Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 822 Demonic Success

The atmosphere in Desert Wind City suddenly became extremely strange.

The four gates were closed tightly, countless soldiers patrolled back and forth in the city, and the entire city's internal and external connections were completely cut off. Even the lower-class people who usually come in and out selling fruits, vegetables, pork and firewood have stopped doing business.

If it were a serious human dynasty, if the city was closed like this, it would only take three to five days, and there would be big chaos.

But the people of the Shenyin Dynasty and the Greedy Wolf Kingdom have long been used to being tormented by their kings and lords.

Desert Wind City has been closed for more than half a month. Some of the people at the bottom have begun to chew tree bark for food and tear down beams and pillars for firewood. The market has been as depressed as a ghost, but it is surprisingly peaceful and quiet without any disturbance.

The common people didn't see any commotion, so naturally it was the Lord of Mofeng City and his family who were in turmoil!

I don’t know what Yu Guyao said to Yu Tijun and his family. In short, Yu Tijun and his descendants all started to become crazy and obsessed with practicing a 'magical secret method' passed down by Yu Guyao. !

Gradually, there was news from the city lord's mansion - Yu Guao promised that whoever among the children and grandchildren of Mofeng City can be the first to practice this skill to the great state, he will bring it back to Feilang County. Cultivate them as successors. Moreover, Yu Guao promised that once the chosen descendant reaches the realm of Buddha in the future, he will immediately abdicate and hand over the throne of the princess to this 'lucky person'!

Therefore, all the children and grandchildren of Yu Tiejun began to practice this secret method sleeplessly.

Even Yu Dianfeng, who is usually the craziest and most violent, who loves fish and teases the people the most, has been in seclusion in the city lord's mansion these days. The cultivation of the Eight Sutras is said to directly point to the supreme Buddha. The supreme secret of the wonderful realm'!

Because there must not be any disturbance during cultivation, Desert Wind City was sealed off.

The City Lord's Mansion in Desert Wind City was surrounded by more than 100,000 elite soldiers. Several city defense formations completely blocked the City Lord's Mansion, and not even a fly could fly in.

In particular, Yu Guao brought many famous generals from Feilang County, including many powerful masters from the Buddha realm.

Faced with such a strict blockade, the original wish to take revenge wholeheartedly can only be like other people who are blocked in the city and cannot enter or exit. They have been huddled in the streets for the past few days, silently munching cold steamed buns, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

Compared with their original intention of eating steamed buns on the street in the open air, Lu Qian and Da Guniu lived a really good life.

The huge city lord's mansion has become Lu Qian's back garden. He can enter and leave whenever he wants. Especially when he found the small kitchen of the City Lord's Mansion on the first day, he and Da Guniu squatted near the kitchen all day, found a clean pavilion to eat and drink wantonly, and quietly watched the demons dancing and intrigues in the City Lord's Mansion. It's very pleasing to the eye, but I don't know how happy it is.

Scared, if it were someone else who was deceived into practicing such a vicious secret method, I would definitely stop it. Lu Qian held the sea bowl, sipped the wine in big gulps, and rolled his eyes at the big bull sitting opposite. By the way, you look like a cow, and you are eating spiced tripe and drinking wine here. Is this okay?

Da Guniu's big eyes were several times bigger than Lu Qian's, and he gave him an extremely powerful white eye.

He held the wine jar, drank a few mouthfuls of old wine, grabbed a piece of stewed beef brisket, and gnawed it happily. What happened to ‘cow-like’? He just looks like a cow. His family has nothing to do with cows, okay?

This meat is so fragrant and delicious when stewed! Da Niu muttered vaguely: When I go back, I'm going to give the stupid women at home a good beating. What do they usually stew? The meat is so good, but it can stew out a grassy flavor, it’s really unyielding!”

Before Lu Qian could speak, Da Guniu continued to mutter: Don't say that our clan is herbivorous. Yes, our clan is herbivorous, but the meat is fragrant and the wine is fragrant, so of course we can also eat meat and drink... Hey, you humans, don’t you always say that the shape complements the shape? I look like a cow, so what’s wrong with me when I eat some beef? Isn’t it natural?”

Lu Qian was speechless.

In the explanation left by the old monk Hongchen, he said that Da Guniu's family is honest and honest and simple and kind... Look at this guy, does he have a bit of honest and honest face? Does it look a bit 'simple and honest'?

