Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 831 Thirty-three...Buddha?

When Yu Canglang killed him, Lu Qian didn't move.

One, the arrogant crown prince is not worth saving. From the perspective of Buddhism, the crown prince is surrounded by blood and evil, and his hands are entangled with at least a million innocent lives - there are millions of innocent souls caused by his own hands. And there are tens of billions of other living beings who died because of him!

Even if it is Lu Qian, he has seen many battles that swept the entire cultivation world in Jishengtian and Yuanlingtian, and has also seen several big scenes in Liangyitian. He cannot imagine how a person must lose his conscience to be able to do it. Tens of billions of crimes?

Damn this guy!

Therefore, Lu Qian did not take action and was too lazy to save him!

Another thing is that when Yucanglang was killing him, Lu Qian felt a look.

In all directions, the void and the earth are omnipresent and all-encompassing. It is like every wisp of wind, every particle of dust, every flower, every grass, every tree, and even the breath of all living creatures inside and outside Shenghao Capital. Looking at this look.

The owner of this gaze has, through some magical means, become one with the world that Lu Qian can feel.


More precisely……

A bright light bloomed in Lu Qian's mind. The great wisdom brought by the Liberation Method taught by the old monk Hongchen made his thoughts clear and his mind clear. He analyzed this situation at an incredible speed.

Well, the other party is heaven and earth, rather than integrating into heaven and earth.

Other creatures are the parasites of the other party... What Lu Qian can feel, these winds, these dusts, these flowers, trees, and all kinds of creatures, are all parasitic in this world!

The other party is the master.

And all living creatures are parasites that live in his body, rob his nutrients, and rely on his body!

Thirty-three-year-old cicada? Lu Qian looked up at the sky and said with a smile, Senior, are you good at it?

Yu Canglang chuckled, and he swallowed the heart of Crown Prince Yu Diaihu in one gulp.

Yu Diaihu was frightened and angry, and cursed in a hissing voice. He used all his strength to launch an attack on Yucanlang. Countless powerful ministers and generals from the Shenyin Dynasty launched their attacks from all directions. They cooperated with Yu Dianhu, mobilized the military formation, and attacked Yu Canglang with all their strength!

The blood flowers are blooming and blooming.

Yucanlang was like a ghost, moving freely through the formation. No attack could touch his body, and no spell could harm his fur. He shuttled back and forth lightly, flickering, jumping, and with every movement of his hands, the powerful princes, ministers, generals and famous commanders were blasted into blood mist all over the sky.

The blood mist flickered, Yu Canglang opened his mouth and swallowed, all the blood mist was swallowed by him in one gulp.

What's even more frightening is that every time he devours a prince or minister present, the clansmen behind this unlucky guy, all the powerful dignitaries and dandies who were related by blood to him in the Shenyin Dynasty in the past, no matter where they are, all scream. He screamed, his body violently twitched and squirmed, and his essence, blood, soul, cultivation, and mana dissipated out of thin air, and were swallowed by Yu Cang Lang from the air.

This strange engulfment even directly affected the border between the Shenyin Dynasty and the Eastern Buddhist Kingdom from Shenghao Capital.

On the border between the two, there are many generals of the Shenyin Dynasty stationed on the border. They are in charge of the army and are dealing with the fierce attacks of Ahu and the tiger masters of Baihutang. They are also dealing with countless Buddhist soldiers and Buddhas in the Eastern Buddhist Kingdom. Xiu's crazy attack. Suddenly, one after another high-ranking generals let out miserable screams, and their bodies exploded. All their essence, blood, and mana were drained away in an instant, leaving only a piece of naked human skin flying all over the sky!

The border troops of the Shenyin Dynasty were in chaos, and the Buddhist army took advantage of the situation and attacked fiercely. They immediately defeated many of the elite legions of the Shenyin Dynasty on the border and collapsed. On at least hundreds of battlefields, the armies of the Shenyin Dynasty suffered heavy losses and fled in embarrassment.

