Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 832 Nine Lotus Appears

White Bone View?

Very weird Buddhist teachings.

At least in Liangyitian, Lu Qian had never heard of any similar method.

With the roar of the fish and the tiger, the bone-white flames in his Buddhist kingdom rose up, and countless people of the Buddhist kingdom burned in the flames. Wisps of rays of light rose up, and these people of the Buddhist Kingdom turned into thumb-sized, white and translucent bone relics in the fire!



It is filled with incomparably huge belief power and surges with extremely extreme Buddhist Taoism.

Countless white bone relics turned into strips of white light and surged out from the Buddhist kingdom. The fish opened its mouth and swallowed it in big mouthfuls. As he swallowed, his breath surged.

One hundred calamities.

Three hundred calamities.

Eight hundred calamities.

As he breathed, wisps of white Buddhist flames soared into the sky from Yu Dianhu's head. Above his head, he transformed into a strange statue wearing a white bone Vairocana hat, with eight arms on all sides, sitting cross-legged on a white bone lotus platform, without a trace of flesh and blood in his body. .

My name. Guiji!

Yu Diaihu's body was also covered with a light bone color. His voice became hollow and transparent, like the wind blowing through the corroded bones, carrying an inexplicable aura of death. As time passed by, the flesh and blood on his body disappeared rapidly, revealing the bones in his body that were as clear as glass.

The originally dazzling golden glazed Buddha bones quickly turned into a white porcelain-like texture under the burning of the white Buddha flames.

The white bones swelled, and wisps of fine and strange Buddhist patterns were entangled in the white bones. Lu Qian, Yu Canglang, and the few people who were still awake in the air all heard the murmuring of sutras. It was a voice that was extremely ruthless and indifferent, treating all things in the world as stupid dogs, completely losing all emotions and desires, and was almost blank.

Yu Canglang's expression became extremely strange. His nine faces were twisting and twitching, and his body was shaking uneasily from side to side. He muttered in a low voice: This breath is scary!

Lu Qian squinted his eyes and looked at Yu Diaihu and Yu Canglang quietly.

There is no doubt that Yu Cang Lang was plotted... This so-called Nine Sons Ghost Father Xiao Du Lu Yuan Demon Secret, as expected, should be arranged by Thirty-Three Years Cicada, the 'creator' of this world. s method. Yu Cang Lang, as well as many powerful ministers of the Shenyin Dynasty, became practitioners of this secret method. They eventually sacrificed everything to create such a monster with the face of Yu Cang Lang.

And the fish is crazy.

Obviously, there is someone powerful behind him.

Yu Dianhu, the entire Shenyin Dynasty, and all the high-level magical methods, did not break out of the Dajra Zen method that Lu Chen passed on to the thirty-six Shenwu generals. With Yu Diaihu's understanding and qualifications, Lu Qian didn't believe that he could come up with such a weird bone viewing method by himself.

So, there must be someone behind him.

The feud between this man... and the thirty-three-year-old cicada is very interesting.

Haha, two knives! Lu Qian sighed in a low voice.

Yu Diaihu and Yu Canglang glanced at Lu Yi at the same time.

Yucanglang's eyes flashed with blue-purple magic light, and he laughed softly: I am who I am, where is the knife?

Yu Dianhu's eyes have disappeared, and only two balls of pale white light the size of fists are beating and flickering, revealing an extremely cold and ruthless charm. His voice was like two white bones that had been weathered for thousands of years rubbing against each other. It was dry, hoarse, rough and unpleasant.

He hissed: Even if it's a sword, as long as it can destroy the world and can do it for one person, what's wrong with making a sword?

Grinning, Yu Diaihu's aura suddenly soared to an extreme. He opened his arms and looked up to the sky and roared. With Sheng Hao Jing as the center and Yu Diaihu as the center of the circle, more than half of the many powerful ministers of the Shenyin Dynasty who had fainted opened their eyes and stood up.

They recited the long and smelly name of Yu Diaihu with great respect, and their bodies were ignited with white Buddhist flames.

