Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 860 Forced Conquest (2)

This kind of power is completely unmatchable!

The Taihu Emperor's ax moved slightly in Lu Qian's mind, but Lu Qian immediately suppressed him with the Taichu Confusion Pearl.

Lu Qian had a strong premonition, or a whim, which gave him an extremely strong warning - if the Taihu Emperor Ax appeared, it might not be able to kill Linghu Wuyou, but would instead put him in an unprecedented crisis!

This is a great horror that is enough to shatter him to pieces, wipe out all nine of his clans, and cause all the lives around him that are related to him to suffer catastrophe!

It must not be exposed, it must not be exposed!

The strength gap between Lu Qian and Linghu Wuyou is too big... too big... too big to make up for!

Even if there is the Taichu Confusion Bead, even if there is the Three-Eyed Man Figure, even if there is the Taihu Emperor's Axe, and the World of Red Dust Buddha Kingdom, Lu Qian's own cultivation is not enough to unleash the true power of these treasures.

How can a child with a yellow mouth threaten a hundred-foot giant with an ax weighing hundreds of millions of pounds?

It can't be done!

Since you can't resist, then... just steal a little bit of life.

Lu Qian is not greedy, he just wants to give these gods and demons in the world of mortals and the hundreds of millions of monks who have followed him for many years a chance of life. When those alien armies died before, Lu Qian noticed that everything about them, including their true spirits and the imprint of their existence, had been obliterated.

Not even a chance for reincarnation!

Lu Qian secretly made up his mind, at least, at least, these close subordinates who have followed him for so many years, these people... give them a chance to reincarnate?

He looked at Linghu Wuyou, who had a smile on his face. Countless thoughts went up and down in his mind. In the end, countless thoughts were shattered, leaving only the clearest and strongest thought hanging in his mind.

Lu Qian gave the order.

Trillions of mortal gods and demons all shouted loudly. Their eyes were fixed on the three Qingyou girls, Ahu, all the tiger masters, and the most considerate and affectionate Taoist monks who had followed Lu Ren for the longest time.

Then, trillions of mortal gods and demons were like human figures made of incense ash, turning into wisps of dust and drifting away in the breeze.

Like a tsunami, a wave of extremely pure light flames rose into the sky, and torrents of light flames roared into the 230,000 people selected by Lu Qian... Among them, the focus was on the three Qingyou girls who looked ignorant on Shang Zi's face. And inside the body of Ahu and others with a gloomy look.

The 230,000 people who were selected—this number was also calculated by Lu Qian.

There are twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty levels of Buddha Kingdoms in the world of mortals. Each level of Buddha Kingdom should be guarded by eighteen Buddha-level powers, excluding those terrifying powers that have been suppressed and 'slumbered'.

Immediately, the 230,000 or so people who were selected, just like the more than a hundred lucky saints and princesses before, their auras soared, their Taoism soared, their strength and mana increased by leaps and bounds, from the true fairyland to the heavenly realm. Buddha level.

The three Qingyou girls, Ahu, and Bailai Lord Tiger, who were specially blessed by Lu Qian, were blessed with even more power. Trillions of mortal gods and demons, their sacrifices definitely not only gave rise to 230,000 ordinary one-day realm Buddhas. Their sacrifices should give rise to more and more powerful powers.

And these extra 'life essences' were all poured into Qingyou and the others under Lu Qian's will.

Their qi energy increased at a much faster rate than those of the previous saints and princesses... that is, in the blink of an eye, in the arena where Linghu Wuyou made the rules, there were dozens of rays of light rising into the sky behind the hundreds of them. , the 'mighty master' with a terrifyingly powerful aura is just coming out of the oven!

In addition, there are hundreds of thousands of Taoist monks who have followed Lu Yi for the longest time, all the way from the Holy Heaven, and they all stood there ignorantly and cutely.

Their cultivation level has not improved, but their lives have been saved.

