Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 823: Killing the Demon

In the Shenyin Dynasty, the people were like leeks.

In a country where wolves are greedy, the people are worse than dogs.

Those monks wearing armor slaughtered some low-class people who were worse than pigs and dogs. What pressure and burden did they feel?

A large formation surrounded them, smoke and clouds were everywhere, and amidst the howling wind, teams one by one rose into the air, their swords emitting hundreds of feet of cold light, ready to sweep towards the neighborhoods of Desert Wind City.

Suddenly, the voice of Yu Tiejun came from the city guard's house: Be careful, don't break those pots, pans, thatched huts... It doesn't matter how many of these untouchables kill, but these furniture are all alive. If it’s broken, isn’t it all money for rebuilding and repurchasing in the future?”

The army that was about to let go of the massacre suddenly stopped. They looked at each other, fell to the ground one by one, carefully entered the room, and kindly pushed the common people out of the door one by one, waiting to kill them heartily.

Yu Lao Gou, you guys...do you still have humanity? Seeing countless soldiers rushing out, about to kill people all over the city, Ben Wan had already exploded, and his long hair fell down, revealing a big, smooth bald head. Buddha's light surged around his body, his body was like a mountain, his steps were like thunder, he took one step forward, rushed in front of a group of city guards a hundred feet away, and punched them in the face.

The fist was like a diamond thunder, exploding loudly throughout the sky, followed by a miserable howl. Dozens of city guards had their armor shattered, their flesh and blood flying everywhere, and their bones and flesh were shattered in an instant.

Before these city guards could activate their mana and recast their bodies, a blue-gold magic light rushed out from the city guard's mansion. When it rolled towards the souls of these city guards, dozens of true immortal souls were seen howling miserably. , was involuntarily involved in the city guard's mansion by the magic light.

Yu Dianfeng, who was being tortured by Yu Tie's army, let out a hearty roar. His breath became more and more powerful, and the frequency of the evil energy surged faster and faster. The tide of evil energy beat against the defensive formation of the city guard's mansion in waves. , immediately destroyed several layers of formations.


As soon as the original wish was made, the true nature of the Buddhist cultivator was revealed, and roars of shock and anger were heard from all directions in Desert Wind City at the same time.

In particular, the Yu Tie Army did not care to continue tormenting Yu Dianfeng, and cursed angrily: Later, I will kill all the gatekeepers from the past few days. Let a little thief Tu Tie sneak in without knowing it. What’s the use of keeping them?”

Amid the curses, the Yu Tie Army stopped torturing Yu Dianfeng with his own hands, and stepped straight into the sky on a lotus platform formed by the strong wind.

He glared at Ben Wan, his heart boiling with poison.

These days, while his descendants are killing each other like raising poison in the city lord's mansion, the entire Desert Wind City has been completely sealed off. It is impossible for outsiders to sneak into the city silently, let alone a small Buddhist cultivator, not even Ahu, the current leader of the Buddhist kingdom, can do it!

It’s not that A-Hu is not skilled enough, but that what the entire Buddhist kingdom is good at is the hard-hitting Kung Fu, and there are no magical and mysterious techniques with clever changes... A-Hu can smash Desert Wind City with one punch, this It's easy. But if he were to sneak into Desert Wind City silently and without alerting anyone, a hundred Ahus combined wouldn't be able to do it.

If Ahu can't do it, don't say what he wants!

Therefore, I was willing to sneak into Desert Wind City. It must have been a few days ago when the city gate was still open to traffic. A thief from the Buddhist Kingdom, Bald, actually entered the city so easily. On normal days, Yu Tiejun wouldn't be so angry. But isn’t there Yuyu Guao?

In front of his own father, he exposed the incompetence of his subordinates and highlighted his own uselessness as a city lord... Yu Tiejun was so annoyed!

You little thief Bald, you are looking for death! Yu Tiejun yelled angrily, patted his waist with his right hand, and his sword spurted out with a clang, picking up countless streaks of wind and sand, turning into a dozen tornadoes and heading towards Ben Wan.

As soon as the sword light came out, Yu Tiejun suddenly screamed strangely, pressed the hurricane lotus pad, and rushed back to the city lord's palace.