Lu Qian clasped his hands together and said softly: What exactly is Senior going to do?

The void is speechless and the earth is silent.

That strange gaze fell on Lu Qian from all directions, full of strange malice.

Lu Qian waited for a long time, but did not wait for the response from the person he had guessed in his heart. He said softly: Senior, you don't have to show up, and I will not stop this monster's actions... If someone does something wrong, they will be punished. ...So, if these people from the Shenyin Dynasty were killed, I would not take action, as all of them deserved their death.

But, senior happened to show up... Senior, are you threatening me? Intimidating me? What are you doing?

Lu Qian chuckled and shook his head: Well, are you telling me not to mind my own business? Or...are you going to take action against Ahu and the others next? Well, are you going to take action against the Buddha Kingdom?

In Lu Qian's mind, countless thoughts jumped out one after another.

Many insights, many experiences, and countless years of accumulation from the old monk's mortal world came to mind one after another. Lu Qian said softly: Then, I can confirm that this world is the refuge for seniors to overcome tribulations... The creatures in this world are the materials raised by seniors to overcome tribulations?

Originally, senior shouldn't wake up so quickly, right? Senior's tribulation is difficult to overcome, so senior should continue to sleep and continue to accumulate capital to overcome the tribulation. But senior suddenly appeared at this time because... …”

Well, to seniors, whether it's Yu Dianhu or Ahu, they are all foreign objects that accidentally entered your livestock farm... But these foreign objects, under the influence of seniors, have become seniors' transcending tribulations. A powerful supplement to the resources.”

Even, senior is going to use Yu Diaihu and Ahu as the main support to overcome the tribulation?

Senior wants to start harvesting...and a variable like me suddenly breaks in...I won't help Yu Diaihu and the others, but I will definitely help Ahu and the others. So, senior can't help but take action?

A gentle wind blew past Lu Qian silently.

The Changsheng Lotus Platform suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, and an extremely sharp tearing sound sounded. The gentle and invisible wind was like a supreme sharp sword cutting through Lu Qian's body protection. Buddha light. The faint bright light vibrated violently, and the void around Lu Qian was cut into a three-foot-long, thumb-thick, black void crack without any luster.

There is nothing in this crack.

There is no light, no darkness, no time, no space, no chaos, no clarity... All tangible and intangible concepts of existence have been obliterated, and everything, including the 'concepts' that ordinary people can imagine, have also disappeared without a trace. No trace.

Are you murderous?

Lu Qian's smile became gentler: You see, you were right?

Well, interesting, interesting... Why didn't you show up in Mofeng City before? Lu Qian frowned, looking at the clouds entwining in the sky, and said softly: It's because of your awakening, Need time? Need preparation? If you want to deal with me, it won't be an easy task, right?

The sound of 'Puff' was endless, and above the Holy Hao Capital, balls of blood kept exploding.

Large groups of monks are being killed by Yucanlang.

These monks of the Shenyin Dynasty, converted by the standards of Liangyi Heaven, are all Buddhas with a level of Buddha cultivation of more than one calamity and less than nine calamities. If they fell into Liangyi Heaven, all of them would be ancestor-level beings capable of running rampant.

But facing the Yu Cang Lang whose strength was already close to that of the Buddha, and facing the Yu Cang Lang whose cultivation level was still improving every time he devoured a group of people, they were as weak as ants.

Yu Canglang transformed into nine demonic shadows that flashed across the sky. Everywhere he passed was like fireworks, with blood mist rising and plasma spraying out all over the sky. There were screams, horrified curses, and desperate cries everywhere...pieces of armor were shattered, swords were broken, elite soldiers were shattered to pieces, and giant battleships were penetrated from beginning to end. Then it exploded into a brighter and brighter fire.

The elite imperial guards under Yu Diaihu formed a huge military formation. The vast golden light was like a vast ocean, setting off golden torrents, but they could not stop Yu Canglang's erosion at all.