Including Qingyou, the three women, and others, their total number is exactly 1.08 million.

Lu Chen clasped his hands together and murmured a scripture about salvation. Seeing Lu Chen's behavior, these surviving monks also started chanting sutras about salvation... Countless tiny spots of light, thicker than sesame seeds. Light points that were a hundred times smaller flew up from the arena. The dense light points circled around Lu Qian three times before disappearing directly into the void.

This true spirit was transcended by Lu Qian and escaped directly into the avenue of reincarnation in this world.

More importantly, when these true spirits escaped into the reincarnation of heaven and earth, Lu Qian forcibly separated a little bit of his incredibly rich power of destiny and put it into their true spirits. This bit of luck is nothing to Lu Qian today.

But for these reincarnated true spirits, it can definitely produce incomparable miraculous effects.

Those who are reincarnated as humans are either born into rich and powerful families, or they have amazing qualifications and possess the talents of monsters.

Those who are reincarnated into beasts, at least, their parents should be big monsters that dominate the territory of thousands of miles. There will be a trace of the rare blood of divine beasts and spirit birds in their blood. They will develop spiritual wisdom while still in the eggshell and mother's womb.

Those who are reincarnated into plants and trees are even more incredible. They must be exotic flowers and plants, and exotic flowers in fairy gardens. After they are born, they will quickly develop their spiritual wisdom and embark on the path of new cultivation!

In short, although they have given up everything in this life, with the blessing of Lu Yi's luck and the protection of the salvation sutra mantra that Lu Yi spent a lot of Buddhist power to cast, they will all live well in the next life!

Maybe there is a chance... Under the influence of cause and effect, they will emerge from the heaven of countless reincarnations, and gradually reunite with Lu Qian after countless years.

It's a pity, it's a pity. Linghu Wuyou smiled brightly: These trillions of true spirits are the most important and spiritual core imprint of a living being's soul... If these true spirits are also divided into As for Shizhi, these subordinates of yours will not only improve their Taoism and their magic power, but more importantly, they will have an innate aura... To put it bluntly, their understanding and wisdom will also be greatly improved.

Shaking his head, Linghu Wuyou sighed: However, since you are soft-hearted...that's all, I will give you extra face and let them live. In the next life, those who should be cows will be cows, and those who should be horses will be horses... They should be grateful to you, otherwise they will have no chance of having a better life.

It's a pity, it's a pity. These confidants of yours could have been extremely intelligent, but now they are just ordinary... However, I don't need subordinates who are too smart. Just be dumber or dumber, okay!

Linghu Wuyou pointed at Lu Yi and said with a smile: Do you understand? I don't like subordinates who are too smart. Be stupid, be honest, and obey orders. I will treat you and everyone under you the same. It’s a big benefit!”

‘Choke Lang’!

Beside Qingyou, the two sisters Qing Ning and Qing Meng, whose cultivation level had soared and whose impetuous spirit was a bit out of control, suddenly let out a high-pitched sword cry from the two brightly relics of the Qinglin Sword Palace on their waists. An ancient sword was shaped like a flying dragon, and an ancient sword was shaped like a wild phoenix. The two ancient swords were bright and shining, exuding a sharp edge, and shrouded Linghu Wuyou intentionally or unintentionally.

Lu Qian swayed and stood in front of the two women.

The invisible sword intent hit Lu Qian's body, cutting countless shallow sword marks on the muscles of his back. The sword intent cut his skin exactly, and as soon as the small wounds appeared, dark golden light surged on Lu Qian's skin, and all the wounds immediately healed, leaving no traces.

The two sisters stuck out their tongues, looked at Qingyou who looked gloomy, carefully gathered their energy, and pressed the two restless ancient swords back into their scabbards.

Lu Chen shook his hand, and a brand new green cloth monk's robe appeared and was wrapped around his body.

He smiled and saluted Linghu Wuyou with his hands together: My lord, please forgive me.