Just when he drew his sword in anger, Yu Tie was shocked to realize that Ben Yuan's cultivation level was far beyond his imagination - he himself was only a cultivation level of the twenty-seventh level of the True Immortal Realm, but the Origin's aura was so strong and solemn that it was absolutely... The 'great power' of the little Bodhisattva!

Yu Tiejun is also useless at heart.

If he was more ambitious and promising, how could Yu Guao send him to this remote military city to be the city lord?

Seeing that there was a huge gap in cultivation between himself and Ben Yuan, Yu Tiejun turned around and ran away without caring about his face. He didn't even bother to take back the sword that flew out.

In the ruins of the city lord's mansion, Yu Guao was so angry that his eyes twitched when he saw the appearance of Yu Tiejun. He said coldly: Tiejun, if you complete this secret method, you are a father and a bald donkey. Is it worth making a fuss about?

There was a loud bang, and Yu Guao scolded him. Ben Yuan swung an eight-foot-long coiled dragon to shovel, and the shovel hit Yu Tiejun's sword hard. Sparks flew everywhere, and the flying sword was hit by One blow split it into two pieces, and the Yu Tiejun who had just landed staggered, stars flashed in front of his eyes, and a mouthful of blood spurted out far away.

Yu Guao glared angrily at Yu Tiejun, waved his sleeves, and soared into the sky on a lotus platform made of smoke and clouds. Behind him, hundreds of heavily armed elite soldiers gathered around, with flags waving and flag gates flashing, an offensive formation had been quietly deployed.

From all directions, tens of thousands of elite soldiers gathered together, with Yu Guao as the core, and quickly formed formations to prepare for war.

The other soldiers who were searching for the people and preparing for a massacre also took to the air and formed formations from a distance, surrounding Ben Yuan in the center. More generals with powerful auras jumped out of the formation, danced with guns and clubs, and showed off their power in accordance with their original wishes.

Yu Guao stroked his long beard gently and said calmly: Little thief Bald, you are quite brave!

I was willing to stare at Yu Guao and said sternly: The young monk came here only for the blood feud of his parents and relatives... I didn't expect that your Yu family are all the same, they are all evil scum... Killing people to increase their spiritual practice, this How can you do this?

Yu Guao widened his eyes and looked at Ben Yuan with a look of disbelief: Haha, haha, hahahaha! I thought he was an experienced person, but I didn't expect him to be an ignorant little bald donkey who just came down from the mountain... Haha, killing people to increase growth Cultivation, why can’t you do things like this?”

Pointing his right finger to the sky and then to the ground, Yu Guao shouted sternly: The common people use fish and meat to fatten themselves and use it as food to increase their spiritual practice. For countless years, it's not just Mofeng City that has been doing this, I've been doing this in Feilang County. Doing this, my greedy country has been doing this since the founding of the country... Even the entire Shenyin Dynasty, thirty-five feudal states, and everyone in power is doing this!

Slaughter the people to enrich yourself, this is the law of heaven, this is the rule of heaven, this is the unshakable law of heaven!

Everyone in the world is doing this... You are a little thief, how dare you say that what we did is wrong?

Yu Guao shook his head and spat on the ground disapprovingly: I don't know what the so-called hairy little monk is!

Ben Yuan breathed deeply.

He is A Hu's little disciple, and his character is the same as A Hu's. He has the kind of virtue to just roll up his sleeves and do it when something happens... As for the skill of talking, maybe it is better to have Lu Qian with you. Where's the rabbit!

At least the rabbit cat can still have a lively quarrel with the big parrot, but Ben Wan is a person who can't beat a fart with three sticks.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Yu Guao. There were thousands of words in his stomach, but he couldn't say them out.

He stomped his feet fiercely, and without bothering to waste any more words, he released a seven-story Vajra tower, spraying out large swaths of Buddha light that enveloped his body. A set of armor with lotus patterns all over the body and an angry-looking Vajra image on the front and back suddenly appeared. He waved the heavy shovel, stepped on two flaming lotus flowers, and strode towards Yu Guao.

Yu Guao sneered, and said to his original wish in a decent manner: Whoever kills this beast for me will be promoted to the third level and rewarded with three hundred blood spirit pills! Thousands of top beauties!

