Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 864 Forced Conquest (6)

The heaven of life and death. Annihilation.

The heaven of life and death is the heaven where the old zombie and the sword boy belong. One side is full of vitality, while the other side is lifeless, and they have been engaged in a long and meaningless war for many years.

Now, the grudges are over...all ashes will return to ashes, dust will return to dust.

The old zombie sat cross-legged on his Bailong White Bones chariot with an expressionless face, very much like a 'thinker', staring blankly at the hometown that was gradually being annihilated and gradually giving rise to huge resentment.

He had just attacked Lu Qian and lost.

He was defeated heartily and completely.

A zombie born with the spirit of the netherworld and full of lifeless energy, the most sinister and cruel evil thing in the world, actually aimed at a Buddha who crushed him in all aspects, including Taoism, magic power, and even physical strength. Xiu' takes action?

The scene when Lu Qian countered the old zombie and slapped him on the ground and rubbed him was really tragic... words can't even describe it!

And Linghu Huang showed a little bit of his methods and revealed his identity.

The old zombie 'You Zun' and the sword boy 'Sword Emperor' surrendered at the same time, willingly, even with a hint of overjoyment and secret joy, and took refuge in Linghu Juan without hesitation.

There are rumors about the upper world, where life and death last forever.

But for countless years, no powerful person in the Heaven of Life and Death has successfully ascended to the upper realm - Liangyi Heaven. A few years ago, there was a Qionghua Empress who had successfully ascended to the upper realm, but what about the Heaven of Life and Death? Since the birth of heaven and earth, no great power has ever succeeded in ascension. It's just that there was an outside great power who passed by the Heaven of Life and Death. When You Zun drank his brain as yogurt after dinner, You Zun found the exact memory from his brain.

There is no need to elaborate on how attractive ascending to the upper realm is to the monks in the lower realm.

When You Zun and Sword Emperor learned that Linghu Juan came from the upper world and was a direct descendant of the most powerful and powerful family in the upper world, the two of them surrendered without any reason to stand.

Under Linghu Huang's instructions, the two selected a group of close disciples, maids and guards, etc. The total number was no more than ten thousand, and the others were destroyed along with the life and death.

A fist-sized sky crystal slowly took shape, flashing with blurry light and flying into Linghu Juan's hand.

The vast Heavenly Resentment came roaring and rushed over. Linghu Huang hooked his finger, and hundreds of military monks flew out from the world of mortals. They crashed into the Heavenly Resentment. In an instant, they were shattered into pieces and their bodies and bodies were destroyed. .

Okay, let's continue working! Linghu Juan sat leisurely in the pavilion and said calmly: Hurry up and collect all the origins of the world and take them back to Uncle Wuyou.

Glancing over You Zun and Sword Emperor who were standing aside, Linghu Juan pointed at Lu Qian and said with a faint smile: You are the ones who came later, Fahai became my person long before you. So, your names are , let’s follow Fahai. What about Zun, Emperor, these titles are very taboo.”

From now on, you will be the Dharma ghost. Linghu Juan pointed at You Zun.

As for you, of course it's the Magic Sword! Linghu Juan pointed at the Sword Emperor.

The expressions of You Zun and Sword Emperor changed slightly, and they glanced at Lu Yi at the same time - in their hearts, they naturally felt great opposition and hatred towards Lu Yi.

They are all the leaders of the heaven, why should they be subordinate to you?

Well, because you took refuge in Linghu Huang first, the ranking is temporarily below you, okay... But even my title is born because of you. This is cause and effect, this is hatred, and the future is bound to... In short, there will be no Have a good life, you damn bald man!

Especially You Zun... Oh, no, Fa Gui, he was just beaten up by Lu Qian in public, and all the bones in his body are still sore at this moment. He glared at Lu Qian deeply and laughed loudly.

The Dharma you just used is definitely not of the same lineage as the Dharma inheritance of the Heaven of Life and Death. Dharma Ghost laughed in a low voice: Many years ago, a Buddhist cultivator passed by my Heaven of Life and Death. I captured him alive and sucked him dry. brain.

Deep in Lu Qian's eyes, a little black light flickered.

