Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 870 Loulan Deputy Town (3)

Liangyi Tian, ​​a very remote place.

The small cave and the small altar contain infinite mysteries.

A picture of Buddha holding flowers and preaching was hung high on the altar, emitting wisps of faint light, covering the altar, protecting the cave, isolating cause and effect, and cutting off the secrets of heaven. The Heavenly Book Laojun, Linghu Wuyou and others who were hanging high in the clear sky just casually scanned the Liangyi Heaven with their spiritual thoughts and did not conduct a detailed inspection of the Liangyi Heaven, so they were unable to discover it. This small, simple cave.

This picture of the Buddha preaching is obviously extraordinary.

The third-burial monk stood at the door of the cave, using the bright light emitted by the Buddha's sermon to shield his energy. He carefully restrained the divine light in his eyes and looked into the void.

He gathered his magical powers, restrained his Qi, and relied solely on his naked eyes. With the monk San Burial's cultivation now comparable to that of Lord Buddha, he could barely see the little black shadows like sesame seeds in the clear sky, unable to see. What were Qing Lu and others doing, let alone what they said.

So terrifying! The Third Burial Monk sighed softly: Heavens from the upper world... Haha!

He turned around and looked at the altar.

On the altar, Our Lady of Yaohua was tightly wrapped in a lotus made of Buddhist flames. Her entire body had turned into a thick purple-gold cloud of luck, which was being refined bit by bit by this Buddhist flame lotus. , pure, turned into wisps of purple-gold spiritual liquid, and continuously poured into the body of Bai Emperor sitting cross-legged on the altar.

Bai Di...Bai Yuan's biological father was once the master of the Yuan Ling Tian Sword Sect. During the catastrophe that swept through the three realms of Jisheng Tian, ​​Yuan Ling Tian, ​​and Wan Miao Tian, ​​he once led the cultivation world of Yuan Ling Tian to rise up from despair. , the counterattack of Jishengtian, which almost won the final victory, almost cut off Jishengtian's spiritual power of heaven and earth, and destroyed the entire Jishengtian's cultivation world.

Afterwards, Emperor Bai ascended to the Liangyi Heaven, and was chosen by the Taoist Master Taiwei, the daughter of the Holy Mother of Yaohua, to become her husband. He gave birth to Bai Yu, a 'superior' daughter, and sent her directly to the Yuanling Heaven. The secret method extracted the luck and destiny of countless monks in Yuan Lingtian, and then led them to ascend with the help of the Supreme Immortal Order, and finally became the introduction for the launch of the Luck-Calling Technique of the Holy Mother of Yaohua!

Step by step, step by step, Our Lady of Yaohua almost successfully harvested the entire Liangyi Heaven!

If it weren't for the alien existence of Lu Qian, Our Lady of Yaohua would almost have to replenish the luck and destiny of the entire Liangyi Heaven, and use the entire Liangyi Heaven as a source of resources to push herself to reach an incredible state, and then smoothly Ascend to the upper realm!

But there is Lu Qian.

Most of the luck and destiny collected by the Luck Tribulation Technique made Lu Qian successful, and only a small half ended up in the hands of the Holy Mother of Yaohua!

That's all. The evil magic and secret methods such as the 'Luck Tribulation Technique' are the most tabooed by heaven and earth, and the backlash from heaven and earth is the strongest - it is difficult to say whether the rise of Kulian and Cunning Girl is due to the four great masters of Yiyuan Xujing behind the scenes. The dominance is still a backlash battle caused by the operation of Liangyi Tiantiandi’s own consciousness!

In short, Lu Qian was not affected at all by the backlash of heaven and earth. He was enjoying himself happily in the ancient city of Loulan, which actually benefited him greatly.

And Our Lady of Yaohua, who was originally 'sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai' and 'thinking she is in sight of success', was stabbed in the back by the unpredictable Monk San Burial and Bai Di, and was actually trapped on this altar!

All the backlash was borne by Our Lady of Yaohua.

