Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 863 Forced Conquest (5)

A crystal of heaven flickered in the chaos.

It was the size of a broad bean, crystal clear and moist, exuding countless charms, boundless vitality, and infinite creation. They were squeezed and collapsed together. After a magical chemical reaction, they condensed into one body, completely complete. Lu Qian could not understand or analyze the strange fluctuations now.

This heaven crystal is of very high quality.

The world of annihilation is of extraordinary quality.

The fallen creatures are countless.

The resulting Heavenly Wrath has a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and the faint blue Heavenly Wrath is like mist and dream, heading towards Lu Qian at a terrifying speed that is tens of millions of times higher than the speed of light.

Linghu Juan hooked his fingers with a smile, and dozens of Taoist monks in the world of Lu Qian were silently swept out by the starlight, exuding majestic life fluctuations, and headed towards Tianyuan. In the next moment, dozens of Taoist monks were completely annihilated, and Tian Yuan also disappeared without a trace.

Lu Qian put his hands together and muttered the salvation sutra mantra.

Of course, he knew full well that it was useless.

All the souls of the creatures in this heaven were wiped out.

Dozens of Taoist monks did not leave even a trace of their souls behind.

This salvation mantra does not save the creatures in this heaven, nor the dozens of Taoist monks who died on behalf of Lu Qian. What saves is Lu Qian's own heart, which has been as cold as ice for thousands of years!

Only in the murmur of chanting sutras, Lu Qian reluctantly felt that he was still a living creature, right?

Whether they were in Dayin, or in the Holy Heaven, or even ascended to the Liangyi Heaven... many creatures died in Lu Qian's hands.

Back in Dayin, when Baihutang was fighting for territory, there were countless gang leaders, large and small, who were either instructed by Lu Qian or eliminated by him personally.

In the Holy Heaven, countless monks were killed by Lu Qian himself, or by his disciples, or by the demons and monsters under his command.

When it comes to Liangyi Heaven, there is no need to mention it.

Let's just say that in the ancient city of Loulan, when faced with the coalition forces of the four major saint clans, Lu Qian Hongchen's countless gods and demons joined forces to attack, and how many insects were annihilated in an instant?

It’s just those creatures that were killed.

Whether they are mortals, monks, humans, or alien insects.

They all had conflicts of interest with Lu Qian. During a certain period of Lu Qian's life journey, they all had irreconcilable conflicts with Lu Qian... In order to survive, Lu Qian took action and they fell.

Because he wants to live, he kills their lives.

A very selfish statement.

But Lu Qian can forgive himself - in his previous life, he was a poor man who lived an extremely dark life, but in this life he has had such a wonderful life. He wants to live a smoother and longer life, and he is selfish... Lu Qian can be forgiven. Own.

But it’s a journey.

Thousands of heavens, large and small, had been drained of the origin of the world by the Nayuan bottle, and then completely annihilated by Linghu Juan with a single blow, turning into a dazzling sky crystal.

Lu Qian also paid the price of tens of thousands of Taoist monks, so that they could die on his behalf!

These thousands of heavens, large and small!

How many creatures must there be?

They were free from illness and disaster. Although they could not be said to be carefree, at least they lived a good life.

But Lu Qian came.

Lu Qian came with Linghu Juan.

As a result, their little days were completely strangled, and their lives were completely harvested!

They did not pose any threat to Lu Qian, and their lives came to an abrupt end here because of Lu Qian, and there was no follow-up to speak of - under Linghu Juan's terrifying magical power, these annihilated people In the heaven, the souls of all living beings have been completely cut off from three lives. The past, present, and future are completely cut off, and there is no longer any possibility of reincarnation!

Lu Qian's heart gradually became colder.

The greater the number of annihilations in the heaven, the colder his heart became. After thousands of heavens were annihilated, Lu Qian could no longer look directly at his heart - so cold and indifferent...

He didn't even dare to use his Dharma eyes to peer into himself.

At a glance, it must be a sight of overwhelming sin and boundless blood, right?

In this life, you can't die! Lu Qian finished reciting a salvation sutra and secretly warned himself in his heart - in this life, he must not die. If you die, you will really have no chance to turn around, and you will definitely not be able to be a human being in the next life.

