved back then. You go and end it... After all, I have a fight with your brother. Let's see how we can solve it. I've lost your brotherhood!

The three-headed gods and demons slowly stood up, their bodies swayed, and the space around them suddenly split open. He stepped into it, and there were sharp curses and crazy curses coming from the prison before. The low roar was endless, and the sound of sharp weapons cutting flesh continued. This lasted for a cup of tea. A silver light flashed around the old monk, and the three-headed gods and demons walked away panting with dark green blood dripping from their bodies. come out.

One of the three eagle heads was broken, one was shattered, and the remaining eagle head was also blinded with one eye.

The twenty-four wings were even more damaged, and only two wings were barely intact.

The original Shenjun's body was in tatters and was beaten to pieces everywhere. There were at least a dozen transparent holes between the chest and abdomen. Through the wounds, you could see that the interior was made of glazed gems and was constantly shining. Huaguang’s internal organs!

Lu Qian suddenly realized that these creatures living in the Buddhist kingdom were no longer flesh and blood.

Either it is the power of Buddha, or it is the power of thought, or it is the condensation of various other strange powers.

Seeing this god and demon striding out, as he breathed, a majestic silver light lit up in his body. The wounds on his body healed rapidly, the wings on his back continued to grow, and the two shattered and broken heads also grew rapidly. .

In a few breaths, this god and demon has returned to its original state, and the terrifying aura exuding from his body is as high, majestic, and aloof as the God King of the Sky, overlooking all living beings like ants, and it is several times more powerful.

'Boom', this god and demon knelt down on one knee and respectfully reported to the old monk: Master, those crazy disciples who don't know their dignity and dare to offend have been killed by the disciples. The disciples devoured his origin and supplemented his strength. If the disciple's shortcomings are eliminated, the disciple will surely be able to break through the realm one day.

Lu Qian was shocked.

That was a powerful being that left Lu Qian almost powerless to resist simply with the sound of his words.

In such a short period of time, he was killed and devoured by this god and demon.

What's more important is that this god and demon and that unknown being were originally in a 'brother' relationship... The old monk's supernatural powers were really terrifying, terrifying, and inexplicable.

Senior, your power is incredible! Lu Qian saluted the old monk solemnly.

The old monk gently grasped the god and demon in his hand, and stuffed it into the bright light behind his back.

He said calmly: It's just a small guardian king. Over the years, I don't know how many useless things I have accumulated... Well, back then, the brothers tried to do something evil to me, but I couldn't do it because of the fashion. Leaving that prison, they thought I couldn't do anything to them.

Shaking his head and smiling softly, the old monk chuckled and said: My mind at that time was very different from what it is now, so I spent some time using scriptures to transform this beast into a heavenly king protecting the Dharma in the Buddhist kingdom. Then I am my brother. Later, there was no sound, and I thought it had been annihilated, but I didn’t expect that it has survived to this day.”

Waving his hands, the old monk smiled and said: Don't mention these, don't mention these, some evil demons and heretics, so what if you win? So what if you lose? Aren't you just like the old man, a bird in this cage?

Lu Qian laughed dryly, not knowing how to speak.

This old monk obviously has a bad temper.

Tsk, tsk, just because people used inexplicable means to plot against him when he first entered prison, he actually spent 360 million years chanting sutras, suddenly transformed into one, and disappeared in fear.

As a result, the unlucky 'brother' who disappeared back then and escaped the disaster of death, went crazy for some reason today. When he saw the old monk coming out of the cage, he yelled in such a 'excited' manner... Well, he was killed by his own family. Brother, it's over for good!

When the old monk saw Lu Qian's slightly reserved look, he couldn't help but laugh haha.

Afraid of what I will do? You are a timid child... Hey, that monkey in Dafeitian was much braver than you... Tsk, I was back then...

Shaking his head, the old monk sighed: That's all, the old things from back then are meaningless to talk about now. Well, how did you get imprisoned? Well, with your cultivation level, you shouldn't be imprisoned. This is the deepest eighteen levels of prison!

Lu Qian laughed dryly.

This is a long story to say. He was about to talk in detail about how the Holy Mother of Yaohua launched the calamity method, which caused many great masters from the Liangyi Heaven Buddhist and Taoist sects to leave the Liangyi Heaven and come to the ancient city of Loulan in search of opportunities, when he saw the old monk Shaking his head: I am outside and you are inside. This feels a little wrong.

