Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 816: The method of liberation

Except for the old monk and Lu Qian, all those imprisoned in the Dangmosi Prison of Loulan Ancient City are heinous evildoers, and there is no good person.

How to turn these evil people into good people?

Buddhism naturally has a unique method - put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately... When you become a Buddha, you will naturally become a good person!

Of course, the process of becoming a Buddha and the definition of Buddha are naturally in the hands of the old monk!

Blast through the cell door, grab the prisoner in the cage to death, refine his origin, transform his soul, forcibly separate his soul and the fundamental imprint of all existence from the underworld, and wash it over and over again with the supreme Dharma. After forcibly washing it into a 'little white man', he stuffed it into the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom in the bright light behind him.

Fill him with your own ideas.

Imprison him with your own laws.

Educate him with your own ideas.

In the end, he was transformed into what he considered to be the most qualified 'Buddha'. These evil people who had done many evil things and brought trouble to the world would naturally become 10% 'perfect good people'!

During this process, Lu Qian was always with the old monk.

He listened to the old monk's teachings.

In the chaos, there are countless worlds, many of which are located in lower dimensions. Those worlds probably belong to the lower worlds such as Jishengtian, Yuanlingtian, and Wanmiaotian.

There are also many worlds located in relatively high dimensions. These worlds, just like Liang Yi Tian, ​​are existences called 'upper realms' by those small worlds in the lower realms... What those monks in the small worlds in the lower realms dream of their whole lives is to practice transcendence and then ascend to these 'upper realms' Come from the world.

There are also some worlds that are inherently extraordinary, and they are located in the extremely high dimensions of chaos. In these worlds, even a grain of sand contains incredible power and has immeasurable value. These worlds are just like the world to which the ancient city of Loulan once belonged. Even for beings like Liang Yitian, they are out-and-out ‘upper realm’ categories.

These worlds, large and small, with different dimensions, have given birth to countless rare ethnic groups and weird lives.

In some worlds, one world has given birth to hundreds of millions of people and trillions of creatures. Those creatures are like ants, with extremely meager talents. They have to spend countless years of hard work before they can barely reach the threshold of the first level of true immortality. After going through extremely difficult catastrophes that have befallen the world, and going through the test of nine deaths, only then can they carry the mana and life energy collected from the lower realm, ascend to the upper realm, and shed their mortal bodies.

In some worlds, the entire world is the mother's womb, and the entire world is used to give birth to only one ethnic group, or even just one 'creature'. Such a group of people, such creatures, are born extraordinary and destined to be the protagonists of heaven and earth... They have mastered the majestic luck and have extraordinary destiny. Naturally, they also have all kinds of incredible talents and supernatural powers, and they can easily go to the world. boundary.

As for those tyrannical creatures born in the 'high-dimensional' world, once they reach adulthood, they can walk freely in chaos.

Or traveling, or adventure, or treasure hunting, or hunting...

Some of them violated some of the heavenly rules set by the higher worlds and were ordered to be hunted down by organizations like the Loulan Ancient City Dang Mo Division. In the end, those who had committed many crimes were beheaded, while some of the 'lucky ones' were detained. In places like Demon Suppression Prison.

Lu Qian watched as the old monk forcibly broke open the cells, killed the terrifying beings inside, and forcibly refined and transformed them.

The old monk is well-informed. He tells them clearly and casually what world these terrifying beings come from, what ethnic group they originate from, what kind of innate magical powers and abilities they possess, what strengths and weaknesses their bloodline has.

Lu Qian indeed gained a lot of knowledge.

In particular, Lu Qian made a fortune.

For such terrifying beings who have been imprisoned in the Demonic Prison of Dangmosi Town for so many years and have endured countless years of baptism without dying away, even a hair or a scale from them is regarded as a top-notch treasure to the outside world.

So, one can imagine the existence of the natal magic weapon that they carry with them and have been nourished for countless years with their own essence, blood and magic power.

Flags, flags, boats, pagodas, palaces, tripods... all kinds of treasures with strange shapes and different functions. In the Demon Prison, the 18th important town alone, Lu Qian collected no less than a hundred pieces. The aura of each of these treasures is unparalleled, and the lethality is extremely terrifying. It is far more than a hundred times more powerful than the many Buddhist treasures that Lu Qian obtained from Monk Jingse.