Linghu Wuyou smiled brighter and brighter. He looked at the three Qingyou girls standing behind Lu Qian and nodded slowly: Very good, I just like their...this...reckless temperament. !”

Putting his fingers in front of him and shaking them gently, Linghu Wuyou smiled and said: I hate those women who are scheming and cunning the most... Hahaha, be simpler in mind, reckless in character, stupid, and naive. With just a little bit, you will definitely live a long and prosperous life!”

Linghu Wuyou laughed, shook his hands, and his sleeves made a clatter sound. He shook his head slightly, no longer looking at Qing Ning and Qing Meng, and glanced at the four mistresses with pale faces. .

Okay, you four, from now on you will be named after your tribe.

My surname is Linghu. Under the Linghu family, there is a clan named Hu as vassals - well, all the vassal forces that submit to my family will have their surname changed to Hu. From now on, you will be called Hu mosquitoes, Hu scorpions, Hu ants, wasps... Um, wasp? Wasp? Haha!

The bee's skin twitched.

In that compartment, a dim light surged, and all the sub-statutes were retracted. The Nine Lotus Treasure Boat, which had restored its complete body, shone with a dazzling dim light, and rose into the sky from the place where the tributaries of the Xingshang River converged with a loud noise. Huge waves surged into the sky, and the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat, which was three thousand miles long from beginning to end, was covered with thick water mist. It looked like an ancient giant whale, flashing with blurry light and crashing out of the water mist.

Tianshu Laojun and Commander Qingfeng appeared at the bow of the ship with their respective subordinates.

Lingxuan flicked her huge wings and turned into a beam of rays of light that rushed up into the sky. She was suspended in the air, with her huge wings spread out behind her, like another big sun hanging high in the sky. The fierce rays of rays of light illuminated the ancient city of Loulan. Under the illumination of his magical power, there was no trace of shadow in the entire ancient city of Loulan.

Lingxuan's eyes turned and landed on the three-headed, nine-tailed and twelve-armed white skeleton behind Lu Qian at the core of the original formation.

Lingxuan's eyes suddenly turned into two thick masses of light, and she hissed: Howling slave! The emperor has fallen, and you deserve death. You, you...

Behind Lingxuan, twelve Holy Spirit giants with seven-colored divine flames burning all over their bodies turned into streams of light and shuttled through the void. Just like Linghu Wuyou's finger that injured Lu Qian before, these Holy Spirit giants also streamed light far beyond this space dimension. The terrifying high speed, which was a thousand times faster, cut through the void without making any sound, and came to the bones of the skeleton, surrounding him.

The three huge skulls of the white-bone skeleton slowly lifted up, and the phosphorus fire flickered in his dark eye holes. His pale jaw bones moved up and down, and he made an extremely dry and unpleasant voice: This girl, I know you, sir?

Lingxuan was stunned.

Tianshu Laojun and Commander Qingfeng looked this way at the same time, their eyes flickering. In an instant, at least a hundred kinds of detection and spying magical powers swept over this white skeleton. Their eyes were extremely sharp, full of terrifying corrosive power, and they made no attempt to hide it.

On the bone frame of the white-bone skeleton, traces of faint green smoke twisted and rose, and wisps of Dao lines appeared on his skeleton, imprinting them deep into his bones.

Lu Qian and others all retreated backwards, retreating away from the unfortunate skeleton as if they were seeing a ghost.

Lord Tianshu and Commander Qing Feng, they just looked at the skeleton. The divine power contained in their eyes collided with some strange restrictions in the skeleton, and a terrible fusion reaction occurred. Every movement of the skeleton A white bone erupted with terrifying heat, burning with invisible and colorless flames.

This temperature was too strong for Lu Qian's strong body to bear.

This flame, even slightly touching the body of the nearest Lu Qian, burned Lu Qian's skin and flesh to pieces. A piece of muscle the size of a sea bowl and one inch thick was directly turned into flying ash and dissipated.