The Buddhism of the Heaven of Life and Death means 'silence'. The heart is like an ancient well and all things are silent. Dharma Ghost said profoundly: Those bald thieves were all annihilated with the ashes of the Heaven of Life and Death. And the one you just used The Buddhist Dharma has wonderful changes, great power, and the charm of 'great power and great virtue', and is very similar to the bald Buddhist Dharma that I sucked up.

That thief bald calls himself 'Great Ambitious Weide Buddha'. He comes from... Liangyi Heaven! Dharma Ghost chuckled: Liangyi Heaven is said to be a more powerful heaven than my life and death heaven. It's just that The journey is too long, so after I learned about the existence of Liang Yitian, I didn’t think about what to do.”

Your Dharma is similar to that of Dazhi Weide Buddha. Are you also from Liangyi Heaven?

But the cause and effect of heaven and earth still exists in you. Fa Gui stared at Lu Yi with a faint look: The cause and effect of heaven and earth still exists, which proves that the heaven where you were born is still intact. Tsk... you are not loyal to Master Dong. ah!

Fagui Jiejie smiled strangely and knelt down to Linghuwan: Master Lu, this Fahai is not loyal to you.

Fa Gui didn't say much, and he didn't make any more accusations against Lu Jin.

However, Linghu Wuyou asked Lu Qian to extract the origin of the world, while Linghu Juan took advantage of his own life to annihilate every world and collect heaven crystals. As the first-line and specific executor, Lu Qian actually secretly hid Liang Yitian.

Of course, Lu Qian may not have been born in Liangyitian.

But it doesn't matter.

The cause and effect of heaven and earth on him has not been severed, and the heaven where Lu Yi was born is still intact... No matter what the situation is, the magic ghost can sue Lu Yi!

Of course, Lu Qian may have obtained Linghu Huang's consent to preserve the heaven where he was born!

But that's also not important.

Fa Gui didn't know whether Linghu Juan had promised anything to Lu Yi. If Linghu Juan really promised, Lu Qi could save his hometown, so what did Fa Gui have to lose?

And if Linghu Huang doesn't have any commitment to Lu Qian... then that would be wonderful!

Anyway, it's just a false complaint. If you succeed, it's a good thing. If you don't succeed, what will the other party lose?

As an old zombie who has lived for countless years, and as the most evil and ferocious alien life form in the world, isn't it natural to harm others without benefiting oneself? If you can cheat Lu Qian, that's the best. If you can't cheat, then wait until you cheat later!

Scared, Lu Qian beat him up in public anyway, he will remember this hatred for the rest of his life!

Linghu Huang looked at Fa Gui with great interest: Oh, you still have such ability?

The magic ghost smiled and kowtowed to Linghu Huang: Master Lu clearly knows that this old slave has devoured the brains of countless living beings in his life. All the magical powers, secrets, and inheritance they know, have been practiced by this old slave... Lao slave's life We have been doing this for a long enough time, and we have practiced these methods skillfully. Outsiders will not notice the cause and effect of heaven and earth, but this old slave has also practiced the corresponding secret method!

Hey, to be honest, this old slave often works part-time and plunders in the chaos.

But whether it is a powerful person who left his homeland and traveled abroad, or an unlucky person who left his hometown and fled after his homeland was destroyed... I still have to distinguish between one and two. The best people to rob are, aren't they those who fled?

So, the old slave can see at a glance that Fahai's homeland is still intact.

Hehe, this seems to be inconsistent with the appointment he received... As a slave of Master Jun, how could he not dedicate his homeland to you as soon as possible? He concealed the fact that his homeland was intact. This is a disrespect to you, Master Jun. Such disloyalty!

Fa Gui narrowed his eyes and looked at Linghu Huang: I wonder if it is reasonable for me to think this way?

Linghu Juan chuckled, her face turned cold, and she looked at Lu Qian. With a flick of her fingers, the golden hoop on Lu Qian's head suddenly released a dense flame, and the terrifying power blasted towards Lu Qian's soul and body. !

Lu Qian's 'blackened' soul was shaking slightly, and the Taichu Confusion Pearl emitted a faint light that enveloped his entire mind. The terrifying power released by the golden hoop was easily broken down and digested by the Taichu Confusion Pearl, without any impact on his soul.

But Lu Qian's body was instantly washed away by the terrifying power released by the golden hoop.

The bones were broken bit by bit.

The meridians disintegrated bit by bit.

Flesh and blood were annihilated.

Every cell is constantly fissioning, then absorbing mana and regenerating!