With Lu Qian's current cultivation, current mana, and many treasures, he just barely reached the threshold for use... There were even many treasures that were too high in grade. Lu Qian tried his best to even do the most basic driving. Less than.

These treasures are extremely spiritual and are best at 'choosing their own masters' and 'turning back on their masters'.

If Lu Qian himself had come across one or two treasures like these, he would have been eaten up by these treasures long ago, and his soul would be scattered and his bones would be gone. Fortunately, the old monk was there, and he easily turned all these treasures into blank slates, allowing Lu Qian to easily refine them and subdue them.

Even if they cannot be used temporarily, when Lu Qian's cultivation is strong enough in the future, these treasures will naturally shine with their due glory!

After collecting so many treasures, Lu Qian couldn't help but curse.

So many treasures have been brought into the mind for nourishment, but it is obvious that all the treasures are still respected by the Taichu Mixed Bead and the Taihu Emperor's Ax. All the treasures are like stars over the moon, carefully surrounding one bead, An axe.

The Taichu Mixing Pearl and the Taihu Emperor Axe, Lu Qian had already been able to borrow some of their power, but these were obviously not as good as these two treasures, how could they still have such a big temper? Tsk tsk, it turns out that the original owner of these treasures is not a good person, and these treasures really don't have a good temper either.

After spending an unknown amount of time, Lu Qian followed closely behind the old monk and cleaned the 18th town of Demon Prison from beginning to end.

The old monk's aura became more kind, warm, and unfathomable.

He took Lu Qian and turned to the metal gate leading to the seventeenth floor of the Demon Suppression Prison.

After some persuasion by reciting mantras, the metal door leading to the seventeenth floor of the Demon Suppressing Prison was unwilling to give the old monk face and obediently let the door open to let him and Lu Qian go out.

Therefore, the old monk directly violently transformed this portal, turning it into a gatekeeper king in his own Buddhist kingdom, and Shi Shiran set foot on the seventeenth level of the Demon-Suppressing Prison.

The number of surviving prisoners and the strength of the prisoners on this level of the Demon Suppression Prison are obviously worse than those on the 18th level.

In the entire seventeenth floor of the Demon-Suppressing Prison, there were only about thirty prisoners who survived, and their strength was at least much weaker than the terrifying beings below. The old monk easily transformed them completely, and Lu Qian also unceremoniously took all their treasures into his bag.

So the sixteenth floor, the fifteenth floor...

Moving upwards one level at a time, by the time they reached the fourteenth level of the Demon Suppression Prison, there was not a single survivor on the entire floor of the huge prison. All the prisoners held here have turned into corpses one by one due to the erosion of the long years or the collapse of their own souls and states of mind.

Lu Qian still collected a lot of good treasures, even the corpses of these prisoners. The old monk also pointed out to him, and collected a lot of good materials from these corpses that were called 'rare treasures' in Liangyitian.

For example, during the fifteenth floor of the Demon Suppressing Prison, Lu Qian personally dissected a three-legged and nine-tailed Cangxuan dragon turtle. This big turtle has been dead for who knows how many years, but the turtle elixir condensed from his life essence is still well preserved. In the huge turtle shell, there are 108 shining Cangxuan Dragon Balls condensed.

The Cangxuan Dragon Turtle is a creature of chaos, born to control the innate chaos of the Black Water Avenue. Its attributes are almost the same as those of Lu Qian's Snapping Turtle... It can even be said that among the bloodlines traced back to the snapping turtle's ancestors, some of them have Part of the Xuanwu bloodline's magical essence comes from this Cangxuan dragon turtle.

The Turtle Pill obtained by Lu Qian allows the Snapping Turtle to directly evolve the bloodline of the Cangxuan Dragon Turtle, and the 108 Cangxuan Dragon Balls allow the Snapping Turtle to control the Cangxuan Dragon Turtle's natal magical power. , and can be refined into a set of powerful killing treasures.

With such a harvest, how could Lu Qian be dissatisfied?