Lu Qian and others hurriedly backed away, trying their best to stay away from this unfortunate skeleton.

The snapping turtle below was huge and walked a little slower. The three thousand miles of rivers and mountains he carried on his back evaporated into mist in the invisible flames. Most of his thick carapace was burned away, which was so painful. The snapping turtle howled miserably, swayed, and shrank to the size of three feet. It burst into Lu Qian's arms with tears streaming down its face, causing its legs to twitch in pain!

The three Qingyou girls sighed at the same time.

Three thousand miles of mountains and rivers on the snapping turtle's back were destroyed, and the Green Scale Sword Palace left behind by their ascended ancestors was completely annihilated, not even a single tile or brick left behind.

Everyone present, including the four senior masters, Baoguang Merit Buddha, Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, Malenli Heavenly Buddha, and Master Baiyang, including the most unorthodox Buddhist monk, there is a saying that Lu Qian just died. With so many mortal gods and demons, to complete Linghu Wuyou's Gu refining plan, Lu Qian, considering the little friendship he had with Monk Jingse, also sacrificed some mortal gods and demons, and conveniently killed this unlucky monk. Elevated to the realm of Buddha!

Even the most unruly abstaining monks were all twitching and looking at the strange-looking white bones and skeletons in horror.

Lingxuan looked at the skeleton with stern eyes and sneered: You have two more heads and nine more tails, so you think I can't recognize you? You are the most considerate old servant around the emperor, and he is also the emperor's son. Once you are in danger or killed, you serve as the last line of defense...the emperor's son has fallen, and you are still alive?

The bone-skeleton 'Howling Slave' stared straight at Lingchan with his eyes widened.

Do we know this girl?

Well, it seems, I have a bit of an impression...

Have we, perhaps, met?

Strange, strange, I can't remember clearly... Well, I should have seen... the Emperor? The Emperor? Er, who is the Emperor? I don't seem to know a guy named the Emperor... Well, I After cultivating here for hundreds of millions of years, I gained the blessings of heaven and earth, swallowed the relics of two ancient Buddhist powers, fused the blood essence of nine powerful beasts, and finally attained enlightenment!

I am the 'Nine-tailed Bone Lord'...I am not a howling slave!

Howling slave roared at the top of his lungs, he roared at Tianshu Laojun and Commander Qingfeng: I'm not a howling slave...Old man, and this reckless guy, if you continue to look at me randomly, I'm digging Got your eyes out!

Commander Qing Feng withdrew his gaze, and said coldly: Is this the case that the person dies, but the bones remain, and the bones become essence?

He turned back and glanced at a black-armored sky patrolling forbidden god guard behind him. The black-armored man stepped forward and took out a square, book-sized jade tablet with countless starlights lingering inside. Suddenly, the jade plate spurted out countless writings with flowing flames.

Commander, there are many precedents for this kind of thing in the Supreme Beginning Heaven.

This is half the time before the Great Tribulation Meeting. In the Holy City of Qingshang, the old King Shang fell, and his resentment lingered. After his death, his bones turned into flying corpses and demons, and almost wiped out the entire Holy City of Qingshang.

This was three great tribulations ago. In the ancient land of Panzhuo, Qingpan Tianzun was attacked and killed. All his flesh and blood disappeared. After his bones were buried by his disciples, after a great tribulation meeting, he absorbed the wisdom of heaven and earth and turned the ancient land of Panzhu into one piece. In the land of death, I have transcended myself, forgetting all the past events, and my cultivation is even better than before in life... Now, this Panheng Bone Emperor is walking under the command of the Great Emperor, he is...

The big man in black armor lit a blur of light and shadow: His identity is top secret, and we have no right to investigate.

There are seven more great tribulations before...

The big man in black armor worked hard on the jade tablet, and actually found dozens of famous figures. After the death of the Supreme Taichutian, his own bones, or simply a part of the body's spiritual spirit remained, or there was a breath of resentment. Or maybe it's a record of obsession that spurred the bones and limbs to 'cultivate hard', transform them into a complete body, and return to the human world.