He advanced and retreated freely, flickering like a ghost. A huge Buddhist formation could not stop his pace at all.

It can even be said that he understands the profound meaning of this Buddhist formation more clearly than the elite guards under Yu Dianhu, and understands the loopholes and deficiencies of this Buddhist formation... He completely uses a dimensionality reduction attack from a high altitude view. ' method, killing these elites in the Buddha formation wantonly.

As the generals and powerful ministers were killed one after another, clouds of blood mist spread wantonly in the Buddhist formation. Gradually, Yu Diaihu and others were horrified to discover that the Buddhist formation that was originally under their control had turned into a cage against them!

In the Buddhist formation, blood mist filled the air, and the foundation of the formation was eroded and tampered with by evil forces. The generals from all sides could no longer control the operation of the formation. Instead, as Yu Canglang advanced and retreated, the Buddha's light rippling out of the formation turned purple. Cyan has transformed from the vast and righteous Buddhist charm into the eerie and evil spirit.

Some soldiers of the Imperial Guard who were frightened by the demonic energy screamed and tried to escape.

However, the great formation of light surged, and the soldiers who wanted to flee hit the light wall like a copper wall and an iron wall, breaking their bones and tendons, and they were unable to leave the formation for even half a step!

Gradually, this Buddhist formation that besieged and killed the enemy gradually merged with the city defense formation of Sheng Haojing.

Throughout Shenghao Capital, streets and alleys, sentry towers, arrow towers, bell towers and drum towers at key passes all lit up with dazzling lights. On the nine-story city wall inside and outside, huge single-piece cast and carved wall tiles also emit dazzling glare.

When the city defense array was first launched, the sky was filled with golden light.

In the Buddhist formation in the sky, wisps of purple-green magic light suddenly drooped, as if countless tentacles had pierced into the city defense formation of Sheng Hao Jing. In just a few breaths, the streets, alleys, sentry towers, bell towers and drum towers, and even the nine-layered city wall, all quickly turned into purple... The dark magic light soared into the sky, illuminating the tens of millions of people and men in the city. All green.

Yu Dihu chased Yu Cang Lang and attacked wildly, but after trying for a long time, he could not touch a single hair of Yu Cang Lang.

When Yu Diaihu invaded the formation of the Imperial Guards with his unpredictable demonic power, Yu Diaihu's face suddenly changed, and he had a faint intention of retreating... But before he could withdraw, the city defense formation below suddenly launched, It is faintly connected with the Buddha formation in the air.

Yu Dianhu hissed and exclaimed: What are you doing? What are you doing? Who started the city defense? Who is it? Yu Canglang, what are you going to do?

Sheng Haojing was trembling slowly.

Below the city, ninety-nine giant earth veins lit up with majestic light at the same time. Wisps of demonic energy flowed rapidly in all directions along the earth's veins, quickly reaching the foundations of the 360 ​​giant acropolis surrounding Shenghao Capital.

A huge acropolis covering a vast area, all the city defense arrays lit up at the same time.

These 360 ​​giant acropolis, the closest one to Shenghao Capital is only more than 100,000 miles away, and the farthest one is tens of millions of miles away. The 360 ​​giant acropolis circle an area tens of millions of miles away. The vast territory, with the city as the base, formed a majestic formation of astonishing scale.

Since the establishment of the Shenyin Dynasty, Yu Diaihu has had a hidden worry. He is always worried that Ahu will bring someone to fight. Therefore, from the day he officially ascended the throne, he has been frantically scraping the land, frantically feeding the people, spending countless costs and countless years to carefully construct this terrifying scale of the formation.

But at this moment, the formation was activated, but it was not activated by him!

The formation light rising above the giant acropolis is full of sticky, filthy, evil and ferocious purple-green... At the sight of that magic light, even the soul and thoughts are filthy. , illuminating the void tens of millions of miles around and changing its color.

