Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 861 Forced Conquest (3)

The slave howled really hoarsely.

He struggled violently, and twisted smoke shadows continued to appear from his white bones. In the transparent and light smoke, ferocious bloody faces kept twisting and emerging.

Lingxuan's face was ugly, extremely ugly.

Tianshu Laojun and Commander Qingfeng on the side frowned, which showed that they knew what this was like.

Ahu, who was standing behind Lu Qian, poked his head around, looking at the abnormality surging on Howinu's body, and asked in a low voice: It looks a bit scary...Brother Qian, what kind of deal is this?

After receiving the Liberation Method from the old monk Hongchen, although Lu Qian's own cultivation and strength are still incomparably weak compared to Linghu Wuyou and others, his knowledge and knowledge are beyond what ordinary people would know. How many.

He whispered: This Buddhist senior... this howling slave, before he died, he did not know what secret method he activated. His skeleton has been integrated into his Buddhist kingdom and turned into a ghostly death land. . There are many true spirits of fallen people imprisoned in their bones... This secret method is very vicious!

Each of these twisted bloody faces, every bit of true spirit, represents a living creature in the past. However, these true spirits are different from the lucky ones sent into reincarnation by Lu Qian using the salvation scriptures. All their spirituality and all their vitality have been completely deprived of by the secret method of Howin Nu.

Their true spirits have all been devoured, and what emerges now is just a glimpse of the true spirits remaining in the 'background of heaven'!

This glimpse can only prove that these people existed. It is just a purely probative concept...other than that, it has no actual value. Even the supreme power with boundless supernatural powers that can turn things around and recreate yin and yang cannot bring them back to the human world and allow them to re-consolidate their legal bodies.

Lingxuan looked at these twisted bloody faces with an extremely gloomy expression.

On the side, Linghucang's eyes widened, and he didn't know whether he was really 'honest, cute and stupid' or if he did it on purpose. He exclaimed loudly: Oh, these people, these people...this, These, these, aren't these all the guards and maids around the emperor? They, they, how did they become like this?

Linghucang shouted loudly: I remember them, I remember them clearly, even though it has been so many years... But when the emperor suddenly came to Loulan Pass, I, the landowner, was the one who treated me so hospitably... Hey, hey, this, this , what’s going on?”

Lingxuan turned around suddenly and glared at Linghucang: Shut up!

Linghucang gave Lingxuan a pitiful look, and then looked at Linghu Wuyou. Linghu Wuyou didn't make a sound, but raised his hands and gently supported the strange three-foot jade crown above his head, which was shaped like a big candle. Therefore, Linghucang muttered: Hey, I shut up, I shut up... It's just that Yuan Tianzun has amazing cultivation and boundless magical powers... Hey, hey...

Lingxuan's face changed color and she was about to scold him harshly.

Commander Qing Feng on the side said coldly: Linghu Guards, do you still remember how they fell?

Linghucang blinked his eyes quickly and looked at Commander Qingfeng with resentment: This, this, this, the commander is really making things difficult for me. I'm sorry, I'll be honest, I really don't know. How did it happen... In short, on the night when the disciple arrived at Loulan Pass, the official was holding a banquet to entertain the emperor's son... Who would have known that the sky and the earth would collapse.

Spreading his hands, Linghucang sighed: Xiaguan's cultivation level is low, and he was seriously injured and on the verge of death. A life-saving treasure on his body activated on its own, sending Xiaguan away, and then... Xiaguan didn't know anything. By the time Xiaguan wakes up, uh, Xiaguan only has half his head left, and he has followed Loulan to the lower realm.

Looking up at the sky, Linghucang shed two hot tears from the corner of his eyes: Over the years, Xiaguan has spent countless efforts to form the Nine Lotus Alliance and forge the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat, just to use the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat to return to the upper world. ah!

Commander Qing Feng smiled: So, you don't know anything?

