Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 817: The method of liberation (2)

The sea of ​​blood surged, and the boss howled angrily.

The sky is filled with blood and the gods and demons are restless.

The old monk Hongchen sat on the sea of ​​​​blood, smiling and kind, like an old woman who has entered her twilight years and has looked down upon all the honors and disgrace of life and death. She calmly taught Lu Qian the most fundamental Buddhist teachings that he had comprehended in his sleep over the years. .

There is no such thing as a supreme being.

There are no profound words.

It's just the fundamentals of Buddhism.

Behind the old monk Hongchen, a layer of bright light lit up. In the pure land of Buddhism, countless strange gods and demons were sitting under the Bodhi tree, on the golden lotus flowers, or lying in the sea of ​​mandala flowers, smiling quietly. to listen to his story.

The lips of these gods and demons do not move, but their hearts move.

They silently chanted the name of Red Earth in their hearts, and their simple and primitive thoughts condensed into a vast golden light, which gradually overflowed into the Buddhist kingdom and illuminated the entire sea of ​​blood.

Let's put it in the simplest Liangyitian indigenous dialect... Before I entered Taoism, I was the most ordinary 'person'.

The old monk Hongchen smiled. His right index finger lightly scratched his forehead, and the extremely thin vertical line between his eyebrows separated to the left and right, revealing a pair of eyes with clear black and white, shiny eyes, full of infinite vitality and infinite creation.

Of course, I was born in what you call the 'Upper Realm'. Therefore, the 'person' I am is naturally a little different from you. For example, this natural eye naturally contains a talent. Great power.”

However, even if we have such an eye, if we 'mortals' in the upper realm do not practice and do not work hard to climb up, our strength will be roughly equivalent to that of an ordinary Buddha of two or three kalpas when we reach adulthood, and our lifespan will be, in the end, It won’t last longer than a great tribulation meeting.”

The old monk Hongchen talked nonchalantly.

For example, the characteristics of the 'mortal' group he came from, the strange magical powers and abilities he was born with, the lifespan of a great tribulation society, etc.

During the Great Tribulation Meeting, when Lu Qian was in the 18th town of Demon Prison, he heard a suppressed villain say that he had been hunted for nine times during the Great Tribulation Meeting... Lu Qian thought that this was probably Liang Yi. The concept of days, one year and two is almost the same. But after the old monk Hongchen explained, Lu Qian realized how shallow his knowledge was!

Tens of trillions of years have passed since the establishment of Liangyi Heaven. If placed in the ‘upper realm’, it would be less than one great tribulation.

Lao Na's clan is a bit strange. If the mortals in Liangyi Heaven die, there is also the theory of reincarnation. If they are not beaten to death, they still have the opportunity to be reincarnated. And if the people of Lao Na's clan return naturally to the dead, , natural death, then it will be completely destroyed, completely void, and no residue will be left.”

I won't give in.

Looking up, the old monk Hongchen said to himself in a daze: Since that day, in front of my house, I was teasing 'Wu Suijun'... Oh, Wu Sui Jun is one of Lao Nai's pets. , somewhat similar to Liang Yitian’s ‘big yellow dog’.”

I was young at that time, teasing Lord Wusui and feeding him a meat bone. A strong light passed by in the sky. Three 'Heavens' walked hand in hand through the sky. Their whole bodies were so bright that they even surpassed the sky. The sun, moon and stars in the sky.”

Look up and see the sky.

Lower your head, it's Lord Wu Tui who has gnawed all the meat and bones that I threw away, and is sniffing the urine he just made!

I suddenly realized that I was not willing to live a mediocre life...a lifespan of only one great tribulation? How could I be willing to accept this? I stole money and belongings from my family, and asked people everywhere to inquire about all kinds of information and collect all kinds of sacred wills. Strange book, I finally figured out the relationship between my world realm and lifespan.

I was thinking about immortality and immortality at that time, which I didn't dare to hope for at that time.

But, living a thousand kalpas will...is this reasonable, right?

The old monk Hongchen smiled brightly: At that time, I set a small goal in life. Not to mention other things, I first wanted to live for a thousand kalpas... For this goal, I can do anything!

So, the origin of my first title, 'Inverted Heaven', is basically... I don't want to be a human being anymore!

I no longer want to be a human being, so in order to live for a thousand tribulations, I will do whatever it takes and pay any price...the price can be myself or others. Therefore, I have done many wrong things, I made a lot of mistakes. At that time, I was so obsessed with it that I didn’t realize my mistakes. I just kept working hard... just... working hard!

Turn the sky upside down, turn the sky upside down, overturn the heaven and the earth, subvert human relations, subvert the rules, subvert the law... I have done countless evil, murderous, and vicious things... Finally, one day, I suddenly discovered that a mere thousand catastrophes can cause Lifespan is really nothing!”

So, I got a second title...Emperor Zuntian.

It's crazy, I don't want to be a human anymore.

Emperor Zuntian, it's me who doesn't treat people as human beings!

The tone of the old monk Hongchen became very erratic and inexplicable... He murmured in a low voice: If you don't treat people as human beings, everything is just a tool, everything is just material. So, look at Lao Monk's pure land of Buddhism. How 'happy' are the gods and demons inside?