The luck, destiny and other benefits that she had finally harvested were being squeezed out bit by bit by the secret method and injected into Bai Emperor's body bit by bit.

And Bai Di...

Poor Bai Di!

Can he still be considered a person at this moment?

If you look carefully, Bai Di's body at this moment is crystal clear, as if it were carved from crystal. But in his body, there are no internal organs, no meridians and blood vessels, no skeletal muscles, etc... All his body tissues have been removed by secret techniques, dissolved and absorbed, leaving only a piece of human skin!

His skin was densely packed with countless colorful relics.

Each one is of different sizes, but the whole body is round and colorful. They all exude a powerful aura and a powerful Taoist charm, which is lofty, graceful and unpredictable. In the nine-foot-tall skin of the White Emperor, he used the methods of the Sumeru Buddha Kingdom to develop a small Buddha Kingdom with a radius of thousands of miles. In this small Buddha Kingdom with a radius of thousands of miles, it was densely filled with relics!

The void is a thousand miles in radius, the largest is the size of a fist, and the smaller is no bigger than a soybean. Relics are densely packed together, and you are squeezing me, and I am next to you, filling this thousand-mile radius - God knows how many relics are in it, God knows. How many Buddha-level powers do we need to burn to collect these relics, which have the weakest energy and have reached the Buddha-level realm?

In addition, this picture of the Buddha's sermon that has deceived the spiritual thoughts of Tianshu Laojun, Linghu Wuyou and other 'celestial beings', even a pig knows - the three-burial monk clearly has a different kind of inheritance!

With his hands forming a seal similar to that of the Buddha on the Buddha's sermon map, the three-buried monk quietly watched as he continued to absorb the majestic luck and destiny from the body of the Holy Mother of Yaohua. The purple-gold spiritual liquid was continuously absorbed into the body, and he was The White Emperor who melted countless relics into one body.

Bai Di stared at Monk Three Burials with his eyes widened.

He retained complete sanity, his face was distorted, and he looked at Monk Three Burials in disbelief... He just stared at Monk Three Burials, without saying a word, as if he had seen through everything, but at the same time it seemed that he could not see anything. He couldn't let it go, but because he was burdened with so much, he was so overwhelmed that he couldn't speak.

Don't worry! The Third Burial Monk smiled and nodded to Bai Di: You will be unlucky in this life.

When you were young, you were chosen to become a 'tool'. A lifetime of glory and majesty is just the process that a useful tool must go through to be forged into shape.

You ascend, you get married, you give birth to a daughter, and everything you do in Liangyi Heaven is also the will of the person who chose you, and it is definitely not your own choice.

To this day...you are lucky that you were chosen by me.

Instead of being in the hands of a few women, being manipulated by them, and becoming a tool for their little tricks...you should be able to exert greater power in my hands.

Don't worry, I will forge you into the most destructive weapon in the world.

The three-burial monk smiled and said: I will let you do something earth-shattering!

He pointed to Lu Qian and others who were making plans outside the cave, above the clear sky, and chuckled: Look at them, they think they are superior, they think they are controlling all living beings... But in fact, in my opinion, they are just in the sea of ​​suffering. They are just ants who are struggling to survive but don’t know their way back.”

Bai Di pursed his lips and smiled dryly.

After a long, long time, he finally looked at the Yaohua Holy Mother wrapped in Buddhist flame lotus.

You guys who like to plot and plot, your hearts... are extremely dirty, ten thousand times dirtier than the bodies of girls in brothels... Those girls just have their bodies defiled involuntarily, and Your hearts...tsk!

Sighing, Bai Di said softly: I hope I will never be a human again in the next life!

The Third Burial Monk burst out laughing: Are you kidding? How can you have an afterlife? I have completely ruined my past, present, and future... As the final tool chosen by me, you Where is the afterlife?”

He pointed to the sky.

Pointed at himself.

Finally, she pointed to the ground and said with a smile: Actually, this is good, isn't it? Pretty good.

