Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 833 Nine Lotus Alliance


Everything about Tem is calculated.

When the pale white bone Buddha flame rose up in Yu Cang Lang's body, Lu Qian knew that Yu Cang Lang had been plotted, and behind Yu Cang Lang was the treacherous and ruthless thirty-three-year-old cicada. , was also calculated.

Yu Diaihu, I don’t know when, he did something to these brothers of his own.

Even Thirty-Three-Year Cicada was not on guard against these moves - or rather, he was on guard, but his methods were more clever.

The Buddha's flames are rising, and the fish and wolf are roaring and howling miserably.

Not just Yucanglang, but also in all directions, in the vast land of the Shenyin Dynasty, pale white Buddha flames were rising from the bodies of countless creatures. Accompanied by the shrill roar, Yu Canglang and other powerful people were still struggling, while the ordinary people of the Shenyin Dynasty, even Lu Qian had no time to save them, were turned into tiny white bones in the Buddha's flames. Relics!

Those ordinary people, their energy and blood are weak, and their cultivation is weak. They give everything they have, but they are just transformed into a small relic that is a thousand times smaller than dust, so small that the naked eye of a mortal cannot see it clearly.

Although it is small, its texture is extremely pure and extremely extreme.

Crystal clear, without any impurities, and full of the atmosphere of emptiness, death, and annihilation...

Each bone relic is extremely small, but the people of the Shenyin Dynasty number in the trillions. When the bone relics transformed by these countless people are put together, it is an extremely huge astronomical number.

If its size were put together, it would be a giant mountain range thousands of miles high, and its total volume is immeasurable.

Lu Qian's face tensed up.

All the people of the Shenyin Dynasty were wiped out and no one survived.

Even though he had used all his strength to save these people, he could not find the source of the White Bone Buddha Flame or the magical power and secret technique that could restrain it. He wanted to reverse time and forcefully bring back these burning people, but it still didn't work.

This white bone Buddha flame is extremely domineering. When it burns, the huge Shenyin Dynasty, countless people, everything about them, their souls, flesh and blood, shallow cultivation, and insignificant mark of existence, everything is burned. Completely obliterated.

All traces of their existence have been erased.

It's like they never existed!

Even with Lu Qian's current magical power and current cultivation level, his impression and perception of these people of the Shenyin Dynasty are rapidly dissipating.

Those he has never met, heard their voices, or interacted with are just ordinary people... Lu Qian has seen these skies over Shenghao Capital with his own eyes, heard their voices with his own ears, and even felt them The powerful ministers who had seen their presence, the generals of the imperial army who had fought in the sky above Sheng Hao Capital...

Lu Qian's impressions of their voices and appearance, and all his impressions of them, were quickly dissipating.

All the marks, all traces, all causes and effects, everything that existed, have been wiped away... They have never existed.

Lu Qian's current Taoism and current cultivation are still unable to reverse time by 'creating something out of nothing' and forcefully drag those obliterated creatures back from the passing time!

Suddenly, Lu Qian's heart beat wildly.

He turned around suddenly and looked in the direction where she came from, and where Yu (Wang Bu) Su was!

The fish (Wang Bu) was struggling, roaring, and cursing.

This rough and reckless guy, this guy with a weak brain, he watched helplessly at his people, his children and grandchildren, his lovely wife and concubines, the people around him, and the confidant generals he relied on. Those loyal subordinates who drank with him, ate meat with him, and fought happily on the battlefield together...

Everyone was quickly burned up in the pale white bone Buddha flames and turned into extremely fine white bone relics.

In this huge feudal country, only the most powerful fish (Wang Bu) is left struggling...

His whole body was burning with golden Buddha flames, and his whole body was shining with dazzling Buddha light. He seemed to be feeling something and looked in the direction of Lu Qian. His mouth moved, as if he wanted to apologize to Lu Qian, but the words failed to come out. His whole body exploded into countless tiny sparks, leaving a fist-sized one on the spot, crystal clear and pale white. of relics.