Searching all the way... Lu Qian admitted that he was a bit short-sighted and could not see the good things. Along the way, even the pots, pans, wine bottles, wine glasses and other utensils on the small square tables in the small square in the middle of each floor of the Demon Suppressing Prison. After asking the old monk to help purify them, there was not a single one left. Wasteful looting clean.

After all, these utensils were all used daily by the jailers of the Dang Mo Division in the ancient city of Loulan.

Placed in the ancient city of Loulan, these utensils may be just ordinary objects, but placed in Liangyi Tian, ​​they are great bodhisattvas. Even the Buddha was inexplicably amazed by them as 'excellent treasures'!

Let's just talk about the wine bottles used by these jailers. You have seen them one foot long, with an internal space diameter of more than 30 million miles. It also comes with a 'yin and yang qi rotation array', which naturally breeds the innate chaotic yin and yang qi day and night, constantly washing it. Is it a wine flask that can refining and purifying the stored wine to make it more mellow, mellow, and powerful, and even gradually turn into nectar and jade liquid with all kinds of incredibly powerful 'medicinal effects'?

Even, this innate chaotic yin and yang energy can turn into the cold energy that freezes all things, the flames that burn the world, and then erupts on its own to kill the enemy!

In Liangyi Heaven, the killing power of such a wine pot is not weaker than the ordinary Buddha treasures forged by the real Buddha at the peak of the Eight Tribulations and Nine Tribulations. And how many thousands of years of hard work does it take for these eight-kalpa and nine-kalpa peak true Buddhas to refine a Buddhist treasure? And here, Lu Qian casually collected thousands of wine bottles, tens of thousands of wine glasses, and hundreds of thousands of other items such as dishes, spoons, chopsticks, and plates!

Even the metal stakes used to imprison and punish some unlucky prisoners are made of Chaos Spirit Gold that has never been seen in Liangyitian, or is a legendary 'treasure material'.

These metal stakes are all refined and formed 'torture instruments', which are powerful and extremely vicious.

After the old monk refined them, Lu Qian took them out. As long as they were thrown casually, they could release the terrifying power of imprisonment and killing. Moreover, these torture instruments can naturally form a set of combination arrays. Their restraining power, killing power, and various magical powers are extremely powerful and mysterious.

In this way, the old monk took Lu Qian and searched all the way, and finally walked out of the Demon Suppressing Prison, followed the deep and dark corridor, and came to the square in front of the Dang Mo Si Hall.

‘Swish, swish, swish’!

In the corner of the square, the figure made of smoke was still sweeping the ground. The big broom was waving gently, making a monotonous and rhythmic sound. The old monk and Lu Qian stood in front of the main hall, looking at the figure quietly. The old monk had a complicated look on his face, and suddenly sighed heavily, his eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and he glanced in all directions.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Loulan City, which used to be prosperous, peaceful and densely populated, has turned into what it is today... The former Deputy Chief of Shenxing of the Demon Division of Loulan City, a majestic 'tian', actually... only remains... A streak of obsession.”

Fa Hai, do you know what happened in Loulan City? The old monk frowned in surprise: I slept in the Demon Prison of the Eighteenth Town for too long, too long, and actually missed it. This big deal… really shouldn’t be done.”

Lu Qian clasped his hands together and shook his head gently.

He has never seen what the ancient city of Loulan was like back then. However, the old monk could praise the prosperity, peace, and luxuriant population. With the old monk's knowledge, Lu Qian could imagine how wealthy and romantic Loulan City once was.

And how did the ancient city of Loulan become what it is today... Do you think that Lu Qian, who has not yet completed the first small goal in life and has not lived a clear life for a thousand years, can figure out who knows how many billions? Did it happen years ago?

Yeah, you don't know. The old monk sighed, and he suddenly smiled at the figure who was sweeping the floor: Donor, do you still remember me? That day you and others joined forces to besiege me and captured me alive! That day Stop the fight and fight hard!

Lu Qian's face twitched.

The figure's movements suddenly froze. He slowly straightened up and looked over. On his hazy face, two dim lights suddenly lit up, and Lu Qian groaned, as if someone had pierced his face with an iron nail. Severe pain hit him, and his face suddenly There were two more holes that almost penetrated the entire head, and blood spurted out all the way.