At that moment, in the garrison of Desert Wind City, two generals from the 26th and 7th level of the True Immortal Realm gave a loud shout and flew out in the strong wind. Their spears and knives transformed into a dragon and a tiger, aiming directly at Ben Yuan's chest and abdomen.

Ben Yuan let out a low shout, and the whole body was surrounded by golden light. The golden light as thick as three fingers condensed into substance. The weapons of the two generals exploded in the golden light. The jaws of both hands were shattered by the shock. Before he could step back in the splatter of blood, Ben Yuan's hand With a simple twist of the shovel, two good heads flew high into the air.

An extremely violent lion's roar came out, and the two souls exploded into pieces.

I was willing to stride forward and continue to move forward, but the lion's roar continued to explode along the way, causing the defenders who charged towards him to spurt blood from their orifices and burst their internal organs. The soldiers who had lost the ability to fly continued to fall from the sky like raindrops.

Ben Yuan even yelled: The young monk is here just for the blood feud of his parents and relatives... If you are willing to change your mind and start a new life, the young monk does not want to commit more crimes!

Lu Qian's fingers gently moved to his shoulders, he raised half of his body and looked towards Cui She, who was looking over there, and said with a smile: This fellow of your race is a bit innocent and cute...this city full of soldiers, All of them are riddled with sins, and their bloodshed is overwhelming... They are all deserving of death. How can they put down the butcher's knife? How can they become Buddhas?

Lu Qian murmured: The sentence I hate the most is to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately... Haha!

Killing someone, and just saying that you have changed your mind, can you redeem yourself and achieve transcendence? This is simply unreasonable!

Seeing Ben Wan being surrounded by teams of soldiers who were not afraid of death, military formations overlapped one after another. The nested military formations released majestic power, resisting Ben Wan's crazy and violent lion roar, and even more A large number of strong bows and crossbows flew into the air, hitting Ben Wan with sparks flying all over his body. Lu Qian couldn't help but shake his head.

This style is like that of A Hu's disciple... Tsk, what a reckless monk who only cares about his head and body!

Scared, huh? There's more than one?

Seeing that Ben Yuan was trapped in a tight siege, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers, and already fell into an embarrassing situation that was difficult to move, from a corner of Desert Wind City, a Sanskrit chant rushed into the sky like a dragon.

The Great Merciful and Compassionate Lord Dharma Sea, who saves the suffering, is merciful, merciful... Junior Brother, do you know that you are wrong? A golden Buddha light as thick as a mountain rose into the sky, and the Buddha's flames surged into the sky. One statue was two feet tall, with a majestic body and bare chest. Huai, the great monk with thick hair like a chimpanzee soared into the sky in the Buddha's light.

This great monk's aura is as blazing as fire, his temperament is as fierce as a lion's, his eyes are surging with divine light, and his high-spirited momentum is like a dragon or an elephant. He is carrying a smoke-burning, heroic Buddhist monk.

Ben Wan, who was being besieged by countless soldiers, was gradually becoming a little helpless, and his mana was constantly being consumed. There was a faint cold sweat on his forehead. Ben Yuan turned around in horror and hissed: Elder brother? You, why are you here?

Benyuan's senior brother, Ahu's founding disciple in this world, the famous Eastern Buddhist country's Sitting Tiger monk Benxiang laughed strangely, and with a shake of his head, a set of thick triple chain chain armor with mountain patterns was draped on it. Along with the dull 'clang' roar, various external heavy armor accessories such as front and rear goggles, beast swallowing mouthpieces, etc. appeared out of thin air and were firmly buckled on the body.

Front to back, left to right, the original monk's heavy armor was nested in nine layers. The great monk, who was originally about two feet tall, was nearly three feet tall after wearing this set of unusually thick armor.

Bloated and cumbersome, but extremely powerful in defense!

The original monk shook his head and pulled out a dragon mace that was red in color and blazing with flames. With a shake of his hand, he blasted the nearly a thousand garrison troops who were rushing towards him into pieces all over the sky.

Lord Buddha is merciful... The original monk opened his eyes wide, pointed at the original wish and cursed: Why did I come here? Didn't I just run after the traces you left all the way? You ran away fast enough, I I chased you all the way, but I couldn't stop you!