Linghucang licked his lips: Xiaguan really doesn't know anything... Hey, be careful, this guy has to fight hard!

Following Linghu Cang's scolding, the nine long white bone tails behind Howinu swung violently, and the white skulls of nine divine beasts and divine birds opened their mouths at the same time and let out a sharp roar. Waves of weak Taoist rhymes surged between heaven and earth, shrouding the eleven Holy Spirit men who were displaying their magical powers.

Presumptuous! Lingchan shouted angrily, and with a finger, a small knife wheel that was only the size of a baby's fist and shaped like a full moon flew into the air. A flash of blue starlight flashed, and the sword wheel silently passed through the void and passed over Howling Nu's waist. With a sound of 'chi', the nine white bone long tails were cut off at the root, and the nine heads of divine beasts and divine birds hissed and screamed at the same time. Then, under the divine light emitted by the eleven holy men with vertical eyes, in an instant, It turned into a wisp of flying ash and dissipated.

Before Howling Slave could react, Lingxuan snorted and the sword wheel flashed again.

Without any sound, the two white-bone skulls on the left and right of Howling Slave were chopped off with one blow, and then turned into nothing in the blazing divine light. The remaining white skull hurriedly screamed: I admit defeat, admit defeat, and please spare this girl... spare my life, please spare my life... This life is not easy for me, please spare my life!

Having lost two heads and nine long tails, the Howling Slave, who looked much more pleasing to the eye at first glance, raised his hands and slowly knelt down in the void.

The Holy Spirit man who had just been severely injured by the lightning and had countless black energy lingering in his body yelled angrily, strode forward, and punched Howinu so hard that sparks popped out of his head. Then he waved his hands, and the divine light turned into chains as thick as a thumb, and the 'Chang Lang Lang' wrapped around Howinu's body, tightly clasping every bone in his body.

The other eleven holy men also acted in accordance with the law. Chains of flaming flames quickly wrapped around Howinu's body. Then the chains melted and turned into a giant shackle with a strange shape to seal his whole body. Starlight patterns were looming in the shackles. , isolated from all Taoist rhyme and inspiration.

The big man with the Holy Spirit, whose body was full of black energy, suddenly sat in the air with a thump. Black juice was constantly spraying out from his seven orifices and between his brows. The other eleven Holy Spirit men acted in unison, and a very fine white light spurted out from the center of his eyebrows. It fell into the vertical eye of the injured Holy Spirit man, turned into boundless flames and rushed into his body, burning and dispersing crazily. Those vicious black energies.

Lingxuan took a deep look at the imprisoned Howling Slave and murmured: If you really know nothing, then that's it... If you pretend to be crazy and try to get away with it... Haha, you are really fighting Wrong idea.”

After a slight pause, Lingxuan sneered at Linghu Wuyou, and with a trace of undisguised malice, she pointed at Lu Qian: Master Linghu, you really want to take this Buddhist thief Bald back. ?Buddhist cultivators... are harmful... Just look at the howling slaves and you will know that they often harbor evil intentions!

Lu Qian, Baoguang Gongde Buddha, Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, Morenlitian Buddha, Monk Yuanjue and others all looked at Lingchan - what's wrong with the monk? Did the monk eat yours? Drink yours? Did you tease your big yellow dog? Why are monks such a nuisance? Why is the monk harboring evil intentions?

Hey, hey, although this howling slave also uses Buddhist techniques...


Lu Qian curled his lips.

If this Howling Slave is really involved in the fall of the so-called Taihu Emperor, and he deliberately pretends to be crazy and stupid... he is really harboring evil intentions!

But you can't say that a pot full of white porridge is bad just because of one mouse excrement, right?

So, as the old saying goes - what happened to the monk?

However, Lu Qian and the others could see that Lingxuan's words were deliberately intended to disgust Linghu Wuyou. Who made Linghu Wuyou send a signal to Linghucang so unabashedly just now, causing Linghucang to call out the identities of those bloody faces as if crying in mourning?