What a scary look.

With the strength of Lu Qian's body, the endurance of his body transformed by the nectar of creation, and the powerful defensive power of the monastic robes and liberation cassocks he always wore, the so-called Deputy Chief of Shenxing just glanced at him. , causing him such terrible harm.

What's even more frightening is that the blood that Lu Qian spurted from his body has turned cold and cold, and all the vitality in the blood has been completely wiped out. Lu Qianmo used his magical power, and the blood spurted out of the body could no longer be sucked back into the body and rejoined the cycle of life. And the two deep wounds on his face were in excruciating pain. No matter how much his magic power washed away and his essence and blood washed away, they could not be healed at all!

Good! The old monk gently brushed Lu Qian's face with his right hand, and the two wounds disappeared immediately.

Fa Hai, I will teach you something later, and I will give it to you. The old monk said softly: Your Dharma is so subtle and clever, but... Dharma can only be grasped at its fundamentals. , One is one, with one, there is everything, there is no need to conjure two, three, four, five, six on top of one!

“Too many changes would make it too clever, and clever would inevitably be thin, and anything too thin would be weak.”

The weak Dharma cannot overcome even such trivial injuries. This is the shortcoming of the Dharma you have mastered now. There is something wrong with your approach!

Shaking his head, the old monk said softly: I don't know what the Buddhism in Liangyitian looks like now. But at least in you, I can see your Dharma, or in other words, the teachers who taught you this Dharma. Elders, their ways are a bit unrighteous.

Tilting his head, the old monk murmured: But it seems to be my fault?

When I was teaching Buddhism in Liangyi Heaven, I was just getting started... This Buddhism was spread from the unfathomable supreme secret realm. I got some of the essence of the scale claws, and added too much of myself. My understanding...well, that's right, it was Lao Na who had the wrong fundamentals, so he led those disciples astray.

Shaking his hands and shaking his head, the old monk laughed: But now we can put things right.

While the old monk was talking to himself here, the deputy director of Shenxing had already let out an earth-shattering scream: Evil devil, evil devil... Come, come, come, set up a large array of demons and capture this evil demon alive. Catch alive!”

‘Dong, dong dong, dong dong dong’!

The low sound of war drums sounded, and the doors of the main hall of Dang Moji were tightly closed. They were carved with countless cloud patterns and thunder patterns. In the middle, the door decorated with an unknown unicorn beast as the gate beast slowly opened, and there were waves of majestic and solemn killing. , heavy and solid, full of 'power' and 'prestige', the aura rolled out from the gate, and there was thunder and deafening, and the overwhelming golden light was like substance, turning Lu Qian and the old monk almost into a golden man.

However, the door opened, but no one appeared inside.

Through the open door, you can see that the main hall of Dang Moji is full of potholes and broken traces. It seems that countless people have fought inside, and those terrifying knives, swords, talismans, and formations are everywhere. The auras of magic, thunder and other magical powers and secret arts still remain in the hall, and after countless years of baptism, they still have not weakened in the slightest.

Lu Qian just felt the remaining breath in the main hall for a while, and felt that his whole body was terrified. Every cell in his body seemed to be facing 'death' itself. The breath of life was like a weak candle in the hurricane, which could be destroyed by the main hall at any time. The Qi flowing out from within is easily extinguished!

With his current level of cultivation, he was not even qualified to stand in front of the main hall of Dang Mo Division and feel the residual energy from a certain incident that year.

The deputy director of the Criminal Punishment Department, who screamed hoarsely, stiffened again.

He stared blankly at the empty and naked door, with no figure rushing out, only large clouds of smoke and golden light. Suddenly he turned his head to the sky and shouted in a hissing voice: Come here, slay the demons, and beat this evil back to suppress the demons. prison!

There were erratic footsteps all around, and the smoky figure who had captured Lu Qian alive before and sent him to the Demon Prison of the Eighteenth Town quietly appeared. They flashed rapidly and rushed towards the old monk from all directions.

The old monk smiled and gently tapped his right hand: Do you know what a dream is? You know, that's it!