In an instant, Lu Qian's hard-tempered and unparalleled body was destroyed and reborn nearly a hundred thousand times... Lu Qian finally understood why the four mistresses behaved like this when faced with the punishment imposed by Linghu Wuyou. The pain was so painful that everyone fainted and woke up countless times!

Lu Qian's soul was safe and sound, but the physical pain alone made Lu Qian feel desperate and wished that his soul could be extinguished in order to relieve all the pain.

Necrotic plasma and cells continued to flow out of the seven orifices, and Lu Qian's body was covered in dirty blood in an instant.

He fell heavily to the ground, like a giant ancient tree that had been cut down by its roots. When his body fell, everyone seemed to see a huge mountain that towered above the sky collapse suddenly.

His body fell heavily on the snapping turtle's head, and Lu Qian's body twitched uncontrollably.

He opened his mouth slightly and endured the indescribable pain in his body. The boundless pain prevented him from making any sound. This lasted for ten breaths, and Lu Qian felt as if a hundred and eight thousand years had passed. Linghu Juan waved his hand gently, and the flames on the golden hoop suddenly went out.

The severe pain disappeared, and Lu Qian's body twitched slightly. After a breath, he took a deep breath. The dark golden Buddha light flashed in his body, and the blood shell made of dirty blood that was about a foot thick on his body suddenly collapsed. broken.

Slowly standing up, Lu Qian glanced at Linghu Juan, clasped his hands together, and saluted Linghu Juan: It's Fahai's fault.

Lu Qian bowed to Fa Gui again: What the Taoist fellow Fa Gui said is absolutely true. Fa Hai has a little selfish intention and did not include Liang Yi Tian in the sequence of extracting the origin of the world... This is to Master Huang. of infidelity.”

After sighing, Lu Qian said calmly: This mistake can be made up for!

Lu Qian glanced at the three Qingyou girls, who were stiff and frightened, and then glanced at Ahu and the others who were clenching their fists and could hardly resist taking action. He smiled slightly, blinked his eyelids, and stopped all their actions. impulse.

Linghu Huang alone can kill them all.

Facing Linghu Huang, they were like a group of mortals facing a high-level true immortal... They were worse than ants and insects, and could not harm Linghu Huang at all!

Maybe Lu Qian can hurt Linghu Juan with the help of Emperor Taihu's ax?

But with that golden hoop on Lu Qian's head, he couldn't use all his strength. There was no chance...impossible!


Lu Qian sighed softly: The sweetest fruit is saved for the last taste. Master Jun, our last harvest target is Liangyitian, how about it? It just so happens that Fahai still has some possessions to prepare in Liangyitian. Bring it with you.”

Linghu Huang smiled calmly.

Fa Hai was already standing aside and said coldly: You're just a small cultivator from the lower realm, what property can you have that is worth wasting Master Jun's time? Hey, what do you want from the upper realm? Your little bricks and tiles... Master Jun, Fahai wants to Do you want to delay time?

Fa Gui said softly: Although the old slave doesn't know why he wants to delay...

Lu Qian drooped his eyelids and said calmly: Fahai's current dojo is the womb of the powerful Yaohua Virgin who ascended to the upper world in the past. The creation of it is miraculous, maybe a bit mysterious?

Linghu Huang's expression changed slightly. She pointed her hand, and countless wisps of extremely fine starlight flew out silently, instantly beating the magic ghost's body like a sieve. The magic ghost was caught off guard and was suddenly severely injured. The pain caused him to scream miserably. He knelt on the ground and twitched all over. Black blood continued to gush out, but his body could not move at all.

Qionghua? Linghu Juan said happily: Under the throne of Emperor Taichu, Kangri Xingjun, one of the three hundred and sixty star officials on duty, has gained a new disciple a few years ago, named Qionghua... Her true identity is ?”

Lu Qian smiled and said: Empress Qionghua's true form is made from a giant piece of jade veins... We, the younger generations, will not dare to speculate on its specific form.

Linghu Juan nodded happily: That's right, a few years ago, I followed the elders of the clan to attend a banquet in the Taichu Heavenly Palace, and I took a look at her from a distance. I heard that her body is a flawless jade lotus! It turns out that her body is a flawless jade lotus flower! It’s made of jade veins, it’s very, very good!”