Taihu Emperor's personal guards, maids, and entourage all perished.

It’s just that he fell, but he was incorporated into the skeleton by Howin Nu using secret methods and swallowed the true spirit... At a small scale, this may be the price that Howin Nu paid at all costs in order to fight the enemy desperately; at a larger scale, it can be said that it is too much. Emperor Tailu's lack of skills allowed the old slaves who were close to him to turn back on his colleagues; to put it a bit too far, it can be said that the majesty of Emperor Taihu was not enough to intimidate the slaves...

In short, a very simple thing can have many explanations!

But no matter which one it is, it is a damage to the majesty of Emperor Taihu. As the special envoy of Emperor Taihu, how could Lingxuan tolerate such face-to-face provocation from members of the Linghu family? Therefore, no matter whether it was useful or not, she still had to make Linghu Wuyou feel disgusted.

Lu Qian glanced at Lingchan.

Just now, a ray of bitter malice struck him from Lingchan's side - this woman might have had some thoughts about Lu Qian. Maybe when she has the chance, she will do something to Lu Qian, so as to better save Linghu Wuyou's face and severely retaliate against Linghu Wuyou and Linghu Cang?

Lu Qian's face was slightly stiff.

Why is this woman so petty? Besides, it’s not like Lu Qian was provoking on purpose, right?

Lu Qian put his hands into his sleeves and pressed the Buddha's seal with his fingers.

Mr. Tianshu said with a smile on the side: Okay, you guys, don't talk nonsense here. We still have to work hard and do our best to get the business done.

The most important thing is of course the truth about the murder of Emperor Taihu.

Secondly, there are the causes and consequences of Morenzhitian's defection.

Again, of course, it's the internal investigation of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard itself.

Again, I just want to find a way to raise Loulan Pass back to the supreme Taichu Heaven...

When Lord Tianshu was speaking, Commander Qingfeng's eyes flickered, scanning everyone present. Lingxuan raised her chin slightly and sneered silently, not knowing what she was laughing at. Linghu Wuyou still looked like a dignified young master, exchanging glances with Linghu Cang from time to time.

Although Linghucang is a typical dude...but he is still a little far away from being a pure and complete waste.

He understood Linghu Wuyou's eyes and responded with his gaze from time to time.

Lu Qian noticed their little actions, and suddenly felt extremely curious and disgusted in his heart - you two old men are ogling each other, are you really in tune with each other, can you really understand the meaning in each other's eyes?

After the Lord of Heavenly Books finished giving his instructions, Linghu Wuyou waved his sleeves, and wisps of chaotic energy surged into the void. Linghu Wuyou grabbed the gray chaotic energy with his hands. The five elements of light shimmered in his palms, and Lu Qian felt the extremely familiar fluctuations of the innate five elements.

But compared with the innate five-element Taoist charm of the five uncles, the Taoist charm in Linghu Wuyou's palm was thousands of times vaster, more complex, and more profound... so powerful and mysterious that Lu Qian couldn't understand it for a while.

The energy of chaos divided the five elements in Linghu Wuyou's palm, condensing into five masses of essential innate five element materials.

Linghu Wuyou's fingertips were surrounded by starlight, and the starlight turned into extremely complex and delicate Taoist talismans, which continued to blend into these five groups of innate five elements materials with a graceful ding-ding sound. The materials melted rapidly, and then merged with each other bit by bit according to a certain proportion...

In the flow of Dao patterns, the fusion proportions of the five innate five elements materials are constantly being fine-tuned. Every time the incorporated materials change, a new Dao rhyme will be born. And this new Dao rhyme will be different from the many worlds that Lu Qian has mastered. The avenues seem to be vaguely consistent, but there are huge differences!

These differences are like the same person, but one is as ugly as the sister of the second senior brother, and the other is a blend of four beauties, combining the advantages of the four beauties, and then being optimized a hundred times to be born. The gap between children!