The big bull tilted the wine jar and poured another large bowl of wine into the sea bowl in front of the rabbit.

The rabbit shook its long hair happily, stuck out its tongue, and licked the wine in small sips. It also enjoyed licking it... The poor green snake was used by the rabbit as a material for making wine. The dish was soaked in the bowl of the sea. At this moment, he was rolling his eyes in despair and spitting bubbles!

If it hadn't been for so many years of old friendship, Cui Snake would have really wanted to mix a mouthful of venom into the wine. It wouldn't kill this damn wild cat, but it would also make him suffer from diarrhea for three months!

The big bullock fed the rabbit a large piece of stewed beef tendons, and looked at Lu Qian curiously: But, sir, although your cultivation is a little weaker and your physique is a little less strong, but this city The swarm of ants in there are also weak birds that can be killed with one slap... Why are you still hiding here?

He held his head high, puffed out his chest, and said proudly: Our clan has always done things directly and never secretly. This city lord is not a thing, so just kill him... Why do you still hide behind him? Are you eating and drinking at home?

Shaking his head, Da Guniu sighed: Although, my little life of eating and drinking was quite pleasant!

Lu Qian snorted coldly.

He looked at the big bull, pondered for a moment, and murmured: One of them wants to see what the Shenyin Dynasty is like and how rotten people's hearts can be... There is another one... I'm a little scared!

Da Guniu's eyes widened: Afraid? That's what you're afraid of? Master, what are you afraid of? Tell me earlier, what are you afraid of? As long as you give an order, countless strong and handsome men from all over Lao Niu and my family will come out. , trample him to a pulp!

Lu Qian glanced at him sideways.

Haha, step on it and turn it into a pulp!

Lu Qian believed that against ordinary opponents, the Big Gunniu clan could easily kill them. After all, the Da Guniu clan are all Buddhist guardian gods and demons who were subdued and refined by the old monk Hongchen. Even the newly born calves in their clan have the physical strength of a great Bodhisattva. Before they reach adulthood, The physical strength can rival the Buddha!

But this world is probably the place where the thirty-three Buddhas who were transformed into thirty-three cicadas fell!

If that guy really died, Lu Qian wouldn't have anything to fear.

But the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada itself is extremely weird...and the Xiaodu Yuanmo Secret that Yu Guao brought out is so weird and its origin is unpredictable. Lu Qian suspects that this secret method is the Thirty-Three-Three-Year Buddha. What's left behind!

If so, that would be interesting.

Lu Qian didn't want to show up rashly and be tricked.

It's interesting to look at... this world. Just wait patiently. Maybe there will be nothing to gain. But maybe, haha. There will be unexpected big benefits? Lu Qian drank and ate meat, and kept talking at the same time. Absorb the power of faith that is constantly used from the Eastern Buddhist countries.

His cultivation, his magic power, and his Taoism all soared crazily driven by the power of faith that was used like a sea tide... He was not in a hurry, he was not in a hurry at all!

So, a month passed.

There was movement in the city lord's mansion of Desert Wind City.

A great-grandson of Yu Tiejun was the first to complete the condensation of the demon soul. The young man who was usually quite handsome and handsome has now turned into a skin and flesh that is almost translucent, but the bones in his body are all gray-gold. When walking at night, the skeleton glows faintly, softly and silently, and the whole person is like an empty human skeleton-shaped wind lantern floating off the ground, with a ghostly and terrifying aura.

Lu Qian carefully observed the first formed demon soul at close range.

The flesh, bones, marrow, and internal organs of this great-grandson whose name has no meaning are completely devoid of any vitality or essence. It is like bagasse that has been squeezed out of its juice. of waste.

But correspondingly, his completely condensed demon soul is powerful and evil.

In the void, wisps of strange Taoist charms continued to actively attract to his demon soul. With every breath, his cultivation, his Taoism, and the power he controlled were constantly improving.

This improved efficiency is quite similar to a burning fire cooking oil, almost drying up the lake while fishing and burning the forest for hunting.

Before this guy condensed into a demon soul, he was only a first-level true immortal. On the third day after condensing into a demon soul, this guy's cultivation actually reached the threshold of the Great Bodhisattva Realm!

You must know that the leader of Mofeng City, Yu Tiejun, is only at the 27th level of the real fairyland.

Lu Qian almost watched as his great-grandson, who had become a demon soul, rapidly increased his cultivation level at an incredible and unreasonable speed in just two or three days.