Bai Di exhaled and said solemnly: Since there is no next life, then, how about satisfying my curiosity? Let me die with a clearer understanding - who are you? The Brahma Wheel Tripitaka of Liangyitian Buddhism? Haha, how could such a handwriting be possible? Who are you?

The former Brahma Wheel Tripitaka Buddha and now the Three Buried Monk looked at Bai Di seriously, pondered for a moment, and then shook his head gently: It can't be said, it can't be said. If you say it, there will be great disaster... In short, Lao Monk has already died. , I didn’t expect that there would be a chance to make a comeback... There can’t be any mistakes, there can’t be any mistakes.”

So, please ask the donor to be a fool.

It's better to be confused, why do you need to understand everything?

The Third Burial Monk smiled and glanced at the sky again: However, it is really wonderful...

Bai Di's face was distorted and as ferocious as a ghost. He roared and wanted to pounce on Monk Sanzang and bite Monk Sanzong hard, but no matter how hard he struggled, he could not move at all. He could only roar and scream at the top of his lungs, and kept Sending the most vicious, vile, filthy curses he knew.

All of this was just like a breeze blowing against his face, and Monk San Zang didn't pay any attention to it.

A wisp of fragrant wind came, and the Wanmiao Saint, with an enchanting figure, revealing clothes, and an evil charm lingering all over her body, walked out of the void. Behind her, white girl, blue girl and other evil spirits The leaders all appeared together, and behind them were countless red lanterns, red sedan chairs, red skirts, red hydrangea and other evil things...

The great war started by Kulian and Cunning Girl killed the two gods, leaving no living thing alive. The living creatures were almost extinct. However, these evil teams were greatly strengthened, especially the white girl and the cunning girl. The cultivation of leaders such as Lan Nu has soared to the point where they are comparable to the former Buddha Lords and sages!

The biggest and fattest result of this bloody killing that lasted for several years clearly belonged to these evil spirits!

The Wonderful Saint giggled and squeezed her whole body into the arms of the three-buried monk: Brother monk...

The Wonderful Saint looked at the Third Burial Monk with subtle eyes.

The Third Burial Monk looked at the Wonderful Saint with a smile, and said softly: Everything is ready, but there is still one last bit of fire left... Fellow Taoist, would you like to help me?

A strange Taoist rhyme surged between the eyebrows of the Third Burial Monk. The Wonderful Saint's body froze slightly, and her eyes became blurred. Low Sanskrit chants resounded from all directions, and the Wonderful Saint and countless evil spirits behind her knelt down on the ground - they did not want to kneel, but were frightened by a terrifying will that was like the power of God and could not tolerate the slightest disobedience. , knelt down.

That's very good. Monk San Burial smiled and said, Well, thank you, fellow Taoist.

The Third Burial Monk grabbed the head of the Wonderful Saint and threw her into the Buddhist flame lotus that wrapped the Yaohua Saint. The countless evil spirits let out a low whine, and involuntarily flew into the pure and flawless Buddha lotus, filled with infinite charm, along with the Wan Miao Saint.

The Buddha's flames swirled, and trillions of evil spirits turned into wisps of bright crimson clouds. Along with the purple-gold spiritual liquid, it was injected into Bai Di's body bit by bit.

That's how things are in the world... Monk Three Burials sighed softly: Farmers harvest leeks, powerful men harvest farmers, nobles harvest powerful men, emperors harvest nobles, holy men harvest emperors, heaven and earth harvest holy men... You think you are reapers from a very high position? But if you think about it seriously, you are just thicker leeks.

Only the highest heaven and the eternal earth are the ultimate reapers.

Everyone wants to be the heaven and the earth, everyone wants to be the heaven!

But how can it be so easy? The monk of Sanzong smiled: It's not that easy, it's really not that easy... It's just that it's difficult to become the world, but if you want to poke a hole in the world, think about it seriously , it seems possible!”

The three-burial monk sighed with satisfaction.

He turned around, with his back to Bai Emperor, and murmured in a low voice: Today you know that I am me... Hehe, hehe, hehehe!