Haha, this is the greatest terror, the greatest sorrow... They actually don't know whether they are happy or sad at all. Their emotions, anger, sorrow, and everything are all instilled in them by Lao Na. Lao Na let They cried, they cried; I asked them to laugh, they laughed; I asked them to reproduce their descendants, and they had sex like animals and gave birth to children, filling up my Buddhist kingdom from generation to generation, providing a steady stream of powerful and elite people for me. Conquering army!”

Lu Qian felt a chill in his heart.

He was sure that this was truly the Buddha of Liang Yi Tian... Because Liang Yi Tian's various Buddhist magical powers and Buddhist secrets were exactly the same as what he said, but they were indeed of the same origin!

Those believers and disciples in the Buddhist kingdoms opened by Buddha Lords and Buddhas seem to live carefree in the Buddha Kingdom. They chant sutras and worship all day long, providing endless faith and thoughts for their Lord Buddhas and Buddhas. , becoming the material and great elixir that one's own Buddha needs to continuously break through the realm.

No Lord or Buddha cares whether they are happy or not.

It seems that they should be happy, right?

No worries, no fears, no sadness, no jealousies.

No heat, no cold, no hunger, no injuries.

As long as they chant sutras and worship Buddha happily throughout the day, as long as the Lord Buddha and the Buddha they worship do not perish, and as long as this Buddhist country is not attacked and destroyed by powerful enemies, they can survive like this forever.

Is this kind of life...happy?

The walking dead, you puppet!

The old monk Hongchen smiled and looked at Lu Qian: Emperor Zuntian does not treat people as human beings. In the current Liangyi Heaven, if Buddhist disciples want to improve their cultivation, this is the path they should take, right? Loot and accumulate incense and believers, and will They are 'sheltered' in their own Buddhist kingdom, eliminating all their distracting thoughts and thoughts... As long as they do their duty and provide incense and mind power in a peaceful manner!

You don't treat people as human beings! I was suppressed by the Loulan City Demon Division and the Demon Prison just because of this matter.

The old monk sighed softly, and his fingers unconsciously scribbled in front of him, leaving clear cracks in the space.

At that time, I had just left Liangyitian not long ago.

Liangyi Heaven is the last world where I left the seeds of Buddhism... Why did I leave the seeds of Buddhism instead of transforming all the creatures in the entire heaven into gods and demons in the Buddhist kingdom?

The old monk Hongchen whispered to himself: Perhaps at that time, I actually no longer wanted to be the 'Emperor Zuntian'?

Well, in short, not long after leaving the Queen of Two Yis, I suddenly felt tired and thought about the forest, so I trudged hard and returned to the heaven where I came from... But on the way home, I accidentally had an enlightenment and faced the critical threshold of a breakthrough.

Once this barrier is broken through, it won't be just a matter of a thousand kalpas.

But the path I wanted to take at that time... Well, in short, I needed some 'essence' of gods and demons to fill in the gods and demons. So, I moved Loulan City... and then was hunted down by Loulan City with all its strength.

It stands to reason that with Lao Na's cultivation at that time, even if the Lord of Loulan City takes action himself, there is nothing he can do against Lao Na. What's more, what about a mere demon and his subordinates?

But Lao Na is really not far away from the state of 'liberation'. It's just a matter of a layer of veil. Therefore, Lao Na is semi-passive and semi-active, and is suppressed in the Demon Suppression Prison.

What a long, deep, and sweet dream.

I finally realized the truth in my dream and understood the true essence of Buddhism...maybe not the true essence of Buddhism, but it is the ultimate that I can touch now and the limit that I can understand clearly.

So, Emperor Zuntian... no longer exists.

The world of mortals, the world of mortals, the world of mortals... The world of mortals is the human heart, the world of mortals is life... Buddhism... Buddha... Buddha actually does not need Dharma, Tao, supernatural powers, or fighting skills. Buddha is just enlightenment, just enlightenment. Wisdom is just experience, just a cup of old wine brewed from all the ups and downs that you have walked, seen, heard, and tasted along the way.

What kind of Taoism, what kind of magical power, what kind of magical powers, what kind of secret techniques... When Buddhist disciples go further and further in the pursuit of these trivial things, their mastery of Taoism becomes deeper and deeper, their magical power becomes stronger and stronger, and their magical powers and secrets become more and more powerful. It's getting more and more unbelievable... you are already thousands of miles away from the 'Buddha'.

Sighing softly, the old monk Hongchen said sarcastically: Just like the 'Taomen' of Liangyi Heaven, their path is also on the wrong path... Haha, what is Tao? Tao is nature... Have you ever seen crazy scraping of land? Is it 'nature' like a starving ghost searching for rare and precious medicines to fill his own 'dao deficiency'?

The old monk Hongchen said leisurely: I have clearly understood my past mistakes... I just don't know, that 'fellow Taoist', haha, has he understood?

But that has nothing to do with me.

Fahai, I will pass on this 'Liberation Method' to you now...Liberation, liberation...Liberation is not death, but a great freedom, great joy, great clarity, great ease.

No worries, no worries, no surprises, no fears. Only when you understand everything clearly can you achieve 'liberation!'

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