With a slight click, there was no light, no heat, and no mana fluctuations. Lu Qian did not have any strange perceptions. The figures rushing from all directions suddenly froze in the air. Then, their figures suddenly changed from the hazy smoke cloud state. Be as clear as a stranger.

They looked at the smiling old monk with complicated expressions, and at the same time they let out an extremely long sigh from the depths of their souls. Then they slowly dissipated in the air like phantoms, leaving no trace of their existence in the world.

The two dim lights on the face of the Deputy Chief of the Department of Punishment became extremely intense. The big broom in his hand made a clang, clang sound, and suddenly turned from an ordinary big broom into a dragon wrapped around it. , Fang Tian painted a halberd with ice as its pole and fire as its head.

With a low roar, the Deputy Chief of the Punishment Department stamped his foot, and the smoke on his body suddenly exploded, and a figure about eight feet tall, wearing black armor, as majestic as a god appeared. The Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, which was more than three meters long, was lightly swiped into the air. Heat waves surged from the halberd's head, golden-red firelight splashed everywhere, and nine suns appeared above the square at the same time.

Amid the surging heat wave, the deputy head of the Shenxing Department strode towards the old monk. The halberd in his hand followed an absolutely straight path and pierced the old monk's heart: Evil devil, since you are unwilling to be captured without mercy, let me. I will subjugate demons and destroy you completely!

The old monk smiled and looked at the other person: Oh, it turns out that it's not just a ray of obsession, there is actually a trace of residual soul attached to it. It's just that you were also a 'tian' back then, and now, how much residual ability do you still have?

The old monk smiled, stretched out his right index finger, and stabbed the opponent lightly: Ashes return to dust, soil returns to soil. Since Loulan City has changed like this, you might as well...ah, bah, enter your grandma's !”

The old monk suddenly cursed, and his kind and warm old face wrinkled up like an old cat whose tail had been stepped on.

You bastard, it turns out you're not the only one...the chief and deputy chiefs of the Demon Demon Division, the chief and deputy chiefs of the Punishment Division, the chief and deputy chiefs of the Heavenly Reward Division, the chief and deputy chiefs of the Earth Punishment Division...and the left and right Demon Generals, Sifang Dang Demon Lord, Demon Commander of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths... you all actually merged into one...'person'?

Before he could retract his extended index finger, the halberd of the deputy head of the Shenxing Department had already touched the old monk's fingertips.

With a 'puff' sound, the fingertips were broken open, and a bit of almost transparent plasma splashed. The old monk's old face twitched, and he lightly drank a Buddhist mantra. The splashed plasma suddenly turned into a boundless sea of ​​​​blood, accompanied by a vast and majestic sea of ​​blood. With the sound of swaying waves, the void with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles suddenly turned into a blood-colored ocean. Countless huge waves and whirlpools were raging, wrapping the old monk, Lu Qian and the deputy chief of the Shenxing Department in it.

Where Lu Qian stood, the water of the sea of ​​blood turned into a huge blood-colored lotus platform, gently and deftly supporting his body.

Where the old monk was, the sea of ​​blood burned, turning into a rising and surging bloody sun, surrounding him in the middle of the scorching sun.

The deputy head of the Shenxing Department appeared inexplicably thousands of miles away. Countless huge waves of the sea of ​​​​blood slapped at him crazily, and countless undercurrents and vortices madly absorbed his body. From the sea of ​​​​blood, there were countless creatures. He had a dragon head, covered in blood-colored scales, and had thick fleshy wings on his back. The gods and demons holding spears, halberds, heavy hammers, and swords flew into the sky and formed a formation to attack him.

What a deputy head of the Punishment Department. He stood in the sea of ​​blood, letting the wind blow and the rain hit him. He easily moved the halberd left and right in his hand, setting off vast and great tracks like the scorching sun in the sky, sending countless flying towards them. The gods and demons were smashed into pieces and burned to ashes.

Nine scorching suns were suspended high in the sky, huge bloody waves were being evaporated, and the sound of boiling water could be heard everywhere.

Lu Qian was horrified and moved, and his heart twitched.