Lu Qian stretched out his hand with a gloomy expression.

His palm shattered the void and grabbed the white bone relic belonging to Yu (Wang Bu) Su, trillions of miles away. He retracted his hand, and the white bone relics were suspended in his palm. He used all his strength to drive the avenue of time.

Next to Lu Qian, in an area hundreds of miles in diameter, lights and shadows flashed randomly, and countless visions flashed rapidly.

He went against the flow of time, trying to trace the origin of this bone relic and forcibly resurrect Yu (Wang Bu) Su.

However, to no avail.

This pale white bone Buddha flame is too cruel and domineering.

Yu (Wang Bu) Su, as well as the kings, generals, princes, ministers, and common people of the Shenyin Dynasty, they were all wiped out too completely. With Lu Qian's current practice, he could not bring them back.

The bone relics were heavy. The small fist-sized bone relics were as heavy as a mountain.

Holding the white bone relic belonging to Yu (Wang Bu) Su, Lu Chen slowly turned around and looked at Yu Dianhu, who was wrapped in white Buddhist flames: This senior brother, his attack was too harsh... If you do this, the young monk will have no choice but to fight with you!

Yu Diaihu chuckled.

He glanced at Yu Canglang, who was struggling crazily with white Buddhist flames burning all over his body, and his attention was temporarily focused on Lu Qian.

Well, are you going to risk your life with me?

Let me think about it... Well, you are Lu Qian, Monk Fahai, Lord Weiyang... Well, you are quite interesting... You are actually a hero who swept through one side of the heaven in the lower world? The direct descendant of Liangyitian Buddhism ?The background is good and the backing is very strong!”

Yu Diaihu shook his head slightly: But, you are so brazen that you are risking your own life with me? Are you trying to risk your own life?

With a slight wave of his pale and bone-white arm, Yu Dianhu said calmly: The things here have nothing to do with you, juniors, get out... don't get in the way here!

Lu Qian's heart was filled with anger, and just as he was about to speak, a figure appeared silently beside him.

It was indeed a human figure.

Slightly black, transparent, flat as paper, with clear black traces on the edges - it's like a person's shadow fell on a huge piece of drawing paper. Someone cut out the figure with scissors, and then stamped it out. By Lu Qian's side.

This flat 'figure' has no 'thickness', and its face is also 'blank'. But Lu Qian could clearly sense that he was looking at him up and down with interest.

With a chuckle, the figure nodded.

Yu Dianhu laughed: Brother Taoist, are you interested in this young monk?

The figure smiled strangely: This skin is not bad...if you peel it off, it can be used for a long time.

Moreover, he is actually a loving father and a filial son. Moreover, he has several confidantes around him, and a group of brothers who depend on each other for life and death... Hey, in such a perfect life, there must be some flaws.

I can't bear to see someone having such a smooth life. I must make such a person miserable and homeless!

The figure sighed: This is not good, very bad. I know that this habit of mine is almost demonic, and it is indeed not a good habit... But doing this makes me very happy...

Especially, the three little girls named Qingyou, Qingning, and Qingmeng are actually born to my taste.

Well, I will wear this human skin of his, and then I will have sex with those three little girls, get married and have children, so that they can live a happy and happy life... When they are happy to the extreme, I suddenly take off my clothes. Get rid of this little monk's human skin and tell them the truth...

The figure trembled slightly, and his voice became distorted and sharp: What a happy thing!

Let all intelligent creatures suddenly fall into the abyss from the happiest peak of life... Destroy their lives, destroy their happiness, annihilate their hopes, completely destroy everything... Ah, I can't wait any longer. ,can not wait anymore!

The figure suddenly distorted and turned into countless extremely thin black tentacles, even smaller than a hair. They grabbed Lu Qian overwhelmingly: Little monk, hand over your skin, your skin, your skin. , I want your skin!