Moreover, his way of thinking, his behavior, and even some of his daily living habits, etc., have undergone earth-shaking changes in just two or three days, under Lu Qian's eyes.

It turns out that this guy likes beauty, and he is not taboo between men and women. Every day he would harm three or five maids, or two or three personal book boys. But in the past few days, this guy has completely lost any urge for beauty, but has an extremely strong desire for blood, blood and soul.

On the first day when he became a demon soul, all the maids and bookboys in his courtyard were poisoned and turned into ashes by him.

On the second day after condensing the demon soul, the two teams of City Lord's Mansion guards patrolling near the courtyard were also secretly hunted by him, leaving not even a trace of their souls behind.

On the third day after condensing into a demon soul, that is, when the strength climbed to the threshold of the Great Bodhisattva Realm, this fellow had become restless, walking around in his courtyard as if his buttocks were on fire, and making excruciating gasping sounds from time to time. .

Finally, at noon that day, the man suddenly pushed open the courtyard door, and like a wisp of evil wind, he flew towards his brother's small courtyard next door.

On weekdays, the city lord's palace in Mofeng City and the courtyard where these direct descendants of the Yu Tie Army live are naturally heavily guarded. Nearly ten thousand soldiers are stationed around all year round to protect the safety of these descendants of the city lord.

In particular, yesterday, this guy devoured two groups of guards near his yard. The City Lord's Mansion had already discovered this incident... However, the City Lord's Mansion did not respond at all, and instead evacuated all the guards nearby.

Along the way, it felt like entering an uninhabited land. This guy came to the door of his brother's courtyard. He lightly touched the heavy courtyard door with his right hand. The metal courtyard door with reinforced defensive restrictions suddenly melted silently. Disappeared in an instant. In the courtyard, several maids who were huddled in the corner and shivering suddenly opened their eyes and were about to scream in terror.

A translucent, sinister figure floated out from the main room of the courtyard slowly, and circled around several maids. The maids suddenly shriveled up, and then 'poof' ' With a sound, it exploded into bits of debris and dust flew away.

The same translucent flesh, organs, and bones were turned green-gold, and they also emitted a faint light in broad daylight. The young man who had also condensed into a demon soul looked at his brother who broke into his courtyard with a smile: Xiao Qi, what is your intention of breaking in like this?

Xiao Qi smiled, strode towards her brother, and stretched out her hand without saying a word.

The other party also stretched out his hand, and their palms suddenly collided. There was a muffled sound, and their bodies shook violently at the same time!

The evil and viciousness of Xiaodu Luyuan Momi, the ghost father of the Nine Sons, was fully exposed.

As long as they are condensed into demon souls, the demon souls are born with an extremely strong urge to devour each other and fuse with each other... Moreover, once they meet, they will definitely kill each other, and there will be no room for relaxation.

Especially, driven by that kind of strong desire, these condensed demon souls will not be afraid or fearful. Once they see each other, they will use all their strength to devour each other, or be swallowed by each other. Really. They will fight to the death...even if they are completely at a disadvantage, they will never escape!

A faint radiance erupted from the two bodies, and wisps of blue-gold magic light surged and collided rapidly along their palms that were touching each other. The majestic evil forces swallowed and merged with each other. In just a few breaths, the two demon souls had already disappeared.

After all, Xiao Qi had a bit of a head start. He formed a demon soul a few hours earlier than his brother, so his background was slightly stronger. His brother disappeared without a trace, and Xiao Qi had firmly entered the realm of the Great Bodhisattva!

What surprised and horrified Lu Qi, who was watching on the sidelines, was that Xiao Qi and his brother had just stepped onto the threshold of the Great Bodhisattva... It stands to reason that when the two of them are fused, even if one plus one is added, the most they can do is Stable in the cultivation of the great Bodhisattva for the first time!

After these two guys devoured each other and left only one demon soul behind, Xiao Qi, who was left behind, unreasonably raised his cultivation to the peak of the Great Bodhisattva!

One plus one is almost equal to a hundred?

It's weird and inexplicable! Lu Qian pinched his fingers and counted: So, nine sons, eighty-one grandsons, seven hundred and twenty-nine great-grandchildren, and so many gray grandsons later. If they all succeed, then... …”

Lu Qian's face looked a little ugly.