However, these powerful people who turned death into life and returned to the world have completely forgotten everything in the past and are completely new personalities!

Lord Tianshu listened to the report of the big man in black armor, his eyes still locked on Howling Nu.

He looked up and down for a long time, then frowned slightly and withdrew his gaze amidst the hysterical roaring and cursing of Howling Nu.

He glanced at Lingxuan and said with a smile: Lingxuan, this howling slave seems to have really forgotten everything in the past. I'm afraid it's impossible to find out the truth about the emperor's death from him. I'm afraid it's impossible. Wait, we still have to listen to what Guard Linghu has to say!

After the body repair was completed and he had just taken a few magic pills, Linghucang's face, which was glowing with redness and high spirits, suddenly turned pale, and he glanced at the Lord of the Book of Heaven with a resentful look.

Lingxuan looked at the howling slave who kept yelling and cursing, and said coldly: Forgot everything in the past? Haha, I don't believe it. Take him down and torture him slowly... Maybe he is just pretending to be crazy?

Lu Qian secretly gave Lingxuan a thumbs up!

This howling slave is obviously pretending to be crazy.

From the huge and tyrannical restrictions he set up in the garden, which imprisoned so many unlucky people, we can tell that this old guy is dishonest!

Moreover, he has been using his white bone marrow to select a specific candidate, and keeps saying that he will give people a great fortune and great opportunity!

This old guy is very dishonest!

Being captured and tortured by this Lingchan was really a joy to hear and make people's hearts happy!

But, why does this dishonest old guy just squat there and roar like this instead of finding a way to escape?

Well, why?

With a finger of Lu Qian's hand, the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain soared into the sky, flew into the world of mortals, and landed solidly in the center of the Buddhist kingdom at the core of the heaven of mortals, encircling the pool of merit that Yujingzi was integrated into. , just like a golden dragon trapping a phoenix egg, which is somewhat interesting from a Feng Shui perspective.

Those 230,000 lucky ones who were promoted to Buddha...oh, to 'celestial beings' saluted Lu Qian at the same time and escaped into the world of mortals without saying a word. After these 'celestial beings' had escaped, the remaining hundreds of thousands of lucky people, including the tens of thousands of female disciples of the Blue Scale Sword Palace whom Lu Qian was partial to, deliberately left behind, bowed to Lu Qian again and escaped into the world of mortals. .


Lu Qian deliberately left tens of thousands of female disciples from the Qinglin Sword Palace because of their affection for the three Qingyou girls.

I don't have any other ideas, just because of the friendship between Qingyou and myself - we can't just protect our own disciples and let these disciples who Qingyou has finally gathered into reincarnation, right?

The world of mortals slowly closed, turning into a line of round light three feet away behind Lu Qian's head, as thin as a spider's silk, emitting a faint light.

The snapping turtle trembled a few times in Lu Qian's arms. The basalt beast's endless vitality exploded. His carapace healed quickly. He lifted his tail into the air and became ten feet in size under Lu Qian's feet. He held him up. Lu Qian, the three daughters Qingyou and Ahu are the closest and most confidant Mr. Hu.

While Lu Qian was busy with these things, he looked at Howinu up and down.

This old guy is not a kind person, let alone an honest person. Why didn't he run away? Instead, he allowed twelve giant bird-men with wings to surround him?

Moreover, Lingchan's attitude is already so obvious.

A man with the Holy Spirit shouted in a low voice, opened his right hand, and released a large chain-shaped divine light from the top of each finger, turning into a huge net and covering the head of Howling Nu.

