Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 826: Killing Demons (4)

The so-called compassion?

Yu Canglang sneered again and again, but felt inexplicably relieved in his heart.

The purpose of his coming here was to try out the secret technique of Nine Sons Ghost Father Xiao Du Lu Yuan Mo Mi, sacrificing a whole line of descendants, in order to thoroughly investigate whether this secret technique had any consequences.

As long as this secret technique can be completed...then anything can be discussed. With his character, as long as the main goal can be achieved, there is no condition that he cannot agree to.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether the people of Desert Wind City are killed or not.

It was just a test. Yu Guao finally succeeded in cultivating the Xiaodulu Yuanmo. It didn't need to be very strong. It was enough to prove that this secret method could be successful without any future troubles or being secretly controlled by others. On the contrary, if Yu Guao sacrificed blood to all the people in the city, the little Dulu Yuanmo would grow too much, which would make Yu Canglang a little uneasy.

And the subtle inscrutability displayed by Lu Qian made Yu Canglang feel fearful.

If there is no need to conflict with Lu Qian, then... peace is more important, right? Yucanglang's thoughts are now focused on this earth-shattering secret technique. He doesn't want to fight to the death with a group of monks here!

So, after scoffing, Yu Canglang nodded slowly: That's it, very good. Then, watch?

Lu Qian smiled and nodded, then took out a large handful of colorful orbs condensed from the water of merit and stuffed them into Monk Benyuan's mouth. The sound of the muscles and bones in Monk Benyuan's body trembled like thunder, and wisps of red blood spurted out from his pores, forming a huge Ganoderma-like blood cloud above his head.

This is burning old blood and replacing blood.

Monk Benyuan was breathing heavily, and with every gasp, his breath became stronger, and the unique ancient and distant breath of Zijiamu Shenlong on his body became stronger. In the air, there is a faint, fresh and natural breath unique to the primitive jungle after a thunderstorm, and a strong vitality is sprouting around Monk Benyuan.

The original monk and a group of junior brothers looked at his little junior brother with surprise and joy.

This is great fortune!

They all laughed like a group of fools, hehehe in silly joy. There were also a group of great monks who laughed and you patted my head and I touched the back of your head. They were holding a group of big hehehe two or three feet high. child'.

‘Peace’ and ‘tranquility’ were suddenly restored inside and outside Desert Wind City.

Brigades of soldiers surrounded the city lord's palace, forming a thick military formation as thick as a turtle shell. However, what is very strange is that the thick evil aura exuded by this military formation is faintly locked on Yu Canglang outside the city and the large group of imperial guards around him. On the contrary, Lu Jin, who was in the city, and the monks and the Big Gunniu clan around him, did not become the first target of this military formation.

In the entire Desert Wind City, there was not a single ghost in the streets and alleys. All the people were hiding in their homes and shivering, and no one dared to make the slightest sound - these people were not stupid either, and they could clearly hear the sound coming from the sky just now. Yu Guao had ordered the massacre of the city. If it hadn't been for the sudden arrival of a great monk, the entire Desert Wind City would have turned into a dead zone.

Life and death are in an instant.

At this moment, almost all the people in Mofeng City became the most devout believers in Buddhism.

They silently prayed devoutly to the unknown great monks in the sky, praying that they could destroy the demons and eliminate all the scourges to the family of Yu Cang Lang and Yu Gu Ao.

Then, inexplicably, Lu Qian felt a large stream of pure incense faith roaring up from Desert Wind City and pouring straight into his body. The faith of these incense sticks is even purer and purer than the faith offered by believers and disciples in the Buddhist Kingdom.

On the edge of life and death! Lu Qian sighed in his heart.

In particular, more than half of the people in Desert Wind City actually know the title of 'The Great Merciful and Compassionate Buddha of the Sea of ​​Dharma, who saves the suffering and those in distress', which makes Lu Qian very embarrassed... This title is not only used by believers and people of the Buddhist country. Thinking about it, among the lower-class people of the Shenyin Dynasty, this title actually has a huge market.

Yudihu... Lu Qian drooped his eyelids, with a smile on his face, and kept stuffing handfuls of colorful orbs into Benyuan Monk.

In the huge Desert Wind City, for a while, the only sound that could be heard was the howl of ghosts and wolves made by the Yu Tie Army who was preparing Yu Dianfeng. Nine Sons Ghost Father Xiao Dulu used all the vicious secrets in the Yuan Demon Secret one by one. The blue-gold magic light gradually became thicker and deeper, the gold color gradually disappeared, and the cyan color gradually turned towards bluish-purple.

It feels like egg whites that have been left out for a long time, with a layer of penicillium growing evenly on them.

It's sticky, wet, and full of deadly toxins, making people feel inexplicably dangerous and unwilling to get close. The first time all living creatures see this blue-purple magic light, they will have an inexplicable sense of crisis, and they will instinctively want to stay away.

Time passed little by little.

Both Lu Qian and Yu Canglang are very patient. They quietly waited for the moment when the secret method finally took shape.

Finally, that day and night, an extremely weird laughter came from the city lord's mansion.

Gah! The weird, twisted, sticky laughter is erratic and soft, like a seductive little hook, gently drilling through your eardrums, along your ear canals, and into your brain, It gently hooks your brain, adsorbs your brain, and pulls your soul. Little by little, it merges with your brain, brain, and soul. When everyone is inseparable, it suddenly bursts out into a huge wave. Power bursts out from your seven orifices at the same time!