Is it possible that this weird and vicious Xiaodu Lu Yuan Demon Secret can directly become a Buddha?

This is too outrageous!

If this is really the plan of the Thirty-three Buddhas, what does he want to do?

One after another, miserable howls and screams continued to be heard in the city lord's palace in Desert Wind City... Some of the miserable howls and screams were made by the descendants of the Yu Tie Army, and there were more miserable howls and screams, as well as extremely frightening cries. The cries came from the servants of the City Lord's Mansion.

There are tens of thousands of members of Yu Tiejun's family, old and young, and the number of servants and servants who serve them is an extremely huge number.

From the outside, the City Lord's Mansion, which is only a few miles long and wide, is not large in scale.

But in fact, this city lord's palace has also been set up with a large array. From the outside, the city lord's palace seems to be only a few miles in radius, but the internal space is actually several times larger than the outside of Desert Wind City. The city lord's palace is surrounded by dense forests, gorgeous courtyards, and large and small courtyards and pavilions. It is so beautiful that it looks like a fairyland on earth.

However, as the demon souls were cultivated one after another by the children and grandchildren of the Yu Tie Army, the servants in the city lord's mansion and the garrison guards were the first to bear the brunt. They became the targets of their hunting, and the first batch of powerful medicinal elixirs were supplemented.

There was eerie laughter everywhere.

There were shrill cries and howls everywhere.

The sound of thunder, the sound of swords, and the bombardment of various magic weapons are endless.

The demon soul condensed from the secret of Xiaodu Lu Yuan Mo has a very fast cultivation and extremely strong combat power. It is especially invisible and silent. Not to mention the servants, even the elite guards stationed in the city lord's palace, even if they formed small military formations to defend themselves, they could not withstand the impact and killing of these demon souls.

In just a few days, almost all the 'outsiders' in the city lord's mansion were slaughtered.

Only Yu Tiejun, a few of his favorite beauties, and a group of descendants who had not been taught the secrets and were still considered normal people, gathered fearfully in the courtyard of Yu Tiejun's residence.

In the gorgeously furnished hall, Yu Guao was holding a tea cup and looking at a bright water mirror in front of him with a smile.

In the mirror light, there was the scene of Yu Dianfeng's Jie Jie grinning strangely as he wildly killed a group of nearly a thousand elite guards.

This team of elite guards is the personal bodyguard used by the Yu Tie Army to station outside the courtyard of their residence. The soldiers with the weakest cultivation level also have the strength of the 20th level of the True Immortal Realm. The general who leads the army is also the same as the Yu Tie Army itself. The cultivation level seems to be different.

Such a team of thousands of elites is the core and backbone of the entire city's defense in Desert Wind City. On weekdays, the Yu Tie Army also uses high-ranking officials, generous salaries, wealth and beautiful women to win over them, and only then can they be trained to be loyal!

However, such an elite team was knocked loose by Yu Dianfeng, a dandy who knew nothing but common people. From time to time, he would catch unlucky ones from the military formation and suck them into pieces in a few gulps. Hold the fly ashes!

Lu Qian and Da Guniu squatted side by side on the small building, watching the battle between Yu Dianfeng and this elite guard at close range.

Very fierce, very evil, very domineering, very fierce.

Yu Dianfeng didn't use any earth-shattering spells or any unfathomable magical powers... He was a spell in and of himself, a magical power in his own right. His advance and retreat were as fast as lightning, and there was a hint of the legendary 'Void Sky Ghost' teleporting through the air. His body was slippery, almost invisible, and all the swords and lights could not touch his body at all.

And he is more like a born 'body of forbidden laws'. He shuttles back and forth between this army of guards. Wherever he passes, all forbidden laws are broken and cannot cause any damage to his body. .

His power was immense, definitely not weaker than the high-level golden Buddha. Wherever his hands passed, those high-level true immortal weapon-level armors and swords were shattered one after another, and he crushed them to pieces with just one hand.

As for those guards, as long as he invades within ten feet of their body, the blood essence and soul thoughts in their body will pour out from the pores of their body uncontrollably, and they will be sucked clean by him in the blink of an eye.

Silently, Lu Qian formed a seal with his hands and blessed the remaining hundreds of guards of the City Lord's Mansion with the body-protecting magical power of 'Little Vajra Meditation Buddha's Light'. A circle of extremely faint golden light suddenly enveloped these guards, causing their strength to soar, their souls to stabilize, and their physical strength and resistance to external evil to increase by more than ten times.