From generation to generation, for eternity, they will be livestock and insects?

That life is a bit miserable.

Therefore, no matter how cruel your fate is, you must still struggle and live tenaciously, or in other words, live hysterically at all costs! Even if you become possessed, even if you become crazy, you still have to live!

Before, I always thought that I was at least a good person.

From today on, I can only be regarded as a 'person' in terms of blood... Lu Qian labeled himself very coldly and indifferently: But judging from what I have done, I am It’s not a thing.”

In the beginning, the mixed pearls flickered faintly.

A strange ghostly light illuminated Lu Qian's whole mind. The Taihu Emperor Ax, which had always been showing off its power in Lu Qian's mind and suppressed Fan Tianyin and other treasures, was also trembling at this moment and did not dare to approach the Taichu Huntong Pearl. slightest.

Lu Qian's mind gradually became faint and unpredictable from the original state where the Buddha's light was lingering and the auspicious clouds rose, just like the holy land of the Buddha's kingdom. His mind seemed to have transformed into the legendary netherworld. There was only a faint, cold, dark black light moving silently through the void, and there were no other colors.

Thoughts came and went in and out of my mind, and these thoughts turned into a clear black crystal color, filled with a certain cold, dead silence, and a rhythm that made people feel inexplicably lonely and terrifying.

In his mind, the three-eyed figure has been completely integrated with Lu Qian's soul.

It was a 36,000-foot tall bald monk standing in the center of my mind. It looked ordinary and looked exactly like Lu Qian's physical body. There were no signs or visions of anything unusual.

The whole body is crystal clear, glowing with a faint black light, as if it were carved from black crystal.

All the great power and all the visions are all converged in the body. The black light emitted by the soul and the law shrouds the place. Everything becomes chaotic and blurred. All the secrets of heaven and the rhyme of the Tao are all blurred, and gradually become mixed with the Beads of Taichu.

The Nayuan bottle was suspended in front of Lu Yi.

A small bottle over a foot high, after draining away the world origins of thousands of heavens and small realms, there is still about 80% space inside!

Lu Qian turned around, with a faint smile, and whispered to Linghu Juan: Master Linghu, we have already searched all the heavens we can find in the nearby heavens. I am afraid that the next heaven will be very far away. !”

Linghu Huang sat in the pavilion and looked at Lu Qian with a smile: Little monk, don't use your experience of insects in the lower world to measure our magical powers... You in the lower world... do not have the concept of 'remote', this word, so To us, it makes no sense.”

She played with the broad bean-sized heaven crystal she had just collected, pointed at Lu Yi, nodded and smiled: These days, you have been respectful and obedient, and you are also quite serious in your work... Well, Uncle Wuyou has been chosen. You can be considered your creation.”

However, I, the Linghu family, have a great career in the Supreme Taichu Tian Family. Uncle Wuyou holds great power in the family and has many affairs. Of course you are the one he personally selected. He may not have time to look after you in the future... To be honest. , your strength is too weak and your background is too poor, you can’t do anything to help Uncle Wuyou.”

But, I'm different.

you know what I mean?

Lu Qian's eyes were just like his mind now. The originally black and white eyes had completely turned into an indifferent and vast micro-black. In the flickering light, Lu Qian smiled and said: I understand, little monk. Lord Linghu...

Linghu Ruan coughed lightly: Call me Master Ruan.


Lu Qian pursed his lips and smiled in a good-natured way, very calmly and indifferently: Master Huang can see that he is ambitious and wants to take a further step in the family... If he can win the favor of Lord Wuyou, let The fact that Master Jun has overseen this operation shows that Master Jun has an extraordinary status, and Master Wuyou is also very doting on you.

However, the affairs of a big family, whether in the upper world or the lower world, the monk believes that they cannot be separated from their clan. In the final analysis, they are just these things - the family's property is limited, and there are only a few good places for people to be arranged. Direct children There are so many, who can get to the top and who can occupy a better position, in addition to the pampering of the elders, it still depends on one's own means and the power of the party members.