He didn't know how strong the deputy head of the Shenxing Department was... but the figures who easily captured him were broken by the old monk with one finger. Lu Qian saw it... The old monk's cultivation level had reached an incredible level. In the realm of the Eighteenth Level Demon Prison, countless terrifying beings were easily killed and transformed by him, which shows how strong he can be.

A drop of blood turned into a sea of ​​blood, trapping the deputy chief of the Shenxing Department in it. This was already a terrifying power that Lu Qian could not imagine.

But the Deputy Chief of the Punishment Department... Well, in other words, he is a collection of many 'remaining souls' and 'obsessions'? This terrifying existence, wrapped in a sea of ​​blood, still did not fall behind at all...

Lu Qian couldn't understand the reason for this level of fighting, and he didn't know who had the upper hand and who was being suppressed by the old monk and this combination of chief, deputy chief, general and king.

Suddenly, I heard the old monk sigh softly: As the old saying goes, since you are dead, go with peace of mind. Dust will return to dust, dust will return to dust. You are relaxed, and so is I... Why do you force yourself to stay in this world? You will not be able to be pure for yourself. , causing me to get into trouble out of thin air!

Hey, especially, how obsessed is the donor? How many years ago, when I met the old man, he actually shouted and killed me... The old man didn't do anything too extreme back then... The old man just saw that the people in Loulan City were simple and honest. , the city is full of people of good virtue, good deeds, and good fortune. I specially use my magical powers to transform them into my Buddhist door... I have good intentions, is it possible that I am wrong?

In the huge Loulan City, only 30% of the people have been transformed by Lao Na. You have been relentless and have chased Lao Na for so many years. In the end, you even sent the boss to the Demon Suppression Prison to suppress and imprison him for life!


The old monk sighed quietly and simply sat cross-legged in the scorching sun: In this case, there will be no winner or loser in three to five years, then... take your time... Fa Hai, come to Lao Mon.

Lu Qian stepped on the bloody lotus platform, walked step by step to the old monk, and bowed to him solemnly with his hands together.

There is no need to mention the impact and shock the old monk's words gave him. Hey, no wonder the officials of Loulan City tried their best to capture you alive and suppress you in the Demon Suppression Prison - you were living a normal life at home, but you came here to save 30% of the people in the city?

Hey, hey, what is called transformation in Buddhism, this kind of method is commonly used by Lu Qian when he is in the lower realm.

Therefore, Lu Qian knew how disgusting this magical power was.

The so-called ‘Transformation’, the so-called ‘Growing of good thoughts’, the so-called ‘Putting down the butcher’s knife and becoming a Buddha immediately’… it’s all bullshit!

The so-called 'transformation' means forcibly twisting your mind, tampering with your Taoist heart, erasing your memory, and completely turning all your past into a blank... It's almost like rape, making you lose everything from body to soul. Transform into Buddhist thugs, puppets, even furnaces for cultivation, etc.!

Of course, there are some truly eminent Buddhist monks who have great supernatural powers and great virtues. They are truly compassionate eminent monks and great Buddhas.

But including Lu Qian himself... what is the so-called 'transformation'? It's really... 'haha'!

The old monk simply 'kidnapped' and 'robbed' 30% of the people in Loulan City... It's only because the official government doesn't work hard with you that there's trouble.

But since we are all disciples of Buddhism and have done the same thing, we should not be so clear about whether it is good or bad, just or evil.

The old monk looked at Lu Qian happily, and despite the blood and undercurrents outside, he smiled and nodded: You are a smart boy, so you should already know who I am?

Lu Qian solemnly saluted the old monk: Disciple Fahai, I have seen the Buddha!

In accordance with the supreme Buddhist etiquette of Liangyitian Buddhism, Lu Qian performed a complete set of audience rituals in a regular and serious manner.

The old monk was obviously smiling, and he kept nodding: That's all, that's all. I have been locked up here for I don't know how many years. If you hadn't entered the Demon Prison of the 18th Town, I wouldn't have woken up from that long sleep. I don’t know that such a huge change has occurred in Loulan City, and I don’t know how many years it will take to escape.”

So, you, little baby, and I are truly destined to be together.