The power used by Lu Qian was probably at the level of the Eight Tribulations and Nine Tribulations True Buddha level.

The regular troops of the Shenyin Dynasty practiced magic and supernatural powers based on the Buddhist magical powers and secrets that Lu Qian passed on to Yu Diaihu and others. The most important line of Buddhism was the Great Vajra Temple of the Supreme Holy Sky Buddhism. Powerful Vajra supernatural power.

Therefore, Lu Qian quietly blessed this small Vajra Meditation Buddha's light. The light golden Buddha's light perfectly blended with the golden light and auspiciousness of these guards. Even Yu Guao and Yu Tiejun who were watching the battle did not It can be seen that any changes have occurred on these guards.

Lu Qian thought to himself that with his current strength, after secretly blessing this magical power, the actual combat power of these guards could at least compete with the Buddhist major cultivators who had just stepped onto the threshold of the Buddha realm.

Even so, amid Yu Dianfeng's hysterical laughter, he devoured the remaining hundreds of guards in just a quarter of an hour while advancing and retreating.

Lu Qian couldn't help but feel horrified.

These were hundreds of elites whose actual strength was not weaker than that of Buddha... but they were easily killed by Yu Dianfeng?

The current actual combat power of Yu Dianfeng is at least at the level of an ordinary Buddha at the peak of five or six calamities.

He has just condensed into a demon soul... When his climate becomes deeper, when he is harvested, and finally sacrificed into the so-called Nine Sons Ghost Father Xiao Du Lu Yuan Demon, what kind of ferocious flames will there be? ?

Awesome, awesome! Lu Qian softly murmured to the big bull beside him, who was holding a stewed bull head and gnawing wildly: This evil method... Tsk, with a slight change, let my father practice it, it should be It’s excellent.”

My father, although he only has a precious son like me, he has countless Yuan Demon clones, and the innate Yuan Demon... well, slightly modify these few sections of Xiao Dulu Yuan Demon's secret method. , let dad inject his essence and blood into his clone Yuan Demon, and then use the magical power of 'stealing the sky to change the sun' to simulate the blood fluctuations of his own heirs.

Well, with one person's power, he can simulate dozens of generations of descendants...one, nine, eighty-one, seven hundred and twenty-nine...and so on, dad has hundreds of millions of clones. By training like their descendants, there is no need to worry about any possibility of backlash.

Hiss, isn't this secret technique a great magical power created by heaven and earth for him?

Let's observe carefully and see what kind of appearance this secret method will have in the end... Is there any future troubles? I'm thinking that there will definitely be future troubles. As long as we completely eliminate the troubles of this secret method... and solve the problem of the person who caused the troubles. Yes, this great magical power still has some cultivation value.

Lu Min's cloned Yuan Demons were numerous in number, cruel and vicious, and possessed an extremely magical and mysterious supernatural power.

However, there are so many of his cloned Yuan Demons that their individual strength is really a bit stretched.

But how to cooperate with the Nine Sons Ghost Father Xiaodu Lu Yuan Mo Secret to re-sacrifice those cloned Yuan Demons, let them continue to improve, and finally turn hundreds of millions of cloned Yuan Demons into one extremely powerful little one? Du Lu Yuan Demon...then how terrifying his combat power will he be?

Just look at how a mere fish Dianfeng can defeat hundreds of elite guards who have the strength to enter the Buddha's threshold for the first time... With Lu Min's strength and foundation, and the number of demons in his clones, what will he have after he achieves great success? Earth-shattering strength?

The only thing to worry about is the origin of this secret technique and the person behind it!

Lu Qian nodded slowly, picked up the sea bowl, and took another mouthful.

Yu Dianfeng slaughtered all the guards stationed outside his father's courtyard, stretched out his white tongue, licked his lips lightly, and chuckled: Grandpa, father... I am my child...

From a distance, a weird sneer came: Brother Feng, do you think you are the first lucky person to achieve great success? Hehe, so many brothers have not said anything yet, how can it be the turn of a loser like you to speak?

Yu Dianfeng took a deep breath, without moving his body. His head twisted 180 degrees on his neck with a click, and he looked behind him: Ah, it's the eldest brother... Yes, we These brothers are all trash, and you, the eldest brother, have already considered yourself the future lord of Desert Wind City.