Although the young monk is favored by Master Wuyou and is lucky enough to be protected by the Linghu clan... he is a mortal from the lower realm after all. He has gone to the Supreme Taichu Heaven and has no roots and bottom. It is possible for him to be eaten dry and wiped clean by others. Therefore, the little monk needs support, a backstage, and a big thick leg to hold on to.

But why did the backer become the young monk's backer, why did the backstage become the young monk's backstage, and why were those thick and powerful thighs willing to be hugged tightly by the young monk instead of kicking the young monk to death?

It depends on the value of the little monk.

Lu Qian smiled calmly and said: The young monk thinks that the young monk has some value... The young monk's ability to do things is very good, and there are also many capable people around him. They are all capable, intelligent, talented and promising. A rather extraordinary person. The young monk is valuable. Moreover, the young monk is the most knowledgeable about current affairs, the most rational person, and knows how to advance and retreat...

Lu Qian put his hands together and saluted Linghu Juan: From now on, the young monk will be cared for by Master Lao Juan.

Linghu Juan's eyes widened and he looked at Lu Yi in horror. She stayed in disbelief for a while, then pointed at Lu Yi and laughed hehehe at the three Qingyou girls: Look. Are you here? Have you seen it? This little monk of yours is really a smart man... Hey, it's strange. Putting these words in the upper world, few people can really understand them... Even many emperors Son, those are just stupid things, they can’t even understand these truths!”

Okay, okay, okay, he is indeed a talent.

It's really strange. How can you understand this? Linghu Juan looked at Lu Qian in great surprise, and she sincerely praised: My girl, I really found a treasure this time... From now on... , follow this girl and work hard, I won’t treat you badly...

I, the Linghu clan, am one of the top three Heavenly Clan giants under Emperor Taiyi. Follow me and I will ensure that you have a bright future! Linghu Juan said impassionedly, and patted the slightly flat surface, which was a bit disappointing. Lu Qian worried about the nutrition of her future child.

However, Lu Qian had some more questions in his mind.

What happened to Linghu Jun?

Such a simple truth, why did she need to make so many excited noises? Direct descendants of wealthy families, regardless of whether they are men or women, as long as they are somewhat ambitious, recruit party members, organize influence, compete for internal resources within the family, and work hard to climb up... This is a very common operation.

This kind of truth, if you put it in Liangyi Heaven... no, in the Jisheng Heaven in the lower realm, in a small wealthy family in a slightly larger city in Dayin, those children who are slightly smarter will naturally become mature before they reach adulthood. Understand the principles of 'family feuding' and 'brothers fighting against each other'.

On the contrary, this Linghu Huang, why does he look like he has never seen the world?

Especially, along the way, thousands of heavens and heavens were wiped out. Linghu Juan, who had been drinking tea and thinking deeply about various poems and sentences, actually only composed two poems that were worse than limericks. ... limerick?

What about 'snow flakes like feathers', what about 'nothing can be seen even when falling into the water'...

In the holy heaven, any child with elementary education in the countryside could come up with dozens of nonsense sentences like this. But Linghu Ruan spent so much brainpower and time to come up with just two sentences like this?


With her cultivation level, she can generate at least tens of millions of thoughts in an instant... Her thinking speed and thinking ability are definitely more than a million times that of ordinary people. As long as she reads a few more books, she can come up with extremely sophisticated words and sentences even if she uses the 'exhaustive method'.

Why...the poems she composed were so unsightly?

Moreover, she was actually very proud to show off her two unpopular limericks to Lu Qian, a famous literary copycat of the Yin Dynasty? Who gave her the courage?

The already darkened Lu Qian smiled, locked a few doubtful thoughts in his mind, and then drank lightly.

As expected, Linghu Juan displayed magical powers that fit her status.

The 'spatial distance' of the lower realm really means nothing to her.

The rest of the journey went smoothly.

I don’t see what Linghu Huang did. In short, there was a very natural Taoist charm blessing the snapping turtle, and the speed of the snapping turtle suddenly soared a hundred thousand times - a full hundred thousand times! Can you imagine? A huge snapping turtle can actually run faster than a rabbit... Well, no rabbit in this dimension can run that fast!