Don't mention the name of Buddha again. The old monk frowned seriously and thought for a while, then said softly: Of course this Buddha exists, otherwise, where would this wonderful Buddhist method come from? But Lao Monk, I really don’t dare to take on this title. I just passed through several heavenly realms such as Liangyitian, Dingyitian, and Guoyuantian, and passed on some of my insights.

However, I have left a legacy in so many heavens. In the end, I got out of trouble today, but it was you, a little baby, who was in front of me. It can be seen that you are the only one who is destined for this true method that I have comprehended over the years.

The old monk stretched out his hand and touched Lu Qian's bald head, smiling extremely kindly and kindly.

In that compartment, another large group of dragon-headed gods and demons were killed. The deputy head of the Shenxing Department roared and clashed for hundreds of miles, and then was forcefully forced back to his original position by countless waves of blood.

The old monk glanced over there, shook his head, and said calmly: I dare not bear the name of Buddha... I did have a name back then, and outsiders called me 'Upside Down Heaven'.


Lu Qian's face twitched. This name was weird, and it didn't seem to have a very good connotation.

If a person's name can be consistent with a person's behavior and mentality, this old Buddha was probably not a kind person back then!

Touching his bald head with his hand, the old monk laughed and said: This name is indecent, very indecent... I was too young and fledgling back then, and did a lot of wrong things. Some things really shouldn't be done... Think about it, during the years when I was still the Inverted Heaven, because of my nameless fire, there were 97,844 heavens and heavens that were completely annihilated...the size of the world that was severely damaged and robbed of the origin of the world. In the heaven world, it is ten times this, it really shouldn’t be, it shouldn’t be!”

Lu Qian's face was completely stiff, his whole body was stiff, and he looked at the old monk in shock.

There are more than 90,000 large and small heavens that have been completely annihilated?

Not to mention how many high-latitude worlds like Liangyi Tian are among them... Even if these more than 90,000 heavens are all small lower worlds like Jishengtian and Yuanlingtian, how many lives will be annihilated? How many ethnic groups have perished?

And the big and small heavens that were severely injured by him and robbed of the origin of the world were even ten times this?

No, no!

Lu Qian suddenly woke up - just the heavens that were severely damaged, those heavens that had the origin of the world taken away, what is the origin of the world? The heaven that has been robbed of the origin of the world is like a person's heart being poached... A person without a heart is bound to die... and a world without the origin of the world is destined to die completely!

So, in fact, the size of the big and small heavens that were completely destroyed by the old monk turned out to be one million in size?

Millions...of heaven...died in his hands!

Even if a world is destroyed in one year, it will take millions of long years... Well, for a cultivating 'rookie' whose life span is less than a thousand years, Lu Qian is already so numb that he can't speak. Come.

Is this Buddha?

Calling him the Demon Ancestor is probably more than enough, right?

The pores all over Lu Qian's body were slightly open, and traces of cold air kept coming out. He looked at the old monk in shock, his mind went blank, he didn't know what to say, and he couldn't even form a single thought in his mind.

The old monk smiled a little shyly, and then touched his bald head: Later, my practice took a huge turn, and the name 'Upside Down Heaven' was indecent, really indecent... so , I gave myself a new name...'Emperor Zuntian'.

Emperor Zuntian, this is the name I used before being imprisoned in the Demon-Suppressing Prison. This name has been used for many years.

During the years when I was still the Emperor Zuntian, I never destroyed even one heaven. Instead, I worked hard to travel to all directions, earnestly transforming all living beings and fulfilling the great path in my heart.

The old monk sighed: Naihe, Naihe, Lao Na has had a smooth life, but he suffered a disaster here in the ancient city of Loulan.

However, it is also a good thing. Over the years, in those endless sleeps, I have devoted myself to understanding and refining the true Buddhist teachings, and finally gained something. Therefore, the name 'Emperor Zuntian' is no longer needed.

The current old monk calls himself...'Red Dust'.

The old monk Hongchen looked at Lu Qian with a smile: Have you learned anything from the change in my title?

Lu Qian frowned and thought about this issue seriously.

Old monk Hongchen just smiled and waited patiently for his answer.

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