Hehe, let me weigh it and see what your big brother is capable of!

The innate restraint in the secret of Xiaodu Lu Yuan Demon was activated, and Yu Dianfeng and his brothers had extremely strange causal connections with each other, and they had extremely strong greed and coveting for each other.

They abandoned the courtyard where Yu Guao and Yu Tiejun were, swaying, and ran straight towards the other brothers who had also cultivated into demon souls!

In the huge city lord's palace, Yu Tiejun's son killed his son, his grandson killed his grandson, and his great-grandson killed his great-grandson... Those selected descendants who had practiced the secrets of the Yuan Demon of Xiaodu Lu fought in a group and beat the entire city lord's palace. The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, razing almost all the landscape and buildings to the ground.

All the servants, escorts, maids, etc. in the city lord's mansion retired over time and were killed and devoured. In the end, even the rare birds and animals, parrots, white cranes and other things raised in the garden were sucked into a flying ball. Ash.

Except for the courtyard where Yu Guao and Yu Tiejun were located, which was barely intact, the entire city lord's palace only had the small building where Lu Qian and Da Guniu were hiding, and a rockery and woods outside the building, which still stood intact in ruins.

Lu Qian sat cross-legged on the roof of the small building and ate and drank. The lotus platform of longevity was suspended above his head, emitting a faint light and covering all directions.

All the living creatures in the city lord's mansion ignored the existence of this small building, and no one even glanced here.

Time passed like this day by day, and at midnight on the forty-ninth day, an earth-shattering sinister laughter that penetrated directly into the soul rose from the sky: It's me, it's me... Hahaha, it turns out that I want to swallow up all these wastes. , it takes forty-nine days of morning light to condense all the power of blood, all destiny, fate, and luck into one, so that this secret method can truly be completed!

The light is sparkling and evil light surges.

Yu Dianfeng was actually the final winner!

His whole body turned into a translucent blue-gold color, and no traces of the internal organs, bones, or meridians could be seen in his body. There was only a group of extremely evil green-gold light flickering, and there were countless mysterious Taoist symbols in it from time to time. The seal flashed by.

There was a vague and extremely evil Sanskrit singing around him. With his hands behind his back, he walked steadily towards the courtyard where Yu Guao and Yu Tiejun were. With every step he took, a ball of green-gold light floated naturally beneath his feet, and a lotus flower the size of a water tank slowly bloomed.

If you look carefully at this lotus, you will see that every lotus petal is naturally imprinted with evil and ferocious mantras!

Those sutras and mantras are contrary to human relations and reverse the laws of heaven. If they are placed in the lower world, any leakage of them will cause the Taoist rhyme of a heaven to collapse and the heart of the Tao to collapse. It may completely wipe out the heaven and turn it into a dark and evil world. Evil monsters.

The mantras on these lotus petals should not exist between heaven and earth at all!

Lu Qian took a deep look at the lotuses that were constantly emerging under Yu Dianfeng's feet. When he saw the mantras on the lotus petals, he felt that his soul was swaying. Countless evil thoughts were growing from his soul, and countless distracting thoughts were pouring out of his heart. I wish I could turn into the most vicious butcher and tyrant in the world, act wantonly and bring trouble to the whole world...

Chanting the Buddha's name softly, a wisp of clear and transparent Buddha flames slowly swayed on the longevity lotus platform, wrapping Lu Qian's body and cutting off the invading evil thoughts!

Circles of bright light rose and floated on the big gunniu, completely unaffected by this evil method!

He is no longer a completely independent life form. His soul is placed in the world of mortals, and his flesh, blood, and life all belong to the heaven of mortals... If you want to make the big bull cow become a demon, or you want to use a similar method to curse the big bull bull, To do this, the entire world of mortals must be completely shattered!

But... shattering the world of mortals... how could it be possible with Yu Dianfeng's evil power!

Lu Qian couldn't help but glance at the big bull and was surprised.

The rabbit cat and the green snake made uneasy chirping sounds, and there was a faint evil light in their eyes... Lu Qian grabbed them and threw them into the longevity lotus platform. Wrapped in the Buddha's flames, the auras of the two uncles quickly stabilized. .

Yu Dianfeng walked step by step to the gate of the campus where his father and grandfather were. He straightened up his waist suddenly and raised his arms toward the sky.

There was a 'crash' sound.

With Yu Dianfeng as the center of the circle, the entire city lord's mansion turned into flat ground.