Above the Qingming void, four people including Tianshu Laojun, Linghu Wuyou, Commander Qingfeng, and Lingxuan gathered together. There was an invisible force field surging around them. They stood clearly in front of Lu Qian and others. , but Lu Qian and others tried their best to detect any of their Qi...

In fact, their figures could be clearly seen with their eyes, but as soon as Lu Qian and others turned their heads, they would immediately 'forget' their existence, and everything that happened from the time they arrived in the ancient city of Loulan would be completely forgotten. Without leaving any trace, you have to turn your head and accidentally 'see' them again, and then suddenly a light flashes in your mind - oh, so they are here, that's what happened!

How... mighty!

Simply incredible!

After Lu Qian secretly tried twice, he no longer looked away, but stared straight at Tianshu Laojun and others.

It can be seen that the expressions on the faces of the four people of Tianshu Laojun are changing rapidly, their lips are moving slightly, and the frequency is astonishingly fast. In the blink of an eye, they can say thousands or tens of thousands of sentences...

The white turtle on the side stared blankly for a while, then suddenly said: Aren't you tired of talking like this? You talk so fast that your tongue will cramp?

Bai Yu, these are naughty words.

But this does express the doubts in Lu Yi's heart - not to mention such heavenly beings, even powerful people like Lu Yi from the lower world can transmit a huge amount of information in an instant and express countless thoughts with a ray of spiritual thought. As for thoughts and emotions, do we still use this most primitive 'voice' to communicate?

Beside them were the heavily armored patrol guards, the Holy Spirit whose whole body was burning with intense flames, the subordinate Heavenly Officials brought by the old man Tianshu, and hundreds of young people from the Linghu clan, all looking at Bai Yuan at the same time. .

Ridicule, and condescending...contempt!

That's not the way city people look at country people. It's the look of disgust that a superior, intelligent creature would have when it sees the stupidest, stupidest, dirtiest and smelliest old sow rolling in a pit.

Bai Yu is the most sensitive to other people's eyes. She has a temper and will yell and curse when she rolls her triangular eyes. Linghu Luan on the side grabbed her wrist and said calmly: Sister Bai Yu doesn't know something. In the Supreme Taichu Heaven, it is best not to communicate with spiritual thoughts unless you have to... There are too many secret treasures that can severely damage spiritual thoughts. There are too many secret methods that can cause harm secretly... In short, when you follow me to the Supreme Beginning Heaven, many things will naturally become clear to you!

After Linghu Lu made this statement, the Forbidden God Guards, the Twelve Holy Spirits, and the heavenly officials all withdrew their gazes, and their gazes turned cold and ruthless, without any emotional fluctuations.

As for the hundred or so young people of the Linghu clan, 90% of them showed fear in their eyes. They all looked away, lowered their heads and remained silent.

The remaining 10%, about a dozen young men and women standing at the front, curled their lips and sneered unabashedly. There was even a woman who had been beautiful all her life, but had thin lips that seemed a bit mean, and said quietly: Girl Jun, what is your identity? Is she... worthy of you calling me 'sister'?

Shaking her head, the woman said calmly: Of course, you can do whatever you like. Our sisters, no one has anything to do with you... But you must remember your identity and don't lose the respect of our Linghu family. It’s the brothers and sisters of our generation who let outsiders underestimate us.”

Linghu Juan smiled proudly, looked at the woman coldly, and said in a cold voice: Linghu Huan, what's wrong if I recognize a girl? We are happy, but do you care? Scared, I fell into Linghu's family Decent, are you talking about me, or are you talking about...that useless girl of yours who was deprived of her clan status and imprisoned in the cold prison in the back mountain?

Linghu Huan's expression suddenly changed.

All the young men and women of the Linghu family showed subtle smiles one after another, including those who lowered their heads and did not dare to join in. They also laughed very delicately.

Linghu Juan turned around and smiled at Bai Yu, who had a distorted face: Sister Bai Yu, let me tell you a joke. Back then, there was a shameless girl in our Linghu family, and she was actually killed by a humble person. The pretty boy deceived me...