In Shenghao Capital City, there are large groups of wealthy businessmen, landowners, heroes, and gang members who have benefited from the Shenyin Dynasty on weekdays and belong to the class of vested interests. Together with those in the city who live a worry-free life and are usually benefited by the Shenyin Dynasty, The wealthy people supported by the government also woke up from their coma.

They ran to their own shrine and burned incense and worshiped at the longevity tablet of Yu Diaihu enshrined on the shrine.

In the huge Eastern Buddhist Kingdom, countless people worshiped Lu Qian devoutly, worshiping Ahu and the many tiger masters of Baihu Hall. And the Shenyin Dynasty, under the management of Yu Diaihu for countless years, naturally has a group of the most devout fans.

Power, wealth, beauty... As the monarch of a dynasty, if Yu Diaihu couldn't even win over a group of loyal subordinates, he would be a waste.

Compared to the huge Shenyin Dynasty, these die-hard subjects only account for a small proportion.

However, the Shenyin Dynasty had a vast territory and a large number of subjects. This small proportion of subjects could be regarded as an astronomical figure - like puppets on strings, countless subjects began to burn incense, worship, and offer their most pious tributes to Yu Diaihu. The power of incense.

The dense white bone Buddha flames burned fiercely on Yu Diaihu's body.

Pieces of crystal clear, tiny and thin bones appeared out of thin air in the Buddha's flames, condensing into cassocks, monk clothes, monk boots, and various white bone staffs, swords, alms bowls, bells, and even huge... There are bronze bells, and an eighteen-story White Bone Pagoda with countless ferocious Bone Gods and magical images carved all over it.

These magical weapons made of white bones emit a cold light, and their power is extremely astonishing!

And Yu Diaihu's aura has firmly entered the realm of the Buddha...even thicker than Yu Canglang's aura.

However, his energy was completely different from that of Yu Dihu himself.

It was as if a ray of soul awakened in his body, and soon merged with Yu Diaihu's own soul, turning into another completely different personality, an 'outsider' who had little to do with Yu Diaihu.

This man looked straight at Yu Canglang through Yu Diaihu's strange white bone spell, and smiled softly: Junior brother, long time no see!

Yu Canglang pursed his lips hard.

His energy also suddenly changed.

From the evil, filthy, sinister, and vicious devil, he turned into an erratic and unpredictable man.

His voice also became empty and vague, full of unpredictable mysteries. He raised his head, with a faint purple-green light flashing in his eyes, and stared deeply at the existence in Yu Diaihu's body: Hey, you still caught me. Why bother? You can't let my wife live in peace. Will you survive this disaster?

The man in Yu Diaihu's body chuckled: Of course, of course, if we had no grievances back then, I wouldn't care what you did? But you shouldn't, you shouldn't, you actually put us , use it as a tool to overcome the tribulation, and lead us to the ancient city of Loulan... From the ancestor to the master, so many elders of the sect have been trapped and killed by you one by one.

There are also junior brothers, so many junior brothers...

The man in Yu Diaihu's body hissed: Okay, even if the master, master, and so many brothers are tricked and killed by you, I don't care, I can't care... their life and death, and mine What does it matter? But, little junior sister!

Lu Qian slapped himself on the forehead.

This scene is so bloody!

You are monks!

Monk, little junior sister!

Uh, okay, you guys sang so soul-stirringly in such a big drama, it’s really... quite helpless!

Yu Cang Lang and Yu Diai Hu started quarreling with each other.

Lu Qian also understood.

What happened was simple.

Thirty-three years ago, in a certain heaven, Cicada worshiped in the Buddhist sect left behind by the old monk Hongchen. He is parasitic on that Buddhist door, quietly absorbing the knowledge and resources of Buddhism, just like his body is parasitic on some chaotic spiritual roots in the chaos, and the roots of sacred trees and immortal plants, absorbing the juice of the roots to strengthen himself.

He lived very comfortably and carefree in that Buddhist gate.