The sky is filled with the sound of chirping ghosts.

The underground earth veins were rapidly contaminated by demonic energy. Large and small earth veins communicated with each other and were connected in series. The magic power spread rapidly in all directions along the huge earth vein network.

On the ground, flowers, plants and trees have withered, ponds and rivers have dried up, the mountain peaks seem to have shrunk, and they are constantly collapsing and collapsing. The cities and villages seem to have experienced tens of millions of years of baptism in their breathing. Everything in the city has... In rapid weathering and decay!

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows and said sternly: Senior, you have gone too far! I don't care if you kill these damn sinners of the Shen Yin Dynasty, but these common people of Li...


Wisps of gentle invisible wind blew from all directions, constantly cutting into the bright light emitted from the longevity lotus platform behind Lu Qian's head. In the void, extremely deep black cracks were being cut continuously.

Lu Qian snorted coldly, and the sandalwood merit staff in his hand swayed with a large swath of Buddha's light. He used all his strength and blasted the staff towards the Holy Hao Capital.

The sound of the Buddha's name shook the earth and the earth. Behind Lu Qian, a thousand-armed Buddha statue rose up. The treasure staff emitted dazzling golden light, turned into a giant celestial dragon, circled and roared, and hit the city defense array of Shenghao Capital with a fierce blow!

With a muffled sound, the hub of Shenghaojing's nine-layered city wall and countless towers and barriers shook together. Cracks clearly visible to the naked eye criss-crossed and spread on the city walls and barriers. Accompanied by a harsh cracking sound, Loud noises of the city's defense formations collapsing were heard from all over Shenghao Capital.

There were fires everywhere, and there were majestic spiritual machines rushing out of the ground after the formation hub collapsed.

The purple and dark green magic lights turned into light pillars and shot straight into the sky. The nine demonic shadows of Yu Cang Lang laughed strangely and screamed in the formation: Just a few ants... Why do you want to stop me? These high-ranking big shots, you No... Is it necessary for you to save those ants from the common people?

You need to understand that these ants, the reason why they are able to reproduce to this day, the reason why they are able to thrive here, is all because of me, all because of me!

Yucanglang was laughing wildly, and his hands shed a large amount of magic light. The shattered formations, the collapsed city walls, etc. were constantly restored to their original state amidst the surge of magic light... The broken bricks and tiles healed again, and the collapsed walls The buildings were quickly rebuilt... Everything seemed to be going back in time. The formation that was almost shattered by Lu Qian's blow was repaired in the blink of an eye!

And the golden dragon that Lu Qian blasted out with the help of the sandalwood merit staff was also strangled by the continuously repairing magic light of the large array, and disappeared into nothing in the blink of an eye!

Lu Qian narrowed his eyes.

Such magical power!

It’s not about turning back time… No!

But it was an even weirder kind of magic - the magic light shed by the fish and wolf made the entire city seem to have turned into a flesh-and-blood creature. These broken formation bases are like the damaged body tissues of flesh and blood creatures, constantly healing themselves under the stimulation of magic power!

What a good idea! Lu Qian sighed again: Senior, the monk has offended me!

In the Demon Suppressing Prison of Dang Mo Division, Lu Qian sacrificed the treasures he had plundered from the unlucky felons one after another. The sky was filled with rays of light, and the terrifying Taoist charms condensed into substance and turned into various heavy weapons. Light and shadow fell hard from the sky.

Following Lu Qian's attack, the entire Shenghao Capital's city defense formation shook violently and collapsed crazily.

Yucanglang, who was killing rapidly in the formation, frowned, raised his head suddenly, and looked at the pagodas and beams of light blasted down from the sky... He murmured: They are all good treasures... You little bastard, where did you get these treasures? Ouch!

He stopped killing and raised his hands.