The courtyard pavilion in front of him that had been relatively intact before emitted a dense Buddha light, and more than a dozen layers of defensive arrays lit up. Then in front of the overwhelming evil force released by Yu Dianfeng, the Buddha array collapsed, the Buddha light was annihilated, and the courtyard pavilion turned into ashes. It revealed Yu Tiejun, Yu Guao, as well as a group of beauties, children and descendants around Yu Tiejun.


Yu Dianfeng chuckled, waved his sleeves triumphantly, and pointed lightly at the smooth, mirror-like ground around him: With Dianfeng's current cultivation level, can it still catch your eyes?

Without waiting for Yu Guao's answer, Yu Dianfeng bowed deeply to Yu Tiejun in a decent manner: Also, father, my son is done. Hey... from now on, the princess of Feilang County will The throne belongs to the child... Well, don't worry, father, those aunts and uncles you are spying on, the child will get their hands on them and have a good taste of them on your behalf!

Also, those uncles and uncles you have been quite dissatisfied with over the years...well, the child will find an opportunity to kill them all...otherwise, how can those cute aunts and uncles be obedient? Are you letting your children do whatever they want?

His eyes flashed with a crazy, confused and inhuman evil light, and he uttered a bunch of crazy words in his mouth that were against the ethics of heaven, earth, and humanity. Yu Dianfeng shook his body, and in a flash he was in front of Yu Guao.

He grabbed Yu Guao's sleeve and said with a weird smile: Grandfather, hurry up and give me the order to give me the position of the head of Feilang County... Hehe, I can't wait to try the county. What does it feel like to come to the throne of the Lord.”

The evil light in Yu Dianfeng's eyes was so intense that Yu Guao's face was burned by the evil light.

Seeing Yu Guyao's face rolled up and large blood blisters appeared, Yu Guyao couldn't help but screamed in pain: Tiejun, if you don't do anything yet, when will we wait?

Yu Dianfeng rolled his eyes, and the evil light shone brightly.

Do it? What do you do? Ah? Old guy? Old man? What are you calculating?

In an instant, Yu Dianfeng cursed loudly and almost hysterically - devouring so many brothers, children, grandchildren, nephews and other blood relatives. Not only did he absorb the talents, qualifications, fate and luck of all of them, he also absorbed them. People's memories, experiences, etc., are all integrated into one.

Yu Dianfeng himself is a real loser and a piece of shit.

When it comes to preying on common people and poisoning living beings, he is a top-notch expert. There are few people in the entire Desert Wind City who can compare with him. But when it comes to serious matters, Yu Dianfeng is really a waste. What can he understand?

However, among his brothers, there are quite a few who are quite smart and capable, and their eyes have long been set on the wolf cub who sits on the throne of the Lord of Mofeng City. After Yu Dianfeng devoured them, all these experiences, ambitions, experiences, and accumulations were gained by him, and an extremely wonderful aging reaction occurred.

When Yu Dianfeng heard Yu Guao's words, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He roared angrily, and the evil light around him became strong. He turned into a ball of human-shaped light and shadow and rushed towards the Yu Tie army: Old guy, I'll kill you!

Where the evil aura soared into the sky and shrouded in evil light, behind Yu Tie's army, those children who had not practiced the secrets of Xiao Du Lu's Yuan Demon suddenly turned pale, and the essence and blood in their bodies gushed out uncontrollably. In an instant, all the direct descendants of the huge Yu Tie Army were killed and injured, leaving no one alive!

Yu Tiejun's body trembled, then trembled again.

Thousands of his children and descendants, except for those daughters who married outside the family, died under his eyes?

Now, alone?

Dad! Yu Tiejun screamed: What did you say is absolutely foolproof?

Amidst the curses, Yu Tiejun shouted loudly, stabbed his heart with a finger, and saw a stream of blood spurting out, which instantly turned into a three-foot-long flagpole in front of him, with a small bloody flag on it. The flag wavered rapidly.

The blood flag flickered, and Yu Dianfeng's body suddenly stiffened.

He roared in a low voice. He had just devoured the blood and souls of so many brothers and sisters, and so many descendants of the clan. His aura soared again, and his strength soared again... But the secret method he practiced left a secret door. At this moment As soon as Yu Tiejun's secret technique came out, even though Yu Dianfeng's true cultivation level was a thousand or ten thousand times stronger than that of Yu Tiejun, he couldn't move at all!