Huinu let out a long roar, and among the nine long tails behind him, the one with a dragon head at the end whipped up violently. The dragon's head looked up to the sky and roared. Suddenly, there was a loud sound of moisture between the sky and the earth. Thick clouds rolled in the sky, and hurricane rain clouds instantly enveloped it. In a place thousands of miles away, in the thick clouds, thunderstorms as big as mountains rumbled, and then countless silver lightnings condensed into sharp knives, and with a harsh sound of breaking through the air, they moved towards the attacker. The big man with the Holy Spirit chopped it down.

Who are you, how dare you disrespect me?

The Howling Slave roared angrily, and the will-o'-the-wisp light in his eye holes danced, vividly interpreting the anger and fury of an innocent person who doesn't know the truth, who was splashed with dirty water, and who was framed.

The sharp sword condensed by the thunder light in the sky fell on the Holy Spirit man, and loud noises were heard continuously. Every time the thunder light fell and exploded, there was a thick and majestic Tao rhyme wave that was incredible. Each of these thunders actually contains hundreds of thunders that interact with each other, evolve from each other, and then deduce endless wonderful changes!

In the lightning, there are earth, water, fire, wind, ice, frost, rain and dew, the cycle of life and death, joy, anger, sorrow and joy...

There are even the coquettish laughter of a young girl in a brothel, the cry of a female ghost in a lonely grave in the middle of the night, the mournful cry of a woman who has lost her child, and the cold and stern voice of a vicious evil woman calling out, The old man has taken the medicine...

Every ray of lightning is almost a small and tiny world.

Every time a ray of lightning falls, a world suddenly sprouts.

Every blast of lightning shatters, and a world is completely annihilated.

Between the birth and death of the thunder, incredible power exploded. The Holy Spirit man who was determined to take action groaned, and the divine body made entirely of burning flames and fire slurry exploded holes the size of ocean bowls. With each blow, They all made him take a few steps back, and each blow brought him boundless pain.

What's particularly vicious is that there are traces of gray-black evil energy of death in these streaks of thunder.

This evil energy of death is like the most ferocious parasite. Once it enters the body of the Holy Spirit man, it quickly spreads in all directions, like maggots on the tarsal bones, entangled in the body, constantly devouring the energy and Taoism in the Holy Spirit man's body. , and then began rapid exponential growth.

The first bolt of lightning exploded on the big man's body, and only a trace of black energy invaded his body.

When the second bolt of lightning exploded on his body, there were already hundreds of black energy flowing in the big man's body.

When the third burst of black energy exploded, tens of thousands of black energy were already entangled in the big man's body, and the black energy had changed shape, turning into vicious objects with clear scales like poisonous snakes, rapidly shuttled through his body. Wander around, crazily destroying his body and devouring his life energy.

The Holy Spirit man was obviously caught off guard.

He roared and roared, and his seven orifices continuously spewed out black juice that was as hot as magma, but exuded the stench of decay and death. The Holy Spirit clan is the dependent clan of Emperor Taihao...or, in other words, creations.

Their body structure is completely different from that of ordinary flesh and blood creatures. This juice is their blood, their mana, and their cultivation, soul, or anything similar to this. Such a large mouthful of blood was spurted out, and the color of the plasma became so weird, which showed how seriously injured this big man had been in such a short period of time!

Lingxuan was furious and yelled: How dare you! Howling slave, you old dog, how dare you do this?

Following Lingxuan's scolding, the eleven Holy Spirit men shouted in unison. A glimmer of light shone between their brows at the same time, and their brows split open, and an eye like a small sun flashed inside, and then an incredible bright light burst out.

Pure light, pure heat, overbearing and extreme, full of endless exclusivity.

The light of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha suppresses everything and crushes everything with absolute violence. And the light emitted from the eyebrows of these holy men is to reject all aliens and all non-self existences.

This kind of rejection is even more filled with violent and unusual ‘death intentions’!

Anyone who I reject has no meaning of existence, no value of survival, and no qualification for survival... Anyone who I reject should be punished, killed, destroyed, and extinct... cut off the past life, destroy this life, and destroy the future!

This overbearing and cruel light fell straight on the skeleton of Howin Nu.

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