Lu Qian looked at Linghu Juan dumbfounded!

Are you sure you're not talking about yourself?

Yin Yuan blinked his eyes, looked at Linghu Juan, then at Bai Yu, and then at Linghu Huan and other young men and women of the Linghu family. He only felt that this topic had become a bit weird, and the style of conversation had changed to something that made him uncomfortable. His Majesty Yuan is feeling chilly all over. Where is the chill?

Bai Yuan didn't expect that the bad nature in her bones would show up in Linghu Huang, and she asked with a cheerful smile: Sister Lu, what happened next?

Linghu Juan chuckled and looked at Linghu Huan triumphantly: Later, that shameless little bitch was deprived of his clan status, and that little white-faced boy was killed by all nine clans, and even his bloodline was wiped out... That little bitch's elders, counting three generations up, had their clan salaries cut off by 60% for ten million years... Oh my, during those ten million years, her living in that house was called a poor one. ,Pitiful……

With a cold snort, Linghu Huang said coldly: How pitiful is that? Just say that at the Spring Hunting Conference for juniors of the same age from the nine great clans under our emperor, a certain girl actually wore an old pair of clothes that she had worn once. Wearing a skirt to attend a meeting...it’s so embarrassing!”

Linghu Huan's face was ashen, and he flew forward without saying a word. The five claws of his right hand, 'Qiang Qiang Qiang', popped out half a foot long, like extremely thin nails polished and carved from diamonds, and like five small swords, he aimed fiercely towards Linghu Huang's cheeks pulled down.

Linghu Juan shouted loudly without showing any signs of weakness. Nine layers of light cyan stars flashed across his face, blocking Linghu Huan's fierce grab. A large number of sparks flashed around, and Linghu Juan flew up with a kick that was extremely vicious. , viciously kicked Linghu Huan in a key position on the lower side of his lower abdomen!

The two women didn't use any magical powers or magic, they just started fighting like street shrews fighting.

But when women fight, especially when wealthy ladies like them tear each other up, how could Linghu Ruan take such action? This move is a little bit despicable and vicious. This is clearly Bai Yu's style. God knows how Linghu Juan learned it?

With a muffled sound of 'bang', Linghu Huan's starlight robe exploded into a ball of light debris, and starlight surged around him. Her body swayed, and she staggered back more than ten steps. Her face suddenly turned pale, her originally bright red lips turned bloodless, her hands were tightly covering her lower abdomen, and a trace of blood quickly appeared on her forehead. Small drops of cold sweat, and the pain made me unable to straighten my waist.

Scared! Linghu Ruan waved his hand and sneered: If you guys did something shameless that my sister did, you are not allowed to talk about it? Haha, I don't know what shameful thing it is, even through it I have the dignity to wear an old dress to participate in the spring hunting meeting that happens once every ten thousand years. I really have lost all our dignity!

Linghu Huan stared at Linghu Huang, his teeth clenching loudly.

Linghu Juan looked at Linghu Huan triumphantly, with his hands behind his back and his chin raised slightly, his expression was gentle and calm, showing the victor's magnanimity and calmness to the fullest.

The other members of the Linghu clan stood by quietly with subtle smiles on their faces, and no one had any intention of trying to persuade them to make peace.

Lu Qian couldn't help but marvel at it. Such family tradition, such tutoring, such brotherly love and sisterly friendship are so amazing!

Suddenly, the strange little force field suddenly collapsed, and the four people of Tianshu Laojun 'returned to their normal state'.

What is seen with the naked eye is ‘real’, and all perceptions are ‘real and not false’.

The four people returned to being flesh and blood from the state of being in a dream.

Commander Qing Feng's cheeks were obscured by his visor, and you could only feel his blade-like gaze, slowly sweeping over everyone present one by one - his gaze swept across the bodies of the 'ants' from the lower realms such as Lu Yi and Yinyuan. The speed of passing was slightly faster, and the bodies of Linghu Juan, Linghu Huan and other 'superior heavenly beings' were like flies stuck to their feet with glue, sweeping over them very slowly.