Buddhism is a dominant family in that heaven, and its power is incredibly powerful. Its power radiates to tens of thousands of surrounding heavens, making it truly the overlord.

Thirty-three years ago, Cicada lived happily for many years under the protection of that Buddhist sect.

But that year, he suddenly felt that a major disaster was about to come to him, and this disaster would be among the thirty-three major disasters destined to happen in his life. It would be more difficult and dangerous than the previous disasters, almost It is a time that is destined to be wiped out in ashes.

Therefore, Thirty-Three-Year-Old Cicada quietly arranged and promoted secretly, so that there were a few rebellious Buddhist rebels in that Buddhist sect... Those rebels, under the careful cultivation of Thirty-Three-Year-Old Cicada, cultivated their abilities. Astonishingly, his methods were fierce, and he killed many batches of law enforcement lords sent by Buddhism in succession.

The leader of the Buddhist sect on that side was furious. He personally took charge of countless monks and chased into Chaos. He vowed to capture those rebellious people alive and execute them by cutting them into pieces with a thousand swords.

Under the design of the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada, the Buddhist monks who went on an expedition accidentally entered the ancient city of Loulan and were almost killed and injured.

And the thirty-three-year-old cicada absorbed the essence of those dead and injured Buddhists, crazily improved himself, and even faked death and reincarnated, intending to take off his body and survive this severe tribulation!

However, among the fellow disciples who were tricked and killed by him, there was a fellow disciple whose qualifications and talents could be called a monster, and he struggled to crawl out from that desperate situation. Not only that, he also spent countless years of hard work to find the thirty-three-year-old cicada who was pretending to be dead to survive the tribulation!

Thirty-three years ago, Cicada borrowed the help of Yu Canglang and others to practice magic in preparation for overcoming the disaster.

As for that senior brother, he made a bet on Yu Diaihu.

At this moment, the White Bone Contemplation Buddhist Dharma displayed by Yu Diaihu is a very high-level secret method that this senior brother learned through hard in that state of death and survived in death.

It's just that for many years, Yu Diaihu has had doubts about this secret method. He just silently hoarded supplies and never really practiced it.

Until today, after being cornered by the monster Yu Canglang, Yu Diaihu made a desperate move and activated the secret method... And then, sure enough, his soul merged with that ray of soul.

At this moment, you can say that Yu Dianhu is Yu Dianhu, or you can say that he is the senior brother of Cicada in the 33rd year.


Yu Canglang suddenly screamed, one of his nine demonic shadows flashed, and he arrived in front of Yu Diaihu. He opened his mouth, and countless strands of green demonic energy condensed into sword light that filled the sky and spurted out, turning into a mountain of swords and sword wheels and crushing Yudianhu.

Indestructible! Yu Diaihu chuckled.

There was no trace of flesh and blood on his face. He was smiling, but only laughter could be heard. There was no smile at all on the skeletal face. He stretched out his right index finger and tapped lightly on the sword mountain sword wheel formed by countless sword lights.

Within a few inches, space twisted, vibrated, extended, and shattered... A small square of space the size of a fist expanded to a million miles in radius in an instant, and then collapsed to the size of a mustard seed.

In this distorted space, the white finger bones were cut, polished, and twisted crazily by countless green sword lights. The harsh choking friction sound was heard endlessly, and the fish and the tiger were dizzy. Sparks flew from the white bone finger, and countless sword lights smashed into pieces, but they were unable to leave any traces on his finger.

So strong!

The corners of Lu Qian's eyes couldn't help but jump.

The sword light emitted by Yu Canglang has definitely reached the Buddha Lord realm in terms of lethality. Lu Qian has not experienced the specific lethality personally, so he doesn’t know... But the attack at the Buddha Lord realm cannot be used at all. Are there any traces left on Yu Diaihu’s finger?

This secret method abandons the physical body and leaves only the bones.

So decisive, so extreme, the White Bone Dharma Drive he cultivated is really powerful!

Yu Dianhu laughed: Junior brother, your little thoughts are the same as before... you are always reluctant to let go!