After three breaths, these five masses of material melted into a mass the size of a water tank. It was a strange material that was clear and pure in color, with a hint of the aura of the blue sky.

Linghu Wuyou pointed his finger, and the mass of material was evenly divided into five masses. Then a burst of light flashed, and it directly transformed into five golden rings the size of a fist and as thin as hair!

Before Lu Qian and others could figure out the use of this golden ring, Linghu Wuyou recited a spell, and the five golden rings turned into five streams of light and flew towards them quickly. With a few clang, clang sounds, they were locked on Lu Qian and the four of them. On the head of the great mistress.

Okay, try it. Whatever you like, think about it in your mind, and they will look like that.

Linghu Wuyou gently clapped his hands: In short, these five gadgets can control your life and death. From now on, your life and death will be determined by my thoughts... But they are also your amulets. . Seeing these five treasures, other people with sufficient status will know that you are my Linghu Wuyou people and my Linghu clan's people.

Lu Qian and the four mistresses were stunned at the same time.

Is this a tight curse?

The classic shape of the 'tightening curse' flashed through Lu Qian's mind, and the thin golden hoop on his head flashed with light, turning into the classic golden hoop on his senior brother's head that was deeply impressed in his memory. modeling!

Afterwards, the shape of this golden hoop was completely stable. No matter how Lu Qian tried to change it to be more beautiful, it did not react at all and did not change at all!

The four mistresses were still horrified and sad, but the golden ring on Lu Qian's head had changed.

In Linghu Wuyou's view, there is no doubt that this is - 'Lu Qian recognized the reality immediately, admitted his identity, and gave up his mind to join his subordinates'!

Nodding with satisfaction, Linghu Wuyou smiled and nodded at Lu Qian: He is a smart and clever person who knows how to advance and retreat! You four, have you been a big shot for a long time and you don't even understand the courtesy of superiority and inferiority? ?”

The four mistresses still haven't figured out what Linghu Wuyou said.

The golden rings on their heads flickered for a while, and unspeakable pain surged out of their souls. Then every part, inch, and thread of their bodies... twitched and spasmed, and then tore and shattered, and then continued. Reorganized, and then continuously shattered... There were even countless cells that were constantly torn apart by fire, ice, thunder and hurricanes, and then continued to be reborn...

All the pain that can be imagined in the world is now being performed on the bodies of the four mistresses.

What cultivation levels the four mistresses have, they are definitely at the top level in this dimension... They are originally insect aliens, and for monks of the same level, insect aliens' vitality and body strength are definitely more powerful than human monks. many!

Even so, the four mistresses were also knocked unconscious by the indescribable pain that was a thousand times more severe than purgatory.

They even fainted without being able to let out a scream.

Linghu Wuyou smiled and nodded. With a finger, the golden ring flickered, and the four mistresses were forcibly awakened from their coma. Their bodies were twitching violently, blood mixed with sweat leaking from every pore on their bodies, and suddenly there was a strange and strong fishy aroma with a strong life instinct attraction in the air!

Every drop of blood of the four mistresses has a strong attraction to life forms and life forms that are lower than them. Every drop of their blood is a panacea for life forms that are inferior to them and has infinite benefits.

Even Lu Qian swallowed subconsciously when he smelled the aroma of their blood.

Remember, if you obey orders well and with peace of mind, you can live a very nourishing and wonderful life... If you don't obey, or if there are any mistakes in the tasks assigned to you... you will... Supreme Taichu Heaven has its own I want to create a formula for a magical elixir that uses insects as medicine, and you guys are very good ingredients.

Linghu Wuyou smiled gently and said the most cruel and ruthless words.

He looked at Lu Qian again: Have you seen the power of this gadget? Your life and death are just a matter of my thoughts. So, control your subordinates... If they make any mistakes, there will be I won’t pay attention to them if they make any mistakes, I will only cause trouble for you!”