Linghu Juan, Linghu Huan, and the young men of the Linghu clan, the heavenly officials under the command of Lord Tianshu, the Holy Spirits brought by Lingxuan, and all the 'celestial beings from the upper realm' whose eyes were swept by Commander Qingfeng, were extremely... His face suddenly tightened, his muscles tightened subconsciously, and there was a faint trace of mist lingering on his body, and he entered an instinctive defensive state.

Hey! Commander Qingfeng snorted coldly, folded his hands on his chest, and raised his head slightly.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became much more relaxed, and Lingxuan sneered and pointed lightly at Linghu Cang who was following him. When Linghu Juan and Linghu Huan were fighting, Linghu Cang, as the elder of the two women's grandparents, actually shrank back without saying a word, acting as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

At this moment, Linghucang suddenly pointed at him, Linghu Cang shivered in fright and hissed: I am innocent, I don't know anything...

Lingxuan shook her head slightly and said coldly: Whether you know it or not, in short, it happened on your family's territory. My emperor's son died in Loulan Pass. Haha... You, the Linghu family, must be blamed. , have you thought about compensation?

Linghucang's face was pale and he was covered in sweat.

Linghu Wuyou's face also became very ugly. Lingxuan's words not only put Linghucang, but also undoubtedly gave him great psychological pressure - the fall of an emperor's son, and the most beloved one of the emperors. Yes, the fall of the emperor who is regarded as the crown prince, even if it was not done by their Linghu clan, the person died on your Linghu clan’s territory...

It is only natural to give a reasonable compensation.

Even the Linghu family's backstage supporter, Emperor Taiyi, could not say anything to protect him - the emperor's majesty cannot be violated. In this matter, Emperor Taiyi must stand up for Emperor Taiyu, and Linghu's compensation must be It is 'real' and 'sincere'!

This could cost my life!

Linghu Wuyou smiled bitterly, and lowered his head helplessly under Lingxuan's threatening gaze.

Mr. Tianshu smiled and waved the fly whisk in his hand: Okay, okay, although the cause and effect of the matter have not been fully investigated, we have found the remains of Emperor Taihu, so this trip can be considered a success.

As for some of the key points...

The gazes of Tianshu Laojun, Linghu Wuyou, Commander Qingfeng, and Lingxuan all looked at the Honghu Palace who was curled up in a ball at the same time, not daring to move at all - this piece was made from some kind of magical creature. The palace is trying its best to restrain its sense of existence, hoping that these terrible bosses will forget about themselves!

But how is that possible?

Honghu Palace still retains the memories of the past, and some things cannot be hidden from us. Tianshu Laojun smiled, as gentle as water, but with a sharp look, he lightly glanced at the other three people, and he said softly: However, the matter involves too much, and if I reveal everything here, I’m afraid something bad will happen...

Mr. Tianshu smiled and said: I even felt like a ray of light on my back, and felt some bad signs... Therefore, the follow-up investigation and investigation will wait until we return to the Supreme Taichu Heavenly Queen, in front of the three great emperors. Come on, let’s continue!”

Linghu Wuyou nodded.

Commander Qingfeng sneered.

Lingxuan pointed downwards, and the Honghu Palace let out a low roar. The huge palace complex quickly collapsed inward. From all directions, large swaths of chaos surged towards it, and the Honghu Palace turned into a huge black hole. Every breath swallowed up the immeasurable torrent of chaos from Lu Qian and others.

The terrifying devouring lasted for a full hour.

Lu Qian and others saw that their whole bodies were cold, and they felt that every pore was blowing out cold air. In this hour, every flick of the finger, the tide of chaos swallowed by Honghu Palace, converted into mana and cultivation, was comparable to The entire background of the ten Buddha Lords in the Three Heavens Realm!

Devouring for a whole hour, for this Honghu Palace, is just 'necessary to maintain daily consumption'?

Just like a pet animal eating solid food and drinking water, is this just his body's natural hunger and thirst response after he has just repaired some injuries?