Yucanglang's attack failed, and his demonic shadow flashed back. He tilted his head and looked Yu Dianhu up and down: I, can't bear to part with you?

Yu Dianhu nodded: Yes, you clearly have stronger means, why do you only use this demonic body made of foreign objects? Hey, you want to use foreign objects to overcome the tribulation? How can it be so easy?

You have sacrificed this demonic skill and refined this monster because you want to devour all the creatures raised in this world... These creatures have been born in this world and have thrived for countless years. If you devour the qi machines in the void of your Buddhist kingdom, you can refine them into an external Dharma body, and use this to replace the original body to overcome the tribulation!

But what if I completely destroy your outer body?

Yu Diaihu smiled: Or, I made it impossible for him to become the highest form?

Yu Canglang's expression changed slightly, and he said quietly: You are right, I have been operating in this world for countless years... I expanded the Buddhist kingdom and raised these creatures. Even many ethnic groups in this world are... I worked hard to carefully select the monks who accidentally entered the ancient city of Loulan, erased their memories, and kept them here in captivity so that they could multiply and grow.

I really want to breed them. When they have a sufficient number of people, I will swallow them in one gulp. With the help of their seven emotions and six desires, their greed, anger and ignorance, and their grievances and hatreds, I will cultivate the supreme demonic body and replace it with My body will overcome the tribulation!

Let this immortal demonic body bear all the calamities, and I will be able to survive!

Yu Canglang sighed softly: I have been planning the magic method to overcome the tribulation for countless years... How can you stop this demonic body of mine?

Yu Diaihu shook his head gently. On the bone-bone Vairocana hat above his head, several white-bone Buddha statues emitted extremely eerie white Buddha light, illuminating the surrounding sky and earth in a pale white color. It was so white that it made people feel chilled and chilled all over. .

He said softly: The support of your demonic body is Yu Canglang, right? What if I destroy the foundation of this demonic body!

Yu Canglang's eyes widened: Ha, my demonic body has already taken shape... How do you destroy her foundation? Unless your cultivation and your methods are a hundred times better than mine... But you, okay What?

Yu Canglang said proudly: It's not that I underestimated you, but back then...

Yu Diaihu waved his hand gently: As I said, it was back then. I was indeed not as good as you back then, but that doesn't mean that after all these years, I am still not as good as you... Well, even if I am not as good as you, I still have my destiny, you What do you think?

Yucanlang said in a deep voice: What good fortune can you have?

Yu Diaihu chuckled and said: For example, what if Yu Canglang practices my secret method of White Bone Viewing far before your Nine Sons Ghost Father Xiao Du Lu Yuan Demon Secret?

Yu Diaihu's face froze.

He looked at Yu Dianhu in shock and hissed: Impossible, absolutely impossible... Yu Canglang's memory has never...

Yu Diaihu waved his hand gently and sighed softly: Fellow Taoists, it's time to harvest... This is the thirty-three-year-old cicada, and its shell is the best material for forging the Sea of ​​Bitter Dharma Boat... I Junior brother, he should have survived no less than twenty severe disasters, so you can imagine how strong his cicada shell is.

Lu Qi was horrified.




Is there someone behind this fish?

The sound of water sounded, and a huge hole was suddenly washed out by countless gushing and beating water in the sky. Accompanied by the deafening sound of water, an erratic, illusory, phantom-like winding river surrounded by a large mist, meandering like a spiritual snake, rushed in from the sky.

That great river is a million miles wide, and its length is unknown.

The water in the river was majestic and turbulent. Lu Qian just glanced at the river and felt an inexplicable danger of violent shaking and melting of his flesh and blood, as if it was about to turn into a puddle of clear water.

The Buddha's light on the Eternal Life Lotus Platform surged and enveloped the whole body, resisting the inexplicable dangerous energy brought by the long river.

But in Shenghao Capital City, countless princes and ministers of the Shenyin Dynasty, generals of the imperial army, and ordinary people were all awakened by the sound of the waves of the river. They all raised their heads, glanced at the river, and with a 'crash' sound, their bodies exploded into water mist that filled the sky, then turned into wisps of small water flowing into the sky, and merged into the big river.