Now, follow my orders.

You four have the aura of heaven and earth in Loulan Pass. You are the 'indigenous creatures' cultivated by Loulan Pass. You have been here for many years... You cooperate with Laojun and Commander Qingfeng to search and survey Loulan Pass carefully and investigate what happened that year. The thing...the key point is to search for the bones and treasures of Emperor Taihu.

And you.

Linghu Wuyou pointed at Lu Qian.

Loulanguan Pass is an important border town. It is not that easy to raise Him back to the Supreme Beginning Heaven. It requires huge resources. This additional expense is not included in our budget.

So, I plan to use local materials, right here in the lower realm, to collect all the losses needed to return Loulan Pass to its place.

Linghu Wuyou took out a four-sided long-necked amphorae shaped like a wine pot and threw it to Lu Qian: Go, go to all the heavens in this lower world, extract the origin of their world, and strip away everything that can be used. Resources for Loulan Pass to return to the Supreme Taichu Heaven.

Lu Qian took the light and weightless vase, which was about a foot tall, and said in shock: Extract...

Linghu Wuyou smiled slightly: This is a lucrative job. When the funds drawn are enough, this 'Na Yuan Bottle' will naturally remind you... However, if you want to draw more, you can also It’s okay.”

How many wonderful uses the world's origin has, don't I need to say more?

Linghu Wuyou was giving instructions. Behind him was a girl from the Linghu family who was wearing a starlight robe. She had a delicate and smart oval face, a pair of slender fox eyes, slightly high cheekbones, and two thin lips that looked particularly mean. He coughed lightly, leaned forward, gently pulled Linghu Wuyou's sleeve, and called out softly: Uncle Wuyou...

Linghu Wuyou pursed his lips and sighed softly: That's all, Jun (qing, ring-shaped jade with a gap) girl, you can follow and become a supervisor!

Linghu Juan chuckled, and hurriedly saluted Linghu Wuyou, and then rushed to Lu Qian's side. He held his head high and shouted coldly: What are you still waiting for? Why don't you hurry up and set off? You're delayed. Let’s get down to business, carefully make Na’s head into a wooden fish, and knock it on you a hundred thousand times every day.”

Without waiting for Lu Qian's response, Linghu Juan pointed at Lu Qian again and said coldly: Bald man, what is your name? If you don't tell me your name quickly, how long will you keep it secret?

Still not waiting for Lu Qian to answer, Linghu Yan's thin lips were beating rapidly, and he began to mutter again: Looking at the many subordinates you have, it seems that you are also a powerful local snake? That's right. Okay... This girl is reluctant to do it and be your supervisor. This is the blessing you have accumulated in the past hundred lives... You have to take good care of me.

I can tell you that you can't be careless about your daily food and drink expenses.

Linghu Juan put forward countless conditions, but Lu Qian could only hear stars in his eyes and a buzzing in his head... Behind Linghu Wuyou, there were several people who were the same age as Linghu Juan. The young man from the Linghu family also walked out suddenly, laughing and whispering to Linghu Wuyou.

Linghu Wuyou was no longer as polite to these young people as he was to Linghu Juan.

He lowered his face and said in a cold voice: Are all those anxious and red-faced poor people who have never seen or eaten before? Who are you showing off by showing such a poor look?

He casually slapped a young man on the face, neither light nor hard. Linghu Wuyou smiled at the old master of Tianshu and said: The old master is laughing. This is the first time for the children in the clan to come to the lower world in their lives. They have shallow eyelids. It will definitely be hard to train him when he goes back.

Well, let's do something serious, shall we?

Lord Tianshu smiled and nodded, and Commander Qingfeng also nodded gently with a straight face.

A few days later.

The huge snapping turtle smashed into a chaotic turbulence, its limbs gently paddled like fish fins, and soared forward smoothly and steadily in the chaos.