With such a huge appetite, how terrifying was the Honghu Palace in its heyday?

And what kind of terrifying beings are the Taihu Emperor who can forcibly refine it into a palace and make him willingly become a 'car' and a 'palace', as well as those emperors of the upper realm who are as famous as him?

After taking a peek and seeing the whole leopard, Lu Qian put his hands together, and the thirty-six white bone relics hung on his palms and swayed slightly, just like Lu Qian's heart.

No sense of security.

Life is completely dominated by these terrible beings.

This fear, this emptiness, this involuntary feeling of weakness and powerlessness... Lu Qian's mind was filled with faint black light, and all of his eyes had turned into black, and the coldness became more and more intense.

I just hope that Mr. Tianshu can keep his promise.

Otherwise, Lu Qian could not imagine what the fate of himself, Yinyuan and others, and even the huge Liangyi Heaven and even the Holy Saint Heaven in the lower world would be if Linghu Wuyou took revenge, if the Linghu clan took revenge. .

This is heaven! Lingxuan looked at Liangyitian with a bit of resentment.

After Honghu Palace swallowed up the endless tide of chaos, its body shrank little by little, and finally turned into a palm-sized ball of starlight, which she put into her sleeve. She stared at Liang Yitian, as if she wanted to do something to Liang Yitian.

After all, this can be regarded as the ‘burial place’ of Emperor Taihu?

Something should be done in a place like this.

This heaven is somewhat related to our Taichu Heaven. Mr. Tianshu glanced at Lingxuan with a smile: Lingxuan girl, there is no need to express your anger, right? Haha, although this lower realm is insignificant, after all, it is also the Supreme Taichu Heaven. A supplement... This time, the conquest has gone too far... In just a few Great Tribulation Meetings, it will be difficult for this lower realm to restore its original prosperity!

Lingchan looked at Lu Qian and Linghu Juan.

She knew that what the Lord of the Heavenly Book was talking about was that Lu Qian, under Linghu Wuyou's order, had extracted the origins of countless heavenly worlds and used them to consume the ancient city of Loulan when it returned to the upper world.

She could even detect the faint aura of resentment left behind by the turbulent tide of chaos before the heavenly world completely collapsed - she looked at Linghu Huang and knew that this girl must have done something.

The large and small heavens in this lower realm are indeed not very important resources for the Supreme Taichu Heaven, but as the Heavenly Book Laojun said, they are also a 'supplement'. If the damage is too serious, it is indeed difficult to explain.

That's all! Lingxuan said coldly: Consider them lucky! However, they can avoid the death penalty...

Lord Tianshu nodded.

Lingxuan sneered, her brows and eyes suddenly opened, and a very thin blazing light shot out, piercing deeply into the Liangyi Heaven.

The world of Liangyitian suddenly changed dramatically.

With a miserable howl, Liang Yitian's consciousness of heaven and earth was instantly obliterated. Its consciousness of heaven and earth was whitewashed, distorted, and recast, and then was forcibly injected by Lingxuan with a ray of domineering, decisive, and extremely exclusive rhythm of the avenue.

The entire world of Liangyi Heaven, every inch of land, every grain of sand, every flower, every mountain, every river, began to emit white, pure, flawless, extremely blazing flames.

All other Taoist charms have been washed away.

In the huge Liangyi Heaven, only the pure, extreme, supreme avenue of light and heat that is unique to the Holy Spirit clan and originates from Emperor Taihu is left!

The lives in Liangyi Heaven, whether human or other birds and beasts, began to evolve and transform rapidly, transforming into life forms such as the twelve holy giants behind Lingxuan.

The entire world has changed beyond recognition in a very short period of time, completely turning into a 'dojo', an 'advanced stronghold', or simply - a 'breeding nest' for the Holy Spirit clan in the lower realm!

Lu Qian's heart was shocked again.

Such power...it's simply terrifying!

Okay, come back as soon as possible. Commander Qingfeng patted his heavy helmet hard: I am also a little uneasy. Laojun is right. There seems to be something wrong... cough, cough!

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