In an instant, except for Yu Diaihu and Yu Canglang, there was only one person outside the city, Lu Yi, and the ordinary people who originally lived in the rural towns outside the city of Shenghao who were protected by the Buddhist kingdom temporarily opened by Lu Yi. , all living creatures within tens of billions of miles around turned into turbulent waves.

Lu Qian gritted his teeth.

Yu Dihu smiled.

Yu Canglang looked at the long river coldly, with magic light surging on his face, and his aura became restless, like a thunder that might explode at any time. The magic light around him was surging, shaking the void nearby. Don't break.

On the rolling long river, accompanied by the sad sound of ding-dong-dang-dang pipa, a large wooden boat slowly came over.

This big boat is made of wood, and the hull is not very big. At first glance, it is only seven or eight miles long.

The shape is also ordinary, just a five-masted sailing ship that is relatively common in the world and used for ocean freight. The five main masts at the front and rear stand tall, with sails that are as translucent as mist and erratic and agile. There are three ship towers at the front and rear, the two at the front and rear are seven stories high, and the middle one is nine stories high.

The eaves of the three boat buildings are all hung with white gauze lanterns and tied with a large number of silver bells.

These dexterous silver bells hang quietly under the eaves, each one shaking like a madman, but not making any sound.

On such a large boat, only on the top of the nine-story ship building in the middle, sitting cross-legged on the ridge, was a smooth-skinned man with no facial features, long hair, wrapped in a long white skirt, holding a human bone pipa, and was playing. The trembling and gentle strokes, playing a pipa song that looks like a sad music...a girl?

Without his facial features, Lu Qian couldn't tell how big this guy was.

Just looking at her petite and slim figure, she should have the figure of a girl... Let's just say she is a girl, right?

This big boat is all white, even the roof tiles are white. Its bow is embossed with nine gorgeous lotus flowers... Overlapping lotus leaves are surrounded by nine lotus flowers. Both the lotus leaves and the lotus flowers are full of joy. It is full of vitality, as if it may expand from the bow statue at any time and turn into a real flower and explode in front of you!

Nine lotuses?



Deep in Lu Qian's memory, something he had almost forgotten was awakened.

Nine Lotus Treasure Boat?

The Nine Lotus Treasure Boat on the Xingshang River?

Is this big ship what they came to Loulan Ancient City to pursue?

The Holy Mother of Yaohua obtained the fortune-taking magic from the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat, which caused the entire Liangyi Heaven to become chaotic, and directly caused the tragic fate of the Yinyuan couple.

Is this big boat the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat?

He actually appeared in front of Lu Qian in such a weird way... And according to what 'Yu Dianhu' meant, he seemed to be colluding with the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat, and wanted to deal with the three people hiding here, who were focused on overcoming the catastrophe. Thirteen-year-old cicada!

The sound of pipa is sad and ecstatic.

Around Shenghao Capital, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and everything was miserable.

Behind Lu Qian, the immortal lotus platform was dimly glowing, and the sound of the pipa made this Buddhist treasure left behind by the old monk feel a certain amount of pressure. This 'person' who plays the pipa is so powerful that it is impossible to predict.

Yucanglang let out a long roar and turned into nine extremely thin magic lights flying into the sky. After a circle, nine huge holes suddenly collapsed in the void. The chaotic energy from the outside world was infected by the magic light, attracted by the magic energy, and turned into a miserable green thunder light surging down. Thunder roared all over the sky, like a collapse of the sky, hitting the big river and the wooden boat on the river.

‘Chlang, choke, choke’!

The woman playing the pipa waved her bare hands lightly, and circles of soft and thin ripples slowly spread from the human bone pipa. Countless magic thunder surged down, all of which were shattered in the thin ripples of the pipa, and disappeared. live.

Yucanlang was still waiting to do something, when suddenly a little white Buddhist flame rose up in his body.

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