Weird and weird secret curse sounds soared into the sky from Yucanglang's chest, and the sharp secret curse sounds shook the earth. The entire Haojing City suddenly erupted with immeasurable light... The three hundred and sixty giant acropolis shook violently, and the power of the large array Giant light lotuses with a diameter of 100,000 miles were formed. They rose up with a deafening roar and blocked the secret treasures falling from the sky.

They are all good babies, they are all good babies! Yu Canglang muttered in a low voice.

Giant light lotuses rose up slowly, and with a flicker, they crossed thousands of miles of void and came to the sky above Shenghao Capital. The secret treasures were smashed down one after another, and the sky suddenly shimmered with light. All the creatures in the Holy Hao Capital City, as well as ninety-nine percent of the monks in the air, were knocked unconscious by the loud noise.


Infinite light.


No calorimetry.


Broken sound.

Endless light and heat, mixed with incredible loud sounds, shook the four directions. In the void for millions of miles in all directions of Shenghao Capital, all laws were shattered, all Tao rhymes were chaotic, all the ideas of heaven and earth were annihilated, and the world was almost blasted into a completely void. Black hole!

Lu Qian took a deep breath.

The lotus platform of immortality behind his head slowly rotated, emitting a warm light, locking in countless living beings in all directions. A layer of dim light shrouded these creatures, helping them block the terrifying torrent from the outside world that could destroy everything.

The next moment, with a faint flicker of light and shadow, Lu Qian sent all the ordinary creatures around Sheng Haojing hundreds of millions of miles away from this battlefield.

Lu Qian said softly: Senior, as the old saying goes, no matter what you want to do, I have no objection if you kill Yudianhu and the others... They are riddled with injustice, and they all deserve to die. But you cannot kill these ordinary mortals!

The void shook, and the black hole of nothingness around Sheng Haojing lasted for a full quarter of an hour before slowly dissipating.

Chaos disappeared, the earth, water, fire and wind reset, the sun, moon and stars reappeared, and the law and inspiration filled the void again... All chaos was slowly smoothed away, and the world returned to normal.

One hundred and eight chaos treasures formed a powerful Buddhist formation, surrounding Lu Qian. From all directions, the endless incense and faith in the void continued to flow towards Lu Qian, constantly pushing his cultivation level to soar, pushing his mana to soar, and pushing his physical strength to increase rapidly in an unreasonable way.

‘Buzz, buzz, buzz’!

Lu Qian is suspended in the air, with the Thousand-Armed Buddha's Dharma Image behind him reaching a height of thousands of feet. The breeze blows, and the Dharma Image is like a giant bell roaring, and the sound spreads thousands of miles.

In the sky above Shenghao Capital, Yu Canglang, whose body was surrounded by demonic light, looked coldly and solemnly, staring straight at Lu Qian.

Yu Diaihu and a handful of the princes and ministers of the Shenyin Dynasty vomited blood one by one, their bodies swaying like candles in the wind, their faces twisted, shocked and angry looking at Yu Canglang who was completely fine.

Yu Diaihu and others were not even affected by the aftermath of the blow just now. They just heard the loud noise made by the two fighting and were already unable to bear it... With Yu Diaihu's knowledge, he could not imagine that Lu Yi and Yu How strong is Cang Lang in cultivation now!

Hehe, hehe, hehehehe! Yu Dianhu suddenly laughed hysterically: Why? Why? I, Yu Dianhu, was born in a humble age...

Lu Qian coughed lightly and interrupted Yu Dihu's words: How long has it been? Why are you still talking nonsense? He wants you to die. What other trump cards do you have? Why don't you take them out quickly? , but there is no hope at all!”

Yu Diaihu shut his mouth suddenly.

He took a deep look at Lu Qian and nodded slowly: Yes, let's clean up this monster first, and then talk about other things... Heh, as you just said, is there anyone behind this monster?

Lu Qian sighed softly: What do you think?

Yu Diaihu drooped his eyelids, pondered for a long time, and then sneered: I understand, I guess it belongs to someone. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the origin of my cultivation... I'm afraid, that motto back then, I didn't expect that it was actually fulfilled. day!