All in all, it was incredibly fast, almost contrary to common sense.

The snapping turtle moved forward rapidly in the chaos, and the chaotic space kept folding, twisting, and shattering. Wormholes of various sizes appeared in front of the snapping turtle. He directly passed through the wormholes, running at an already terrifying speed. On the road, it saves an unknown amount of distance.

Next, in less than a quarter of an hour on average, Lu Qian and others can arrive at a heaven.

In a dozen breaths, a whole world can be destroyed.

Lu Qian started harvesting with an expressionless face, while Linghu Juan showed no mercy, directly smashing and annihilating every part of the heaven.

There is nothing worth mentioning about this process of extracting the origin of the world and annihilating the world itself. The only thing worth mentioning is that while on the road, Lu Qian carefully understood the Taoist charm wrapped around the snapping turtle.

The three-eyed human figure that has completely merged with his soul has revealed even more incredible supernatural powers.

The avenue of ‘speed’ is rapidly improving with incredible efficiency.

Gradually, Lu Qian's mastery of 'speed' has exceeded the limit of this dimensional space, and gradually climbed towards a higher realm. And the law of 'time' caused by 'speed' also increased rapidly.

At the same time, the avenue of 'space' is also improving little by little, and the avenue of 'time and space' continues to improve, which in turn stimulates the 'avenue of power' as a 'bearing', allowing this pure path of power to continue to climb upwards.

The Taichu Mixed Bead emits a faint light, illuminating the mind and cleansing the soul.

Lu Qian faintly noticed a strange clue of cause and effect, but this clue of cause and effect was hidden deep in the Taichu Hunyu Zhuji. With his current cultivation level and his current 'person', he was not qualified to touch it, nor had the power to touch it. .

Simply speaking, his current mood has become extremely indifferent.

He ignored these things and allowed everything to play out naturally. He just numbly and procedurally harvested the heavens everywhere.

The origin of the world in the Nayuan bottle is rising slightly.

Time passes, and the chaos is unknown.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

A twin heaven suddenly appeared in front of them - with a bright sun as the center, two almost equal-sized heavens were like Tai Chi Pisces, slowly rotating around this bright sun.

Taken individually, each of these two heavens is weaker than Liangyi Heaven.

But when the energy of the two heavens is blended together, it is much stronger than the two heavens.

It's just obvious that these twins in the heaven are enemies of each other - one side is full of vitality, with green mountains and green waters everywhere, Taoist, Buddhist, demon cultivators, and countless rare birds and animals multiplying, while the other side is like a flower. A beautiful world.

The other part of the heaven is gloomy in color and gloomy in atmosphere, with bones everywhere and ghosts filling the sky. This is a kind of ghost cultivator whose energy tends to be ruthless and bloodthirsty.

Dozens of time and space tunnels are naturally formed between the two heavens. Monks from the two heavens can travel through these time and space tunnels. At the entrances and exits of the time and space tunnels of the two heavens, both sides have built amazingly large military towns and garrisoned them. Countless monks are constantly engaged in conflicts of varying scales.

When Lu Qian and others arrived near the twins' heavenly realm, there were two time-space corridors nearby. Taoist cultivators, Buddhist cultivators, and demon cultivators joined forces to engage in a crazy conflict of astonishing scale with the ghost cultivators attacking from the opposite side.

This is definitely a high-standard clash.

There were nearly ten Buddha-level powerful people on both sides entering the battlefield, and nearly 400 other Buddha-level powerful people participated in the battle!

As for the other Bodhisattva-level and True Immortal-level 'soldiers', there are hundreds of thousands of them, and they are fighting bloody battles high in the sky. On the ground, countless low-level skeletons and ghosts were like a tide, attacking the city guarded by ordinary monks in waves. On the front that stretched for tens of thousands of miles, the total number of undead and monks participating in the battle exceeded one billion!

Behind the battle line where the battle broke out between the two sides, there were nearly thirty Buddha-level powerful beings who were invisible and watching the battle. There were thousands of Buddha-level powerful beings who were also hidden in the restrictions of the formations everywhere!

War is indeed the best catalyst for the emergence of masters.