The old monk smiled and gently knocked on the cell door in front of Lu Qian with the index finger of his right hand: Fellow Taoist, may I ask if you can get out of the way and let this junior of me come out?

The cell door was motionless and unresponsive.

The old monk frowned and sighed softly: Fellow Taoist, don't you give me this face?

On the prison door in front of Lu Qian, on the thick iron fences, layers of fine black lightning exploded. Countless strands of extremely fine lightning condensed into black talismans that looked like substance, and each piece looked like scales. Arranged neatly, the huge cell door suddenly gave people a powerful and intimidating feeling of a thunderous pool that cannot be crossed even one step.

The old monk shook his head and sighed: In this case, you are toasting and not eating as a penalty... It's a pity, pitiful, and lamentable. I originally wanted to transform you into the gate-holding heavenly king of Lao Ana's Buddhist kingdom. In this case, it seems that you and I are not destined for each other.

The old monk raised his head, smiled at Lu Qian and said: Although I have been dozing off over the past few years, in my dreams, I have been chanting sutras day and night, trying my best to transform all the objects in this Demon Suppression Prison... Lao Monk After spending endless efforts, we have achieved quite a lot. Just look at the Taoist brother in Lao Na's cage. He found his way back and became a registered disciple of Lao Na.

Since this fellow Taoist is stubborn, then... what is he still doing alive?

The old monk smiled very gently: Fellow Taoist, please return to your seat!

There was no movement of the old monk, no stirring of Buddha's light, and no fluctuation of magic power. When Lu Qian was completely unconscious, the thunderous light in front of him and the shocking sound of the prison door let out an overwhelmed wailing sound, accompanied by There was a harsh sound of metal twisting, and the scales condensed by lightning were constantly cracking and shattering.

In the corridor, the sound of Xixixu Suosuo sounded again.

In the cages, those terrifying beings who were still tenaciously alive after countless years of wrath began to discuss whether the old monk could open the cage where Lu Qian was.

There was an extremely shrill voice that was chuckling, laughing at the old monk's overestimation of his abilities.

Old Baldy, although you used a secret method to leave your cell... it doesn't mean that you can enter and exit every cell at will... Do you think the Demon Suppression Prison is really such a simple place? If it is really that simple, we He left a long time ago!”

Outside seven or eight cells, the iron bars of one cell suddenly exploded with countless fine black electric lights.

A vague figure floated out from the prison. It was an extremely gorgeous girl, but only about three feet tall. Her body proportions were perfect. There was not a single thread on her body, but her body was covered with tiny hairs. She has dense pearly scales and a face with four eyes lined up...'woman'?

The three-foot 'woman' was obviously the owner of that sharp voice.

She swayed her body and floated around within a radius of three feet outside the prison door. She giggled and said: Look, I can also leave the cage... but my 'brand' is locked in the cage. , although I can get out of this prison door, but...I can't escape from this cage...fear, the power of the Demon Suppressing Prison!

The 'woman' sat in the air, her right elbow on her knees, her chin supported by her palms, her four big eyes blinking, flashing with blurry light: Perhaps you really think you can break this prison? Door? Let that little bald head out too?


Opposite the woman's cage, a little black light shines through the cell door.

The air shook violently, and a substantial projection emerged from the air. It was a strange creature with black scales all over its body and more than a dozen sharp horns growing all over its head. It was as ugly as it wanted to be.

Shaking the three long snake-like tails behind him, the ugly creature Jie Jie smiled and said: It's so lively, so lively... Isn't it just letting part of one's power out of the cage? It seems like no one can do it? But it's so lively. What's the use? I can't live without this Demon Suppressing Prison... This damn Demon Suppressing Prison... How many years have I been imprisoned here?

The ugly creature was still laughing at first, but with a smile, he suddenly burst into tears: How many years have I been imprisoned? How many years? Unfair! Unfair! I just kidnapped the daughter of the deputy city lord of Loulan City, I just accidentally killed her...Who knew she was the daughter of the deputy city lord of Loulan City? Who knew?

Do you think this is justified? When you go out for a stroll and meet a beautiful person of the opposite sex, you want to be intimate with her, hook up with her, and have a baby. Isn't this a natural thing?