Shaking his head, the original monk said loudly: Hurry up, clean up all these bastards, and go back to the mountain... The master, together with all the uncles, are having a heated fight with the old thief Yu Haoming. Woolen cloth……

Ben Yuan wielded his shovel and shoveled dozens of heads away. He looked at his senior brother with a puzzled expression: Elder brother, that is, you entered the city on the same day as me? Hey, hey, what happened to you at that time? Won’t you take me back to the mountain?”

I really don’t understand my wish.

Monk Zhenxiang didn't have the ability to sneak into Desert Wind City silently and without alerting anyone. Therefore, when he appeared in Desert Wind City, it was obvious that he had sneaked into the city before the city was closed a few days ago.

In this case, it is very easy to capture Ben Yuan back to the mountain with the methods of monk Ben Xiang.

Why, he didn't show up until today.

The original monk blinked his eyes and laughed a few times, hehehe.

Ben Yuan's face suddenly turned dark: You also want to make a big fuss in this city... But, you want to put the blame on me? Hey, it's all me who caused the trouble, isn't it?

The original monk roared, shaking another group of defenders who were speeding towards him until they vomited blood and fell to the ground. He said loudly: Don't talk nonsense, senior brother, am I this kind of person? I'm just curious, Yu Guao, this old man Although this guy is not a toy, he is still the princess of Feilang County after all... He has traveled thousands of miles to come to the territory of this concubine son who is not loved by his grandma and whom his uncle does not love. There must be some conspiracy!

With a firm chest, the original monk seemed to have found some great reason, and said enthusiastically: Isn't it true? They actually want to massacre the city to practice some kind of evil technique... Haha, the poor monk went deep into the tiger's den, I discovered this conspiracy, saved the lives of people all over the city, and brought back the disobedient junior brother who sneaked down the mountain safely. Is this a big enough contribution?

Monk Benyi's face twitched.

Yu Guao scolded sternly: I don't know the so-called thief monk... You are a bunch of trash. You can't clean up the two bald little thieves, so why don't I have to do it myself?

Following Yu Guao's scoldings, among the dozens of heavily armored generals around him, a bearded man wearing Suanni golden armor shouted loudly and rushed out with a blaze of fire, his spear in his hand swinging countless fierce and powerful arrows. The shadow of a gun stabs the monk in his true form.

This general has the cultivation level of the True Buddha Realm of Three Kalpas!

The original monk laughed strangely, opened his arms, exposed his chest, and let the other party stab him in the chest. There was a loud bang sound, and large sparks flew from the tip of the spear. The barrel of the gun was bent like a bow, but it was unable to penetrate Monk Benxiang's ridiculously thick armor at all.

The original monk shouted loudly, and hit the opponent's head with a hard blow from the mace in his hand.

There was a loud noise, the helmet shattered, the opponent's general's head was dented, and blood and brain matter sprayed out like a fountain. Even so, with his powerful body and powerful vitality, the general of Feilang County still roared and attacked the original monk vigorously, stabbing and beating him indiscriminately.

Rough! Lu Qian curled his lips and shook his head gently: Back then, Yu Diaihu and the others practiced the Vajra Power Supernatural Power, which was a brute-force path. It was straight and straight, which was too rough... It seems that they They are not good at teaching disciples either. What have these guys learned?

The general of Feilang County is powerful enough, but this is generally related to the unique laws of heaven and earth in this area.

His Buddhist cultivation and Buddhist magical powers... were simply unsightly, and Lu Qian didn't even bother to comment.

With such a poor level of Buddhism, in Liangyitian Buddhism, even the novice novices who have just started to learn the true teachings are much better than this so-called general!

Such a crude Dharma cultivation...but the original monk had a lively fight with him.

You give me a gun, and I give you a stick. The guns and sticks collide with each other. The original monk relied on the heavy armor on his body to have strong defense. He did not suffer any damage, but the general on the opposite side was already covered with cuts and bruises, and his breath was extremely weak. .

A roar of extreme grief and indignation came: Thief monk, if you have the skills, take off your armor and rely on my cultivation to share life and death!

The general, who had been beaten with a mace into a human shape, cursed and roared.

The original monk laughed wildly: Okay, okay, okay, you and I will have a fair share of life and death... Well, you order that all the scoundrels in this city should draw their swords and commit suicide, and only you and me will be left. Give you time to recover, one-on-one between you and me, the fairest life and death... Well, as long as all your losers commit suicide, the poor monk will take off his armor and make a fair bet with you!