Linghu Huang glanced at Fa Gui and said calmly: You are loyal, but think more carefully when you speak in the future. Otherwise, if you offend someone, you will die as fast as you want.

After pondering for a moment, Linghu Huang sighed: In Liangyi Heaven, there is actually a powerful person who has ascended. I want to give you this incense and love. Although generally speaking, the heavenly beings who ascended to the upper realm have no thoughts about the juniors in the lower realm. It makes sense, but what if something happens?”

If it were ordinary ascended heavenly beings, they might have fallen, so there would be no need to worry about them. But for someone like Qionghua, who has a name, a surname, a foundation and a backer, although I, Linghu, are not afraid of being an official on duty, After all, they are the confidants of Emperor Taichu, who are responsible for monitoring Zhou Tian and reporting affairs, so there is no reason to provoke them for no reason.

Waving his hand, Linghu Huang glanced at Lu Qian: Finally, let's go to Liang Yi Tian to rest. Liang Yi Tian can be kept. I'm very interested in seeing Qiong Hua's dojo before her ascension and her mother's womb!

Linghu Yan's eyes sparkled, clearly showing a hint of extreme excitement!

Lu Qian narrowed his eyes.

Is Empress Qionghua's mother's womb attractive to a noble person like her?


Lu Qian glanced at the embarrassed Dharma ghost and smiled slightly - Very good, you set a trap for me today, then just wait and see.

I, Lu Qian, am a good old man with a broad mind. I never care about anything, and I never stalk...but Lord Buddha, I have so many talented people around me. There are ruthless demon giants, and the cold-blooded and ruthless chamberlain is even more vivid...

So many people want to do something to you, Dharma ghost... Haha!

Lu Qian licked the corner of his mouth subconsciously.

Fa Gui straightened up, looked at Lu Qian deeply, and smiled coldly - well, this monk and this zombie are officially married. How it will develop in the future depends on each person's methods?

time flies.

With magic ghosts and magic swords as accomplices, the efficiency of extracting the origin of the world and deriving the sky crystal has become so much higher.

Well, the most important thing is that Fa Gui and Fa Jian took action several times with the Na Yuan bottle, and the resentment locked the cause and effect on them. Since the cause and effect belongs to them, there is no need to sacrifice the Taoist monk Lu Qian. Instead, they randomly select people from the disciples of Fagui and Fajian to sacrifice.

However, there are still hundreds of thousands of Taoist monks in Lu Qian’s world of mortals, while there are only tens of thousands of disciples of Dharma Ghost and Dharma Sword. Seeing those carefully selected disciples and maids disappear into thin air one by one, the faces of Magic Ghost and Magic Sword looked extremely haggard and extremely ugly.

Naturally, they did not dare to blame all this on Linghu Huang, so they could only secretly hate Lu Qian.

In addition, both of them were born in the Heaven of Life and Death.

Since then, Lu Qian has become their common enemy. These days, Lu Qian has seen the two of them flirting with each other several times, an old zombie and a pink and tender little boy. Their glances were filled with adultery. , Duan really wanted to push them to the ground and beat them up.

During this process, there were several more wonderful heavenly realms that had the same status as Liangyi Heaven. Unfortunately, they were bumped into.

From these worlds, Linghu Huang also took a fancy to a few lucky people with extraordinary abilities and forcibly included them under his command.

There was a simple and capable girl who was born with extraordinary blood and was an extremely talented person in physical training. She was named Wizard.

There was a feminine and beautiful woman who was good at controlling the moonlight, and was also proficient in cultivating flowers and plants. She was named Dharma Flower.

There was a short and capable woman who carried a carapace on her back and was proficient in divination and so on. She was named 'Dharma Turtle'.

There is nothing much to say about Magic Wizard and Magic Flower. They are very talented and very powerful. They are the sons of the world favored by destiny in the big world. They were forcibly recruited by Linghu Huang and turned into his own minions.

It's the Dharma Turtle.

Being alone and without worries, she was forcibly conquered by Linghu Juan. She seemed to feel lightly about it, and she didn't choose even one disciple to accompany him.

Lu Qian's snapping turtle uncle, on the other hand, was very close and intimate to this turtle... ahem, he was clearly a big turtle and acted like a licking dog.

After walking like this, finally, there was a clear color ahead.

Liangyitian is right in front of you.

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