Who knew she was so weak? She died if I manipulated her a little!

Just die. The girl I killed doesn't have tens of billions, so she's close to it.

Who knew her father was the deputy city lord of Loulan City?

For the sake of a daughter, I was chased and killed in the chaos for nine 'Great Tribulation Society' hours... nine 'Great Tribulation Society' hours, chasing me until I had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth... Wuwu, In the end, three major 'Temple's were even dispatched to join forces...

How many years have I been caught here? How many years?

Although it is a power projection, this power projection is really ridiculously strong, and its existence pattern is also weird and abnormal. The ugly creature cried loudly, and the tears on its face fell crackling, and the dinging turned into black orbs all over the ground, rolling and jumping on the corridor.

I don’t know what kind of weird power these black teardrops turned into orbs contain. The ground in the corridor seemed to be greatly stimulated. Countless twisted huge runes suddenly lit up, and black and gold thunder light jumped and bombarded crazily. On these teardrops.

Along with the ear-piercing roar, black teardrops suddenly exploded and turned into wisps of faint colorless smoke that spread everywhere.

Suddenly, the three-foot-old woman groaned, and the pearl-colored scales on her cheeks suddenly turned a faint bright red, and she screamed: Damn bastard, what did you do to me?

The projection of the ugly creature laughed wildly and grabbed the three-foot-old woman. His movements were so fast that wherever the five fingers covered with black scales passed, the space was directly annihilated and collapsed. His palm was like a black hole, emitting The adsorption power of Demu Zhu locked the woman's body tightly.

What did you do? It's just some fun drugs... This is my talent. My tears, saliva, sweat, in short, all my body fluids are the most valuable to you 'women' What a powerful drug!”

No matter your ethnic group, no matter how your body is made up, no matter whether you have the ability to mate and reproduce in your nature... In short, as long as your nature of existence is 'female', my body fluids will definitely have an effect on you... Hehe, this is my ‘Tao’!”

Be good and let me feel good!

I have been in the Demon Suppressing Prison for so many years, do you know? I have been coveting you through this prison door for how many years? Jie Jie, the first day you were imprisoned, I was planning how to get you... It's just that you little thing is too vigilant, hehe... I never had the chance to make a move. But today...

Old bald man, thank you very much, haha, this little guy actually bet with you!

Hehe, you're taking advantage of me, you're taking advantage of me... these years, you've been suffocating me... little one, come in quickly!

Accompanied by the sharp and shrill scream of the 'woman', every pearl-colored scale on her body simultaneously emitted a dazzling light, and wisps of extremely thin cold light condensed into a huge sacred throne around her. In all directions, shrines filled with light appeared simultaneously.

There were countless strange and majestic gods and demons standing in the shrine. They slowly opened their eyes and looked at the projection of the ugly creature.

They used various languages, various tones, different emotions, and different rhythms, and shouted the word 'death' at the same time!

It was as if all the creatures in the world were cursing this ugly creature to death at the same time!

The terrifying, vast and boundless true meaning of 'death' surged forward, turning into a frenzy that annihilated everything in the corridor, rolling along the corridor to both sides.

The ugly creature's large black-scaled hands suddenly turned gray-white.

Pieces of black scales continued to rot, fall off, and turn into fly ash... The terrifying death curse spread along the big hand to the entire projection, and then, through this projection, was directly thrown at the ugly creature behind the prison door.

The three-foot woman giggled wildly. She leaned forward and backward with laughter, and the scales on her body were constantly opening, closing, and jumping like living creatures: So good, so good... Hehe, I just came in too. , I fell in love with you... Your Tao can be effective on the opposite sex of all ethnic groups... Hehe, this is exactly the Tao I need!

Integrating your undifferentiated 'Tao' into my true meaning of 'death', oh, my Tao can complete a large part of it!

Idiot, what a fool...


The true meaning of death of the three-foot 'woman' was suddenly annihilated, and her entire body exploded suddenly, turning into a vague and erratic pearl-colored cloud suspended in the air.

A slender, white, and flawless palm that looked like a jade carving quietly poked out of the air, and gently grabbed the pearl-colored cloud and caught it in his hand.