Lu Qian was extremely angry.

Also extremely shocked!

This weird guy was definitely the first time Lu Yi had seen him in his life - but the first time he saw Lu Yi, he could actually capture from Lu Yi's aura about Lu Min, about A Hu and Bai Bai. Dear Tiger Lords of the Tiger Hall, please have some news about the three girls of Qingyou!

Moreover, through these messages, he analyzed Lu Qian's past life and past experiences, and developed extreme malice and jealousy. He wanted to impersonate Lu Qian's identity, destroy Lu Qian, and destroy everyone around him!

Such a twisted mind...

In comparison, the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada kept countless creatures in captivity as supplies to overcome the calamity... The ‘senior brother’ behind Yu Diaihu plotted against the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada at the expense of countless creatures in the entire Shenyin Dynasty!

Although their methods are cruel and ruthless, they are far less 'twisted' and 'evil' than the figure in front of them!

What the hell! Lu Qian shouted coldly, and the sandalwood merit staff in his hand brought forth a golden rush. Countless lotus and Buddha seals quickly circled, condensed into a golden dragon, and slammed into the countless flying black tentacles.

The sharp tearing sounds were endless.

The golden dragon formed by Lu Qian's majestic mana was continuously penetrated by those black tentacles. The high-pitched dragon roar was earth-shattering. Lu Qian's whole body of mana shook violently. The void around him was torn apart by the black tentacles. As it penetrated, countless small black space cracks turned into The huge cage tightly wrapped Lu Qian inside.

In that compartment, Yu Diaihu sneered: Just do whatever you want...just an insignificant little monk.

On the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat, on the top of the ship's building, the 'woman' playing the pipa smiled softly: Fellow Daoist '䥼' has not moved for many years, why is he so popular today? However, what can make fellow Taoist Yin tempted? , it can be seen that they are good prey...Those three women, please wait until the fellow Taoist monks have had enough fun, then hand over their bodies to the younger sister, okay?

The woman flicked the pipa strings with her fingers and said softly: Little sister, this pipa needs the anointing oil of a top-notch woman to moisturize it well. The top-notch woman who was thrown from the top of happiness and contentment into the abyss, hehe, is the best Materials waiting!”

‘Clang Clang, Clang Clang, Clang Clang’!

Lu Qian couldn't care less about the woman and the fish. He was in trouble at the moment.

The sandalwood merit staff in his hand, the most precious Buddhist treasure used by the Buddha of Precious Light Merit to attain enlightenment, was under the fierce attack of the evil Taoist. From its original warm touch, it gradually became scorching, and then the temperature began to rise continuously!

Lu Qian was shocked.

This kind of Buddha-level Buddha treasure contains the two highest avenues of heaven and earth. Its properties are almost 'constant' and almost 'immortal'!

In any environment and under any conditions, the weight, temperature, length, density and other 'physical properties' of this treasure staff should be 'eternal'...especially in Liangyi Heaven, unless the entire heaven and earth collapse, The world is completely destroyed, otherwise a Buddhist treasure of this level cannot be damaged in any way.

At this moment, the temperature of the sandalwood merit staff is rising rapidly.

It was originally a normal body temperature, but now it has risen to the level of boiling water... After a while, the temperature of the treasure staff was equivalent to that of a red-hot iron... After another two breaths, the tentacles blasted by Lu Qian and the Taoist Taoist collided again. After using it tens of thousands of times, the temperature of the treasure staff is no different from that of boiling molten iron.

And the temperature is still rising!

Gradually, the temperature has reached nearly one million degrees!

At such high temperatures, ordinary hardware and metals are already vaporized in an instant... That is to say, Lu Qian's physical body is strong, so he can barely hold on. Even so, Lu Qian also felt the discomfort in his hands - the strange energy that brought about rapid heating was constantly eroding Lu Qian's body, raising the temperature of his body bit by bit.

Lu Qian even smelled the smell of his own burnt skin!