Lu Qian stood on the huge head of the snapping turtle, and behind him stood A Hu and a group of more than a dozen tiger masters.

The three girls, Qingyou, forced a smile and accompanied Linghu Huang on the snapping turtle's shell.

On the snapping turtle's carapace, which spans hundreds of miles, several beautiful peaks taken from the ancient city of Loulan stand upright. A strip of clear water shuttles between the beautiful peaks, and the mountains are full of light green exotic plum blossoms.

There were a few thin clouds floating above, and under the influence of magic, heavy snowflakes fell from the clouds. The cold air made the plum blossoms smell cold and fragrant. Under the trees, there was a foot-deep snow, which was a beautiful scene.

On the mountainside of a beautiful peak, overlooking the clear water and a perfect place to enjoy the scenery, a simple and elegant pavilion was built out of pine wood. Linghu Huang was sitting in the pavilion, holding a thin porcelain tea cup, looking at the surrounding scenery with a smile, and kept making weird sounds of 'ah...oh...uh...eh...hee...shhh'.

This guy is composing poetry. However, the ink in his belly was really limited. Lu Qian listened to her Ah, oh, uh for several days, but he couldn't even say Ah in a complete sentence. Lu Qian was puzzled. Do extraordinary beings from the upper world, majestic 'celestial beings', usually just eat and wait to die?

Have they never studied?

Can't even write a limerick?

The three girls of Qingyou were in the pavilion, facing a small red clay charcoal stove with a small clay pot stewing on it. The lavender Nine Heavens Spirit Flame was burning in the stove, and inside the pot was a lake of innate water essence. On the small tea table next to it, there was a small box of tea leaves that Linghu Huang took out. The water in the pot is boiling, wisps of steam are rising, and the fragrant fragrance of tea can be felt within a hundred miles.

The Nine Heavens Spirit Flame and the Innate Water Essence are the top materials that can be collected in this dimension of space, but compared to the tea leaves that Linghu Juan took out, they are ordinary.

Linghu Huang's box of tea leaves only threw one piece into the teapot, which made the entire lake water become fragrant.

Not to mention the various other effects, just say that the tea leaf itself is as heavy as Liang Yi Tian and a mountain range of one hundred thousand miles long... The charm of the great road and the essence of heaven and earth contained in it are simply incredible to the extreme.

Hey! Linghu Huang suddenly sighed softly, picked up the tea cup, drank the tea in one gulp, and then shook his head melancholy: I have spent too much energy these days, and my literary thoughts are exhausted. , I really can’t think of any beautiful sentences... But of course, you mortals in the lower world must know nothing about such an elegant thing as reciting poetry.”

Linghu Huang glanced at the three girls Lu Qian and Qingyou very arrogantly.

Qingyou and the other three girls smiled awkwardly.

Lu Qian didn't look back at all.

Haha, who gives this noble lady such confidence? Is reciting poetry... difficult?

What kind of education did this young lady receive in the Supreme Taichu Heaven? What do the heavenly beings in their upper world do on weekdays? Why do they think that reciting poetry is a difficult thing?

However, Lu Qian couldn't say anything because he didn't have a good idea of ​​Linghu Huang's temper.

After all, Linghu Wuyou and others came from the upper world. They came too fast and in a hurry. Until now, Lu Qian and others are still confused and have not fully recovered from the shock of the sudden arrival of these heavenly beings. .

What are they here for?

What will they do?

What impact will they have on their own destiny?

Everything is unknown...

Suddenly a faint glow flashed ahead, and a small, clear heaven slowly emerged from the vast tide of chaos. This heaven is not Liangyi Heaven. Looking at the size of the heaven and feeling the Taoist charm it exudes, it should be just a very ordinary place. The world level is higher than the Supreme Holy Heaven and Yuanling Heaven that Lu Qian has experienced. But it’s also a limited small world.

The Nayuan bottle suddenly spurted out from Lu Qian's sleeve, and the dim light on the bottle flickered.

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