Then, a delicate little mouth split open in the palm of the hand, and swallowed the cloud of smoke with a 'gudong' sound.

Delicious, really... extremely delicious!

Well, you continue, please continue!

The palm shook slightly and disappeared out of thin air... An extremely sweet and charming chuckle echoed in the air. In that laughter, the projection of the ugly creature turned into fly ash bit by bit, and His true form also let out an earth-shattering wail in the prison.

Although the three-foot 'woman' was swallowed up, her true meaning of death had already invaded the body of the ugly creature.

Under the erosion of the true meaning of death, the body of this ugly creature is sliding unstoppably towards the abyss of death... But the three-foot 'woman' has been wiped out in ashes after all, and her true meaning of death has been weakened a lot. Therefore, the death of the ugly creature, perhaps It will be an extremely long process, and its duration will be a huge number that makes ordinary living beings feel incredible!

The old monk sighed softly: Greetings, anger, and ignorance are all evil spirits... Fahai, can you see such a sinister human heart?

There are no good people in this Demon Suppressing Prison... I am the only exception... Well, I am a good person. You are my younger disciple, so of course you are also a good person!

Lu Qian stared at the old monk with wide eyes.

Is this your definition of a good person?

However, it seems that you have a point, well, of course you have a point...so, what you said is correct. Lu Qian nodded seriously: What the senior said is absolutely true. You and I are of course the only two good people in this Demon-Suppressing Prison!

The old monk smiled extremely brightly.

He gave a soft drink, and the cell door in front of Lu Qian turned into fine iron sand and fell to the ground bit by bit amid a series of dense clicks. All the restrictions were shattered, and the prison door, which did not give the old monk face and was unwilling to get out of the way, was completely destroyed.

Fellow Taoist, please come under my door!

The old monk waved towards the fine iron sand that was transformed into the prison door, and a wisp of smoke slowly flew up from the iron sand. Accompanied by piercing, unwilling and crazy roars, a dark, extremely upright and majestic face of gods and demons, entwined with countless thunderbolts, condensed from the smoke and gradually turned into a huge black iron-colored metal portal. , and disappeared little by little into the bright light behind the old monk.

Excellent, in Lao Na Buddha's country, there should be four heavenly kings of the gate gate in the southeast, northwest, and southeast. Now there are two of the four heavenly kings, and there should be two more.

The old monk smiled and waved to Lu Qian, signaling him to come out of his prison.

He turned around and looked at the other prison doors, which were already beating with lightning and seemed restless. He said softly: Fellow Taoists, I will definitely treat you kindly if you are willing to take the initiative to convert...

The old monk smiled and waved. The door of the prison cell that he had just walked out of swayed slightly, and turned into a black giant face of gods and demons. It swayed in the wind, and then turned into a huge black face. The metal portal flew into the bright light behind the old monk.

Crazy thunder sounds continued in the long corridor.

A low voice sounded faintly: Since you are out of trouble, fellow Taoist, could you please do something convenient and allow me and others who are in trouble to leave this damn place? Fellow Taoist, I have a request, and I will not refuse to obey it!

Another rough but powerful voice slowly sounded: Fellow Taoist, even if we can get out of this prison door, there are eighteen levels of this Demon Suppression Prison. We are in the deepest eighteen levels of this Demon Suppression Prison, and we want to escape. , we also have to face the pursuit of Loulan City’s Dang Moji... Fellow Taoist, just for the sake of convenience, if we join forces, there is a good chance?

The old monk looked at the closed prison doors with a smile and said softly: Convenience, convenience, convenience of course...I am the most kind-hearted person. As long as you fellow Taoists have this heart, I will naturally be willing to provide convenience.

Sighing slightly, the old monk smiled and said: But, as I said before, I am a good person, and all of you fellow Taoists are obviously heinous evildoers... This junior of the old monk is naturally also a good person, It is a matter of course that I rescued him...and you, well, if you continue to do evil outside after being rescued by me, wouldn't it be Lao Na's sin?

The deep voice said faintly: So, what are the conditions for fellow Taoist? Those who can survive in the deepest part of this Demon Suppressing Prison are all people with some status and face. If you want something, fellow daoist, just say it.

The old monk clasped his hands together and sighed with great compassion.

I don't want anything, I just want all of my fellow Taoists to become good people!

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