The Taoist Taoist smiled in a low voice: Don't worry, let's take our time... You have a very happy and perfect life, so I must protect your skin well, without any damage or injury at all. Until...I want to be perfect and peel off your skin.

Little monk, when you resist, you must be careful and don't damage this skin that belongs to me!

The Taoist smiled brightly.

The green snake coiled above Lu Qian's head suddenly opened its mouth, and a very fine wisp of poisonous gas spurted out, falling straight on the Taoist Taoist's face. But the poisonous gas penetrated directly through the Taoist Taoist's face, and he was like an invisible phantom. The green snake's poisonous gas did not touch even one of his hairs.

The rabbit jumped around Lu Qian and roared.

Countless extremely fine innate Gengjin divine lights burst out from his body, and countless extremely fine silver lights crazily cut the black tentacles that were coming from the sky... The silver light cut through these black tentacles again and again, but these black tentacles had no trace at all. Injured, despite the silver light cutting through it, the tentacles were like an illusion and were not affected in any way.

And Lu Qian knew that these tentacles were not phantoms.

The sandalwood merit staff was trembling. These black tentacles struck the staff. Every blow was as heavy as a mountain. Even with Lu Qian's physical strength, he felt tremendous pressure!

And the other party obviously hasn't really worked hard yet!

He was afraid of 'hurting Lu Qian's skin', so he was a little 'cautious' in his approach!

Lu Qian had a gloomy face, holding tightly the sandalwood merit staff that had gradually emitted dazzling light due to the high temperature, pondering the idea of ​​defeating the enemy in his heart.

At the same time, he is frantically absorbing the incense and trust that belongs to him in this world!

The mighty faith from the Eastern Buddhist Kingdom is coming!

Lu Qian even took the initiative to use the secret skills of Buddhism. Through the mysterious connection between the faith of these incense and himself, he took the initiative to announce his arrival to countless people in the Eastern Buddhist Kingdom - I, Fahai, am here, the Buddha you worship. , is here, so kneel down, worship, and offer your pious incense and faith!

I, Fahai, need your strength!

Lu Qian's voice sounded in the minds of countless people in the Buddhist Kingdom.

At the same time, Lu Qian used his great supernatural power to convey to the people of the Buddhist Kingdom the scene where countless people of the entire Shenyin Dynasty were reduced to nothing in the white Buddhist flames.

Countless people in the Buddhist country were horrified and moved.

They all walked to their own shrines for Buddha and to the temple and monastery closest to their homes, and burned incense and knelt down to the Buddha statue of Fa Hai with great piety. They prayed devoutly that no matter who the enemy was, Lu Qian must kill all these evil spirits and protect the common people of the Buddhist Kingdom!

Lu Qian crazily devoured the incense and Xinli.

With every breath, his magic power and Taoist realm were soaring.

His power to fight back against the villains is also increasing little by little.

From time to time, he would swing dozens of Zen sticks, shaking the ground.

From time to time, he shed a few rays of Buddha's light, illuminating the heaven and earth.

From time to time, he blasted out countless thunderbolts, shaking the void.

However, the power he exerts is limited... If the Taoist power and mana he increases with each breath are one hundred, then the power he slowly exerts is only one percent.

The Taoist priest smiled and said, 'Lu Qian's resistance is becoming more and more fierce', but 'the strength of Lu Qian's resistance is within his control'!

So, hapless little monk, why do you want to join in the fun?

Hohoho, you will kill yourself, and you will kill everyone around you... Of course, it doesn't matter if you die, those people around you, your father, your brother, your woman, you Those disciples and disciples... Oh, how can I play with them and make them die in such misery and despair?

Should I just kill you?

Well, no, no, I just killed you. It's too rude, too unskilled, and too unrefined.

I should peel off your skin, and then keep your soul and imprison it in my body, so that you can always appreciate how I kill the people around you little by little... What do you think?