Yu Guao nodded slowly.

There seems to be nothing unusual about this method of restraint.

Now, it depends on whether the Yu Tie Army can completely subdue Yu Dianfeng, cut it into nine pieces, and merge it with his own nine-point soul, turning it into the truly immortal Nine Sons Ghost Father Xiao Du Lu Yuan Mo !

Once the Xiao Du Lu Yuan Demon is achieved... then it will be Yu Guao's turn to take action to see if he can completely refine the Xiao Du Lu Yuan Demon that Yu Tiejun transformed into his own Yuan Demon clone!

Once Yu Guao succeeds and there are no further troubles... Yu Cang Lang will refer to this experiment and practice this secret method seriously... By then, will Yu Cang Lang keep his promise?

Yu Guao breathed out a heavy breath, shook his head and said: Tie Jun, do it. He is no longer your child Yu Dianfeng, he is already... a demon!

Yu Tiejun stared at Yu Dianfeng with a hint of palpitations.

He pondered for a moment and then hesitated: Father, this secret method...

Yu Guao smiled calmly: If you don't take action now, he will come back and kill you... Do you have a choice?

Yu Tiejun's body trembled, he gritted his teeth and smiled bitterly.

Yeah, no choice.

As Yu Guyao's not-so-favored bastard, who even had only one bastard in a remote military city on the frontier, Yu Guyao came to him personally and asked him to use all his children and grandchildren as a cost to practice this vicious secret method... He simply didn't There is no choice!

Yes! Yu Tiejun exhaled heavily: Dianfeng, you were tricked by your father and your grandfather this time.

Yu Tiejun began to describe in detail the truth behind this secret of Xiaodu Lu Yuan Demon - all the people who practice this secret method are just consumables... Their sacrifices were just for Yu Tiejun to finally master this vicious, cruel, and cruel skill. A secret technique that destroys humanity and violates human ethics.

Yu Tiejun said slowly.

Yu Dianfeng was screaming and cursing hysterically... Every word Yu Tiejun said was like countless barbed knives, piercing deeply into his heart, making him feel boundless pain. Breeding boundless resentment.

Then, Yu Tie's army followed the steps in the secret method and began to torture Yu Dianfeng with various vicious soul punishments.

Yu Dianfeng's bit of human intelligence was wiped away bit by bit.

Human nature is annihilated, and evil thoughts are overwhelming.

Although Yu Dianfeng didn't have much 'humanity' in the first place, as the secret method continued to be activated, his demonic flames became more and more fierce. The vicious and evil demonic energy turned into a green-gold light and illuminated the entire city lord's palace. The aftermath of the evil thoughts leaked out shook the entire city lord's palace, causing the defensive array to loosen and shake, and many places continued to crack and collapse.

Yu Guao shouted loudly, and the elite soldiers who surrounded the City Lord's Mansion from all directions formed formations to reinforce the formation around the City Lord's Mansion.

In the huge city lord's mansion, all one could hear was Yu Dianfeng's hysterical howls and curses.

In the end, as the last trace of human reason was completely wiped out, he could no longer utter a complete sentence. The only sounds he could make were hysterical screams and meaningless roars.

The Yu Tie Army continues to use secret techniques to torture this newly born ‘demon’!

Between heaven and earth, the mighty evil energy emerged out of thin air, constantly blending into this twisting and flickering blue-gold 'devil' shadow. His aura became more and more powerful, and gradually, Lu Qian felt a slight palpitation in his heart.

This Qi machine is almost comparable to the Buddha Lord of Liangyi Heaven!

What a terrifying vicious demonic power this is!

Outside the City Lord's Mansion, on the street, the young monk Ben Yuan was already ready to make a move. These days, he had gradually wandered into an alley closest to the City Lord's Mansion. Two streets away, he could clearly see the people guarding the wall of the City Lord's Mansion. A large group of soldiers outside.

On this day, Yu Guao's voice came slowly from the city lord's palace: We need blood sacrifices... Come and slaughter the entire Desert Wind City, collect the essence, blood and souls of those untouchables, and feed them to my Dianfeng Good grandson!

From all directions, a large group of Feilang County's elite soldiers responded to the promise, and without hesitation activated the city defense formation, sealed the entire city, and started to kill.

Ben Yuan was horrified and jumped up suddenly.

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