The original monk smiled extremely brightly.

The general turned around and left with a gloomy face.

Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Isn't it a matter of life and death? Why don't you fight? Come back to the poor monk! The original monk yelled and grabbed the opponent's neck.

In the diagonal stab, four more generals wearing heavy armor rolled towards them.

Spears, long knives, long halberds, and heavy axes, the four-color heavy weapons made a dull sound as they slashed hard at the original monk.

The original monk still relied on his powerful armor defense and stubbornly allowed the opponent's attacks to fall on him. The mace in his hand created a wave of evil wind, and landed on the opponent with several bang bang sounds, causing the opponent's armor to shatter, causing him to vomit blood and keep retreating backwards.

Yu Guao was so angry that his face turned green: You guys, they are all rubbish... Is it possible that I really want me to take action myself?

Before he finished speaking, high-pitched Buddha chants suddenly came from the street below.

The golden light was bright, and one hundred and eight burly monks were clad in armor and soared into the air, forming a small Vajra Buddha formation. They waved their Vajra Zen rods of the same color, rolled up the golden rod shadows in the sky, and rushed toward Yu Guao, who was surrounded by heavy soldiers.

Each of these one hundred and eight great monks has reached the first-kalpa and second-kalpa Buddha realm.

They joined forces to form an formation, and the lethality of the formation was terrifying... With just one roll, nearly 10,000 unprepared soldiers were involved in the formation. Countless staff shadows rolled and fell, and the sound of broken bones was heard. Like beans, there was an endless sound of shattering armor and weapons. Nearly ten thousand soldiers were blown into the smallest particles with just a snap of their fingers.

There were chants of Buddhist chants, bursts of Buddha light, and the souls of the true immortals were directly crushed to pieces. Balls of true immortal-level mana exploded, slowly spreading over Desert Wind City like fireworks.

The body, magic power, and soul come from heaven and earth and return to heaven and earth.

In Desert Wind City, the concentration of the Dao Yun and the spiritual power of heaven and earth soared several times out of thin air. The memory fragments remaining in the souls of the killed soldiers turned into lights and shadows visible to ordinary people, flickering randomly in the void. The whole sky seemed to be filled with light and shadow. Tens of thousands of mirages are spitting mirage, creating countless bizarre and bizarre illusions.

The sudden appearance of these great monks obviously caught Yu Guao and others by surprise.

The Vajra Buddha Formation attacked fiercely from bottom to top. With just one collision, it broke through the military formation formed by the soldiers and almost rushed in front of Yu Guyao... Yu Guyao screamed strangely, waved his sleeves, and ignored the transformation. With a flash of fire, he ejected with a twist, and fled towards the city lord's mansion, which was surrounded by heavy formations.

However, just as he turned into a stream of light, a young monk with a clear face in the Vajra Buddha Formation gave a soft drink, and a Vajra Ring on his left wrist flew into the air, releasing circles of swirling golden Buddha light. Absorbed this stream of light.

Yu Guao, who was escaping at full speed, let out a muffled groan, and his body suddenly froze in mid-air, unable to move at all.

He couldn't help but curse in a hissing voice: A bunch of trash, trash... I'll kill them all if you don't have time... Hurry up!

Amidst the scolding, countless soldiers from all directions roared lowly, and rushed towards the Vajra Buddha Formation like fire. The country of Greedy Wolf has strict military laws. If Yu Guao died here, of course all the accompanying soldiers would be killed. If they die, their relatives will also be killed by the three clans!

The battle immediately heated up.

Numerous soldiers launched a crazy attack without fear of death. One hundred and eight great monks attacked, and the Vajra Buddha Formation formed by them was forcibly knocked back by the impact of human lives. Some soldiers even self-destructed brazenly, causing the formation to form. The great monk was also seriously injured and kept vomiting blood.

Yu Guao suddenly became arrogant again. He laughed loudly and said, I wonder if you, the so-called thief monk, dare to kill me? Ha, catch them alive, I will make good use of them!

Yu Guao's eyes were spinning wildly, and a great idea came into his mind.

Listening to the conversation between Ben Yuan and Ben Xiang just now, these monks are all disciples of A Hu? Ouch, they are so valuable!

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