Lu Qian reacted quickly.

The Everlasting Lotus behind his head emits a large piece of clear Buddha light, just like the warm light of the sunset in the red dust at dusk passing through the wisps of smoke. That gentle, warm, and endlessly safe light covers the entire Desert Wind City, except for He turned away from the huge city lord's mansion.

As a result, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who surrounded the city lord's palace groaned, and large amounts of plasma and brain matter spurted out from their seven orifices. Their heads were like rotten persimmons that had been hit hard by a millstone, with dots of red and white. It exploded, the head suddenly opened, and headless corpses fell from the sky like raindrops.

The souls of these soldiers had no time to use their mana to repair their bodies. Their souls were completely shaken by the terrifying power of that evil smile. In their confusion, they completely forgot their surnames, what they were called, what they encountered, and what they should do at this moment. Do. They were like a group of clean, clean pigs that could only be slaughtered by the owner of this evil laugh.

One after another, dazzling flowers bloomed in the air. Everything these soldiers owned, their blood essence, soul, magic power, Taoism, and their most important Yuanling imprint, etc., were all condensed into a gorgeous flower. Blood flowers.

With a chirp sound, hundreds of thousands of blood flowers swirled, like snowflakes falling all over the sky, and fell into the city lord's mansion one after another.

The blue-purple magic light rose, and the little snowflake-like blood flowers melted rapidly in the magic light. You could see the magic light starting to squirm and rotate, split bit by bit, and finally turned into nine blue-purple twisted figures.

Yu Tiejun soared into the sky on a ball of magic light. He screamed and tore open his chest with his right hand. A stream of blood from his heart spurted out, turning into nine twisted bloody talismans towards the nine in the air. The twisted figure was imprinted on the past.


It was as if a red-hot iron had fallen on the flesh, and a sharp scream rose into the sky. The nine strips kept flashing, as if they were integrated with the void, and as if the twisted figure that had been rejected by the whole world suddenly froze.

The figure's face, which was originally smooth and smooth, flashed rapidly one after another.

Those were the faces of the descendants of the Yu Tie Army who were devoured and killed in the process of practicing this secret method... As the faces flickered, painful wails and sharp screams continued to be heard from within the bodies of these nine figures. Cries. They screamed hoarsely and cried loudly towards the Yu Tie army. Some called them 'Father', and some called 'Grandfather'!

A series of shrill cries, accompanied by the surging magic light, directly killed all the creatures in the city lord's mansion except Yu Guao and Yu Tiejun.

Yu Tiejun is the person in charge of this secret technique since its launch. He naturally has absolute control or immunity to the secret method, and all the magic sounds and lights cannot cause any harm to him.

Yu Guao, on the other hand, relied entirely on his sufficient cultivation and a defensive secret treasure that he was lucky enough to obtain, and he struggled to resist the crazy intrusion of the soul-enchanting demonic sound. Even so, Yu Guao was also forced to have blue veins bulge on his forehead, blood vessels all over his body jumped out under the skin, and his heart beat violently and almost collapsed.

There was blood oozing out of his mouth, and Yu Guao screamed: Tiejun, hurry up, stop him!

Yu Tiejun looked back at Yu Guao with both excitement and fear.

He gritted his teeth, glanced at the nine squirming demonic figures in front of him, stamped his feet fiercely, roared, and performed the last step of Xiaodu Lu Yuan Demon Secret - he shattered the Heavenly Spirit Cap, and a bloody soul shot into the sky. Then, it split into nine pieces with a 'pop'.

The nine bloody souls howled miserably and suddenly pounced on the nine blue-purple demonic figures.

The split soul and the demonic shadow suddenly reunited.

There was sudden silence between heaven and earth.

A hundred thousand miles around Desert Wind City, the wind stopped, the water became calm, and all the insects, birds, and beasts subconsciously stopped moving... There was a dead silence between heaven and earth, and everyone felt their hearts beating wildly, as if there was something terrible, An alien that cannot be tolerated in heaven and earth is about to be born.

Lu Qian formed a seal with his hands and whispered to himself: Troll!

The original monk looked at Lu Qian a little uneasily: You should be able to deal with it, right? Otherwise, this troll will be born...

Lu Qian looked at the worried monk and said, Hehe. This guy looks rough, but he is actually careful and meticulous. He smiled and said: If you can't deal with it and see that I am going to lose, you can just take the people in the city and run away in advance.

The original monk exhaled softly, clasped his hands together, and murmured: You will definitely be able to subdue this demon.

The next moment, a scream rose into the sky.

After the fusion of the nine demonic figures, they suddenly turned into a deep, uncomfortable purple-green color. In the flickering slimy light, the demonic figures slowly transformed into the appearance of the Yu Tie Army. They were just nine human figures, with different clothes and expressions. All changes are different.

A suffocating pressure surged up.

Lu Qian immediately estimated the intensity of this coercion - at least it reached the level of the Great Perfection of the Ten-Calamity True Buddha!

Just the incompetent descendants of the Yu Tie Army, some small miscellaneous fish below the 20th level of the True Immortal Realm, cultivated into demon souls, and after merging with the guys from the 27th level of the True Immortal Realm, the Yu Tie Army, they actually soared to the 10th level. The Dzogchen Buddha’s peak?

Placed in the Liangyi Heaven, this is the ultimate Buddha realm!

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