In the heaven of this pair of twins, the total number of Buddha-level powers far exceeds that of the two Yitians, and the number of Buddha-level powers is hundreds of times the original total number of Buddhas in the two Yitians!

When Lu Qian first ascended to the Liangyi Heaven, there were only more than 300 Buddhas in the huge Liangyi Heaven Buddhist Sect with well-documented records!

And this side of heaven!

Tsk tsk!

That is to say, this heaven is too far away from Liangyi Heaven. Without Linghu Juan's great magical power, even if a Buddha-level power wants to travel through the chaotic space and find the other world, it is extremely slim. Otherwise, Lu Qian will not do anything. It is suspected that this pair of twins from the Heaven Realm have long been united in attacking the outside world and launched a full-scale invasion of Liang Yi Tian.

After suffering, he no longer dared to use his soul to peep into the reality of this heaven. Lu Qian just opened his eyes and glanced at the two heavens in the distance. From this look, Lu Qian roughly judged that the total number of Buddha-level powerful people in these two heavens was probably around a hundred people!

There is no weird world and environment of the ancient city of Loulan.

Without Linghu Wuyou's cruel and vicious methods, using the life essence of trillions of creatures to forcibly enhance and catalyze it, in this spatial dimension, in an 'ordinary big world', hundreds of Buddha-level giants can be born naturally. Can - what's more important is that these hundreds of Buddha Lords 'exist at the same time', rather than 'the total number of historical statistics'. The background and climate of this world are already extremely amazing!

Lu Qian was about to say something, but the glance he had just taken had already alerted the real top power in this heaven.

From that world full of ghosts, a bloody and vicious aura rose into the sky from a mountain of bones located at the core, surrounded by nine rivers of blood. A chariot made of white bones several miles in diameter soared into the air. Dozens of bone dragons with wings on their backs pulled the chariot. One man had a pale complexion and was surrounded by a strong death aura. The old zombie who was a well-educated Confucian scholar occupied the driver's seat and rushed towards Lu Qian extremely fast.

And in that vibrant heaven, there was also an extremely beautiful and famous mountain at the center. A dazzling golden light shot into the sky and rushed towards it with a sharp sword sound.

In the golden light, there is a child who looks like a seven or eight-year-old child. He is white and pink, with a golden ring around his neck. He is wearing a lotus-colored short-sleeved shirt. Behind him is a thirty-six-foot golden short-sleeved child. The sword, the sword light all over the body is amazingly powerful.

In the blink of an eye, a group of old zombies and a cute little boy rushed straight into the chaos less than ten thousand miles away from Lu Qian.

The old zombie shouted sternly: Who is this fellow Taoist who is passing by? In my cave, there is tens of millions of years old wine 'Tears of Beauty'. Would you like to go back with me and get drunk together?

The child shouted sternly: Fellow Taoist peeked just now, it was so rude. I don't know where fellow Taoist came from and why he came here?

Lu Qian nodded slightly.

Come on, once you hear the confidence of these two words, you can tell that in this fierce battle between the twins in the heaven, the old zombie has the upper hand, while the child is obviously at a disadvantage.

Before Lu Qian could say anything, Linghu Huang had already spoken: It's interesting. Your world is interesting. You two have good foundations... Fahai has just taken refuge, and you just happen to be his lieutenants! That's right! Yes, it’s settled!”

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows, a pair of deputies?

The old zombie and the child were stunned at the same time. They looked at each other and then laughed loudly at the same time.

The old zombie shook his head and said with a smile: This girl has such a loud mouth... Hey, this little tongue is so smart and lively, so eloquent, just cut it off and make another jar of red tears!

The child shook his head slightly and said: This fellow Taoist is so boastful, that's all. Since Old King Zhan is interested, I will raid the formation for you... I will not get involved in this matter.

The child clasped his hands on his chest and backed away tens of thousands of miles with a sway of his body.

The old zombie laughed wildly, opened his right hand, and the white death energy condensed into a giant palm the size of a hundred acres, spitting out the evil spirit of ghost fire, bypassed Lu Qian who was standing in front, and went straight to Linghu Jun Caught it.

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