Lu Qian curiously asked Yu Diaihu: Oh? Proverbs? What kind of proverbs?

Yu Diaohu looked at Yu Canglang coldly: Whether you believe it or not, in fact, when we first lived here, Ahu and I fought side by side against powerful enemies...the boundless monsters and monsters, the endless bloody battles...we Those who once stood side by side, supported each other in life and death, and fought bloody battles hand in hand.

Tilting his head, Yu Diaihu said softly: However, that person told me that I have a life and death situation, and I should consider myself.

He looked at Lu Qian again: I'm not doing it for power or wealth, I just want to avoid the disaster of my own life and death, so I established the Shenyin Dynasty and brought a group of brothers to this day... Me, that's right!

Lu Qian shook his head, noncommittal.

Even when a person is about to die, his words are kind. Yu Diaihu is still one breath away from death, so...it's better not to take his words seriously.

Maybe that proverb is true.

But let’s listen to the other words.

The world of mortals is like a furnace, and the human heart is like coal. In the world of Buddha, all living beings are like ghosts. Yu Diaihu took off his heavy armor and his gorgeous clothes, revealing his golden and bronze skin. The body as majestic as a mountain exuded the momentum of a dragon and an elephant, and the majestic breath of essence and blood turned into a wisp of smoke, rising up to a height of thousands of feet.

Yu Canglang pretended to be horrified and covered his mouth: Oh my god, what are you doing? You know you are going to die, so you cleaned it up so that I can eat it, brother?

Yu Diaihu formed a seal with his hands and said slowly: Cang Lang... Well, you are not actually Yu Cang Lang now, but I still call you that!

Canglang, you have to be careful next time.

I have been the emperor for so many years, and I have been oppressing you for so many years. I know that many of you are dissatisfied with me, and many of you are working behind my back... But so what? I can still suppress you. No!

When you were human, I could crush you until you couldn't breathe.

No matter if you become a ghost or a demon, I will still be able to completely subjugate you!

Along with the ear-piercing roar, a ball of blood rose from the Buddha's seal in the palm of Yu Dianhu's palm. The rays of light flashed like the scorching sun, revealing a vast Buddhist kingdom inside.

This Buddhist country is like a huge military camp, with trenches and barracks, guard towers and archery towers everywhere, and city gates everywhere. Countless soldiers with translucent bodies, bare heads, sat cross-legged in the barracks, chanting the title of Yu Diaihu.

‘The Greatest and Most Holy Palm Controls the Universe, Takes the Yin and Yang and Controls the Mountains and Rivers, the Great Emperor Yin’!

A title that made Lu Qian feel inexplicably embarrassed, was repeated over and over again by the trillions of soldiers.

As these warriors chanted like crazy demons, wisps of the most refined and pure power of faith rose from the tops of these warriors' heads, condensing into a bright sun over the Buddhist kingdom, emitting immeasurable rays of light, illuminating the entire sky. It's all red.

I have sat on this throne for many years.

Although my government is strict, the laws are strict, and I am almost merciless and inhumane...but there are always some people who have benefited from my rule. Therefore, I have countless loyal dogs and minions under my command.

Year after year, every year, I will select tens of thousands of the most loyal eagle dogs to enter my Buddhist country, become the people of my Buddhist country, and become my most devout fans... I sit on this throne , how many years has it been? I can’t even count how many people have been stationed here.”

These years, they have been practicing secret methods in my Buddhist kingdom!

They have cultivated themselves into the best materials in the world...and are always waiting for my harvest!

I have always hesitated whether to practice this secret technique.

But since you won't give me a way out...then!

Yu Dihu said softly: Colorless and Formless White Bone Temple, get up!

In the Buddhist kingdom between Yu Diaihu's hands, wisps of white bone fire with a terrifying cold air rose out of the air and wrapped around the soldiers who were chanting devoutly.

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