The Taoist Taoist laughed strangely, and suddenly dozens of extremely thin black tentacles condensed into one, traveling through the void, avoiding the time and space barrier blessed by Lu Qian, bypassing the treasure staff waved by Lu Qian, and piercing through the The Buddha's light shattered the thunder method he blasted all over the sky, and lightly and skillfully struck Lu Qian's face.

With a 'chi' sound, there was a bone-deep wound on Lu Qian's face.

The wound was neither big nor deep, and the wound was 'very ordinary'. As soon as Lu Qian turned his magic power, the damaged skin healed immediately, leaving no scars on the skin.

But this small wound was extremely painful.

The small wound, only three inches long, was like thousands of kitchen knives smeared with coarse salt and dipped in chili juice, slashing tens of thousands of times on Lu Qian's face...the heartbreaking, bone-piercing pain , the pain made Lu Qian's eyes darken, and he almost fainted!

With Lu Qian's current endurance, he groaned in pain, his body shook repeatedly, and he kept falling backwards.

The Taoist's smile became brighter and brighter: Hey, you are a person who can endure hardship... Then, continue? Don't worry, I am just letting you suffer a little, I will not really damage your skin. I can still use this skin.

The Taoist monk hummed a folk song with an extremely weird tune, and thin tentacles swept in strangely and lightly from all directions, avoiding all Lu Qian's defenses, and kept falling on him.

The Buddhist monk's robe and the cassock of liberation were two Buddhist treasures that shone brightly. Ninety-nine out of a hundred attacks launched by the Taoist were offset by the two treasures, but the remaining 1% of the attacks could also be defeated. Lu Qian screamed in pain and was in a state of embarrassment.

But, as the villain said, he was just 'playing'!

He was very careful not to break Lu Qian's skin... so these attacks, which were extremely painful, did not cause any damage to Lu Qian's 'roots'.

At this moment, it is over Shenghaojing.

Yucanglang's howling has become weak, and the nine demonic shadows have shrunk by less than half. His body has turned into a pale glass state, and an empty and dead Taoist sound is slowly leaking out of his body. come out.

The sound of the woman's pipa was tinkling, and clear sound wave ripples swept across the void. The nine large holes in the sky that Yucanlang had broken had been forcibly healed by the ripples. The chaotic magic thunder pouring down from the outside world has also disappeared without a trace.

Yu Diaihu formed a seal with his hands and recited a mysterious spell loudly.

From all directions, countless large and small bone relics flew through the air from the territory of the Shenyin Dynasty.

White light tore through the void. Regardless of the distance, these bone relics flew through the air at an astonishing speed. The furthest bone relics only took a quarter of an hour to gather over the Holy Hao Capital.

There was a muffled sound of ‘buzz’.

The white bone relic belonging to Yu (Wang Bu) Su, which was previously held in Lu Qian's palm, forcibly broke away from Lu Qian's palm and merged into the white bone relic dancing in the sky.

With Yu Dihu as the core, thirty-four fist-sized white bone relics were flying rapidly with trillions of relics, white Buddha flames rising, and these white bone relics slowly melting like metal.

The white bone relics all over the sky melted into white juice and poured into the thirty-four largest bone relics bit by bit.

A low, deathly sound of chanting could be heard.

Thirty-four white bone relics shone with a faint light, expanded to about a thousand feet in size, and then rapidly twisted and transformed - about an hour later, accompanied by Lu Qian's cry of pain, the thirty-four statues and Yu Dihu were at this moment The identical-looking white-bone Buddha slowly formed its true form in the void, surrounding the struggling Yu Canglang in the middle.

Junior brother, everything is ready, all that's left is you.

Yu Diaihu stopped the mantra and looked at Yu Canglang with a smile: If you still have a way, use it quickly...otherwise, you will have no chance at all!

There was sudden silence between heaven and earth.

Then, an earth-shaking sound suddenly exploded, causing the whole world to vibrate violently.

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